> The Defiance of Pawns > by CanterlotCrusader > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Reckoning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun. An entity that is controlled by one princess and whose focus is on one planet, sharing its splendorous warmth unbiased and unopposed. However, it could be argued that the sun shines nowhere brighter than the Crystal Empire, as each ray of light is reflected and enhanced by the amazing architecture and its bafflingly, glamorous citizens. On top of a balcony, in the tallest building and very heart of the city, stood one pink princess of love overseeing such a view. Cadance always took a moment each and every day to simply overlook the empire which she inherited and marvel at how much the ponies have endured and prospered. While the time gap of a thousand years lost to the sands of time would always remain a tragedy in the empire’s history, the princess couldn’t be prouder of how her subjects were able to adapt to changes and become an integral part of the world once more. In the midst of her content, Cadance was momentarily startled by the opening and closing of her bedroom door, only to be delighted at seeing her husband, Shining Armor, wearing his military armor and adorning the smile that she vowed to see for the rest of her life. Motioning away from the balcony, she approached Shining and wanted to get the information she was anticipating for all week. “Are they here already,” she asked with the smile he cherished. “Yes, they’re waiting for you in the throne room,” he replied. Cadance gave a quick sigh and adopted a look of fatigue. “You mean ten levels down,” she asked, to which Shining replied with a grinning nod. “I understand that Crystal ponies are masters of architecture and this tower is meant to be insurmountable, but are you sure there are no elevators anywhere in this castle?” Shining could only chuckle at the remark he must have heard a thousand times from his spouse. “Yes, I’m sure Cadance. Come on, a little cardio won’t kill you.” Cadance gave him the sternest and coldest look she could muster. “…Are you implying I need to exercise more? Is this tiara making my cutie mark look fat?” Shining began sweating beads the size of watermelons as his wife awaited an answer. “Um…come on don’t want to keep them waiting! Race you downstairs,” he exclaimed, already down the hallway. Cadance gave a little snort that only her husband would know that she had, enjoying the tips her auntie gave her about how to properly tease a husband. “Oh is he paying for that later,” she said as she walked briskly down the hallway. Down ten stories below the royal bedroom, six ponies were eagerly waiting for the royal couple’s arrival, some more eager than others. “Ugggggggghhhhhhh,” Rainbow Dash groaned in a childlike fashion. “What is taking them so long?!” “Consarn it Rainbow,” Applejack responded with her own annoyance, adding her distinct southern (on Earth anyway) touch. “Can’t you sit still fer two minutes and just act your age!” “I must agree with Applejack on this one Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said with her more refined and controlled annoyance. “A proper lady knows how to give common courtesy and to wait for their hosts to greet them.” Rainbow responded with a snort. “Yeah, well, do you realize how long the train ride is from here to Ponyville? Or how many days off I've had to waste to go the Crystal Empire time and again,” she asked with discontent. “My boss is really starting to get tired of the whole ‘I’m friends with all the princesses’ and ‘I need to save the world again’ excuse and he keeps saying the world will end if the clouds aren't bucked by the end of the week.” At this point Pinkie Pie popped from under AJ’s hat, much to everypony’s surprise and AJ’s anger. “Yeah, I have to agree with Rainbow on this one. The Crystal Empire was nice and all the first three times we came here, but there is a serious lack of parties here that needs immediate changing if it even comes close to having Whinny World tourism,” she exclaimed in her high pitch voice. She then noticed AJ’s hat on top of her head and jumped off AJ. “Hey everypony look, I’m AJ. Howdy, howdy, howdy!” AJ could only roll her eyes in disdain. “Ha ha. Ha ha. Gimme that,” she exclaimed as she grabbed her hat back again. Meanwhile, a little yellow pony with a pink mane, who had managed to stay amazingly silent the entire trip, decided to interject. “Um, well, I’m sure Cadance wouldn’t have called us all if it wasn’t important,” Fluttershy said with both presence and her signature shyness. Twilight decided it was once again time to remind everypony what an honor it was to be summoned. “Now girls, Fluttershy’s right. Shiny and Cadance either have something for us really important to do or have some news that demanded personal communication,” she said with a tone of confidence. “Why else would they not give us a reason before hoof?” As Twilight was about to give another lecture about patience, Shining Armor appeared, quickly going down the stairs and walking with purpose towards the group, followed by a princess walking down more relaxed and controlled, and with the biggest smirk on her face. “Twily!” “Shiny” The two siblings began jumping together as they did in their youth. The group, Cadance included, could only roll their eyes at the scene. Twilight then galloped over to Cadance. “Cadance!” “Twilight!” They then proceed to do their signature greeting, to which the group, Shining included, could only roll their eyes towards. “It’s so good to see you and your friends again, Twilight.” “I’m just as glad to see you.” Twilight then adopted a look of worry. “But, I have to ask. Is there something the matter that we need to take care of again.” “Yeah, like fighting a giant monster with huge bat wings and gaping maws,” Rainbow exclaimed. “Or coordinate another festival to bring in more ponies to the empire,” Rarity questioned. “Ooooooorrrrrrr….” Pinkie exclaimed. “Defeat a giant marshmallow monster the fifty stories tall and cross rainbow streams of energy, which we agreed to never do, but now need to do to stop the delicious monster from wreaking havoc on Equestria!?!?!” Everyone simply deadpanned at Pinkie. “What?” “Actually Cadance,” Shining began. “I’d like to know that answer myself. You only told me yesterday that you invited them.” At this Twilight looked shocked. “You don’t know why we’re here either,” she asked. “No.” Cadance adopted her signature smile again. “I can assure you all that nothing is wrong and I simply want to tell you some good news.” She gestured the group to follow and they all made their way out of the throne room, with several guards in tow. Now, the thing with having such a large castle made of crystal is that while there is a lot rooms that just take up too much space, there is rarely any dark places due to its ingenious architecture. However, where there is light, there must be darkness. High above the floor, in corners of the ceiling nopony could easily see, remained little splotches of shadows that managed to escape the light. Deep within, there was a figure even darker than the shadows that surrounded it, watching the ponies leave the room with much focus. Inside the creature’s calculating mind lay memories of the past day and the events that would lead to this day’s significance. Deep within a building whose only sound was the ticking of a clock, one creature, clothed in dark blue robes, with a scabbard at his waist and a crossbow on his back, walked silently down a hallway lined with elite agents of darkness standing at attention, awaiting their next order of heinous proportions. He recalled the numerous times he had walked down the hallway, how many times his sparring matches with the shadowy agents had ended with blood, and how, in his youth, he feared and loathed them all. Reaching the end of the hallway, he took a knee and bowed his head in respect and obedience. “I have answered your summon, my master,” he spoke, with a tone of controlled reverence, to an item that lay atop of podium surrounded by black crystals. A single, red tipped horn. With the ponies leaving the throne room, the creature sank into the shadows it inhabited and reappeared in the shadows that lay within the room the group was now in. The princess was talking at length to the group, with often a comment from others that was followed by a chuckle. The creature merely watched the trivialities and could not hide his own disgust that reaffirmed his conviction. With a whisper that not even the wind would dare carry, he spoke. “Are you all at your positions,” he more proclaimed than asked. He received a response that only he could hear from the shadows. “Yes, my lord, we are at position awaiting your orders,” was the response, which sounded like a gurgle coming from multiple entities. The assassin stared intently at the guards, and then to Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Begin the setup.” “Yes, my lord.” The horn lay there, without any movement since the creature had proclaimed his arrival. All of a sudden, a mixture of black, purple, and green mist started to pour from the cracks of the horn and rise up violently from the podium. The mists began to take form and horn rose above the mist, adorning the shape the mist had created. A pony’s face. More specifically, a tyrant’s face. The face of King Sombra. “The time you have been training for has arrived,” the mist began. “The time for you to right those that wronged you. The time for you finally topple those that believe they are the beacon of light of the world.” The creature’s brow deepened with every word. Vague recollections of faces long forgotten surfaced in his mind. A woman’s face. A man’s hand. Drops of blood steaming down his own face. “Now is the time for you to defy the world. To defy destiny! To defy their perception of immortality!” The creature’s fist clenched with enough force to break a minotaur’s neck. “Do you know what time I refer to?” All across the streets of the Crystal Kingdom were Crystal Guards, ready to defend their people with their lives. Some, however, underneath their armor, were inscribed with blotches of black symbols, all of which were heresy by design. These select individuals made their ways to their designated positions. Businesses, playgrounds, markets, and homes alike were where they would be found, if they were seen. Out of anypony’s sight, they began to assemble devices from several pieces hidden within their armor. Trained months beforehand, they assembled the devices in no time. These bombs would be powerful, yet, untraceable due to them not possessing any arcane enhancements. Placed inconspicuously, the guards made their way back into the daylight, ready to give the signal. “It is done, my lord.” The creature steeled itself for a few seconds, waiting for just the right moment. As the groups was about to leave the castle doors, he gave the order. “Begin their reckoning.” “With pleasure, my lord.” *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM* The entire empire shook just at the sound alone as the bombs detonated, one by one, all over the kingdom. The royals and the mane six quickly ran to the door, when suddenly several guards came in with worried looks plastered on their faces. “You highness,” one guard exclaimed. “There have been numerous explosions occurring all across the city and they are continuing to occur sporadically!” Cadance responded in a heartbeat. “Where are the ponies being gathered?!” “The rest of the guards are gathering every citizen and moving them toward castle. Towards the Crystal Heart.” Shining activated his horn and conjured up a map of the empire. “You said that there has been explosions all over, going off suddenly? If that’s the case, there might be bombs located near the heart so that it can hurt more ponies. We need to separate the masses into several secure locations.” Twilight then interjected with her own magic and pointed out where might be the most secure locations. Approving of this plan, Shining gave the order to the guards and turned towards the rest of the group. “You all have to-“ “NO WAY,” they shouted in resounding unison. Shining was shocked at their response. Twilight stepped forward and spoke directly to her brother. “There is no way that I, as a princess or even as a decent pony, will stand by and do nothing. I’m going to help the citizens and you can’t stop me Shiny.” Rainbow stepped forward, followed by the rest of the six. Rainbow decided it was best to speak for the group. “You can definitely believe we’re going to help.” The group all nodded with stern conviction. Shining growled and shook his head, knowing full well he had no time to argue with them. He then turned towards Cadance, who raised his hoof to shut him up. “My ponies need me and I’m going to answer their call.” Shining took a moment and decided the best way to follow this. “Cadance, I know you want to help your subjects and I know I can’t stop you. That’s why I need you to stay in the castle and create a shield around the city again.” Cadance adopted her own look of shock at this sudden proposal. “This could very well be an attack on the empire, both external and internal, so I need you to make the shield to protect us from whatever foe we now face or trap whatever coward has done this.” Cadance looked hesitant, but quickly saw the reason in this plan. “Alright Shining. I will.” Cadance quickly ran up to Shining and gave him a heartfelt kiss. “Now go save them!” “Yes, my love. Guards, look after my wife and make sure no one interferes with her spell.” The castle guards all gave a resounding salute. “Yes, sir!” With that, Shining and a few other guards made their way outside and split up to help the most ponies, while Cadance went back to throne room. She immediately began to focus her magic on her shield spell, while the rest of the guards fanned out to protect the perimeter. Outside, Shining had already made it to the first crisis group when he saw his wife’s shield go overhead. Meanwhile, the creature had returned to the throne, back to the shadows that lay within the ceiling, directly above the princess. He look towards the corners of the room and saw all the guards at their positions. One guard looked up and stared directly at the dark splotch and gave a nod. The princess of love, so focused on her spell, didn’t even notice the exchange. The creature looked intensely at the alicorn and began to speak to himself. “Look at her. So focused, so unassuming.” He scowled at the princess. “So naïve to believe that what she does will change anything.” The creature put his hand directly on the scabbard that rested on his waist and recalled the last thing he said to his master. “Yes master. The time has come to finally exterminate alicorns and what they have sworn to protect.” As soon as the creature drew his sword, lined with a metal able to repel magic, he jumped from his shadows and sailed at a high velocity towards the unsuspecting alicorn. Cadance never even saw what had happened to her. The only thing she knew was the pain. Outside the castle, Shining and the elements were making progress as most of the population was being evacuated to designated safe zones. All of sudden, a horrible, grating scream was heard throughout the city. *AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGHHHHHHH* Shining looks towards the source of the scream and saw it was directed towards the castle. Immediately, the shield that wrapped the city began to crack and shake until it finally broke and fizzled out. Shining knew in an instant that something was wrong and galloped like a madman to the castle. The elements, seeing the same signs, rushed to the castle. The only exception being Twilight Sparkle, who laid on the ground writhing in pain. Far away in Canterlot, two princesses, who were accompanied by Kibitz dropped to the ground and screamed in utter agony. Terrified at this, Kibitz ran to the other room to get help. “Help! Help! The princesses need help!” Back in empire, Shining burst through door after door to make his way to throne room, while shouting at the top of his lungs. “Cadance! Cadance!” He finally made it to the throne room, which was devoid of any guards. That didn’t matter to Shining though, because the sight that stood before him took precedence above everything. “Cadance…” In the middle of the room, Cadance hanged lifeless, with her crown on the ground and blood splattered all over it and the floor. Her limbs hanged like trees in the winter and swayed with that lifeless feeling that showed no opposition. Her wings drooped to her sides, feathers falling into the pool of blood. Right between the bases of her wings, along her back, was a sword that had pierced right in the center and had exited her body through her chest, as the tip pierced the ground and made the sword stand upright. The princess of love hung as the sword kept her body off the ground. Shining could only, with a look that could only be described as mortification, took tentative steps towards her, as his hooves shacked with disbelief. “Cadance,” he yelled with all of his might. He continued to yell repeatedly as he made a full gallop to his wife. “Cadance! Cadance! Cadance! Cadance!” Immediately tears streamed down his face as he grabbed her hoof, only to draw back as he could not feel the warmth that he loved so much about her. At the entrance, five of the elements barged in, only to gasp in shock at what they saw. Applejack brought her hat down to her face, unable to process the scene. Rarity stood there, her mouth agape and unable to look away. Pinkie Pie’s mane lost all of its poofiness and sagged into that straight fashion that indicated a depression beyond her. Fluttershy could only let the tears silently fall as she buried her face into Applejack’s side. Rainbow Dash, shocked for a moment, flew down the hallway in search for guards and a doctor. As she flew, she brushed past Twilight, who was putting all her effort to wobble her way to the throne room. “Rainbow! Wait! What’s going on?!” She got no reply as Rainbow flew faster away. Looking forward, she finally made her way to the throne room, only to sprint towards her brother. She couldn’t look away. She saw the face of her dear family member devoid of expression. One eye rested open as blood continued to drip down her belly. She hugged her brother, unable to look anymore at what happened, burying her face deep inside his mane. Shining could not look away. He could never look away. Hours later, back at Canterlot, Celestia and Luna laid in bed, awake and unable to process the pain they felt. Suddenly, a guard, designated as the royal messenger, burst in and took off his helmet in respect. “Your highnesses. I have grave news. Word has reached the guards that Princess Cadance…” he pause as even he was unable to believe the news. Concerned, Luna stood up from her bed and gave a stern look. “Speak! What has occurred to our niece?!” The guard bowed his head in anguish as he let him mouth speak without thinking. “Princess Cadance has been killed. Pierced through the heart, dead almost instantly.” The princesses could not process what they heard. Luna was first to respond with anger. “You speak a falsehood! Cadance is an alicorn and has abilities that would defy such information!” Celestia could ask one simple question the guard, one that would her haunt her for the rest of her days. “And…the foal?” The guard shook his head solemnly. “She was still early. It didn’t even have time to develop.” Celestia put her hooves to her face, unable to accept that she was not dreaming. Luna pushed the guard away and galloped away from the room. “RALLY THE GUARDS! I WANT ALL PERSONNEL READY TO LEAVE TO THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE! THAT’S A DIRECT ORDER!” Far away, on the outskirts of the empire, the creature watched the city as its light glowed dimmer and dimmer. “My lord, we are ready to depart.” “That’s the problem with you shadow agents. You never…savor the moment," he said with a sadistic grin that was a rare sight to the agent. Back in the Crystal Empire, the Crystal Heart rested in the middle of the city. It flashed its beautiful light as if it was trying to stay lit, when a sudden crack appeared right down the center. It would be a crack that would never be fixed.