> To Walk One Thousand Miles in Somepony's Hooves > by Mathew_The_Raridash_Fan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not a Rarity episode! I know it's Michael's turn to pick out the episode today, but he could have chosen anything else! I don't want to listen to Rarity constantly whine again! I don't even know why she's a major character. She show would be just fine without her. In fact, it would be better. There are ponies that I don't like, but I hate Rarity! I wish she would die already! I know that I sound crazy for hating a main character, but that's part of why I hate her. Antagonists are supposed to be hated, so the more I hate them, the more I love them. A main character is supposed to be loved, though. It's disappointing that one of the main characters is hateable, so I wish she was not part of the Mane Six. I know that I should shut up about how much I hate Rarity. Michael loves her as much as I hate her, and he can be very defensive of her at times. I don't see why he likes her, but I guess we have different opinions. I'm trying to do anything to keep myself distracted until the episode ends. Luckily, we're finally don't with Rarity's whining. I finally fine peace with the credits roll. It's past midnight. So I get up to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Tomorrow, I'm going to pick out Luna Eclipsed. Rarity isn't even in that episode, and I really love Princess Luna. I fall asleep as soon as I lay down. I'm awoken by the crow of a rooster quickly after I fell asleep. I know that we can lose sense of time while we sleep, but this is crazy. I notice that something isn't right. The bedding feels different. It's a lot more comfortable, but it isn't mine. I finally open my eyes, but something is covering my eyes. I try to take it off, but I feel something cool touch my face instead of my hands. My fingers weren't about to grab the thing covering my eyes. It's as if my fingers are gone! I finally take off what appears to be a sleeping mask and place it next to me. I look around the room to take it in. It's very feminine, but it's very organized. Whoever lives here is definitely someone who likes things to be kept clean. The room starts to be familiar, but I can't place it. "Rarity!" The voice of a girl calls from another room. She sounds like Sweetie Belle. Why was she calling for Rarity? She's a fictional character, thankfully. The door opens to reveal Sweetie Belle. She looks very happy to see me. She's not even upset that there's a stranger in her house? No, this can't be her house. We never even see the interior of her house. This looks like... Oh no! This is Rarity's house. I'm in the Carousel Boutique. "Rarity, I made breakfast!" Sweetie Belle announces. My eyes widen in shock. I'm not sure if I'm more afraid that I'm Rarity or that Sweetie Belle made breakfast. This had to be a nightmare. I try to get out of bed, but I find it very difficult to stand on two legs. I involuntarily fall forward and walk on all fours. It feels strange but natural at the same time. I can only see my front hooves which are white. I turn my head backwards to look at my cutie mark. The three blue gemstones confirms it. I'm Rarity. This is the mother of all nightmares. I could have some fun, though. I walk down stairs into the kitchen by following the smell of burnt food. I ate food that was burned before, and it wasn't that bad. I decided to take a bite of something, but I instantly spit it out. It's worse than I thought! I tell Sweetie Belle that I'm going for a walk. That is a lie, though. By looking out the window, I can see several puddles. Rarity would never get near a puddle, but I'm going to jump in one. Jumping into one of the puddles doesn't take a second thought for me, so I jump. I immediately get out, though. It feels a lot worse than usual. Every inch of my coat feels grimy. It feels weird to walk. Maybe Rarity has a reason to not like getting dirty. I run inside and search for the bathroom. It's not too difficult to find, and there is a shower. I decide to take a nice, warm shower and avoid getting dirty. After I get out, I notice a trail of hoofsteps going from the front door to the bathroom. Usually, I wouldn't have a second thought, but now it seems to bother me. I can feel anger boiling down inside me, which is very unusual. I clean the mess up before anything else happens. Is that why Rarity is so fussy? I tell Sweetie Belle to not make a mess and leave for a real walk, one around Ponyville. I can smell the scent of baked goods up ahead. That has to be sugar cube corners. I can check up on Pinkie Pie. As I get closer, I can see the silhouette of Pinkie Pie carrying a cake. I walk inside the building, and Pinkie gives a customer a cake and tackle hugs me. The hug is different from what I expected. Even though I have never hugged Pinkie Pie in my life, it feels like a good friend is hugging me. A lot of things seem familiar, actually. Am I feeling everything Rarity would feel? Maybe doing things Rarity wouldn't want to do isn't the best idea. "Good morning, Rarity!" Pinkie greeted in a cheerful voice. "Good morning, Pinkie," I reply. I sound just like Rarity. "Did you bring me the sugar like you said you would yesterday?" Pinkie asked. Oh no! I didn't even know about the sugar! Why can't I have Rarity's memory, too? I feel really bad about forgetting the sugar even though I didn't even know about it in the first place. "You forgot it," Pinkie figures. "I am really sorry!" I apologize, "I'm going to go back and get it right now!" I run back to the Carousel Boutique before Pinkie can say another word. I am not familiar with Rarity's kitchen, so I decide to look for it based on feeling. If I feel the way Rarity would feel, then I should be able to use this to find stuff. Unfortunately. It only leads me to an area of the kitchen. I have to look through the cabinets to find the sugar. After all that search, I see a container of sugar on the counter. I don't know why I didn't look there first. I imagine the sugar coming towards me, and it does just that. Is that how unicorns levitate things? I return to Sugar Cube Corners to see that it is empty. Did Pinkie Pie leave? My question is answered when I see Pinkie walk out of the kitchen holding a dozen cupcakes. "I brought you the sugar," I tell her. I put the container on the counter for her. "Thanks, Rarity!" Pinkie says cheerfully. She is about to leave, but she stops and tells me, "Twilight wants to talk to you whenever it's possible. Meet her in the castle." Twilight Sparkle wants to talk to me? I hide my excitement, mostly because it would be weird for Rarity to get excited at the opportunity to talk to one of her friends. I think I'm starting to warm up to her. Or maybe I just don't want everyone thinking I'm weird. I gallop to the castle as fast as I could. Rarity is even faster than me! I arrive there without any loss of energy. If I did this as myself, I would have taken longer and arrived trying to catch my breath. I'm aware that ponies are used to this, but I'm still ssurprised that Rarity can outrun me. I clearly underestimated her on that. I walk into the castle and search for the throne room. It would make sense for Twilight to be in there. It is the room that is shown the most. I walk straight ahead into the throne room, and my guess is right. Twilight sees me enter and flies towards me. "I found a book I think you will like. It talks about the earliest Equestrian fashions and how fashion evolved," Twilight informs me. It sounds very tempting. Why is it tempting? I don't even like fashion! I know it's Rarity who's tempted, but I really want to read it. "Thank you," I respond accepting the book. "I also need a seam fixed for one of my dress," Twilight adds. I sigh and ask, "How long have you known?" I'm pretty sure she knows what is really going on. "How long have I known what?" Twilight asks. "That I'm not really Rarity," I reply. "WHAT!?" Twilight exclaims in shock. Oops! Twilight didn't know anything? How could I be so stupid? Of course Twilight would give Rarity a book on fashion and ask for her to fix a dress. Now Twilight knows the truth, and there's nothing I can do about it. "I can't believe you should pretend to be one of me friends!" Twilight yells angrily. "I'm not a channeling!" Is the defense I come up with. Can't I say something better? "Then what are you?" Twilight asks. "I'm a brony," I admit. "I read plenty of books about shape shifters, and none of them mentioned anything about a brony," Twilight tells me. I've never heard anyone think of me as a shape shifter before. "A brony is a human passed puberty who likes My Little Pony," I explain. "I was complaining about Rarity before I went to sleep, then I woke up as her." I realize I'm talking to Twilight Sparkle and ask her, "Is there any way you can use a spell to fix this?" Twilight shakes her head. "No. This is something you need to do yourself." I leave full of disappointment. I don't know what I should do. I don't want to be trapped as Rarity for the rest of my life. I could get used to this, but I don't want to. I have family and friends back home. Living as Rarity isn't as bad as I thought, but I can't help but feel homesick. I return to the Carousel Boutique to find everything the same as it was when I left. Did Sweetie Belle actually mind this time? I check the guest room to see if Sweetie Belle is in bed, and she is. I leave the room so she can sleep peacefully. It's not even night time, but I let her rest. I wouldn't let my little sister sleep in the middle of the day. Maybe that's how Rarity is. I decide to try to make dresses to waste time. It can't be hard. I walk into the work room and spot the sewing machine on the other side. The fabrics are stacked neatly on the shelf next to it. I levitate a thing of fabric and scissors and cut some off. I'm great with eye measuring, so this is easy. I cut out the fabric into two identical shapes of a dress and sew the sides together. Making dresses is very easy. I levitate the dress to look at it. It looks awful! The fabric is uneven, the color scheme is awful, and the seams are to jagged. This is harder than I thought. I make a mental note that Rarity is really good at her job, and it's not as easy as cutting and sewing fabrics. It's probably easy for her, but that's because she had years of experience. I will never look down on her career again. I'm really starting to think that I have been really harsh on Rarity. Maybe Michael was right. I should give her a chance. it's not even close to nighttime, so I decide to see how everything is going around Ponyville. I'm horrible at making dresses, and there's nothing better for me to do. During my walk, everything looks normal. I notice a sign of a platinum and diamond ring on the jewelry store. Ponyville has a jewelry store? I don't know why, but I really want that ring. It just looks so beautiful. Part of me wants to get the ring and keep it all for myself, but another part of me wants to continue with my walk. It's beautiful, but it doesn't mean I should have it. I decide to ignore it and continue on my walk. If that's how Rarity feels when she sees something amazing, then I no longer blame her for being greedy. It was very hard for me to ignore the ring. So far, I learned that Rarity has a good reason to hate getting dirty, she feels guilty when she doesn't do what she promised, she can be generous, making dresses is hard, and she does try to control her greed. As of now, I no longer hate her, but I still want to take advantage of Spike. I'm sure he's used to it. Speak of the devil. Spike is walking in my direction. I don't have any bags for him to carry, but there is something I can make him do. "Spike, get the cart! We are hunting for gems!" I call out to him. he runs back to get the cart and returns very quickly. How did he even get the cart so fast? I can hear him talking as I search for gems, but I am able to tune him out. Finding gems is coming very naturally to me. Of course, that means that it comes naturally to Rarity, too. Spike digs up the gems as I find them. After we fill up the cart, I tell him to return to Ponyville. "Can I have a gem?" Spike asked. "No," I tell him. I suddenly feel guilty again. It also doesn't feel normal. Rarity pays Spike for doing stuff for him? I know she sometimes pays him, but maybe most of it is done off screen. That's not fair! Although now that I think about it, it's not like Spike ever says no. Maybe Rarity doesn't take advantage of Spike. She pays him, and she thinks he wants to do stuff for her. Although, there is one thing. "A handsome dragon like yourself can help me once in awhile without pay." I flutter my eyes as I say that. Spike rolls his eyes, "Your charm only works when it benefits other ponies." "Then how did I get the fire ruby?" I ask. Didn't Rarity charm Spike to get it? "You just admired it. It was going to be eaten, so I decided that it was best for you," Spike explains. I had no idea that Rarity used her charm out of selflessness. Although, the more I think of it, the more I realize that it's true. Rarity used her charm to help other ponies. I was completely wrong about her charm. I was unfair to her. I use my magic to levitate a gem into Spike's claws. Everything suddenly disappears, just when I started to love Rarity. I wanted to stay in Equestria longer. My vision returns, and I find myself in my bedroom. That was a dream? I had a dream where I was in Equestria, and I didn't meet Princess Luna? It was interesting while it lasted, though. "What episode do you want to watch?" Michael asks me. How long has he been in here? He's terrible with greetings, but I learned to live with that. "Suited for Success," I answer. I ignored most of the episode, and remember that the song sounded great. Maybe the episode is as great as Michael says it is.