> Rarity To Room 69 ... > by Citrus Recluse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Room 69 And Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was a wonderful day. The sun was shining through the bedroom window and the breeze outside blew gently on the trees, an inviting, excellent for day to go picnicking. Or bowling, or baseball. Or any thousands of other things Rarity would rather be doing right now. But no enjoying the day for her. Discord, the mischievous brat, told Rarity he needed her help with something. What he needed for help for only Celestia knew. Just as only Celestia knows why she even agreed to it. Why in the wide-wide world of Equestria did she AGREE to this? This was madness. This was blasphemy. This was the mad raving of talking rabid dogs. Rushing her way through getting dressed, Rarity ran her hand over her temple. She knew why. Fluttershy, one of her dearest friends and Discord's normal care-taker, was going to be out of town. So Fluttershy asked Rarity if she would be willing to help with anything Discord needed. Fluttershy was always there for her. So when it came time for Rarity to be there for Fluttershy, she had no choice but to agree. That didn't mean she had to like it, though. Making her way across town to the cave where Discord said to meet, Rarity wondered if maybe she choose the wrong outfit for the occasion. She had gotten dressed in a rush, so she went with a white, sleeveless shirt and a green skirt. It may have been too informal for the occasion. Of course, given this was Discord, the mere act of showing up should be considered formal. At last reaching the cave all the way on the other side of town, Rarity hesitated to go in. Would the rest of her friends look down on her if she backed out? Or would they understand? No, no. She thought to herself. You promised Fluttershy. With a sigh and another round of questioning of why, why on Equestria she agreed to this, Rarity went inside the cave. Discord was just on the edge of it, enough to be visible, but deep enough to be out of the sunlight. “Ah, Rarity!” Discord clapped his hands together. “So glad you could make it. I was worried you wouldn't come.” Rarity chuckled nervously and smiled, wondering if Discord knew her thoughts. “W-why would you think that?” “Oh, no reason.” Discord pressed on and pointed inside the cave. “Now listen. The reason I wanted your help was because there's a rare and exotic creature in this cave I've been wanting to see.” “Uh-huh.” Rarity nodded, not sure she believed him. Discord was known for lying in the past. Discord snapped his fingers. Knowing Discord's magic created a flash of light, Rarity held her arms up to shield her eyes from the light. Discord created a mirror in his hand. “Here, hold this.” Rarity raised an eyebrow, doubtful the mirror served any purpose. “Why?” “Because the creature I'm looking for is responsive to his own reflection. Once I find it, you'll show the mirror to it and distract it long enough for me to get away.” “And what about me?” “Oh, hmm?” Discord sounded like he didn't hear her. “Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something. I'm going to go deeper. You know, to lure it over. Toodle-o!” And with that, Discord disappeared further into the cave. Rarity rolled her eyes. She could see where this was going. Any minute now, Discord was going to come running and screaming out of the cave, pursued by whatever beast he was looking for. He was going to yell at Rarity to hold the mirror up and he would leave. Discord would flee for his own life while forgetting her. Twilight would chew him out and they would come back to rescue her and then … they would all learn a valuable lesson about friendship or something. This was exactly how it was going to play out, she was sure. Getting bored on waiting for him to come running, Rarity held the mirror up to herself. It was an ornate mirror, cast in silver and full of detailing on its handle. Rarity watched herself in it. She turned her head aside to get a better look at her cheek, rubbing said cheek with her hand for anything she might want to get rid of. The strangest thing happened. Her reflection … in the mirror … moved. Entirely on its own, with no input from her. Like it was a living, breathing thing. “What?” Rarity held the mirror with both hands. Her reflection giggled at her confusion. Her reflection turned left and right, striking poses like she was on the runway and then blew a kiss at her. Rarity giggled, not sure how to respond. But she assumed her reflection meant a compliment. “Thank you, stranger. You don't look too bad yourself.” Her reflection nodded like it was acknowledging her response. Then her reflection did something … unladylike. She lifted her hands up to her breasts and began bouncing them up and down. Rubbing them, bouncing them, swaying them left and right … Rarity bit her lip. “Er, darling, you know this sort of behavior is … inappropriate, don't you?” Her reflection ignored her. She kept swaying, swinging her breasts left to right. They lifted up, catching air as they swung back and forth, building momentum. “Mmm ...” Rarity's legs started swaying with the same rhythm as her reflection's breasts. There was something relaxing about the smooth, jiggly motion … something appealing … something which made her keep swaying until she lost track of time. Seeing her chance to act, Rarity's reflection stopped bouncing her bust. Her eyes turned into swimming spirals of yellow, black, white, and blue – the same colors Discord's magic took when he hypnotized someone. After the display with her reflection's chest, Rarity was caught completely off-guard and ensnared. She fell into the hypnosis instantly, losing track of her thoughts and unable to focus … except on those pretty colors. A bit of drool escaped her limp jaw as she went under the spell. Rarity felt she was falling down a long, large pit. Falling and falling, forever, until she suddenly felt she was on her feet again. "What?" Rarity blinked and rubbed her head, trying to process her surroundings. She was a in a small hospital room, painted in soothing dark blues. She looked around. There was a window, a door, and a curtain leading to a patient's bed. Above the door was the number "69." She looked down to see she was wearing a skin-tight nurse costume the same color as the room. It hugged her breasts tight, allowing her tips to protrude through the fabric. Feeling around, she felt she had an hourglass figure now, with a pronounced chest, a thin waist, and wide hips, wearing a nurse's cap with a heart in place of the medical symbol. "What ...” Rarity picked the cap off her head and examined it. “What is going on?” "Nurse Rarity." A voice over the P.A spoke. "Nurse Rarity to room 69. You are scheduled to give the patient his treatment." Rarity looked up to see she was already in room 69. She supposed there was a patient behind the curtain, though with Discord involved, she suspected there was a nasty surprise waiting for her. "Nurse Rarity." The voice said, getting frustrated. "You are to give the patient his treatment." "What is his treatment?" Rarity asked with a shrug. She heard something sliding. Turning around, she saw a paper under the door. She walked towards it to pick it up, but as she walked, her breasts swayed and swung in every direction, propelling her momentum sideways from where she wanted to go. Holding her breasts with her hands to steady them, Rarity got to the door and picked up the paper. On it was written "Intimate Healing" and that was it. Well, what did that mean? She supposed, unprofessional it might seem, she could ask the patient. Stealing her courage, Rarity fumbled towards the curtain even as her breasts seem determined to fly her out the window. With a gulp, she pulled the curtain aside. What she saw was both better and worse than what she expected. It was a young, very attractive young man sitting on the bed inside a gown. His face was chiseled, his chest buff, and his ... throbbing arousal peeking through a rip on the gown on shameless display. He was quite well-endowed. "Are you my nurse?" The man asked, looking positively healthy for someone in the hospital. Rarity swallowed, distracted by the sight of his pulsing tiff. "Er, yes, I believe I am." "Oh, good! Do you think you can help me?" "Uh, well ..." Sure you can! Discord's voice said inside Rarity's head. "Discord? … Discord, get out of my head!" Oh, I can't do that. Where's the fun in that? Anyways, Rarity, you can help him. "How?" You know ... "intimate healing?" "I don't know what you're talking about." Oh, I think you do. You're just too embarrassed to admit it. You know, the old routine? Treatment of his obviously suffering - "You can't mean -" I do mean! And you're gonna do it. After all, who else will help this pour soul? "I won't! I am far too much of a lady for that." Are you? Discord's voice seemed to blend with her own, and suddenly he - or she? - was talking in Rarity's voice. You've always wanted a good man. "Well, that's true, but -" But nothing! Here is this sexy, helpless stud before who is in no position to resist you, but instead of rising to the occasion, you back down like a chicken! Doesn't it look tasty? Well ... Rarity caught herself staring. It does look attractive, but - no, no, what am I thinking? I'll not be doing this! You should! It's just what the doctor ordered - literally! "No!" Come on, Rarity, show me that famous Rarity spirit! You want this. You both want this. You want to feel him inside you. You want to know what that tasty, throbbing vein feels on your tongue ... "No, and that is final!" Rarity went back to the door and tried to open it, but the door was locked. Rarity sighed, dragging a hand over her forehead. "Ooh ... I'm going to have to do this, aren't I?" She glared at the patient from the corner of her eye. Rarity watched the man's arousal with increasingly rapt attention. The stiff shape, the man's helpless state, the pulsing veins ... the sultry voice in her head. The more she watched the man's thing bounce up and down, the more she wanted it. She wasn't sure if she was being lustful, or if Discord had enchanted the pulsations to be hypnotic the same way his eyes could do. But her resistance was crumbling, and she wanted it more and more. You want it. And deep down, you know he does too. "I want it ..." Rarity repeated. "Yes ... " Rarity walked towards the bed. Despite how her jiggling breasts were trying to use their momentum to throw her out the window. Hesitantly, she grabbed the sides of the bed and leaned over. She opened her mouth and lowered it on the tip of the member. It pulsed and beat against her mouth. Her thoughts wandered to how wonderful this must be from his perspective - in the hospital, a busty, jiggly nurse had come over and agreed to put her lips on his tip. Rarity's plan was to get only the tip and pull away when it was time. Oh, I think you can do better than that. "Her" voice said in her head. Let me fix that. "Hmmh!?" Rarity gasped in confusion as she felt something. The already large, erect member started to expand in size. Its growing forced its way deeper into her mouth, stuffing it. The tip glided over her tongue and reached near her throat. Rarity swallowed for air and continued sucking, despite her reservations. Knowing the key to a good release was teasing, Rarity popped her mouth off before putting it back on. She gave him a few licks as she suckled, trying to work him up. And judging from the moans he was making, it was working. Rarity grew frustrated with its pulsations. Each pulse seemed to only serve as something between her and her inevitable reward. She was relieved to feel its palpitations accelerate, meaning she was almost done. As the imminent moment grew closer, Rarity didn't pull away like she planned to. Instead, she just sat there and continued working him. She wasn't going to pull away because she was beginning to like it, to enjoy the feeling of his throbbing veins in her mouth ... Sooner than Rarity expected, the moment arrived. The release came crashing down into her mouth, making her face feel flushed and heated. She wasn't sure how it this stuff was supposed to taste, but this tasted like a fine campaign, not the product of debauchery. "Ooooh ..." she moaned as she drank up his essence, feeling it vibrate on her tongue. After swallowing every drop, she pulled away. She was quite surprised to see it was still at its huge, enlarged size. She read males weren't supposed to orgasm so many times without a cooldown. Ignoring that, and the warm taste left on her throat, Rarity got up. She dusted off her costume. "Well ... I must be going now." Rarity told him, thinking of escaping while still eying his equipment. He received this news graciously, waving her goodbye. She stepped towards the curtain by was stopped by a sudden feeling in her chest. She clutched at her breasts as something warm developed inside. Her nerves becoming stimulated to the point of moaning, she watched in awe as her breasts grew just a bit larger, straining the fabric of her outfit even more. It occurred to her this happened right after she swallowed the patient's release. Had swallowing his release made her breasts bigger? She looked back at the patient, his still-large member, and thought about going back for more. Just to, uh, test her theory. Her breasts felt so good when they expanded. So, so good. She wanted to feel them grow and grow .... She wanted to feel her breasts growing, but knew that would mean having to suckle him again. She stood there, indecisive, until she lifted her foot up and turned around. "Uh, actually ... in truth, I don't have anywhere to be." She cautiously stepped towards him. "Would you mind, if, I uh, did it again?" The patient waved his arm towards his equipment. "Help yourself." Rarity blushed, but smiled. Walking back towards him, Rarity got down on her knees and took it into her mouth once more. This time, she took it in at a straight angle into her mouth, so its release would go straight into her throat. She sucked and sucked, taking in deep gasps of air and moaning. She slurped along the member and adjusted her lips, almost gnawing on it. She put her hands on it and squeezed to get its release out. Already, she could feel it pulsing, throbbing, begging her to finish so it could give her her reward. And it did. Rarity maybe should have thought this position through a little more, as its release shot its thick nectar straight down into her throat, almost making her choke on its volume. But she endured, swallowing the first half and catching her breath just in time to begin guzzling the second. When it had finished, she could still feel the droplets dripping down the inside walls of her throat. "Mmmm ..." Rarity moaned and pulled away, feeling more dazed from this release than the one before. She looked down to see the results. Her breasts vibrated, stimulating her, before they grew warm and expanded out. The force of their expansion created a rip in her outfit, allowing for a tiny bit of cleavage to be shown. She put her hands under her breasts and bounced them up and down. Oh, well, aren't you a good girl! Her mirror voice said. "I'm a ... good girl." Good girls deserve rewards. Go on. Do it one more time and get the best reward yet. "One more time ..." Rarity said. Looking up with a dazed expression, Rarity lowered her mouth onto the still-throbbing member. She noticed this last release had actually robbed it of some of its size - not by much, though. You're a good girl ... you submit. I ... submit. You're rewarded when you submit. I'm ... rewarded when I submit. Good ... Rarity sucked on him one more time. She didn't know what to expect, but she was expecting something amazing. She was going to get it. To start with, he began thrusting forward, rubbing its pleasant texture inside her mouth. Then it started pulsing like crazy, twice as fast as a heartbeat. It emitted heat which filled her mouth and finally ... it released. It released a constant, rapid stream, firing continuously into her throat. Rarity moaned from the overwhelming amount of musk going over her tongue. She clutched at her breasts as they felt warm again, growing and expanding like air was filling them. The rip in her nurse costume got larger with them, traveling down the curve of her breasts until eventually they proved too much for it, bursting through the fabric and exposing her basketball-sized breasts, covered only by a straining brassiere. She could have stopped there, she could have pulled away, but she didn't. She wanted to see how far she could take this. She wanted to see how big she could make them get. The stream from the generous equipment continued. Her cheeks, throat, and chest were all made gradually more warm by the unrelenting torrent. "MMMPH!" She moaned from a particularly large lump making its way through. "Mmm ... mmmm ..." Her breasts jiggled out of sheer glee from the stimulating feeling of his release over her mouth. Come on, come on ... Rarity begged, reaching up at the back of her straps. She wanted it to give way. She wanted it to burst and expose her chest in its all round glory. She wanted them to be free from their clothy prison. Only then would she be satisfied. The delicious pumping of his essence slowed to just gushing before going down a trickle and then stopping completely. But that was okay with Rarity, as she was getting what she wanted; her breasts swelled and swelled until the components of her brassiere gave way, snapping in half. The broken remnants fell to the ground like discarded shells, and finally, Rarity felt her jiggly breasts free of their cloth imprisonments. At last, her proportions were free to be exposed to the world. She had time to notice his member had finally gone down before she collapsed onto the floor, gigantic, life-saver sized breasts shaking like jelly. "Mmmm ..." Rarity lifted a finger to her lips, feeling an odd tinge in them. They felt warm the same way her breasts did. And like her breasts, she felt them stretch out, getting larger, darker, and moister. "Mmm ..." She chewed on her lips, enjoying how wet and luscious they were. Then the voice from the P.A spoke up again, sounding quite satisfied ... "Nurse Rarity, your services are required in the next room ..." "Well, I must be going now for sure, darling." Rarity told him as she got up, holding her arms against her breasts to cover her tips. "I should go see about that next room ..." Rarity was about to put her hand on the doorknob when the voice in her head spoke up. What are you doing? You can't go out there! Don't you realize how much attention a random topless, busty nurse will draw? "Well, what do you recommend I do, darling?" Peek out the door. Make sure no one's coming down the hallway, then go to the next room. "Wait ... didn't that voice on the P.A announce me? Aren't I considered a nurse in this building?" Yes, but do you think you showing up topless with breasts the size of doors won't arouse suspicion? Rarity knew the mystery voice had a point. Sighing, Rarity cracked the door opened and peered out. Seeing no one out there, she quickly made her way to the next room just down the hallway - room 70. Closing the door behind her, Rarity locked it and turned around. "Oh my!" She was surprised to see the same situation in this room as in the other one - a male patient, muscular, well-built and generously, handsomely endowed with his generous proportions on full view. It wasn't just big, it was sculpted attractively as well. Someone needed to come and suck the poor thing's suffering out from him. "Hello there." "Hello there." The patient said, somehow not surprised at her humongous breasts. "Are you my nurse?" Hearing him say that was a like a post-hypnotic trigger. Almost instantly, Rarity wanted to jump straight to his bed and dive into the sucking. But she resisted the impulse. She wanted to work her way up to that first. "Yes." Rarity told him, bending at the knees to give him a good view of her balcony. "Yes, I am your nurse. And I am going to take very good care of you." She walked towards him. “Let's take care of that little problem you're having, shall we?” “Oooh ...” he moaned in anticipation. He adjusted himself on the bed. “We shall!” Rarity giggled. She walked up to him, her breasts shaking and wobbling in every direction. Approaching the bed, she leaned forward, pushing her massive cleavage onto his tiff. The contrast between the hard flesh of his equipment and the soft skin of her breasts felt delightful to her, and wondrous to him. Rarity grabbed her breasts by the sides and squished them together, rubbing them up and down the pulsing member. Her patient let out a howling moan. "Hmm-hmm." Rarity giggled again as she took her breasts off him. "Now, let's see what we can do about that, hmm?" She got on her knees, pushing her breasts against the side of the bed to get them out of the way. Breathing heavily in excitement, Rarity lowered herself onto him. Her big, luscious lips ensconced and sucked his member like a clamshell, bringing him a sense of pleasure Rarity couldn't have achieved otherwise. "Oooh ... oooh." He moaned and moaned. Rarity looked up at him, eying him with satisfaction. She was doing this to him. She was making him moan that way. "Mmm ..." Rarity moaned herself, pulling her soft lips up and down him. She could its veins throbbing, its release drawing nearer and nearer. Rarity let him go and pulled her lips - her beautiful, luscious lips - away before pressing her breasts up against him again. "W-why'd you stop?" The patient asked. "Because I want to delay your release." Rarity explained. "I want you to know that I brought this pleasure to you. And only I can give you your release." She moved her body forward and backward, rubbing her breasts on him like a sponge. She bounced them and jiggled them. She moved them side-to-side, practically crushing his member under their weight. She shifted back into sucking, sweeping her tongue along him, bouncing him inside her mouth. She moaned as it throbbed and throbbed and throbbed ... "Oh my, yes ..." Rarity thought to herself, appreciating every pulse it sent out. That's it. The voice in her head. Just suck, Rarity. You know what happens when you submit. You're rewarded when you submit. You're being such a good sucker right now, Rarity ... Hearing that made Rarity happy. She submitted. She was rewarded when she submitted. She was a good sucker. The man's equipment began to pulse rapidly. Rarity knew what that meant. Rarity held her breath as the warm release went traveling over her tongue and straight down her throat. The release spread its heat through her throat and her face before going and making her entire body feel warm. It was so warm and thick ... "Mmmm~!" Rarity's eyes closed with pleasure as the familiar warm sensation occurred in her breasts. Her fingers went crawling around her body, grabbing at her chest to appreciate the feeling of them growing. Getting bigger, inch by inch, second by second, until they were massive objects of round, fleshy lust. It seemed odd that the more her fingers tried to grab them, the more her breasts seemed to slip away, but she didn't let bother her too much. Rarity slowed down, content for now after his release and the warm, air-like sensation in her breasts. He wasn't, though. His pulsations quickly picked up again, throbbing and pounding around inside her mouth as her only warning before another release went pouring into her mouth. "Ooooh!" Rarity's eyes rolled around in pleasure. The next release utterly wrecked her mind. She could barely contain any thought beyond the need for gratifying her male captive. Anything else became too small and nebulous to hold in her head for too long. Thinking was hard. Sucking was easy. Her head rolling around in a daze, Rarity was quite content to just sit there and let its warm, tasty release flow into her. It was all she needed. Well, that and the warmth from her breasts, which she continued to fondle. They seemed determined to escape her grasp, though ... Her thoughts were quickly derailed as the release picked up again, refocusing her attention from her hands to her tongue, as the throbbing member continued to reward her with its musk. These patients were so inexhaustible, Rarity thought, much to her delight. It kept going and going and going, clear on its intent to satisfy her. There was so much inside her now ... inside her mouth, inside her stomach, inside her throat ... it was almost too much for one lady to bear. The release started to die down, and Rarity wondered if perhaps it was over. It seemed to just be teasing her though, as the member perked up again and let off a huge release of its warm musk into her. She could barely catch her breath to swallow the massive load. After this next release inhibited her mind, it died for good this time, the member shrinking until it was covered modestly by the gown. Rarity, exasperated, pulled away from the patient and his bed, feeling more dazed than ever. She wanted to have more, but at the same time, she needed to realize when enough was enough. "Oooh ... ooooh!" Rarity put her hands over her mouth as her lips started to jiggle. They felt warm the same way her breasts did, before she felt them stretch out, getting larger and moister. "Mmm ..." She swept her tongue across her lips before biting down on them. They were so warm and moist, she just wanted to bite into them like a fruit and suck the juice out of them. "Wha?" Taking a minute to look down, Rarity saw her breasts had been reduced in size. Here she made the realization. Where Patient 69 had made her breasts larger, Patient 70 had made her breasts smaller. Just as well she didn't have to lug those bazooms around this whole time. While no longer the size of doors, they were still large enough to attract attention. "Haaa ..." Letting out a satisfied sigh, Rarity nested up against the side of the bed. It took a few - several minutes, but eventually her head started to clear and she seemed to wake up from her thrall. "What?" Rarity rubbed her head as she came out of her trance. "Where am I? What am -" She stopped and fell silent when she remembered where she was and what she been doing for the last half-hour or so. Rarity grabbed the bed to pull herself up and looked at her patient. He appeared to be content, reading a book. "Er, excuse me?" Rarity asked him. "Do you know where I might find something to make myself ... decent?" She gestured to her breasts. The patient pointed at a cabinet. "There's some spare sheets in here." "Sheets. Perfect. Thank you." Rarity took the sheets out and flapped them. "Er, is there a bathroom nearby?" "Patient bathroom, that door right there." Making her way inside the bathroom, Rarity went to work her magic. With some folding here and there, she was able to wrap the sheet around her like an expensive dress, one fit for a ballroom. It went over the remnants of her nurse's skirt. But in order to keep it from falling off, she had to tie it in knots which were so tight as to emphasize her lack of a brassiere, with her niptips pointing through. Her lips had gotten rather large as well, almost three times the size of what they normally were, but not so big as to be grotesque, as they still fit her face. Rarity thought they needed a good lipstick to really make them shine. "It'll have to do." Looking at herself in the mirror, Rarity saw the nurse's cap ruined the illusion. So she took it off and left in the sink. Exiting the bathroom, Rarity came face-to-face with a surprising sight. A women was now sitting on the patient's bed. A women who looked just like her, sans enhancements, wearing a little black dress. "Er ..." "Oh, you're out!" The woman noticed her, clapping her hands together. "Hi!" She jumped off the bed and engaged Rarity in an unwelcome hug, with her hands brushing up towards Rarity's breasts. Before the mystery woman's fingers could make contact with Rarity's chest, Rarity shoved her off. "Pardon my rudeness, darling, but who are you?" "Oh, I'm your Id!" "My ... Id?" "You know! Id, Ego, Superego? Discord pulled me out of your head and made me into my own person! I'm the one in charge of all your hedonistic desires. Every time you heard your voice in your head talking to you, thinking how much fun it would be to relieve all these male patients? That was me!" "That was ... you?" Rarity asked, struggling to understand how a disembodied voice somehow gained physical form. Stupid Discord, making things all complicated. "Wait a minute ... if that was you in my head, Id - can I call you Id? - I hope you realize the kind of, ahem activities you've been encouraging me towards are ... not appropriate, don't you?"' "Oh yeah, no. Completely inappropriate." Id flicked a dismissive finger. "But fun, though! Stay with me, Rarity." Before Rarity could object, Id grabbed her into another hug. "We are gonna have so much fun together." > Chapter 1-2 Intermission: Fluttershy and Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was enjoying the day. Buzzing about the local market, sampling local cuisine. She had just finished a handmade pastry when she noticed something odd from the corner of her eye. What appeared to be a shadow was moving some distance away. This wasn't odd. What made it odd was it appeared be Discord. “I thought Rarity agreed to keep him company?” Fluttershy scratched her head. Worrying if maybe something happened to Rarity and Discord came to tell her in person, Fluttershy hurried down the street towards him. Fluttershy was deaf to the concerns of citizens who saw her running. “Discord?” Fluttershy asked the empty air. “I thought I saw him here ...” Fluttershy wandered around. She was a good distance away from the crowd, in a secluded area flanked by boxes, and this worried her. There would be no witnesses if something unfortunate happened. “Fluttershy!” “Eeep!” Fluttershy jumped backwards and whipped around, surprised by Discord's arrival. “Discord! You scared me. Don't sneak up on people like that!” “Oh, I'm sorry, Fluttershy.” Discord's tone was sincere. “I just wanted to surprise my best friend in the whole world with a visit while she was away from home.” “Oh. Well, I suppose that's nice.” Fluttershy kicked a leg on the ground. “But didn't Rarity agree to spend the day with you while I was gone?” “Hmm.” Discord pulled out a calender too big for his pocket and looked over it. “So she did. But, if I had the opportunity to come see my favorite person in the world, I had to take it, didn't I? Even if meant leaving... poor Rarity behind?” Discord rocked his head back and forth, putting on his best melodramatic voice. “I suppose ...” Fluttershy crossed her arms. “Still, Rarity agreed to spend the day with you and it's rude to stand her up.” Especially when I had to persuade her to do it, Fluttershy thought, but didn't say. “Oh, all right, all right.” Discord said. “I'll get right back to her. But first, I need your help with something. Nothing much, just a tiny favor.” Fluttershy stepped towards him. “What is it?” “Come a little closer.” Discord said. “I'll whisper it to you … that's it.” Fluttershy stepped closer. “Closer … closer … now lean in. Excellent.” “So what is it that you need -” Fluttershy was caught off-guard by Discord's eyes turning into hypnotic swirls of colors. The flashing light show grabbed her attention and slowed down her thoughts. The colors were so compelling to look at, Fluttershy couldn't bring herself to think too hard. “Help … wiii ...” Fluttershy trailed. She nodded her head from side to side. “So pretty ...” “Aren't they, though?” Discord curled his fingers against his in pride. “Now just look closer …” “Look ...closer.” Fluttershy repeated, moving so close her lips were inches away from Discord's. “Don't think too much now.” “Don't … think too much ...” “Just relax. Reeee … laaaaax.” Discord told her. “Just … relax.” Fluttershy repeated, falling deeper into the trance. “So pretty … I want – I need to look at them more … aaah.” Fluttershy sighed as she entered a state of bliss. “Oh. Hmm?” Fluttershy was confused when she woke up on a bed. “Wasn't I just outside?” She asked herself as she rolled over onto her stomach and examined her surroundings. It was evident she was in a hospital room. She was a on a comfy bed, surrounding by walls painted a cooling blue color. There was single window letting in draft and a table nearby. The table was empty, save for one small medicine bottle. “Where am I?” Fluttershy wondered aloud as she got up to close the window. The draft was getting to her. “Why, inside a hospital, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy looked up to see Discord on the ceiling. “Discord, what's going on? You're not … you're not upset about me leaving you, are you?” “Oh, no, no!” Discord assured. “Not at all! It's just … well, this hospital is dire need of some extra staff. And I thought to myself, “now who do I know that would make a good nurse? Someone sweet, someone kind, someone with an understanding of medicine,” and then it hit me; You, Fluttershy! You're the perfect fit for a nurse.” “Oh, I don't know about that.” Fluttershy said with some modesty showing through in her voice. “I work with animals, not people.” Discord floated from the ceiling to the ground on an umbrella. “Oh, but Fluttershy, you're already dressed for the part!” “I am?” Fluttershy was surprised to see herself already wearing a nurse's costume. A costume, as nurse's outfits did not look like this. It was made of a short skirt and a loose fitting vest, with pockets on the chest area and a tight belt around her waist. It hung loosely and drooped, as though it was three sizes too big for her. “Well, I guess I could try it.” Fluttershy said, nervously rubbing her hands together. “You know, if they really need me.” “Ah, but of course they do, Fluttershy.” Discord said. “Won't I need some training, though? And an interview? And don't you think this outfit is a little small on me?” “Everything you need, and I mean everything you need to know, is in this bottle ...” Sounding like a salesman of the Flim and Flam variety, Discord pointed a cane at the desk. “Right here.” “Okay.” Fluttershy walked to the desk and picked the bottle up. “Just take one pill and you'll learn everything you need to know.” “How -” Fluttershy turned to ask Discord another question or two, but he was gone. “Hmm.” Pressing on, Fluttershy opened the bottle and shook out the contents – the entire bottle only contained one capsule. Half-red and half-orange. “Just like the one I gave Philomena.” Fluttershy observed, holding the pill in two fingers. Fluttershy got suspicious, suspecting Discord had recreated the pill in these colors to mean something to her, but it was too late to ask questions now. “Here goes nothing, I guess.” She popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed. “Hmm.” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “That's strange ...” Nothing was happening. Her head wasn't filing with knowledge. She wasn't experiencing a hallucination giving her clunky plot-relevant exposition on everything she needed to know. “Huh.” Fluttershy thought maybe the pill she took was defective and see if the bottle contained another one she missed seeing the first time around. A sudden burst of pressure in her chest prevented this plan. “Oh! W-what's going on?” Fluttershy clutched at her chest. Her chest felt tingly and weird. Fluttershy scrambled to the bed, worried about what was happening to her. It was a strange and forceful feeling, as though something were trying to push out of her. Lying on her back, she rolled around, hoping the feeling would go away. “Oooh, stop that!” Fluttershy yelled at her chest. “Um, please?” It was no good. Her chest continued to feel bizarre and almost painful. There was so much pressure inside. It was causing her a great deal of distress. “Oooh.” She groaned. “Oooh! Oooh … oooh. Oooooh.” Fluttershy wasn't groaning anymore. The pressure she'd been experiencing changed. It no longer felt forceful. It felt good and warm. “Oooh. Oooh ...” Fluttershy kept her moans as her chest was washed over with the warm feeling. Blushing, she put her hands on her chest to see if maybe she could feel out what was causing this and remove it. Or encourage it, as it did feel good. “What?” Fluttershy murmured out, as she saw a bizarre change in her anatomy. Her breasts were each getting bigger, the pressure she was feeling pushing them out from the inside, getting each individual breast to expand out and grow in every direction. “Aaaaah ...” Fluttershy moaned and moaned. The growth of her breasts felt so, soooo good. She couldn't think about anything else, only wanting to watch (and feel) as her boobs were gifted with increased size. The feeling of warm pressure extended throughout her body, gathering inside her waist as well. She wondered if maybe it was going to make her waist grow as well. Whatever was causing this expansion had a fit, as without any hint of a change, her breasts ballooned. It made them swell up to the size of beanbags before shrinking down to smaller than baseballs. It continued to fiddle with her size and adjust, each breast going up and down in size as though someone was playing with a slider for them. One moment, one was beanbag-sized while the other was baseball-sized. The next, they were both the size of bowling balls. While not keen on the idea of breasts bigger than the rest of her body, Fluttershy loved the feeling of their shrinkage and growth. She could feel it happening in her waist as well. She bucked up and down, bouncing on the body as the pleasureful sensations overwhelmed. Her moans went loud enough to be considered screams. “OOOOOH! OOOOOH! AAAAAH! AAAAAAH! Aaaah … aaah … oooh.” The expansion came to a stop. Fluttershy panted for air as her body settled into the form chosen for her by the pill, which she had come to realize was responsible for this change. Fluttershy sat up on the bed and took note of her changes. Her orbs of flesh were the size of basketballs, but felt as light as a hat. As she suspected, her waist had changed, too, now having a thin waist and a flat stomach which emphasized her boobs that much more. Now she saw the logic in putting her in a costume too small. It had been loose-fitting at first, but now, with her flat waist and huge breasts, it fit snugly. The outfit had been made with someone with her new cup size in mind. Curiosity getting the better of her, Fluttershy lifted her hands up and pushed her breasts in. The resulting squish made her moan. “Ooooh.” Any further experimentation she would have been tempted to do was interrupted by someone at the door. “Fluttershy?” A male doctor asked. He held up a clipboard. “We have a patient for you … if you're willing to help us.” Fluttershy thought about what Discord said, about the hospital needing her. Hearing the call to action (and ignoring the part where Discord tricked her into swallowing an instant breast-growth pill) Fluttershy jumped off the bed and took the clipboard. “I'll do it. Now who's my patient?” Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was washing dishes in preparation for lunch with her family when a knock was heard throughout the house. Applejack set a plate into the sink and looked around. “Now what was that about?” “A.J.” Big Macintosh's deep voice came from the other room. “Someone here to see you at the window.” “Now who could that be? And at the window?” Applejack took off the cleaning gloves and went to the window. She was not happy to see who it was. “Discord.” Applejack narrowed her eyes. Discord was wearing a chef's hat, apron, and a fake, lengthy mustache as found on French caricatures. “Aren't y'all supposed to be hangin' out with Rarity?” “Oh, yes, yes, I'll get back to her a minute.” Discord said. “But in the meantime, I thought I would try my hand at baking, and I would to hear your thoughts.” “Now I don't have time for your shenigians, Discord.” Applejack told him. “Lunch will be a in a few minutes -” “All I need is one!” Discord said. “Please?” He held out a tray of fresh-baked goods. “Just give 'em a whiff and I'll be out of your hair!” In truth, Applejack didn't want to give him any minutes even if she did have some to spare. But sensing he wouldn't go anyway otherwise, she agreed. “Okay. One whiff.” “Bon appetit.” Discord presented the tray to her. Applejack leaned through the window and took in a large sniff, putting her nose to work. “Mmm.” Applejack was taken aback by the aroma. Discord was a much better baker than she would've thought and it all smelled like apple-flavored items. “Say, that's not … half bad, Discord.” “Oh, you think so?” Discord said, feigning modesty. “Here, why don't you … have another?” Not thinking clearly, Applejack obliged him, taking in another sniff of the treats. “Yeah.” Applejack didn't notice as she let out a yawn and slouched slightly. “If it wouldn't spoil my lunch, I think I'd … try one.” Applejack also did not notice as her eyes closed and her limbs went slack. Losing her grip on the window, Applejack fell to the floor, knocked out by whatever Discord slipped into the pastries. “So kind of you to say.” Discord said, examining Applejack's unconscious form. Applejack groaned as she came to, putting a hand over her forehead. “Oh, now what in tarnation?” Applejack rose up just to see darkness in her eyes. “Where the heck am I?” Reaching around the darkness, Applejack felt something soft. She acted on a hunch and yanked on it, causing a blanket to fall off and let her see light again. “A hospital?” Applejack wondered. She scratched her head. “Now how did I get – Discord!” “You rrrrrrrang?” Applejack whipped around to see Discord floating in min-air above her. “Discord, you two-timing varmint! Undo whatever it is y'all did right now!” “Oh, but Applejack.” Discord pouted. “I just want to play a game.” “A game?” Applejack glared and folded one arm over the other. “I don't have time for one of yer games. I was supposed to be having lunch with my family right about now.” “Your family will be waiting for you when you get back. I'll make sure of it.” Discord put a hand over his heart. “And the game will be real quick. Just finish it up and you'll be right back at home. You have my word.” “And we all know what that's worth.” Applejack said. Discord looked irritated by this insult, but he let it go. “A few minutes, that's all I ask.” Applejack glared at him. Sighing with the realization she wasn't likely to get out any other way, she agreed. “A few minutes. That's it.” “Excellent!” Discord clapped his hands. “Now, to start out with, you'll be taste-testing.” “Taste-testing? Aww, Discord, if y'all wanted me to taste your cooking so bad, why didn't you just say so? There's no need for all this hullabaloo.” “I never said it was my cooking I wanted you to try.” Discord pointed to a corner of the room. A banquet had been set up, a table full of apple-flavored treats. Applejack tried to be stoic most of the time, but she couldn't help but let her eyes betray a hint of gluttony at the sight. There were so many things to choose from, and she could tell they were all fresh. “So, uh,” Applejack cleared her throat, trying to remain in control. “Y'all want me to sample that?” Applejack smiled. “I can do that.” She started marching, ready to dig in. “Ah, ah, ah!” Discord grabbed her by the arm. “There's one tiny catch. You can only pick one thing.” “Only one?” Discord nodded. “Mm-hmm.” “Aw, but they all look and smell so good. How am I supposed to pick only one?” Applejack shrugged. “You'll have to figure that part out yourself. Toodles!” Discord waved at her before disappearing in a flash. “Discord -” Applejack was going to shout for him, but realized it was pointless. “Now, how am I supposed to pick from all of this?” There were so many things on the table. There was apple pie, apple cobbler, sliced, caramel apples … basically, if it was an established recipe which involved apples, it was there. Applejack shifted her gaze on the table, trying to see if any one item stood out from the rest. Something to help make up her mind. “Mmm … smells good.” Applejack took in a sniff. “Mmm … something smells really good.” Applejack kept sniffing. Each sniff seemed to bring a tinge of pleasure to her. The combination of apple-flavored treats came together to create an overwhelming scent. She breathed in another sniff, and another, moaning with pleasure each time. “Ooh.” Applejack moaned and blushed, putting a hand on her cheek. “I'm gonna need to control myself.” But it was so hard. Everything here smelled so good, so tasty. Succumbing to temptation, Applejack leaned over on the table, taking in more and more sniffs. “Oh, that's good … that's the stuff.” It was if the aroma was reaching up through her nose to the pleasure centers of brain. “What's that?” Applejack picked up on the scent of something. Something different from the rest. Moving her hands along, Applejack traced the smell to the center of the table where something she loved could be found – apple fritter. She had always liked apple fritter, from since she was a child. She wasn't entirely sure about choosing the fritter, but a few more whiffs of it changed her mind. She grabbed a piece and shoved into her mouth, chewing nosily and messily. There was a pop and the rest of the food disappeared. Probably some kind of trap Discord set. “Huh. So that's why I could only pick one.” Applejack saw a chair and pulled it over, meaning to enjoy her meal. She picked up another piece of fritter and lifted it to her mouth. Taking in another whiff to savor the smell, she bit into it. “Mmm ...” the fritter was a gooey mess of delight on her taste buds. As she chewed it, she was nearly overwhelmed with the taste. Whoever made these had done a darn good job. Applejack took in another bite, moaning from the taste. “Mmm ...” She said between bites. “It's so soft and fluffy …” She took another bite, chewing it slowly to savor it. “So good ...” Applejack put another piece to her mouth and was slow to tear a bite off with her teeth. She juggled on her tongue, loving the taste on her tongue. “I can't believe how good this is ...” She muttered through a mouthful before taking another bite. And another. And another … and another … and another … soon enough, she was grabbing handfuls and stuffing all of into her mouth once, caught in a trance. A trance of food. It couldn't last forever, though. Applejack reached onto the plate to grab another, only to find there wasn't any left. The surprise of this shocked her back to her senses, and she realized how messy she had been when eating. “Oh my goodness.” Heat rushed to her slightly-bloated cheeks. “I'm so embarrassed … I hope no one can see me right now.” She wiped the crumbs off her lips with her hand and pushed the chair away from the table. “But at least it's over now.” Applejack stood up.”Okay, Discord, I sampled the food. Now where are ya, you – oof.” Applejack stopped, feeling an odd pulse in her shoulder. “Now what's going on? Oof.” She felt the same pulse on her elbow, but on the other arm. She put one hand on her shoulder and on her elbow. “Discord, I know you're doing this, wherever y'all are! Stop it right now!” Whether or not Discord could hear her, it had no effect. The pulses kept coming, appearing in more parts of her body than she could put her hands on. “Oh.” Applejack groaned, thinking about all the fritter she had eaten. “I hope I'm not coming down with some rare and exotic form of stomach sickness. Oh!” There was another pulse, this one located on her spine, but it felt … different. “That ...” Applejack rubbed her back. “That felt kinda good, actually.” Applejack shook her head. “What am I saying? I'm not gonna let you get to me like this … ooh, ooh, that feels good.” Applejack stopped rubbing herself when her arms began to feel funny. She lifted them up and watched as the veins inside them pulsated. “Oh, what's going on? OOOH!” Another pulse in her spine made Applejack moan. She lurched over, feeling pleasant pulses all over her body. She watched her arm as it pulsated and the skin on it began to grow. Another moan escaped her lips as her arm swelled up and bloated up before settling down with the skin pulled taut across her enlarged muscle. Applejack was confused at the change on her arm. It was covered in bulging muscle, as though she had been working out at the gym overtime. The muscles were so big. Applejack made a point to keep in shape, but she never thought about bulking up this much. She was helpless to do more than as the growth occurred through the rest of her body – and not all in the same way. While she watched as her other arm ballooned out with muscles, she gritted her teeth as she felt the bones in her legs grow. And oddly, the growth felt good. She felt good, getting all of these muscles and bones to grow like a healthy young woman … say, maybe with all these muscles, she could beat Big Macintosh at arm-wrestling. Applejack went to the bed to wait the rest of the growth. A scream of pleasure erupted from her as she felt the growth hit her back, making her spine extend in both directions, making her taller. She folded a leg up to watch as muscles developed on it. The stretching of her back felt amazingly good. The fritter must have had some quality drugs in it for this to feel as good as it did. She exhaled in pleasure while the growth spread to her chest and stomach. Her stomach hardened and grew out, as thought a sculptor was chiseling muscular perfection from her. Her breasts bounced up and down as they poured out, growing to the size of grocery bags. As with Fluttershy, her moans died down as the growth seemed to settle in. Her muscles twitched a bit as they grew a tiny bit bigger each on all of her limbs. Applejack stretched her arms out and admired herself. With the extra height on her, forgot arm-wrestling Big Macintosh. With this height and muscle, she could pick him up and throw him. Applejack got off the bed and struck some poses, flexing her muscles and showing off to herself. She was smiling, pleased with her new powerful form. She had a thought. “Now wait a minute.” Applejack cupped her breast. “I know breasts are made of fat tissue … so how can I have all lean, bulky muscle and these gourd-sized things at the same time?” As she was wondering that, an abrupt pain spiked in her breasts. “Oh, goodness, now what? MMPH!” Applejack clutched at her chest as another pain spike occurred. “Somehow, I get the feeling this isn't gonna start feeling good like the rest of it did ...” The door swung opened. Applejack was surprised two doctors walk in, flanking Fluttershy on either side. Fluttershy was surprised to see Applejack. “Applejack? You're my patient?” “Fluttershy? What are you doing here?” “Oh, um.” Fluttershy cleared her throat. “I'm volunteering as an extra doctor for this hospital. I've been told they're understaffed.” “Mmm. Strange.” Another spike made Applejack sat down on the bed. “But as long as you're here, I might as well get your help.” “What seems to be the problem?” Fluttershy asked, approaching Applejack while examing her clipboard. “I got this awful pain in my chest, doc.” Applejack said. “Hurts something fierce.” “Hmm.” Fluttershy folded the clipboard under her arm and began to poke and prod at Applejack. “Have you ever experienced this before?” “No.” Fluttershy was about to put a hand on Applejack's bust when she stopped. “I, um, can't help but notice you've gotten … taller, Applejack.” “And I notice y'all have gotten bustier.” was Applejack's reply. “Now can we please focus on fixing my chest?” “Hmm.” Fluttershy tapped her chin. “I'm sorry, Applejack, I have no idea. It could be a side-effect of your, um, recent growth.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Well, I figured that much by myself..” “Hmmm.” Fluttershy glared at Applejack's bust. “Now what do I know that causes pain in breasts?” Fluttershy scratched her chin. “No, that couldn't be it … not that, either … not – well, maybe.” “What?” Applejack asked. “Ya got an idea, Fluttershy?” “Yes, I do.” Fluttershy said. “But you're not gonna like it.” “What do y'all mean -” Fluttershy pounced on Applejack, grabbing Applejack's breasts and squeezing them. Stains appeared on Applejack's dress as they were soaked with milk. “What?” “There we go.” Fluttershy sounded satisfied, not nearly as disturbed by the milk as Applejack was. “It just needed a little help getting out, that's all.” “Fluttershy, I'm not sure if you've noticed I'm making milk!” Applejack clenched her fists. “That ain't right!” Fluttershy shrugged. “I don't know what to tell you, Applejack.” “Pardon me.” One of the doctors spoke up. “But was it said this woman was making milk?” “Yes.” Fluttershy turned to him. “Why?” The doctor whispered something in Fluttershy's ear. “Oh my. Well, if you think it will help ...” “Think what will help?” Applejack asked. “Apparently, there are two patients who the hospital thinks would benefit from a “heavy dosage” of breast milk.” Fluttershy said. “I don't usually like alternative medicine, but … would you be willing to help, Applejack?” Applejack adjusted the Stetson on her head. “Sure. I'm trapped in this hospital anyway. Might as well do a bit of good while I'm here.” “Great. Thank you so much, Applejack. I'm sure the patients will really appreciate it. Let's go get them.” Fluttershy directed her doctor cronies out of the room to fetch the patients. It did not take long for the doctors to return, with Fluttershy conspicuous by her sudden absence. Even more sudden was the reveal of who the patients were. “Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash?” Applejack wasn't sure she believed her eyes. “Hey, Applejack!” Pinkie waved as the doctor steered into the room. Pinkie was fine, but Rainbow Dash was struggling and fighting with her doctor, who was holding onto her for dear life. “What are – how did – I mean -” Applejack stammered. “To answer your question fragments, I was having a fine day until Discord showed up and tricked me with something.” Rainbow Dash said. “Next thing I know, I'm in this stupid hospital, being manhandled! Let me go, darn it!” Rainbow Dash kicked her legs, almost succeeding in knocking the doctor down. “Yeah.” Pinkie said. “We really should have known better than to trust him. So, how are you, Applejack?” “Fine.” Applejack looked away from them. “Except the doctors tell me I need to feed y'all both some breast milk?” “What?” “Oooh, kinky!” Pinkie said. “I like it. Let's do it.” “Nun-uh.” Rainbow Dash said. “There is no way, no how, am I drinking milk of your breasts, Applejack.” Applejack crossed her arms. “And what's wrong with my breasts, Rainbow Dash?” “Oh.” Realizing Applejack was offended, Rainbow tried to correct her blunder. “I didn't – I didn't mean anything by it, A.J. I just meant that -” While Rainbow was trying to babble out an apology, the doctors took their chance to deposit Rainbow on the floor and escape while they could. “Drink your milk.” One of them said before slamming the door on them. “Ugh.” Rainbow Dash sat cross-legged. “C'mon, Dashie!” Pinkie tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. “It might be fun.” “Flying is fun. Gliding is fun. Bowling is fun. Drinking my friend's milk? Is creepy.” “Oh, don't be such a Debbie Downer.” Pinkie lifted Rainbow Dash up from the floor and pushed her towards the bed. "Besides, it's not like Discord's gonna let us go until after we do it." “Well ... I'm not how okay I am with being coerced into this, but ... let's get this over with.” Applejack reached around her vest and undid the knots holding it together, slipping off the vest around her shoulders and off and onto the bed. “I'm not doing it.” Rainbow Dash remained stubborn, turning her head away. “Aw, don't listen to her, Applejack.” Pinkie Pie said, sitting on Applejack's muscle-toned leg. “I'll be more than happy to drink it.” Pinkie Pie planted her lips on Applejack's breast and giving them a ripe, firm suckle. Applejack moaned, enjoying the feeling. “Oh, that feels good, Pinkie Pie … do it again.” Pinkie flashed Applejack a thumbs-up and suckled again. The feeling brought a dazed, dopey smile to Applejack's face. Applejack decided to abandoned her previous Discord-related reservations in pursuit of the wonderful feeling brought to her by Pinkie's suckling. “Are y'all sure you don't want in on this, Rainbow Dash? It feels pretty good when Pinkie does it … I'm sure y'all would make feel even better.” “Hmph.” Rainbow Dash glared. “Am I the only sane person left in this room?” She turned her head away, watching as Pinkie suckled and nursed Applejack. It … does look kinda fun. Rainbow Dash admitted. No, what am I thinking? No it doesn't … yes, it does. And Pinkie REALLY looks like she's enjoying it … “Okay.” Rainbow Dash admitted. “You got me.” She climbed onto the side of the bed. Applejack wrapped her arm around Rainbow in something resembling a headlock and shoved her breast into Rainbow's mouth. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and gave a light suckle. It wasn't as bad as she thought. The warmth of A.J's breast brought a comfort to Rainbow Dash, and the milk tasted pretty good. Before Rainbow Dash knew it, she was suckling more and more. “Mmm ...” Applejack moaned. She squeezed her bust, getting more of the milk out from her and into them. “Oh, that feels lovely ...” Rainbow Dash proved eager to drink it. Ironic given her earlier protests. Dash pulled away to take in a breath. “That's – that's some really good stuff.” “There's still more, y'know.” Applejack told her, encouraging her to drink some more. She grew to appreciate the wonderful feeling of having her chest drained. Applejack wrapped her burly arms around them, holding her attendants close to her chest. “Mmm … that's it ... aren't you two good girls?” Yes, yes, they are, aren't they? Discord's bodiless voice penetrated Applejack's head. “Discord!” Applejack gave a shout. “Where are ya, ya varmint? Come out here and get yer what-fer!” Oh, you don't want me to do that, Applejack. Discord said. You wouldn't want to disturb your little nursers, would you? “I … I guess.” Applejack looked down at Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. They both appeared to have adjusted to their role, looking quite content. Their eyes were closed and their arms were curled around Applejack's back, holding on for support. You wouldn't want to ruin this lovely picture, would you? Applejack blushed and looked away. In her head, she knew the right thing to do would be to call it off and scream and shout until Discord caved in to their demands. But … it felt so good. Yes, yes, it DOES feel good, doesn't it? Discord encouraged. To have these two suckling you, nursing you … it'll make good practice for when you become a mother, won't it? “I'm not … buying that excuse, Discord.” Applejack weakly sputtered, overtaken by the powerful suctions on her mammary glands. Oh, but look at them! They're enjoying it. They are LOVING the taste of your boobs. And they're loving growing into their boobs themselves, aren't they? “W-what's that supposed to mean?” Trying to figure out what Discord meant, Applejack glanced at Rainbow Dash's chest. The meaning of the words became clear as Applejack saw Rainbow Dash's chest fill out her clothes. Rainbow Dash's breasts grew forward and outward, picking up size and weight, turning her soft chest into huge orbs. The same thing was happening to Pinkie's chest. Don't you just want to feel them? Discord asked. Unnoticed by the three girls, a pink vapor was emitting into the room. From the vents, from the windows, thin trails of smoke slithered in and pooled around the floor, putting out an inebriating aroma which made all of them feel more lustful. Applejack's head rocked back-and-forth, the scent-based aphrodisiac taking her by surprise. “I do ...” She mumbled as her answer to Discord's question. Applejack moved her arm around and put her hand on Rainbow Dash's chest, rubbing it back and forth. Dash noticed and grabbed Applejack's hand by the wrist. “Oh no … I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack mumbled, worried she had crossed a line with her friend. But Rainbow Dash was more than okay with it, as she took Applejack's hand and guided it deeper into the increasing cleft of her cleavage. Rainbow Dash moved Applejack's hand up and down, encouraging Applejack to rub it more. Making sure not to leave Pinkie out, Applejack reached down and grabbed Pinkie's breast as well, pinching and rubbing it. Pinkie Pie cried out an appreciative moan, nodding in agreement as she continued to slurp out Applejack's milk. “Yes, yes ...” Applejack moaned, her eyes turning glassy. “This is nice … the three of us, alone except for ourselves, and you two enjoying some good ole-fashioned milk the way it's meant to be enjoyed … straight from the boobs. Mmmm … mmm ...ooh!” Applejack let out a loud moan as Rainbow's and Pinkie's stimulation made her breasts lurch forward, spilling liters of milk into both of their hungry mouths. “Bleh!” “Phoo!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie both pulled away, the surge of milk being too much for them. The milk escaped their mouths and spilled down their chins as well as splashing out and getting all over their breasts. The seductive, white droplets raced trails down the curve of their chests, dripping to the floor and soaking their shirts. Rainbow Dash put comforting hands to her stomach. “I'm full.” “Yeah.” Pinkie wiped some milk off her lips. “Me too.” Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack. “Thanks for that, A.J. It was fun … even if we're not exactly here of our own free will.” Applejack smiled and shrugged. “Eh, what are you gonna do?” “I'll tell you what I'm gonna do; I'm gonna find Discord and punch him in the face.” Dash threw an aimless haymaker through the air. Her stomach gurgled, causing her to clutch at it. “But first, I'm gonna try to find somewhere to sleep this off.” “I'll join you!” Pinkie bounced off the bed, her milk-filled breasts and stomach sloshing every direction. Rainbow Dash climbed onto Pinkie's back and shoulder, and they leaned on each for support as they trudged towards the door. “Well, that was fun. But I'm glad it's over.” Applejack reached for her vest and pulled it back on. She made all the knots extra-tight, hoping to discourage herself if something were to … tempt her into taking it off again. Not seeing any reason to stay in here, Applejack bounded off the bed and left the room. She wasn't pleased when her added height meant she had to duck her head under the doorframe. Applejack's eyes widened when she saw Fluttershy and Discord ready to greet her. “Applejack!” Fluttershy leapt towards Applejack, ensnaring her in a hug. With Applejack's height extension, Fluttershy's head collided into Applejack's midsection. “Are you okay? For some reason, after I left, the other doctors wouldn't let me back in!” “Yeah.” Applejack looked up at Discord. “I can't imagine why.” Perhaps Discord just didn't want Fluttershy exposed to the lust gas he pumped in there. Fluttershy separated from Applejack and looked up at her. Applejack still hadn't answered the question. “I'm fine, Fluttershy.” The tender moment was interrupted in the loudest, most obnoxious way possible, as Discord brought kazoos and loud confetti bombs.“Congratulations, Applejack! You passed the test!” “Test?” Applejack and Fluttershy looked at each other. “What test?' “Fluttershy told you about this hospital is just so understaffed, didn't she?” Discord asked. Applejack nodded. “She did. But those doctors seem liked plenty enough staff. There were two of them, even.” Applejack pointed at herself. “For one patient.” “Well, with your recent changes, you are a lot of patient.” Discord snapped his fingers, and a measuring tape appeared by Applejack, floating in the air taking her exact height. Applejack batted it away. “But you'll be an excellent head of the maternity ward!” “The … what now?” Applejack crossed arms and raised an eyebrow. “You know! The maternity ward!” Discord said, not answering Applejack's question. “This hospital has a very rigorous exam before they'll make someone head of the maternity ward. And you passed!” A celebratory banner appeared over Discord's head, accompanied with whimsical music. “As head of the maternity ward, you'll be in charge of overseeing the treatment and care of mothers and their babies.” “Uh-huh. And what if I don't wanna?” “Oh, please, Applejack?” Fluttershy put her hands together in a pleading way. “You heard Discord about how understaffed this place is!” “Yeah. Like I'm going to trust something from Discord's mouth.” “Please? He's supposed to be our friend now, and we should at least try to trust him.” “I should also mention this hospital's maternity ward has something special about it.” Discord said. “There's a private club, an exclusive club that offers … a wet nursing service.” Applejack tilted her head. “A what?” She didn't notice Fluttershy blush and cover her mouth. “A wet nursing service. That's where ...” Discord stopped and looked around the room. He put himself reeeeal close to Applejack and whispered in her ear. “Where people pay to have someone nourish their babies with breast milk!” He said this as if were the most scandalous thing in the world. “What!?” Applejack pulled away from him. “Uh-uh! Ain't no way I'm doing that! No way, no how.” “Oh, don't play games with me, Applejack.” Discord continued to whisper. “You loved it with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Oh, I guess I should mention you'll be nursing more than just babies. You can have all sorts of people come for your impressive chest and you can feed them ...” Applejack took in a sharp breath, her recent experience with Rainbow and Pinkie fresh in her mind. “Feed them ...” “Fondle them ...” “Fondle them.” Applejack repeated in a trance. “Watch as you make their boobs grow bigger. So very big. You liked it with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, didn't you? Yes, you liked watching their boobs grow.” “Boobs … bigger … I like watching their boobs grow.” “That was all you.” Discord said. “You see, it's something in your breast milk that makes their boobs grow. And you can make other things grow, too.” Discord added in a lecherous tone. “All you have to do is agree to head the maternity ward, and there will be instructions on different pills you can take, depending on what it is you're trying to, ah, enhance. What do you say? Will you do it?” “Um, excuse me, but what are you two whispering about?” Fluttershy asked. She kicked her foot. “I wasn't going to ask, but you've been at it for awfully long.” “Oh, just negotiating the terms of the contract with Applejack. Isn't that right, Applejack?” Applejack nodded. “What do you say? Will you do it?” “I ...” Just to make sure Applejack was fully entranced by all the crazy, lustful spells Discord had thrown at her, Discord mouthed the word “boobs,” and Applejack was helpless to resist, thinking of the wondrous feeling Dash and Pinkie brought her. “I'll do it.” Applejack said. “Excellent!” Discord clapped his hands. “Now let's get you into something more appropriate for work.” Applejack worried if Discord was making an euphemism when he said “appropriate for work,” but her fears were unfounded. Discord and Fluttershy guided her somewhere else, where she changed into green pants with a white shirt and overcoat. Discord gave her a clipboard and a stethoscope (what good the stethoscope would be where she was going, Applejack wasn't sure) and instructions. “Just go down that hall and wait around until a patient or two comes in.” Discord pointed. Applejack nodded and went down the hall, looking over her shoulder to see Discord and Fluttershy waving at her. “Okay … now all I have to do is wait for a patient.” Applejack said to herself. “Hmm. Maybe he'll give up this dumb game if I can avoid getting one.” It wasn't too long until Applejack bumped into something – or someone, who she was surprised to see at first. But after the business with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, for her to also be here was no surprise. “Applejack?” “Rarity? "What are you doing here?" Applejack asked. "I'm, uh ..." Rarity twiddled her fingers. "I'm looking for the head of the maternity ward." Applejack chuckled. With a nervous smile, she spread her arms and gestured to herself. "Well, you're looking at her." > Detours and Distractions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity, still eying Id with some (well, a lot) of uncertainty, once again pushed her off. “Now, Id … If this -” she gestured to the patient on the bed, “has been anything to go by, I'm not sure I want your kind of fun.” “Awww! Why not?” Id asked. “Didn't you like it? Didn't you enjoy the feeling of -” “Ah.” Rarity held her hand out, recognizing Id's speech as the same speech Id used to … convince her to keep going with those patient. “Speak no more of it.” Id gave Rarity a bitter glare. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine. I'll play along … for now.” “Good.” Rarity patted Id on the shoulder and looked around the room. “Now, let's see if I can't find my way out of here.” “Ha! Good luck.” Id said with a smirk. Rarity gritted her teeth. Taking in a deep breath, she behaved herself and refused to engage Id with the obvious response which came to mind. A proper lady does not stoop to petty bickering. Rarity opened the door to the hall, going slow to avoid attracting attention. She didn't want to have to explain her huge boobs if someone she recognized showed up for any reason. “I wonder if I could find a map of the building layout ...” Rarity said to herself. “You know, I think there's a waiting area just down this hall.” Id said, crawling up behind Rarity. Rarity jumped backwards. “Gah!” Rarity put a hand on her chest to suppress her fast-beating heart. “Don't sneak up on me like that, Id!” “Oh, okay.” Id said with the tone of a disappointed child. “What if I sneaked up on you like this?” Id struck a pose as though aiming to stab Rarity with an invisible knife. “Or maybe this?” Id changed the pose to a dinosaur impression. “Or what about this?” Id put her hands up over her head and sashayed her hips. Rarity shook her head, trying to ignore how this behavior reminded her of Pinkie Pie. “Waiting area, you said? I'll go there … maybe someone there will be able to help me.” “Oh, I don't know about that.” Id said. “Why? Do you know something I don't?” “I know plenty of things you don't. To which are you referring specifically?” Id asked, dodging Rarity's question. Rarity scoffed. She wasn't going to plan these kinds of headache-inducing “exact word” games. She continued on her way until she found the waiting room, Id following close behind while pretending to be a raptor the whole time. A wide, white and blue space with several chairs and people and an active television mounted on the wall. Everyone in the room looked bored and listless. “Excuse me.” Rarity said to a woman reading a magazine. “I seem to have gotten lost. Do you think you could point me to an exit?” The woman shook her head. “Oh.” Rarity got deflated by this answer, but she was determined to not give up. “I see. Well, thank you for your time.” Rarity looked around the room, hoping there would be someone there who looked like they would be able to help. She noticed an older gentleman, his gaze intent on the T.V. Rarity got a hunch he would be her ticket. “Sir?” “Eh?” “Pardon me for disturbing you, but I was hoping – hey.” Noticing him gawking at her enhanced breasts, Rarity snapped her fingers. “Eyes up here, buddy.” Though granted, she was leaning towards him, and the way they were now, her breasts were quite nice. Bouncy yet firm … big, but not too big … oh, she was getting distracted. “Anyways, I was hoping you would be able to direct me to the exit?” “What? Yeah, sure. Just let me finish the news.” The older gentleman assured her. Rarity looked up at the screen, trying to see how long that would take. Noticing Rarity's attention on the T.V, the man spoke. “You might as well sit down.” Rarity was thankful there was another seat next to him and claimed it, watching the television with the same intensity she'd seen him use. “Reports are coming in today of disappearances around Ponyville.” A newscaster reported. “The six women who represent the Elements of Harmony have not been seen by anyone for three hours now …” Elements of Harmony? Rarity thought. But that's … Fluttershy is out of town, you inattentive … your entire newscast is a sham! “Normally, girls going unseen by the public eye wouldn't be newsworthy, but some residents are worried this may be part of some new villain's scheme. That's all the time we have for today.” The program switched to an advertisement. Yes … Rarity thought. More like an old villain's scheme. “Now, you were wanting directions?” The man asked her. “Directions!” Rarity clapped her hands together. “Yes, please!” After getting directions from the old man, Rarity wasted no time in heading straight for the exit. Meanwhile, Id followed her and taunted her. “You know you're not getting out of here that way.” Id said. “Just try and stop me.” Rarity marched onwards. “Rarity, the only way out is play the game.” Rarity stopped. “And just what does … “the game” entail?” “Oh, nothing much.” Id checked out her nails. “Just doing for some other patients and maybe even some of the staff the same thing you did for those first two lucky guys.” “Oh, let's see.” Rarity tapped her chin. “Let me think about that aannd … no.” “Come on! You, me, working together. we'll hit this place like a hurricane! A sexy hurricane.” Id gave a filthy, naughty grin. “My answer is no.” Rarity said. “Ah. And there's the exit.” Indeed there was. A pair of double-glass doors with a tantalizing look at the outside world. After being cooped up with so much sterile blue for so long, Rarity appreciated the change to gaze at more lively grass. “It's not gonna work.” Id singsonged. “Just you try and stop me – OOF!” Rarity tried to open the door and go through. All she succeeded at doing was slamming herself into it, flattening her face and smooshing her breasts against the glass. “Notice something?” Id asked while Rarity pried herself off. “The door is locked.” Rarity said. She pointed to it. “Unlock it.” “Mmm, sorry, no can do.” Id said. “That door's locked electronically, and the only one who can unlock is the administrator.” “The administrator?” Rarity asked. Id nodded. “And how do I get to this … administrator?” “Well ...” Id cracked her knuckles. “You're gonna have to play the game.” “I ...” Rarity pointed her finger at Id. Deciding it wasn't worth it, she tried the door again, shaking the handle in hopes of jiggling the lock open. She pulled at it. She shook at it. Rarity backed up, took in a deep breath, and tried a roundhouse kick on the door, meaning to shatter the glass. When all she accomplished was to bang and hurt her foot on the door, Rarity was ready to give up. Id could see it. “Ready to give up?” “Ready to give up.” Rarity said as she cradled her aching leg. “Okay. Who's the next … patient I have to … attend?” “We're skipping a few rooms.” Id said as she took Rarity's hand. “We're gonna go to Room 72. He's a nice guy. I think you'll really like this one.” “Oh, good.” Remembering how much she “liked” the last two patient, Id's words filled with Rarity with dread. Id dragged Rarity through the halls and Rarity didn't put up much of a fight. She figured because of Discord, Id knew the place better than she did, however that worked. However, Rarity's trust her in guide was put in doubt when someone bumped into Rarity from the side, knocking her loose from Id's grip. “Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there … Rarity?” “Fluttershy?” Rarity tilted her head. Fluttershy was wearing a nurse costume, similar, but different from the one Rarity found herself wearing. Fluttershy's costume was white when Rarity's was blue. Fluttershy's had a skirt, no cap, and thick, rugged pockets on the chest drawing attention to Fluttershy's breasts, which Rarity thought looked bigger. “What are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh! Well, you see ...” Rarity chuckled nervously. “It's a funny story, actually ...” Rarity's attention was distracted by movement in Fluttershy's chest. Fluttershy's boobs seemed to bounce and jiggle of their own accord. “You were saying, Rarity?” “Oh, yes! Well ...” Rarity was once again interrupted by spontaneous bouncing in Fluttershy's chest, seemingly prompted by the slightest movement of Fluttershy's as she shifted her clipboard from one hand to the other. Rarity wondered if perhaps Fluttershy had foregone a brassiere this morning, and if perhaps this would explain her bouncy chest. “Rarity, are you okay?” “I'm fine!” Rarity assured her, putting her hands up as Fluttershy approached her. Except your chest appears to be trying to hypnotize and doing a good job of it! It was so round and bouncy, Rarity wanted to touch it … to feel it … No, no, Fluttershy is your friend, Rarity. That wouldn't be appropriate. Rarity managed to jerk her head away and turn to the adjacent hall. “Rarity?” Fluttershy asked again. “I'm fine, Fluttershy. Really. I just remembered I have somewhere I need to be.” Rarity fibbed. “I'll talk to you later, okay?” Rarity hurried to the hall, hoping to find Id before something else got to her. To Rarity's relief, Id hadn't gone too far. It was only another hallway between them. She seemed as though she was talking to someone. “Id!” Rarity screamed. “What is Fluttershy doing here?” Id turned around and shrugged. “Beats me. I only know what Discord tells me.” “What Discord … tells you?” Rarity said. “I thought you were supposed to be my Id.” “I am.” Id said. “But Discord gave me life, and for that, I do his bidding. Now come on.” Id crooked her finger. “We're here. Room 72.” Rarity sighed and pushed open the door, afraid of what she might find as she headed inside. Room 72 was not much different from Room 70. There was miscellaneous hospital equipment, chairs for visitors, and a patient on the bed. As with the other patients, his throbbing member poked out from the seams of his medical gown. “Uugh.” Rarity shielded her eyes with her arm and backed away, remembering what happened the last few times. “I'm not sure I want to do this.” “You have to if you want to get out of the hospital.” Id said. “It's part of the game.” “Well, perhaps I don't want to.” Rarity said. “Perhaps I'll just stay in this hospital until I die of starvation.” “Oh, please?” Id asked. “Just … just look at it for a few minutes.” “No.” Rarity knew where this was going. After all, If eyes could hypnotize (and Discord proved they could) and breasts could hypnotize (and Fluttershy came close to proving so) then why not a hypnotic member? “Please? Just one peek?” Id asked again, coming up behind Rarity and pushing towards the bed. “I said no.” Rarity put her ankles against the floor to stop Id's traction. “Only for a few seconds!” “How many times do I have to say -!?” Rarity broke free of Id's grasp and turned around, wrestling with her doppelganger. In the course of the struggle, Id got behind Rarity, wrapped her arms around Rarity, and held up a hand mirror identical to the one which brought Rarity into the hospital. Id angled so it would reflect the patient's pulsing equipment. “No.” Rarity insisted, glaring at Id from the corner of her eye. “N-O … means … no.” Rarity's speech began to slow as she observed the member in the mirror – the first sign of the hypnosis taking effect. “Mmm ...” “There you go.” Id said in a soothing tone, stroking Rarity's hair. “Isn't it nice to just submit?” “Submit ...” Rarity repeated, legs wobbling as the spell overtook her. The member was quite attractive … and the patient it was attached to wasn't too bad himself. Thick-muscled all around … whoever was in charge of crafting these patients had a fine appreciation for the details of the male form … “Don'tcha just want to suck on it?” Id teased, waving the mirror around. She smirked at her upcoming victory. “Mmm, yes ...” Rarity mumbled. “I'm sure he'll appreciate it.” Id released Rarity from her grip, unable to keep from smiling. Rarity walked with the gait of a zombie towards the patient. She approached the bed, getting down on her knees to put her lips to it … And the patient grumbled and rolled away from her. Both Rarity and Id were confused. “I … what?” Rarity said. “What's the matter? Am I not attractive enough for you?” She asked with a hint of resentment. The other patients had been so willing. “Not at all.” The patient said. “You're very pretty. It's just …” “Just …?” “I prefer women with a little weight on them.” The patient said. “Thin and slim doesn't really do it for me. There's no … confidence to a girl when she gives in to societal pressure and makes sure she's paper-thin. There's no power or bulk.” “Hmm.” Rarity got up. “Well, I respect your opinion … even if it's inconvenient for me.” Her eyes shifted towards the patient's sideways member. She turned to Id. “Now what?” Rarity put a finger to her lip. “I want to suck him ...” “You sound like a child.” Id giggled, pleased with how quick Rarity's turnaround was; from not wanting any part of it to desperate to suckle him. “Anyways, I have an idea.” “You do?” “Yes. We to find the head of the maternity ward.” Id said. “She'll know how to help your … situation.” “Well, let's go find her then.” Rarity led the way out the door. Id lingered behind to wave at the patient with a clear “we'll be back” look and skipped out to follow Rarity. Rarity walked down the hall, arms crossed and her head bowed as she tried to think of how to find the maternity ward head. “Where she would be?” Absent-minded, she turned into a hallway and walked down it, her eyes on the floor and not what was in front of her. “Hmm. Maybe he'll give up this dumb game if I can avoid getting one.” Rarity's curiosity as to who was speaking and why was answered by bumping into a midsection taller than she was. “Oh my, I'm terribly sorry, miss. I wasn't looking where I was going and – Applejack?” “Rarity?” asked Applejack. “What are you doing here?” "Oh, I'm, uh ..." Rarity twiddled her fingers. "I'm looking for the head of the maternity ward." Applejack chuckled. With a nervous smile, she spread her arms and gestured to herself. "Well, you're looking at her." “Oh.” Rarity examined Applejack's body. Somehow, she was quite tall, ripped, and busty, all features Rarity knew Applejack didn't have. Applejack's muscles were not this big. The overall effect made Applejack resemble an Amazon. “You're quite big, Applejack.” Rarity tilted her head to observe a bicep. “In more ways than one.” “Heh, yeah. What are ya gonna do?” Applejack shrugged. “I'd tell ya how it happened, but I get the feelin' y'all wouldn't believe me anyway.” “Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that ...” Rarity glanced at her own impressive bust. If something could make her bust larger, it wasn't a stretch for her to think something could make other body parts larger as well. “So, what did ya need me for?” Applejack asked. “Oh, Well ...” Rarity traced her foot along the ground. “There's this … man, shall we say, who's into chubbier women. And I just so desperately want to please him, Applejack. I was told you could help me gain just a little weight.” “So there's a guy, huh?” Applejack rubbed her chin. “I don't know, Rarity … changing your body just for a guy? It don't feel right. Y'all sure y'all thought this through?” Rarity was about to admit Applejack had a point. But she remembered how her bust had changed, her lips had change, and how the previous patients equipment had changed. The body was rather malleable in this place, Rarity thought. “I understand your concern, Applejack, but I assure you I'm aware of the risks.” Rarity said. “Won't you please help?” “Eeeeh ...” Applejack's non-committal response indicated uncertainty. “Use your boobs.” Id whispered to Rarity. “What?” “I told you I talked with Discord.” Id said. “He's put a few spells on Applejack, one of which makes her unable to resist boobs.” “I'm not sure I believe you. Even in the context of the things I've seen already, that sounds ridiculous.” “Who ya talking to, Rarity?” “Hmm?” Rarity was quick to figure out Applejack couldn't see or hear Id.” Oh, no one.” “Just follow my lead.” Id reached under Rarity's arms and put her hands underneath Rarity's breasts. Id wiggled them, giving them slight movements to tease Applejack. Slow and steady wins the race. Rarity glared at Id. “This is ridiculous.” “Is it?” Id replied. She gestured her head towards Applejack, whose eyes were were drawn to Rarity's bust. “Goodness, Rarity ...” Applejack mumbled. “Y'all sure do have some really … big boobs.” Rarity looked at Applejack's Amazonian bust. “I could say the same thing about you.” Applejack scratched at her throat as though dry. “I would love to make them – I mean, I would hate to see them get bigger.” “Bigger. Huh.” Rarity had already seen them get much bigger before they were shrunk. “Come on.” Id removed her hands from Rarity's bust. “You take over. Ask her if she likes your boobs.” “Mmm.” Rarity wasn't too pleased with this, but they were this far already. Might as well keep going. She placed her fingers under her breast and bounced them up and down. “Do you like my boobs, Applejack?” “Y-yes ...” “Ask her if she wants to play with them.” Id said. “And tell her to keep looking.” “That's it, Applejack. Just keep looking at my boobs. My warm, round, bouncy boobs.” Rarity got more into the role. Applejack may have been her friend, but Rarity was a seductress by nature, and she would be darned if she let their friendship get in the way of her doing a good job at seducing someone. “Would you to play with them, Applejack? Touch them, even?” Applejack nodded. “Tell her to obey the boobs.” Id said. “Just obey the boobs, Applejack.” Rarity said. “My round … jiggly boobs.” “Obey.” Applejack repeated. “Obey the round, jiggly ...” “Now, while you've got her entranced, ask her about the wet nursing service.” Id said. “I've been told to ask about your wet nursing service?” Rarity asked with a raised brow before her eyes widened as she realized what she said. Rarity whipped around to Id. “Wait, wet nursing!?” “Yeah.” Applejack said. “Okay, okay. Enough. I'll help you out, Rarity. Now quit bouncing those … beautiful things for a sec.” Applejack looked around for witnesses. “Come on.” Applejack gestured with her arm. “This way.” Following Applejack, Rarity was led down to the far end of the hall and into a room with a drab, gray door which Applejack opened for her. “After you.” Applejack said. Rarity stepped into the room. “Huh.” Rarity saw the room had an empty bed and a shelf full of medicine bottles. On each bottle was what appeared to be a sketch of a body part, including arms, glutes, and breasts. Applejack picked one up which had a stick figure on it, symbolizing the entire body. She opened the cap and dropped a single pill into into her hand. “Now, Rarity, are you sure you want to do this? After I make ya grow, I'm not sure I can make ya shrink.” Rarity looked down at her bust again, recalling how it had shrunk. “Somehow, Applejack, I get the feeling that won't be a problem.” “Okay.” Applejack popped the pill into her mouth. Applejack began to disrobe, taking off her doctor's jacket and pulling up her shirt, exposing her breasts. Rarity raised her arm in defense. “Applejack, darling, what are you doing?” “You said you wanted me to help ya.” Applejack said. “See, there's this funny thing Discord did to me – don't know if I told ya about seeing him – but I've got milk, see. And this milk can make other girls' chest get real big. That's where the wet nursing service comes in. And with these pills ...” Applejack gestured to the shelves. “I can make other things big, too. And that's how I'm gonna help ya; you're gonna drink the milk and it'll make you grow.” “I'm … not so sure.” Rarity said, a bit creeped out by seeing her best friend's bare breast leaking milk. “Do y'all want to win this guy over or not?” Applejack asked with some irritation. “Coz this is the only way.” “Well ...” Rarity reconsidered. Applejack was unaware of the real reason she wanted to “win him over,” and without hypnotic influence, Rarity could think twice about her reason for doing this. Before she could vocalize an objection, Applejack was over and pushing her large, pale-white milk-filled breast into Rarity's mouth. “That's it.” Applejack said. “Come on. Drink, Rarity, drink.” “Mmph.” Wincing and closing her eyes, Rarity gave a light suckle. Despite her fears, it wasn't too bad. The milk tasted sweet and fresh. Rarity realized it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if she had to drink a few cups' worth of this stuff. This delicious stuff. “That's it.” Applejack said. “There ya go … just drink up.” Moaning, Rarity lifted her hands to Applejack's breast and squeezed for more milk, the warm beverage bringing a refreshing feeling. Applejack let her eyes roll around as she smiled and moaned. Rarity's enhanced lips helped here. “Mmm ...” Rarity opened her eyes, seeing the sight of Applejack's breast inside her mouth in a different light. The soft, fleshy sphere feeding her nutritious milk … Rarity gasped and jerked. A tingly feeling was seeping through her chest. Rarity reached up to feel her chest with her fingers as she felt her boobs fattening and widening. Copying Applejack's breasts, milk flowed out from Rarity's tips, staining the sheets she was wearing for a dress. “Ooh ...” Applejack blushed. She reached a hand out and put a firm grip on Rarity's breast, playing with it. Rarity grabbed Applejack's hand and guided it further into her cleavage, which was getting bigger with each gulp of milk Rarity took. Rarity was caught unawares when her stomach began to swell out to her sides, even though this what she signed up for. There was a small coughing fit, resulting in milk sprayed over Rarity's mouth and Applejack's chest. Rarity let out a groan from the sensation of the rest of her body expanding. Her stomach puffed up in front and added thickness appeared on her arms and legs. Believing she had what she came to Applejack for, Rarity started to pull away from Applejack's teat. “Oh, no ...” Applejack said. Using her big muscles, she grabbed Rarity by the shoulders and picked her up, pinning her against the wall. Which aroused Rarity. Of course, given Discord's influence running through every inch of the hospital, Rarity would probably be aroused by something as trivial and non-erotic as flipping a coin. “Please don't stop yet, Rarity. Use the other breast if you have to, but please don't stop.” Nodding, Rarity pulled away from the breast and bit onto the other one, suckling with lustful intensity. “Mmm ...” Rarity took in a deep breath through her nose as she inhaled another gulp of milk, even though she was getting bigger and bigger at the sides... the stomach, the waist, the hips. Applejack continued to run her hand over Rarity's breast, sliding her fingers along the side. Applejack took in her own deep breath and exhaled, squirting a powerful gush of milk into Rarity, pouring milk down her throat. After this, Applejack drew away, giving Rarity a chance to breath. “Thanks, Rarity.” Applejack's hand lingered on Rarity's bust before she set Rarity back on the floor. “I really enjoyed that.” Applejack walked over to the bed and pulled her shirt back on before sitting on it. “Yes.” Rarity wiped some milk off with her finger. “I wasn't too pleased about it at first, but I enjoyed it as well.” “Got everything you wanted?” “Yes.” Rarity admired herself. “I believe I did.” While it wouldn't have been her first choice, Rarity had to admit this plus-size body did have something going for it. It showed confidence, as the patient said, to ignore society and be whatever size she wanted. There was a certain power and bulk to it, almost like an alternative for females wishing to express physical power, but not wanting to muscle up as Applejack had. “Let's see that stud resist me now ...” Sometime later, Rarity and Id were standing outside the patient's door, Rarity hesitating to go in. “What's the matter?” Id asked. “It's just ...” Rarity said. “I've had some time to clear my head, Id. I'm not sure I want to do this.” Rarity drew her chin up sharply. “A proper lady does not engage in this kind of activity. I had to change my body for this.” “What?” Id was irritated. “You were willing to go all for it a minute ago! Get in there.” Rearing up to one side, Id swung herself like a pendulum and smacked Rarity with her hips, sending the girl flying into the room. Rarity stumbled into the room, arms flying as she reached for something to hold onto. Her eyes (naturally – how would the sex proceed if they didn't?) fell on the enchanted member. Rarity blushed and turned away. “Hello again.” The patient saw her and rose up, surprised by her appearance. “Wow. You're beautiful.” “Oh, you think so?” Rarity twirled around a lock of hair. “I wasn't really too sure about it myself, but if you like it ...” “Yeah, no, I like it. I mean, I really like it.” To demonstrate, the patient's member gave an inviting throb. “You do?” Rarity asked. “So – so can I … can I suck?” The patient nodded. With surreptitious timing, Id came into the room to watch. “Oh, but before you start, Rarity ...” Id said. “I have a little surprise for you. Granted, it's the same surprise as before, but ... I don't think you'll complain too much.” With a devious smirk, Id snapped her fingers and sat on a chair to enjoy the show. The member did the same as Rarity's first patient. It expanded, growing and growing, pushing way past the seams of the gown. The flesh of it stretching out around its increased circumference as it grew and grew, getting bigger and bigger. Its tip was up in the air, throbbing more than any part of it. The sight would have been little more than a neat parlor trick were Rarity not so lustfully thralled. To her, it looked amazing - wondrous - and she was eager to have it in her mouth. She knew every thick inch of it was chock-full of musk, all just for her. All she had to do was suck it out. The patient pushed himself up and flung out of the bed, the tip of his member still poking through the gown. Rarity drooled, wiped off the drool, and got on her knees on the cold floor tile. Rarity was eager, but not stupid. She knew she didn't have space for all of it once, so she started off nice and easy, leaning in and kissing her lips to the tip of it, smmmacks filling the air as she smooched it repeatedly. She settled into a rhythm, sucking lightly on it. Within moments, she could feel it pulse and throb, ready to give her the first of several rewards for her “good behavior.” It didn't take long for his release to travel down his length and spray into her mouth. Rarity made a noise of discontent. His first release was disappointingly small, especially with a member so big. “Rarity, we both know what it is you want.” Id said. “And I think we both know you're not going to get it like that.” Hearing Id's words, Rarity nodded and inched her way up, taking more of the huge member into her mouth, her large lips working wonders around the middle of him. Rarity took her tongue and swept it around him, curling it around. She could feel him being to pulsate again. She could him moaning as she brought him to his limits. A string of moans escaped from him, and another release went down her mouth. This one was much more satisfying than the last, it was much larger, much thicker … and much hotter. “There you go.” Id said, watching. “Isn't that better?” Rarity would have nodded, were she not more focused on the task at hand. There was more musk waiting for her lips - and her stomach – to claim it, she knew. Giving in to the please, the patient leaned forward, putting more of his equipment in Rarity's mouth. A little past where she liked, as he went a bit over her tongue. She loved the feeling on tongue, of the hot liquid passing through … she liked to savor the warmth and the taste. She loved having it in her mouth. She especially loved when the member got “fed up” with her presence and “objected” by spraying its delicious gunk all over her mouth. Rarity sucked and slurped him, not afraid of what was going to happen next. With her expert tongue and luscious lips, it was no surprise he was able to pass his next release with such ease. More droplets of thick nectar were traveling down her throat, pleasuring her and entrancing her. She blinked, and when her eyelids opened, they were in the shape of beating hearts from a Want It, Need It spell. Rarity saw no signs of slowing down, but this release removed the member of some size, hinting it was starting to run out. And while the member shrunk, Rarity's stomach grew, gaining a little more weight. “Ooh, look at you!” Id said, admiring the scene. “You're so cute, the way you're so eager to suck and slurp him … and who says sex can't be adorable?” Id adjusted her position on her chair. “Now, Rarity … "You're part of a special club, now," Id told her. "A club of women called bimbos. And bimbos suck and swallow every drop. They never let go of their man until they've taken every last drop from them. Are you a good bimbo, Rarity?” Rarity's playmate was overwhelmed and orgasmed into her one more time. It seemed as though this release was even thicker and hotter than the last, as though the heat and thickness was increasing with every release. Sensing he was on his last leg, he began to pull away. Rarity wrapped her hands his thighs, taking hold and refusing to let go until she had taken her tongue and licked him clean, swallowing to the very last drop, as Id told her. “I'm ... I'm a good bimbo.” Rarity said while the exhausted patient took himself away from her mouth. “Hmm.” Id's eye was drawn to the patient. She rocked her head back and forth, pondering something. “Should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I ...” Id snapped her fingers. “Too late, I did.” “Whoa-oh!” The patient moaned and stumbled on his feet. Id's magic made the member, which had lost its enhanced size, grow again, regaining the huge size it was before he and Rarity began. “Now, Rarity ...” Id said. “If you're really a true bimbo, then you won't -” Rarity pounced on the hapless patient, taking his member back into her mouth and subject to the tender ministrations of her tongue. “ … hesitate.” Id smiled, wrapping her arms behind her head. The patient, accepting he was doing this again, thrusted forward. Eventually the force of his member pushed Rarity towards the floor, where she lay flat on her back while he got down on top of her and shoved himself further and further into her mouth. Rarity welcomed his forceful presence. She'd been afraid, at first, of his member being too big for her throat, but either she had learned how to adjust for the size … or there was a side-effect of the growth she'd been experiencing in her body which made the inside of her throat bigger. Either way, she loved it. She couldn't wait to experience a full release with the whole size of the member parting her lips and inside her throat. As her sucking got louder, Rarity decided she liked this position. All she had to do was lay back and wait for her generous patient to pour his release down her throat. “Oh, Rarity ...” The patient moaned. “You're such a ferocious, voracious sucker ...” He opted to reward her by bobbing his member up and down. It pulsated once before unleashing another gush of his seedy ooze for her to swallow. “Mmm ...” Rarity's eyes rolled to the back of her head. She loved this. Maybe if she had played her cards differently, maybe if she had fought more with Id earlier, she might not be here now. But it was late too now. His releases were too hot, too powerful to even think about resisting. Let the people call her what they will; addicted, crazy, “bimbo,” but there was no denying she was hopelessly, madly in love with the taste. She was helpless to resist and powerless but to swallow his spooge, his delicious spooge. I can't help it … Rarity thought to herself. It'sh sho ta'shy … even her thoughts were slurred. “That's it.” Id told her. “You don't need to worry about a thing anymore besides just sucking and swallowing … sucking and swallowing.” Sucking and swallowing. Sucking and swallowing … repeated in Rarity's head. She was going to suck him a little more and suck him a little more and suck and suck before swallowing and swallowing some more. The member pulsed and throbbed. Huge lumps formed along its length comparable to what happens when a garden hose gets obstructed and the water gathers in one area, swelling up. Each lump traveled down its length and into Rarity's mouth, spilling out more spooge for her. Each subsequent release was larger, hotter, thicker than the last. Near the end, it was like she was swallowing boiling swampwater. Her stomach began to grow again, pushing out to the sides and swelling up. Hey, all that spooge needed to go somewhere … Feeling increased weight and pressure in her glutes, Rarity couldn't help but feel around herself and spank herself, hoping to dispel the pressure. “Oh, Rarity!” The patient moaned with glee. “You're getting so thick!” Did she hear that right? This man, with an enhanced member pouring nectar down her throat, had just congratulated her on being thick? Of course, given it was her entire body growing while he had just one body part, it may not have been a fair comparison. Another release traveling down her larynx derailed those thoughts. It was so good. She had to suck every inch of him, she had to be sure she sucked the life out of this stud. There were more releases, and with each release, Rarity's belly got a bit bigger, as did the rest of her. The patient moaned and moaned, getting it out of his system, giving her more spooge to drink. Rarity relaxed, letting it flow into her. The patient signed, his releases beginning to stop. He drew away from Rarity to let her breath. Rarity had known the releases were getting hotter, but she didn't see how close she was to scalding her tongue until she opened her mouth and fresh clouds of steam escaped from it. Sitting up, Rarity wondered what kind of drug the staff had given these men to make their releases taste so good. Id got up and leaned forward, breasts hanging in the air. “Did you enjoy your spooge?” “Sph ...” Rarity mumbled. “Shhpooge?” “Yes.” Id giggled. “Spooge is the name – well, a name – for that tasty stuff you've been drinking out of his member for the last, mm, half-hour to an hour.” “Oh. In that cashe ...” Rarity nodded. "Yesh." “Isn't it nice to be a spooge-sucking bimbo, Rarity?” Id asked. Rarity nodded again. “Of course it is. Now, why don't you take a nap?” "Mmm ... what if I ... don't wanna?" Half-amused, Id snapped her fingers. The patient returned, pushed his member into Rarity's mouth and released. Rarity's eyes widened for a brief moment as she savored the taste, a moment before the taste overwhelmed her and knocked her out. “Ugh ...” Rarity groaned, coming to. She rubbed her head and rolled over on the floor. “Wha-what happened?” Rarity saw Id sitting on a chair, flipping through a magazine. On the bed, there was a patient napping. A male patient. It didn't take Rarity long to realize what transpired. “Oh, son of a … I fell for it again, didn't I?” Rarity pushed herself up. “Yup.” Id said. Rarity sighed, wondering how much of more of this she was going to have to put up with before she could find a way out of here. She noticed her own body's increased size, pushing out all directions, the sheets barely fitting. “Hmm.” Rarity turned around to observe herself. Her entire body was enlarged. Her arms were thick, her sides jutted out and her stomach was flabby. She also noticed an increase in her, ahem, tuchis, shall we say. “I look like I came out of a Rubenesque painting ...” Rarity muttered. “What's the matter?” Id said with a degree of snide. “You don't like it?” “No, no.” Rarity continued to examine herself. “I never said that.” She did like this body. It still had the same “bulk and power” appeal as the plus-size form she took from Applejack's milk. But this was more plus-plus-plus size. “I feel like I should be made some kind of baroness ...” She believed the term for this kind of bodyshape was “big beautiful woman.” “I do like it.” Rarity said, twirling around. When her foot landed, it made a stomp. “But … I do know how easy it is for someone to change size while inside these walls. And having now experienced both being big and being thin, I think it's fair for me to say which I prefer. So, Id … if you would make me thin again.” “Aww, really?” Id said. “I kinda like you this way.” Rarity furrowed her brow. “Id, I asked nicely. Don't make me get rough.” Id chuckled. “The way your body is right now, I don't see a rough edge on it!” Id burst into laughter at her bad, tasteless joke. She quit laughing when Rarity pushed up against her, using her size to press Id against the wall with the unspoken threat of crushing. “Id.” Rarity growled. “Help get this – I don't want to sound negative, but this fat off me." “Okay, okay.” Id pushed Rarity off, which was a lot harder than it sounds. “I'll help you get rid of your fat.” Id giggled and snorted. At first, Rarity thought she was being juvenile, but it began to sound more like Id knew something Rarity didn't. Which wouldn't be surprising, given her communications with Discord. “Come on.” Id grabbed Rarity's hand. “This way.” Rolling her eyes at being dragged by hand to somewhere again, Rarity nonetheless allowed Id to lead out from the patient's room, down a few halls, and into a supply closet. The shelves were stacked with medicines and vials. “Wait here a minute.” Id went by each shelf, gathering up medicine bottles and an empty medical cup. She dropped all the medicines it, crushed them, and stirred it with her finger. The end result was a glowing purple solution in the cup. Id handed the cup to Rarity. “Drink this.” “Mmm.” Rarity twirled the cup. “I don't know … are you sure it's safe?” “It's fine!” “It's glowing.” “Look, you said you wanted my help.” Id gestured dramatically to the potion. “There it is, in that cup.” Rarity sighed. Not sure why she was trusting Id, Rarity lifted the cup to her mouth. “Well, here goes nothing, I suppose.” She tilted her head back and downed the solution. She was expecting to either taste like awful medicine or more drugged breast milk or some such, but it wasn't bitter, not did it put her in a trance. “That wasn't too bad.” Rarity said. “Of course not! The next bit is the hard part.” Id said. Rarity took in a deep, pained breath as she felt all of her sides constrict and contract at once. Slowly but surely, the weight she gained from Applejack and the patient went down. Her stomach and sides tucked in, her legs and arms thinned out, and as an added benefit, her breasts and lips began shrinking closer the size normal people had. “Ah.” Rarity sighed, relieved to be back to her old self. She watched with a smile as her chest shrunk and shrunk, her arms getting thinner and thinner … Wait a minute. The arms … they were getting too thin. “What?” Rarity lifted her right arm up and watched as it got thinner and thinner. Checking her chest, she saw her breasts getting even smaller than the size they were before Discord transported her into the hospital. “I ...ooh, I should have known better than to trust you, Id.” Rarity grabbed at her breasts, trying to hold onto them as they shrunk into her chest and made her … flat. Flat as a plank of wood. Not just flat as “small breasted,” flat as in … her breasts seemed to disappear. “Id!” Rarity screamed and grabbed by the collar of her dress. “What did you do to my breasts?” “You said to help you get rid of the fat.” Id said. “I thought you knew breasts were fat tissue.” “You ...” Rarity gave Id a shake. “I love my breasts, you brute! I didn't want you to take them away!” There was a moment of silence as what Rarity said sunk in. Id cracked up. “PFFFF AAAH HA HA HA HA HA!” “I ...” Rarity shoved Id away. “That came out wrong! That came out horribly, horribly wrong!” “Man.” Id laughed. “I always knew you were vain, Rarity, but I didn't realize you would go that far! Hahahaha!” “Now, Id ...” Rarity rubbed her hands, trying to think of what to say. “Say, when you're in the shower and you think no one's looking, do you lick them?” Id asked. “Now, Id!” Rarity grabbed her by the dress again. “Oh, chill out.” Id said. “I was just messing with ya.” Before Rarity could vent her frustration in the form of physical violence, Id pressed up against her, grinding their abdomens together. Feeling a tinge of pleasure, Rarity let out a moan and calmed down a little. “What?” Rarity said. Dropping Id again, Rarity felt around her thighs, eventually reaching to her abdomen. She felt around to test her theory. Needing a moment to think, Rarity breathed in. Placing a hand over her forehead, she asked the question on her mind. “Id?” “Yeeees?” “Did your medicine … turn me into a male?” “Maaaaybe.” “I don't ...” Rarity drew a hand over her hand. “I can't – I don't how to deal with this.” “Aww, you're fine.” Id said. “You look great!” Rarity pushed open the door. “A mirror. I need a mirror.” If nothing else, she could at least see she how she looked as a male. Or would it be “he could see how he looked”? Rushing down the hall, Rarity tried to find a bathroom. Seeing a window at the end of the hall, Rarity decided it would do. Walking up to the window, she leaned in close to examine herself – himself? “His” features didn't change much from when he was a she. His face was still round and her body was still lithe. His hair had shortened, though not by much. It wasn't horrible, except for the part where he was a freaking male! His dress and makeup hadn't changed, either, so he was stuck wearing eyeliner as guy. Which by itself wouldn't be so bad if it had been applied as such, but it had been applied as a female and grafted onto a male. The two required vastly different styling, darling! And without her breasts to hold them up, the sheets Rarity had been using fell loose on his body, making it look he had escaped from a bad toga party. “Oh, what am I going to do with this?” Rarity wondered. “R-Rarity?” Oh, please no. Rarity thought. The last thing he-she needed right now was for Fluttershy to see her like this. Rarity turned to greet her friend. “Hi, Fluttershy-ai-ai ...” Rarity was stunned. To her new male eye, Fluttershy's breasts looked three times bigger, even Rarity knew they were no bigger than Rarity last saw. (not that that would have been surprising, considering) No wonder guys were always staring! Rarity would probably stare too if her biological eyes made every woman's chest appear three times as big as it actually was. “Are you … okay?” Fluttershy tilted her head. “Aah, ahh … what do you mean?” “There's something different about you.” Fluttershy narrowed her eyes. “I can't quite put my finger on it.” “I have no idea what you're talking about.” Rarity fibbed, trying to look away. Fluttershy was walking from side-to-side, trying to examining Rarity from different angles. She probably didn't realize how every step she took made her boobs jiggle and sway. If Rarity had found it difficult to look away as a fellow woman, it was impossible as a guy! Which got her wondering, did the potion altered her sexuality as well as her physical sex? Was she still “straight” if she were to date other guys, or as he, would it be considered homosexual? Oooh, gender bender potions open up all kinds of tricky questions. “I got it!” Fluttershy's decree snapped Rarity back to reality. “You did something with your hair!” “Uh, yeah, that's it.” Rarity assured her. “You guessed it, Fluttershy.” Rarity was hopeful this would be the end of it, but she noticed something. His hand was on Fluttershy's boob, moving fingers around to play with it. Fluttershy noticed it too. Evidently, Rarity didn't even realize Fluttershy's chest had already hypnotized her into a trance. “Oh, um ...” Fluttershy said, looking down. Fluttershy stared at Rarity's hand for a long time. She reached up and put her hands on Rarity's wrist. “Rarity, do- do you want to play with my – my boobs?” “Oh, Fluttershy, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean – I wasn't thinking! Wait, what did you say?” “I, um ...” Fluttershy's fingers drummed on Rarity's wrist. “I asked if you wanted to play with my boobs.” Fluttershy blushed and shirked away. “I mean, it's okay if you do ...” “I ...” Rarity was confused. The Fluttershy she knew would have screamed and died of embarrassment if this happened. Maybe she didn't know Fluttershy as well as she thought … Or Discord had brought Fluttershy's Id to life and subjected her to similar experiences as the ones Rarity went through where she became easily mind-controlled and prone to sexual situations. Yes, that was a much more plausible scenario. Rarity was going to say no, but she saw Fluttershy drumming her fingers along his wrist. She was looking down at them expectantly and her gaze rose to Rarity with a nervous smile, as if she wanted this, as if she was trying to say “go on, do it.” Succumbing to Fluttershy's natural cuteness, Rarity agreed. “I would love for you to let me play with your breasts, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy's smiled broadened. She stepped closer to Rarity. Rarity put his hands on both of her breasts, rubbing and massaging them. Fluttershy's blush was as red as it could be, but so too was her smile wide. “So, what have you been doing?” Fluttershy asked, standing on her tiptoes to present her chest. “Oh, not much.” Rarity lied. “Got tricked into coming to this hospital, had a few, hmm, close encounters and one thing lead to another and I found myself turned into a man.” “Mmm. Isn't that just the way?” Fluttershy asked, watching as Rarity's hands rolled over her spheres. “Wait, did you say you were turned into a man?” “Yes?” “Like … a full man?” Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow. “I believe so.” Rarity said. Getting uncomfortable, she stopped rubbing Fluttershy's chest. “Why?” “Because.” Fluttershy grabbed Rarity's hand. “If you're willing … there's something I want you to do to me.” “What kind of something?” Fluttershy gave Rarity the most seductive glare she could manage. “Oh, that kind of something. Gee, Fluttershy, I don't really know ...” Rarity rubbed the back of her head. “Oh, please?” Fluttershy asked, holding Rarity's hand. She backed away. “I mean, I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to, but ...” Rarity took another long at Fluttershy's face. She was nervous, but Rarity could see she was lustful. And whether it was on purpose or by accident, Fluttershy was showing her natural cuteness again, which made it hard for Rarity to say no. “Okay.” Rarity said, shaking Fluttershy's head. “For you, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy gasped. “Oh, yay!” She hugged Rarity. “Thank you, Rarity. I want to you know it means a lot to me that you would say yes.” “Well ...” Rarity smiled. “I am known for being generous, am I not?” “Oh, yes. This way, please.” Fluttershy took Rarity's hand and guided her. “I have a spot all picked out.” This was the third time today Rarity found herself being guided from one area to another by someone holding her hand. She contemplated making a drinking game out of it, but realized there wasn't any alcohol around for her to use, and it might have aphrodisiac-mind control drugs in it even if there was. Fluttershy led them to a janitorial closet. She threw Rarity in there with a tango move and locked the door behind them. “Discord's … been having me work here as nurse.” Fluttershy said. Oh no. Rarity thought. I know what means. “It's been nice helping the patients, but some of them, um … require more exotic treatments.” Fluttershy said. “And you know how it is, don't you, Rarity? After you get some ...” “You want some more.” Rarity said. “I know, I know. And I'm … happy to give it to you, Fluttershy.” “Thanks.” “Oh, it's no problem.” Rarity said. “I'd rather it be me than some random patient anyhow. Shall we start?” Fluttershy smiled and got down on her knees. She put a hand on Rarity's skirt and pulled. She went slow, to keep Rarity comfortable. When the skirt (and everything under it) was pulled around Rarity's ankles, Rarity and Fluttershy could see Rarity was most certainly a male. Fluttershy opened her mouth and leaned forward. Rarity winced and drew back. “Rarity?” Fluttershy asked. “What's wrong?” “Nothing, I ...” Rarity said. In truth, she was thinking about what happened with Patient 72. The “medicine” Id gave Rarity could have done more than just make her into a him. She worried if there was going to be any side-effects if Fluttershy … swallowed. “It's okay.” Fluttershy said, reaching a hand on Rarity's stomach. “We don't have to do this if you don't want to.” “No, no, I want to.” Rarity said. “For you.” Fluttershy nodded. “Okay. But if you ever get uncomfortable, if you ever want to stop, I want you to scream “red light,” okay? That will be our safe word.” “Okay. Continue, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy put her lips to Rarity's equipment, the same Rarity did to Patient 72 at first. She kissed and nursed it, bringing Rarity a deep pleasure. There was something alien and satisfying to it. Sometimes, Rarity wondered why males could get so eager about sex. Now she knew. Breathing deeply, Rarity exhaled, trying to relax so his tense muscles could make giving Fluttershy her reward easier. Much as with the patient, it didn't take long for the member to burst, dousing poor Fluttershy's mouth with release. “Mmm.” Fluttershy let the release play out before drawing away. “Hmm?” Fluttershy reacted in surprise when her breasts jiggled. She grabbed them, trying to get them to stop. “Why are my breasts jiggling?” Fluttershy made a sour face and brought a finger to her lips. “My lips feel funny, too ...” Rarity knew why. Rarity knew exactly what was going on. It was the same thing as with her first patient. The release was going to make Fluttershy's breasts and lips grow. Per Rarity's expectation, Fluttershy's breasts grew. They bounced and bounced before expanding up and out, ripping a hole in her shirt perfect for peeking at her cleavage. So did Fluttershy's lips, puffing up as though she had applied some really high-quality lipstick to make them look bigger. But they didn't just look bigger, they were bigger. “I know what this is, Fluttershy.” Rarity said. “You'll be fine. But, um, would you keep going?” Fluttershy glanced at her chest with a look of lust, knowing if she did keep going, it would keep growing. With a smirk, Fluttershy went back to nursing Rarity. She curled her lips around the tip of the member and rose up, rubbing it with her exposed cleavage. “Aaaah … aaah ...” Rarity moaned. He never realized how good this felt from a male perspective. He could feel himself about to give way. He felt the throbbing, the pulsating, the burning sensation and anticipation which happened just before release. With Fluttershy's bouncing boobs, his next release proved easier than the first. “Ooooh … ooooh!” Rarity howled, pumping Fluttershy's mouth. He felt both guilty about doing this to Fluttershy (even if it was consensual) and satisfied about doing this to a willing participant. “Oh, Fluttershy, I hope you're loving this as much as I am! Oooh!” Rarity tensed up as his release continued. Fluttershy nursed and licked him, making sure to get everything before gulping down hard. “I am.” Fluttershy said. “I certainly am. MMPH!” Fluttershy's arms crossed over her breasts as they shook again, warning of their impending growth. With a shake, they blew up in size, ripping Fluttershy's dress even more. Fluttershy rubbed at her lips as she sensed they were growing, too. They swelled out and popped out, pinker than ever and looking as though she had a botox injection. Rarity eyed them hungrily, imagining those thick lips on his member … “Ooh.” Fluttershy moaned, playing with her breasts in one hand and with her lips in the other. “Thith feelth really good.” Rarity stifled laughter. “W-what did you just say?” “Hmm.” Fluttershy picked and pulled at her lips. “I gueth my lipth jutht got tho big they gave me a lithp.” Rarity chuckled. “Oh, I'm sorry, Fluttershy's, it's just … this is hilarious.” “It'th okay.” Fluttershy said. “It'll go away, I'm thure.” Fluttershy held hands out. “Wait, wait … “thith ith hilariouth.”” She quoted, causing Rarity to laugh even more. “Oh, oooh-hooo! Oh, that's rich.” Rarity said. Fluttershy, not hearing any objection, put her lips to good use on Rarity's still-active member. Rarity was caught by surprise and moaned loudly, but he would probably moan loudly even if he'd been prepared. “Oh, okay, I guess we're doing this again.” Rarity noted as Fluttershy grabbed his thighs and steered him towards the wall. “Oh, oooh ...” Fluttershy's lips felt amazing. They were so thick, yet soft. And so big, it felt as though they had taken the entirety of Rarity's equipment into themselves; forget about the throat. Big lips were the new thing. “Haaaa, haaaaa …” Rarity moaned. Unable to resist Fluttershy's expert suckling combined with those diva lips, Rarity thrusted forward, subjecting his entire member to Fluttershy's pillow-y lips. “Ooooh, yes … yes. Mmm. Mmm!” “Mmm mmm!” Fluttershy agreed, enjoying this as much, if not more than Rarity was. She used her tongue for a long slurp and took the equipment further into her mouth, the tip of her lips touching the base of Rarity's equipment. “Gaaaah!” Rarity cried out in pleasure as his last … wonderful release happened, giving Fluttershy a heavy dose of release. “Yes, yes ...” Fluttershy's boobs were loud as they grew out again, expanding and increasing in size. They ripped the shirt further and further until it gave out, allowing Fluttershy's boobs and brassiere to hang loose. Rarity could feel her lips growing, too. “You need more.” Rarity said, thrusting forward. "Yes, big breasts suit you, Fluttershy ... a nice pair of big, big, big bouncy boobs." She wanted to make Fluttershy's cleavage grow. She wanted them to crack their cloth confinement and break free of the brassiere, exposing their massive size for all the world to see. Men (and lesbians) would flock from miles to worship her massive breasts … Rarity may have been imagining some kind of power fantasy using Fluttershy as a proxy. But Fluttershy took what Rarity was giving her without complaint, taking it all into her system. Rarity was getting what she wanted, as Fluttershy's breasts and lips continued to grow. There were groans of protest from the brassiere as it struggled to hold Fluttershy's monumentally-increasing orbs. A snap followed as the first strap gave out, soon followed by another snap, and another snap, and another snap before the now-useless bustier floated to the floor. Fluttershy's lip increase was less destructive, her lips growing and growing until they were nearly the size of her forehead. Rarity's release finished and Fluttershy separated. “Th'ankth, Raritwy.” Fluttershy said, her lithp – lisp have gotten more comical with the increase size. “I weawwy appwicate thith.” “You're ...” Rarity struggled to hold back laughter. “You're welcome, dear. Now if you'll excuse me ...” Rarity pulled her skirt up and sunk to the floor. “That was exhausting, so I think I'll take a nice, long nap.” “Thweet dweams.” Fluttershy stayed until Rarity settled onto the floor. Once Rarity was comfortable, Fluttershy got up and left. “Fluttershy!” Discord appeared, flying in from the hallway. “There you are! I've been looking for you.” Discord stopped and saw Fluttershy's enhanced bust and lips. “Oh, helped yourselves to a patient, did we?” Fluttershy blushed. “You could thay that.” “Hmm. Let's do something about those lips, shall we?” Discord snapped his fingers and Fluttershy's lips shrunk back to normal. “Now, as I was saying -” “Um, Discord?” Fluttershy said. “Would you mind doing the same for … these?” She gestured at her massive hanging boobs. “So demanding!” Discord whined. He snapped his fingers and Fluttershy's bust shrunk back to more reasonable proportions as well. “Now, as I was saying, I have a new patient for you.” “A new patient? Where did I leave my clipboard?” Fluttershy looked around. Discord waved. “You won't be needing it for this one.” Discord held out a potted plant. “It's just this pet plant of mine here. I need you to take care of for a day or two.” “Okay.” “Be careful.” Discord said, giving the plant to Fluttershy. “You'll find a note attached with care instructions in the soil.” “Oh my.” Fluttershy blushed as she read the note. “This is a very … um, interesting plant, Discord. Discord? Where did he go?" Rarity was sleeping soundly in the closet when unfamiliar sensations roused him from his sleep. Rubbing his tired eyes, he tried to figure out what was happening. “What time it is? Five more minutes, mother … hmm?” Rarity clutched at his chest, pressure building up in it. “Gah!” Rarity reached for his abdomen. His body rocked back and forth as spasms went through him. He grimaced as it seemed like his abdomen and the inside of his stomach was contorting in on itself. The painful feelings stopped with a pleasant taking their place. He could feel his hair growing longer, reaching near his hips. Lumps appeared in his dress from his chest, which got bigger and rounder until they were the size she had before entering the hospital. Seeing she was a woman again, Rarity let out a sigh, relieved to be back to normal. At least until Id found and tricked her again. “I can't believe how much I missed these.” Rarity grabbed her breasts and kissed them. She laid back down to finish a much-deserved, long, long nap, but before she did, she let slip these words … “... I love my breasts.” > Spilled Milk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janitorial supplies clattered in the closet from Rarity's movements. Waking up from her nap (and not from the sudden return to her birth gender this time) Rarity felt her way around the dark closet until her hand touched the doorknob. She turned the knob and cracked the door open, scanning the hallways to the left and right. After what happened with Patient 72 and the medicine which turned her into a male, Rarity wanted to avoid Id's influence, for awhile anyway. Rarity knew she'd have to go back to Id at some point, as she was her only link to Discord. Rarity edged out of the door, thinking Id would pull a horror movie and appear behind her even though Rarity made a thorough search of the hallways beforehand. Id would put her hand on Rarity's shoulders to startle her and freak out wearing a Slasher movie villain mask, Rarity would bet. At least getting out of the closet and past the hall without bumping into her perverted doppelganger, Rarity thought about the idea of sneaking around and maybe finding a way to escape. A secret passage, perhaps, or a secret exit Discord put in as part of a hidden win condition. Rarity knew the way Discord thought, the game would be no fun if there wasn't a chance of the other side winning, right? Rarity continued sneaking down the hallways, careful to listen for a sound. Any step, any movement which might end up dragging her somewhere she didn't want to go. Reaching yet another hallway, (how many of these hallways were in a single hospital, anyway?) Rarity continued along. “I wonder if I could find a map around here ...” Rarity said. While she had already tried and failed the primary entrance, at least having an idea of the hospital's layout would be nice so she could know where she was relative to everywhere else. Especially knowing where to find the bathrooms. Getting this far without being spotted, Rarity relaxed a little and walked through the hall instead of sneaking. She pondered her odds of finding another visitor who could help her. She'd been to a waiting area. She knew there were other people in this hospital besides male patients and her brainwashed friends. Her friends! Shouldn't she be trying to help them escape, too? Rarity stopped and rubbed her chin in thought. On one hand, it was selfish of her to escape without offering to lend a hand. On the other, if she tried, depending on how far into a trance they were in, it could backfire. Rarity heard giggling come from of the doors around her. She considered investigating it, but thought better of it. More than likely was there would be someone in there more than willing to show Rarity a “good time.” Perhaps another male patient or Applejack again. Rarity put one foot forward and the giggling occurred again. This time, she recognized it as Pinkie Pie's giggling. She grimaced, thinking of going ahead and passing the door by. But she also considered perhaps Pinkie was being … tortured with tickles or something. Knowing the high probability she was going to be drinking something before she left the room, Rarity went in anyway to check on her friend. “Hello?” Rarity asked. “Is everything all right in here, darlings?” This room was a sterile white, unlike the other blues ones. More giggling came from the yellow bedsheet before whoever was under realized someone was asking a question. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both popped out from the sheet, holding the blanket up to cover their chests. “Oh!” Pinkie giggled. “Hi, Rarity.” “Hey.” “Yes, hi.” Rarity waved at them. “Are you two okay?” “We're fine.” Rainbow Dash said. She turned to Pinkie. “Isn't that right, Pinkie Pie?” “Oh, yes! We're having the best time under here.” Pinkie said with a smile. “Okay. If you say so, darlings.” Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin. “Hmm.” “What is it, darling?” “Nothing.” Dash said. “It's just … well, I think it's safe to say Discord's been making all of our friends play this perverted game, right, Pinkie Pie? And we all had changes in the game, so I'm … I don't know, I mean ...” “She's wondering why your boobs are ridiculously big like ours are under this sheet!” Pinkie interrupted, ignoring Rainbow Dash's efforts to be subtle. Dash rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah, that.” “Oh,well, they were.” Rarity said. “But I appear to have to hit the master reset button, as it were. You should have seen me before. It was quite the sight.” “Yeah, I'll bet.” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity cleared her throat. “Well, if you two won't be needing anything, I'll let you get back to … whatever you were doing.” She begun to close the door, but … “Rarity, wait.” Pinkie said. She dropped the blanket, exposing her and Rainbow Dash's engorged chests. “Don't you want to drink some milk with us?” “Pinkie!” Dash blushed and yanked the blanket back up to cover herself. “No, no, I'm … quite fine, darling.” Rarity said. “Quite fine.” She added, thinking of when she sampled Applejack's milk. “Aww, come on!” Pinkie gestured for Rarity to approach. “It'll be fun.” “No, thank you for offering.” “That's it.” Rainbow Dash crawled out of the bed. “I'm not letting you go without at least a taste.” “Rainbow Dash, that's really unnecessary, darling-” While Rarity mumbled excuses, too nervous to think of the simple solution and slamming the door, Rainbow Dash walked up to her, breasts in full swing. Rainbow Dash grabbed one breast, aimed it at Rarity, and squeezed it, launching a spray of milk over Rarity's face. The milk seeped through Rarity's lips and got onto her tongue. “Mmm.” Rarity moaned as she tried to wipe the milk off, hoping that would be enough to remove its effects. But it was too late; it had gotten onto her tongue already. “Now will you join Rainbow Dash and I in slurping up some of the super-tasty, mega-sweet, fruity-tootie milk?” Pinkie asked. “Mmm.” Rarity's eyelids dropped. She gulped the milk and nodded. “Mmm-hmm.” “Great!” Pinkie patted the bed. “Then come sit down with us. There's room enough for three!” Rarity and Rainbow Dash crawled onto the bed. Rarity took a seat where she could switch from one girl to the other without any difficulty. “Come on, come on, lean in … that's it.” Pinkie directed Rarity to nurse from her first. “Drink up.” Eyes half-shut, Rarity leaned forward and put a light grip on Pinkie's breast. She inhaled, teasing the milk out where it cascaded down her tongue. Pinkie wrapped arms around Rarity in a hug, pulling Rarity forward and encouraging Rarity to suckle. Rarity complied, giving Pinkie an increase in suction. “Oooh, yes.” Pinkie moaned. “That feels good, Rarity.” “Hey.” Rainbow Dash said. “Are you gonna leave me out in the cold? I want a turn.” Rarity acknowledged Dash and removed herself from Pinkie. Shifting on the bed, Rarity nursed Rainbow Dash's breasts for a time, dragging her tongue across Dash's tip. Dash exhaled. “Aah … yes, it does feel good.” Pinkie giggled. “Doesn't it? But you and I already knew that. Right, Dash?” “Uh-huh.” Rainbow Dash glanced down at Rarity. “It's too bad Rarity can't know what this feels like from this end.” “Un-huh. Just too bad. Wait. Maybe she can.” Pinkie wiggled an eyebrow. While Rarity still nursed her, Dash looked at Pinkie. “What do you mean?” “Do you remember how we start lactating?” Pinkie said. “It started right after -” “You're right.” Dash said. Wrapping an arm around Rarity's shoulder, Dash spoke. “Rarity, we're gonna make you switch again. We want to get a lot of milk in you so you can experience this from yourself, okay?” Rarity moved away from Dash's breast, milk seeping down her lips. “Okay.” Rarity rotated around and grabbed onto Pinkie's chest, slurping out its milk. Rarity was moaning when the milk tasted funny. “What?” Rarity stopped to see what was going on. The droplets of milk dripping out from Pinkie's breasts, sliding down her chest … they were turning from white to pinkish white, to pink. Pinkie giggled. “Oh yeah! I guess we forgot to mention we get experimented on, so now we leak different flavors. It takes awhile for it to active, but after those few drops, the syrups kick in. I make strawberry milk while Rainbow Dash does chocolate.” “Hello.” Dash waved, gesturing to her milk which was turning chocolate brown. While Rarity was distracted by observing Dash's milk turn chocolate, Pinkie got naughty and squeezed her boob at Rarity, spraying Rarity's lips with strawberry milk. “Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash snapped. “That was rude! She clearly wasn't ready. If you wanted her to start on you again, you should have just said so.” “Sorry.” Pinkie covered her smile with her hand. “I got excited.” “It's okay.” Rarity alternated between wiping the milk off with her hand or slurping it up with her tongue. “It's quite good, actually … wait.” Rarity brushed her fingers along her lips. “Why do my lips feel funny?” The answer became obvious as Rarity's lips turned a bright, enticing shade of pink and grew in size, becoming luscious once more. “What?” “Oh yeah.” Pinkie said. “Did I mention the part where we experimented on? Well, we may not understand all of the potential side-effects yet.” “You made my lips grow, without warning me.” Rarity said. “I'm not sure I want to keep doing this.” “No! I mean, please don't stop now.” Rainbow Dash said. “I'm … sure it'll be fine. This didn't happen until it got on your lips, right? So all we have to do is make sure the milk goes past your lips and not on them.” Rarity eyed with Rainbow Dash with dubious uncertainty, but she agreed for now. “All right … but any more lip growth and I'm leaving.” “Fair enough.” Dash said. “But those lips do look good on you.” Rainbow Dash took a finger and swiped it along Rarity's lips. “They're so soft … I would love to know what it feels like to have my boobs sucked by them.” Boobs … sucked. Boobs … sucked. The words repeated in Rarity's mind, making her flashback to some of the words Id had told her and the conditioning Id had done. “I ...” Rarity stuttered, struggling to think. “I-I'm a good bimbo … I'm a good sucker. I-I'll be a good boobsucker ...” “Are you sure that wouldn't be “boobs-sucker?” Pinkie asked. “Pinkie.” Dash said. “We have more important things than debating sexual semantics. C'mere, Rarity.” Rarity complied, lowering herself towards Dash and latching onto Dash's breast. “There you go … how's the milk tasted?” “Chocolate-y.” Rarity said, muffled. “Hey, don't leave me out of the party.” Pinkie said. Moving to the side, she brushed up against Rainbow Dash, rubbing her boob against Rainbow's. Wiggling into place, Pinkie shoved Rainbow's breast to the side and inserted her own into Rarity's mouth, feeding her with both flavors of milk at once. “Ha-ha!” Pinkie said. “How's the milk taste now?” “Shw'eet.” Rarity said as her mouth was overwhelmed with the strawberry-chocolate milk mix. It was incredibly sweet and full of flavor, creating a much more invigorating experiencing than suckling the regular breast milk they'd started out on. Rarity sucked and sucked, letting the twin rivers pass through her teeth. It was hard to resist the rich, creamy milk. She wanted to drink it until her stomach swelled up, at which point her stomach couldn't take her anymore and would make her throw up ... Actually, let's skip that last part. Yeah, let's not do that. Not doing that would be a good idea. “Oh, look at you.” Pinkie cooed with a naughty grin. “Aren't you just the bestest best boob-sucking bimbo the world has ever seen?” Rarity blinked and shook her head. Would Pinkie really say something like that to her? She stopped suckling both of them for a sec and pulled up her head. “Pinkie Pie? Did you say something, darling?” “No.” Pinkie said, her smile more of a content one than a naughty grin. “Unless you're talking about when I laughed and I said “how's the milk taste now?” and you said -” “Fine.” Rarity held her hand out for Pinkie to stop talking. It was evident what Pinkie had said was a hallucination of some kind. Ooh, this hospital is messing with my head. Rarity thought. Come to think of it, given it was Discord's creation, Rarity would expect the hospital to be constantly reassembling itself, a jigsaw puzzle in the air to go with Discord's chaotic nature. Returning to the task at hand, Rarity resumed nursing the two of them, moaning contentedly at the stream flowing down her throat. She closed her eyes and relaxed, content to lay where she was and let the milk come to her. “Isn't this nice, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash, wrapping an arm around Rarity in something resembling a headlock. “The three of us, here, you enjoying our breast milk the same way someone told me it's meant to be enjoyed; straight from the boob.” Rarity, in her dazed state, popped off to agree and laugh. “Ha, yes! Straight from the boob, ha-ha! I love boobs ...” "Whooooo doesn't?” Pinkie asked. “Especially when they're all nice and big and bouncy and full of milk ...” Rarity was about to sink back down and continue suckling when a gurgle in her own breasts made her pause. “Oh … now what?” Rarity looked down to see her breasts spasming. “Oooh!” Pinkie wrapped an arm around Rainbow Dash, patting her. “Rainbow Dash, it's happening!” “What's happening?” Rarity asked. She wrapped her arms around her chest while it bumped and bumped, fattening and increasing in size. Wait a minute … Rarity thought. I know this feeling … from before, with Applejack … Rarity arched up her back and moaned, letting her breasts jut out. Reaching her hands onto her back, she moaned and moaned until the expulsion occurred. Huge splashes of chocolate and strawberry milk escaped from her breasts, getting all over Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Their breasts and bellies were painted a brown-pink swirl color while Rarity adjusted to the weight of milk. Pinkie ran her hand through the milk she was covered in. “Ooh, that was fun! Let's do it again.” “I'm … not so sure about that, darling.” Rarity said, cupping her breasts. One was leaking strawberry while the other was leaking chocolate. “But rest assured, I am more than willing to share ...” “I think we'll take you up on that offer.” Rainbow Dash flashed a grin. She got on her hands and knees and crawled towards Rarity, who eagerly awaited her arrival with a seductive smile. “It's here for you, darlings.” Rarity said. “All you have to do is reach over and take it – OOH!” Rarity moaned, an up-swell happening in the side of her breast. “Darlings, what's going on?” “Uh, let's see.” Pinkie said. “You got your lips grown and were drinking our milk for awhile, and now you're making milk and screaming uncontrollably. Does that help?” “No, Pinkie Pie, it does not – OOOH!” Rarity twisted and turned, the feeling unfamiliar to her. She flopped onto the bed, still writhing. “Do- do you think we should call a nurse?” Rainbow Dash asked, getting more concerned. “Uh, maybe.” Rarity winced, continuing to clutch at the painful spot. “Give it a minute or two. Maybe it'll paaaaass – OOOOH!” Rarity's eyes widened and she howled. “That does it, I'm getting help!” Rainbow Dash prepared to bolt out of the bed, but Pinkie Pie grabbed her by the arm. “Rainbow Dash, wait. Look.” Pinkie pointed at Rarity. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but she saw back down and watched. They observed the spot where Rarity was clutching herself. It was … increasing in size. A lump was forming on Rarity's body, growing inch by inch, spreading in diameter. Rainbow Dash developed an idea of what it was. “Is that a …?” Rainbow Dash got her answer the lump finished forming and let out a spray of plain-white vanilla milk. Rarity had grown a third breast. “What in the world!?” Rarity screamed, sitting upright and examining her new … development. Pinkie laughed nervous, trying to break the awkward, stunned silence which filled the room. “Like I said, side-effects!” “I ...” Rarity stammered, cupping the new breast. “I have a third breast.” “Look on the bright side!” Pinkie said. “You're leaking three flavors of milk at once! That's pretty amazing. Even Rainbow Dash and I can't do that, and we're the ones that got experimented on!” “Pinkie.” Dash growled. Pinkie's efforts are putting a positive spin on the situation were falling flat. “I have a third breast!” Rarity said, as if the full implication only just now hit here. “This is-this is horrible, this is disgusting!” Rarity was on the brink of tears. “Hey, lots of ancient cultures depicted their gods as being three-breasted!” Pinkie said. Rarity wiped away a tear and sniffed. “R-really?” “Yeah! It's meant to symbolize their fertility. Or something.” Pinkie said. “I dunno, it's been awhile since high school. But Rarity!” Pinkie held her arms out. “Look at you!” Rarity sniffed, looking at her tri-cleavage. “I have looked at me. I'm … ugly and deformed.” “You're not ugly. And you're not deformed.” Pinkie took Rarity's hands. “You're beautiful.” “Y-you think so?” “Of course I do. No, you know what? Forget that, I think you look sexy.” “You do?” “Yup! Sexy and gorgeous.” Pinkie said with a smile. Rarity wiped a few more tears and sniffed. “T-thank you, Pinkie Pie. That was very sweet.” “That's what I'm here for! Besides, we all know what Discord's done to this hospital and the crazy things that it can do to our bodies. Is getting a third breast really the worst thing that's happened to you?” The room was filled with another awkward silence. “Wow.” Dash said. “Way to, like, kill the mood, Pinkie Pie.” Rarity thought about the other transformations she had gone through and relaxed. "Oh, it's fine, darlings.” She stared at her breasts. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie. Now I realize this isn't so bad after all. Now, who wants milk?" Pinkie raised up her hand. “Oh, oh, me! I do, I do!” Rainbow Dash rubbed her hands together. “All right.” She crawled towards Rarity, eager to get started. Pinkie gasped. “Rainbow Dash, wait! There's three breasts and only two of us.” “So?” “So the breast division isn't equal! If I take one, and you take one, who's going to nurse the third one?” "Breast ... division?" Rainbow Dash shook her head and held out her hands to the air, as if trying to ask Celestia why she was saddled with Pinkie Pie's backwards … cookie logic. “I think we should call in the nurse.” Pinkie said. “I'm not sure we need to go that far, Pinkie.” Dash said. “If one of us takes one breast, and the other one of us squeezes the remaining too together ...” Rainbow Dash grabbed Rarity's breasts and fiddled with them. Rarity laughed. “Oh, that tickles, darling. P-please finish whatever it is you're doing quickly.” “Hmm.” Rainbow Dash played with and adjusting Rarity's breasts. But they were so big, and the third breast knocked off their balance relative to each other breast, so it was impossible to get them into a position where two tips were close enough to enter one mouth, no matter how much Dash squeezed them together. “You may be right, Pinkie Pie.” Dash said. “We need backup on this one.” Pinkie clapped. “Oh, yay. I wanted to see her anyway.” “Er.” Rarity said. “See who?” Not paying attention to Rarity's question, Pinkie bounded out of the bed and pushed a button on a panel near the door. It wasn't long before the door opened and Applejack's Amazonian form entered the room. “Tarnation, Pinkie Pie, what is it now?” Applejack asked, sounding cross. “I just saw you not too long ago. I got patients to take care-” Applejack saw what was in the room, with Dash on the bed and Rarity leaking three different breasts leaking three different kinds of milk. “Oh, I see.” “You were saying something about patients, Applejack?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah.” Applejack cleared her throat. “I think I can bump y'all up on the list.” “I … don't mean to be rude.” Rarity said. “But are we sure there's enough room on this bed for all of us and … all of Applejack?” “No need.” Applejack said. “I'll just sit by the bed.” “Places, everyone.” Pinkie said. “I call dibs on the strawberry!” Pinkie Pie hopped back to the bed, sliding towards Rarity's pink-covered breast. “On the strawberry? But Pinkie, you make strawberry milk.” Rarity was confused. “I know.” Pinkie said. “But Rainbow Dash and I are drinking out of each other so much we never have the chance to sample our own flavors.” “Fair enough.” “I guess by that logic then, I'm getting the chocolate.” Rainbow Dash, taking the position near Rarity's middle breast. “And vanilla is fine by me.” Applejack walked towards the bed and sat next, tall enough to lean over and reach over the railing to get her mouth on Rarity's right breast. “Altogether now, on three.” Pinkie said. “ … THREE!” All at once, the three girls latched onto Rarity's breasts and nursed her. Rarity was brought to a height of pleasure in a near-instant moment. After all, with Applejack as the witness, if two breasts being nursed was even better than one, than how much better than three would be than two? “Oooh, yes, yes, yes.” Rarity moaned, biting her lip. “Yes, I feel so … wanted and desirable.” Rarity reflected. She looked down at the mass of heads all suckling nourishment from her. “And maybe a little bit like a cow … yes, darlings. Milk me like a filthy cow ...” Rarity closed her eyes and turned her head. Pinkie stopped. “Wouldn't you rather be milked like a clean cow? Hey, have you ever tried to clean a cow, Rarity? I have, and I gotta tell ya -” Dash pulled up and glared. “Right.” Pinkie and Dash came back down on Rarity's breasts, pulling on them with their tongues. Rarity was helpless but to do little more than blush and enjoy it. “Oh my goodness ...” Rarity breathed, fluttering her eyelids. “It feels so good ...” Pinkie put a hand up and squeezed on Rarity's breast, forcing out a gush of milk. Rarity took in a deep breath and exhaled, creating a let-down reflex which splashed milk out all over their faces. The milk sloshed and bounced, getting the flavors mixed up. Specs of pink and brown masked Applejack's freckles while white drops slid on Pinkie's and Dash's lips. “Oh, darlings, I'm sorry.” Rarity said at the mess. “I lost control of myself ...” “It's okay.” Pinkie said, popping off. “We like it. See?” She grabbed Rarity's chocolate-spewing breast and rubbed it against her chin, spilling chocolate milk out and getting it all over her chin before handing it back to Rainbow Dash. “Oh, this is amazing ...” Rarity said. Applejack laughed. “Ha. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Watch this.” Reaching up around the bed, Applejack brought her buff, ripped arm down on all of Rarity's breasts like a press, causing a near-flood of milk to flow forth from them. Needless to say, more splashing occurred. “Oh, yes!” Rarity screamed. If she thought it was amazing before, there were no words for it. It was like each one of her boobs was experiencing its own individual orgasm. “Squeeze me again, Applejack!” “Oookay.” Sticking her tongue out to the side, Applejack brought her arm down again, making Rarity pour rivers of milk. Applejack was quick to put her mouth on Rarity's breast and get her fill. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie's gulps were loud and strained as they tried to take in all of the delicious, syrup-filled milk. “Could you … do it harder?” Rarity asked. “Without hurting me, of course.” Applejack raised her arm again. “I'll see what I can do.” She brought her arm down again with more force, and something closer to an actual flood happened. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all had their cheeks swell from the amount of milk going in them. They swallowed, pulled back, and started coughing. The milk poured from Rarity's breasts in waves, getting all over the bed. Pink, white, and brown drips pooled down from the sides of the bed and onto the floor like melting icicles. The once pure-white room now had a big splash of a psychedelic brown-pink mix centered around the bed. “When everyone starts coughing ...” Applejack raised a fist to her chin as she hacked a bit. “Is usually when we call it quits.” “Only … fair.” Rarity panted, exhausted. “Is … everyone all right?” “Yeah.” Pinkie said. She examined the room. “We sure made a mess, though.” “The sheet is ruined.” Rainbow Dash observed, lifting up the sheet which was barely clinging together, soaked through with milk. A little tug and it would rip apart. “Ah, he's had all of … this happened.” Applejack said, gesturing to themselves. “I'm sure if Discord can do this to our bodies, he can whip a cleaning crew for this mess.” Applejack looked at Rarity and noticed her clothes. “Rarity? Have you been wearing a pair of sheets this whole time?” Rarity blushed. “Er, yes. I had … an accident with my first costume.” “Well, golly, girl. That's not fair.” Applejack said. She grabbed Rarity by the arm to guide her out. But remembering she was a nine-foot Amazon now, Applejack did the simpler thing and grabbed Rarity by the waist and lifted her entire body up over her shoulder. “C'mon. Let's get you into a shower and into some proper clothes.” “Thank you for the shower, Applejack.” Rarity walked out of the shower room while Applejack held the door for her. “It was refreshing.” “No problem.” Applejack said. “You be careful out there now. No telling what Discord is gonna send after ya next before he decides to end this game.” “Ah, yes.” Rarity said. “Would you be willing to accompany me for the rest of the game?” “I would love tah, but I can't. My next part of the game is me sharing some notes about the side-effects of Pinkie's and Dash's milk with a lady upstairs. Bye now. Oh, and good luck.” Applejack closed the door and went down the hall. “Lady upstairs. Hmm.” Rarity wondered who this lady was. Respecting Applejack's words, Rarity turned and went down the opposite hallway. Applejack had been kind enough to gift her with a new outfit; a nurse outfit similar to the one she had when she came in here, but white, with the heart detail also on her shoulder. Her third breast was squished down and stuffed into the side, allowing Rarity to pass off the illusion she had only her two original breasts. If anyone asked about the lump in the side of her costume, Rarity would lie and say the dress was made too small. Which was true, from a certain point of view. Walking down the hallway, Rarity saw a drinking fountain mounted on the wall. “Oh. Well, now that I think about it, I am a bit parched.” Rarity walked over and turned the fountain, lapping up the water. It seemed fine. There was nothing strange about it at first. But as she continued drinking, the water tasted more like saltwater than drinking water. Hmm. Rarity thought. Oh well. I suppose the plumbing is faulty. Figuring a tiny bit of sea water wasn't going to hurt her, Rarity continued drinking. But the taste changed and changed, until eventually it tasted like … like … like spooge. “Gah!” Rarity jerked away from the fountain. “What in the world?” Surely what she thought happened was not what happened. How careless would the plumbers and the hospital staff have to be to let something like that in? A little saltwater, sure, but – but – but that!? A hallucination. Rarity told herself. Remember what happened with Pinkie calling you a bim – well, you know. I'm sure it's just a hallucination. Convincing herself it was all a hallucination, Rarity went back to the fountain and activated it again. Again, the water tasted fine at first, before getting a little bit of seawater in there, before turning into a dose of spooge. Yeah, no, nope. Not a hallucination. Rarity realized, pulling away from it again. She blinked and opened her eyes. The fountain's spout had been replaced with a throbbing member. What's more, the fountain itself was replaced with a male patient in a bed and the hallway turned into a patient room. She'd been teleported. Oh, okay. So it's a trap, not a hallucination. Rarity thought. She looked at the male patient. “Really?” Rarity asked, hoping Id or Discord could hear. “This again? This is getting old. Don't you have any new tricks?” Rarity looked at the member with disinterest. The pulsing, throbbing, bouncing ready member. It was … so big and veiny. And here it was, all for her. Rarity caught herself lowering towards her and stopped. “No. No.” Rarity said, turning away. “I'm not falling for this again.” She walked towards the door, but Id's words echoed in her mind. Isn't it nice to be a spooge-sucking bimbo, Rarity? You don't need to worry about a thing anymore besides just sucking and swallowing … Are you a good bimbo, Rarity? Pinkie's hallucinated words got into the mix as well. Aren't you just the bestest best boob-sucking bimbo the world has ever seen? “I ...” Rarity's head rolled around in a daze. “I'm a good bimbo ...” If you're really a true bimbo, then you won't - “Hesitate.” Rarity finished, going back and leaping onto the patient. She put her lips to his equipment and began sucking. His equipment pulsed in her mouth as she did her best work on him. “Mmm … mmm ...” Rarity closed her eyes, slurping him quite a bit. The sounds of her sucking were loud, filling the air with the noise of her lips squishing against him. She only wanted to feel it throb and throb … With all the practice she'd been getting, Rarity was little surprised when she made him reach his limit much quicker than the others. She could feel its flesh banging into her mouth while it pulsed out and gave her her reward. Oh! Rarity felt her breasts give a light jiggle and cupped her hand to them. Here we go again! “Mmmm …” Her moans from the feeling of her breasts bouncing and growing were louder than the ones from swallowing his release. Of which there were many. It seemed he was as excited to make Rarity's boobs grow as Rarity was. “Hmm?” Rarity was more confused when she felt the same tingly, jiggly feeling down in her bottom. She put one hand to her chest and one to her bottom as the release continued. Her breasts swelled and swelled, rising up and pushing outwards on the fabric of the nurse costume. The white fabric clung tight to her orbs and left little to the imagination. Meanwhile, her butt and hips also grew, her hips stretching while her glutes increased in size, making the fabric hug them tight as well and giving her a cute, round, bubble-butt. It also made her pink lips a little bigger and a little pinker. “Mmm ...” Rarity moaned as more spooge made its way into her system. The sultry ooze made its way into her and her breasts and butt pushed out as a result, giving her an hourglass figure. It was getting difficult to think clearly. The releases begun to slow. Feeling she wasn't going to get anymore, Rarity pulled away, only to hear something she didn't expect. “How about something different?” The patient said. Rarity realized she was so distracted by his equipment she hadn't look as his face. He was an attractive, with muscles, blond hair, and a nice smile. “Climb up here.” He said. Rarity started to climb. “Pull your skirt up.” He said. Rarity did as told, folding her skirt up before crawling along. “Come here.” He said. Rarity did so, crawling along top of him, her breasts pressing into his chest. He reached up and pulled her down, bringing her into a kiss. And she realized why he wanted her to pull her skirt up, as while she was distracted kissing him, he thrusted his parts through her parts, giving her a warm release into her other pair of lips. “Mmmmmmm.” Rarity moaned, her breasts and butt increasing two sizes from the release. “That's all.” The patient said, separating himself from her. “Carry on.” Rarity giggled and got off him, climbing down from the bed. "Oh … hahahaha! Hehehe!" Rarity laughed at herself, running a finger over her lips. She patted her breasts and her bottom. Id had been calling her a bimbo, but now, with plump lips and being both top-heavy and bottom-heavy, she looked the part. The white, strained fabric of her nurse costumed emphasized her beachball-sized boobs and anvil-sized bottom, along with the hourglass shape it gave her. "Oh, I feel so light-headed." Rarity said. I'm a good bimbo … As an apparent test of this, a complex equation appeared in glowing glyphs in the air. "Eww. Math. Like, go away." Rarity shooed at the math, swatting it away, though she might swat at it even if she wasn't being subjected to mental alternation. After the equation disappeared, Rarity had a thought she might have seen it on a chalkboard of Twilight's at one time. She ignored that thought in favor of more giggling. I'm a good spooge-sucking, boob-sucking bimbo … Ah, can't be both spooge-sucking AND boob-sucking. A voice in her head told her, who may or may not have been Id or Discord. We're gonna have to change one or the other. How about spooge-swallowing, boob-sucking bimbo? "Teeheehee. Okay!" Rarity said with a giggle, putting a finger to her lip. "I'm a good spooge-swallowing, boob-sucking bimbo! Heehee. " Excellent. The voice said. Now, how about we get out of here and maybe see about getting you a boob or two to suck? "Sure." Rarity nodded. She opened the door and looked around the hall. “Oh, Rarity!” Fluttershy appeared. “I've been looking for you.” "Hi, Fluttershy." Rarity waved, giggling. "I am, like, so high right now." Fluttershy cupped her chin. “I can see that.” "Have you met the guy in there?" Rarity pointed to the room behind her. “He's like, really nice. Gave me these.“ Rarity gestured to her chest. She stumbled, catching her hand on Fluttershy's breast. "Ooh, whoops! I'm so clumsy. Hey, can I, like, suck your boobs?" “Um … no.” Fluttershy said. "Are you feeling okay, Rarity?" "Oh, I'm fine!" Rarity assured her. "I'm just - my throat is really dry, you know? I could really go for some water or breast milk or something." Rarity eyed Fluttershy's bust. ""Will you at least let me lick them?" Fluttershy shook her head no. "Oh, that's too bad." Rarity said. ""Boobs are, like, the best. Have I ever told how much I just, like, love boobs? They're so soft and bouncy." "Rarity." Fluttershy grabbed Rarity's hand. "I know you're under the influence right now. I need you to focus." "Focus on what?" Rarity asked and giggled. Fluttershy snapped her fingers and waved a finger in front of Rarity's face. "Focus on my finger. Watch it move." Fluttershy moved the finger back and forth. "Keep your eyes on it and focus ... focus." Rarity watched the finger for a few seconds, quickly getting bored of it. "Okay, I'm bored now. Can we, like, go do something else?" "No. We're not leaving until you start feeling better." Fluttershy held the finger up. "Now try it again. Don't move your eyes away for a second." Fluttershy resumed motion on her finger. "You can fight this. You're stronger this. You can focus." "I ..." Rarity's eyes narrowed, focusing on Fluttershy's finger. "I can fight this. I am stronger." Fluttershy smiled and withdrew her finger. "Feeling better?" "Y-yes, I think so." Rarity rubbed her head. "Thinking is ... still a bit hard, but I can manage it if I fight hard enough. Thank you, Fluttershy." “Oh, you're very welcome.” Fluttershy said. She tightened her grip on Rarity's hand. “Now come on. I brought you out of that hypnotized, sex-based trance so I could put you into another hypnotized, sex-based trance.” “...What?” Fluttershy guided Rarity to a room in the hospital Rarity recognized as a surgery room. “What are we doing here, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy held her finger out for Rarity to be patient. She opened the door and took Rarity in. “Whoa!” Rarity exclaimed at the sight. Inside, the room was overrun by a large mass of vines and flowers, spreading and creeping through every corner. The vines moved and bristled as if they had a mind of their own. “It's a, um, a plant Discord gave me for safekeeping.” Fluttershy explained. “He asked me to take care of it.” “That's sweet of you.” Rarity said in her normal voice. "Like, I guess." She added in a higher, carefree pitch. Fluttershy stared at Rarity oddly. “Sorry.” Rarity said. “It just, like, slipped out.” “Try to keep thinking, Rarity.” Rarity groaned and let her arms hang slack. "But thinking is haaaaard!" Rarity shook her head, rubbing a temple. “No, no. You're right, you're right.” “Are you sure you're okay?” Fluttershy asked. “Maybe we can go somewhere else, find something to help.” “No, I'll be fine.” Rarity said. “What do you need me for?” “Well ...” Fluttershy smiled, the kind of smile someone does when they're covering up something. “The plant has very specif care instructions, and when it reaches maturity, it requires, um, practice handling fine and delicate items ...” Fluttershy could see Rarity was not amused with her explanation. Fluttershy took in a deep breath and an aggressive stance. “I need you to have sex with the plant.” Rarity blinked, giving off an aura of disinterest. “Okay.” “Okay?” Fluttershy asked. She tilted her head. “You don't seem … too terribly upset by this.” “I think somewhere around the time I was lactating three different flavors of milk from three breasts, I stopped giving a damn.” Fluttershy gave Rarity a weird look. “How'd you do that?” “Oh, right. You weren't there for that.” Rarity looked at her outfit. “I think I still have the third breast ...” Checking around her body, Rarity realized she did still have it, and like the other two, it swelled up to the size of a beachball, gone unnoticed by her or Fluttershy until now because her “primary” cleavage blocked off view of the lump it formed. “So, Fluttershy, how does … your stupid sex plant work?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy gasped. “He's not stupid!” Fluttershy stroked a vine. “She didn't mean that, boy.” “Right.” Rarity nodded. “I'm sorry. I'm just, like, (dang it) not having the best day ... you know?” Rarity bit her tongue as if that would somehow exorcise her bimbofied speech patterns. “What do you need me to do, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy pointed. “Stand over there, if you would.” Rarity moved further into the mass of vines. She felt claustrophobic with all of the wriggly things around her. She reared back in horror as a vine rose up and looped itself around her arm. “Aah!” “No, no, no it's okay!” Fluttershy said. “It's supposed to do that.” Fluttershy went over to the operating table and set a clipboard down on it. “Let him pick you up.” “Him?” Rarity asked. Another vine looped around her arm, and multiple vines wrapped her legs together before lifting her up in the air. Another vine rose up from the slithering mass, different from the others. Where the others were simply vines, this one had a long, blue and black stalk, covered in a rotating striping pattern. It ended in a small blue sphere casting off florescent light. “Now what?” Rarity asked. “Now ...” Fluttershy looked to her clipboard. She looked up at Rarity with a worried expression. “Stare at the blue orb.” Rarity did as instructed, aiming her gaze at the blue orb. She thought the light would hurt her eyes this close, but they were fine. The light was pretty. It spread out its rays and flickered on and off, creating a hypnotizing effect. It increased and decreased in intensity and waved back and forth, covering Rarity's face with its light. “Oh … it's very pretty.” Rarity's eyes began to reflect the dark blue bulb as she was put under its spell. “Okay.” Fluttershy guided her finger on the clipboard. “Now talk about something you like.” Rarity, while half-hypnotized, was still conscious enough to shoot Fluttershy a questioning glare. “In order to excite him.” Fluttershy said. “I know. You wanted to talk about how much you love boobs a few minutes ago. Why don't you start with that?” Rarity rolled her eyes and sighed. “Okay.” She looked directly at the glowing bulb. “Where to start? Um, let's see … I, um … like … breasts because they are … round … and soft.” Rarity shook her head. “I can't believe I'm trying to explain this to a plant. Anyways ...” The bulb began swaying back and forth, bouncing up and down. “I ...” Rarity relaxed. As a side-effect of its hypnosis, the trance from earlier came back. Rarity couldn't submit to this hypnosis and fight off the earlier hypnosis at the same time. It was like yellow stripes on an red dress; it just didn't work. “I like – I love boobs because they're nice and soft and round and bouncy." “Uh-huh.” Fluttershy nodded, watching with a keen eye as other vines began raising up. She didn't notice Rarity's speech slip back into the bimbofied mode. “Keep going.” "They're just so, like, squishy." Rarity said. "You know, when you take one into your hand and squish it with your fingers real hard and it, like, compresses, I think is the word? I don't know, I'm not a librarian, tee-hee!" Rarity rocked her head back and forth. The blue plant stalk was casting an illusion now, fooling Rarity into thinking an attractive lady was there when there wasn't. The stalk used its own bouncing and swaying to convince Rarity the non-existent lady's breasts were bouncing. "Oooh!" Rarity said. "Those are nice." Rarity kept her eye on the swaying plant while multiple vines rose up and slithered towards. One collection of them wrapped around and curled around each, tying themselves in knots and creating what appeared to be a … makeshift, disembodied breast, which was kind of weird. The other tentacles wrapped around Rarity's outfit and pulled and tugged on it until she had plenty of skin exposed. The plant-breast sculpt moved to Rarity's third breast and pressed it against, connecting to it. Oooh! That feels nice." Rarity moaned as the plant-breast began suctioning out the vanilla milk from the third breast. The plant-breast fattened and swell as it drank Rarity's milk and Rarity's breast shrunk and lost size, eventually getting so small it ceased to exist. "Thaaanks." Rarity said. "I wasn't sure how long I could go carrying three of those heavy things anyway. " “Oh, that was sweet of you.” Fluttershy said. Fluttershy was singing a different tune when the plant-breast turned around in her direction. “Oh, now, I'm not really sure – that's really not necessary.” The plant-breast tentacle shot towards Fluttershy, lodging itself into Fluttershy's mouth. It spluttered and splashed, feeding Fluttershy with Rarity's stored milk. Fluttershy grabbed the plant-breast to push it off, but she got used to the taste of the milk. Eyes rolling backwards, Fluttershy's hands were there to embrace it, not push it away. More vines appeared, these ones aimed at Rarity. They were three of them, each of them ending in a long yellow antennae with a opening in it. "Ooh! What are these things for?" Rarity soon founded out, as one of them shoved its way into her mouth and began rolling around, as if trying to pump itself up for something. The other two went ahead and entered her other, ahem, orifices, shall we say. The one which went towards that particular piece of anatomy was quite enjoying her bimbo-sized bubble-butt, which it seemed to be a perfect fit for. Rarity was enjoying it, too, lifting her arms up in the air as she let herself be taken by them. After all, she was a bimbo; letting things use her body was what she was for! "Mmm ..." Rarity closed her eyes and sucked lightly on the stalk in her mouth, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Whatever it was going to do, it was going to do on its own time. Rarity shrugged and let it do its things. Soon enough, she noticed a change in its rhythm, the pulsing of the plants getting faster. Rarity tensed up in anticipation. The antennae swelled up inside her and expelled gushes out a syrup which made Rarity think of treesap. It blasted each orifice, including her mouth, with the stuff. It didn't seem to matter which entrance it took, though, as the syrup pumped into her chest to make her massive boobs even huger, swelling them up and up to a new size unlike any she had experienced, making them heavy and big as boulders. The plants all withdrew from her body, leaving her tired and moaning. And not looking forward to walking with her breasts the way they were. To her relief, two of the plant-breast sculpts appeared and pressed up to her boobs, suctioning them for milk. The milk left Rarity and entered them, making them larger and her breasts smaller for each drop they took. When they were done, Rarity was back down to the ridiculous-but-manageable beachball size they were when she entered the room. Evidently done with her, the vines lowered her back to the ground. They were even careful to set her on her feet. "Bye!" Rarity waved her fingers at them. "Thanks for the good time, guys! Hey, Fluttershy, since they're done, what do you say we go out and find ourselves a pair of guys to have a good time with? It'll be fun, like a sexy sleepover. " “Oh, um, thank you, Rarity.” Rarity turned around, trying to find Fluttershy, who wasn't by the table anymore. The vines were holding her up, with the milk-filled plant-breasts aimed at her. “But I don't think they're done with me yet.” Fluttershy said. “You go on ahead. I'll catch up.” Fluttershy smiled nervously. Rarity nodded and left the room. “Now, I'll be happy to let you feed me, before we start ...” Fluttershy eyed the various plant-breasts. She saw one approaching towards her and slapped it. “I have some ground rules. Rule one is respect my personal space. Rule two is take turns.” Just because it was a plant tentacle creature didn't mean she couldn't put it in its place. Rarity was humming happily as she walked out the door, wondering where to go next. Maybe she could find more male patients … ooh, or maybe find Id and get use the male-change medicine on Applejack. With all those muscles, she might make for an attractive guy. Rarity was brought back to her senses by a pain in her throat which brought to her knees. She clutched at it and coughed. She needed the water fountain more than she thought. The experience with the plants left her dehydrated. Granted, everything else probably left her dehydrated, but the plants exacerbated it. “There you are!” Id said, walking onto the scene. “I've been looking everywhere for you! Thought you could give me the slip, eh? Well, you almost did, but you'll have to be smarter than that to pull one over on Id – huh?” Rarity was gesturing for Id to come closer. Id bent down and leaned in, and Rarity grabbed her by her dress. “Need … water.” Rarity rasped. “Dehydrated.” “Oh, you.” Id dismissed her. “You humans are so spoiled. You can have everything in the world, but if you don't get your water, then everything's -” Id's ravings were interrupted by a ringing noise. “Excuse me, I have to take this.” Id reached into her cleavage and pulled out a cell phone. She put it to her ear. “Uh-huh? Yeah, this is she. Yeah, boss.” Id looked at Rarity. Rarity looked back. “Yeah, she's writing on the ground, complaining about water. Apparently she's “dehydrated” or sumpthin. What do you mean -” Id winced as a scream came through the phone. Who was shouting and what they were saying wasn't clear to Rarity, but it was obvious someone was upset with Id. Id snapped the phone shut and turned to Rarity with a shocked expression. “Okay.” Id said. “That was my boss, Discord. He wants me to get you some water. Stay right there, I'll be right back.” “Hmm.” Rarity thought as Id left. Discord told Id to get her some water. “Here you go!” Id came back with bottles of water. Several of them. Several dozen of them, which she dropped onto Rarity, burying her under a pile of plastic containers. Rarity emerged from the pile with a water bottle in her hand. She glared at Id. “You're a terrible person.” She rasped before opening the bottle and taking a drink. Id's phone rang again. “Yeah, hello?” Id handed the phone to Rarity. “It's for you.” “Hello?” Rarity asked, taking the phone. “Hello, Rarity. It's me, Discord. I heard about your little, uh, dehydration situation.” “So you did.” “Yes. Listen, I just wanted to know, I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. I'm sorry about Id not giving you the water like she should have. This was supposed to be fun, and dehydration is pretty serious. It was supposed all just be a game.” “A game?” “What can I say? I was bored.” “Bored.” Rarity repeated. “And sexually frustrated, so you came up with this “game” so you could watch the rest of us have sex with a voyeuristic view.” “... Is it that obvious?” “Nooo.” Rarity said. “Just because the only way you could make it more obvious is to stand atop the highest spire of Celestia's palace, holding a big neon pointing yourself saying “Hello world, I am sexually frustrated; could I pay anyone to go on a date with me?” … doesn't make it obvious. Does it, Id?” Rarity asked with a sharp glare. “You've made your point, Rarity. No need to drive the nail in.” Rarity was silent. “Get it? Nail? You're supposed to be laughing. You can't see it, but I've created a giant nail and have it going through my torso. Eh, it works better in person. Bye, Rarity. Again, I'm sorry about this little, eh, complication and I promise the game will be over soon and I'll send you all back home. I promise. Ciao.” The phone buzzed a dial tone. Rarity handed it back to Id. “So, what did he want to talk about?” Id asked. “Mostly try to cover himself with apologies.” Rarity said. “He said the game would be over soon. I want to know … how?” “Over?” Id said. She rubbed her chin. “Hmm, let me think … oh, goodness, is that time already? My, time really does fly.” “Id?” Rarity said with a hint of irritation “Well, Rarity, I think you're ready. If this a game, then this would be the boss. We can't let you leave until after you have sex with … The Administrator! Dun-dun-DUN!” > The Administrator And Grand Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Administrator ...” Rarity tapped her head, trying to think of where she heard the term before. “The Administrator … oh! The Administrator is the one who control the electronic lock on the door! So if I were to seduce him, he would unlock the doors and I could get out of here.” Rarity looked at the door behind her, where Fluttershy was. “And maybe my friends could, as well.” “I'm not gonna say yes to that ...” Id smirked. “But I'm not gonna say no, either.” “All right then.” Rarity crawled her way out of the water bottle pile and stood up. “Id, take me -” The door behind Rarity opened. A single step heralded a scream and the sound of crashing. Someone unfortunate had just landed in the pile of water bottles. “Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, observing the rolling bottles around. “Where did all these bottles come from?” “Don't ask.” Rarity helped Fluttershy up. “Are you all right, darling?” “I'm fine.” “Good. Now, chin up, Fluttershy. I've been told I have a way to make the game end soon.” “Really? So have I.” “Well, I would guess -” Rarity glared at Id, suspecting she knew this, “what you've been told is something very different from what I've been told, so I'll wish you luck and be on my way.” “Thanks. You too, Rarity. Be careful.” Fluttershy waved good-bye and left. “Now, if there are no further interruptions ...” Rarity said. “Id, take me to the Administrator.” “Okay.” Id said. “Right this way.” Id led Rarity to another hallway, this one different from the others. The others were simple and neat. This one was immaculate and covered in decorations, a marble hall with statues around, as if it existed from an earlier time and the rest of the hospital was built around it. “It's very … quiet in here.” Rarity observed, suspecting Id was going to lead her into a trap. Each step on the polished floor echoed loudly. “So it is.” Id said. “Hey, you've gotten pretty big-boobed. How did that happen?” Big-boobed … big-boobed echoed through the hall. “You know perfectly well how it happened, Id.” Rarity shot Id a dirty glare. “Aw, but I want to hear it from your perspective!” Id said. “Who was it? What were they like? Was it a friend?” Rarity wiped a hand against her hand, frustrated with Id's badgering. “Fine. If it will get you to shut up, I'll tell you. It was a male patient. Very nice, very sweet and handsome.” “Mm-hmm.” Id said. “You know, Rarity, I think, of all the forms you've taken during our time together, this one is the steamiest yet.” Steamiest yet … echoed, piercing into Rarity's ear. “That's nice.” Rarity kept walking, trying to focus on reaching her destination. “Hey, can I ask you a question? What are you?” Id said. Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I-I'm not sure what you mean, darling.” “I mean ...” Id got behind Rarity and sneaked her hands onto Rarity's breasts, massaging them and making Rarity feel good. “What are you?” “I ...” Rarity struggled for words, taken by surprise. “I – I … oh, you're lovely with your hands, Id. Oh, my boobs are so sensitive.” Rarity closed her eyes and stretched back, letting Id fondle her. When she opened her eyes again, they were glassy and dazed. “I'm a good, spooge-swallowing, boob-sucking bimbo.” “That's right.” Id said as though this was shocking news. “Why don't you tell me about that?” “Well, for one, I, like, love the taste of the guys' spooge here.” Rarity said. “Especially when you come in and enhance their equipment, Id. You always make them so thick and full of spooge for me to drink...” Rarity sighed lovingly. “Just for me ...” “Uh-huh.” Id encouraged Rarity to go on, grabbing and squeezing Rarity's chest. “Go on.” “And I, like, love boobs.” Rarity said. “They're so bouncy and soft. Oh, and whey they make milk? Delicious. I love it when they bounce.” Rarity looked down at her own impressive chest. “I love it when they bounce everywhere. I would love to make mine bounce a whole bunch, but they're so big the inert – the in-earth – tia, the in – uh, the physics thing makes it hard for them to bounce a lot.” “Oh, that's too bad.” Id said. “Can you think of a way to fix that, Rarity?” “Ooh, I don't know.” Rarity said. “Thinking is difficult. I don't like it.” “Well, seems to me if it's difficult, and you don't like it, you shouldn't do it.” Id said. “Does that sound like a good plan, Rarity? How about we agree you just don't think?” Rarity giggled. “Okay. If thinking is hard, then I just won't think. Makes sense. Teehee.” “Excellent. Now, about we turned around and see about finding someone to give you a boob to suck or a nice male to swallow from?” Rarity giggled again. “Okay, sure!” Id turned Rarity around, still holding her by the breasts. Id pushed Rarity towards the door, meaning to carry out her words and find someone for Rarity to use her lovely lips on. Rarity realized what was going on and came to her senses. “W-wait.” Rarity set her feet and dug her heels into the ground, preventing Id from pushing her further. “I know what you're doing. You're trying to trick me into continuing to play the game. Well, it won't work. Discord said the game would end soon, and I intend to see that it does.” Rarity crossed her arms. “Now, turn us back around this instant.” “Darn.” Id snapped her fingers. “I was so close, too ...” “But Rarity!” Id said. “You don't know what you're getting into!” “Sure I don't.” Rarity said. Id had acquitted to Rarity's demands and led to the entrance to the Administrator's office. An ornate, spiral staircase, where Rarity and Id would climb up to meet their maker. While Id had agreed to hold off on trying to bring out Rarity's “internal bimbofied state,” she said nothing about trying to trick Rarity into going back with other methods. The entire time, Id had been going about how terrible the Administrator, how would he crush Rarity in his teeth or terrible claws, and so on. “Rarity, he's like, ten feet tall!” Id said. “You won't even be able to put your hand on his stomach. You can't do this.” “I can and I will.” Rarity said, marching up the stairs. “Are you sure you know what you're getting into?” Id asked. “This, like, a video game, and he's the very definite final boss!” “I know perfectly well what I'm getting into.” Rarity said. “He's a hulking brute. He's got these big, four-fingered dragon claws! You remember that time when Spike hit temporary puberty? Imagine that, but worse.” Rarity stopped and turned back to Id. “I thought you said he had three-fingered bird talons.” “Uh ...” Caught in her inconsistent lie, Id was at a loss for words. “Ah.” Rarity said, coming up a huge double-door. “We're here. Now, darling, while I applaud your attempts to psyche me out during the walk up here, it didn't work. It would never work, and I'll tell you why. It's because I figured out who she is.” “She?” Id said. A bead of sweat escaped her head and she pulled on her dress to let some air in. “Yes.” Rarity said. “All the male patients have been interchangeable, aside from their effects. Meanwhile, the head of the maternity ward, a distinguished position, was held by my friend, Applejack. And my friend, Fluttershy, was also made into a nurse here. And I've seen Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash as well. So, given that the staff has my friends on it, the patient are indistinguishable from each other, who haven't I seen? Who have I not interacted with since coming here? There's only one of my close friends I've yet to see ...” Rarity pushed open the doors and was satisfied to see she was right. “Twilight Sparkle.” In the room was a desk with office supplies and paperwork on it. Twilight Sparkle sat behind the desk, wearing glasses, a lab coat, and her hair in a bun. Applejack was there, relaying the notes she had mentioned. So the Administrator – Twilight - had been the “lady upstairs” all along. “And have there been any negative side-effects?” Twilight asked, waving a pencil at Applejack. “No.” Applejack said. “Just the ones that I told ya.” “I see.” Twilight penciled something down on a clipboard. “Will that be all, Miss Applejack?” “Yup.” “Then please, return to your station.” Twilight said. Applejack bowed and left the room, passing Rarity on the stairs. “Hey there, Rarity. I like, love your outfit.” Applejack smacked her head. “Sorry. I got this awful trance I've been fighting off.” “I know what you mean, darling.” Rarity watched Applejack go down the stairs. “Hopefully we'll all be free of our trances soon.” Rarity stepped into the room. “Twilight?” Twilight was scribbling something with her pencil. She acknowledged Rarity with only a brief glance in her direction before shifting her focus back to her papers. “Nurse ...” Twilight flipped through some papers. “Rarity, is it? Come in.” Rarity walked up the desk. “It says here in your file you specialize in dealing with sexually-based conditions. Is that right?” Twilight said. “What seems to be the problem?” Rarity couldn't help but notice Twilight was being so formal. So factual and business-like. She wondered if perhaps Discord had made Twilight the prudish, boring stick-in-the-mud with the unenviable task of trying to keep a straight face while being the head of a sex hospital as punishment for being even more uncooperative than Rarity herself was. Or perhaps Twilight had taken advantage of Discord's game to live a secret fantasy of hers where she was the boring, dull, uptight woman in a romance novel, waiting for the fiery protagonist to make her relax a bit and let her inner self come out. Or some such nonsense. That was how they usually went, right? “Nurse Rarity?” Twilight said. “What seems to be the problem?” “Oh, there's no problem.” Rarity said, climbing up onto the desk and giving Twilight a good view of her legs. “I just figured … with all this paperwork and your office so high up, it must get lonely here.” Rarity said. “I thought I might, like, keep you company.” Rarity slapped her mouth. She had to be herself while she seduced Twilight. After Twilight had been reeled in, she could maybe afford to let the bimbo-trance slip through and take over. But not while Rarity was still casting the bait, as it were. “Nurse Rarity.” Twilight took off her glasses and applied and rubbed some cloth on them. “I am very busy woman, managing this hospital. I have no time for these sorts of distractions. If you would like to offer me some pleasantries, come back after hours. But unless there's something urgent that requires my attention, I would request you return your attention to your patients.” No thanks, I've had my fill of patients. Rarity thought, but didn't say. Twilight returned to filing paperwork. “Now what?” Rarity asked aloud, confident Twilight would be focused on her paperwork to hear. Twilight's focus was operating a tight ship, Rarity could tell. “Ask her about footage from the experiment.” Id asked. “There's a little hint in there that will tell you what to do.” “Okay.” Rarity said. Presuming she could trust Id so long as she was going after sex, Rarity took her advice. “Uh, darling?” Twilight glared at Rarity, not happy about being disturbed again. “Could I see the footage from the experiment?” There was a break in Twilight's calm demeanor. She blushed. “Oh, uh … I don't see why not.” Twilight reached over and handed Rarity a DVD. “There's a player over there.” Twilight pointed to the edge of the room, where a T.V was set up on a mobile podium. “Thank you, darling.” Rarity walked up to the television. Finding the slot for the DVD, Rarity inserted it and pressed play. She sat down on the floor, cross-legged. Id appeared and joined with her some popcorn and cushions out of nowhere for them to sit on. “Oh. Thank you, darling.” Rarity took a cushion. “Just you wait.” Id said. “This is gonna be great.” She offered Rarity some of the popcorn. Rarity reached in to grab some, but Rarity thought better of it, suspecting it was drugged. “Oh well. More for me.” The television screen showed static before adjusting and crystallizing its view. It showed a time stamp running and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, strapped to barbaric operating tables with their chests propped up. Twilight was present at some kind of control panel. “Is that …?” Rarity asked. “Pinkie and Rainbow Dash?” “Yes, is it.” Id said. “Now, shh. You're missing the movie.” “Come on, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said in the recording. “Is this really necessary?” “You volunteered for this, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. “We didn't do it!” Pinkie said. “We were framed! You have to believe us, officer!” “Pinkie, we weren't framed, we were just drugged. Completely different. Drugged with ...” Rainbow Dash licked her lips. “Delicious breast milk ...” Dash shook her head. “Twilight, do we have to this?” “I'm sorry, but yes. We've already got everything set up. You wouldn't want all of that work to go waste, would you?” “Fine.” Dash said, closing her eyes. “But try to make it quick, will ya?” “Eh, I'll see what I can do.” Twilight pushed a button and machinery whined. To Dash's and Pinkie's clear displeasure, two robotic arms dropped down from the ceiling. One went and squeezed and massaged Dash's chest, the other Pinkie's. Rarity winced at the sight. There was no way a programmed robot arm knew how to be gentle with a lady's assets. Pure, white milk leaked out from both of their chests, forced by the mechanical arms. Back in the present, Id reached around and squeezed Rarity's breast, which seemed to be becoming a sort of trigger for Rarity's bimbo-state. “Oh!” Rarity laughed. “Teehee. Look at them! Doesn't that milk look, like, totally tasty?” Rarity shook her head. “Come on, Rarity, get a grip on yourself.” While Dash and Pinkie groaned at the rough treatment, the arms withdrew back into the ceiling. Then, from the walls appeared two more arms, these one's holding syringes. “What are these for?” Pinkie asked. The arms answered the question as they both stabbed into Rainbow's and Pinkie's breasts. Now Rarity could see the syringe which went into Rainbow Dash had chocolate syrup, while the one which into Pinkie had strawberry syrup. “This experiment ...” Twilight said. “Is designed to test whether we can induce flavored lactation or not.” “Well, I'd say you're doing a pretty good job!” Rainbow Dash groaned and struggled with her restraints. She had enough of this. She relaxed and let out a moan as more milk flowed from her boob, which was getting bigger. The same happened with Pinkie, droplets dripping down as her chest increased in size. Rarity giggled at the sight. “Look! They're getting some nice, lovely, big-big-big boobs.” “Yes.” Id said. “You want them, don't you? You want them to yourself to suck for milk.” “Teeheehee, I do!” As Rarity had witnesses when she nursed them earlier, (which be later relative to the video) Rainbow's and Pinkie's milk began turning different colors, slowly at first, before becoming the strawberry and chocolate milk Rarity would later drink. The syringes pulled out of their chests and the arms retracted. Twilight, excited, walked in between the tables and observed both of them. “Oh, it worked!” Twilight clapped her hands and bounced up and down. “The experiment is a success!” Twilight pressed a button which freed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie from their restraints. Pinkie and Dash crawled up and looked at each other. The drunk expressions on their faces said it all. “Do … do you want some, Pinkie?” “Do you want some, Dash?” Getting out from her table first, Pinkie walked over to the other table and joined Rainbow Dash on it. They positioned themselves so they could nurse each other, their eyes in half-closed, loving expressions. “Oh, yes, yes!” Twilight cheered, clapping and bouncing up and down. “That's it! Nurse from each other. Oh, but would you save me some? I ...” Twilight blushed. “I want to try it when you're done.” “Heeheehee. She likes it.” Rarity said. “She really likes it.” “Yes.” Id got up from the cushion and paused the video. “Now what does that tell you?” “She … really likes it?” Rarity repeated. “I don't know … did I mention how hard thinking was?” “It's come up.” Id said with a smile. “She really likes it.” Rarity repeated. “She really … likes it.” Getting back to “normal Rarity mode,” Rarity stood up and held a finger in the air. “I've got it.” Twilight had a thing for lactation, whether it was another secret fantasy of her's or Discord had brainwashed her into liking it. Rarity grabbed her breasts and shook them. “Let's see if those plants left any milk in me ...” “And if they didn't, I'd be more than happy to suckle you until you start producing.” Id offered. Rarity gave a questioning look to Id. Rarity would sooner nurse them herself than let Id anywhere near them. Thankfully, it didn't have to come to that, as after a few minutes of jiggling them, stains appeared on Rarity's dress where the milk leaked out. “Oh, Twilight ...” Rarity called in a sing-song voice. Twilight let out a groan, putting her hands to her head. “What is it now, Nurse Rarity?” “Oh, nothing much.” Rarity approaching the desk, bending over to let Twilight sees the stains on her outfit. “I just figured I had something you might like.” “And ...” Twilight's eyes were drawn to the stains, but she tried to look away. “What might that be?” “I know you're into lactation, Twilight.” Rarity said. “You can't hide it from me.” “I don't know what you're talking about.” Twilight said. “I think you do.” Rarity grabbed her outfit and pulled down, exposing her milk-leaking breasts. Rarity leaned further, pressing her breasts against the desks and spilling milk all over it. Rarity rubbed her breasts back and forth on the desk, jiggling them and getting them smeared with milk. Twilight was trying hard not to let it show, but Rarity could tell she was pleased. “Don't fight it, Twilight.” Rarity said. “I can see your chest heaving up and down with arousal. I know you like it.” Twilight broke into a sweat. Rarity was perceptive, as Twilight herself didn't realize how heavy her breathing was. “If you want some ...” Rarity said, gesturing to her chest. “You can have some.” Twilight turned her head and coughed. “I, uh ...” Rarity stood up and held her arms out in an inviting way, the chesty beverage still flowing from her. Twilight couldn't handle it anymore. She grabbed a nearby phone and dialed a number. “Yes, hello? Cancel my next three appointments.” Twilight slammed the phone back down and admired Rarity. She stood up from her chair, reached one leg over the desk, and crawled over it. Standing inches away from Rarity know, Twilight's breathing got heavier and heavier. Rarity assured her with a smile. “It's all right, darling.” Now with Rarity's encouragement, Twilight grabbed one boob and stuffed as much of into her mouth as she could, losing all the sense of composure and business sense she'd been showing a few moments ago. Twilight bit down on Rarity's chest hard and suckled it with the hunger of a predator. “Yes ...” Rarity said, putting her hands on Twilight's shoulders. “You like it, don't you? It taste just … so delectable, doesn't it?” Still suckling, Twilight nodded. “Well, darling, you can have … mmm.” Rarity grunted. Her eye twitch as she felt it coming back on. “You can have … eer … you can have as much as you want.” Twilight heard Rarity and grabbed her breasts tight, dropping down to the floor and pulling Rarity with her. “Maybe not that much!” Rarity yelped as they dropped to the floor, her breast still in Twilight's mouth. “Mmm ...” Rarity moaned, watching as Twilight nurse like a desperate woman. “Mmm … mmm … mmm.” “Aww.” Rarity cooed. “You are so cute, the way you nurse me like that. There you go. Take as much as you, like, want. It tastes pretty good, doesn't it?” Twilight nodded again. “Tastes so good ...” Rarity muttered. “You can't, like, stop yourself, can you? I know the feeling.” Rarity grabbed Twilight by the shoulders and lifted her up, pushing her against the side of the desk. “You love it, don't you? Well, that's okay. It's, like, great that you can enjoy something like this, you know? Yes, keep going, girl … suck my boobs. You know, I've been wanting to suck someone's boobs for awhile now.” Rarity observed Twilight's nursing, hungry lips. “You know, I don't think I've had my boobs sucked since I turned into, like, a total bimbo. Sure there was, like, that time with Pinkie and Dash, but that was, like, before my transformation was, like, complete, you know?” Twilight, hearing Rarity's words, began to pull down on her clothes and expose her chest for Rarity to nurse. “Aww. That's, like, so sweet of you to offer.” Rarity said. She tried to adjust her head to reach Twilight's chest, but with her own giant boobs in the way, she couldn't reach. “Oh well. I'll wait.” Twilight hacked and sputtered, milk getting all over face. Rarity pulled away in concern. “Are you, like, okay?” Rarity asked. “F-fine.” Twilight said, hacking and sputtering. “I'll be fine.” “Are you sure? Maybe we should, like, stop.” “No. No. I want to keep going. I – I want more.” Twilight whined, reaching a hand to Rarity's breast as if were fragile. “Oookay. If you're sure.” Rarity crawled back towards Twilight, feeding her with the other breast. Rarity took her hands and squeezed it, sending more milk into Twilight's waiting mouth. Twilight moaned and blushed. She grabbed Rarity by the breast again and this time, lifted her up so they were both standing. The flesh on Rarity's boob was constantly compressing and rolling as both Rarity and Twilight kneaded it to give Twilight the object of her desire. “Oooh, that feels, like, so good.” Rarity moaned. “Do you think you could, like, suckle harder?” Twilight did just that,breathing her nose as she practically inhaled Rarity's breast and the milk with it. Twilight began shuddering and shivering, eyes twitching in pleasure. “Are you still doing okay?” Rarity asked. Twilight waved her hand to show she was okay. Her shudders and shivers increased. Her belly was getting large and swollen, as full of milk as it was. Twilight grabbed onto Rarity's breast tight, as if afraid it was about to run away from her. “T-Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Oooh!” Twilight moaned and parted from Rarity. Her whole body shaking, she dropped to the floor. Rarity could see Twilight was fine, only suffering an orgasm, during which she clutched at her milk-filled stomach. When it was over, Twilight sighed. “Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight lifted her head up. “That was … amazing.” She flopped back down and went to sleep. “Well, isn't that sweet?” Id asked, coming up to Rarity. “There's nothing like a session between friends, is there?” Rarity looked at the now-sleeping Twilight. “No, there's like, really not.” Rarity turned to Id, ready to get down to business. “Now, Id, since I like, totally stuffed Twilight with my totally delicious milk, I want to, like … go back downstairs and … ” Rarity swatted at her head several times. “What I mean to say, Id, is that I would to go home now.” “Mmm.” Id stared at Rarity as if she contemplating this. What she said next surprised and infuriated Rarity. “Sorry, darling, but not quite yet.” Id snapped her fingers and the two of them disappeared in a flash of light. Rarity and Id manifested in a strange, barren room. Cardboard boxes were stacked everywhere, and there were no doors or window, the only other feature being a mirror hung on north wall. “What?” Rarity blinked, unable to believe what she heard. She turned around to see Id standing with a hand on her hip, smiling. “Id, you said you would send me home after I had sex with the Administrator!” “Uh, want to recheck your memory, honey?” Id snapped her fingers. A blue sphere of light formed, showing a repeat of when Id was talking to Rarity. “We can't let you leave until after you have sex with … The Administrator!” The recording said. With an unbearably smug grin, Id snapped her fingers and the light disappeared. “There was nothing in there saying we would let you go after having sex with the Administrator, just that we couldn't until you did.” “You – you!” Rarity's eye twitched. The reaction which came to mind was to launch at Id and beat her to death, but as the only Rarity could use in the room were either her fists or a cardboard box, that would take awhile. “Hey, relax.” Id said. “Do this one more thing, and we'll let you go. No tricks, no playing with the words, no strings attached. In fact, just to be clear here … after you do this one task, Discord and I will send you back to the precise moment you left your home reality.” Rarity crossed her arms. “And just how do you propose to do that? We've been here for hours, if not a day or two.” “Time moves faster in this dimension.” Id said. “So days could pass here with only minutes passing here. By now, I'm sure you're wondering what this task is, so ...” Id snapped her fingers. Nothing happened at first. But Rarity could scraping and movement from behind her. She turned around and looked at the mirror. She watched in confusion as her reflection turned into one of the male form Id had given her with Fluttershy. Rarity was taken aback when the male form actually stepped out of the mirror. The same thing happened with the plus-size body Rarity had assumed before intercourse with patient 72. The reflection changed to her and she stepped out of the mirror, a solid, living person independent of Rarity herself. Of course, the plus-plus-plus size Rarity had post-coitus appeared as well and did the same thing. “Your task ...” Id said. “Is to have sex with every form you took prior to the one you're in now. Oh, and me.” Rarity looked around the room, looking back and forth between Id and her clones. “Where's the tri-breasted form?” “Eh.” Id shrugged. “It's not really different enough to be worth its own clone.” “Uh-huh.” Rarity continued to observe her various doppelgangers. “And is the sex subsequent, or with all of them at once?” “Pick and choose.” Id said. “Hmm.” Rarity scanned the array of clones before her. “What … exactly do I call you?” “Well.” The male clone pointed to himself. “You can call me “R,” for short.” “Uh-huh.” Rarity said. She looked at the other two. “Do you two have any preferred names?” “No.” The plus-sized clone said. “”Big Beauty.”” The plus-plus-plus sized said. “Because that's what I am.” “Very well.” Rarity thought about a minute. She snapped her fingers and pointed at the plus-sized one. “You. You're “Baker.” “Oh, that's nice.” Baker said. “You assume because I have a little size on my belly, I like sweets? Real sensitive.” “Shut up. You and R.” Rarity pointed. “You two go first.” Baker and R looked at each other and shrugged. “So, how do you want to do this?” Baker asked Rarity. “I have an idea.” R whispered something into Baker's ear. Baker nodded in approval. “What?” Rarity asked. “What is your idea?” “Lie down on your back.” R said, reaching to pull down his pants. “And close your eyes. Rarity rolled her eyes and complied. She lay there in wait, expecting the worst to happen. Her eyes opened wide as she felt the by-now familiar feeling of a male equipment in her mouth. Looking up, she saw R had sat on one side of her and placed his equipment in her mouth, while Baker sat from another side and wrapped her breasts around the member, squeezing her flesh against his. Realizing she was unlikely to be able to do much with Baker sitting on top of her, Rarity closed her eyes and tried to relax. She winced as she felt the member pulse in her mouth, and it pulsed faster and faster, no doubt being close. Rarity braced herself for something unpleasant, but the spooge which entered her throat tasted as good as any of the patients. The taste drove her wild and made her much more willing and eager. She wiggled on the floor, enjoying the release. It occurred to her she wasn't having to do a thing with Baker there. Rarity could get used to this, enjoying all of the reward without any of the work. “Hmm.” Baker observed. “She seems to be enjoying it.” “If you knew what it was like, you would too.” R said. After Rarity drained all he had, R and Baker off Rarity and let her breath. Enchanted by the taste, Rarity rose up, letting everyone see in the Want It, Need It hearts in her eyes as the spooge reactivated her trance. “That was, like, so good! Who wants to be next?” “I guess I'm up.” Big Beauty said. She marched over to Rarity, shaking the floor. Rarity got up to meet her, eying her up and down. “Ooh, what to do with you?” Rarity said. “I know. Pull down your dress.” Big Beauty did as Rarity asked, pulling her dress down. Rarity latched onto Big Beauty's breasts and began to suck, enjoying herself while she thought of her new mantra … “Mmm, yes, that feels good!” Big Beauty wrapped her arms around Rarity and lifted her up, pressing Rarity further into Big Beauty's breast. Soon, after so much nursing, milk flowed from Big Beauty's big boobs. Rarity had no trouble drinking it, even if some of it got onto her cheeks. “Oooh, I have an idea.” Id said. Sneaking under Big Beauty, Id pulled down on Rarity's dress. As Id expected, milk was leaking from Rarity as well. “Everyone ...” Id gestured for Baker and R to return. Id latched onto Rarity's breast and nursed it until she was lactating as well. Id pointed Baker at Id's own chest, and Baker got the message, biting onto Id's breasts and nursing them for milk. R saw what was going on and bit onto Baker's breasts, nursing them. And so the tower went. Rarity sucked Big Beauty's milk out. The milk seeped through Rarity's being and found an escape in her own breasts, feeding Id with one and splashing on Baker with the other. Rarity moaned from the milk, beginning to kick her legs out in pleasure. Her flailing hit R and Baker. “Hey!” R said. “Watch it!” Big Beauty tightened her grip around Rarity and lifted her further up. Rarity leaned into Big Beauty's breasts and continued nursing, while Big Beauty was able to reach around and suckle Rarity's other breast, keeping it from soaking Baker any more than it already had. “Mmm, mmm, mmm!” Rarity moaned, pulling on Big Beauty's breast. “That's right, Rarity.” Big Beauty. “You take as much as you want.” Rarity popped off to wipe her milk-soaked chin. “It feels like it's been, like, years since I last sucked someone's boobs … whoa!” Rarity lost her balance on Big Beauty, causing a chain reaction which brought the entire tower down. Rarity fell and hit the floor. Big Beauty stumbled and fell backwards, right on top of Baker and R. Id was quick enough to sneak out of the way, avoiding the worst of it. Landing atop some of the boxes, Rarity wondered what they were for. It occurred to her they could be a camouflage, to keep couples hidden from any visitor while they engaged in intercourse. But there were no doors, and it seemed no entrance other than Id or Discord teleporting someone in, so did that work? “Okay, Rarity.” Id asked, standing over Rarity. “Are you ready for me?” Rarity looked over to the dogpile of the others. She thought about getting more spooge from R, but as he was buried under all of Big Beauty's weight, that was unlikely. “Okay!” Rarity said. Id produced some lipstick and applied it to Rarity's lips. It made them shiny and grew out more by barely-noticeable centimeters. “Now, Rarity … since this will probably my last chance to hear it from you, can you tell me what you are again?” Rarity giggled. “I'm a good sucker and a good bimbo. I'm a good, spooge-swallowing, boob-sucking bimbo.” “Don't forget, the bestest best boob-sucking bimbo.” Id said. “Now, Rarity, when you and I have sex … after we … exchange releases, is when you'll go home.” “What if I, like, change my mind and decided I don't want to go home? What if I, like, decide to just here and be a good spooge-swallowing, boob-sucking bimbo forever?” “Ahh, but you won't.” Id said. “As much as I would love that, I know you're strong. Sooner or later, you'll fight off the trance again and demand to go home. I know I was kinda cruel and mean to you, but I'm gonna miss you. We had fun together. Now let's end this game, shall we, darling?” Id rubbed Rarity's breasts a little before bringing Rarity down to the ground, where Id got on top of her. Id gave her a kiss on the boob, then on the lips, before going back to the breast and suckling it for milk. Rarity reached around and rubbed Id's breasts, while Id dragged her body back and forth across Rarity's. “I doubt this will mean anything to you.” Id said while Rarity reached up and licked Id's breast. “But I want you to know, Rarity … you will always be my favorite bimbo.” Id reached back down and stuck her tongue into Rarity's cleavage, licking and slurping along it. Rarity squeezed her own breasts, spraying milk into Id's face and getting her soaked. Id lifted her own breast up to her face and sucked the milk out of it, but she didn't swallow, keeping it in her mouth. Without letting any escape, she went to Rarity's teat and teased out some of Rarity's milk. Id lifted and swished the mixture of the two milks in her mouth. Then she kissed Rarity on her big, pink lips and opened, dropping the mixture into Rarity's mouth and feeding Rarity with it. Drops of milk continued to drip from Id's lips as she pulled away, her body shaking as her orgasm approached. Rarity tilted her head back and looked at the ceiling. Id's milk mixture was all it took for Rarity. She screamed as her release rocked her body. It didn't occur to her until just now that, really, she hadn't had a release (at least not while female) during her entire time in the hospital. It was so powerful. Rarity thought internal organs were going to fly out of her. And it lasted a long time, too, probably a record of some kind. Her eyes rolled in her head and her breathes got shorter and shorter, the orgasm going on and on until ... “Ooooh … uuugh.” Rarity woke up in the cave, in the same clothes as when she got dressed this morning and with no physical changes to her body taking place. She pinched her forehead between two fingers. “What happened?” She felt like she had a hangover. “Oh, boo.” Discord returned from the depths of a cave. “Well, that was a bust. Apparently the creature isn't in this cave. My sources must be getting faulty.” “D-Discord?” Rarity asked. “W-where are we? My head hurts ...” Rarity complained, rubbing her head and wobbling in place. Rarity noticed a mirror in her hand. “What am I doing with this mirror?” “I'll take that.” Discord reached over and took the mirror away from Rarity before it entranced her again. “Do you … remember anything?” “N-no.” Rarity said. “Should I? The last thing I remember … against my will, I came to this cave to help you with … something.” “Okay, good.” Discord nodded. Rarity didn't remember anything that happened while she was in the hospital dimension. His plan hinged on Rarity and her friends not remembering what they did while inside the hospital, because if any one of them did, they'd go straight to Celestia and he would get turned back to stone. But hopefully, they would get over their hangover headaches, forget about it, and there would be no lasting side-effects. But he didn't mean any harm. He was just bored … and like Rarity said, sexually frustrated. He needed to get a girlfriend. “Can I walk you out?” Discord offered, placing a hand on Rarity's shoulder. Rarity looked up at him and placed her hand over his. “Why, thank you, Discord. That would be lovely. I didn't know you could be such a gentleman.” “Well, it's the least I can do after ...” Discord began to say, but caught himself. “After?” Rarity asked. “Nothing.” Discord said as they walked out of the cave. “Nothing at all.” “Well ...” Rarity looked up at the sky, where the sun was shining. “There's still plenty of time left in the day, so I think I'll head home and see if I can get rid of this awful headache. It feels like a hangover. Were we drinking alcohol, Discord?” “No.” Discord said. “I can assure you you didn't drink any alcohol.” “Huh.” Rarity thought. “Oh well.” Rarity began walking towards her home, but there was a sound of a whistling, of an impending boom. Rarity whipped around to see a rainbow-colored bolt come flying in and strike Discord, knocking him to the ground. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity exclaimed. “What did you do that for?” “I … I don't know.” Rainbow Dash, rubbing her knuckles. “I just woke up and felt I wanted to punch Discord for something, but I can't remember what.” Discord rose up, a bruise on his cheek. “I will admit … I deserved that. And while I won't say why, and you two ladies don't need to be concerned with the details, I will assure you … nobody got hurt.” “Well, that's good, I guess.” Rarity said. She might have pressed the issue, but her headache was pressing on her. “See you later, Rainbow Dash.” “See you later, Rarity.” Rarity went on her way home. Along the way, she was quite surprised to see Fluttershy walking the path as well. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here? Weren't you on a trip?” “Oh. Well, I was, but somewhere along the way, I got this awful headache.” Fluttershy said. “So I decided it would be best to cut my trip short and come home.” “I'm so sorry to hear that, darling.” “Don't be. It's not your fault. Well, have a nice day, Rarity.” “You too, darling.” Discord appeared to Fluttershy in a flash of light, floating the in air. “Heeey, Fluttershy! How was the trip?” “Oh, not so good.” Fluttershy said. “I just told Rarity about how this headache I came down with made me have to cancel.” “Ooh, no!” Discord said. “I'm so sorry to hear that! I promise, Fluttershy, I'll make it up to you.” “Why? It's not your fault.” Discord scratched the back of his head. “Heh, uh, well ...” “... Discord. What did you do? You weren't upset about me leaving, were you?” “Not at all!” Discord assured her. “Okay. That's good. Now tell me, what did you do?” “Oh, would you look at the time!” Discord pointed to his wrist before running away. “I really have somewhere to be!” "Discord!" "A.J?" Big Macintosh asked from the other room. "Y'all okay? Ya been starin' out the window awhile ..." "What?" Applejack shook her head, wincing from her headache. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine ... is lunch ready?" "Eeyup." "Oh, good." Applejack expressed, not sure why was she worried. Her family always had lunch on time. “Ooorugh ...” Rarity groaned, walking up the stairs in her house. She had made it home okay, but she ignored her cat's attempts to greet her in favor of going up to the bathroom. She had this awful pain in her chest. Locking the bathroom door so no one could come in, Rarity took her shirt off and examined her breasts. Her brassiere was struggling to contain her fleshy mountains. “That's weird.” Rarity said as she removed the uncomfortable undergarment. “I could have sworn that fit this morning …” Rarity continued to check herself over in the mirror. She cupped herself. “Have my boobs always been this big?” I want you to know, Rarity, you will always be my favorite bimbo. “What?” Rarity looked around. “Who said that? Who's there?” Realizing no one was around, Rarity looked at the mirror. “ ...Huh. I must be losing my mind.” And later that night, while Rarity was asleep, tossing and turning in her bed as so many do ... She rolled onto her back and grabbed onto her breasts, squeezing them. “I'm ...” Rarity muttered in her sleep. “a good ... boob-sucking ... bimbo ...”