Yonder to Griffins

by Delmon

First published

A griffin mercenary, working with his sister, receives a summons by a High Lord of Austrahem, one of six provinces of the loosely united griffin lands. Seeing an opportunity to expand their horizons, they meet with him.

The griffin lands are not quite peaceful as say Equestria. Though crime is still present in the pony society, it is very much at a minimum. Mercenaries, freelance body guards, and even contract killers are very much present in griffin society. The griffins are by no means uncivilized, but you shouldn't trust one with noble blood, or you may find yourself dead.

A griffin mercenary, working with his sister, receives a summons by one of two High Lords of Austrahem. One of six provinces of the loosely united griffin lands, each controlled by a single king. Then from his grand hall, the High King resides to provide some sort of unity to the six provinces.

Seeing an opportunity to expand their horizons, they meet with him. Meanwhile a human, displaced by powers unknown, is stuck in the aether separating dimenisons.

Cover art, done by myself.

Don't expect regular updates. As much as i love reading and writing, sometimes nothing goes on the page

Additional main character caste will be added if they make appearances.

Taking the Job

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(Somewhere in the aether) (????)

My memory seems broken, disjointed, in my mind. I can see flashes of a birthday, or was it a family reunion? What is a birthday, and why would a I have one? The family reunion though, I remember feeling out of place; not exactly unwelcome, but yet it felt like I was allowed there… not accepted fully.

Existence… how funny that word does sound. It took me a while but I remember what it is; though I’m sure many don’t have that problem, but I suppose displacing your soul in the aether of the multiverse isn’t a common occurrence.

I thought this would help, but I am left with more questions, not answers. The only thing I know for sure is that there was something before this nothingness. What did I do to get here? If I had a body before this, then my soul would be in it. I think that’s how souls work.

Did I die?

No, that doesn’t feel right.

Pulling, why would I remember that?


Did, something take me out of my body?

The rending and the tearing and falling, then… darkness?

That reminds me of a familiar emptiness; it feels like what accosts me now.

No memories are coming to me. Maybe I should be thankful for that.

I should try to remember other things about myself. Names, I think my family had names. What was mine? Bill, John, Jason, maybe William? No, None of those sound right.

Jennifer? No, I remember … being different

Samson I feel an attachment to it.

I am Samson Casteel. An odd name I am sure, but at least I remember it, and it’s mine. Once I regain what i can. I want, no, need to get to get out of this void.

If this is the after-life I must admit, I’m sorely disappointed.

(Austrahem, Trisilstrom)

“Come on Ness, get out of bed we need to go!” A sharp voice cried from down stairs. I clung tighter to my pillow and digging my beak deeper into the feathery prison, hoping its alluring promises of eternal sleep and rest would overpower my sister’s determination to get back into a new job.

What griffin would want to give us a contract at four in the morning anyway? A deranged bird, thats what they are. The griffin has more money than marbles and wants to send my sister and I to our deaths in some tartarus in the middle of the Austrahem Wildlands, or at the very least really hates sane griffins who have their priorities straight. Priorities like sleeping on a very cozy cloud bed imported from Cloudsdale earned with his sweat, blood, and hard work. Then bought with the Sovereigns earned from aforementioned tears and trying tasks.

I haven’t heard anything since the last call. Maybe she finally left without me? Its not like she can’t take the contract herself and pick me up on the way back from the meet.

Turning my head, i open my eyes to scan the room.

Looking at the nightstand next to my bed, i see my old alarm clock by a photo frame of both Callexis and myself, the minotaur lands behind us. We’re adorned in standard Imperial Army armor, the Griffin High King’s crest shining brilliantly on the center of our chest pieces. My sister opting not to wear her helmet for this photo, her dark blue feathers a mess from removing it. Our arms rested on each other’s necks with smiles on our becks at the camera.

Sighing, I continued. My desk and chair sits in the corner with numerous papers and read letters lying in an organized manner on the top of it. The wooden floor spotless from last moment cleaning from the night before i went to sleep. The room window open, slowly blowing the white transparent drapes. My closed room’s door, secure.

Satisfied with the information i nod then close my eyes and settle in my bed.

The window…

My eyes snapped open, spotting a familiar blue feathered griffin clinging to the ceiling of my room above my bed.

At this moment i would like to express my regret of having a sister with Imperial Recon Core training; Let alone having to live with one.

I grip the wooden frame of my bed with both claws then hurl myself off the side as she drops down, landing with trained calculation. Instead of falling flat on the floor, I roll with the momentum then come up to a standing position.

Standing on my bed, ready to pounce, she narrows her eyes, “ Do i really have to try to kill you to get you out of this damn cloud-bed of yours…” she asks in a serious tone, Her eyes betraying her amusement.

“You wouldn’t have to, if you just let me sleep the morning away Callexis.” I threatened. Moving my talons in a bracing position while getting low.

We both stand at the ready. Neither of us willing to make the first move. Her body trembled, she only lasted a few moments longer before she broke out laughing.

She still not quite managing to compose herself, “Ar-Are you really willing to fight just to stay in bed?” mirth still evident in her tone. Looking down she studies my slice of pegasus-made paradise; then teases the cloudy mattress with a talon. My eyes open wide with despair.

‘Oh please don’t tell me shes going t-’

Her expression changes almost instantly from inquisitive dark blue eyes to surprise. “Woah Ness, when were you going to tell me that this new mattress of your’s is amazing!” She exclaimed before promptly going limp, and rolling around like a puppy on my bed.

Sighing in defeat then shaking my head. I make my way towards the large trunk at the end of my bed, a pillow flying past my head. Sitting on my haunches, I grasp the combination lock, the weathered old lock giving me no trouble as i unlock it.

Removing the top I look inside.

In addition to others, the prominent objects in it being my armor, the silver sheen glinting in the sunlight from the open window. As well as a worn green cloak thats been with me for a long time, and has served me faithfully it’s entire existence.

“Alright,” I mumble, taking the faded green cloak, and wrapping it around my form. I take a moment to tie the strings around my neck; I’ve taken off on assignments forgetting to do this.

Westercliff is not the best place to lose something while flying. Its one of the biggest cities in the High King’s province, and is generally where he holds court. In addition to getting to do additional physical conditioning, I was forced to find the cloak I lost in three days or i would be reassigned to the Northern Provinces.

Luckily, it landed on a tree outside the barracks.

No griffin wants to go to the north. Its beyond freezing and we’d be forced to stand guard at tower posts to ensure the border between the returned Crystal Empire was sustained. Not that the Crystal Ponies would actually try anything, their military might has severely declined since their displacement by Sombra. Many of their armies were outside the capital and actually pushing the Equestrian Armies back when Luna and Celestia themselves went to fight with King Sombra.

Afterwards, when the city disappeared, Sombras dark magic would not break its hold over the soldiers. With Celestia and Luna being in no condition to help, The Equestrian Military took a sizable amount of casualties finally surrounding and ending what was left of the Crystal Army.

Closing the trunk and reattaching its lock, I look at my sister to see her resting on the bed facing me, her head laying on one of my two pillows,the other on the floor. She raises an inquiring eyebrow.

“Well, I guess we know what you want next paycheck.” I say, giving a slight smile.

She grins,”On that subject,” she transitions “I received a letter from the High Lord of Austrahem for our services.” She states with a ounce of officiality, her beak turning up.

There are only two High Lords in each province and one I know would never contract mercenaries be it a company or Callexis and myself.

“High Lord Brisbane?” I asked in disbelief.

“I know right?” She exclaims, leaping onto the floor and padding up to me. “This could be our opportunity to branch out into greater things!” she grabs and shakes me by the shoulders.

“No more long hours standing outside a closet protecting some griffin’s prized collection of limited edition stuffed animals!” she yells, hopping giddily while flapping her wings.

“Woah, while i understand your enthusiasm Calle,” Putting a claw on her back, “We don’t even know what the job is.”

She turns toward me, refolding her wings to her sides, sighing, “Alright, you’re right.” she expresses, downtrodden. “For all we know we could be flying escort for some hen and Brisbane.” Her excitement slowly draining from her voice.

“Look, even if we don’t get a job better than standing in place for a couple hours, if we do it right and maybe even exceed his expectations we could get better ones from him.” I surmise while scratching my beak. “Regardless its not like we don’t have ample amount of experience with that.” I add.

Callexis gives me a funny look before walking up to me, “Right...” then ruffling my grey head feathers and walking to my room door, opening it, and exiting.

“I’ll be waiting outside Nessus; We need to get over to Brisbane’s Manor before seven o'clock.” She calls out behind her as she makes her way down to the first floor.

Sighing before fixing my feathers, studying the window’s drapes swaying in the light breeze then a grin fixed itself on my beak, “Are you sure you don’t want to use the window?”

All i heard was the front door slamming in reply.


The flight to Brisbane’s manor wasn’t long. It was located in the central part Trisilstrom, not that far from the local marketplace. We landed at the front gate leading to the rather grand looking front yard.

A cobbled path leads from the main streets to the main building itself. In the middle of the cobble road was a fountain with a statue of an armoured griffin standing on its hind legs with it’s beak open, fountain water pouring from it and splashing into a small pool around it. On the sides of the path there is well maintained grass that stretches until the walls which ended with well groomed bushes.

The manor itself has a lofty height of three stories each story punctuated by a new row of three sets of windows, each set consisting of three window frames. In regards to other manors I've seen, its palatial decorations were modest. The architect possibly told to match styles to the residential buildings around it to allow it to mesh better with the structural style of the city. There are two balconies: one located on the right farthest side. The other balcony on the left, each connected I presume to a master bed room.

Connected to the stone wall surrounding the grounds, the gate itself was a simple iron barred one that appears to slide to the side to allow you to enter the manor estate itself.

Two griffins stand guard by the gate, both in Provincial Army armor. Not as heavy as Imperial Army wargear, The Provincial armor still has the capacity to stop life threatening blows and deflect thrusts from spears, swords, and halberds alike. Though I’d take the Heavier armor any day of the year.

Except maybe in the desert on a summer day.

The guards have bored expressions on their faces, one of them even yawning, but at the sight of us they straighten out immediately and become rigid in posture. The morning sun shining on their chest pieces, with the crest of Austrahem in the center of their cuirasses. One of them straightens out his helmet that seems slightly too big for his head.

We make our way up to them as the guard on the left shakes his head at his partner as he fixes his helmet, then turns his attention to us.

“Do you have business with the High Lord?” He proclaims loudly his yellow eyes focusing at me in particular.

“Yes, we do, High Lord Brisbane has requested an audience with us to discuss our potential service under your liege.” I respond loudly, matching his tone.

He nods giving me a odd look, “Alright… do you possess a seal of our lord to confirm your appointment?” he inquires.

I stare at my sister who then stares back at me.

“What?” she finally speaks, “Is there something on my face?”

I narrow my eyes, “Did you get a seal of some kind from the letter.” she puts a talon under her beak in thought, worrying me in the process.

Knowing how crests are usually included on wax seals on official letters, I ask “Was there a wax seal on it?”

“Oh. the wax crest!” she exclaims, bringing out a satchel hanging from her side, unlatching the leather strap holding its contents.

She digs around in the bag before taking out a wax seal. She then holds it out to the guard to the left, presenting it.

The griffin examines the wax crest focusing to look for discrepancies in the seal, before looking satisfied. “Looks like the real deal, alright lets open the gate for you birds to pass.”

Both guards-griffins go to slide the iron gate to the left, its wheels rattling on the rail they roll on. Soon the gate is open and we are beckoned in by the armored guards.

When we both enter, one of the griffins stay behind to close the gate while the other takes flight to the manor, presumably to inform Brisbane.

We continue up the manor’s cobble stone path.

“Nice place, right?” Callexis pipes up.

Turning to her she sees my confusion; she elaborates. “Its not too rich, but it stills shows that you’ve made it.” waving a claw towards the fountain and the manor itself.

“To what?” I ask inquisitively, “The ones we've seen in Westercliff?”

“Well, practically every manor in King’s Province.” she shoots back.

Shes right, every manor I've ever been stationed at to guard or… otherwise is extravagant. From a griffins statue of themselves, or the family pet that passed away ten years ago. A lot of nobility is flippant with its wealth. I suppose when you have so many sovereigns you can take a flying dive into them and choke to death on the coins; you tend to lose track of their value.

This one manor almost looks poor compared to most ones I've seen, but it has a nice aesthetic.

When we draw close to the manor itself, the main double doors open. Two provincial guards follow soon after, and take positions flanking the doorway standing at attention. A tall griffin with dark red feathers stands in the middle of the doorway; his face looking expectant. A small smile on his dark beak.

I may know his name, but i know little about the bird himself. During my service I worked alongside mercenaries he had hired. Of course, the birds themselves prefered being called loose-moraled soldiers with a healthy love of coin.

Though, i’m sure thats particularly nice way of saying you’re paid killers.

He cleared his throat before speaking, “Welcome to Darkfeather Manor my fine young birds,” he motions with a claw to his large home behind him.

“Its wonderful to see that you've made haste to my humble abode.” He gives us a larger smile.
“That is good, it shows you’re are eager for work! ” he includes with an excited air.

We both respectfully bow, lowering our necks, crossing our right arms over our chests; before returning to our standing positions.

“We’re honored you would consider us for employment your High Lordship,” Callexis politely returns.

He nods, “Please, come in so we can discuss the finer details in comfort.” he requests in a welcoming tone.

He beckons us forward before turning around and entering the manor himself. We both follow him, the two guards flanking from left and right of us as we proceed.

Inside, We enter into a large carpet floored common room, large enough to host a ball or a celebration. The wooden walls are decorated with trophies of excellence from academies spanning from both Equestria, and the Griffin Provinces from past ancestors and present-day living family members. A staircase leads upwards onto the second floor branches into two different paths to help filter large amounts of traffic. Two doors leading to other areas stood in the room, one to the left and the other to the right. We pause as a well groomed male unicorn trots up to Brisbane, halting our progress.

The ponies’ yellow coat looked like a sunflower, to put it bluntly. A dark red mane was combed and slicked back flat against his head and extending partially along the back of his neck, his tail the same color and just as groomed as the rest of his body. The unicorn’s horn parting his slicked mane partially.

“Lord, we have prepar-” he stops abruptly, his amethyst eyes staring at Callexis and myself, before narrowing in annoyance.

His horn flared a dark purple aura, shimmering in the air it manifests, a purple bubble immediately extends around the lord and himself. Destroying any hope of eavesdropping in the conversation.

“Unicorns…” My sister muttered darkly, I could sympathize, both of us had bad experiences with them.

Ponies aren’t a typical sight in the six provinces, unicorns, thankfully, are even rarer. Instead of just one flavour of fun, like griffins, there are three main different sub-species of pony.

The first, earth ponies, aren’t exactly as insane as the others. Though they have extremely enhanced strength and endurance compared to their brethren, and on the side their natural magic can grow crops at an accelerated rate. One buck, depending on the physique of the earth pony, can shatter bone and dent armor.

Pegasi are less of a worry from an earth pony, and you can almost treat them normally in a fight. Compared to a griffin they have less strength and endurance, but can fly faster. Their natural magic allows them to manipulate weather in a more advanced fashion. While we can stand on clouds, maybe push them a little. A pegasus can control them in a more refined way, capable of making a cloud rain and thunder by just hopping on it.

Unicorns, are the worst. In terms of combat potential, they have no scale in how much havoc and chaos they can wreck. Most of them in Equestria thankfully have no interest in battle magic. This is however not Equestria. Their spells and enchantments have unlimited potential, not to mention the different schools and types of magic. A unicorn with basic knowledge and practice of battle magic can challenge a squadron of Imperial Army veterans. And if it has knowledge of the darker arts or perhaps even a cutie mark (Ridiculous name, I know) in magic; that one unicorn could blow apart entire towns.

Thats why if you are in a magic fight with a unicorn you should retreat and regain an element of surprise, or just run.

Bringing your own unicorn works too.

“So.” I turn my head towards Callexis, lowering my hood, and ask,“You think that pony is interested in you?”

“I thought I saw him throw some interested looks your way.” I brace myself for retribution.

Shifting in my direction, making me flinch, “Don’t make me hurt you Nessus.” she responds in a low unamused voice.

“~I don’t know sister~,” I sing song. “He might just be the one!”

“If you think I won’t tackle you and beat you so bloody you won’t be able to fly for the next four months in the manor of a High Lord; then you need to think again and shut your damn beak.” She threatens coldly, while staring at the unicorn in pure hatred.

I side-step from my sister.

Lord Brisbane and our new unicorn friend continue talking for a few more minutes, both glancing in our direction during their chat once in a while. Making me irrationally fear what i said to Callexis was true, and she was going to make me a cripple in the near future. Thankfully when the unicorns purple barrier fizzled out of existence, Sunflower spared no time to even gaze at us menacingly or even be snobbish; he quickly trotted out of the room through the left door.

Brisbane turns back to us, “Sorry about the interruption,” he apologizes. “ I’ve had my talons full with family business.”

Callexis still looking disgruntled, I take over.

I nod in understanding, “It can be most trying to have to coordinate and manage a large pool of assets.”

He smiles, glad to have a fellow bird understand his plight, “Its good to have a fellow business griffin sympathize.”

Now, i’m no business griffin, but i have a decent understanding of how stressful being in command of a large amount of griffins at once really is. One idiotic move or misheard command could end in disaster, and the enemy exploiting it to further the already bad situation. The odd thing is that running a actual business is no different.

The latter might occur with less casualties.

We turn to the door to the right and go through it, walking into a hallway extending a significant distance to the left, but ending a few doors down on the right. A few family portraits dotted the the hallway, scattered throughout the corridor. Brisbane leads us down to the left then turns to a door on the left, gripping its handle, and opening it, revealing a meeting room.

In the meeting room, a large oaken table big enough to easily seat twenty griffins spanned the middle of the room. A fireplace was crackling softly in the wall, in the middle of the room; its fuel, a small bundle of still semi-intact charred logs.

The two guards-griffins take posts by the door. We take a moment to seat ourselves comfortably on our respective chairs while Lord Brisbane sits at a chair across from us. He pulls out a drawer in the table and takes out a few pieces of parchment before setting them on the table. Then taking out a quill and ink pot from the same drawer and putting them to the side of the parchment.

“Alright,” he begins, “ are we ready to get started?”

I nod. My sister stares at him attentively.

“Sir,” I say getting his attention, “I would like to place some ground rules.”

Looking intrigued what a mercenary’s ground rules would be, he tilts his head to the side, “It would be best to get those on the table before we go further.”

“The first one is that we don’t do contract killings, we aren’t assassins.” I list off

He nods, slightly his face showing a small amount of surprise, but accepting.

“The next one is we aren’t paper griffins, we won’t take a job that requires us to get your morning Westercliff Press.” I intone, sad that i have to include that.

He gives me a look of disbelief before turning to Callexis, she just nods solemnly.

Yes, we have been contracted before to get groceries.

I let him gather his thoughts before continuing, “We will not guard or protect a magically unstable object without the proper measures to ensure our safety.” I trail off.

I raise a talon up to my beak in thought, “I think thats it.”

Brisbane smiles, “I think we can come to an accord on those grounds.”

“Good!” Callexis replies, “Now what is it you would like us to do for you today?”

He brings his talons to the table then says, “I have an area i would like to be surveyed.”

“Recon?” Callexis asks, in an excited tone.

“Indeed,” he responds back, “Where i want you to go is however somewhat near the border of Equestria.”

Alright thats fine, Austrahem is one of the provinces bordering the pony nation. So it shouldn’t be a long flight.

“What are we looking for exactly?” I ask, curious.

Brisbane gains an excited expression, “An old castle, constructed by equestrian ponies one thousand years ago!”

He pauses, letting the statement sink in, “After you and your brother ensure its safe, I plan to have a expedition of griffins make their way up there to learn all they can about the abandoned site of history.” he elaborates,

“Great! we would be very interested in such a contract.” Callexis replies, happy for something new.

Brisbane takes his quill to the parchment in front of him and begins writing up our employment document. Callexis and Lord Brisbane go over the details of the contract then both signing it.

“Alright, all we need is my brothers signature and we can get started with the exact location and details.” She says, eager to go.

She looks at me expectantly

My eye twitches.

Old ruins are quite possibly some of the most dangerous places in the entire world, any number of things could be now dwelling in the broken down historic buildings. From magical relics to horrors from the Discordian Era, an old ruin is the last place you typically want to be.

In the service, I was tasked to go to an old griffinian ruin with eight of my fellow imperial soldiers. We were sent there to find an old heirloom, a sword, of the royal families.
We encountered… things in there very much hostile. In the end only four of us made it out of that tartarus alive.

It was expected to be a simple search and retrieval mission; what we went into was a nightmare from the mare in the moon herself. Captain Kynthia didn’t expect us to come back wounded, with the blood of our friends drying on our armor.

My sister, unaware of what she has done, has just signed a legal document to go into such a place. What scares me is that is that i actually consider not signing my name on the contract.

I stare expressionlessly at the document, suddenly noticing the detail in the ink on the paper.

Nessus.” she states, my name thundering in my own ears.

“Ness?” She says, worried, “are you alright?”

I swallow hard, and steel myself.

I can’t let her go inside that ruin alone.

Shaking, I slowly take the quill out of my sister’s talons and sign my name next to hers, a hollow feeling in my chest. The other griffins, including the guards, in the room stare at me with curious eyes.
