The Adventures of Domino and Cobalt

by Rotu

First published

Two ponies are saved from the alleys of Manehattan by the Cakes, but one has a remarkable skill that has never before been seen by pony eyes.

When Domino and Cobalt were young ponies, they were living in the alleyways of Manehattan. A young Mr. and Mrs. Cake stumble upon the ponies in dire need of help, and adopt them as their own. Now, years later, Domino and Cobalt have opened up a pizzeria, the only one in Equestria. However, Domino is plagued by strange dreams, and learns that she has a power that other, more evil ponies, soon begin to covet. I don't own the cover art for this story, but it's pretty friggin awesome.

Preface and Chapter 1: Of Freaks and Geeks

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It was a dark, rainy night in Manehattan. The sun had set long ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake were walking back from a dinner party they had been invited to, making the commute to their small bakery down the ways. They were recently married-- not much more than a few months’ time. The couple were still young, and still very full of love for each other.

“Honey Buns,” sighed Mrs. Cake, with a slight smile on her lips. “You probably could have tried not to be so abrasive at the party.” Mr. Cake had, in fact, gotten himself into several arguments with other guests, and, after a while more, was practically pulled out of the party after ‘accidentally’ dumping a cup of punch on another guest’s head. The mare who had been doused had been wearing a white gown, to the unfortunate luck of the Cakes, and they would no doubt be receiving a note in the mail for the cleaning bill. That is, if the stain even came out.

“But Sweetie,” Mr. Cake sighed, still a little frustrated from the altercation. “Did you see how they were treating that poor little filly? She just came in from the countryside to the big city. No doubt she was already overwhelmed and scared to death. And how do these people welcome her? By teasing her! Making fun of her adorable western accent, her humble background! They practically scared the orange color right out of her coat!” He glared at the sidewalk in front of him, still walking at pace with Mrs. Cake. “No, I just won’t have it. Someone had to step up for the poor girl, and I’ll be darned if it isn’t me.”

Mrs. Cake smiled at her husband’s apparent passion towards the subject. He had always had a soft spot for children. And besides-- she too wanted to had wanted to teach those ponies a lesson in respect.

As they walked along, the rain pooled into great puddles on the ground. The roads had become slick with water, and the lights of the streetlamps cast everything in a soft yellow glow. The sun had set behind the skyscrapers that were stretching towards the sky, leaving everything bathed in shadows and darkness. The streetlamps were the only source of light besides the bright windows of ponies preparing for bed. The alleys were filled with shadows, completely dark but for the small amount of light from the streetlamps that made it around each corner.

As they rounded a corner in the street, Mrs. Cake heard a rustling coming from inside one of the offshoots. Her ears perked up, and her eyes widened. Nothing good was ever in those alleyways. Muggers, thieves, and looters were all that ever crept in the dirty shadows of the alleys of Manehattan. Her ears flattened against her skull as she saw a pair of eyes glaring from the darkness. She took several steps back, gasping in fright.

Mr. Cake seemed to realize that his wife was in distress, and in looking up, also saw the severe glare being directed at them. The eyes were magenta, glaring with such ferocity that they almost seemed animalistic. The pupils were constricted to a severe extent, giving her the most piercing glare that would turn anypony white with fear. A growl emanated from the darkness, one that could put a timberwolf to shame.

Mr. Cake lept between his wife and he eyes that floated in the darkness. His face was that of pure devotion and protection, ready to defend his wife from this threat. After a few moments, however, a confused look crossed his face, and he pricked up his ears, peering into the darkness. He took a slow step forward, pausing a little before taking another. The growl grew louder, but Mr. Cake continued forwards. Suddenly, the bright pink eyes pounced, flying towards him.
A small pegasus filly landed a few inches away from where Mr. Cake stood. Her coat was a light blue, but a layer of dirt, grime, and dust made it a dirty shade of grey. The filly’s hair was a rat’s nest of electric blue and magenta, messy and sticking up at odd angles. Her face was spotted with dirt, and her frame was emaciated with near-starvation, her skinny legs looking barely able to hold herself up. Her appearance seemed to scream poverty and hunger, but her eyes told a different story. They were hard, filled with a fire that seemed to be filled with more life than Mr. Cake had seen in anypony. Her mouth was twisted in a feral snarl, and her dirty wings flapped several times, seeming to be almost a threat.

Mrs. Cake gasped, having never seen a child so thin and frail-looking. The filly, realizing she was out in the light, whipped around and skittered back to the sheltering darkness of the alleyway. She turned back to them, her eyes still crazed. Mr. Cake himself, however, crept closer, reaching into the saddlebag that hung over his haunches.

At the party, the Cakes had contributed a platter of freshly baked cupcakes with blue icing for the guests to snack on. There had been a few left, and as his final retaliation, Mr. Cake had quickly packed them up, thinking that the invited ponies didn’t deserve the treats. He now took one of the cupcakes out, and slowly set it on the ground, at the very edge of the light cast by the streetlamp. The bright pink eyes adopted a more inquisitive look as the young pegasus crept closer. She stopped a few inches into the dark, still far enough to dart back into the shadows if necessary, but close enough to inspect the small blue treat.

“Go ahead.” Mr. Cake ushered, gesturing towards the tiny pastry. The filly gently nudged the small cake into the shadows, and carried it further in. Mr. Cake, however, did not actually hear nor see the child eat the cake. Sensing something was wrong, he slowly reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a flashlight. He thought back to when he had first put it in his bags, and how Mrs. Cake had laughed at him, telling him he was over-prepared.

“You can never be too prepared…” He mumbled to himself triumphantly. The feeling left almost immediately, though, when he flipped on the light. He gasped. The filly was standing over a young unicorn colt, who was even more emaciated and dirty-looking than the pegasus. He had the same pale blue coat and bright blue hair, but his main was streaked with a fluorescent green, running through his tangled mane like shots of colored lightning. He had a large gash on the side of his body, leading from a little ways behind his front leg to the place where his cutie mark would one day be. The colt’s eyes were half closed, staring blankly into the distance. The young filly was standing over him, nudging the cupcake towards his muzzle, a look of desperation and worry crossing her face. The cupcake merely smeared on the young colt’s face, rubbing into his coat.

Mrs. Cake shrieked, having never seen anything so horrible in all her years. Mr. Cake turned to see her staring at the children, mortified by the sight. She swayed gently from side to side, and for a moment, Mr. Cake thought she was going to faint.
“You need to go get help,” he said, softly but firmly. She didn’t move, too shocked to process anything that Mr. Cake had stated. Her eyes were clasped onto the sight of the poor, dirty children.

“Honey, GO.” Commanded Mr. Cake. Mrs. Cake whipped around quickly, snapping out of her stupor, and ran towards the nearest pony clinic. Mr. Cake turned back to the filly and foal. He began to walk slowly over to the young ponies. The filly leapt up and stood over the young colt, growling menacingly at Mr. Cake. Her pupils were pinpricks, and her mane and tail stuck straight out, giving her a feel of intimidation. Mr. Cake paused, and looked straight into the young pony’s eyes.

“Your friend looks very sick. He’s going to need some medical help.” The filly looked at him warily, still unsure. “I can help. Please.”She paused a moment more, and then stepped away from the other pony. Mr. Cake slowly walked into the alleyway, his eyes assessing the damage that had been done to the other pony.

The closer Mr. Cake got to the young colt, the worse his condition looked. The young boy was lying on a dirty blanket, cushioned only by a pile of trash that was acquired from the dumpster a few feet away. The gash had obviously been left untreated for at least a few days, and was caked with mud and grime. The wound itself was oozing a clear liquid. ‘Infected.’ thought Mr. Cake, and he knelt next to the youth. He grabbed a corner of the blanket and began pressing against the cut on the colt’s side, trying to stop the blood that was still oozing around the black scab of dirt.

“How did this happen?” Demanded Mr. Cake to the little girl. The filly looked at him, her eyes confused. Then, quietly, in a husky voice that had obviously been unused for many a day, she said “Dog.” He nodded, and continued to treat the injured pony.
As he was trying to fix the wound, an ambulance came shooting around the corner, pulled by two ponies from the hospital. They pulled up beside the alleyway, and began to take out a stretcher for the small injured pony. Mr. Cake backed away to let the medics handle the situation, but the boy’s female friend lept upon the colt in her defensive position. The medics payed no heed to a wise warning voiced by Mr. Cake, and instead moved in to get the boy.

The filly lept at one of the medics, biting into their foreleg and forcing her teeth through the flesh. The medic cried out in pain and flung the girl in Mr. Cake’s direction. Mr. Cake caught the filly in his arms just as Mrs. Cake came out of the ambulance. Her mane was a wreck, her mascara was running down her face from the frantic tears, and she was shaking badly. Mr. Cake held back the young girl, as she fought against him to reach the friend whom she’d previously been so diligently protecting. She clawed at his arms, struggling to break free as they loaded up the colt and drove him to the hospital. Eventually, she collapsed, turning into a heaving, sobbing mess. Mr. Cake held her close to him, and shushed her. Mrs. Cake came in as well, and Mr. Cake hooked an arm around her shoulders. Mrs. Cake buried her face into his chest and wept. Mr. Cake held them both. “It’s all right.” he said slowly, softly. “Everything’s going to be all right.”

Chapter 1: Of Freaks and Geeks

“What kinda pizza shop doesn’t have flour?!? What am I supposed to do, use corn starch?!?” Domino shouted from the kitchen, spinning dough for a new pizza on her hoof and throwing it up in the air with a flourish. “Cobalt, weren’t you supposed to go grocery shopping? We’ve got a full house, and no dough!”

Cobalt trotted in, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, sis. I’ve been composing some new music. It’s been kinda time consuming, and it’s been real difficult to get it just right.” He looked her up and down. “Then again, we wouldn’t run out quite as fast if you used more flour than you wore.”

The pale blue of Domino’s body was almost unrecognizable with the large splotches of flour that covered it. The flour was everywhere-- on tables, on the floor, in her blue and magenta mane, and anywhere else where one would not expect flour to be. Domino gave her brother a crooked smile.

“Whatever. I have to through the dough to make it all fluffy. If we have flat dough, nobody’s gonna come and eat our pizza.”

“They probably would,” retorted the unicorn, “Since we’re the only pizza shop in Equestria.”

“Yep!” said Domino sunnily, beaming. “But that doesn’t mean we get lazy. Now hold down the fort. I’ve gotta go and make up for your slackernification.”

Cobalt looked at her sideways, momentarily reflecting on the word ‘slackernification’, and then stared at his sister, startled. “Wait a moment,” he began, “You expect me to hold down all these hungry customers that are waiting for pizza while you go shopping???”

“Pretty much.” stated Domino as she shook herself off and spread her wings, stretching their muscles. “You dug your grave, and now you’re gonna lie in it.” She trotted towards the door.

“Wait!” Called Cobalt after her. “What should I do? Do I just tell them there’s no pizza?”

“Nah,” answered Domino. “Just play some music on the piano! You didn’t get that musician’s cutie mark for nothing, you know. It’ll be fine!” Cobalt scowled as Domino shot him one last smile. He turned and walked back out to the dining area, muttering.

“Play some music, she says. It’ll be fine, she says.”

Domino laughed, and clip-clopped out the door.

Domino flew high over the Manehattan skyline, reflecting on life as she usually did. She thought about her brother, with the scar from the past leading from his cutie mark to his front leg. The strange mark upon his flank had seemed to stretch into the scar, so that the tail of the single eighth note stretched into a rainbow line that spanned his entire body length. The scar had originally been a normal scar when they were younger-- just a paler part of flesh that was puckered slightly. But when his cutie mark had appeared, the scar had changed color, and swept into a white light, which then refracted into the colors of the rainbow. Many had thought it beautiful, but he thought it was a shame and was embarrassed about the difference that set him aside from so many other ponies.

Domino giggled. When her brother had first gotten his cutie mark, he had refused to call it a cutie mark, dubbing it a ‘Manly Mark’ instead, and had thus addressed it as such since it had appeared on his flank.
The sky over Manehattan was a clear blue, letting the sunshine come down from above and shed Domino in it’s warm light. She smiled to herself, spreading her wings more to increase the amount of beautiful rays that were hitting her body.
She looked down and saw her shadow on the floors of the alleyways, and also saw a poor street urchin rummaging in the trash for his or her next meal. Domino shuddered, thinking back to the days when she and her brother had been like that, alone in the darkness that was the alleys of Manehattan. She remembered jumping into the rich ponies’ backyards to search for food, particularly the large white house that was but a few blocks from here. That house had a huge dog that guarded the backyard, which they didn’t know until it was too late. The guard dog jumped at the two young ponies as soon as they had climbed over the fence. If Domino hadn’t been quick enough to frantically flap her wings and pull herself off the ground a few feet, she might have gotten hurt. But her brother, who hadn’t known enough magic to help himself, was tackled and horribly bitten. The scar along his side was what was left after that terrible ordeal, and Domino was happy that that’s all that was left. If the Cakes hadn’t picked up the two when they did, Cobalt would be…. She shuddered, not wanting to think about it.

Instead, she focused on the good things-- Mr. and Mrs. Cake raising the two to be normal children, going to school, and finally, them leaving to go to Ponyville. They had left only five years ago, and had left Domino and Cobalt with their cake shop that they had started in Manehattan. They had left with a teary goodbye, but it was always their intent to move to Ponyville and open a bakery there. Domino and Cobalt had then opened a pizza place, and begun their lives in the working class. Cobalt wasn’t too fond of the idea of this ‘pizza’ at first, but once Domino had made one and given Cobalt a slice to eat, he soon fell in love with the delicious dish.

“My God,” he had gasped around a mouthful of crust and toppings. “Where did you get the idea for this???”

“I dunno…” She had answered quietly, kicking at the ground. “Just came to me.”

“It’s friggin’ GREAT!!!!” Cried her brother. “I can’t imagine a life without this!!! I don’t even think I was living before. But now that I’ve had this…. this….. Pizza…..” He took another slice and ate it quickly, rubbing his belly to show his appreciation.
And so began the first ever Equestria Pizza. Customers slowly came in, and then soon were piling in, making Equestria Pizza one of the most popular hangouts in all of Manehattan. Many people had told them that they should expand their business, that they should create more branches, start a franchise. Domino and Cobalt would always answer the same, though: “Nothing’s special if you have it every day.” And so they continued to refine their pizza recipe and slowly become a well-respected part of the community.

Domino had to wake herself up from these memories as she landed next to the Bargain Bale. She trotted inside, walking over to the sacks of flour. She grabbed the corner of a ten pound bag, and began to tug on it. It slid a few centimeters, then stopped. She tugged harder, her hooves digging into the dirt floor, but the pegasus wasn’t strong enough to take the whole bag. She gave one final tug, and felt it move-- upwards.

She backed away quickly, startled, and saw the familiar glow of unicorn magic around the bag, giving it a halo of sparkling light. A tall, suave unicorn pony cantered up next to her, smirking a bit.
“I’m sorry,” He grinned, syrupy-sweet. “I just couldn’t help but assist a damsel in distress.” His eyes were dark as coal, and his coat was a dusty grey. His mane was tastefully styled, and one of less suspicion might have said he was handsome. Domino, however, was not impressed.

“Thank you,” She said condesendingly, “For saving me from a flour bag. However, I had it all under control, thank you very much. If you might just set the bag down on the counter, I can be out of here, and away from you.”
The unicorn’s face slipped for just a moment, and Domino thought she saw a sort of spark in his eye. Then, he was back to normal, just another regular unicorn. “Ah, I will, if it is what you wish.” He set the flour bag down, and Domino gave the cashier her bits. All the while, the unicorn continued to stand next to Domino, seeming to be waiting for something.
Domino turned, staring the unicorn right in the eye. “Can I help you?” She asked, frustrated. The unicorn gave her a smile that would have wooed all other ponies.

“Ah, it is just that when a hero saves a damsel, he usually gets a kiss.”

“I’m just gonna have to give you a tip. I’m fresh outta kisses.” She replied, annoyance seeping through every word.

“Oh, I couldn’t take your money!” He cried, seeming shocked at the very idea.

“Who said anything about money? My tip to you is to leave me the buck alone.” Domino growled, turning and trotting over to her bag angrily.

“My my my… What a temper…” murmured the unicorn, staring at her with a strange look that Domino couldn’t quite place. He used his magic to pick up the flour bag again, hovering it just a few inches above the counter. Just as she began to protest, Domino was encased in the same magical glowing light, and there was a flash. The bag continued to glow, but the unicorn’s horn had once more grown dull. “There, now that sack of flour should follow you straight home.”
Domino’s face turned red with rage, and stood there, glaring at the unicorn for a few minutes more before rushing back out the door of the Bargain Bale.

Domino muttered as she flew through the sky, the buzz of anger still in her ears. “Who did he think he was, using magic on me?” She demanded of the clouds next to her. “I gave no consent. None! How dare he!” She continued to fume as she flew through the sky, the sack of flour floating only a few feet behind.

Another pegasus flew by her, giving her a wide berth space as he noticed that Domino was visibly filled with blinding rage. She growled at the flour, giving it a little kick with her back hoof. The bag of flour did nothing but bobb a little, continuing on its journey as a silent partner. Domino took a deep breath and calmed down as she neared the pizzeria. She flew through the doors, and her ears were filled with the sweet music that was emanating from the dining area. She visibly became more relaxed, and only looked at the flour distastefully as it floated into the kitchen and set itself on the counter. She sighed, and began to make the first pizza.
Cobalt’s music was beautiful, filled with notes that flowed together in a waterfall of sound which hit the ears like a soothing breeze. The majesty that he was capable of portraying through his music was almost impossible to describe, and was filled with so many crescendos and adagios that it seemed to be a living, breathing being. By the time Cobalt had finished his song, domino had made three pizzas, with numbers four and five in the oven. She carried these out as Cobalt played the last twinkling notes of his song. The room was completely silent for a few seconds, broken when Domino stated loudly “Eh, I’ve heard better.” The entire room then broke into deafening applause.

Cobalt’s head whipped around to see her standing with the pizzas, and relief washed over his face. “Thank God…” He murmured. She carried the pizzas to the tables, serving them as he climbed down from the stool of the piano. He trotted over, a sly smile on his face.

“Who have you heard that plays better than me?” He asked, leaning against the table, his horn glowing as he held the order pad and pen in the air.

“Nobody.” Domino stated, pretending to be serious. “It’s just that you get enough applause from the crowd. If I were to applaud too, your ego would be too big to handle. Really, you should be thanking me.” She could no longer keep her deadpan, and broke into a wide grin. Cobalt shook his head, smiling, and brought a family some napkins whilst Domino went back into the kitchen to check on the pizzas.

After locking up the shop and eating a dinner of daisy sandwiches and hay fries, Cobalt and Domino were cleaning up the restaurant. Cobalt was diligently mopping the floor in the kitchen while Domino was washing the pizza pans used that day. The rest of the day had gone by smoothly-- pizzas, music, and happy customers.

“So…” Started Cobalt, trying to think of something to break the silence. “How was your trip to the store?”
The pegasus paused for a second, suds running slowly down a pizza cutter she was in the middle of washing. She didn’t want to tell him about the stranger at the store, since he would only overreact. Her brother was very much protective, almost to a fault. Domino often felt like her brother thought that she wasn’t strong enough to handle herself, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Eventually, she decided to leave it be, and let the strange unicorn remain her secret.

“Nothing much.” She eventually replied. “Bought the flour. Then I left.”

Cobalt sensed the change in her demeanor, and looked at her, worried. She continued washing, though, and said nothing more on the subject, nor did he ask. Eventually, the pizzeria was completely clean, and they both left for bed. However, before they each walked to their bedrooms on either end of the upstairs hall, Cobalt turned to her.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked, not turning around.
Domino turned back to her brother, questioning herself. She could tell him now. It would be perfect. Just tell her brother about the stranger, and then go on with her life. She didn’t even know why she wasn’t telling him in the first place.

After a few moments of hesitated silence, he turned and stammered “I mean, I’m only saying that because I’m your big brother. You know. I’m here to protect you and help you through any problems you have.”

Domino hardened her heart a little. She didn’t want him to take over the situation. She knew she could handle it on her own-- after all, she already had, right?

“Of course I know that.” she said cheerfully, hoping that it didn’t sound too forced. “That’s why we’re both here. To help each other.” After a moment, Cobalt nodded, and went into his bedroom. She stood there a moment longer, taking the fact that she had just lied to her brother and turned it over in her head, inspecting the newness of it, the novelty that came with it, and the possible repercussions that would come later.

The days passed by rather steadily with not much happening. The usual customers came in, the pizzas were just as good, the brother and sister joked around a bit, and Domino never gave much more thought to the stranger that had confronted her at the market the other day. In fact, the unicorn had practically left the pegasus’ mind when a week passed. Then two weeks. Then a month. It was a mere dot behind her when a stranger came into the pizzeria.

This was a stranger completely different from the unicorn in the store in two ways-- Number one would have to be that strangers often came into Equestria Pizza, since it was such a popular hangout. They gained new customers almost daily. Number two, and the most prominent of the reasons, would be because he was dressed as a royal guard. Judging by his uniform, he was one of princess Luna’s serviceponies, and walked straight up to the counter with the air that only the Canterlot Royalty and their guards had about them.

Cobalt stood in awe, having never seen anypony from the royal guard before. The guard surveyed the establishment, and then spoke to Cobalt in a deep baritone voice.

“I’m searching for Domino Cake.” He stated. He looked suspiciously at Cobalt, as if he might have been hiding her from the guard.

“Umm….. One second.” said the confused unicorn, who then slipped into the kitchen. The guard waited patiently as there were murmured words in the back, and Domino appeared from inside, with Cobalt trailing after her.

Domino looked him up and down, and, unfazed by his armour and air of regality, gave him a good old-fashioned “Whaddaya want?”

The guard looked her up and down. “You are Domino? The pegasus?”

“Hold on, lemme check.” Domino said sarcastically, then glanced back. She flapped her wings once, twice. “Yep, I suppose that’s me.”

“Princess Luna has sent me to speak with you. Would you mind?” He nodded his head towards the now empty kitchen, and looked once more at Cobalt with unsure eyes.

Domino turned to her brother, who shot a wary look at the guard. “It’s okay. If we can’t trust a royal guard, who can we trust?” Cobalt, however, still looked uneasily as Domino led the guard into the kitchen.

As the door closed behind them, Domino turned to face the guard. “All right,” she said, as she began to knead some dough on the counter. “What’s up? I’m kinda busy-- rush hour and what not, so I’m gonna have to have you talk fast. What’s this all about?”
“It’s about your dreams.” Stated the guard.

Domino stopped kneading, sensing the tone of his voice, and turned around. “What…. What do you mean my dreams?” She asked slowly, looking at the guard uneasily. She knew that Luna was able to see the dreams of other ponies, and sometimes even enter them, but she didn’t think that Luna was watching her dreams. That was just strange.

“I do not know the details,” The guard began, “But Her Highness, Princess Luna, has sent a summoning to you from her palace. She wishes you to come to Canterlot right away.”

The pegasus continued to stare at the dough in front of her, then whipped her head around to glare at the guard. “I can’t just leave Manehattan! I have a business! I have… I have a brother!”

“Your brother is welcome to come along, but he will not be privy to the details of the meeting.”

Domino looked cautiously at the guard. “And what if I refuse this… Invitation?”

“That is most highly not recommended.”answered the guard. “Princess Luna lives a secluded life and hardly ever reaches out to the people of her lands. If she has summoned you, I can only imagine what perils it implies you are in.” He continued, “She may be capable of helping you out of whatever terrible situation you are headed towards.”

Great, thought Domino. More people telling me I can’t handle things myself.

“Well,” Domino sighed. “Tell the princess that I thank her for her invitation, but I see no reason to go to Canterlot and discuss my dreams with her. This is nothing against her, but merely due to the fact that I have a business here that I cannot simply leave.”
The guard hesitated, before answering with a choppy “Understood.” And leaving through the kitchen door.
Domino sighed, and got back to baking. The guard had only been gone for a few minutes before Cobalt burst through the door.

“What in Equestria was that about?” He demanded. “What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?”

“Nothing.” she insisted. “I was just… Princess Luna wants me to go to Canterlot.”

Cobalt’s eyes grew large. “A princess summoned you?!? Well, when are you leaving???”

“Actually…” Domino stated. “I declined.”

Her brother stood there in the middle of the kitchen for a few moments, shell-shocked by the words that came out of his sister’s mouth. “You… You refused to go to Canterlot. Refused to meet one of the PRINCESSES. And that’s it. Just an ‘I declined. Whatever.’ like it wasn’t a big deal?” He grabbed Domino’s shoulders and shook her frame. “IT WAS A BIG DEAL.”

“Relax!” Domino cried, pulling away from her brother. “I declined. It’s over.”

Cobalt shook his head and sighed. “Yeah. I guess. What did she even want you for?”

“She heard about how good our pizza was, and wanted to try it. I said we had too many loyal customers to feed here, and that she should get her Royal Hiney down here if she wants a piece.” Domino fibbed. Lie number two, and she was already getting good at it. She cringed on the inside, feeling awful for lying to her brother in such a way. Cobalt shook his head again, and trotted out the door, mumbling about Domino being thick headed, amongst other insults that were directed her way in a strange sort of affectionate manner.

She continued to bake pizzas for the rest of the day until that night, when she went to her room and turned out the lights.

She was having another one of those dreams-- the ones that hurt her head when she woke up. It was strange. Her dream started out like any other-- just some random ponies doing some random thing. She was in a place she could only assume was ponyville. She was standing in a crowd, watching a small yellow earth pony with more cutie marks than she could count run around frantically, doing everything from balancing dishes to lifting weights. She heard a purple unicorn that she didn’t recognize say something about a disease. Cutie Pox, maybe. Domino stood there in the crowd, and watched as a zebra came up to the scene. As the zebra pulled out some miraculous cure-all seeds, Domino turned her head.
That’s when things became weird. The edge of her vision got all rainbow-y, and she saw some squishy being sitting on the ground. She had no idea what it was, but she knew she had seen one before. It sat there, its gaze fixed upon her, looking at Domino with such intent eyes that she almost felt self-conscious. She decided, instead, to just look at her surroundings. The colors had become more muted, and there were shadows on everything-- EVERYTHING. Nothing was bright, but instead had more earthy tones that muted everything.

A larger squishy being came into Domino’s field of vision.

“Baylee,” said the big squishy, “It’s just about time to turn the tv off.”

“But mom,” said little squishy, who was apparently Baylee, “Apple Bloom is about to cure her Cutie Pox with Zecora’s magic seeds!”

“Well, that’s just going to have to wait until later,” said Mom-big-squishy. “It’s time for bed.”

‘Mom’ picked up a long, black rectangle, and pointed it towards Domino, clicking a button that was on the top of it. Domino’s vision went black.

Domino woke up with a gasp-- she hated those dreams. She had no idea where they even came from, much less what they meant. Those kinds of dreams always left her disorientated, confused, and with a major headache. The pegasus sat up in her bed, and walked over to the window. She unhooked the latch, and pushed the shutters outward, letting the cool night air blow through her room. She sighed, staring up at the stars. What is it with her weird dreams that makes her feel so estranged? She had mentioned them once to Cobalt, who immediately blew them off as just bad food before bed. Nothing to worry about. Domino, however, felt as if there was something else to these dreams, something almost ominous. However, no amount of explaining to her brother ever changed his mind.

Her ears pricked up as she heard a soft shifting of leaves down below. She thought nothing of it, and climbed back into her bed. A squirrel, or perhaps a rabbit. There’s all kinds of small animals out there, she thought. She heard it again, and then a creaking sound. Domino sat up, straight as a board. Not many creatures outside made quite the creaking noise that this was-- it was one that sounded….. foreign. She heard the bustle of the city, not too far off in the distance, but could no longer hear the strange sound. She put her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes. It’s nothing, she thought. Nothing.

A few minutes turned into hours before she heard the noise again. This time, it was the creaking of floorboards. She bolted upright again, just in time to see a dark figure leap from the hallway and tackle her. Her head hit the nightboard, and she fell unconscious.

When Domino came to, she was down in the dining area, tied to a chair. A candle was burning on a table next to her. The light it shed didn’t travel very far, and seemed to give everything an eerie glow. A pony cast in shadow stood in front of her, the darkness shrouding his features in mystery. “Ah, she’s awake.” He said, and another pony came around from behind her, holding a length of rope. He was thicker set, with a messy black mane and light yellow coat. Stubble grew at his chin, and he had a scar across the side of his cheek. His cutie mark was that of two pistols crossed in an x. Next to her, Cobalt was struggling against his own bonds. Noticing that Domino had woken up, Cobalt turned to her, and began to make frantic noises, perhaps a warning that was muffled through the dirty dishrag that was across his mouth like a gag.

“Well, darlin’, it’s great to see you again.” said the pony in front of her, who stepped into the light. It was the unicorn from Bargain Bale, and he had the same crooked grin plastered across his face, only now his eyes held a maniac’s glow. He was visibly crazed, and looked at her as if she were a piece of meat.

Domino struggled against the ropes that the unicorn and his goon had wrapped around her hooves. ”They barely shifted.

“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself!” gasped the unicorn fakely. His face settled into a dark glare. “Though I don’t think I want to. After all, the way that you treated me at the Bargain Bale was rather contemptible.” Cobalt gave an audible intake of breath. Domino turned red, feeling her brother’s eyes staring at her. “However, I was still able to put a tracking spell on you and figure out exactly where your humble abode was.” Domino’s mind raced back to the spell he had cast on her so the bag of flour followed her. He must have planted a real tracking spell on her at the same time. She mentally scolded herself for being so stupid.
The evil unicorn gestured towards his cutie mark, which was only an ‘X’. “You can call me Mr. X. I think that should do quite nicely.” Mr. X gave a laugh that started low, and heightened as a look of madness struck his face. When he composed himself once more, he smiled at Domino. “Of course, my cutie mark isn’t actually an X. I have merely put a cloaking spell on the real mark to hide my identity. You and everyone else in Equestria won’t know who exactly I am. It’s like a game!”

Domino had been struggling with the ball of fabric that had been in her mouth to gag her. She eventually was able to spit it upon the floor, where Mr. X looked at it with a disgusted face.

“What do you want from me?” she demanded, glaring at Mr. X from where she sat.

“Want from you? No. You misunderstand. The thing that I want IS you. Your skill.” he answered. She looked at him, confused, but a realization dawned upon her, and she was soon filled with a terrible dread that filled every nerve in her body.

“My dreams.” Domino gasped.

“Well, they're more like visions, really.” stated Mr. X. He looked her in the eyes, and his malice seemed almost tangible. “You can see into a parallel universe that is only visible through the portal. Very few ponies can see through the portal, and those who can only get brief glimpses.” He walked over to the counter, where a leftover pizza from that night sat on the counter. He took a slice, and ate it thoughtfully.

“Mmm, delicious!” Mr. X exclaimed dramatically. “Where did you say you got this idea from?”

Domino hung her head. She had seen one of the squishies eating it in her dreams, and thought that it looked appetizing. The pizza had been one of the only things about her dreams that actually affected her life. She usually left her dreams out of everything. But the pizza…. It was too mysterious to pass up.

Domino glanced over at Cobalt, who was now looking at her with betrayed eyes, brimming with tears. Her heart dropped. She had never told her brother about the pizza. She never told him about the unicorn. And now he knew both of the only secrets she had ever kept from him.

“I’m sorry.” she whispered. A tear ran down her face.

“Oh, don’t be sorry,” cried Mr. X. “After all, it’s not like you knew this would happen. Also, who said that family bonds were actually something to uphold? Siblings hardly ever get along, after all. There are bound to be a few secrets. But don’t worry. None of it’s going to matter anyways.” Mr. X turned to the thug that was standing next to Cobalt, looking at the trussed-up unicorn like he was a piece of meat. “We don’t need the unicorn. Kill him.”

“No!” cried Domino, frantic tears running down her face. “Please, don’t! He’s the only family I have left!”

As the thug pulled out a knife and began to draw closer to Cobalt, the door of the pizzeria slammed open, and the royal guard from the afternoon came galloping in.

“My name is Sergeant Silver Streak.” stated the guard in an authoritative tone that made Mr. X flinch. “In the name of Luna, You are under arrest.”

The thug pony that had been approaching Cobalt now turned his dull eyes to the soldier, who glared back in a defensive posture. The thug ran towards the guard, whom dodged the knife that was aimed at his throat. The guard then slammed his body into the side of the offender. Mr. X’s lackey fell onto his side, sliding across the floor and bumping into a wall. He then jumped back up, snarling. He ran full-force towards the guard, who turned and mule-kicked the thug in the face. The enemy fell once more to the ground, attempted to get up again, but only fell back to the floor of the dining room.

Mr. X realized that he was beaten. He turned to escape through the kitchen, but not before kicking the table upon which the candle was resting, knocking it to the floor. The wooden floors caught on fire, and soon Domino, Cobalt, and Sergeant Silver Streak were all standing in a sea of flames. Mr. X turned back before he ran out the door, shouting “Don’t get too cocky, my little ponies! I’ll be back! When your guard is down, and you least expect it, I’ll be back!” He ran out the door, and disappeared into the night.

Cobalt made worried grunting noises as he tried to get out of the ropes that tied his hooves together. Silver Streak made a beeline for domino, and began to untie her bonds. Once she was free, Domino ran over to Cobalt’s chair, and made quick work of the knots. Then the three ponies ran for the front door of the pizzeria as the entire building began to collapse. Bits of the beams and ashes fell in their faces, and they often had to change their route to get by falling debris. Eventually, they stood outside the small shop, and watched as it burned to the ground. Domino’s eyes filled with tears: All the work they had put into building their business was lost. Her home, her possessions. Cobalt slowly approached his sister, and embraced her, trying to comfort her. “Hey, now. We’re gonna be alright. It’s okay.”

“I apologize for this inconvenience--” began the guard.

“Not the word I would have used to describe it,” sniffled Domino, still sarcastic through all her misery.

“--But we have to leave. It would be too difficult to explain these occurrences to the authorities. Also, they would ask too many questions, and we can’t have anyone knowing about your visions, Domino.”

Cobalt put his arm around her shoulder and led her to an alleway a little ways down the street. A short while later, they heard the sirens of the fire engines as they came to put out the glowing embers that were their lives’ work.

“Sergeant Silver Streak,” Domino said after a few moments, once she had calmed herself. “I believe my schedule has just become very much open for a trip to Canterlot.”

Sergeant Silver Streak nodded. “I’ll send for a carriage to bring you.”

Domino nodded. When the fireponies left, Domino and Cobalt walked back to Equestria Pizza, to see if anything was salvageable. Nothing was. The fire had consumed everything, leaving nothing behind.

Domino felt, however, that perhaps this was for the best. To have something to remind her of the past would be too painful. She could feel it, like a storm brewing on the horizon-- Something new was coming. Her world would never be the same again.

Silver Streak came back to the brother and sister, while they were pawing through the ashes that once were the kitchen. “I have contacted Luna, and she sends her condolences. A royal carriage should be here by tomorrow to take you to Canterlot. However, if you need more time--”

“Not necessary.” stated Cobalt curtly. He looked at Domino with sad eyes. “However, we would like to make a stop before we reach Canterlot. Would that be all right with the princess?”

“Of course.” Answered the guard. “To where would you like to go?”

Domino and Cobalt looked at each other, then back at the guard. “Ponyville.”