> Pony Human Prisoner Transportation > by It Never Ends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's only been about eleven years since the portal was discovered. The portal that now gives both Earth and Equestria the ability to interact with each other, well to a certain degree as the portal's power was weak and before it could only last up to a two days and then it would close and the humans and ponies would have to wait another week before they could interact with each other again. However after spending the first five of those eleven years to figure out a way to increase the portal's power they had found a way thanks to the combined forces of magic and science. Creating two machines, one on Earth with the humans technology and one on Equestria with the ponies magic source giving the portal enough power to keep the portal open for a whole week, with the exception of the Saturday and Sunday since both sides machines needed those days to power down and rest. Now the two species could interact with each other long enough to study and learn from one another and also share different materials with each other, materials that they couldn't create in their own worlds. Though things where definitely different now the lives of both humans and ponies didn't differ much from the usual ordinary daily life of the two plants. The only exception would be that ponies and humans would only cross each other’s worlds on certain days as the portal takes up more power to have other beings cross through it than it does to send items through it. Whereas the two species can send up to thousands of different materials, merchandise, supplies, or any kind of cargo is easy for the portal to handle, something about humans and ponies going through it, caused the machines and portal to use more power and the more power it uses the more the portal becomes unstable and weak, so to handle this problem only up to a hundred people or ponies were allowed to enter the worlds but must return by Thursday as permit residence on both plants hasn't been allowed yet. Now while things are good between the two species there are sometimes certain things that they need help with which in return grants the other specie certain opportunities. With the humans they need a place to get rid of the worst criminals to ever surface on earth permanently and a punishment that will last forever. That's when the deal between the ponies and humans came, that Equestria would take in the worst criminals on earth and keep hold them in the castles dungeon where later they would be turn into stone and remain like that forever. The ponies agreed to this on one condition the humans would start sending the ponies weapons. But only for the royal guards and the rest of the equestrian army under the watchful eyes of the princesses. Since recent events had shown the princesses that their guards and army needed better weaponry. The deal was agreed upon and since than it has worked out well for both species, the ponies army was now more than ten times prepared for a horrible situation and with Earths worst criminals now far away from the plant and forever imprison as stone there where basically no worries. Things couldn't be better, now as a new day begins with the week coming to an ended, it was nice and hot with a good breeze in the air keeping everyone and everypony nice, relaxed, and in an enjoyable mood. Celestia and Luna stood by the portal as they watched the car come to a stop and looked at the Felix and Oscar get out of their car and walk towards them. They each shake hands and gave friendly smiles to each other. "Hello Oscar and Felix." Celestia said, always happy to see the two men. "You're both looking well." "Yes I agree. Everything going well in your lives?" Luna asked, also happy to see the two humans again. "Hi Celestia, Luna. Good to see you both again." Oscar answered, sharing the same feeling, seeing the two princesses again. "Life is good I can't complain about anything. Though my wife has started taking pottery classes and my daughter is starting school next week." "Hello Princesses always happy to see you. I can say without a doubt that my life couldn't be better. Felix said, his answer gave the princesses smiles on their faces. "That is truly great Oscar I'm happy for you and Amy" Luna said, still smiling softly, she than looked at Felix. "I'm glad you are happy Felix but I've noticed that Isabella isn't here. Is she alright?" "Oh she's alright, Jasmine has a bad case of the flu so she's taking some time off to be with her." Felix explained, Luna had a little worried expression on her face. "I hope Jasmine will be alright." Luna said, concerned for the child's well being. "Oh don't worry this isn't the first time Jasmine's been sick. Nothing some medicine and rest won't fix." Felix said, he could see Luna feeling better. "Well that's good to know. Please let Isabella know that I hope she is doing well and that Jasmine gets well soon." Luna said, good news always made her mood feel great. "Yes. My sister and I are both happy that things are going well for the both of you and your families." Celestia said, glad that to hear that their friends lives where doing well. But she remembered that they had business to discuss, considering Friday was tomorrow. "As much as I would like to continue our conversation I believe we have other things to discuss." "Right, well as you know we will be dropping off new prisoners into your custody." Oscar explained, he knew that Celestia always knew the drill for this whole set up, as they had been doing this for the past seven years already, but still he felt with this new breed of criminals they were giving them they need to be prepared. "Of course Oscar, the usual Fridays." Celestia said, a little confused as to why Oscar would bring that up. "If I may Oscar, why would you bring this up?" Luna asked, wanting her curiosity to be satisfied. "Well it's just that this won't be your usual pickups." Oscar said, obviously nervous by what he was had to say. "Oscar if you don't mind me saying but these criminals aren't exactly usual. After all these are some of the most sick and twisted individuals your planet has to deal with." Celestia said, getting more confused by where Oscar was going with this. "How could they possibly get more usual? "Well these forty-two –" Oscar was interrupted by Luna who had yelled at him. "Wait, only forty-two? But it's usually a hundred." Luna asked, surprised by the small amount of inmates they would have. She knew that there was definitely something different about this next transport. "Well that's because these are the worst criminals we've had to deal with in the past seven years. The fact that we managed to have them all in the same prison on earth was pure luck. However we've decided it be best to send them all to you at the same time and have them turn to stone as quickly as possible. Getting rid of this probable as quickly as possible." Oscar explained, he realized that, it sounded a lot simpler when he explained it but that made him more nervous, as nothing ever went according to plan. "I see." Celestia said, taking a moment to think. "If I may ask but why put them all in the same plane together? Wouldn't that make things worse? "I have to agree with my sister. If these criminals are as dangerous as you make them out to be, than wouldn't it be best for them to be moved separately?" Luna said, still not sure where she stand on this. "Well you see the problem with that is that these people are basically superstars for the rest of the scum and psychopaths in the prisons. They've actually managed to get other convicts to follow them, like leaders of small armies. We're afraid if we put any of these people with regular convicts, that it will cause more harm than good." Felix explained, though Celestia and Luna where still skeptical they could understand the reasoning for this course of action. "But we've notice none of these people like each other at all. In fact with them being in the prisons we've had more riots between different prison groups than we've care to deal with." Oscar explained, now Celestia and Luna where understanding why they would want to send them all at the same time. "And since these convicts hate each it's doubtful they would want to have any contact with each other." Celestia said, this seem to be making more sense, still she had her doubts. "Exactly. In fact we've had them all in the same prison for about three weeks prior to this meeting and we've seen that they have not had any kind of contact with each other, except only when they insult each other and on many occasions even try to kill each other." Oscar said, He was hoping their explanation would put any doubts that Celestia and Luna had, at ease. Celestia and Luna started to feel a little more comfortable with this plan, however they still needed to know that their guards would be safe when they took on these criminals. The two sisters looked at each other and after a minute, they knew what they both wanted to ask gave to each other a nod and then looked back at the two humans. Oscar was hoping that the nod meant that they were ok with this, while Felix hoped that the two princesses where sure about this, as he himself was still having doubts of his own that he did not want to admit to. "Luna and I have agreed that we are ok with this plan." Celestia said, a sigh of relief came from both of the humans mouths. Happy that the two sisters were on board with this. "However we have a request we would like to make." "A request?" Oscar asked, this wouldn't be the first time the princess had a request to make since the humans themselves had made request to them before, but this was the first time a request was being made for a prison transport. Oscar wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. "What is it?" "We would like are guards to have more weaponry for them to use for this trip." Luna said, the two sisters felt that if they were going to have their guards on the same plane with sixty-two of earth's worst criminals than they sure as cupcakes wanted them to be well armed and safe. Oscar and Felix looked at each other then back at the princesses then back at each other. The two man weren't sure if that request was a good idea or if they could even get permission to authorize the princesses’ request. Even so the two men had different opinions on where they stood with this. They asked to have a few minutes to speak with each other, they moved down a little, just enough so that their conversation would be just between them. "What do you think?" Oscar asked, hoping that his partner would have the same opinion as him. "I'd say lets go ahead and send in for their request so it can get approved." Felix said, to him nothing seemed wrong with it. Though unlike him, Oscar was a little mixed on this. "I don't know man, I think this is asking a bit much." Oscar said, he believed that with the weapons the princesses guards already had was enough to insure their safety. "Much? You're kidding right? WE are asking these two, who are the rulers to this planet and responsible for the safety of this species, are asking a bit much?" Felix said, his voice had sounded like he wanted to yell that last part but he managed to keep his voice down. Oscar was surprised by this he didn't know that Felix could get like that, normally he's the calm one of the two and considering all the things they had been through together that was saying a lot. Still Oscar still had some doubts about this. It wasn't the first time the ponies had requested weapons, but it was still a rear request from them and only in the desperate of situations other than that they usually stick with their spears and swords. Felix could see that doubts in Oscar's face and though he had always appreciated his partner's somewhat paranoia nature but Felix knew that Luna and Celestia had never steered them wrong before, so why start worrying now. Felix let out a sigh and put his hand on Oscar's shoulder. "Look man I know you are prone to worry, even when the evidence place in front of you shows that nothing will go wrong, you still think there's a chance something might go wrong. I'll admit your worrying has gotten us out of some bad situations but you need to remember how long this has been going on." Felix explained, he hoped that this would assure Oscar. "To long for me to look up on." Oscar said, he wasn't a big fan of history even when it came to his job. "Exactly and how many times has anything gone wrong?" Felix asked, knowing that his point was made. "Besides the crash of 2033?" Oscar asked, He remember that this was the one time they ever had something go wrong and by the look of Felix he had forgotten that. "Alright there was that but that was the only time something went wrong." Felix said, he couldn't believe he had forgotten about the crash of 2033. Though he wasn't surprised that Oscar would. "But besides that things have never gone wrong before with a transportation." "Yeah that's true. Still I don't know." Oscar said, he wanted to believe things would go well but he couldn't shake this feeling. "Look their guards can obviously handle themselves, but what's the harm in giving them some extra weaponry just so Luna and Celestia can feel at ease with this?" Felix said, he knew that Oscar had to agree with him on that. "No harm I guess." Oscar said, Felix was making some good points that he couldn't deny. "But say there's a chance that something goes wrong?" "Then we will do what we always do." Felix raised his hand to Oscar. "We'll hand it. Right?" Oscar looked at Felix's hand and for a moment he smiled, remembering all the times they had been in some bad situations and how one way or another, they were able to handle it. Oscar was starting to see the points Felix was making and how they made sense. After all like he said should anything go wrong they'll do what they always do. "Yeah we'll handle it." Oscar said, taking Felix's hand, who smiled at his friend. "Ok Felix let’s get the princesses their request granted." "Great. I'm glad that you're having faith in this." Felix said, letting go of his friend's hand and pats the back of Oscar's neck. "Alright hermano let's go tell the Luna and Celestia." The two began walking back to Celestia and Luna, who had past the time with their own discussions, while waiting for the two humans to finish their own. As they walked Felix couldn't help but feel very proud that he was able to calm his friend's worrying and now get tomorrow's transportation over with. Oscar while now a little at ease still couldn't help but worry a little, he just hoped that tomorrow would go by quick. "Everything ok?" Luna asked, she hoped there were no problems. "Oh yeah things are find." Felix said, giving Luna a reassuring smile. "Just had to discuss some things." "Good things I hope." Celestia said, though she wanted to ask but decided not to, she had faith in the two men. "Don't worry everything's good, right Oscar." Felix said, looking at Oscar. "Yeah nothing to worry about. It will be just a usual Friday like always." Oscar said, his answered reassured Celestia. "And what about are request?" Celestia asked, this was the key question that she needed answered. "We'll talk to commanded when we get back to base." Oscar said, though it didn't fully answer Celestia's question. "But will they grant it?" Celestia asked, she wanted an answer to know that her guards would have guaranteed safety. "I believe they will, especially if they want to have these convicts transported." Oscar said, he could see that Celestia felt better about this. "That's good to know." Celestia said, now they could move on to the next step for the transportation. "I trust we will meet you both on earth to get the briefing for these prisoners?" "Same as always." Oscar said, the faster this went by the fast it would be over with and he could get this feeling of unease out of him. "Good, well than we will see you two tomorrow. Good bye Oscar, Felix." Celestia said, shaking the two humans’ hands and giving one last smile. "Good bye Felix, Oscar." Luna said, she shook their hands but gave Felix a wink before leaving with her sister. , "Ugh... bye." Felix said, feeling a little blush forming on his face. "You alright partner?" Oscar asked, chuckling a little at his friend’s reaction. "Y-yeah I'm fine." Felix said, trying to shake off the blush. "Let’s go, we've got a request to get granted." Oscar nodded and the two men walked through the portal and back to their car. As they drove back to base each man had his own thoughts about tomorrow. Felix felt that things would go smoothly with no kind of incidents causing them any kind of problems, he also had a quick thought about Luna before quickly shaking the thought away. Oscar on the other hand though a little more calm about tomorrow's transportation thanks to Felix's explanation, he still couldn't help but feel a little concerned about this particulate transportation. His gut just kept telling him to be cautious. He hoped that he was just being paranoid. He prayed that's what it was.