> TiM: Preening is a family affair > by Harmony Split > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preening is a family affair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TiM: Preening is a family affair *** Warclaw “Luna, I’m going to kill some griffin before the day is out!” Aurora screamed as she slammed the spear in her hooves on the ground. She wanted to take it out on the grey and black griffin across from her, but this was not his fault. This time at least. Icarus just looked at the pegasus with the dark-blue coat, distinctive purple, blue, orange mane, and forty-karat diamond cutie mark. He was impressed. It took a lot to really get under the pegasus’s feathers. Empress Princess Aurora Flash was normally very level headed, normally. Today was not one of those days. Vela and young Dayspring had just started homeschooling. A little fact they got to enjoy thanks to their daughter’s legendary temper. Someone at Dayspring’s preschool had made fun of him for being a hippogriff. The only reason that Vela was not in jail right now as because she was Icarus and Aurora’s daughter. The poor giffin that said those words, he did not get off so lucky. The doctor say with a lot of therapy that he will make a full recovery. In about a years’ time, that is. Icarus sighed before walking up to her. He placed his claw on the back of her shoulders and started rubbing them, caressing every tense muscle and soothing her aches. She melted at his caress. Twelve years of marriage had taught the griffin much about what his wife liked and what she did not. “Hey, what happened this time?” Icarus asked as he whispered the words. “The tutors quit, again!” Aurora said as her body competed with the conflicting desires to relax and tense up at those memories. “All of them?” “No, the preening ones,” Aurora sighed. “Wait, you hired a tutor for that?” that stunned him. For griffins as well as ponies, preening was a very intimate act. In order for a pony or griffin to achieve flight, their bodies have to respond to sudden changes in air pressure, temperature, and velocity. This is only achieved by the huge amount of nerve clusters in their wings and feathers; and the amount of inner magic that supported them. Which meant that when preening one’s feathers, it can often lead to unintentional consequences in the one being preened. As such it is common to only preen a lover or a family member. With how loyal griffins are to their family, it was unusual to have someone else teach their young. “Well, I was trying to save her the embarrassment of have her mom do it,” Aurora sighed. “You know I never would have agreed to that,” Icarus replied, sternly. “And why would that be?” Aurora’s gaze concentrated on him, the anger still present causing Icarus to feel smaller in front of his wife than he should. “Because, it’s a family matter. I’d never let some stranger teach my daughter how to preen her wings,” Icarus met her gaze, look for look. That alone was impressive to Aurora. Over the years she had worn him down to just giving into whatever she wanted. Icarus had learned that if she was happy, he would be happy. “So what shall we do now? Do you want to teach them?” Aurora asked and somehow smiled at the thought. Icarus thought about it, really thought about it. He remembered when his father had taught him. His mom passed away before then and he had wished more than anything she had been there too. That’s when an idea occurred to him, it was… unusual, but it would bond them as a family, and maybe, finally do something about Vela’s attitude. “Hear me out,” Icarus said, “What if we make it a family affair?” “Wait. Did you just used those words or am I going insane over here?” Aurora asked, her jaw nearly hitting floor. “It’s common in griffin households that mothers teach their sons and fathers teach their daughters. I had to be taught by Siros, and while I loved the man to death, let’s just say it was awkward. Vela, and soon enough Dayspring, both need to know how to do it. We both know that ever since Vela hit twelve she’s had quite the temper on her. I think we should do this as a family. we teach them both what it means and the proper way to do it at the same time. It may go far to leveling her out,” Icarus said matter-of-factly. “Icarus… We can’t. I think you can imagine what will happen to Vela. While Dayspring’s wings aren’t fully evolved yet to have some of the more sensitive, Vela’s does. If we do it… then... then… damn it Icarus, it’s like sleeping with our own daughter!” Aurora screamed the last part. “Is it any worse then when Rainbow taught you how to preen your wings?” Icarus asked. He vividly remembered that story, “And while Dayspring won’t enjoy it like Vela will, he still needs to know. Besides, once we remove the mystery of it, it won’t be that big a deal when he has to start.” “I don’t really like where this is going. What if Vela just remembers the… pleasure from it? It could even make her behaviour worse. Besides, my nerves weren’t fully evolved either and it was more ticklish than anything else.” she muttered, staring at the ground. “I think you might be remember it different then what Rainbow told me,” Icarus walked over and pecked his wife on the cheek as he wrapped a wing around her. “Rainbow said that she practically needed a bucket to clean up after you two were done,” his laughter caused Aurora to hit him in the gut. “Besides, like I said, it’s normal to teach your young how to do it. Every griffin in Warclaw was taught by their parents. If we keep it professional, and explain everything we’re doing and why it feels the way that it feels, she’ll be fine. After all, you went through the very same experience and you turned out perfect.” “It doesn’t mean that I’m feeling good with it. Is it so bad that I don’t like to cause my daughter pleasure? Even if it is for teaching, Icarus.” Aurora sighed and walked over to some cushions, making herself comfortable. “While I like your idea, the feeling is wrong.” He sighed, “I understand how you feel, to be honest I feel the same. But I would rather it be done by us then some stranger that might take advantage of her, that might hurt her doing it. It sucks, it’s hard, but it has to be done. You’ve seen the state of her wings. What choice do we have? I trust us more than anyone else to get it done right. As far as adding Dayspring to the mix, well, I’d rather just do this once.” “Okay how about this. We ask them if they want to be teached by us. If they agree we do it but we keep it teaching, don’t you get fancy ideas, mister.” Aurora added with a small giggle. “Me? Never,” Icarus said as he walked up to kiss her, “We’ll make this as comfortable as we can, for every giffin, pony, and hippogriff involved.” “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” Aurora muttered before kissing back. *** As much as she tried to drag it out, Aurora only managed to delay one more hour before they were seated in front of their kids. Icarus cancelled all the evening meetings and left the guards with the express warning that they were only to get them if the fate of Warclaw hung in the balance. If that was not the case he would do to them what he would have done to whoever was attacking. Icarus had them all meet in his bedchambers. Aurora sat on the bed, nervous about this whole thing. At the edge of the room, sat a dark blue hippogriff with pearl white feathers, her eyes were the deepest green. For lack of a better term, she just looked bored. Well, she always looked like that lately so it could just as easily be said that she looked normal. Eternally by Vela’s side sat Aurora’s son, Dayspring. The brown hippogriff with blue feathers and cobalt eyes was almost the exact opposite of his sister, personality wise as well. He loved everyone and everything. ‘That’s what I’m afraid of’, Aurora though with a sigh. The only reason she did not put a stop to this now, in fear that Vela might get Dayspring to preen her every chance she got, was that Vela would rather cut off her wings than use her brother like that. She shook her head and tried to concentrate as Icarus spoke up, facing his children with a soft smile. “As we’re all aware, you caused the tutors to quit again, Vela. This also means you have to get new teachers. Since we-” Icarus was stopped by a scowl. “You really think I’d let them touch my feathers? or Dayspring’s? That idiot deserved it…” Vela snorted, facing her father. “Since we know that you dislike any strangers teaching such things to Dayspring or even yourself, we’re gonna give you a new opinion. We could teach you everything about preening.” Icarus continued, he jumped up on the bed and squeezed the shaking Aurora at his side. “You’re… going… to…” Vela’s mind went blank at that. She had ‘experimented’ with her own wings, but between the pain when she accidentally yanked on the wrong feather and the unusual, but quite pleasurable sensation when she licked the base of her wing, she wrote it off as something stupid. "What’s preening?” Dayspring asked, confused. “Vela, it is tradition for griffins that the family teaches it to their youngest. And we will come to that, Dayspring, as long as you two agree to us being your new tutors,” Icarus answered, a soft friendly smile was maintained on his beak. “So, we have a choice?” Vela asked, hopefully. Dayspring just looked confused. “Yes, you do have a choice. However, let me tell you that this is our only offer. If you refuse, we will get you new tutors; and yes, they will be strangers again. I won’t accept that my kids don’t even know about this simple act.” Icarus said, his voice turned harder than he intend. “You… you’re basically leaving us no choice!” Vela growled and turned to her mother. “Would you say something, mom? He’s forcing us!” she now shouted. Aurora had enough. Enough of the behavior of her daughter and enough of being involved in every problem she caused. “Enough! As Icarus already mentioned, it is our only offer! Accept it or go with the usual tutors. Oh, and I won’t deal with any quitting tutors anymore. If you try and run them off again, I’ll have the guards force you to deal with it, young lady!” Aurora said, her gaze sternly focused on Vela. The young hippogriff pouted and laid down. “This is unfair!” she wasn't used to getting so much resistance against her will. Aurora rose from the bed and approached her daughter, slightly hugging her. “You want to know something? When Icarus told me his idea, I resisted too, at least at first. But you know what? Thinking about all those strangers going through your beautiful wings… I would rather do it myself. Even if it could be… weird or strange. Do you know what I mean?” “I think so.” Vela muttered, still unsure. Aurora smiled and unfolded one of her wings for her daughter to see. Vela looked up in awe at them. Aurora had been a supermodel back in the day, she knew every trick there was to make them as pristine as possible. To her credit, she never once slacked off. Those wings would look great on the cover of any magazine. Every single feather was in the right place, perfectly set and aligned. Aurora smiled as she saw the look of awe on her daughter’s face. She was not sure about it before, but now? Now she was actually getting behind it, “Hey, I think it could be fun, why don’t we try it?” “This sounded weird now, hun.” Icarus whispered, watching his wife strutting with her wings on display. “We never talk about this to any griffin?” Vela said with a gulp. They had basically hamstrung her into learning to preen by her parents, or by some stranger. Given the options she had no choice but to go with the former. “Of course,” Icarus said with a grin. “What’s preening?!” Dayspring shouted, sick of his question being ignored. Icarus whispered something in his wife’s ear. Aurora smiled before turning to her only son, “Dayspring, preening is an intimate act that griffin's, ponies, and hippogriffs do to improve their flight and the way their wings look. It’s intimate because it can make you feel really good in a special kind of way.” “Oh, can I preen you, sis?” Dayspring asked, his giving nature combined with the knowledge that it would make someone feel good immediately turned to the most special hippogriff in his life, his sister. All of them blushed at that, “Dayspring, it’s not something you ask another to do, ever. I mean it young one. I do not want you to go around asking this of others, EVER,” Icarus said with a stern glare. “Not us or your sister,” he added for emphasis. “Are you sure that this is a good idea?” Aurora whispered in Icarus’s ear, her newfound confidence was shaken at that. “It’ll be fine,” Icarus said back. He turned and looked at his foals. “Vela, as I said, it’s your choice, but make no mistakes, these are your only two options.” Every part of Vela wanted to grab her brother and run for the hills, however, she knew from experience that it never worked. She huffed, then sighed, “Fine,” Vela mumbled. “What was that?” Icarus asked, he heard her but he wanted no second thoughts. “I said fine,” Vela said. “Good, I've told you this before, own your words. If you say something, you said it. Don’t ever agree to something you don’t agree to.” “You didn’t really give me a choice,” Vela replied, sternly. “All you have in life is the choices you make. True, you won’t always like the consequences, but the choice is still yours.” Aurora chimed in her reply. Vela looked down at that, she hated when her mom got philosophical, no doubt something she picked up from Twilight over the years. “Okay, will you two teach me how to preen?” this time when she looked up at them, she owned the choice.   Icarus walked over and gave his daughter a hug, “Of course.” “How are we going to go about this anyway?” Aurora asked. “I think it would be best if I preen you, Aurora. That way Vela and Dayspring can watch. When it’s over we will preen Vela so she knows what to do on her own wings.” Icarus said. Aurora’s dark blue muzzle turned beet-red at that. She could not bring herself to speak, speaking would most likely see her saying something along the lines of ‘hell no’. They had come too far for that, so she walked back to the bed and jumped up on it, hoping that her family did not see how nervous she was about this whole thing. They did. It was made worse when Icarus remembered something, “Dayspring, would you mind grabbing a towel from the bathroom?” “Mom can use mine,” Dayspring said with a smile as he made to retrieve his favorite towel. “NO!” Aurora yelled a lot louder than she should have. The thought of her son walking around with a towel that was used to protect her bed from cum stains was simply a no. “Thank you, Dayspring, but we should just use one of the normal towels.” Dayspring looked confused, but he left to grab one anyway. Vela had a blush on her face that was quickly becoming all consuming at the thought of what she was about to see. When Dayspring returned, Icarus positioned the towel directly below Aurora’s tail. “Okay, as you both know pegasus, griffins, and hippogriffs share a similar wing anatomy. The reason we’re preening your mom is because hippogriffs and griffins have a unique advantage over pegasus, our claws. He flexed his right claw before placing it directly below Aurora’s left wing joint. The action sent a pleasurable jolt through the mare, Aurora’s left wing shot out almost immediately afterwards and her muzzle let loose a sigh of pleasure. As soon as she realized it she wished more than anything that she had a pillow to hide her face behind. Vela’s face turned even a darker shade of red than it already was, she tried to look anywhere but at her mother, but she could not help herself. Glancing to her brother she noticed his interested stare and could not help but giggle. ‘What they’re about to do will either disturb or fascinate him’ she thought and focused on her parents again. Icarus lifted up his wife’s left wing, he slowly ran a claw down her outermost feathers at the tip. Aurora sighed again at the brush of his opposable digits and then turned to glare at her husband. ‘I knew he’d take it this far,’ she thought. It did not come as a surprise that her husband would take certain liberties just to embarrass her in front of their kids. “These feathers are called the primaries, they’re meant to-” “We don’t need an anatomy class, dad. they teach us that in school,” Vela cut him off. For once Icarus’s blush matched his wife’s. He had been hoping to sprinkle in boring lecture among this lesson to keep it professional, but she was right. They were not here to learn what was what, they were here to learn what to do. “As the lady wishes.” Aurora was suddenly very grateful for the towel. Despite her efforts otherwise over the years, she had never broken him from saying that phrase after a pleasurable night having sex. Her body instantly associated it with physical gratification and responded accordingly. She could feel a slight wetness leak out of her marehood and onto her legs. It was not bad yet, but it would be soon. Icarus took a deep breath, catching a whiff of Aurora in the process. He glared at Aurora who just shrugged. ‘To keep this on a professional level will prove harder than I thought’, Icarus mind rumbled, but it was too late to back out of it. His children were watching with a lot of focus, at least Dayspring was. Vela looked with wide eyes, drool slowly leaking out of her mouth and he followed her gaze. She was not looking at her mother’s wings… “Vela!” Icarus went to chided her for staring at her mom’s flank, but Aurora held a hoof up to his beak, shaking her head. “Let her enjoy it. I know, it sounds weird but it could also help her.” his wife said, flicking her tail a bit and blushed. Icarus was confused by the sudden change of her mind. “I thought we would keep it strictly professional…” “We’re family, Icarus. Everything will stay in this room.” Aurora softly answered, her voice calming the griffin nerves by a huge amount. In truth, seeing the look on her daughter’s face had cause something to click in the mare. Over the years she had gotten quite attached to the attention of a camera or her enduring fans. She was honored by it. Seeing that familiar look in her daughter’s eyes brought back those feelings tenfold. She flexed her wing, indicating that Icarus should continue. ‘Well, if that’s the game you want to play’, Icarus thought with a grin. “Kids, you can’t see anything from back there, come up on the bed with us,” he gestured with a friendly smile. Dayspring jumped up almost immediately and went to the other side of his mom. Vela, when she realized what was being asked for her, went behind her mom to get a better look. Icarus smiled when he saw what position her daughter had taken. He adjusted slightly but only to give her a better view. Slowly, he ran a claw down the calmus of his wife’s wings, stimulating oil production and causing a rather un-motherlike moan from his wife. “Is mom okay?” Dayspring asked, suddenly concerned. “She’s fine,” Icarus said with a smile. “You see her wings are rather pristine already. We take great care to preen them once a week. Each and every feather is already in place, the bad ones are already removed so new ones can grow. Therefore the only thing I can show you on her is how to maintain them once you're done straightening them. This here,” he ran his claw back over the oil, something that caused Aurora to produce another liquid from an entirely different area. “This is the natural oil that protects feathers in flight. it keeps them strong and healthy despite the abuse flying in rough weather can put on them.” Dayspring could not help himself. Before anyone could stop him, he reached out his own claw and copied his father’s example. The feeling and knowledge that it was her son’s claw collided in Aurora’s mind. Her body responded to such a soft, gentle, taboo touch the only way it knew how. She shuttled from a small orgasm. Her body let loose a small spray of cum from out her nethers as she sighed in contentment. Vela was not watching the wing, her eyes were on one thing and one thing only. Icarus glanced back at his daughter and he instantly knew what she was looking at. A part of him, a part he was rather ashamed of, wanted to tell her to go for it. ‘Take a lick’, the thought was like poison in his mind, but he could not stop thinking it. He shook it off, “Yes, Dayspring. Like that.” The young hippogriff squished two digits on his right claw together, noting the texture and thickness of the liquid that stuck between them. For Aurora’s part, she had given up. She knew her coat would be a new shade of red when this was over but it was far, far too late to back out now. The only option was to simply enjoy it while she could, even in front of her children. “The next part requires a very delicate touch. You lightly wet your claws with the oil and coat the feather up and down the quill,” Icarus said as he started on the larger feather, letting his son watch his claw move up and down the sensitive quill. Dayspring watched in fascination, he wanted to do the same but he was in a bad position to reach that way. So he did the only thing he could, he climbed over his mother’s back and reached a claw to her innermost feathers, the most sensitive ones. Vela gasped as she saw her mother’s lower lips open up at her son’s touch on her sensitive feathers. It was like watching a flower bloom in the sunlight, beautiful and perfect in every definition of the world. As Dayspring went to work, Aurora’s marehood started leaking uncontrollably. It was starting to build up on the towel placed below her. A towel, Vela now understood, may not be enough. The young hippogriff could not help herself, with her father paying close attention to her brother, she reached out a claw and ran it across her mother’s wet folds. She brought her claw to her beak and sniffed. It was an arousing smell, something that changed a part in her mind. Icarus saw the motion, but he was far too slow to stop it. Aurora felt something slipping over her wet folds and moaned out loud, her tongue almost fell out of her muzzle. Vela took a long, yet still shy lick of her mother’s sweetest spot, clapping her beak in a try to savour the taste. “Are you sure mom’s ok?” Dayspring asked, cutting off any retort Icarus could give his daughter. “She looks funny.” “You remember how I told you it could be pleasurable?” Icarus asked, Dayspring just nodded, “This is a normal look, it means you’re doing it right.” Vela caught her father’s eye when he said that last part. She expected to be yelled at, but what she got was a small smile and what might be a slight wink. “What you want to do next, Dayspring, is lightly move your claws over the feather, almost teasing it. When it has a nice shine on it, hold your claws together and move them down the quill, almost like they were going into a small hole.” Vela knew he was not talking to her brother nor did she need another invitation. Copying her father’s words, she lightly rubbed around Aurora’s ‘other’ feather and grinned when her mom responded with another moan. She tested it, lightly running the tips of her claws over the outmost part, caught between an eternal state of touching and not touching. It was then she noticed something strange. “What about the little button that’s getting bigger?” she asked without thinking, her claws instantly went to hide her beak. “Button?” Dayspring asked. “She’s referring to the very tip of the feather,” Icarus covered for his daughter. “It won’t always happen, but if you ever do see it that’s how you know you’re doing a good job. But when it comes to that you have to be very, very careful. A small amount of touching and coating it with ‘oil’ will go a long way.” “I didn’t get a button,” Dayspring pouted. Icarus winked at his daughter before patting his son slightly on his head. “You are doing well for the first try, so don’t worry about that. Just… dive in I think is the modern term for this.” Again, Vela knew he wasn’t talking to Dayspring. She took his advice and did exactly what he said. She pinched two digits together and made to move inside the flower. With her other hand, she lightly coated her claws in the ‘oil’ and ran them over the button. Before, Aurora had been taken by micro-orgasims, her body reacting to the sudden unexpected pleasure it was receiving. This was not that. With her son and husband at work preening her left wing, and her daughter playing with her wet snatch the way she was. She came harder than she had in a while. Vela was greeted with a splash of sticky, but delightful smelling fluids in her face. She took a sample lick from it, her eyes widening at the taste. She liked it; a lot. Vela dove in back with gusto, licking every bit of the fluid she could find, causing Aurora to start moaning again. Icarus looked at the view. His mind revolted, but his heart said it would be alright, so he let Vela keep going. The young hippogriff eagerly licked her mother clean, and as the fluids were mostly gone, she went with her tongue directly for Aurora’s flower once again. Dayspring watched it all with a curious expression on his face. He had never see the like before, “Dad, did mommy pee? And why is Vela licking her clean?” Icarus had to make sure to stay on his stomach during all of this, least he have yet another thing to explain. Although, now he wished he had gotten a few more towels, “She did, in a way, but it’s not normal pee, it’s a special type of pee. Vela is cleaning mommy off so she won’t be wet.” Aurora looked at Icarus and growled. “Oh for Luna’s sake. Dayspring, Vela is just licking mom’s flower, my sweetest place.” she said without any hesitation and Icarus lower beak hit the floor. “Aurora!” he barked, but stopped at his son’s expression. The look on Dayspring face spoke of disgust at the thought of licking something like that, and interest at what it could taste like. Without even asking permission, he climbed off his mom and went to his sister. With one long lick up her beak he got his own taste at what she was doing. All eyes turned to the young hippogriff as he ran the taste over his tongue, he did not get much, but it was enough. “I like it!” Dayspring shouted after a few heart stopping seconds. Icarus knew he had three options at that point: Option one; rut his wife senseless right that second. Option two; kick his kids out first, then rut his wife senseless. Option three; bear through the pain and accept the fact he would probably need new sheets after this. It was a long, long hard fought battle, but despite option one holding the upper hand for quite some time, option three won out. Sadly, his shaft thought otherwise. “Dad… what is that?” Dayspring asked, looking at his father’s shaft that was soon in sight. Vela shot it a gaze too, and blushed immediately. “Oh my…” she whispered and turned away, trying to focus on something really interesting, like the ceiling… or her mother’s winking flower in front of her... It was a shame her brain could not convey that message to her eyes.. Icarus noticed at once what Dayspring was talking about, ‘Well, the cats out of the bag now’, he thought with a sigh. “Dayspring, when you’re older, and you engage in an activity like this, it’s going to cause certain… reactions in you. You may find yourself excited for your own pleasure upon seeing another’s. This is simply your body’s natural reaction to that,” with that he stood up. His own proud member on display for his entire family. After everything she had been through, Aurora found herself laughing at it being his turn to be embarrassed and placed on display for their children, “Hey Vela, why don’t you try out that ‘oil’.” Icarus glared at his wife with a look that could kill. He was leaking enough pre-cum to have twins at the sight that just occurred before him. However, with everything he had put his wife though, he knew he could not say no. ‘Revenge is sweet,’ Aurora thought with a smile as she glanced back at her husband. Vela knew what the new object hanging off her father’s frame was. She hesitated, but after she had tasted her mother, it couldn’t be more wrong to taste her father. Before Icarus could react, Vela was leaning down next to him and softly ran her tongue over the dripple of pre-cum on his tip. She almost gagged. Where her mother was sweet, almost like the taste of honey, her father was salty, too salty. It tasted slightly bitter as well. “I don’t think she likes the taste,” Aurora said with a smile. Icarus was not paying attention. It was taboo and should have been disgusting to have his daughter’s tongue on his member, but that’s not what his body said. It loved it and after everything he had seen, it was just enough to send him over the edge. His member burst forth with more and more cum. Before Vela could fully move out of the way she took a shot on her beak and another on her claw. The rest hit the bed and Aurora, who scooped up a bit of it with her hoof and licked it clean. After all this time she was used to the taste, loving it from her husband. Vela looked downright disgusted to be covered in it. She was about to go into a full on rant before Aurora motioned her over with a wing. Vela got up and walked over to her mother’s head. The pegasus stuck out her tongue and licked her daughter’s face clean. “You get used to it.” she said with a sultry smile to her daughter. “At least if you’re into stallions. Maybe you just take the same road of your grandmothers?” she added with a wink. Icarus wanted to shout at Aurora, to put her actions down, but his orgasm still throbbed through him and cut off all his planned actions. Option three was out of the case. Now, option one counted, and he didn’t care about his children watching. With everything they had seen, how much more damage could he possibly do? With a growl of lust, he leapt onto the bed, directly behind his wife. Aurora looked at him wide eyed, but she was not fast enough to stop him, not fast enough by a long shot. There was no foreplay, foreplay was over. this was cardinal desire, this was a needing, a longing. He hilted himself in one go, an action that caused his wife to scream out in pleasure as she felt every inch of his throbbing member. Her mind went blank, her whole word became that feeling, that rapid in and out of his pulsing hips, his thrusts into her, taking her, making her his. This is what she never had back in her modeling days, everypony she was with, mare or stallion, would be too delicate, too gentle. Not Icarus, he was an emperor, used to having his way all the time. He took what he wanted, and right this second, he wanted her. Vela starred in utter diffuse at her parents, watching her father humping her mother with all his might. Her claw slowly wandered under her belly, touching a wet spot. She wasn’t even aware that all that had aroused her so much. With a blush she rubbed the sore spot, letting out soft coes that caused Dayspring to look at her with wide eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck yes!” Aurora shouted out her pleasure. She cared not that her children were on the bed with her, she wanted this, she needed this in every way imaginable. Her body was overcome with longing and desire, with sexual lust at all the touching she had been through that day. Most lovemaking started off slowly, building up in a crescendo of pleasure. Not this one, this one was already a title wave, every thrust simply added to it, causing it to build well above her limit. All the while Dayspring crawled closer and closer to his sister, taking in every spot of her, watching her rubbing a soft place between her hind legs. The sight amazed him, but he stopped inches before it. Velo showed him a smile and blushed, getting into a new position, her hind legs spread wide and offering the young hippogriff a better view. With a childlike innocence, Dayspring reached out a claw and performed the same action his sister had done to her mom. They thought he had not noticed, but he did. He just figured his turn would come soon enough. It seemed that time had finally come. He remembered his father’s ‘preening’ lesson and followed its example, “Lightly brush against the feather,” Dayspring said under his breath. His touch was a fire to Vela, she felt every fiber of her hair stand on in, every nerve ending was set alit with pleasure at her brother's ‘almost’ touch. “Coat your claw in the oil,” Dayspring continued, not knowing the true meaning of what he was doing but enjoying the reaction from his sister all the same. Vela tried to deny the pleasure from her brother’s claw, but her body betrayed her mind and she answered with louder coes, which softly turning to moans. She did not wanted him to stop, no; she wanted more. “That means I’m going a good job.” Dayspring said to himself as he finally noticed the button, “Be very, very gentle with the button, a light touch and a coat of oil goes a long way.” When his claw hit her clit, Vela could not hold back anymore. she screamed out loud as the pleasure in her body burst forth like a damn. Her head rolled back, her tongue left her mouth, hanging limply by the side. Her first orgasm coated her brother from head to claw. He looked at her, surprised by what occurred Aurora and Icarus stopped for mere moments to look at the directions of the scream, shortly showing utterly confusion before Icarus snapped out of it and humped back into his wife. He knew that eventually their children would have copied what they saw, but he never thought that they would be that fast. At least not Dayspring. Dayspring smiled as he saw what occurred, he followed his big sis’s example and dove right in, cleaning up her legs and flower the way Vela did for Aurora. To his surprise he found the latter to be somewhat difficult as with each lick she would get slightly more wet. In the end his persistence paid off. “That tastes way better than the oil from mom.” he said after licking his beak clean with his tongue, eyes widening in surprise. Vela grinned sheepishly at him, then noticed something new. Down Dayspring’s belly, she spotted something she had never seen before on him and her eyes went wide. Her brother was so young, she never knew it was possible that early, but his shaft slowly peeked out. She had never seen his before, and with the exception of a few classes on anatomy did not even know he had one. It did not compare in size to her father’s, but somehow, it’s smaller size made it almost cute. A compulsion she did not fully understand came over her. She smiled a warm smile at her brother and held a claw up to his beak. Without asking permission, Vela slowly lower her head to her brother’s member and hesitantly licked it.   To her surprise, it tasted nothing like her father’s. His was salty, bitter. Dayspring’s was sweet. However, what really got her going was the cute moan her brother released. She continued as that was all the motivation she needed.   He tongue circled around and around the tip of his head. Before long a small fluid started to leak out of the tip. She knew it wasn’t cum, he was simply too young to make that right now, at least she thought that; but she did enjoy the taste. She took his whole member in her mouth, lightly running her tongue up and down the small shaft. She did not know if he would enjoy it the way she knew her father would, but he seemed to be enjoying it all the same. They only stopped when Icarus let out a loud grunt, followed quickly by a yell from Aurora. Vela looked up in time to see her father’s member pull out of her mother’s flower. It was covered in ‘oil’, both from him and from Aurora. Aurora was gone, just gone. Her coat, mane, and tail were covered in sweat. She was sticky but in seventh heaven. That was exactly what she needed right now. “What was that?” Dayspring asked now that his parents were not overcome by cardinal lust for each other. His voice snapped Aurora back to reality. The first thing she noticed was that her children had been doing some rather ‘non sibling like’ behaviour. She could not fault them through, she had just bucked her husband in front of them. ‘I’ve become my parents’, oddly, the thought only caused her to smile. She supposed that was not necessarily a bad thing. Still, there were questions to answer and another task that still needed to be completed. “That, little Dayspring,” there was a smirk on her face when she saw that ‘little Dayspring’ was out in the world for the first time, “Is what two ponies that love each other do to express their love.” “It’s called bucking,” Vela cut through the nonsense. “Oh,” Dayspring said before a thought crossed his mind, he looked at his sister. Vela smiled, but shook her head no. “There’s more to it than just the physical act, little brother. It can cause a lot of problems.” “Speaking of problems,” Aurora said as she made to stand on her hooves, it was slightly painful as she had yet to adjust after her husband’s menstruations. “I believe it’s your turn, young lady.” Vela’s eyes went wide at that, “You… want… me… t-” “To get preened,” Aurora said before her daughter could finish that sentence. “You’re the one that needs it the most, just look at those wings.” Icarus shot his wife a gaze. “And I thought you want her to try out the other stuff.” he received a hard punch from Aurora, but the damage was already done. Vela looked at her father’s throbbing member, then at her brother, suddenly his idea did not seem that bad. “No… I want something else.” she said before kneeling to her brother. Aurora saw it coming, but she could just stare on in shock at her children as they began to make out in front of them. For the first time that day, Vela tasted herself in her brother’s mouth. She tangled his small tongue with hers, adding more and more pleasure into the first simple kiss. As they broke apart Icarus laughed, patting his wife onto her back. “Oh my, I already guessed that it will end wrong, but at least it stays a family affair.” he said, earning a glare from his wife. “What? We should enjoy everything while it lasts.” with that he approached his daugher, letting his beak slowly wander over her wing. Aurora watched him with interest. She watched as he lightly pressed against his daughter’s wing, causing it to flare outwards. Vela lightly caressed her brother’s face with a claw. She was reacting to the will of her body now, she wanted this, she needed this more than she needed her next breath. Her mind did not even register her father’s menstrations, it merely added the feeling of his touch to everything else that was going on. She lay her brother back down with a kiss, feeling his confusion as he was forced to go along with his sister’s desires. Albit, he soon figured out exactly what he was to do. His tongue lashed out at hers with reckless abandon. To him this was more of a game, one he wanted to win. She felt it below her, it was small, but hard as a rock. she knew what it was without even having to look. With a fumble of her claw, she positioned the small head right at her dripping wet entrance. Aurora was getting more aroused by the second. As Vela bowed her head, leaned back, and took her brother’s shaft slowly into her wet folds, she couldn’t resist anymore. Aurora approached her daughter from behind and kneeled down. She admired the view of her two children so intimately connected. Vela could not move up and down on her brother’s shaft, it simply was not big enough. rather, she slowly gyrated her hips, allowing it to move around inside of her without coming out. It was slow enough for Aurora to do what she did next. She reached down with her tongue and lightly licked at the connection between her children. Vela’s mind was almost overcome in pleasure. The feeling of her mother’s tongue, the way she encombrised her brother, fully, as a lover it was all too much. Icarus grinned as he saw that look on his daughter’s face. With a quick glance down her wing, he saved the best for last. Reaching a claw out to her innermost feather, he lightly ran it across the most sensitive area. Vela had never experienced anything like that before in her entire life, the overload of sensation hit every nerve cell in her body. She clapped down on her brother’s member, seeking to milk it for everything it was worth as her head flew back into her mother’s waiting arms. She screamed in ecstasy as she came and came. Her own juices spraying down into her brother’s lap and legs. His fur soon reached the point of oversaturation as it continued to spill forward from the young hippogriff. His awareness of the situation came to as he was sitting in a puddle of his sister’s juices. “Does that mean a did a good job?” he turned his head to ask his father. “That means you did a great job,” Icarus said with a smile, it was the truth. Aurora lay her daughter’s limp body down on the bed and smiled at her son, “Of course, you have to clean up after,” she said with a sly grin. Dayspring tried to stand up, but he could not. Aurora’s hoof held him to the bed. “It’s a mother’s job to keep her children clean.” she looked at his member that seemed to have grown a bit since the ride. “Or to have a sample for herself…” she added and Icarus perked up in surprise. Aurora wanted to see how big it would get. She started off small, a sensual lick up her son’s inner leg. He giggled in surprise, “That tickles.” She kept going, as much as she hated to admit it, Dayspring had been right, Vela’s cum tasted much better than her own. She licked the other side clean, enjoying her son squirming under her hooves. Each time her tongue would almost make it to his groan, she would go the other way. Every single time Aurora got close, it would throb just a bit. As if it anticipated her touch. When she got to his stomach, she could not help herself, she blew a raspberry into it, causing her son to giggle in shock. “Are you having fun?” Aurora’s gaze got serious now. Of all of them Dayspring was the one that could not enjoy this, sure he got some pleasure, and a life lesson he would definitely use later, but it was not the same. ”Yeah, it’s been fun!” Dayspring practically shouted the words. Aurora smiled, “I’m glad, but lets see if I can make it even better.” At that she dove right for it. Icarus, Dayspring, and Vela had beaks, while they could still grant oral pleasure, it was not the same as someone with lips. Dayspring groaned out, loudly. The feeling of his mother’s muzzle around his member was on a whole other stage than having Vela’s beak on it. It felt way better, causing him to gasp slightly as she sealed her lips around it. The only thing that had been better was when his sister road on top of it. Vela was inexperienced, a novice, who, while more than enthusiastic, did not know what she was doing. This was not the case for Aurora. A lifetime spent on the stage, and then by her husband’s side, gave her more than enough experience to drive her son wild.   Icarus could not help himself. seeing his wife go down on his young son caused his eyes to drift over to the limp form of his daughter’s freshly bucked nethers. He would not bring himself to take her, he was too big and she was far too small. However, he remembered his wife’s words, ‘It’s a mother’s job to clean up her children’, and he could not think of a single reason why a father could not help. Vela was woken by a tongue gently lapping at her legs. She glanced up to see, not her mother, but her father licking at her honey bucket. It was a feeling unlike any other she had known. The rough texture of his tongue seemed to know every spot to hit, it just knew exactly how much pressure to apply to elicit the right emotions from her. Her legs clamped around his head after his tongue made entry. She couldn’t do anything else but hold her father to her wet folds, causing him to dive in deeper, focusing on the spots which would make her moan louder. Icarus knew very well what spots he had to hit and his daughter rewarded him with moans and some of her wet, tasty juices. He really hated to admit that Dayspring was right. While Aurora’s juices were already sweet, their daughter’s beat it by miles. Her legs clamped even harder around his head as he brought her to another orgasm. She lacked the energy to scream anymore and soon fell back on the bed, limp but satisfied. “Oh, you’ve gone and made another mess,” Icarus said as he licked his beak clean. “Well, guess I’d better clean up this one too.” With that he dove back in. This time he did something that shocked the young hippogriff. His tongue still payed her folds plenty of attention, but it was when she felt the wet appendage at her back door that she almost shouted. “Dad, what are you-” her question was stopped dead in its tracks when she felt it make entry. Icarus just smiled as his daughter was overcome with another new experiences. ‘Another first’, his mind thought as he continued to push slightly in and out of her puckered little anus. In the meanwhile, Aurora had paused to look at Icarus and Vela, watching them with glaring interest in her eyes. As she caught sight of what her husband was doing with their daughter, she lustfully took her gaze upon her son’s shaft, causing him to gulp. She slowly rose and walked over him, giving him a slow kiss on his beak. Before Dayspring could form a question, she pulled her rump down, but it wasn’t her wet snatch that his member was pointing at now, it was the smaller hole, causing Dayspring’s eyes to grow wide. Without a word more, Aurora pushed down, her son’s throbbing member invading her tight hole. Vela had been tight, his mom’s lips had felt amazing, this… this was on a whole new level. He almost cried out as he felt her press downward. Until, at last, it pushed through. Aurora scooped up her son into her chest as she continued to move around, letting herself and him adjust to the new sensation. “Why don’t you play with your mom’s flower?” Aurora asked as she slowly started to gyrate her hips like Vela had done. Dayspring took the hint, with one claw he reached down and started to lightly rub the outline of his mother’s lower lips. She gasped as his claw found her button and lightly flicked it. ‘He’s a natural,’ Aurora thought with a smile. Icarus road out yet another of his daughter’s ogasims. ‘Oh my Luna,’ Vela thought as she came from his expert tongue playing against her back door, before today, she never would have thought that was possible, before today she did not think a lot was possible. ‘Speaking of possibilities,’ she knew what she wanted now, what she really wanted. Icarus couldn’t even react at the speed as his daughter’s wing grabbed and pulled him up, his throbbing member now brushing against her wet snatch. “I want it,” Vela said directly to his face. There was no question about what she was talking about, no hesitation, or doubt in his mind. It could only be one thing. “It’ll hurt,” Icarus warned her. “I don’t care,” Vela replied back, her young body overcome with lust and desire. “Besides, every good thing can hurt in the beginning, and I’m used to pain.” Icarus sighed, there was no use arguing with her, not when she had this additude. “Alright,” with that he angled down and pushed, but very slow. It was a feeling unlike any he had ever felt before. He went slowly, as slow as was possible. Vela’s dripping wet snatch was more than welcoming, but her body was still so small. After an extreme force of will, the tip of his head popped in. Vela almost jumped out of her fur from the sudden, unexpectedness of it. It felt like someone stretched her open, forcing something that was way too big into something way too small. Icarus saw the look almost immediately and stopped pushing, “You want me to stop?” She shook her head, this was nothing more than a challenge, a test. She would overcome this obstacle, whatever it took. Aurora caught every action of her husband and daughter. She knew how her first time with Icarus was, and she felt a bit sorry for her poor Vela. Somehow, the feeling also aroused her to a point that made her mind stop. It simply stopped questioning everything that happened and what was about to happen, leaving a mare that was only controlled by her pure lust. With a glare she grinded harder against her son, moaning out loud and causing Icarus’s ears to perk up at the sound. She didn’t know if there would be a point of release for her son because he was still so young; but the blissful expression on his face told her that she was doing good and that he enjoyed it completely. Dayspring groaned slightly at every movement, feeling a weird tingle coming from his member, spreading quickly. Aurora increased her speed and felt her son’s member slightly twitching in her. She knew what it meant and it took her by surprise, but there was also no way she could or wanted to stop now. With a loud moan, she held her son tightly in her embrace, grinding harder and harder against his member until Dayspring let out a his own yell, nearly a scream, and Aurora felt a hot liquid hitting the inside of her tight hole. It was not much, but she felt it intensively. The cry could not have come at a worse time for Vela, her father had made it one third of the way into his daughter and he decided that it was enough. There was no need to go further, he was close to cumming as it. With every inch he had pushed forward she would grunt in more and more pain as her insides adjusted to the intrusion. The cry caused him to almost jump, he never expected to hear such a thing from his son. That action pushed him forward into his daughter before either of them were ready for it. Vela screamed out and whimpered, causing Icarus to gasp and draw back immediately. Just as his tip was about to leave his daughter, her wings unfolded and draped around him, holding him tight. “Please, don’t.” she whispered, pulling him closer and closer until he was in the same position in her he had been in before the scream. “I don’t want to hurt you,” Icarus practically cried the words out, his concern for her health outweighed any physical desire he might have. “You’ll only hurt me if you quit now.” “Vela?” “All the way.” “Are you sure?” She glared at him, it was the same look that had lived on his face for most of his life, the look of someone that took what they wanted, and right now, she wanted to finish this. “All. The. Way.” Icarus gulped at that but he did as she asked. This time he pushed forward, non-stop, It wasn’t sudden like when he jumped, it was constant. Vela could not take it anymore, she tried to be strong but every second hurt, “Stop!” she cried out in pain. “There’s no need,” Icarus said as he looked her in the eye. She looked up, confused. “It’s all the way in.” She smiled at him with tears streaking down her face, “I… I did it?” “Yes, you did.” he said and gently kissed her, making her lose herself in the feeling of it and forgetting about the pain. Icarus continued the kiss as he slowly started to move in and out his daughter, slowly enough as to cause her no more pain, but fast enough to make their orgasms raise. The slight grinding against sore muscles became something else in Vela’s mind, it became pleasure. Soon, she was actually encouraging Icarus to move faster. He responded in kind, his hips started slapping against his daughter’s flank. Aurora held her son tightly as she watched her husband rutting her daughter raw. Dayspring looked up at her with a worried expression on his face, “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Sorry I peed in you,” Dayspring said. She kissed him on the forehead, “Don’t worry, it’s your special type of pee that means whoever you’re with did a good job. “Like dads?” “Yep, just like your father’s.” They watched as Vela was brought closer and closer to orgasm. A thought occurred to Aurora, “Hey Dayspring.” “Yeah?” “Why don’t you show me what you’ve learned on Vela’s right wing?” He grinned at her and got down from Aurora’s lap. Without a seconds hesitation, Dayspring scooted over to the outstretched wing of his sister and ran a claw down the calamus of her wing. That was the end of the line for Vela, her mind was completely overcome with pleasure, both from her father and from her brother. She came, and came, and came until her body felt like it was completely dehydrated. The feeling of his daughter’s walls pressing down on his shaft was the tipping point for Icarus. He felt her young love tunnel milking his member for everything it was worth, a milk he was all too willing to supply He coated her insides with his inscestal cum. His sack emptied of the fluid, pumping more and more into his daughter. It was far too much for two in their situation. A lot of the sticky substance leaked out, running down Vela and Icarus’s legs while he moaned loudly, matching her scream. He almost fell ontop of her, almost. At the last second he twisted to the side while scooping her up in his claws. They rolled over, his daughter resting with her head on his chest. Her tight little hole refused to let go of his hot sticky shaft. Dayspring looked at their situations and then back at his mother. “I want to do that too! That looked like fun! I love fun with Vela!” he chimed, hopping up and down. Aurora smiled and whispered something in his ear. He grinned back and moved around his older sister. Climbing onto her back Aurora helped him position himself just so, “Ok, now push.” Vela’s mind registered something poking at her back door, but it was not until it entered that she took awareness of it. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before, her flower still hung onto her dad’s throbbing member while her brother pushed himself against her anus.   The double pleasure drowned her mind, her father’s pulsing member in her drooling snatch while Dayspring invaded her rear. It wasn’t like minutes before, he certainly had grown bigger, and it utterly confused her. Until he pushed deeper into her, that is. He bottomed out much sooner than she thought he would. ‘Hmm, so I guess it’s not that big yet’, she thought. What the little hippogriff lacked in size, he more than made up for in enthusiasm. His mom loved this and he was sure Vela would love it to. Love it she did, every time he would slam home she would rock a little on her father’s cock. Every time he pulled back she would slide just that much more. it was Dayspring’s energy with her father’s size, the best of both worlds. It was when she looked down at Icarus that the emotions truly came to a head. Her father held her head in his claw; he was smiling at her, with love in his eyes. She lay her head down on his chest and took it, she took everything her brother had to offer and more. Aurora gently ran a hoof down her daughter’s feathers, stroking them while her son pounded her ass. He finished with one final push forward, with what little he had to give, he left it in his sister’s colon.   Vela felt her brother collapse on her back in exhaustion. “Was that fun for you, sis?” Dayspring asked. “More than you can ever know,” Vela replied back with a smile. The feeling of fullness and completeness was all-consuming in her mind. “As much as I would love to stay like that all day…” Icarus started and looked out of the window, being greeted by the moonlight, “...I guess we should clean up and get some sleep. We’ve spent hours with this.... lesson.” Aurora smiled as she picked up her son in her hooves. The little hippogriff was already asleep. She considered waking him up for a bath but had a better idea. She’d lick him clean instead. “Hey, Vela, care to help?” Vela felt torn, on one claw she wanted to help her mom clean her brother, on the other that meant she’d have to get off her dad. In the end, sisterly instinct won out. Every inch she slid off him felt amazing, she instantly regretted her choice when he was out and her muscles tried to adjust to having nothing in her again. She tried to walk, only to find that it was almost impossible. with a flap of her wings she landed by her mom’s side, cringing when she set down on her flank and it tactfully reminded her about what had just occurred. Not to mention the mess that leaked out of her. “Sorry, should have warned you about that,” Aurora said with a smile. Icarus watched as his family cleaned each other off, both Aurora and Vela seemed to fight each other for Dayspring’s special place. Each of them wanted that location as long as they could have it. When it was over, Dayspring was wide awake and giggling about his new bath. “We’re not done yet, young lady,” Aurora said as Vela made to leave. She turned back, confused. “It’s a mother’s job to clean her children.” Aurora chimed and looked at her, lust still resonated in her gaze. “Mom I’m-” Vela never got to finish that sentence. Before the second word left her beak, Aurora helped herself to her daughter’s honey pot. The feeling of her mother’s tongue on her sore entrance was alike a soothing salve pressed against her. Aurora was thorough, very thorough. Everywhere she could reach she cleaned with her tongue, enjoying the taste of her daughter, her husband, and her son all in one shorgagbord of flavor. Vela almost whimpered when Aurora pulled back for the last time. She watched her mom lick her lips clean of all the juices. But before she could even mention wanting her to finish, little Dayspring spoke up, “I’m tired.” “I bet,” Aurora laughed as she picked up her son and placed him on his sister’s back. “I hope it wasn’t too bad,” Icarus said with a smile. Vela laughed before thinking about something, “Umm, if I forget how to preen again, do you think you can give me a refresher?” Icarus and Aurora just smiled at each other before Icarus turned back to look, “Well, as long as you don’t forget too often, and we keep it just between the four of us. After all, preening is a family affair.”