> Bonding and Sentencing > by Haliton > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bondage, too > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Were the walls always like that? Bits of stone poked out intermittently. Scraps of paper torn out of her masterfully written works lined the tiny alcoves. Maybe should have come in here to inspect more often, thought Starlight Glimmer as she sat right in the middle of the cell. It was a small distraction. A few days after the friendship envoy came into town, Starlight Glimmer was caught in her hideout in the mountains. It was Party Favour and Double Diamond who had spent the time painstakingly tracking her down, eager for justice for what she had done to their town. Their skills combined allowed them to comb the mountain far easier than she'd anticipated. Despite her magic, she was finally subdued, and now held prisoner in the very cell she used to keep dissidents. What would become of her? The town seemed to have replaced her leadership quickly, and was busy reshuffling jobs and more or less close to being back to a normal life. Well... 'normal' for outsiders. Those ponies didn't listen. They'll be drowning in their own misery soon enough, yes. They'll cry and beg for her to come back and remove those filthy stains on their rumps... But when? Would they try to convince her to join the rabble? Nothing was playing through the reeducation speakers. The literary masterpieces she had written herself were still here, they wouldn't have had time to swap out any books anyway. It was nighttime, and most ponies would be sleeping anyway. Starlight Glimmer would have to do the same. She laid down on the floor, which was at least functional. The magic lock on her horn didn't bother her. Nighttime, when every pony slept except a few degenerates. At least there was still a semblance of her beloved equality. "...anyway, dude, ready to do this?" "I am, man. Let's go!" Just as she was finally starting to relax, too. Hoofsteps approached from outside. The door burst open and revealed two stallions standing out in the moonlight. One completely white, and the other a more convention blue with different shades. Double Diamond and Party Favour. "Oh, it's you two. What, finally learned the error of your ways? You know, it's just been a few days. We can have it all back. Equality, happiness, friendship... well? I'm up for it!" Starlight spoke, quite certain there was no other good reason for the two stallions to suddenly visit her in the dead of night. "Well, you see, Starlight... you've done a lot of bad stuff to this town, you know?" Party Favour started first. "Yeah! We were miserable! All this while we believed you, but to think that you were keeping your own cutie mark all along..." "Like I said, it was NECESSARY! You think you know what's good for yourselves?" Starlight was worked up immediately. Even now they didn't understand? "And how did you know that? You got to keep YOUR cutie mark and do what YOU were good at? You think Party Favour here was the only one who wanted to feel what it was like with his cutie mark back? EVERYONE did!" Double Diamond shouted suddenly, years of repressed emotions finally set loose. It didn't help that he had become Starlight Glimmer's informant, betraying his fellow ponies to her just for feeling the same way he did, all because he believed in her. It ate at him. "Hey, hey! Calm down, man, relax..." Party Favour put a reassuring hoof on Double Diamond. "She'll get her dues soon." "W-what?" Dues? Deep, down, Starlight Glimmer knew what that meant. "Yes. Since you've made the whole town miserable for the years under your rule, you must be punished." "Just like how YOU punished all those ponies for wanting their cutie marks back! Their lives back!" In contrast to Party's somber tone, Double just couldn't let it go. Starlight could only stare in shock as a paralyzing fear began to creep up her limbs. "Look, buddy. I'm sorry for everything." Double suddenly deflated and looked apologetically at Party. " I just... can you really forgive me?" "Of course! Don't be silly, we're friends now! We can have different thoughts on things, but that just means our friendship is more fun! That's what those mares taught me, anyway. Now... want to do this together, as friends?" It was a touching moment of a blossoming friendship to everyone who would have watched, save someone in Starlight Glimmer's position. Party Favour extended a hoof that Double Diamond took, then they looked at each other's eyes. They understood that though they were different, they were united in purpose now, and once finished they would come out closer than ever. This tranquil moment was suddenly broken by Party retreating back. Starlight's pulse raced when she realised he was locking the door. Double Diamond approached her, face no longer fuming, but oddly calm. "You made me do a lot of bad stuff, Starlight Glimmer. This is how I'm making up for it." She barely had time to react. In a flash, he'd leapt at her and pinned her down. Her breathing raced. Despite her efforts, she just couldn't shake him off. All that time spent skiing had built up his strong, muscular legs, and all the time spent studying instead her made her soft and weak. Magic, right! A simple shield... she was rewarded with a sudden headache for her efforts. The horn binder was doing its work. In her daze, she didn't notice that Party Favour was busy chaining her legs to the floor. He moved aside the hay to reveal hidden shackles he had the fortune to discover during his own stay. Only when all four of her quivering legs were finally bound did she regain her full sense, just in time for the gravity of the situation to set in. "You! No, no! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here! Unbind me right now!" Starlight Glimmer struggled eye shut against the chains she didn't even remember were there. That's right, she had them installed long ago in case of... extreme circumstances, but had forgotten about them entirely. Her head flailing about hit something warm and hard. When she took a peek, it was both Party Favour and Double Diamond standing over her, their cocks fully at attention in anticipation. "We'll start off simple, Starlight. You'll give Double Diamond here some attention while I prepare you for the next stage." Party Favour kept calm as ever. Starlight Glimmer didn't react. She was far too shocked. This wasn't really happening, was it? Here at the mercy of these stallions, all tied down and vulnerable? "...Unless you don't know what to do? I understand, I mean, I didn't know till I got locked up here for a night with those ponies! First, you–" "MMMMPH!" "Come on brah, she understands. You seen the books in her house?" Double Diamond didn't wait, and simply pushed Starlight Glimmer's head onto this length. Her eyes were kept wide as her mouth bulged, the stallion dick in there shifting about till it found somewhere comfortable to rest. Seeing no choice, she began to service it. Her tongue, timid, rubbed it for a better taste. It was.. bearable. Not something she'd thought she'd experience like this. "Well? Come on." A smile grew over Double Diamond's face. It was cathartic to have the mare at his mercy. The many years worth of fear turned into resentment on that fateful day, and now it felt like he was getting some justice. Her tonguework was adequate, for what was most likely a beginner. Every lick of hers around the base of his shaft was an injustice avenged. Party Favour didn't concern himself with that so much. Justice was good at all, but he wanted Starlight Glimmer to see the error of her ways. Then maybe one day she'd join them as real friends. Those five ponies he spent the night with here had made a very convincing argument, one he was intending to give Starlight right here. While she gagged and sucked on Double Diamond, Party Favour patiently waited till the first signs appeared. Her legs were already spread out thanks to the floor chains, revealing her nethers. Without her even realising it, her tail slowly lifted up, further and further, revealing a blooming pink mare's treasure. It would take some more encouragement. "MmmmMMMMPH!" Keeping Double Diamond's dick in her mouth was occupying enough, but the sudden feeling of a warm tongue behind made her squeal again. She had to keep her attention to the front, where she had to keep up with her licks or the hot raging hard shaft would push further back into her throat. Double kept a threatening hoof on her head, and if she stopped he knew he'd push all the way in. For now, though, he was pleased. Enough. She was soft in there, and knew how to move about the length. It was a cycle of tending to his flaring tip, cleaning the sticky precum out and then moving further in to milk out more by gently easing out the base. Then it was slowly back to the tip, to sip away at more of her efforts... it was clouding her mind, this. At least it made it easier to do. Then she also had to contend with Party Favor behind her. He took a small lick and a good sniff of her hapless pussy. He'd done his best to keep cool about this, knowing how Double Diamond felt and was likely to act, but that smell... it clouded his mind. Another lick. Gently, the tip of his tongue ran down from the top of those pair of lips, down to the bead that poked out at the base. "MMMM!" Starlight Glimmer's whole body quivered. Party Favour picked up the pace. Using his hooves to spread her open more, he gradually began to dig in. From what he was feeling on his left foot, the one he had perched on the butt of a shaking Starlight, he was doing fine. Just as practiced... It was a bit at first, but Starlight had begun to wet. A thread of the first drip bridged the pink of her behind his tongue. Now it was Starlight Glimmer's tongue hanging loose. She was for the most part able to keep her work up on Double Diamond's dick, but the distraction behind was overtaking her. She tried, but it was so much easier to hang in there and take it... "Slowing down so soon?" She barely managed to take a breath as the mass in her mouth forced its way deeper in. Now it went right to her throat, the flaring head pushing against the back, determined to take what it wanted for itself. She gagged, struggling for air. This thing... it wasn't leaving anytime soon. There was no moving back either, as Double Diamond still had a hoof on her head, determined not to let it move. She spluttered, her saliva dripped around the floor and onto Double's hooves. Heart racing, she lapped at the length plugging her airway as hard as possible. It wasn't just fantastic physically for Double. The feeling of Glitter's drool helplessly sprayed around his hooves, at his mercy for air... there was no need for the soft insides of her mouth or her desperate licks as her lips wrapped tightly around the base of his dick, begging. It was knowing that she knew what it was like to be broken like that. He let back a bit, and Glimmer collapsed to the floor, panting deep. Still no break there. Behind, she continued to ooze. Party Favour diligently stayed his course. Double was being rough there as punishment, his role was more to rehabilitate. This meant it was working, right? She was pooling from there, clear sticky fluid almost a like a spring. It was getting harder and hard to ignore his own urges, too... maybe it was time. "Hey, you mind giving me a bit of space?" "Yeah, sure thing, bro. I'm good here for now." Double had to be mindful for his new friend, of course. He was enjoying himself greatly here, everything in Starlight's mouth was just perfect. He had to shift to something less so that not all of his juicy length could be serviced, but anything for a friend. Party positioned himself, then slowly lowered in his throbbing member into Starlight's blooming, welcoming pussy, eager now and sopping wet. Starlight felt it. First the tip of a pulsing hot head flared making its way in. Her back legs kicked, some semblance of struggle stiff lift. Party wasn't secured so well. Though he was mounted on Starlight, he didn't have the same strength Double did and almost lost his grip. Ever helpful as always, Double forced himself in again. That plug down her throat would teach her what not to do. Starlight, shivering as tears dripped down to join her spittle on the floor, submitted. There was nothing else for her to do. No longer the office of leader of the commune of equals, no longer a future leader in teaching the world her great philosophy. Just a piece of flesh for these two stallions to please themselves with, till she too broke and would join them willingly. She let out a sob. With that submission, Party Favour had a far better time. He eased his way in, feeling the walls inside spread in surrender to their intruder. They were wet and while not eager, knew their place. Starlight Glimmer's body squirmed as she yelped, unable to do anything about the slow, deliberate violation of her purity where she couldn't even see. "MMMMMFFFFFF!" Even though somewhat gentle, things weren't easy for Starlight. In the midst of the pain there was a small bit of pleasure, but not enough from stop her trying to yell if it were not for Double Diamond binding her down. Desperately, she tried to ease it in while she lay prone on the ground. She opened her hind legs wider, giving up all form of resistance in hopes of making this as smooth as possible. Slowly, she felt the cock from behind retreat, only to thrust forward again even harder. More tears dripped down to decorate her shame while she felt her behind tear. It was humiliating beyond anything. Her, broken as an inferior instead of their leader, or even equal. With her mouth occupied she couldn't even grit her teeth to help deal with the pain of her vagina forced further open with every one of Party Favour's slow, deliberate thrusts. Still, she dealt with it the best she could. She braced her front, willing her best for her hindquarters to relax and take what was coming. "Mmm..." At the very least, the pain dissipating after long enough. With her pussy broken in, it wasn't so bad. Party never went too hard, keeping his momentum slow and steady no matter how it felt like the hooves holding on to her butt wanted to seize control and go to town. She was losing herself to this... her eyes rolled back and her mouth began to hang loose. Though Double Diamond threatened punishment with his cock inching closer to her threat, she was no longer able to react accordingly. "Not so good for you anymore, dude?" "It's fine, it's been good enough for a long while." "Why don't you come over here and join me? "You mean..? Man, you're the best." It was strange to feel Party Favour warm dick leave her and not return. Starlight just wanted to lay limp on the floor, but found herself being lifted by a strong pair of hooves. She was deposited straight on Party Favour, who lay on his back under her, his face right by hers. Holding Starlight securely with his forelegs, he gently eased his cock right back in the welcoming warm cave. Starlight let out a sigh. She would prefer to think it was of resignation, but it was undeniable that it felt good. With her insides accustomed to the big stallion members trying to make their home, at least there wouldn't be trouble.... Behind, Double grinned. He had been waiting for this. Her pussy was taken by his friend, but there was another. With Starlight's back legs spread out and held open by Party Favour's, she was wide open. Without warning, he planted his front hooves onto her, positioned his member right at the entrance of her butthole, and waited. Now that her mouth was free, he was going to enjoy everything that he'd squeeze out. Starlight didn't notice at first, preoccupied by the dicking she was receiving in her primary hole. "Aahh... wait... what are you..." That was his cue. Throwing away all pretenses of mercy. He forced himself right into her tight butt. "AAAAAAAAAH! NO, NOT THERE!" For Double it was exquisite. Her anus seemed to try and suck him in, the insides like a vice around his dick as he pieced through. For Starlight, however, it was as if her ass was on fire. The burning pain of being sodomized so suddenly and brutally was barely offset by the pleasure she was receiving in her other hole. She tried to struggle again, but even if Double Diamond and Party Favour's combined strength wasn't enough to keep her down and hapless as a toy, there was still the chains. "It hurts, it hurts! Please, STOP!" "You didn't let out the ponies that begged from inside here, did you? Not until you had your fill, right? Same for us." Double Diamond let loose a laugh, took Starlight's mane in his mouth, and pulled. Her head was drawn back just as he thrust deeper into her ass, evoking a loud scream. "Ah, ah... AAAAAAAH!" Below her, Party Favour was no slouch. He was enjoying himself. He couldn't help but feel justified too, remembering how she wanted to have his friends imprisoned. Fortunately for him, he learned quite a bit during his night here with those visitors, but of course that didn't absolve her in any way. He just had to focus on his own pleasure and let his friend do the rest of their work. Eagerly he continued thrusting into her sopping cunt, holding her down tight as he listened to her cries and moans. A few of her tears dropped into his mouth. They tasted oddly pleasant. Above, Double Diamond continued having his way. He shut his eyes, savouring every squeal, every moan, every scream. Her tight, hot ass around his dick was really just icing on the cake, as he secured his hooves on her ass and carried on pounding away. He pulled back her head whenever he wanted to do it particularly hard, ramming all the way inside to make her feel what she deserved. Then he'd be gentle for a while, like he was going to relax, give her a bit of a break. Then just when he felt like she was becoming a little comfortable, he'd penetrate all the way in again. He'd let out a sigh whenever she made that scream. In the middle of them, Starlight kept trying to endure. Her ass was on fire, it was being split apart... She coughed and gagged in between her yelling. Sandwiched between two strong stallions, she could do nothing but try to last. Anything to dampen it... Her legs were already open as far as possible, showing off her pussy and ass in the midst of violation. Any struggling was quickly quelled by the strength of the stallions, making her know her place. She did her best. Focus on what felt good closer to below, and do her best to separate herself from Double Diamond's stabbing. She couldn't, really. She was now only their plaything. She wailed and screamed, begging for anything to save her, knowing full well it would only end once she'd satisfied them both. At last, she felt her suffering coming to an end. The cocks in her quivered, then unleashed mighty gushes of hot, sticky fluid. Both stallions above and below her shuddered, then fell limp. They eased both their cocks out of her abused holes, and she felt their cum leak out while all she did was lie trapped. She shut her eyes and hung her head, shame glowing through her tearful face. "Some bonding, eh?" "Yeah! Anyway, I'll throw you a party today. I can get you a balloon ski?" "Really? Man, that's cool! If you make one for yourself I'll totally teach you to ski!" "Thanks, buddy. Oh ,right, remember, we going to have to be back here the night after. Not until she's convinced we're right!" "Mmmhmm. I'm going home to hit the hay. Wanna have a sleepover, Party?" "Sounds cool, bro."