The Glass Wall

by hammerhead6000

First published

How would you react if you were to walk into your own room and see one of the walls has changed to what appears to glass, and there appears to be an entire other world on the other side?

How would you react if you were to walk into your own room and see one of the walls has changed to what appears to be glass, and there appears to be an entire other world on the other side, and touching sends you to the other side?

Chapter 1

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I finally woke up after a sequence of waking up and falling back. I decide to sit up in my bed, and then just sat there staring at nothing in front of me. I turn my head to the right to look a my iPod sitting on the iHome on top of my dresser, well it's still there. So I decide to do what I do every weekend morning, reach over to my iPod and press the home button to see what time it is. The time is 12:23 on a Saturday, but I already knew it was Saturday. I pull my blanket off my lap and get my legs to hang off the edge of my bed. I'm still wearing my Markiplier pajama pants, so, like usual, I decide to keep them on until I need to change. I open the second drawer from the top and grab a shirt to wear. The shirt I grab just so happens to be the Space Doge one. I am basically a walking meme with most of the shirts I have.

Now that I’m dressed and standing up, I look at my headphones, which are sitting behind my iHome, and decide I’ll come back for them later and walk out my door. Down the hall I see my dad sitting on the couch watching TV. My mom is probably in their room on her laptop and my brother Ayden is probably still asleep. I enter the door on my right which leads to the bathroom. I do what I need to do and leave. I start walking down the hall towards the kitchen area of the living room.

As I’m walking down the hall my dad looks up and says, “Hi son.”

“Hi,” I say back and walk past him while looking at what he is watching. He’s watching a baseball game that’s between the Los Angeles Angels and some other team I don’t recognize. I stop to look at what’s in the pantry for something to eat. I see a small box containing apple cinnamon Nutri-grain bars and decide to eat one of those. After I unwrap the bar and throw away the wrapper I turn around and look into my parents room to see that my mom is in fact on her laptop.

She notices me and says, “Good morning, Cade,” while smiling.

I just say, “Morning,” and start heading back to my room to grab my headphones.As soon as I enter my room, I freeze because of what I see. What used to be my wall now appears to be a giant window or a glass wall, but I’m more freaked out by the fact that what’s supposed be on the other side of the wall is not. In fact it looks like an entire other world on the other side. I close my door behind me so I can think out loud.

“How can this be here er… what is it first of all?” I say. I look outside my window to check if the world I know is still out there.

“Okay, good everything is still here… well except for my wall and part of my sanity.”

“There’s something on the other side of the wall,” my brain tells me.

“There is? Oh shit, there is, I didn’t even notice, and it’s looking right at me, although it doesn’t look dangerous,” I ask myself “What is it?”

“It’s a pony,” my brain says.

“You sure, because I don’t recall ponies, or even horses for that matter, with very dark ‘light blue’ fur and a maroon and, I think, raspberry colored mane and tail.”

“What about fact that it looks a bit cartoonish?”

“That too.”

“Get closer.” My brain says as I start to walk towards the glass-looking wall. I notice the ‘pony’ on the other side does the same. I sit down on the corner of my bed closest to the wall. I start to move my hand towards the wall to touch it, but then stop right before I do because I think about all the movies that involve a character’s normal life being messed up because they touch a mysterious artifact. I retract my hand and remembered the ‘pony’ was watching the whole the time. I decide the next best thing to do is to tell someone about this, so I get up and head for the door. As I grabbing the door handle I look behind me to see the ‘pony’ is doing the same.

“Strange,” I say and I open the door and head out.

Well actually, I just step outside my room and say, “Hey uh, dad? Could you come look at this?”

I see him get up and start walking down the hall towards me, “What am I looking at?” he asks

“That,” I say as I point to the glass wall thing.

“What?” he asks

“That,” I say again.

“What? Is there something on your wall?

“It IS my wall. You don’t see all of that?” I ask, still pointing at the wall.

“See all of what?”

“That! The whole glass-looking wall thing,” I say using my hands to gesture to the whole wall. I also take note of the ‘pony’ doing a similar thing. In fact, I think he might also be talking someone

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”


“Yes,” he answers. I just stand there with a blank face, thinking of what to do next.

I finally decide to say, “Nevermind then,”

“Are you okay?” he asks



“I don’t know,”

“Alright, tell me if you need anything.” he says as he starts to leave.

“Alright,” I respond as I go back into my room and close the door. Damn, I thought that would work but, apparently, I’m the only one who can see it. Well, at least the only one on this side of the wall, the ‘pony’ can also see it and me. I sit down at the corner of my bed again and so does the ‘pony’.

“Should we try the ‘touching the mysterious artifact’ route?” my brain asks.

“I don’t know, maybe,” I say as I look up at the ‘pony’ who is technically sitting across from me. He is also looking at me. I don’t know why but, I wave to him, and much to my surprise he waves back, of course also shocked that I waved to him, or at least thats what I’m guessing from his facial expression which is surprisingly readable. Yeah, definitely not a pony from this world.

We both kinda just stare at each other for a little while before I finally say “Screw it I’m going to see what happens if I touch the wall.” I stand up and start to reach my hand forward. The ‘pony’ on the other side stands up and starts backing away from the wall, almost as if he knows what’s about to happen. I freeze for a moment to think if there are any other paths I could take. I can only think of two, the one I’m about to take and one where I just completely ignore it and try to continue on with my life. I think the one I’m about take might be a better option, but a small part of me disagrees. I just ignore that small part and continue.

“Well, lets do this,” I say.

My brain then screams “LEEROOOOY JENKINS!”

I laugh a bit then say “Shut up,” and move my hand forward to touch the wall. As soon as my hand makes contact, my environment changes.

Chapter 2

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I stand there frozen from shock of sudden change of environment. I mean it didn’t hurt it just felt weird, very weird. I look at my hand and see that it is in fact still there, and I check the rest of my body as well.

“Well, I’m still alive,” I say as I look in front of me, only to remember the ‘pony’ that’s now standing in front of me and completely still. I also stand still as soon as I realised that I am now on the other side of the wall. We both just stare at each other before a thought pops into my head. Is the wall still there or am I now trapped here? I turn around only to see another me on the other side of the wall, frozen.

“I hope I’m not the only thing frozen in my world,” I say “Wow, that is a sentence I never thought I would say,” I turn back around and look back at the ‘pony’ because I heard a chuckle or something come from him, I think. “Uh… hi,” is best I come up with.

“Yeah, uh… hi,” he says.

“You can talk?” I ask.

“Yes, I can?” he says confused.

“I guess that makes sense since everything has happened so far today has been weird,” I say.

He chuckles “Yeah, no shit,” I laugh and then think about whether I’m actually trapped here. I turn around to face the wall.

“Oh god, I hope I’m not trapped here,” I say out loud.

“I would ask why, but I think I already know why,” the ‘pony’ says. Glad to know I’m not the only one that doesn’t always ask why.

“Well I guess there’s only one way to find out,” I say facing the wall. I reach my hand forward and touch the wall. Nothing, damn I was afraid of that. I look up at the wall and see the ‘pony’ on the other side. Oh, so it did work, then the wall started to become a solid grey.

“Wait what, is that it? If I would have known that would happen then I would have stayed longer,” I say. I stare at the wall for about another 5 seconds. I decide to go to the side of my bed that my iPod is on to check the time. It’s 12:33. “All of that really only took ten minutes?” I ask no one. The time then changes to 12:34. I turn around to look back at the wall. Still nothing, I guess that was it, but why is the wall still here? I stand there for awhile thinking about the reason it could still be here. Then suddenly, I see the wall start to become glass like again. I see the ‘pony’ on the other side except in same spot as before and looking where I used to be. He then turns his head to look at me with a shocked look, and then back at the spot I used to be, and then back to me. I walk closer to the wall and reach my hand out to touch the wall again. I make contact with and get that weird feeling again. “Why does that happen every time I come over to this side?” I ask even though it has only happened twice.

“Why does what happen?” the ‘pony’ asks.

“I get this weird feeling when I come over to this side,” I respond.

“Oh,” he says ”I don’t know. May I ask how you teleported from where you’re standing now to the other side of your bed just a moment ago with using magic?”

“Um… I didn’t teleport, and I can’t use magic,” I respond confused by his question.

“Oh, well you still teleported,” he argues.

“No, last I checked the wall became a solid grey and then I walked over to my iPod.”

“Wait... what?”

“Yeah, the wall became a solid grey. You didn’t see that?” I question.

“Whatever all I know is I saw was you standing facing the wall on this side, and then suddenly you were over there,” he says pointing with his hoof to where my iPod is.

“Forget it, everything too confusing right now,” we both say at the same time. We both look at each other confused as my brain yells “JINX!” I just yell “Shut up!” in my head.

“Well, putting all the confusing stuff aside, what’s your name?” I ask the ‘pony’ which I tired of saying.

“Dreamer,” he says.

“Dreamer? That’s kind of a weird name don’t you think?”

“How so?”

“Well, I mean I never heard anybody with the name Dreamer,” I explain. He looked at me kind of funny when I said ‘anybody’.

“Well, I’ve never heard of anypony with the same name as me either.”

“Anypony? So, we do speak slightly different english after all.”

“I guess so.”

“Anyways, my name is Cade,” I say.

“Cade?” he questions “I don’t mean to be mean, but that is an unusual name.”

“Really? How so?” I ask

“Because I’ve never heard of a ‘Cade’, but forget it we’re from different worlds so, it makes sense that we find each others names to be weird,” he explains.

“That’s true.”

“Anyways, what’s your Cutie Mark, because I don’t see it anywhere on you?” he ask.

“What the hell’s Cutie Mark?” I ask.

“You know, that symbol on your flank, or whatever you call it, that tells you what your destiny is,” he says as he turns to show his Cutie Mark of a thinking cloud or dream cloud. They pretty much look the same, but are used in two different scenarios.

“We humans do not have a Cutie Mark because… I don’t know, reasons,” I say.

“Really? What else don’t you humans have?” he asks.

“I don’t know, what do you guys have?”

“Well I don’t know what start with.”

“Start with your race or something,” I suggest.

“What, Earth ponies?” he asks.

“You say that as if there are other races.”

“That’s because there are.”

“Oh well, tell me all the races then.”

“Well, first of all, there is, of course, the Earth ponies, then there’s the Pegasi-” he says before I cut him off.

“Pegasi? What is that, the plural word for pegasus?”

“Yes,” he answers.

“You guys have pegasus er… pegasi I guess, here!?” I say, surprised to hear that there are myths here.

“Yes, how do you know them?”

“They’re just a myth on my world.”

“I wonder what else is a just a myth on your world,” he says

“I guess we’ll find out,” I say “please, tell me more.”

“Well, after them are Unicorns-”

“They are also a myth on my world.”

“Alright cool, next is a very rare, but powerful, race called Alicorns…” he pauses for me to say something.

“Alicorns? Never heard of them,” I say


“Yeah, but what do that look like?”

“Basically a combination between a pegasus and a unicorn. I think there might also be some Earth pony in there, but others disagree.”

“Oh ok, so what can you tell about each race, and I’ll try not to interrupt you this time,” I say

“Ok, well, I’ll start with the Earth ponies, some grow food for ponies to enjoy, like the Apple family up at Sweet Apple Acres, while others work at shops or bakeries to sell things or make delicious pastries also for ponies to enjoy, like this one crazy but funny mare named Pinkie Pie, or you can just enjoy life. The Pegasi control the weather or deliver the mail or, if you’re like this one mare called Rainbow Dash, you train to become one of the wonderbolts, though most pegasi just enjoy everyday life. The Unicorns are mainly magic users, so some study magic to be able to use more spells, like this one pony, Twilight Sparkle, who is now the Princess of Friendship and has a castle here in Ponyville, most unicorns just use the Levitation spell to pick things up and either use or create something depending on the object, like this somewhat fancy mare named Rarity.Then there are the Alicorns… I can’t say much for them other then they are usually a princess with a castle and they control something major, like Princess Twilight who I mentioned before. Everything I said there is true to an extent, what you do for a living depends on what your Cutie Mark means,” he finally finishes

“So, what does your Cutie Mark mean?” I ask

“It means I try dream a lot, as in, I keep on coming up with things I want to do but never go through with a dream because I don’t try before a new or previous dream comes into my mind,” he explains

“Huh, funny thing is I do the same thing,” I say before asking “How much time do you think has passed?”

“I’m guessing about fifteen minutes, why?”

“I have theory that I want to test, and it involves the wall and you coming over to my world,” I say “I’m going to head back to my world now, when you see me again I want you to come over to my world,” I’m now facing the part of the wall that has the frozen me on the other side.

“Okay then, bye I guess,” Dreamer says

“Bye,” I say and finally touch the wall and get transported back. The wall turns into the solid grey like before. I turn around and walk over to my iPod to check the time again. It’s still 12:34. “Now to wait for fifteen minutes,” I say.