Rainbow's Love of Paints

by rainbowshy459

First published

Rainbow Dash is the brash, loud sports jockey. Paintball is the peaceful, happy, friendly painter. What happens when they meet, and the rainbow-haired athlete gains some...affections for the friendly, talkitive painter?

Everyone knows Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is the brash, arrogant, 'awesome', loud, tomboyish sports jockey that everyone wants to know. Everyone knows Paintball. Paintball is the peaceful, happy, friendly, humble, artistic ball of sunshine that everyone wants to know. What happens when two, balancing personalities meet? And does Rainbow Dash, the sports Jockey incapable of loving anything that didn't play sports, gain feelings for the peaceful painter in love with love?

(Is the picture good? Did I get better at digital drawing?)

Meeting Paintball

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"I thought I told you not to beat me at soccer, Rainbow Crash!" Hoops said, laughing. His friend, Dumbells laughed too. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and sat up, holding her injured ribs. She smirked, spitting out blood.

"It's not my fault that you're such a pussy that an awesome girl can beat you in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow let out a sound between a laugh and a cough. She peered behind the tanned boy to see Dumbells already taunting Fluttershy.

Fluttershy tried to get up, but Dumbells pushed her back down. "Klutzerdhy! Klutzershy! Klutzershy can hardly walk!" Kids started chanting around Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, encouraging the bully boys.

Eventually, a boy and a girl intervened. The boy had grey skin and jet black hair with red hot streaks. The girl had long blue hair with cotton candy pink streaks with a white bow set at he very top with pink hair clips. She also had ivy green skin.

"Put my cousin down, you bitch-ass horse-head!" The girl yelled, and everyone gasped. No one was used to the peaceful, kind, soft-spoken cousin of Fluttershy to use such a tone, let alone language.

Dumbells instantly, let Fluttershy go, the pink-haired girl falling to the ground. The boy tried to sound innocent. "P-Paint, baby, I can explain-" Dumbells was then biitch-slapped by the cotton-candy ice cream haired girl.

"Don't you dare call me "Baby", you stupid, ungodly cruel, poor excuse of a decent man!" The girl spat. While she dealt with the goon, the boy she came with helped up Fluttershy. When their identical teal eyes met, sparks flew in every direction.

Rainbow scooted away so she didn't get hit by any of the invisible rainbow-colored fireworks.

"That shy chick's lower than trash! Why the hell do you care about this bitch!" Dumbells gestured towards Fluttershy, who was more than oblivious, as she and the boy were still staring into each other's eyes, blushes growing intensely.

"One, that "trash" is my cousin, who is the most pretty, kind, and selfless girl I know! While you, horrible sir, are just a low life that takes pleasure in an innocent girl's misery." The girl thought for a moment, then smirked.

"You probably just bully her because she refused to go out with a low life like yourself. Tell me, how does it feel to be snubbed by the kindest soul in the world?" The girl continued, making the boy feel like utter crap. Then, she heard a yell of pain. She whipped around, whacking the boy behind her with her incredibly long hair.

"And you! What did this nice girl do to you? If I recall, she beat you at soccer. Is that really all?" She said, malice in her usually soft and sweet tone. The boy, still fisting Rainbow's multicolored locks, nodded, as if unsure of himself.

The girl inched forward, so that their noses were barely touching. "How pathetic. You've clearly been babied by everyone in your life that you feel you're entitled to win every game, and when you don't, you bully whoever did!" Paint yelled, causing the boy to stagger back and drop Rainbow's hair.

The girl glared at the boy until he stepped away and ran like a bat outta hell. The other one followed suit. Paint turned to Rainbow and smiled. "Hi, I'm Paintball Splash! And you?" Rainbow was about to answer, but the brave girl just cut her off.

"Wait! Don't tell me! Hmm..." Paintball held her hand out to stop Rainbow from saying anything. "It's in there! It's there!" Then, she gasped. "Y-You're Rainbow D-Dash! THE Rainbow Dash!" She started bowing and chanting Rainbow's name.

Rainbow laughed and hoisted the smaller girl up by her hand. The girl blushed and looked into Rainbow's burgundy eyes. "Y-Yeah...T-That's me." Rainbow's burgundy eyes locked with Paintball's witch-candy blue eyes.

Since the crowd pretty much gone, and school was over, Rainbow took this time to observe her savior's face. She had incredibly long (and probably silk-feeling) hair that was the same color as her eyes, adorned with adorable baby pink streaks. She also had flawless green skin that still had a big of baby fat to be adorable. She also had full dark blue eyelashes and a white bow set into the top of her hair.

'OMG!OMG!I'M FACE-TO-FACE WITH RAINBOW DASH!!' Paintball babbled in her head as she observed Rainbow. She had shaggy hair that reached her waist with an array of colors. She also had cyan skin that was pretty rough, yet not so much to the point of itchy. She also had big beautiful red violet eyes and a pretty smooth complexion, save for a few bruises and scratches. Her eyelashes were short and full with a red hue.

"Ooh! Paintball has a girlfriend!" The boy from earlier yelled, causing Fluttershy to giggle. Like they were Ebola, Rainbow and Paintball jumped apart, leaving each other's hands empty. Then, the boy properly introduced himself and Paint.

"Hello. My name is Big Endord, but you may call me Big E if you want. This is my honorary sister Paintball, whom I hope you know and Flutterhsy remembers." Then, Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"Cousin!" Paintball tackled Fluttershy and the girl's hugged. "OMG! We HAVE to catch up!" Paintball droned. Fluttershy nodded, giggling at Paintball's happy demeanor. Rainbow found that this happy and friendly Paintball was nothing like that wordy, fiery Paintball that saved her and Flutters from Hoops and Dumbells.

"Words cannot express how much we'd love to, but we have to leave. Metal, Ruby, Felicity, Neko, and Sunset are waiting for us." Big E tapped his wristwatch. Paintball groaned. "Wait, Sunset Shimmer?" Rainbow's eyes widened.

"Yeah. She's officially apart of our weird little family. Don't worry. She won't stop talking about you guys, or us." Big E laughed, gripping Paintball's wrist and dragging her along. Paint smiled and waved at Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rainbow waved back in a daze.

"So, what do you think of my cousin Dashie?" Fluttershy asked, walking towards the exit with Rainbow. Dash coughed and choked on nothing. "H-Huh?" Rainbow stopped fully, trying to catch her breath.

Fluttershy giggled. "I mean, was she cute?" Fluttershy elaborated. Rainbow's blush was growing fast as her calloused fingers danced around the back of her neck. "U-Uh, yeah. S-She's pretty cute..." Rainbow then caught herself. "I-In the friendly way! FRIENDLY WAY!"

Fluttershy smirked slightly to herself. "Sure Rainbow. Sure." Rainbow growled and caught up with Fluttershy! "I don't like Paintball that way!"

Fluttershy clicked her tongue slightly. "I don't remember asking you that." And with that, Fluttershy walked towards her house. Rainbow's blush grew as the shy girl walked away.

Paintball's Weird-Ass Life

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Paintball was walking alongside Big E as they maneuvered their way through the forests to their house. She was smiling dreamily as she thought of Rainbow. "What's got your head up in the clouds?" Big E asked with a smirk. Paintball blinked, shook her head, and turned to her teal-eyed 'brother'.

"Huh?" She asked with big eyes. Big E shook his head. "You had a weird dreamy look on your face." He said as her cheeks flushed a pink. Then, he smiled. "It's about her, isn't it?" Big E asked, smirk still on his face. Paintball blushed. "N-No!" she said, blushing and pouting. Big E smiled and patted her head. "Sure it isn't." He smiled, earning protests from Paintball.

Once they entered the house, they were greeted by one of their other sisters, Ruby Glow. "Hey E, Paint." She said, smiling and retreating back into the kitchen with Sunset Shimmer. "What'r you guys doing in there?" Big E asked as Paintball smiled, waved, then went upstairs to her room to do her homework.

"We're making dinner." Ruby said, smiling at Big E. "Where did Paint go?" Sunset asked. "She had homework." Big E said. "Then, she's probably gonna watch Pretty Little Liars." Ruby said, shaking her head as she boiled water. "Most Likely." Big E said, going into the kitchen to help.

"Where are the others?" Big E asked. "Uh..." Ruby thought, then she turned to Big E to answer so Sunset could take over. "Metal went to the Market to get more soda, Neko's at the Mall, and Felicity's at work." Ruby said, shooing Sunset away so the girl could wash the dishes. BIg E nodded. "Oh, and Paintball's in love." Big E said, leaving with a smirk. He knew Ruby wouldn't be able to not ask.

Instantly, Ruby gave the Dinner duty to Sunset and ran after Big E. "W-What?" Ruby asked. Sunset put the Dinner on hold and ran after Ruby. "Boy or Girl?" She asked, leaning over Ruby. BIg E rolled his yes. "Yes, and a girl." He said. Ruby and Sunset leaned closer.

Apparently, Paintball chose this time to come downstairs. "So, who is it? Who does Paintball love, already!?" Ruby asked impatiently. "NO ONE! DON'T BELIEVE WHATEVER BIG E TOLD YOU!!" Paintball yelled. Big E smirked and leaned closer. "It's one of her cousin's friends." He whispered.

"Who!? WHO, DAMMIT!?" Ruby said, shaking him. He stopped her and leaned closer to both girls. "It's Rainbow Dash!" He yelled, Paintball yelled protests as she ran back upstairs. "Aww, that's so cute!" Sunset cooed. Ruby crossed her arms. "Who's this Rainbow Dash, Paintball?" Ruby yelled, sounding like a stern mother. "NO ONE!!" Paintball yelled through her door.

"Rainbow Dash and Paintball sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Sunset and Big E yelled up at the door. "SHUT! UP!!" Paintball yelled like a true teenager. Sunset and Big E laughed while Ruby was talking like a stern mother.

Metal Sound, Neko Chan, and Felicity Daze had walked in, but when they heard all the yelling, they pressed against the door and patiently waited for Ruby, Sunset, and Big E to notice they were home.

"Nothing has prepared me for this..." Felicity said, Metal and Neko agreeing.