Long Lost Brother (MLP FANFIC)

by BronyLee

First published

Twilight learns that she has an older sibling, but How far would they go to clear their name.

After finding a old photo album of her and her parents,Twilight comes across some pictures of a colt that she never seen before but looks kind of like her. She will soon learn that there is more about her life that she doesn't know; it will be one of her greatest test of strength, love and trust.

Chapter 1

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Long Lost Brother (MLP FANFIC)

By. BronyLee(Lee2k)

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony Friendship is magic, it is owned by Hasbro, Studio B and Lauren Faust. Characters I own are Vexous, Starlight Shine & Nightmare.

Part 1

"It is your time now Dark Star, all of your training has led you to this day." a hooded figure states as he looks down at a black and tall unicorn. "You are strong enough to take your well deserved revenge on those who turned their back on you those many years ago. It is your time to have your name reign through all of Equestria, and have the power to raise and set both the moon and the sun."

The room was dark, the only light was from torches that dimly lit an area where the tall black unicorn stood, his dark red and black mane hung low covering he's right eye as he looked up at the five dark hooded figures that stood high on a semicircle podium.

“All my life I tried to understand why I was exiled, why I was left to die, I thought if I came here I would find my place... but..." the unicorn’s voice trailed off in shame.

"You came here because they hated you, they didn't see your true potential, and saw you as a threat which is why you have to get your revenge on the nonbelievers." one of the figures says.

"No... I don't want revenge; I don't want to hurt anypony anymore."

"What!" one of the figures says in a deep angered tone as it slams its claw down. "How dare you turn your back on what we trained you for?"

"Ever since my exile I was shown hatred and pain, now you want me to hurt others and to treat them with no respect. That is not how I want to be known or remembered."

"You will be remembered as the most powerful unicorn who over through Princess Celestia."

"NO! That is not what I want to do, that what you want me to do." the unicorn's voice echoed through the large room. "I no longer want to hurt others, no longer do I want to strike fear into the hearts of anypony"

"Well then what do you plan on doing, where do you plan on going? Fear is the only thing you are, or have you forgotten who you are? You’re a demon, the dark pony, you’re marked with it, so to say that you don't want to be remembered as something evil you just remember your mark."

Star looked back at the mark on his flank of a red circled inverted pentagram and grew angry "This mark means nothing to me, I was forced into having it I didn't earn it, all my life I was shown evil but it was wrong."

"Really... So then what’s your plan Dark Star, where are you going to go?"

"Back home where I belong."

The room was silent, Star stood strong knowing that his mentors where not happy, but his mind was made up, he was leaving this place and was ready to fight if he had to.

“Fine..." one of the figures said her voice steady and sure.

"What!!!" another states angrily.

" Relax brother young Star is not a colt anymore, if he still has faith in the outside world who are we to stop him. But remember this Dark Star once you leave this place it will be a sign of treason and you will be our enemy. Our plan to take over Equestria will not stop and if you get in our way, we will kill you."

Star didn't respond he just turn around and started to walk away.

"Sister, why did you let him go?"

“Because I am the only one that remembers the prophecy and I've gotten what I wanted out of him. Remember, it is soon the time of the dark sun and the blood moon, he might think he isn't evil but in fact he's a monster, and whats better for him to find that out is when others are around him.” She says with an insidious grin.

Star ran to his hut where he stay and started to gather his things using magic to shrink different items and puts it snug in a bag, just then he felt a sensation on one of his legs, when he looked down he saw a cat looking creature with a thin lizard like tail and small horns rubbing it's body against him "Kimmy, you scared me, how are you?"

The pet gave a cute screech as it look at him with large silver cat eyes, "gather your things Kimmy we have to leave this place and find our new life." Little Kimmy ran into a room and dragged out a basket holding a few toys and food. Star smiled and used some magic to lift the items into a saddle bag that he held across his back that was filled with books and other personals. He then lifts Kimmy on his back and left the hut making his way out the castle gates. Once on the outside he looks back at the castle he once called home, the place where he was taught that pain and misery was the only way to treat other ponies, but he knew it was wrong and that he needed to fine a new way of life no matter what and the place to start was in Canterlot.

Part 2

On a bright sunny day in Ponyville, the town was busy, from the bakery to the apple orchard. As little fillies play in the school yard and other ponies walk through the streets, this day seemed perfect. Bursting out of the bakery on Sugar Cube corner Pinkie happily hops around.

"Yaaay, it time, it time, it’s time... it's time to go see Apple Jack!" she says as she cheerfully makes her way to Rarity's boutique.

Rarity was sewing up some dresses when Pinkie Pie burst in "Rarity are you ready, come on let's go, go, go!"

"Pinkie what on earth are you going on about?" she said confused to what the energetic pony was saying.

“Duh, Apple Jack wanted use to help her with the best pastry contest, she wanted us to taste some of the things she made."

Rarity then remembers agreeing to help Apple Jack with this upcoming contest, "Oh my your right Pinkie, oh dear it must have slipped my mind.” says as she starts to put her things away and then follows the still hopping pink pony to apple farm.

When they arrived they saw that Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and spike was already there. "Hey everyone, are you ready to eat because I am." Pinkie Pie says cheerfully as she hops to the group.

“I am too, Apple Jacks treats are always good." states an excited Rainbow Dash.

After a short time Applejacks approached them wheeling a cart filled with piping hot treats that was straight from the oven. "Hey there girls y'all ready to try some of my new apple tarts and pies, I need y'all to be completely honest if you want me to win this contest.”

"Oh come on AJ you know you're a shoe in to win.” Dash says as she helps herself to the food.

Apple Jack soon looked around puzzled, "Hey spike where's Twilight?"

“Oh ... Huh she's back home, she wanted to come but she didn't look like she didn't get any sleep last night, " he takes a bite a apple crumble, "Mmmm, so I figure I come in her place."

"Well hope she's alright, I mean I thought she was looking forward to this like everyone else."

"Oh she was but she came across some book last night and she's been reading it all night, but boy oh boy she doesn't know what she's missing."

Apple Jack soon became worried for her friend and wanted to see what was wrong with her. Back at Twilights library, Twilight lies on her bed looking through photo albums that she found the previous night, she would smile every time she saw Spike and herself or her family. She then came across a photo album that she never seen before. It had pictures of a colt that she feels she knows but she never seen before, he looked as tall as she is now but a shade darker then herself almost like he was a pony from her dream. His mane was black with red undertones and he had two color eyes, one was red the other was purple, but his flank was blank. She had a feeling she knew who it was but she just couldn't understand or believe it to be true, but the more she look at him it reminded her of herself, " who are you?" she says looking hard at a picture.

“Who is who?" Dash says catching her off guard.

"Huh… What?" Twilight quickly closing the album, "oh hey girls, what's going on?”

"We missed you outside sugar cube, is everything ok?" Applejack says wheeling the cart with her.

“Oh uh yea I'm ok ... Just doing a little research is all hehe." Twilight nervously said as she held the book tight, Fluttershy sat next to her.

“If there’s anything wrong Twilight you know you can talk to us right." Fluttershy says in her soft voice.

"Well I've been having dreams lately and well..." she looks up to see everyone was intent to hear what she was about to say "you know never mind it's silly." she magically puts the albums back on the shelf.

"Well ok then, you know ya nearly missed out on some treats. Thought about sending it with spike but I knew it wouldn't reach ya." Applejack said not pushing the subject

"Sorry about that." Twilight said sincerely

"Oh its ok sugar cube just be honest when tasting my treats."

Twilight smiled before helping herself along with the other girls. Spike looks on slightly stuffed from earlier but more curious about the book twilight had, and he was certain to find out what it’s about.

Later that night while Twilight was sleep Spike went searching for the book she had earlier. Once he found it he started looking through it, “this is an old photo album. Why would Twilight be so hung up on this?" spike says as he flips through the pages. He soon stops and spots the picture of the pony, he starts to examine the picture unsure of what he was looking at, "wow this pony looks like Twilight, I guess he must be a old friend or something cause a never seen this pony before." he says before giving a big yawn then putting the book back. “That must have been an old picture, oh well; whatever got her so wrapped up might not a big deal." Spike says as lies in his bed and falls asleep.


The streets of Canterlot were cool and empty as the night wind passed over the quiet town. Star stood outside the walls and sighed. "Home..." he said before he slowly makes his way through the streets undetected, he looks around the clean streets realizing that not much has changed, it was still the beautiful town he loved, and since there wasn't a lot of change he figured that he knew the way to his home. "I hope they didn't move or nothing bad happened to them." he says as he looks for his old house. He spots a familiar home that had its lights on; he approaches it hoping to see his family. He looks through a window and finds his mother lying down on looking through a book as his father walks by.

"I miss him so much honey." she says depressed.

“Miss who?"

“Our son, he is out there alone probably sick or dying, do you even care?" she was on the brink of tears with every word.

"It’s been centuries dear and of course I care, but you know as well as I do he can never coming back here. He was exiled, who knows what has happened to him, but you should stop worrying, he chose his path, he was old enough to know what he was doing and he made his choice. Besides we already have two gifted ponies that we are proud of, one is head of the royal guard, the other was trained by princess Celestia herself. So stop worrying about him." his voice was stern but also sad.

"How Can you say that, he will always be our son no matter what. I love him and so should you. "

"I've lost a lot because of him, so I don't know if I can feel the same way you do."

Star was in shock at what he just heard as his father walking away from his mother without saying another word, Star was in slight disbelief that his mother still remembers him and his father what's nothing to do with him. He stepped back with a sigh and thought to himself if he should stay or leave, but the he remembers the reason he came there, he wanted start his life over and the best way he knew how is with an apology, so he had to go inside, but he had a feeling his mother might reject him because his mark, Using his magic he pulled a flank armor plate out of his bag and put it on. Closing his eyes he decides to go in, so with a sighs he disappears in a puff of black smoke. Inside his mother continues to look through the book when she hears hoof steps behind her, she quickly turns around and gasps at the sight of a tall stallion approaching her.
"Who are you, how did you get into my house?!" she demands. Star had a feeling that his mother wouldn't recognize him.
"Mother, its me... Starlight Shine." he says surrendering to her hoping she would know who he was.

After a few moments her eyes widen in shock, "St-Starlight?" she says as her eyes filled with tears, it's been years since Star seen his mother and heard her voice that he didn't know how to respond.

"Yes mother... I'm home." Star struggles to say with a knot in his throat.

"My baby, I missed you so much." she says unable to hold back her emotions. She jumps up and hugs him tight as she starts to cry. "What happened to you?"

"I been through a lot mother, and I'm sorry for what I've done so long ago, please forgive me I'm not evil."

"I know you’re not sweetie, you’re very special. I love you and I forgive you, I always have." she says then kisses his muzzle. The loving kiss from his mother nearly made him break down but he held back his tears.

"I'm sorry mother, sorry I don't look like how I was before, I've been through a lot and-" Star's mother cuts him off by putting a hoof on his lips.

"I don't care, you're here now and that is all that matters."

Star smiles as he successfully fought back his own tears. "Well mother, how have you been?"
"I'm fine, it's been so long, and I was hoping for the day that you would finally come home, a lot has changed since you been gone."
"Well to me things kind of stayed the same." he says as he looks around the house.
"Well, your no longer a only child; you have a younger brother and sister." she said.
"Wow, really. How are they are they o.k.?" Star says unable to control his excitement.
"There fine, they were just like you when you when they where small, showing great magical strength, and now they are grown and happy."

"Really... Well I learned most of what I know from you, did you teach them as well?" Star asked.

"Well no... It wasn't me." she says hesitantly.

"Well, who, I mean they had to have learned how to harness and use their magic."

"Well it was princess Celestia that took your sister as her personal student. Your brother, became head of the royal guard." her voice was confident yet withheld, because she knew the feeling of resentment that Star had with the princess for banishing him.

"Oh... I see, hmmm... Where are they now? I would like to see them."

"You will do no such thing," Star heard from the stairs, "you will not corrupt the mind of our son or daughter." Star looked over to see his father enter the room.

"Father please, I'm not evil, I'm sorry for what I've done in the past but I'm not evil.“ he pleaded.

"Yes you are, you've shown that your unstable and that you’re a danger to Equestria. We knew your true purpose which is why we had to banished in the first place, and why you’re the way you are now."

"You speak as if you know what I have been through, as if I liked it. Every day that I wondered alone I thought I wasn't loved or wanted. I'll admit that I've done things that I'm not happy about and I been through a lot, but I want to change." Star protested, he didn't want to tell them about the ones who took him in or the magic he had to learn.

"You can do that without bothering your brother or your sister."

"Father please... I have to meet them they're my family. I missed the days they were born and watching them grow up."

"They will not know who you are, so don't waste your time." his father stood strong and steady. Star grew upset but surrendered he knew his father was stubborn and he didn't want to continue with the argument, so he turns around to leave, he was going to find his siblings if it was the last thing he does.

"You say you’re not evil and yet you hide your mark from us."

Star knew he couldn't explain his mark, but he also didn't want to show it. "The reason I'm hiding it is because I don't want it to define me."

"No matter what you do that's what it's going to do that's what it's for, for all of us." he says in a demanding tone.

"Not to me." Star says before leaving.

Once outside he picks up his bags and saw Kimmy was still asleep, which was a good.

"Their names are Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle," he hears behind him. Star turned around to see his mother standing with books. Twilight lives in a town called Ponyville, she lives there with her friends while your brother Shining Armor is away, he just recently got married." she explains, Ponyville isn't to far from here so you should see Twilight first. And when you meet her please keep her safe. I know that the ones who took you are not happy and are looking for you so please protect her from whatever happens."

"H-How did you know?" Star says as he walks up to her.

"Starlight I'm your mother... I looked after you every day until you entered that castle and disappeared from me."

Star couldn’t believe after all that happened his mother still watched over him, the thought brought tears to his eyes.

"Here take these books, they will teach you light and healing magic, I have a feeling they skipped those lessons."

"Yea, thanks mom." Star takes the books and puts it in his bag. He then feels a warm sensation on his flank, startled he turns to his mother who had tears in her eyes.

"M-Mom I..." he knew what his mom did and was afraid what she was thinking but all she did was smile and shook her head.

"It's ok ... I understand, just go and find your sister.” she says, Putting the bag on his back and kissing his cheek. He smiles before leaving.

“I love you Starlight Shine." his mother says as she watches him disappeared into the night.

Part 4

"Watch out Twilight!" Rainbow dash yells. But before Twilight was able to react from reading her book a ball hits a plate of cake that splats her in the face.

Spike Applejack and Dash laugh at the scene, "sorry bout that Twi, are you alright?" says between her laughs.

"Yea I'm ok." Twilight says as she wipes the cake off her face. “It’s all in fun right?"

"Hey Twilight what are you doing anyway?" Rainbow Dash asks as she lands next to her.

"Oh nothing really, just reading up on some spells that I found interesting."

"Girl is that all you do is study, you’re such an egghead, come on and play with us your books will be there when you get back.” Dash insists

"I don't know I mean don't even know what you guys are playing or how to play it." Twilight says hesitantly

"Look all you have to do is try to keep the ball from hitting the ground, if you miss the ball you’re out." Dash stomp the edge of the ball knocking it into up and catches it on the top of her head.

"Well that seems simple enough." she says as she walks from her spot.

"Great. Get ready cause I'm gonna get all of you out." Dash launches the ball in the air and kicks it as hard as she could toward the others.

"I got it, I got it!" Applejack says as she runs after the ball and stops it with her head and then kicks it to Twilight. She looks at the ball coming at her full speed, without thinking she kicks the ball back to Applejack, but she dodges the ball because it was coming to fast, Dash chases the ball trying to catch it but it darts into the woods. "Woo Wee, Twilight what a kick. I should take you apple bucking one day you would do great." Applejack says as she fixes her hat.

"Hehe wow, sorry about that. I guess I don't know my own strength." Twilight responds with a smile.

"Jeez never thought a ball could beat me, heh guess one of us has to get-" Dash was cut short by the sound of a roar in the woods.

"Uh what was that?" Apple Jack asks concerned.

"I don't know it sounded like a-" Twilight was cut short as a huge red Dragon exploded out of the woods and slammed down in front of the girls, they were frozen with fear as the dragon dipped it's head to them showing his bruised eye.

"Oh uh, sorry about that it was a mistake." Twilight says with a modest smile.

The dragon just roars and slams its claw down; Twilight quickly jumps out of the way and runs away with the others running away with her. The dragon chased after them breathing fire, suddenly Dash turned around to confront the dragon.

"Dash no, come back!" Applejack yells, but She was already in front of the dragon flying full speed with one hoof out about to punch it in the nose, but the dragon swipes at her knocking her out of the air; they watched in horror as she was slammed hard to the ground.Twilight Applejack and Spike all went back to help there fallen friend.

"Dash are you ok?" Apple Jack says. Twilight and Spike stands over there fallen friend as the dragon approached, fire burning in its mouth. Twilight charged her horn about to protect her friends when the sound of another roar was heard that got the attention of the girls and the dragon, suddenly the dragon was attacked by a beast that wasn't seen before, it looked like a lion with ram horns and a long spiked serpent’s tail, the beast had the dragon’s neck in its mouth slamming it to the ground then slams its claw down on his head. The dragon escapes and breaths a blast of fire at the beast, but with no effect, a row of blades flip up on both the beast shoulders and down its back; twilight and the others watch in amazement as the beast and the dragon charge and slam into each other, pushing and clawing at one another, but eventually the dragon falls back with the beast standing over it. The dragon then retreated back into the woods as the beast slams its claws to the ground and gave an earth shaking roar to show its dominance. Once the dragon was out of sight the beast turned to the girls snarling heavily, Apple Jack despite her fear stands over her injured friend as Twilight readies herself to fight if needed. But instead of attacking the beast quickly shrinks to a small creature and sits in front of Twilight tilting its head in a adorable manner, and all it did was confuse them.

Twilight quickly turn to Rainbow Dash who was breathing very faint.

"Is-is it gone?" Dash says very weak.

"Don't talk sweetie save your energy" Applejack says, "Twi do something." Her eyes swelling with tears, but Twilight truly didn't know what to do, she never dealt with a injury like this before and might make the situation worse but she knew she had to try, but before she was able to do anything a green circle formed around Dash and green ribbons wrapped around her and slowly melted into her coat, healing her wounds until she soon looked good as new. "Twi you did it, she looks great." AJ said before hugging her.

"But, I didn't do anything I mean I was about to try something but this happened before I could."

"Well if you didn’t then who did?"

"Uh I believe I was the one who healed your friend." somepony says behind them. Twilight froze to the sound of the voice, a voice she has heard before, AJ turned around to see a tall hooded Pony.

“Uh we'll thank you very kind sir, if it wasn't for you I don't know what would happen." AJ says.

"You’re very welcome." Star said with a sincere chuckle.

Apple Jack tapped Dash a couple of times with no response, "Why she isn't getting up?"

"Don't worry she's asleep when she wakes up she would think it was all a dream."

Twilight turned facing the other pony "Thank you for your help my name is Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?"

Star's eyes widen as he looked at the lavender pony realizing that he had found his sister and she was as he imagined, “My name is, uh," he looks away still unsure if this was a good idea, but made his decision, “Star… Starlight Shine." he says as he takes off his hood reveling himself. Twilight grew weak at the sight of the unicorn for she knew that he looks just like the pony from her dreams and the photo album.

"Twi you ok?" Apple Jack asks.

"Yes Apple Jack,” she swallows her emotions, and looks deep in Stars eyes, "you're the pony from my dreams, I-I've seen you in a photo album that i found... who are you?" Twilight asked.
Star hesitated looking away from her, then he confidently smiles at her "I'm you brother. i came back to finally see you." Overwhelmed with joy finding out she had another brother, Twilight hugged him with tears in her eyes.

"I missed you so much Twilight." Star says hugging her back.

"Hold on their Twilight how do you know that this feller is your brother?"Applejack says in slight confusion.

“To be honest Apple Jack, I kept seeing him in some of my dreams and in pictures when he was younger. I had a feeling he was out there but I really wasn’t sure."Twilight explains.

"So you're the one in the album." Spike says approaching Star.

"Yes I am, uh... You see, I've been traveling to the different parts of the world and I thought it would be good to come back to Equestria." he explains knowing that the truth wasn't a good idea, he then felt his pet climb up on him and rest on his back.

"Well I'm so happy to see you, how did you know I was here?" Twilight says.

"Well I was told by our mother" Star said with a smile, they all soon heard the sound of groaning as Rainbow Dash started to wake up.

“Ugh what happened?" Dash says as she gets herself up rubbing her head.

"Are you OK Rainbow Dash?" Spike asks.

"Of course I'm ok why wouldn't I be, I'm just tired that’s all."

"So you don't remember the dragon." Spike says slightly confused.

“What dragon?" Dash asks raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Don't worry about it sugar cube Spike just has a crazy imagination." Apple Jack reassures her not wanting to tell what really happened.

"Uh, right..." Dash soon turned her attention to the new pony standing next to Twilight. "And who are you?"

Before Star can say anything Twilight cheerfully answered "Dash this is my older brother, Starlight Shine."

"Brother...since when? I never seen him before." Dash says shocked.

"I said the same thing." Applejack says.

"Well it's true… oh I can't wait to introduce you to the others, oh and Princess Celestia will be really happy to hear-"

"Uh Twilight, let's keep me being here a secret ok." Star says cutting her off.

"Uh ok, come on Star I'll show you where I live." Twilight says excited, Twilight leads Star to her home.

"Something doesn't seem right.” Applejack says cautiously before she, Dash, and spike made their way back to town.

In the sky an armored Pegasus was surveying the area; his face fell into shock at the sight of the black and red pony that was following Twilight. He know he had to do something but if he confronted the pony there would have been trouble so he quickly turned back and dashed as fast as he could to Canterlot to tell the princess what he saw.

Part 5

"This is your brother!!!” Shock fills Twilights tree as the other ponies hears the news.

"Yes and his name is Starlight Shine." Twilight proudly states looking up at him.

“It is very nice to meet all of you." Starlight says with a big modest smile.

The girls didn't respond, still trying to process the new pony as Twilights brother.

"Oh come on, why is that so hard to believe." Twilight states slightly annoyed.

"It's not that its hard to believe, it's just that we never heard of him before. We only know about Shining Armor." Rarity says as she slowly circled as if inspecting him.

“O.k., I'll admit I kinda didn’t know about him at first but I know it's him."

"Not to question your judgment Twi, but how can you be sure?" Apple Jack says suspiciously.

With a sigh Twilight went over to a book case and pulled out a photo album. She goes back over to the others and opens the book to a page that had pictures of Starlight as a younger pony, the same size of twilight now, before his ordeal but all it did was just raises more suspicion. The pony in the picture had the same tail and mane but his coat was a shade darker then Twilights and his eyes where the same color, only one of his eyes stayed the same and his coat was black.

"Listen girls I'm sorry that I don't look like how I use to, but I assure you that I'm Twilights brother and I'm here to make up for all the time I missed without her." Starlight says as kindly as he can.

Pinkie Pie bolts in front of him and examines him; Star couldn't help but lean away from her, he soon felt an uncomfortable aura from her as if it was hidden away, although it was very faint it felt very familiar. Pinkies expression quickly changed from serious to full of joy as she hops away from Star ,"yup that’s Twilight's big bro hehe." she says.

"Pinkie, how do you know?" Rarity asks.

"Duh I can see it in his eyes."

Rarity just shook her head. "Well allow me to introduce myself. I'm the fabulous Rarity, I own the dress shop in Ponyville I'm all about fashion so if you need any outfits just swing by." she says as she strikes a pose, Star smiles at her introduction.

"My name is Pinkie Pie I'm very happy to finally meet you." she says full of excitement. Star could feel he joy she was emitting and found himself smiling at her yet for some reason he felt another presence in her, something he can't fully understand.

"Wait what, what do you mean finally meet me?" Star says but seemingly no one heard him so he just ignored it.

"Hey where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asks knowing that her brother has to meet the nicest pony she knew, everyone looked around trying to find her and realized that she was hiding behind Apple Jack, "Fluttershy why are you hiding come and meet my brother." Twilight says trying to get her come from hiding but she just hid more.

"Oh for the love a-," Applejack forcefully pushes Fluttershy in front of Star. He looked at her with a smile.

"Hello my name is Starlight shine it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Star says formally bowing to Fluttershy, his polite gesture made her more uncomfortable; all she could do was whimper and back away more.

“Uh sorry about her she's mighty shy." Apple Jack states in Fluttershys defense.

"Heh I understand, it's ok." Star says with a smile. From his mane Kimmy pops her head out with a little screech and looks upon the girls, she hops off he's head and lands in front of Fluttershy and examines her, Kimmy then slowly morphs into a bunny and cuddles up on her. Fluttershys reaction changes as she picks Kimmy up," aww what a cute bunny." she says as she snuggle it.

"Uh I’ve been meaning to ask, but what is that thing?" Apple Jack says.

"Well her name is Kimmy, she's a Chimera, a rare and special Chimera. She has the ability to morph into different animals." Star explains. Kimmy then hops away from Fluttershy and morphs into her, it was almost like looking into a mirror, Fluttershy stood up and walk up to her doppelganger amazed that it looked just like her. Kimmy even mimicked her movement, the girls were amazed at what they saw, “and she can even morph into any pony as well, basically any living creature shes seen, she just can’t change her eyes or speak.” he went on to say.

"Chimera... I read on those before, aren't they dangerous." Twilight asked as she walks over to Kimmyshy.

"Well like any other creature that is misunderstood they are only seen for their bad qualities; I assure you Kimmy is only a treat to those who try to harm the ones she cares for." Star explains.

"Wow, where can I find one, they will make an awesome pet." Dash says.

"You already have a pet Dash." Applejack said.

"Yea I know but that doesn't mean I can’t have two."

Kimmy looks back at AJ and rolls backwards, she then stands in front of her taking her form. "We'll I don't know, it's a lil creepy to me havin somethin look like you around." AJ says, her gestures mimicked by Kimmy. She then jumped into the air morphing into Rainbow Dash hovering with her, “are you kidding this is great, an animal that is almost as awesome as me." she says.

Kimmy cheerfully did some aerial stunts Trying to get the approval of all the ponies, her wings then expanded and wrapped around her like a ball as she fell to the floor, with a bounce her wings then opened from around her showing that she changed into Rarity and graciously trotted up to her showing off her beauty, Rarity herself couldn't help but look in awe at the sight of herself even though she always looks in a mirror anyway.

"Heh ok Kimmy you had enough fun, I think they like you already." Star says with a smile.

"Like her, I love her she’s perfect, oh you must let me borrow her so that she can model dresses for me... as me." Rarity says joyfully.

"Well maybe," Star says before Dash butted in.

“Hey not before me I wanna use her to help me train for the Wonder Bolts." She says very excited.

"Listen girl’s Kimmy and I are not going anywhere so if you want to hang out with her you can. I can already tell she will have a lot of fun with you. "Star states as Kimmy morphs to her original state and sits next to him.

"Really," Twilight says excited from what she just heard, “I should get a room ready for you."

"No no Twilight I'm not going to stay here. I mean you have a beautiful home and so many books, I wouldn't mind it, but as I'm here I have my own research to do, besides my things won't fit in here. "

"Oh so where will you be staying?" Twilight says her spirit slightly broken.

"Not far maybe just behind your house, I don't wanna walk too far if I need to borrow a book."

" Hold on their partner, what’s with the armor?"Apple Jack asks catching him of guard.

Star froze; he wasn't prepared for that question. The jig was up; Star couldn't answer because he was distracted from getting to know everyone. His eyes switched left and right as he started panicked, he knew he couldn't tell the truth because he feared he might lose his new found friends or even his sister. He can see it, the girls seeing his mark run out in a panic causing a panic through the town forcing Celestia to come and banish him again. But he kept his cool and quickly thought of something.

"Well uh I have this armor on because I'm embarrassed... that I don't have a cutie mark.” Star nervously smiles hoping that they believe his obvious lie.

"You don't have a cutie mark..." Apple Jack grew suspicious.

"Aww it’s ok to not have a cutie mark yet, there's nothing to hide." Pinkie Pie says cheerfully.

"You should definitely take that dreadful thing off it must be heavy on you." Rarity says, "I certainly can't have a friend of mine live with such a ghastly hunk of metal strapped to them. I'll make you a pair of pants or something ASAP, if you don't mind that is."

"Well I don't know, I was never given anything before." Star was unsure of this gesture of kindness.

"Think nothing of it; I will make it for you in no time, think of it as a welcoming present." Rarity said firm and confident. "All I need are some measurements." she says as her horn glows and measuring tape appears. "You do have to take that thing off."

Star became hesitant; he had to do something to prevent them from seeing his mark. Holding his breath he uses a secret magic spell that hid the mark as he took off the armor. Everyone gasps to see that he was telling the truth. He gave a grin as he concentrated on this difficult spell while Rarity went to work on him. After several minutes and close calls she was done. "There we go; I'll have a fresh pair for you in no time."

"Thank you, "Star says gratefully as he straps the armor back on.

"Hey Star how about we show you the town." Dash says.

"I would like that." Star says slightly relieved the cutie mark conversation was over. He followed Dash and the others out and started a tour of the town. Later that night Star went to get his bag and found a fresh new pair of pants neatly folded on top of it. He was so happy that he finally has friends and was confident that he was able to live is life the right way.

Back in Canterlot in the royal castle a frantic Pegasus guard flies to the princess's quarters. He finds her reading some scrolls while sipping tea.

" Princess Celestia, Princess Celestia I have word!" his voice in a panic.

"Relax my faithful guard what news do you have that is so urgent.” she says, her voice calm and docile.

“Princess though out my training I was shown those I should protect you from."

"Yes that’s right."

“Well ma'am I believe I saw the one they call Dark Star."

Celestia's normally cheerful personality slowly melted away. She set her tea to the side and walks over to the window.

"Are you sure about this." she asks.

"Well... Not completely ma'am I didn't confront him, I thought coming to you would be the best idea."

"Where was this pony heading?"

"Well from what I saw he was heading for Ponyville."

Her gaze narrowed, she was unsure of what she should do, she doesn't want to alert the ponies causing a unwanted panic, but she knew that it would spell trouble if what the guard saw was true.

"Princess what would you like me to do?" The guard says with a bow.

"Nothing, at this time I want you to be on alert..." she then realizes something. "And make sure my sister doesn't find out."

"Find out about what?" was heard outside the door; Celestia turns to see Luna standing at the door.

Part 6

In a castle deep in a hidden forest; a room glows from an enchanted bath, inside that bath was a griffin, she lies back in the beautiful water rubbing it along her dark brown coat, her emerald green eyes where half open as the bath water relaxed her. The door opens to the room and a unicorn walks in, he is scarred all over and blinded in one eye. Chains hung from his neck and crossed over his chest. He approached the bath staring deeply at the bathing griffin.

“Did you called for me sister?" his voice deep and serious.

"How long has it been?" her voice was smooth and sensual.

"Has, what been?"

"Since Dark Star left us."

"To be honest sister, I can care less about that traitor."

"I can understand... but that wasn't what I asked."

"*sigh* About three months."

"Hmm, it's been that long already, I think it's about time we interfere with his new found life because I'm sure he’s happy and forgot who he is, well its about time we remind him. "

"What do want me to do sister?" the stallion says approaching the tub.

"Well I've learned that he is living in this peaceful town called Ponyville. I just what you to play with the citizens there, you know, do what you do best." she says as she slides a claw over a scar that crossed over her right eye.

"I will do so my sister," he says with an insidious grin.

"Oh and Nightmare don't be afraid to shed a little blood."

Nightmare didn't respond; his grin grew as he left the room. On the top of the castle Nightmare steps to the middle and looks up to the sky and his horn started to glow; the clouds above him started to thicken and swirl.

"I know exactly what to do since there's a pony that I can use.” he says as a dim mist began to flow down from the clouds and floats out into the distance.

Out in the fields of Ponyville screams are heard as the cute mark crusaders run in fear, chasing them was a silver eyed bear. The girls all split up in different directions to try and lose the bear but it continues to chase Sweetie Belle, she runs as fast as she could but the bear was gaining on her. The bear then pounced grabbing her up in a roll, her screams soon turned into laughter as the bear start to lick her mane.

"Ok ok you got me Kimmy you win." Sweetie belle says trying to stop laughing. Kimmy morph into her original form then curls up on Sweetie's back. The other girls soon caught up to Sweetie belle both still laughing.

“That was fun."Applebloom says as she starts to pet Kimmy who in turn licked her hoof.

"Yea, Stars pet is so cool. If she can turn into other animals, maybe we can get an animal tamer cutie mark." Scootaloo says as she walks up to them.

"Kimmy, come on it's time for your bath," Star calls out as he walks up to the girls. Kimmy stood alert then turns into a ladybug and hides in Sweeties mane.

“Hey girls have you seen Kimmy anywhere she needs to take a bath.” Star asks.

"Uh, no Star we haven't seen her but we will let yah know if we do." Applebloom says trying to keep Kimmy hidden, but her constant giggle wasn’t helping.

"Well ok I mean y'all where just playing with her, I guess she won't be getting her favorite treat after her bath." Star says trying to bribe Kimmy from hiding. Kimmy poked her head out to see if it was clear just to be caught in a magic spell and pulled out of Sweeties mane. “Gotcha, come on Kimmy we have work to do you can play with the girls later," Star says, "see you later ok girls." He starts to leave, Kimmy started to struggle but to no avail.

"Ok Star we’ll see y’all later." Applebloom says waving them goodbye along with the others before they ran off to have there more fun.

After a furious fight giving Kimmy her a bath they find themselves in the Everfree forest searching for herbal ingredients for some magic potions. He heard from Twilight that this forest is full of plant life that might be useful to him, so taking her word for it he has been searching the forest for everything that he needed. But this day was slightly different, he was not only searching, but exploring, the few months he has been living in Ponyville he never really had true time with himself. In between practicing magic and reading with Twilight and hanging out with his new friends, he was trying to find potions to kill the evil in him or change his mark to something he can show off; there were times where he felt just like the brave three cutie mark crusaders... sometimes even envious of them. Star soon came across a tree deep in the forest that had lights and an alluring aroma coming from it, the smell was familiar to him, so familiar that he couldn’t believe it. He slowly made his way to the window just to see if his suspicions where true, inside he saw a meditating zebra in front of a boiling caldron, masks decorated the walls along with vials and cups hanging from the ceiling and on shelves.

"Madam Zacora!" Star says shocked.

Zacora's eyes quickly open to her name being called and looked around to see who it was, she then heard the a knock at her door in which she answers. To her surprise she saw her star pupil Star standing in front of her.

"I do not believe my eyes; to see you again Star is a big surprise." she says giving him a hug.

"It's good to see you madam Zacora it's been a long time."

"Yes it has, and that is true, but it's really good seeing you. It must be cold please come in and tell me how you left that place of sin."

Star smiled and walked into Zacora's home, she makes her way to the caldron and fills a cup with the herbal tea that was inside.

"Well madam Zacora, I was asked to have an audience with the headmasters and they wanted me to get my revenge on the Princess, but I told them no and that I was not evil, also that I wanted to leave and start my life over, so they agreed but told me I'm an enemy."

"Was it that easy?"

"Yea... I mean... It seems that way."

"When it comes to Vexous, nothing is that easy, because that griffon is always sleazy. But I'm so glad you’re safe, and away from that horrible place." Zacora says giving him the tea.

"Yea me too, now I live in Ponyville with my sister, her name is-"

"Twilight," Zacora finishes his sentence.

"Yea how did you know?"

"Star I know why your here, and it because of something you hold dear, but you must remember what you face and the evil that might come to this place." she states with worry.

"What do you mean Zacora?" Star began to get worried himself.

"A great evil is coming and that's no joke so you must be ready to protect the pony folk."

"Don't worry madam I'm ready for anything, I'm going to do what I can to protect everypony." He says strong and confident.

Zacora smiles "That good to hear and I know you will my dear."

Star spent the rest of the day reminiscing with Zacora and having a good time.

That night an ominous mist flowed over the town of Ponyville. It began to seep into the different homes of the citizens, even in Cloudsdale where the Pegasus rest their heads. The mist made its way into here Rainbow Dash slept and flowed into her closed eyes and soon her once peaceful sleep was disturbed as she start to struggle.

Part 7

Weeks have passed, and the usually busy town of Ponyville has turned dull and slow. Everypony looked as if they were very tired, some looked worse than others.

Star trotted through the depressing street wondering what happened to everypony but every time he asks what's wrong he gets the same answer, they couldn't get any sleep. So he goes and visits the girls to see if they're ok. Applejack and Fluttershy where affected as well, but Pinkie Pie seems unchanged. Star soon found himself at Rarity's home, he knocks on the door but there was no response, thinking no one heard he knocks again and the opened a crack.

"Is anyone home?" he calls inside.

"I am." Sweetie Belle says catching Stars attention. She sounded very troubled.

"Sweetie what's wrong is everything ok." Star asks, but she didn't respond, she looked away tears filling her eyes.

"Well can I come in, where's your sister is she ok?" Star knew something was wrong, without saying a word Sweetie Belle lead Star through the house. It was dark and in shambles, the window shaded where closed blocking the sun, rolls of fabric were everywhere along with balls of tread, pony manikins are scattered everywhere, some of them had stab marks and several pins stuck in them. Star began to feel a strong magical sensation coming from a room Sweetie Belle was leading him too. It had to be Rarity's room, "Sweetie is this where Rarity is?" Star asked, she nodded as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Star, please help my sister." Sweetie Belle pleaded.

"Ok Sweetie, just stay out here,” Star said as he makes his way into the room and was overwhelmed by dark magic he knew all too well. It was a spell that works its way into the dreams of a pony and destroys it, making it their worst nightmare they ever had.

Star spots Rarity on her bed, she rocks back and forth as mist surrounds her just like the others.

"Rarity...?" Star slowly walks up to the bed, he cautiously makes his way to her to find that she looked horrible, her mane was in a mess, she wore a robe that was hanging off her shoulders, and her eyes where sunken and bloodshot.

"Oh no, this is bad." Star says in shock. He can then hear her mumble something to herself “please not my mane please stop I beg you please stop."

"I got to get you out of here Rarity I need to get you better." Star attempt to pick her up but she lets out a horrifying scream and starts to panic, as she struggles to get to the other side of her bed a blade swipes past Stars face that he barely dodged, so Star felt a warm sensation slides down his cheek and realized he was bleeding.

"Stay back! I'm warning you, you're not going to skin me alive you monster!" she says on the far corner of the bed, her big beautiful eyes crazed with fear, she held a fabric cutting knife in her hoofs.

Star was convinced Rarity had been hexed, frightening images put in her dreams driving her insane. This was the work of only one unicorn that once trained him; Nightmare.

"Rarity please I'm trying to help you." Star pleaded but she just screamed and swung the sharp knife around. Outside the door Star can here the faint crying of Sweetie Belle.

"*sigh* Rarity this is for your own good," Stars horn began to glow and in a flash she was out, "that sleeping spell should keep you still while I get you to my place, Star then uses his magic to lift Rarity onto his back and left the house, Sweetie Belle not far behind.

On his way to his home he spots a very groggy Rainbow Dash walking towards him, her eyes were also blood shot and half open, she looked weak, and her beautiful coat was faded.

She bumps into Star as if not paying attention, “Dash, are you ok?" He asked but she didn’t answer she just started to banging her head against his chest.

"I can't sleep, they keep laughing at me, I'm not a loser, I hate losing, but they won't stop laughing at me, please make them stop laughing?" she started to repeat to herself as she continued bang her head against his chest. Star knew what was going on, Vexous found out where he was and made her move, attacking his friends and the people around him to either anger him to draw out the evil or frame him for this epidemic. Star repeated the spell on Dash and caught her before she hit the ground putting her on his back. He continued to his home only to find Twilight banging on his door.

"Twilight is everything ok?"He asks.

She turns to him, tears flowing from her baggy eyes, “No, something terrible is happening, what is going on I cant get any sleep! I keep having strange nightmares." she says.

"I think I know," he enters his home, "I'll explain everything."

He lays the girls on his bed and looks for some potions, he knew that he couldn't tell her the complete truth but he had to explain.

"Uh...," he Started "there's a unicorn out there name Nightmare and he is responsible for all this."

"What, how?"

"He has the ability to turn pony’s dreams into horrible nightmares that seem so real it can deprive a pony from sleep driving them insane.

"Is there a way to stop him?"

"Yes but let me cure our friends first," Star grabs a vile from a shelf and pours some of the contents in a dish. "Here pour some of this into their mouth."

Twilight quickly did what her brother told her, "What is this?"

"It's a potion that will get eliminate the nightmare spell, but I have to find out where it's coming from in order to save the town." Star remembers Sweetie Belle and looks to find her; he spots her with Kimmy as a lion cuddled around her. "The magical energy from Kimmy should protect her.” He says to himself “Twilight go and get the others and bring them here so they can drink some of the potion." Star orders, Twilight was out the door without any question.

Less than ten minutes pass when Twilight returns with Applejack, Fluttershy, and the two other little fillies.

"I couldn't find Pinkie anywhere." Twilight says out of breath.

"Its ok we'll look for her later. Applejack, Fluttershy drink this." Star gives them the dishes with the potion.

"I ain't drinkin anything til somepony tells me what the hay is going on! There are ponies in the streets attackin each other, and lately I’ve been haven very weird dreams and can’t sleep." Apple Jack says.

"Somepony has cursed the town and I'm trying to find out where he is in order to stop him," Star explains "but until then you have to drink this to be safe."

Applejack reluctantly drank the potion; Star gave potions to Scootaloo and Applebloom and also Twilight. "This should keep your heads clear from his spell."

"Do you know where this pony is Star?" Fluttershy asks.

"No not now, but I'm going to, and I'll put a stop to this," in a way Star knew this day would come, the day that one of the headmasters will come after him and that he will have to fight to protect himself, But he didn't think they would attack ponies in the process.

Star grabs a few things off a shelf and puts it in a saddle bag, puts the bag on his back and was about to leave. "Girls I need you to stay here and watch after Dash and Rarity. I'm going to go and stop this curse." he says as he leaves.

Outside Twilight was close behind him, ”I'm coming with you." she says determined.

"No Twilight it will be too dangerous,"

"Don't tell me about danger ok, I've been on my fair share of adventure, besides those are my friends in there and I want to save them too." Twilight's was stern; Star knew that he couldn't change her mind so he surrenders to her.

"Fine Twilight but don't say I didn't warn you." he takes out a vile and opens it, a small ball of light dances around then creates a path to where the evil magic was coming from. Star and Twilight follow it into the forest.

Part 8

The forest was dark as Star and Twilight followed the light. Twilight was scared, even though this isn't her first adventure there was something about it that wasn't right. She looks up at her brother to see his face was stone cold which made her a little more uneasy.

"Star what are we-" Twilight was cut off by Star putting a hoof up to stop her from continuing.

"Shhh, there it is." Star points to a clearing in the forest.

Twilight moved a branch to see what was out there only to find Pinkie Pie just standing there with a crazed smile on her face, her usually cotton candy mane and tail fell straight.

"Star its Pinkie we should go and see if she's ok." Twilight says as she attempt to go to her friend, but is stopped by Star.

"Twilight no... You stay here ok, something isn't right." Star says as he enters the clearing himself, from the sound of his voice Twilight felt it was better to cooperate and stay put.

Star slowly makes his way to Pinkie who just stares into space as if she was frozen. Then suddenly she turns to him, her eyes were small and fixated on him, "Pinkie, you ok?" he says cautiously.

"Star, it's been awhile, how've you been?" She says, her voice was two toned and scary. Star automatically recognized the voice speaking for her... It was Nightmare, Star took a few steps back to see his ghostly figure looming over her

"Nightmare, leave that Pony alone she has nothing to do with this; come and fight me like the stallion you are!"

"Oh Dark Star I'm sorry but I can't do that, you see this pony belongs to me and I have no intention of letting her go." just then two cooking knifes appeared out of the air and spun fast enough to look like saws, and then shot in Star's direction, he jumps back dodging them; they boomerang back to Pinkie and stab into the ground. In the brush Twilight watches in anticipation wanting to know what to do to help her brother, but also didn't what to disobey his order to stay safe, she suddenly felt something behind her and was about to scream but a orange hoof covered her mouth.

"Applejack what are you doing here, how did you find us, what about the others?"Twilight says realizing who it was.

“I followed you OK, and Fluttershy is looking after Dash and Rarity. Just tell me what's going on, and why is Pinkie out here."

"I don't know but Star said to stay hidden to be safe."

Applejack was uneasy with the thought not to do anything, but she stayed put.

"Nightmare I'm not going to tell you again release that pony, if you want to fight me do it yourself leave and the innocent alone!" Star demanded but all Nightmare did was laugh.

"I told you already this pony is mine. You see this pretty pink pony isn't supposed to be alive but because her dear old dad was desperate I offered to help; with a catch of course... I get to have her when I see fit HAHAHA!"

Twilight and Applejack both gasp from what they heard. "W-What does that mean Twilight?" Applejack says trying to understand what going on. Twilight couldn't answer because she was speechless and confused herself.

"So if I was to release this mare, our little contract will be done, and well she'll be dead."

Star clenched his teeth knowing there was nothing he could do to save her, or so he thought. Stars mind started to race as he thought of different ways to free his friend, but possessed Pinkie used this opportunity to attack, her eyes glow red as two more knives appear and darts in Star's direction along with the two that was there already, Star barely dodges them using his magic to deflect them, he then uses a magic shield to block them as they came back over and over. Star found an opportunity to attack thinking that his friend was no more, but Nightmare played a dirty trick, he lifts his possession on Pinkie, she gave him a look of fear and confusion that stops him from attacking. Tears flow from her widen eyes, "Star what’s going on please help me." she says, but before Star was able to respond Nightmare possesses her again giving a crazy murderous glare. She kicks Star in his chest pushing him away, then creates a barrage of knifes that cut toward him, he barely puts up a shield to protect himself, but a few got through cutting his chest and legs.

"I can't stand for this any more, come on Twilight we gotta do somthin."Apple Jack says bursting out of the bushes; she charges full speed toward Pinkie, "Applejack wait!"Twilight yells but she was too far ahead to hear.

"Pinkie,I'm sorry darlin but this is for your own good!" she states but before she does anything a wall of earth shoots up in front of her. "Applejack what are you doing out here!" Star says through clench teeth.

"I'm here tryin to help you."

"No go back and hide, you'll get hurt out here" Star tries to his concentrate on the shield protecting him from the barrage of knifes, but his concern for Applejack broke it. The shield shatters like glass, he yells in pain as the knives repeatedly sliced over his body as he falls to the ground covered in blood.

"Star!" Apple Jack yells as she runs to his side, the knives flew around them like a swarm of birds.

"Oh I see you brought a friend, well she can die along with you, HAHAHA!" Possessed Pinkie says as the knives come to a stop in midair all pointing down at them. "Dark Star it's time ... To die!"

Apple Jack watched helplessly as the knives rain down on her and Star, she closes her eyes coving Star bracing for the inevitable but heard a crash. Opening her eyes she saw Twilight standing over them straining a powerful magic dome shield. The knives try to push their way through but Twilight keeps them at bay.

"What! Who are you, do you wish to die like the others!" Possessed Pinkie says as she uses the knives to stab at the shield.

"Star wake up we need you, please wake up!" Applejack pleaded as she tried to shake him awake.

Star's eyes slowly opened; though his vision was blurred he saw that Twilight was struggling to stop the knives.

"Starlight your awake, *gasp* what's wrong with your eye?" Apple Jack says relieved yet confused She saw that one of Star's eyes had a glowing pentagram in it. Star didn't answer, he struggle to stand as pain riddled his body, anger ripped through him, he reestablished a shield just in time before Twilights broke down. She looks back to see her battered brother standing with rage in his eyes, also the formation of what looked like a bright red star glowing under him.

"Star we have to get out of here and get the princess she can stop this." Twilight pleaded but Star wasn't listening. He was blinded with rage, he realized how to stop Nightmare and save Pinkie, if he felt like saving her... the feeling he felt now was no stranger to him, it is actually the feeling he had when he got his mark. The knives came to a point where the ground began to shake and trees behind them where being cut down.

"Star we gotta go now!"Apple Jack yells. But Star then turns to them, both Apple Jack and Twilight was afraid of the glare on his face; it wasn't of anger, but of a killer.

"Stay here," Star's voice was beep and serious.

"W-What are you going to do?" Twilight asks, afraid of what he might say.

Turning back to possessed Pinkie Star crouches down, “I’m going to end this." he says in one moment the next moment he was gone, darting toward Pinkie at speeds that would make Rainbow Dash envious.

"What!" Pinkie says as she saw Star coming at her, "what do you think you’re doing, there's no way you can stop me without killing her." She says in a panic stricken voice. Pinkie's eyes began to glow and made the knifes rain down on him, but he flashes side to side avoiding them she then made the knives lined up into a whip and slashes at Star but he dodged each time coming closer, Nightmare knew what Star was about to attempt and knew he had to stop him. In a last attempt Nightmare slams the knives together creating a wall but Star just blows through it, he's horn glowing bright, with a star symbol formed around it.

"NO, STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Possessed Pinkie tries to flee but is tackled by Star in a explosion of light and smoke.

Twilight and Apple Jack waited for the smoke to clear to see what had just happened; soon they can see Star on top of an unconscious Pinkie Pie, the curls in her hair was back. They soon also saw the scarred stallion lying on the ground as if he fell out of the sky. Twilight and Apple Jack rush to their friend to see if she was ok, Star finally stood up and backed away as his sister put her ear to Pinkie's chest and to her relief she was breathing.

"But how, I thought if you freed her she would die?" Twilight asks.

"That pony there is Nightmare, he was controlling her and using his magic through her so I use that to bring him here, I also broke the bond he had on her and created one for myself so she is bonded to me... I'm keeping her alive now." Star explains as he starts to calm down, using his hoof he wipes some blood off his chest, and using magic he turns it into a small glowing seed with a star on it. “Now I'm giving it to her so no one can control her free spirit." he says as he places the seed into her mouth and helps her swallow it.

A battle cry was heard behind Star, but before he was able to react Nightmare jumped on Star's back wrapping his fore legs around his neck trying to strangle him but Star bucks him off slamming him hard to the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" Nightmare yells as he rushes toward Star with his horn glowing, Star stood grounded and ready to counter Nightmare's attack. Nightmare and Star collided in a flash of blinding light, once everything was over Star stood victorious while Nightmare was on the ground, his horn had exploded from the impact and the pieces cut and impaled into his face, all that was left of his horn was a frayed bundle of nerves that was bleeding profusely and sparking like a live wire.

"Heh you think you've won *cough* your far from it, Vexous will be coming and she is going to reveal who you really are. You say you’re not evil but in fact you’re a monster." Nightmare says as he coughs up blood.

"My magic is only used to protect those I care about." Star says.

“HAHAHA *cough* we will see. Your time…has come...Dark Star!" Nightmare states before his body bursts into flames and disintegrates into ashes.

Star turns to Apple Jack and Twilight to see them staring at him in shock. He then looks back to see if his pants that hid his mark was still there, but to his dismay it was gone, destroyed in the fight, his mark was in plain sight for the girls to see.

"No-no you weren’t supposed to see it!" Star says in a panic as he backs away from them in shame.

"Star wait, what’s wrong?" Twilight says as she tries to calm her brother down.

"No! You where never suppose to see my mark, I'm not evil. I'm not evil!" Star runs off into the forest leaving the girls standing there, confused.

In a castle in the lost forest Vexous watched everything that happened in an enchanted mirror and smiles "It time." she says as her massive wing wraps around her and she disappears.

Part 9

It’s been weeks since the Nightmare incident and Ponyville have gone back to normal. Twilight sits on her balcony looking out into the sunset, she had a book on cutie marks that she has been studying for the past few days so she can understand why her brother was so afraid to show his cutie mark, and she also had Kimmy curled up under her, Twilight has been taking care of her ever since Star ran off... he hasn't returned since, Twilight began to worry and hoped that he was ok. As for her studies, she had yet to find any information on the cutie mark she saw on his flank that day he panicked. She sighs, although it’s been a few weeks, she missed Star a lot. Spike soon visited Twilight on the balcony with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.

"So how's the research coming along Twilight?" He asked sitting next to her.

"Not good, I've gone through almost every book I could find on cutie marks, but couldn't find anything on Star's cutie mark."

"Well I'm sure you'll find out something, hey why don't you ask Princess Celestia she might know.

"I-I can't, I promised Star that I wouldn't tell Celestia he was here, so if I ask she'll think something’s up." though Twilight knew that it was a good idea ask the princess if she wanted to know something; there had to be a reason why Star didn't want the princess to know he was living in Ponyville.

Twilight suddenly felt a strong magical presence inside the library followed by angelic light; Spike and Twilight went to see what it was and saw Princess Celestia.

"Princess it’s good to see you. What are you doing here, is there something wrong?" Twilight says with a formal bow.

"Hello Twilight, the reason I'm here is to talk to you."

"About what," Twilight had a feeling what he princess wanted to talk about.

"A few months ago I was informed by one of my guards that there was a certain pony that came into Ponyville, yet I went against my better judgment and didn't pay it any attention thinking that it was just another traveling pony. But do to the events that has happened a few weeks ago I must find that pony and bring him to justice." the Princess says stern but calm not to scare her student.

"Uh..." Twilight was at a loss of words; she knew the Princess was talking about the Nightmare cursed that plagued the town and maybe even Equestria but she didn't want to say that it was Star that stopped him.

Knowing Twilight wasn't intentionally holding back information she spared her the trouble of trying to guess what's going on, "Twilight, I know that the pony who came to Ponyville is your brother and he's been living here, but it's imperative that we find him, he is a criminal."

Twilight had a feeling that the Princess had already known about Star, but what did she mean by him being a criminal; throughout the time that he’s be in Ponyville he has done nothing wrong.

"Princess... I feel there's a miss understanding, my brother has done nothing wrong; in fact he saved Ponyville from a pony name Nightmare."

"Twilight, I was the one that cured all of Equestria from that horrible curse. Then I sent my guards to arrest Star to pay for his crime, but they have yet to find him, which is why I'm here."

Twilight didn't know what to say, she really wanted to tell princess Celestia the bloody battle that Star was in, but something told her that wasn't a good idea.

"Princess, you must understand, my Starlight has done nothing wrong."

"The fact that he's in Equestria is a crime in itself, Star has been banished, and was never to return which is why I must find him." the Princess explained.

"What!" Twilight was riddled with shock as her heart fell to her stomach; she couldn't understand what the Princess meant by Star being banished, “he-he told me he was traveling around the world. He said nothing about being banished." Twilight felt embarrassed, not only was she lied to but she's been harboring a criminal; her stomach was in knots, and her eyes began to water, she looked up at the princess slightly angry at herself. "Why?" the word barely escaping her lips.

The Princess knew how Twilight felt, she wanted to know what happened, and it was about time she was told. "Twilight, my faithful student; there are things about Equestrian history that are not found in books, things that are kept away from other ponies, I will explain everything you should know, and why Starlight was exiled." Celestia's horn began to glow, and a stream of magic arced from it and attached to Twilights making her eyes glow as her mind was sent back into the past, Twilight began to see slow moving images of events as the princess explained.

"When Equestria was founded six ponies made a vow to protect it and all its inhabitants, they were known as the Great Guardians of Equestria, they were the ones that created the elements of harmony, your brother and I where both young at that time, he is actually a few days older than me." the princess explained.

"Wait, how could that be? That can only mean..." Twilight says trying to understand.

"Yes Twilight, your parents where once Great Guardians; your magical strength stems from them. When I was young Star and I where the best of friends, almost inseparable, even when Luna was born we would all play, he was always making us laugh and we would always be magically competitive, so much that my father created an event that gave all ponies a chance to show off their talents, an event that soon became the Grand Galloping Gala that you know now. But soon our friendship started to strain and we started to grow apart. Our magic teacher would give him extra lessons cutting more into the time that we spend with each other, there soon came a time where we rarely saw each other. One summer my father held the grand event and it was the summer Luna and I got our cutie marks, but it was also the summer that Star revealed that he has been learning dark magic, released a great evil that started the great war."

"Wait... Star started the great war of Equestria?" Twilight says unable to believe what she heard but it was plain to see.

Princess Celestia nodded “Many ponies lost their lives in that horrible war, my parent where among them. Once the war was over all of Equestria was in disarray; Luna and I were to take the responsibility of our parents to raise and set the sun and the moon. As for Star, he had to pay for what he has done and was to be banished to the sun... But instead-" the Princess paused as she tried to keep herself from crying, "he was forcefully exiled out of Equestria never to return." the words hurt just as much as they did when she first said it. "Years after his exile your parents renounced their title of Great Guardians and gave up their powers so they can live like normal unicorns." The princess stopped using her magic bringing Twilight back to the present, her eyes were filled with tears, her mind was lost in the new information, though a small part of her was excited to know that her parents where very important and she is a part of that, she was upset in her brother. Twilight didn't know what to think; she still loved Star but she saw how he changed and was convinced that he was evil no matter how much she didn't want to believe it.

"I-I never would have guessed... throughout the time he was here, he was so nice to everypony and..."Twilight was on the verge of crying.

"Twilight I know it's hard and I wish there was another way, but I must find Star before something else happens; can I trust you to alert me if you see him?"Celestia asks, Twilight gave a faint nod as a tear fell from her cheek, "Thank you Twilight you’re doing the right thing. Tomorrow morning is the start of the summer solstice and I'll be raising the sun, will you be up to celebrate?" Celestia asks as she was about to leave. Twilight never missed a celebration of the summer solstice and she wasn't going to let her feelings stop her; especially since Pinkie Pie was back to normal, and knew there was going to be a big party she didn't want to miss it.

"Yes Princess Celestia I will be up. Thank you for explaining to me about Star, I will be sure to tell you if I see him." Twilight said. The princess smiled before disappearing in a mist of elegant sparkles.

Outside of Twilights window Star stood grief stricken as he saw everything, he knew it was over and he needed to leave, he couldn't risk getting caught and banished to the sun, so he closes his eyes, “Im sorry.” He whispers as a tear runs down his cheek then he disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

Part 10

The streets of Canterlot was full and energetic, as ponies young and old, big and small, gathered around the ceremonial stage awaiting the princess to raise the sun. The energy in Ponyville was no different, maybe even more so, as music filled the town from the bakery on Sugar Cube corner, as fully recovered, back to normal Pinkie Pie hosts a big celebration party. Everypony inside was dancing, playing and having a good time, everypony except Twilight, she stood next to a wall with a sadden blank stare; her mind still stuck on what had happened earlier, all of what the Princess told her and the things she saw swam threw her mind isolating her from everypony else.

"Hey Twi, what’s the matter sugar cube?" AJ asks as she approached Twilight, but Twilight didn't respond, "You ok Twi, I think you've been studying a bit too hard; you should come and have some fun." Twilight still didn't answer; she knew Applejack was just trying to make her feel better though she was oblivious to the truth. "Listen Twilight I know your worried about your brother but don't let it stop you from havin fun. I'm sure he's fine, and he'll show up soon." Applejack says with a comforting smile; the heartwarming gesture force Twilight to tears, AJ gave Twilight a hug to comfort her unsure of what was wrong.

"Hey, what happened to Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks approaching them.

"I don't know, she must be pretty torn up bout Star, poor thing, I would probably be the same way if Big Mackintosh disappeared." Applejack says patting Twilight's back; little does she know that the reason was a lot deeper.

"Hey everypony come outside it's about to start." Pinkie Pie says, everyone began to make their way outside,and looked out to the horizon awaiting the sun to rise.

"Hey that's a good idea, watching the princess raise that sun might take you feel better Twilight, come on darlin.” Appelejack says as she walks the still weeping Twilight outside.

Back in Canterlot the citizens crowd around and cheer as Princess Celestia prepares to raise the sun, with her wings elegantly spread out she slowly ascends into the air, the sun rising up with her, she soon disappeared into the brilliance of the sunlight as a beautiful silhouette of light. The crowd was in an uproar cheering in both Canterlot and in Ponyville, the Princess gently descended to the cheering crowd with a smile. In Ponyville the ponies cheered and chanted the princesses name, soon enough Twilight stopped crying when she saw the sun rise and a smile slowly grew on her face, all her trouble seem to disappear in the beautiful sight of the sun. But then in Canterlot the celebration was soon interrupted by a horrifying scream as a pony pointed at the sun, there was a crescent starting to grow on the side of the sun and it was moving quickly. Celebration soon turn to panic as ponies watched in horror not knowing what to do, the princess turned to see what was the matter, and gasps at what she saw, for it was a solar eclipse she's never seen before, she could usually predict them, so this came to a surprise to her "Be still my little ponies, this is nothing more than a solar eclipse where the moon passes in front of the sun, it is a short and beautiful event." the Princess says trying to reassure the ponies, but she was secretly panicking herself as she feels herself becoming weak, before the ponies had a chance to calm down an evil laugh was heard all around. Fear gripped the town as they all looked to see who it was; clouds started to fill the sky bringing darkness to a once peaceful day, and an evil smiling face formed in the clouds laughing down at Equestria, one of the eyes formed around the nearly eclipsed sun.

"That's right little ponies, listen to your Princess for she is right about one thing, this is a beautiful event. But it is nowhere near short, and this is not the moon but a large magical asteroid that is passing over your precious sun. This is the beginning of a new era, a era of darkness." the face said.

The Princess's guards crowded around her to protect her as the clouds started to laugh again then swirl around, suddenly lightning streaks from the center and shot down striking the ground in between the princess and the crowd, and in a burst of light a griffin stood, her wings spread high in the air, then she slowly folds them to her sides, and then opens her jade eyes. "Attention citizens of Equeastria; my name is Vexous the Griffin Queen. Long ago I was the ruler of this land before your kind came and took it away from me. I watch and waited for the day were I will retake my land, and what better day to do that then on the day of the dark sun." Vexous's voice was deep and authoritative, it both scared the ponies and intimidated the Princess, but she didn't back down.

"What are you talking about this land was free when the first pony settlers came here.There was no other inhabitants here" using her magic she moves the guards from in front of her and approaches Vexous, facing her eye to eye "your threatening to take back something you never owned and i can't let you do that."

Back in Ponyville, confusion ran through the town as ponies wondered what was going on in Canterlot and what was happening to the sun? Twilight was equally confused but she already had a feeling her brother was behind this in some way, "What in tarnation is going on up in Canterlot?" Applejack says.

"I don't know, but I'm sure as hay it's nothing good," Rainbow Dash states,” we should go and make sure the Princess is safe."

Twilight saw this as a opportunity to confront her brother, “Rainbow Dash is right we have to go and help the Princess."

"How are we going to get up there in time, Canterlot is too far away and the trains aren't running today." Apple Jack said.

"Oh oh I know," Pinkie Pie chimes in "how about Kimmy, she can turn in to a big dragon to take us there or even a eagle, or maybe a cheetah but I don't know if she can take all of us like that, oh or how about a big Kangaroo so we can hop there..." Pinkie continues to ramble on even though she had a good idea.

"Ok then, that's what we're going to do, we're going to have Kimmy take us to Canterlot as quick as she can, come on girls we have to find her. Twilight says as all six go to the library in search of Kimmy.

After a few moments they couldn't find her, they started to think that she ran away looking for Star, but Fluttershy soon finds her hiding under a root of Twilights tree scared.

"Girls I found her." Fluttershy alerts her voice barely over a whisper.

The small chimera was tightly curled and shivering, the girls crowded around her to see if she was ok, but Kimmy looks at the girls with a sadden stare.

“Kimmy we need your help." Twilight says but Kimmy doesn't respond she just looks at them as if she doesn't understand.

"This is pointless she probably only responds to Star and he's not here." Rainbow Dash stated. " Fluttershy and I might as well fly up there and wait for you."

"Or we take Twilights balloon and you two pull us up there." Rarity says.

"We can't, it needs to be inflated and that will take to long." Twilight tells them.

"Ugh, we are running out of time, come on Fluttershy." Dash says about to take off. But Fluttershy was kneeling in front of Kimmy petting her gently.

"Kimmy I know you miss Star, we all do, but we need your help our Princess is in trouble and we need to see if we can help her, so can you help us please." Fluttershy says in a sweet gentle voice before she kisses Kimmy's forehead. Kimmy responds to by getting from under the root and rubbing against her leg.

Twilight approaches Kimmy stern, "Kimmy we need you to change into something that can take us to Canterlot now."

Kimmy rubs on Twilight, then backs away and change into a giant Phoenix; she then extended her wing for the girls to climb on her back.Suddenly an explosion was heard in Canterlot, the girls turned and saw a chimney of smoke rising from the city; they began to panic as Kimmy raised her massive wings and flapped them putting her air born, she then makes her way to Canterlot.

"Princess Celestia, it's good to see you again you've grown so much since I last seen you." Vexous says in a seductive tone.

"What are you talking about I've never seen you before, what are you doing here?" Celestia says her eyes stern and alert.

"Well you might not know me but I promise you this, you will know me soon enough, and for why I'm here... well I'm like a messenger, here to tell all of you ponies that you will soon have a new ruler and you will live in eternal darkness forever." Vexous announced as she circled the princess.

" Whatever you’re planning Vexous it is not going to work no one is going to take over Equestria, I vowed that I will protect all of Equestria and all it inhabitants from evil like you." The Princess says.

"Heh, well that’s nice and all, but soon none of that will matter, because once the sun goes dark that's when it begins." she says as an evil smile builds on her face.

Celestia look around to see if there was still a crowd, but most of the ponies has both ran and hid in their homes or fled Canterlot all together. She then looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was mostly block, and her body grew weaker.

"Do you feel it Princess," Vexous started, "do you feel your power being taken away from you. Soon you wont be able to stop me and you will lose everything!" Vexous shouts shooting her wings out to intimidate the princess even more, but the guards took it as an act of aggression and attacked; Vexous dodged the attack with glowing eyes,and then the first feathers of her wings began to glow and shot out at the guards, the princess panicked and yelled out trying to put out a shield to protect her guards that resulted in a massive explosion. As the smoke started to clear the princess saw to her horror that only a few of her guard where saved by a shield she barely was able to put up, Celestia panted heavily as sweat slid down her face. Tears began fill her eyes, through the many years that she has been watching over Equestria no pony has ever been killed; she couldn't understand what was wrong with her and why she felt so weak.

"What a shame, I promised myself I wouldn't take any lives, but it seems you've forced my claw."Vexous states, her face was blank and emotionless. The lack of emotion to life that the griffin showed put Celestia in a rage, but before she was able to do anything an eagle’s cry was heard that got both the Princess and Vexous attention. Suddenly that sight of a large Phoenix appeared in the distance, Celestia felt there was nothing good coming with this Phoenix so she prepared herself for whatever was going to happen. The phoenix flew around once before hovering over the princess as her passengers jumped off its back and landed in a protective formation.

"Girls what are you doing here?" Celestia asks despite the fact that she was so happy to see them.

"We're here to protect you princess." Rainbow dash says as she stands ready for battle.

"Princess are you ok, what's going on, what's happening to the sun?" Twilight asks.

"I'm not sure Twilight, but what I do know is that griffin needs to be stopped." Celestia says.

"Look!" Pinkie Pie says pointing up at the eclipsing sun, everyone's looked up to the sun as the final ray of light disappear. The girls gasp in fear as the asteroid emitted a dark red glow that blanketed the sky.

"What's going on?" Rarity yells in a panic.

"Princess ... Y-your mane." Twilight points out in shock, Celestia watches as her once magically flowing hair fall straight, losing its beautiful array of colors to a dull glassy white.

Vexous laughs boisterously "Yes-Yes it has begun; the time of darkness is now!" Vexous states, she then panned her eyes a cross the newly arriving ponies and grinned, her eyes were then caught on a certain lavender pony that stood in the middle.

"You..."she says pointing at Twilight, "look familiar, what is your name?"

"Who, me?" Twilight asks confused, she has never seen this griffin in her life, how did she know her.

"Yes you," Vexous says with an insidious grin. With a snap of her claw Twilight suddenly disappeared from the group and reappeared in front of Vexous in which she grabbed her around her neck and slammed her to the ground.

"TWILIGHT!" everyone yells as they charge but stops when Vexous puts a claw up threatening Twilights life.

"I know I've see you before," Vexous says sliding her claw against Twilights cheek as she struggles to get free, Vexous then cuts Twilights face and licks the blood from the tip of her claw "Ah yes I remember now; your Dark Star's younger sister that he keeps talking about, you taste just like him." she claims. Those words made Twilight sick and not wanting to know that meaning to what she said.

"Vexous let her go! I'm the one you want." was heard in the distance. Everyone turned to saw that Star has came back. Kimmy cheerfully turns into her original state and run to Star, but he shot her a look to show it wasn't a good time.

"Star, it's about time you got here, I was worried you weren't going to show up." Vexous says releasing Twilight. Twilight violently gasps for air; the pain in her neck was so unbearable that she couldn't speak.

"What are you doing here Vexous I left your castle so I'll never have to see you again, why are you bothering these ponies?"

"Oh Star my prize student, I was only alerting the ponies here about you, our new ruler."

“I told you already Vexous I not going to rule over anypony, I am here to find piece, and I did, I'm no longer the Dark Star you wanted me to be."

Tsk-tsk, Star don't you see, or have you forgotten, ever since you where a colt I've been training you in the dark arts of magic," Vexous says as she slowly made her way to him, "What do you think all of those extra classes was for."

"What are you talking about Vexous I never knew you when I was younger." Star says as his anger began to build.

"Oh you knew me then, in fact you both knew me then, for you see you two where my favorite students and 'I trained you as if you where my own'. Vexous says with a devious smile.

Celestia's eyes widen in shock as Vexous last words sunk in. They where the words that of their teacher... "Madam Grace." Celestia says, the words slipping through her quivering lips.

"That’s right Celestia, but I'm not going to take all the credit myself I mean she was delicious, and taking her form was just as easy." Vexous began to glow; changing into a white and gold Unicorn taunting Star and Celestia.

Celestia grew sick her face frozen in shock, all her life she has been following the teachings of an evil griffin, and worse banishing her best friend for something that probably wasn't he's fault. The girls crowed around her trying to comfort her even though what was said was unbelievable.

"Oh and that's not the real shocker..." Vexous turns back into herself, "I was the one that started the war so long ago; Star was just my key to success."

"Shut up." Star says low but in raged, the area around him began to shake as a wave of magical strength washed over him. "I told you I'm not evil and I mean it, why can't you accept that?"

“Because I know who you are and I know what you’re not. You are Prince Dark Star new ruler of Equestria." Vexous announces.

"Shut uuu-" Star was cut off by a sharp pain that ran through his body. The pain throbbed through him again knocking him to his knees "What's happening to me?" he says through clenched teeth as pain ripped though his body. All eyes were on Star as streams of energy swirled up to the sky, and the ground began to shake; he grunts and growls in pain as he feels his blood boil and his muscles harden.

“Princess Celestia what's going on?" Twilight ask worried about what's happening.

"I-I don't know..." Princess Celestia struggle to say.

"YES, YES, dont fight it Dark Star embrace your destiny you are the true ruler of this land!" Vexous screams in joy then starts to chant in a language of dark magic trying to speed up Stars transformation. Star begins to cry out in pain as veins begin to visibly pulsate under his coat, is eyes where the size of pin points surrounded by streaks of blood vessels. Celestia and the girls watch helplessly, unable to know what to do, Rainbow Dash became angry unable to watch anymore of this torture.

“That’s it I'm going to teacher that griffin not to mess with my friends." she says as she dashes for Vexous but is swiftly Stoped by Applejack biting down on her tail.

"Hold on their hot head, are you seriously trying to get yourself killed, that griffin looks like she's no joke."

"We just can't sit here and watch him suffer."

"I know Rainbow but there’s nothing we can do." Twilight says.

"That's your brother out there Twilight, you should want to help him." RainbowDash tells her.

Twilight looks away unable to comment.

Suddenly A column of light shoots up from Star as he cries out again, two large humps start to grow on his back parallel to his shoulders, the humps begin to bleed as they stretch down his back, suddenly in a loud rip a pair of dragon type wing explodes from his back as he was engulfed in the light.

Soon a spiked armored hoof appeared out of the light as it slowly faded away, Star stood taller than before, he wore black chest plate like Celestia and Luna, but his had a red upside down star gem in the middle, a row of spikes line armor shoes on his hooves, and a sleek helmet fitted his head and around his magically flowing blood red mane and his mark was glowing bright. Things began to slow to a halt until there was silence; the girls exchange stares waiting for what's about to happen next.

With a deep inhale Dark Star break the silence "It feel so good to be free." he says in a deep dark voice.

“Prince Dark Star you've finally arrived." Vexous says as she walks up to him and bows.

"Yes, although it's been years I finally broke that weaklings will, and now that I'm free darkness shall reign. To the ponies of Equestria I am prince Dark Star the new ruler of this land, all shall bow to me, and if anypony defies me they shall feel my wrath." he announces as he ascends into the sky. His horn starts to glow and from the ground black mist starts to seep up from the ground, soon little black monsters start to manifest and run around terrifying the ponies.

Screams of terror rang out as the monsters ran rampant, Celestia was in tears as she helplessly watched the madness unfold. Though she still had magic, she wasn't as strong as she was before and it would be hard for her to fight and protect everypony.

"We can't stay here we have to get the princess to safety or we'll be in trouble as well." Twilight states as she steps in front of the princess. The monsters began to rush at the girls but Kimmy crushes them with her tail as a dragon, she then expands her wings and wraps it around all the girls and in a flash of light they vanishes. Vexous saw that the girls and princess escaped but was too busy enjoying the sight of evil that Dark Star created, she watches as Dark Star hovered into the air laughing evilly into the red sky.

Part 11

"I'm back to where I belong...alone, in the dark, just waiting to die. I brought this on myself this time, if I just listen to my father none of this would have happened, Twilight would be safe and wouldn't have to deal with me. She wouldn't be in danger... none of her friends would be in danger, they all would have lived there normal lives without knowing me. Nightmare was right about me... I am a monster. This would never happen if I just stayed away, I wish...I wish I was never born."Starlight says as he sits in complete darkness, although he could use magic to see where he was, he couldn't bear the sight. The area he was sitting was cold and wet; the air around him was stale and filled with the loud muffled screams of ponies in the outside world. He knew what was going on and the louder the screams got the tighter he clenched his teeth, "That's enough Dark Star you've gone too far!" was heard muffled yet clear enough to know that Star heard his father.

On the outside Stars father stood strong ready to relive his past. "This is exactly the reason why you where exiled from Equestria, you've always shown that you where unstable with magic and now you show your true intentions, I know now I shouldn't have shown pity on you. We should've banished you to the sun!"

"How dare you speak to your Prince that way!" Vexous protests as she attempts to pounce but Dark Star stops her with one of his wings.

"Oh father your words hurts me so, but I assure you," Dark Stars horn begins to glow trapping his father in a ball of magic lifting him into the air, " I'm in control of my magic and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"Star please stop this, this isn't you! You told me once before that you are not evil... Why are you doing this?"Stars mother pleaded.

Dark Star traps his mother in a ball of magic as well and with a sigh he whispers, “Because i can." and turns both his parents to stone, he then gently places them on the ground. Inside Star was waiting to hear his mother speak again but he heard nothing which angered him, his parents where everything to him no matter what they did, and he was not going to let this monster control him any longer. Using his horn he brighten the area, and he found himself in a monochromatic hell, there was no color anywhere, but a giant red pentagram that hovered over head, there were dead trees everywhere and the ground was covered in grey water, as he looked around and finds a what looks like a glass wall to the outside, he looked through the glass and found that his mother and father was turned to stone.

"No." he says in a shutter.

"You finally turned on the light." a haunted voice says. "I was worried you would stay in darkness and miss the show. "

"What do you want... why are you here?" Star says to the familiar voice.

"Aww, I thought you would be happier to hear from me, I did help you get your cutie mark."

"This isn't a cutie mark this is the mark of a demon I never wanted this I...I'm not evil."

"HA! Good luck explaining that because it seems that you’re doing a well enough job being evil right now."

"That's not me, I'm not a monster."

"Oh please, yes you are and Vexous was spot on for creating me. If it wasn't for her you would have never met me and none of this would have ever happened, I'm so happy she trained us."

Star knew the voice was right, and knew he couldn't stop himself. It was almost like he was never to be happy or to be shown kindness; that he was to be miserable all his life, but then he met his sister and her friends and they accepted him. They were kind and generous to him, things that were taken away from him before. The years he lived in the castle he made many friends but they were killed or ran away forcing him to be alone, but he knew that he wasn't alone. He knew he has to do something to save Equestria from himself. With his anger he runs up to the wall and bucks it as hard as he could.

"What do you think you’re doing? You can't break free from here, you’re trapped forever, there's no escape."

Star ignored the voice and continued to buck and slam the window with his shoulder trying to break free.

Back in Twilights library everyone was debating what should be done as the princess stayed quiet in deep thought with what she found out about her teacher and Star.

"I say we get all the strong and willing ponies and fight Dark Star head on, he declared war on us and we need to respond!" RainbowDash says stomping her hoof.

"Dash darling, not to disagree with you but not every pony is as brave and battle ready as you are, now I think we should use the elements of harmony and try and see if we can change him back like we did with princess Luna?" Rarity says. "What do you think Twilight?"

"I don't care." she barely whispers, she was filled with anger and depression that she couldn't think straight

"Uh what was that dear we didn't hear you."

"I SAID I DON'T CARE!" Twilight yells letting out her anger startling everyone.

"Twilight you can't be serious, this is Starlight we're talking about... your brother."

"No he's not; no brother of mine would do this. I want to have nothing to do with him."

"Now come on Twilight you and I both know that he isn't like this, he did everything he could to save Ponyville and Pinkie, and I’m sure whatever is going on isn't his fault." Applejack said trying to make sense of everything.

"You girls don't know who he is, I didn't even know who he was until the Princess Celestia showed me. And he's been lying to us from day one; he never set out to travel the world he was banished from Equestria. He's been evil all his life, reading books on dark magic and being responsible for a war that took many lives. Everything that happened is probably his fault and I don't want to be a part of it.

"Twilight I know it looks bad now but... I don't know if it is Star that is doing this." the princess finally intervened.

"Princess what do you mean, you've shown me what happened when you and him where young and the things he did, surely he's been planning this."

"*Sigh* I'm sorry Twilight but it seems I was wrong, then and now."

"Wait... What?"

"It's seems the princess is right for it is not Dark Star you all need to fight."Zecora says entering the library with a saddle bag strapped across her back.

"Zecora, what are you doing here?" Applejack asks.

"I'm here to clear Stars name, because all that has happened is not him to blame. I was afraid this day would come, but I do know what needs to be done.

"You know how to stop Dark Star?" Rainbow Dash asks hovering over everyone.

"Starlight is not responsible you see for he is trapped and needs to be free."

"Trapped... where? We all saw him change into whatever he is now." Rainbow Dash says

"What you saw was not Star at all but a beast answering Vexous's call. She knew that the beast will come, because she was where it came from. Vexous must be stopped at all coast, or for Equestria all hope is lost."

"So how do we stop her she has very powerful magic, and the princess is weak right now." Twilight says.

"Although Vexous is the one to fight, her connection with Dark Star is too tight. Starlight Shine must be freed and then you must use the elements of harmony. The elements will take back her stolen power, the power she gained from the unicorns she devoured."

The girls gasped in shock when they realizing how Vexous got her magic.

"Zecora, how do we free Star?" Princess Celestia asks seriously.

"That I don't really know, but if Star is trying to free himself the clues will surely show."

"Well what's the plan?" Dash says.

"Gather around my little ponies" Celestia says, the girls gathered around in a huddle.

"You have an idea Princess?"Twilight asked.

"Yes... You girls will keep Vexous busy while I deal with Dark Star."

"What, Princess are you sure?" the girls complained.

"Yes I am, what happened to Star is partially my fault and I must do something to help him."

"But Princess your magic, aren't you afraid you’re not strong enough?" Twilight asks.

"Both princesses are the key, to help star break free and for the Princess's magic I have the remedy," Zecora digs into her bag and pulls out a brightly glowing sun flower, "I brought you princess a very special flower, if you eat it you shall regain your power." Zecora offers the flower to Celestia, using her magic she takes it and eats it. She can feel her strength grow every time she chews and when she finally swallows it her body began to glow and her mane regained it beautiful color and flow.

"Please be careful because the flower won't last long, if you strain to much the effects will be gone."

"Thank you Zecora, I appreciate your help, we are going to free Star and end this." Princess Celestia says as she and the girls leave the library.

The girls looked up at Canterlot and saw flashes of lights of what looked like explosions.

"Luna she's must be awake we have to get to Canterlot and help her." Celestia says as she spreads her wings and her horn began to glow, "Gather around girls we're heading back." All the girls huddled around the princess and in a flash of light they all disappeared.

Part 12

All of Equestria was in disarray as night came; the moon rose into the red sky and was given a bright red glow. From Ponyville to Cloudsdale little monsters reeked havoc as ponies hid themselves in their homes, but ponies that were caught outside was terrorized and tortured. Dark Star stood high on top a tall building looking at the carnage that he brought to the land, his gaze was stern and emotionless to the screams of the helpless ponies; he was accompanied by the statues of his parents on both sides of him. Vexous soon approached him smiling at what she accomplished "Look at it Dark Star isn't it beautiful? I knew the prophecy would come true, all I needed to do was mold the perfect weapon and I did." Vexous came a breath away from Dark Stars face gently sliding her beak across he's cheek and whispers, "I have you," she said as she was about to kiss him.

"He's trying to break free." Dark Star says halting her kiss.

“W-What do you mean?" Vexous asks slightly disappointed that her affection was rejected.

"Starlight... He is resisting me and is trying to break free."

"Heh, let him try all he wants, the more he struggles the weaker he will become. He will soon be nothing more than a memory and you won’t have to worry about him anymore."

Dark Stars eyes narrowed as he continued to feel insignificant struggle within him, "I hope you heard that Star, I myself wouldn't want anything to happen to you, I want you to stay and watch the darkness we created, so why don't you stop ok." the haunted voice says calmly trying to stop Stars attempts of freedom but Star continued banging at the wall not knowing that mist started to seep from him, "Star if you continue you will die. Do you want that?"

"I would rather die than let this continue on." Star says as he continues to buck the wall, he can feel himself weakening but he didn't care he need to be free. The ground under Star began to rumble, before he was able to strike the wall again black smoke swirls in front of him. He backs away as the smoke grows and morphs into a giant stallion looking monster with long jagged fangs and four eyes, it roars at Star block him from the wall.

"You are not going to ruin our planes! You are not going to be free! Darkness shall reign forever and you cannot stop us." the monster says in a booming and scary voice.

Star stops and looks up at the monster impeding his path to freedom, "I'm not afraid of you; I'm not going to have you stop me from saving my friends and family. YOU'RE NOT KEEPING ME FROM MY FREEDOM!!" he yells out as he charges forward, the monster rears up and roars then slams down as Star jumps up colliding with the monster in a massive explosion, the light resonated from the star gem on Dark Star's chest, he winced in pain placing a hoof on it. Before Vexous can ask what was wrong she was interrupted by a loud booming voice, "What is the meaning of this?!" Both Vexous and Dark Star turned to see Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon descend from the castle with a legion of her guards.

"Well, well if it isn't the princess of the night come to enjoy the sights." Vexous says walking up to Luna.

"What have you done to Equestria?"Luna says in the traditional Canterlot volume.

Vexous just smiled finding amusement in the young princess's attempt at authority.

"I just appointed the true ruler of Equestria, Dark Star! And if you attempt to stop us you will suffer the same fate as your sister."

"What did you do to Celestia!?" Luna says angrily, she stands ready to attack Vexous.

"Well she isn't here is she so...? Use your imagination." Vexous taunted. Luna became enraged as her eyes pan over Canterlot the destruction of the land, and the fear of the ponies hiding in there homes. Luna knew she had to do something, closing her eyes tight her horn began to glow bright and the homes where ponies where hiding became shielded with magic, "I don't know what you've done but I am here to stop you, as the princess of the night I will rectify your wrong doing, GUARDS cleanse this evil from our beloved city!"

"YES PRINCESS!" they all said at once before charging down and attacking the monsters resulting in an incredible battle.

"So... You think you can stop us?" Vexous says to Luna, "I will eat your heart out!" Vexous yells out tackling Luna off the roof where they stood leaving Dark Star behind.

They slam to the ground, Vexous snaps her beak at Luna's neck, but Luna holds her back and with a surge of magic she blasts Vexous off of her.

Vexous slowly stood up with a crazed look on her face; her hair was a mess adding to her insane look, "I see you're going to make this hard for me." Vexous eyes began to glow along with the ends of her wings, "I love it when my prey fights back." she said, suddenly her feathers shoots out from her wings turning into blades cutting through nearby trees and lamp posts before homing in on Luna, she quickly developed a shield that blocked and destroyed the blades, Luna then countered with a blast of magical energy, but Vexous blocks it with her wings. Vexous then slams her claws into the ground creating ground spikes under Luna who jumps out the way just in time, while in the air Luna fires a blast of magic that bursts into several little beams that strikes Vexous in a massive barrage of explosions clouding where she stood. Luna stayed in the air looking down at the cloud of smoke wondering if she had gotten her, but before the smoke can clear Vexous burst out from it holding two swords that she made from her wings, Luna quickly created a shield to block but it wasn't strong enough and the force of Vexous's swing shattered the shield and knocked Luna out the sky semi-conscious. Vexous then chased after Luna to deliver a fatal blow when they hit the ground, but Luna snapped awake, stabilized herself and landed quickly putting up another shield blocking another devastating attack from Vexous, Luna strain as hard as she could to keep her shield together as Vexous tries to break through.

"Wherever Star is I hope he can see this, I hope he can see his beloved princess die." Vexous states as she saw that Luna's shield was cracking. Dark Star watched and wondered; where was princess Celestia? He remembered the look she had on her face before she disappeared with the others and it wasn't of anger or hatred, it was sad as if she was apologizing to him. Dark Star quickly shook he's head trying to remove the image and not give Star more or of a reason to break free, and what better way to weaken his will then to take away something most important to him. Dark Star jumped down from the roof and slowly approached Vexous as she continued to try and break through Luna's shield, "Vexous... I'll handle this." he says with his wings spread widely apart. Vexous stopped her attack looking back at Dark Star, she looked both annoyed and insane and Dark Stars order to stand aside did not calm her down either. She gave Dark Star a look of disgust but didn't argue, she just backed away as Dark Star approached the slightly weakened princess. Luna dropped her shield panting heavily as sweat dropped from her face.

"Oh dear princess Luna, you are as beautiful as Star says." Dark Star said in a passionate tone as he makes his way toward Luna. She stood her ground prepared for whatever was about to happen. "You know he speaks very highly of you, about how much he loves you and your sister, but it's a shame that he will have to watch as I take your life way nice and slow." his words cut deep into Luna's ears as she watched as two flaming rocks plummet from the sky in her direction. She jumps out the way and dashes at Dark Star, he grins as his horn begins to glow as well as the ground in front of him that was unnoticed by Luna, suddenly a forest of spikes shot up from the ground under her. Dark Star smiled thinking that he got her as he retracted the spikes but was soon disappointed when he didn't see a body, his eyes darted side to side but he couldn't find her, he soon heard something coming at him from behind, he turned around to his surprise he saw Luna riding a giant boulder at him, he was able to vanish just as the boulder smashes to the ground. Luna had a feeling that she had missed him so she kept on alert, suddenly she was kicked off the boulder and slammed hard to the ground; she was in a daze when she felt a force tightening around her neck.

“I’m surprised at how fast you are, now I see that you’re going to be a lot of trouble so I'm just going to have to kill you quickly." Dark Star says slamming Luna against the face of the boulder cracking it, "Killing you will break his will making it easier for him to die and there will be nothing that can stop me." Dark Star says as he tightens the force around her neck, Luna struggled to free herself but the pain disabled her from using her magic, "it's a shame to see such beauty go to waste.” he says but before he can give the final squeeze to Luna a bolt of lightning strikes him into a nearby house.

"Dark Star!" Vexous screams as she rushes to his aid.

Luna falls to ground gasping for air, she looks up to see her sister and the girls with the elements of harmony drop down from the sky and surrounded her in a protective formation as she slowly came to her feet.

"Luna, are you alright?!" Celestia asks looking back at her.

"I-I'll be fine," Luna says coughing, "would you mind telling me why I awoken to a red moon, and to all this destruction?"

" There is a asteroid that has blocked the sun and responsible the skies, and all of this destruction is because of that griffon Vexous. She's behind everything since the beginning, and that stallion is Starlight, he is being controlled by her."Celestia explains.

Luna's eyes widen "A-Are you sure?" Luna says unable to believe what she heard.

"Yes, he is trapped in his own body being controlled by a evil beast and we must free him in order for us to stop Vexous." Twilight states

Suddenly Dark Star explodes out of the rubble. "AHA! Well-well, it looks like the cavalry has arrived!" he yells in an loud and angry voice, "which means this became a lot more fun."

"Dark Star your reign of terror ends now; as the protectors of Equestria we will stop you and bring harmony back to this land." princess Celestia announces in the royal Caterlot voice.

Dark Star responds with a l laugh "Spoken like a true great guardian, too bad they are extinct, you know I might not even kill you I'll just turn you to stone immortalizing your efforts to stop me, just like I did to them." Dark Star says as he's horn glows and he levitates the statues of Star and Twilight's parents down next to him.

Twilights eyes widen in shock as anger began to build inside her." M-Mom...Dad." she said though the tight knot in her throat.

Vexous began sliding her claws all over the fathers body taunting them, she then did the same to the mother caressing her flank and between her haunches, Vexous then smiled as she grinds a claw under her eye, blood slid down the cheek of the statue showing that they were still alive.

Twilight clenched her eyes tight, and then screams out bursting into flames of rage, she then fires a concentrated beam of magic at Vexous who tries to block it with her wings but the force blasts her back. "So you think you have what it takes to fight me, little pony," Vexous says as she slowly stand back up "I WILL RIP YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR BONES!" Vexous yells before charging at the girls.

"Dark Star you will be stopped!" Princess Celestia states as she charges along with the girls commencing the fight for Equestria.

The girls all attack Vexous pulling her attention from Dark Star as he begins to fight both princesses. Vexous fiercely swipes her claws at the girls but they move out the way narrowly evading the attacks, Twilight tries to blasts Vexous again but she successfully blocks it and counters with a breath of fire, Twilight quickly puts up a shield blocking the fire dispersing it in all directions, Applejack use this as an opportunity to attack so she rushes at Vexous from the side and bucks as hard as she could knocking Vexous off her feet, Pinkiepie jumps up and attempts to do a cannonball on Vexous but is grabbed midair by her tail and tossed at Applejack, RainbowDash tries to attack her head on but Vexous whips her tail swatting her away. Vexous then pounces Rarity but is greeted by a barrage of rocks that she magically shot up to like a barrier, as Vexous is distracted by the pelting rocks Twilight blasts her out of the air, Vexous crashes into a nearby house knocking her unconscious.

"Good job girls that should take care of Vexous." Twilight says as she starts to calm down turning back to normal. An explosion in the sky caught their attention; they looked up to see princess Celestia and Luna locked in a fierce battle with Dark Star. Powerful blasts of magic where exchanged between them as they flew though the sky like an aerial ballet. Dark Star fires a blast at Celestia but she narrowly dodges it and fires one of her own, Dark Star creates a shield blocking the attack but before he can attack again he is blindsided by a kick from Luna. He tumbles in around in a daze as she strikes him with several bolts of lightning. Once DarkStar stabilized himself he disappears; Celestia and Luna stayed alert moving back to back looking around trying to find him, "keep your eyes open he could be anywhe-" Luna was cut off by a red bolt of lightning that strikes her knocking her unconscious, "LUNA!" Celestia screams as she watches her sister fall out of the sky, but before she was able to fly down to save her Celestia was tackled by DarkStar and lifted into the clouds leaving her to plummet to the ground. The girls saw this and ran as fast as they could to try and cushion Luna's fall, but Vexous explodes from the rubble roaring loudly then charged at the girls, "Rainbow Dash go save princess Luna!" Twilight calls out.

"I'm on it!" Dash says splitting from the group as they go to confront Vexous. Dash quickly flies under the falling princess catching her, slowing her down, and gently lying her down on the ground. "Princess Luna awake up, we need you!" Dash says as she shakes Luna trying to wake her up, but Luna's eyes didn't open, suddenly Dash was grabbed by Vexous's tail and pulled away from the princess, slammed to the ground, and tossed back to the others as they themselves try to get up.

"I've had enough of these distractions," she looks down at Luna, "I'll start off with you." Vexous raises her claw to strike the helpless princess but as she swipes down she is tackled by a lion beast and pushed away, The beast then roars slamming its claws down protecting Luna.

"*gasp*Girls look its Kimmy. She came to save us!" Fluttershy said relived to see her. Vexous screams out in rage and frustration, "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STOP ME FROM RULING EQUESTRIA!" she continues to scream as she charges toward Kimmy. Kimmy roars before charging at Vexous colliding, clawing and biting at her. Twilight saw this as an opportunity to save Luna so she teleports her just in time as Kimmy stumbles back in that spot. Kimmy grabs Vexous and slams her to the ground then using her tail as a spear she stabs at Vexous, but she rolls out the way firing a barge of blades at Kimmy; Kimmy curls up covering her head from the blades, she then strikes again with her tail, but Vexous dodges it, grabs the tail and slams Kimmy hard on her back. Before Kimmy was able to get up Vexous jumps on her stomach and thrusts a claw into her neck, Kimmy desperately clawed at Vexous trying to get her off and even tried to transform, but Vexous had her claws dug deep in Kimmy's throat, Kimmy's struggle soon began to weaken as Vexous lifts a claw over her head then quickly dove it deep into Kimmy's chest, the girls watched in horror as Kimmy gave out a loud cry of pain as she tries to fight back, Vexous then slowly pulls back ripping out a crystalized heart that continued to pulsate with light instead of beat. Kimmy's cries soon faded as her arms fall limp to the ground, Vexous laughed holding the crystal heart high in victory, and then crushes it.

"Now... Where was I?" she states in a sinister tone as she turns to the girls; Fluttershy was in tears after watching an innocent creature killed in front of her eyes, although the other girls where just as sadden by what just happened and weak from this fight they surrounded Princess Luna protecting her in what might be there last stand against Vexous. Vexous slowly approached them leaving a trail of blood from her claw, but as she got closer a bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of her stopping her in her in her tracks, she then looks up at the sky to see lightning streaking across the clouds and flashes of the epic battle between Celestia and Dark Star.

The dark red clouds flashes bright every time their magic clashes together releasing loud claps of thunder showing images of their battle but soon everything went quiet, the girls looked around wondering what happened, "P-Princess?" Twilight said worried; suddenly a massive explosion echoes through the clouds and the girls then cry out when they saw Princess Celestia plummeting from the sky, her tail and mane has turned back to its glassy white state as she falls.

Star slams into the water from fighting the monster, he struggles to get up as the monster still stood between him and the glass wall. The monster looked at star and shook its head; it then began to fold its head back and a massive vertical mouth peeled open on its chest lined with long sharp teeth and eyes formed on the shoulders. "I really wish this would have ended a lot differently Star but you are a problem that must be fixed, but don't worry your loved ones will join you very soon." the monster says in a deeper more scary voice. But Star truly didn't hear it, he was too weak to do anything, he staggers helplessly as the monster rears up and slams it giant mouth down on Star balling up around him. With the last of his strength Star fought to break out but every time he tried he would get sucked back in until he was too weak to fight anymore, the last thing be saw was the sparkle of tears that followed Celestia as she hit the ground.

Part 13

The sound of water was all around Star as he slowly sank into darkness, his blurred gaze was fixed on a bright light that slowly faded the deeper he went, "I'm sorry father, I fail you, I wasn't strong enough to protect anypony, I'm sorry Luna, Tia... Twilight, please believe me when I say I tried my best." he says to himself as the last bit of his life slowly fades away. Images of his life began to flash before him, there where images of him spending time with his sister; all the joy and laughter they shared, and times that he spent with all his friends from the castle the smiles fun they had that made them close. Then images of him as a colt playing with Celestia and Luna enjoying the times they spent together and the fun they had. Then finally he saw an image of him with his parents as the proud great guardians, he can remember the love that they gave him and the knowledge they shared. He then began to hear his fathers voice talk to him when he was young, "Starlight do you know who you are?" his father said in his deep calm voice.

"Yea dad I'm a great guardian, I vow to protect all of Equestria from whatever evil that threaten this land, just like you."

"That's right my son, no matter what evil you face you must remain strong because you are a Great Guardian."

Star's eyes shoot open as the words echo in his mind and a bright light began to glow from him and continued to grow brighter.

Dark Star stood over the weaken Princess with a victorious smile on his face, "Ponies of Equestria hear me, bear witness to a new era of darkness, for your princess is no longer ruler of this land, and soon will no longer be alive.” Dark Star boast aloud as he creates a giant sword that hovered over Celestia, the blade was red with a black and red hilt with a pentagram on the cross guard. "I am Prince Dark Star and darkness shall rein forever." he yells.

"Starlight, please don't do this."Celestia pleaded.

“Starlight is dead... as you will soon be." Dark Star says as he raise the sword then plunges it down, but before it could make contact with Celestia's body it froze and began to vibrate then crack.

"Wait what's going on? It can't be!" Dark Star began to panic as he attempts to move the blade, but a powerful pulsation jolted through his body as the star gem on his chest cracked. Suddenly the elements of harmony that the girls had began to glow bright and one by one the girls vanished then reappears surrounding Dark Star, Vexous went to attack the girls but was blown away by a magical force field.

"What's going on! What's happening to me?" Dark Star says through clench teeth, the sword that he created soon exploded in a flash of bright light. "No! This is impossible Star should be dead!" but inside, the monster began to swell as rays of light began to shoot out. "No! I will not let you win." Dark Star says as he strains to regain control, suddenly he spots Luna dashing toward him, he fires magic at her to try and stop her but she deflects them, once she was in front of him she bucks him as hard as she could in his chest shattering the star gem, at that time the monster inside explodes in a bright light. The colors from the elements of harmony shot up into the sky then come together into a brilliant rainbow then falls inward onto Dark Star.

"NO! NOOOO!" he yells as he is overwhelmed by light. Ponies all around shielded their eyes from the bright light, as all the monsters that where created to terrorize were all vaporized by the light. Suddenly a column of light shoot into the sky at the rising sun colliding with the asteroid, the asteroid began to crack and shift before finally in a massive epic explosion is destroyed clearing the red skies turning it blue once again. Vexous cries out as she too is engulfed in the bright light that could be seen all over Equestria, soon everything began to settle and the light began to fade, once the girls were able to they looked to see what had happened to Dark Star and found Starlight lying on the ground and a black shadowy figure standing over him. Star slowly got up weakened from his struggle and faces the figure; after several seconds of silence the figure grins then dissolves into a small black seed. The girls soon approached Star and saw that he had changed completely his coat was a dark purple and his eyes where both the same lavender color, but the wings that was created by Dark Star was still there. Suddenly small balls of light began to slowly fall from the sky, almost like snow, and when the lights landed on the statues of Twilights parents they slowly changed back looking around to see what had happened. Everything that balls of light touched began to go back to normal, from repairing destroyed buildings to healing the injured ponies, but it did nothing to help or revive Kimmy.

"No... You cannot win; I can't let you win... The prophecy, I must fulfill the prophecy." Vexous says as she limps toward them her body was thin and frail.

Celestia stepped in front of her, her mane and tail back to its beautiful flow of colors. She gave Vexous a stern gaze forcing her back away in fear.

"Vexous, for your crimes against Equestria you are-" Celestia was interrupted by the appearances of three hooded figures that surrounded Vexous, one of the figures retrieved the seed, “And who are you?” Celestia demanded but the figures did not answer. One of figures turns to Vexous and in turn she lets out whimper.

"Vexous, you are finished here, your plan has failed."

Vexous didn't respond she just dropped her head in shame as one of the figures put its hoof on her shoulder. "Starlight Shine, our opposition still stands, you are now and will always be our enemy." one of the figures states as they closed around Vexous. Star didn't respond but he just glared at them unmoved by their threat, suddenly in a flash they all disappeared without a trace.

"I-Is it over?" Rainbow Dash asks as she watches the lights continue to fall.

"Yea, it's over." Star says with a sigh of relief.

"Star, your cutie mark, it changed." Twilight said surprise; Star looked back and saw that it was of a shining star. But before he can rejoice shackles where slammed around his neck pinning him to the ground.

"Starlight, by the order of the princess you are under arrest!" One of Celestia's guards said as a few of the guards began shackling him. Star was too weak to struggle, he just looks up at the both the princesses who had apologetic looks on their faces as the guards hauled him away.

“Princess what do you plan on doing with him?" Twilight’s father asks.

The Princess Celestia closes her eyes and sighed "I don't know."

After a few days of rest and repair Equestria was back to normal. In the royal castle Princess Celestia and Luna was holding a trial to determine Star's fate. Twilight her parents the girls and a few other ponies where there, except for Fluttershy who was still mourning Kimmy's death. Soon the sounds of heavy chains echoed through the royal hall as guards escorted Starlight to the Princesses, Star had a shackle around his neck and one around his chest pinning his wings to his body also there was a device that was on his horn that prevented him on using magic. Although he felt that the security was a little much, it was justified after all that he's done; he stops in front of the princesses with his head low unable to look them in the eye.

"Several months ago I was informed by one of my faithful guards that there was a questionable pony that has came to Ponyville, against my better judgment I paid it no real attention thinking that it was a lone traveler. Unfortunately due to my carelessness terrible things have been happening and my suspicion where true. Starlight Shine you have intruded back into Equestria and put so many lives on danger as you did those many years ago, your return was a crime in itself, and then you brought unspoken evil here that injured so many that I should banish you to the sun for your what you've done." Celestia said angrily, gasps and chatter came from the crowd.

"But Princess!" Twilight came to his defense but was silenced when Celestia raised a hoof to halt any comments and silence the room.

"I should banish you to the sun, but after the things that I've learned and the things Vexous said, I realized that none of the things that has happened was your fault. Vexous has made a fool of us all, and forced me to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and that was distrusting my beloved friend." Celestia states as she slowly approached him lifting his head “which is why on behalf of Luna and I, and all of Equestria, we would like to say welcome home and thank you because if you would have giving up things would have been a lot different." Star looked at Celestia who was giving him a grateful smile; she then used her magic to unlock the shackles letting them fall to the floor. Moments pasted before Star’s emotions finally overflowed as began to tear up and hugged Princess Celestia, Luna join in followed by Twilight and their parents. The hall was in an uproar as ponies happily cheered the news. Soon the cheers quieted down when Fluttershy came into the hall, behind her was a bed with something on top covered by a white sheet, it was carried by a some of her animal friends.

Uh, Star... I'm so sorry but as Kimmy tried to help us that mean griffin... She..." Fluttershy was unable to finish, she began to cry as the animals set the bed down and removed the sheet showing the lifeless corpse of Kimmy.

"Oh Kimmy," he says as he approached the body.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to give her a proper burial but I thought you should say goodbye before I did." Fluttershy continued to say through her tears, but was confused when. She didn't see that he was emotional.

"Thank you Fluttershy, this is why she care about you a lot, she cared about all of you." Star says with a smile as he rests his head against her cheek, he began to whisper a spell to her as his horn began to glow, after a few moments he leaned up and smiled, "Now... Come back to us."

Kimmy's body began to glow for a few moments then it crumbled and turns to ash, Fluttershy was stunned at what she saw, Star then shifted through the ash and reveals a small curled chimera sleeping in the ashes.

"It's Kimmy... But how, she was killed." Twilight says as Star lifts the little curled Kimmy and with magic and places her on his back.

She's a rare chimera she can not only change into anything but she gets there abilities, all she need was a single phoenix spell and here she is," Star explains with a smile, "the only thing is she’s a baby again, but she's back and healthy."

Fluttershy's face lit up at the news and joined everyone as they rejoiced.

"Oh oh you know what this calls for, A PARTY!!" PinkiePie says as she pulls out her party cannon and fires out confetti; everyone laughs and enjoys the day. The day Starlight’s wish came true; he finally found a new way to live, and he was finally happy.

The end