> Spike's Sexy Surprise > by kalash93 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tapping Twilight Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike’s Spring Surprise Chapter 1: Twilight Time _____________________________________________________________________________________ “Look, all I’m saying is that he’s getting to be an awkward age.” “I know, right, like he’s a in some in between age.” “Ain’t no denyin’ he’s starting to get a tad, er… big.” “Should we be doing something to help him?” “Because he like seriously needs to learn this stuff sooner or later.” “Well, I for one think that we ought to be considerate of his feelings.” Twilight Sparkle smacked the table. “And that’s why we’re here, girls. Because somebody has to make sure he gets his education.” Pinkie Pie added, “Yeah, and he’s cute and all; I wouldn’t mind showing him.” Applejack said, “You do realize that we’re talking about Spike here, right?” Fluttershy raised her voice. “Absolutely, we all care about him, which is why we should all help him.” Rainbow Dash joked, “But how’re we gonna get him to pay along? He’ panic if we said ‘hey, get over here – we’re gonna make you fuck like a champ.’” Rarity answered, “Delicately, darling. Now, if you all be so kind as to listen, I have a plan.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spike the dragon watched the opaque walls of the chrysalis come open bit by bit as the creature inside stirred. It shook and swayed on its delicate hanging anchor to the underside of birch tree branch. The creature inside poked out its head. It looked shiny, new, and kinda wet as it stared out into the blinding brilliance of the full world from the tiny confines of its transformative above. Slowly but surely, it crawled out into the light and then climbed onto the stem linking tree and cocoon. There, it paused as Spike examined it closely. The world was still so big, and while it had wings, those wet sails wouldn’t bring it anywhere but the ground. So close and yet so far… Pulling back a bit, Spike soon found the transformed creature to be quite well masked by the leaves, almost like a deliberate collaboration in camouflage to help the young one on its way – benefactors all around that it might never notice. He swore there was a flash or motion or a breath of wind. Spike broke his hold on the tree to bring up one hand to scratch and itch on his belly. That felt nice and he let out a sigh of relief. He thought about bringing it lower to scratch another itch. But he couldn’t do that here. Shame, that felt even nicer, not that he wanted everybody to know about it, let alone see it. What was going on with him? Sure, Twilight had told him about the phoenixes and the manticores, not that it was any explanation for what was going on with him right now. He’d thought about telling her, but just the thought made him blush and clam up. Besides, every day, it seemed just a bit harder and harder to deny that the mare had a certain… appeal, which made it only even more awkward. And then she had started appearing in his dreams in places where only vague images of Rarity had been before. And then other mare had started to appear, too, enticing him and frightening him with how they awoke new parts of his mind and certain parts of his body. It was like greed, but more physical, complete with a kind of wretched loneliness in his heart only accentuated by the feeling that his grasp was somehow, for the lack of a better word, empty. “Hey, Spike!” He startled. A blue blur rocketed past him. “Ye-yeah, what?” Spike stuttered surprisedly, whirling his head around to see Rainbow Dash hovering in front of him clad in her skin-tight Wonderbolts training uniform. He felt that greedly longing feeling as he took in the sight of her toned curves… “Enjoying the view?” He shook his head. “What? What’re you talking about, Rainbow? You said something about Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said, “I said Twilight wants to show you something in the library.” The adolescent dragon nodded. “Thanks, Rainbow.” “Don’t mention it,” she said as she zoomed away into the sky. Spike gingerly slide down the tree, leaving a series of hand marks in the relatively soft bark. His head was abuzz with questions. What did Twilight want? Had he forgotten to do something? Did she have a sudden quest from Celestia? Did she find his not exactly wholesome magaziens? Either way, the weather was too pleasant for him to feel too anxious. In fact, he felt kinda excited, like he was back in the days when Twilight most often called him with news about important breakthroughs in research, or with major events in Equestria instead of more often than not calling to complain about him making a mess or how he needed to take his own studies more seriously. Why couldn’t she call him about something good or fun more often? Anyway, that was future Spike’s problem. Right now, everything was glorious. Spring had come, and within the last week they had completed their winter wrap-up, resulting in the town erupting into a gorgeous orgy of life, albeit with the weather still being a bit chilly. Empty-headed happy appreciation for nature until he at last stood in front of Golden Oaks Library, the home in a tree he’d lived in ever since Princess Celestia had ordered Twilight to go there on her fateful mission to organize a festival and make some friends, which by extension meant takin him along, of course; he was only her number one assistant. A small knot of anxiety formed in his belly. He ignored it and pushed open the unassuming door. Twilight Sparkle was waiting inside for him with a peculiar expression on her face. Unreadable, so she wasn’t annoyed, but that only raised bigger questions. There had only been three times in his life he could remember when he couldn’t intuitively tell what his lavender companion was thinking, and what had followed from those times had stuck in his memory pretty darn well. “Hi, Spike,” said Twilight with an air of almost mechanical ease. “Hey, Twilight,” he responded, looking around for any clues as to what was going on. Apart from the scent of a slow-cooking cabbage and potato stew simmering away on the kitchen stove, he had nothing. “What’ve you been up to?” “Just going around town, enjoying the Spring,” he answered, coming to no avail in reading her eyes. “Beautiful isn’t it?” “Yeah. We did a really good job of wrapping up winter this year.” They chuckled. Twilight’s face suddenly darkened. She look him in the eye and addressed him, “Spike, we need to talk.” His heart sank. Discussions like this never ended well. “Okay, sure, about what?” Twilight blushed for a moment before responding, “The girls and I couldn’t help but noticing that you’re going through some changes, Spike, and you’re becoming a pretty big dragon. I just want to know if you’re having any, um, urges…” Twilight trailed off. Spike shook his head, too embarrassed to look her in the eye. “Not at all, Twilight,” he said. “I’m not feeling anything like when I let my greed get the better of me.” “What I meant to ask was whether or not you’re interested in and like mares Spike.” Fidgeting his hands, hoping to defuse the awkward tension thick enough to trip over, Spike answered slowly, “Of course I like mares. How could I not? I mean, you, Rarity, AJ, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy are awesome. I’m over the whole cooties thing. I’m not a baby dragon anymore.” Twilight facepalmed. “Ugh. I meant whether you’re interested in mating with mares, Spike!” She immediately clasped both hands over her mouth with a surprised gasp. Silence. For a long time, they stared at each other in stunned disbelief at the shooting of the elephant in the room. Spike knew he couldn’t evade it. He couldn’t deny it -- she’d found his magazines at least once, and he was pretty sure that Pinkie or AJ may have told her about how his gaze could sometimes get fixated lower down… “Well, Spike?” No exit. He couldn’t run; he’d have to come home sometime, not that he could evade her. Thanks to training under the tutelage of Rainbow Dash, Twilight had become quite the flyer; his own still undersized wings struggled to hold him aloft at all, let alone get him anywhere quickly. Not that he’d gain anything by lying; he’d had too many crushes and shown too much interest in mares to even think about trying to denying anything. Truly, Spike the Dragon had but one option, and he had to take it, no matter how hard his heart was pumping, no matter how much hot blood was surging up to his cheeks. At least Twilight was blushing, too. The dragon’s hands were clenched into fists. He gathered himself up to confess, “Yes, Twilight, I think about mares in dirty ways, sometimes…” “Follow me. We need to go somewhere more private.” “Like where?” Twilight began moving towards the stairs. She answered him flatly, “My bedroom.” Those words and the sight of her round flank in motion sent a jolt of excitement through him. Too intrigued to ask questions, he wordlessly followed the curvy mare up the stairs. Upon entering the bedroom, Spike immediately saw that all the blind and curtains were shut, contrary to how they normally would be on lovely days like these. He had a very particular feeling in his loins. Twilight sat down on the edge of her bed, angling herself suggestively. She pat the space next to her. “Take a seat.” Her horn flashed for a moment. Once there, he turned to look at her. Their eyes met. “Spike,” she began, resting a hand on his hand, “Do you remember what I told you the last time we talked about stallions and mares?” He nodded. “You said you’d teach me more when I was older, when I was ready.” She nodded. “I think you’re ready now, Spike,” she continued, taking his hand and clasping it to her inner thigh. His expression said it all. “So the girls and I thought that we would each teach you something about sex, that is if you’re okay with it.” Breathlessly, he inquired, “So you mean you’re all going to give me talks about different thing?” Twilight shook her head. “Not talk, Spike, show, hands on, intimately…” Spike’s eyes dilated. He couldn’t speak. He could just nod. Twilight smiled. “But how?” Twilight opened her mouth when suddenly the door flew open and a brash voice proclaimed, “By taking terms fucking you ‘til you can’t see straight.” The pair turned round to see the Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and most embarrassingly to Spike, Rarity, entering the room, all preceded by Rainbow Dash, still wearing that revealing uniform of hers. Fluttershy added, “Um, if that’s okay with you, Spike.” The cornered dragon hesitated for a moment and sighed. “Okay, since this is a crazy dream, I’ll do it.” “That’s the spirit, Spike,” smiled Twilight. “Now lay down on your back; I’ll show you everything.” Spike hesitated, a bit too blown away by everything to properly react. “Just relax there, partner,” Applejack cajoled. Nobody gonna hurt ya.” “In fact, you’re gonna feel really really good, like the bestest best feeling ever!” shrieked Pinkie Pie to the consternation of the others. Twilight huffed, “You’re not making this any easier, girls,” pointing to Spike, who looked utterly bewildered. Rarity admonished, “Ladies, please allow the young gentlecolt to feel at ease. It is, after all, not every day that one loses their virginity, or is the center of so much erotic attention from so many lovely mares such as ourselves.” She then turned to Spike and softly said, “Spike, dear, go ahead and lie down, darling. Twilight’s going to take good care of you.” The drake smiled. “Thanks, Rarity. It’s not Twilight, though, it’s that I have five other ponies hovering over me. Could you please stand back a bit?” “You heard the dragon,” said Rarity. “Three big steps back, ladies.” “Thanks,” said Spike and Twilight together. The room fell silent. “Twilight? We doing this or not?” The lavender alicorn twitched. “Right.” She sat up and spread her legs, bringing a hand down to the cleft between them. She explained, “This is what a vagina looks like, Spike, at least when it’s aroused.” Intrigued, Spike leaned closer to look. “It gets wet like how a stallion’s penis gets hard when there’s sexy stuff… and you’ve already figured this part out, haven’t you?” Spike smiled sheepishly, “Yeah.” His hand was clasped over his groin to conceal his growing erection. He paused. Both of them were blushing profusely. “May I touch it?” “Of course,” replied Twilight, sliding even closer and offering herself to him. “Just be careful, Spike; girls are really sensitive down there. In fact….” Twilight’s horn lit up. Spike felt invisible blades followed by a sudden coldness around his fingertips. “There, all taken care of." Gingerly, he extended his hand to Twilight’s waiting slit. He made contact. He paused as he figured out the sensations. “How does it feel, Spike?” He looked up to meet Twilight’s eyes. “Wet and soft, and kinda warm. It’s kinda weird but good.” He moved his hand around the outer regions of Twilight’s pink vulva.” He saw Twilight’s face move in a particular way, prompting the question, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” “No no, that feels good,” explained the alicorn, easing the anxiety on the dragon’s face. He continued to examine around the mare’s intimate place. “The name of this part of the sexual response cycle is the arousal stage. It’s when mares get wet and stallions get hard…” She trailed off, bringing a hand down as she searched for his part. She gingerly removed his hesitant hand and then stroked his erection delicately. He jolted a bit in surprise and pleasure. “And both are very sensitive.” Spike’s face fell into an interested smile as he felt Twilight’s wetness get increasingly wetter and wetter. A new, pungently subtle smell wafted into his nostrils. The scent stirred something in his primeval brain, wired to respond to the chance to spread its genes. Now, those instincts did their work, prompting him to press her harder, tracing lines around her pussy, drawing arousing little peeps of desire from the mare. He saw the blush on her face, the pleasant look of surprise as his finger found her entrance. Then, looking down, Spike pressed forwards into her hole. To his astonishment, he did not have to force in his finger, but neither did it sink right in. Immediately, Twilight let out of a faint moan as she stirred her hips forward to welcome him inside. Before he knew it, he was inside Twilight all the way to his knuckle. Curiously, he twisted his finger around. “Ooo-ooo-oh, Spike,” moaned Twilight huskily. He paused, looking up at her eyes. “Is that good?” “Yes, Spike,” she reassured him with a smile. “Should I keep doing it?” “Yes, make me wet.” “But you’re wet already.” She laughed, “Oh, Spike, I just want to give you the best first time sex experience possible.” She stirred again, feeling Spike’s fingers exploring inside her, her own desire building along with her heat. Spike explored her with growing confidence, getting to know the feeling of her internal curve, the silky texture of her walls, and the full depth of her insides. The mare let out of lusty groans as he explored her, prompting him to go deeper and faster. He felt himself rising, his hard cock stiffening further. At some point, he stopped covering himself to let his other hand wander around Twilight’s body. He felt her soft, supple body, touched her generous breasts, belly, and hips, feeling the softness of her skin and the warmth of her skin. Looking up and down at her, he took in the full view of the mare’s body, from her elegant horn, to her majestic wings, to her slender arms, the subtle pudge of her stomach followed by her narrow hips linking to chunky thighs, between which was nestled her alluring, needing pussy. He caressed Twilight’s neck and then hung his arm around her hips, his hand coming to a rest on her ass. He gave the yielding tissue a squeeze. He felt her wriggle in his grasp, responding to him, to what he was doing to her, responding positively. He saw her wings flare out and quietly breathed, “Wow,” as he took in their full glory. “You like my body,” she asked, looking into his eyes. “Yes, Twilight. You’re pretty.” Taking out his other hand, he hugged her close. The alicorn returned his hug, folding her wings forwards to embrace her dear drake’s skin with her soft feathers. “You’re handsome, Spike.” He nuzzled into her breasts, wrapping his arms tenderly around her neck. He felt something wet touching his leg. A moment later, he realized that it was Twilight’s pussy. “Y’know, Spike, I feel pretty aroused. My body is ready for you.” She eyed his cock, lustily taking in its modest length and respectable girth. She broke the hug to look at what was going on down below and grab his surging cock. Spike was so hard that he honestly ached, almost hurt for some stimulation, anything to relieve the need in his loins. Lowering her head, Twilight teased, “You look like you’re ready to ejaculate already, Spike. You want to do it with me, Spike?” “Totally.” “You want to feel good?” Her breath ticked at him. “Yeah.” He stroked her head and her simple yet kempt mane. “Yeah.” “You wanna take me right now?” The adolescent dragon licked his lips. “Yes.” He smirked. Twilight’s head, her soft lips, so close to his throbbing cock… His strong arms, hands poised to push her down… He needed her and badly right now. Just a few inches; he found himself trembling with barely contained carnal lust, an impulse to meet that need. It was morphing beyond mere libido, into something like the dragon greed which had once gripped him on a birthday many years ago. He could hold, but just a bit more and he’d… “I want you.” He pushed her head down, anticipating the relief to his aching cock. A touch. A flash of light. “Spike!” Twilight broke free of his grasp and looked him in the eye. Indignant, she snapped, “Spike, don’t do that!” Suddenly embarrassed, he apologized, “I’m sorry, Twilight! I didn’t mean to; I just…” Ignoring him and brushing her stray hairs back into place, Twilight said, “It’s okay, Spike. It’s just not nice to force somebody’s head down like that. I’ll suck your dick whenever you want, but I’m just teaching you the basics right now, okay?” “Okay,” Spike nodded. “Don’t worry about it, Spike, you’re learning. That’s what we’re here to do.” Yeah,” suddenly chirped Pinkie Pie. “Don’t you worry about a thing – by the time we’re done, you’ll know everything there is to know about sex.” “it’s okay, Spike,” Fluttershy reassured him. “I know you’re just really horny and dying to make Twilight your cock sheath.” Twilight smiled and hugged him warmly. He hugged her back, stroking between her shoulder blades. “Now, Spike, how about we continue the lesson?” He nodded. She touched him down there again. “Nice to see that little misshap hasn’t ruined your good mood. I’m certainly still soaking wet. Now, how about we get on to the main event?” “You mean intercourse?” “Yes, I mean intercourse -- fucking, screwing, dicking, mating, rutting, copulating, joining, having relations, making the beast with two backs, discussing Zebricy, rooting, balling, getting to know each other carnally, picking the lock, tapping that, making somebody your cock sheath.” Applejack remarked, “Wow, sugarcube, I didn’t know you had such a raunchy vocabulary.” Twilight countered, “With the amount of stuff I read, I pick up a lot.” Turning her attention back to Spike, she instructucted him, “Just lay back and relax, Spike.” He compiled. As Twilight positioned herself with her soaking slit over his massive erection, she looked him in the eyes and asked, “You’re really okay with this, right? Are you absolutely sure you want me to have sex with you? Are you completely certain that you want the girls to watch and teach you stuff?” Spike paused for a moment as he shut his eyes to take a deep breath. After several seconds, he exhaled slow as he answered her, “Yes and yes. Twilight. There’s nobody else I’d rather learn this stuff from.” Looking to Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, he said, “I love all you guys. You mean more to me than anything else in the world. I can’t think of any other mares I’d rather learn this stuff from. Besides, better to learn this stuff from you guys than me try figuring this out with some random filly, right?” “Exactly,” confirmed Rainbow Dash. “How can I ever thank you guys for this?” Rarity answered, “Oh, don’t be dramatic, Spike. We’re glad to help out our favorite dragon. And besides, we’ve had our eyes on you for quite a while, anyway.” “Don’t worry about things getting weird,” Fluttershy soothed. We’re all mature ponies here. No matter what happens, we won’t think any less of you.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in the direction of Pinkie Pie. “And that’s the truth,” agreed Applejack. “Because your first time isn’t meant to be about amazing sex,” said Pinkie Pie. “It’s about who you’re with.” Twilight summed it all up. “It’s our honor, too, Spike, to turn you into a grownup dragon, not that you’d be any lesser just because of your virginity.” Spike took this all in. “I love you guys!” He embraced Twilight, and moments later felt five other ponies wrap themselves around him. “We love you too, Spike. Always.” Twilight wrapped her wings around them all. Looking the dragon in the eye, she said, “Now before anything else, I want to feel you inside me.” The group hug broke up. Spike lay on the bed, his hard dick standing up in eager anticipation of being engulfed by Twilight’s hot pussy. Twilight placed her hands on his shoulder as she lowered her hips slowly, resisting every impulse to just give in to her desire and rid him til she couldn’t move and he’d completely emptied his balls inside her. “Keep still, Spike.” The alicorn brought her hips down on the tip of the dragon’s dick. The organs rubbed together, and she rubbed the underside of the shaft against her waiting lips, bringing a smile to both their faces. She kissed Spike softly. He grinned freely. The dragon gently placed his hands on her waist, squeezing them in his aroused anticipation. Soon, her entrance and his tip were almost joined. They brushed together tantalizingly. Then, lifting herself up just a bit and allowing his penis to stand up, Twilight poised herself to take him all the way. Spike looked at where they were almost joined. The soft lips of her pussy welcomingly parted at their slight touch. The two met eyes one last time. They nodded. Twilight Sparkle smiled genuinely at him and Spike smiled back with equal parts enthusiasm and trust, and perhaps just a bit of understandable uncertainty. Spike held one of her hands while his other hand clasped her waist. Twilight maneuvered her hips just a little more. She sank down. “Whoa!” Spike’s eyes expanded. He shook, letting out an involuntary gasp of surprise. Slick and hot, wet and tight, soft and silky, Twilight’s pussy was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It seemed to caress, cradle, engulf, tease, guide, and squeeze his cock all at once. At first it felt just too strange, but after a few seconds if started feeling really nice. “How does it feel, Spike? You’re all the way inside me.” He just looked at where their bodies joined at a loss for words. Nothing could be seen between where their hips touched, and Spike knew that just beneath Twilight’s surface, her pussy was wrapped tightly around his cock. “N-nice, Twilight,” he stuttered, blown away by the barrage of pleasurable sensations. It was completely unlike masturbation but not completely. “Feels great. I mean, wow.” “That’s good,” said Twilight as she began moving up and down slowly, taking his cock in and out of her pussy. The almost maddening sensation of his cock being withdrawn from her pussy only to be refilled in a rush as she took him all the way again to her deepest point, soothing the primal itch in her loins. His body was compatible with hers, which eased a small anxiety on her part. His girth gave her a nice, full feeling, and the pointed shape of his cock was easy to take. Looking down at the young drake aroused her to no end, knowing that this one who trusted her, had been her true companion for many long years, was deep inside her, feeling the sensual embrace of a mare for the first time. He had never been touched before until today. He was completely hers, and she was going to make the most of it. His cock brushed sensitive spots inside her, urging her body onwards to go faster and harder. She rode him to hit those most sensitive spots, hoping to perhaps writhe in ecstasy at her peak as he gave her his emission. On his end, the dragon was completely enraptured with the new feelings of being balls deep in a pussy. He couldn’t help but shift his hips a little bit to grind against Twilight’s walls, generating novel feelings of pleasure which tingled up and down his cock. The aching in his cock was sated, but he needed more – he had to keep going, experience more of this pleasure, to see just how good it could get, to make this mare his, to fill her… His hands shifted to her plot. On instinct, he clapped his hands to it with a smack before he squeezed with his fingertips into the yielding, warm flesh, mirroring the action of what was going on inside those warm, inviting hips. Twilight grinned as him as she sat straight up and then leaned backwards a bit, exposing herself to him without even her arms in the way. He opened his lips to let out a silent gasp of pleasure. Twilight shifted her riding to caress his length with swings of her hips, both to avoid overstimulating his most sensitive parts too early and to rock him to hit her exactly where she liked it. The mare bucked her hips, letting a warm purr of satisfaction rise in her throat. She felt her pleasure level off, but she knew for sure that it was still building. Spike relaxed under her, allowing her to ride him at her pleasure. Instinctively, he worked his hips just a little bit. He moved awkwardly, jerkily trying to make motions he had never tried before in his life. Twilight Sparkle touched his chest and said, “Just relax, Spike. I’ll make you feel good, alright.” “Okay.” She rode him a while longer before asking, “Not as sensitive not, are you?” “Yeah. I mean, it still feels awesome, but it’s less overwhelming now.” “That means we’re in the plateau stage, Spike. This one goes on the longest. It’s marked by a reduction in felt pleasure, but don’t stop, because the next one by far feels the best. As this stage progresses and orgasm approaches, body temperatures elevate, heart rates increase, respiration becomes irregular, and sensitivity eventually returns. Mares continue to get wetter and the vagina becomes better able to accommodate a penis. Stallions get harder and their testicles gradually tighten against their bodies to prepare for ejaculation.” The mare gave a long, sensuous buck of her hips, causing the drake to shudder a little. “Feeling sensitive, Spike?” Twilight teased him as she shook her hips, rolling him around inside her. “Y-y-yeah.” “Do you feel like you’re going to cum soon?” “May-maybe.” He blushed. “Too soon?” “Nope, go ahead. Cum whenever you like. I want you to cum inside me.” “Good, because it feels too good to pull out,” he smiled as he squeezed her soft plot. They stopped talking as Twilight continued to ride Spike, giving him everything she had. The mare’s insides felt amazing. They bathed Spike’s body in myriad wonderous pleasure and sensations, each one exquisite and unique. The light contact of her wetness as she slowly rose amplified his sensitivity, priming him to feel absolutely every last thing. He felt the ache in his cock return as the quick upwards flourish reawoke his desire to be joined at the hip with her. That moment’s tantalizing hesitation as she sat poised with just his sensitive tip still in her made the rest of his cock twitch. Then, the stimulus of her bringing her hips down, slowly engulfing him inside her tight cunt before slamming her hips all the way down, making him squirm in carnal delight as she caressed every his every sensitive spot at once. The little lewd moans she made matched his happy sighs. He felt her growing hotter and wetter, even as he got harder and began to notice a tightness in his balls… He saw her breathing slowly turn ragged, her bucks slowly lose their composure, become more wild, desperate as they kept fucking. He knew they hadn’t been at it for very long, but every little shudder from Twilight told Spike that she was feeling just as good, too. He wanted, no needed, to make her happy, make her feel good, because every sign of her pleasure only spurred him onwards towards the edge, inflamed his desire, made him crave the dear mare riding atop him astride his hips. The drake squeezed her hips and worked them, rocking her body back and forth, mesmerizing himself at the intimately erotic sight of his dick being swallowed and released by her cunt. She was so wet that it almost felt effortless how her hot, silky slick walls inexorably built his pleasure higher and higher by the second. Spike said, “Twilight, you feel so good.” “You, too, Spike.” He grabbed her hips and squeezed them as he kept rocking her back and forth while he tried her best to make the most of every stroke. She felt him hardening and noticed his breathing turning into lusty pants, mirroring her own. Yes, the pressure between her legs was growing as the pleasure increased with every deliberate rock and roll of her hips as she stretched out this intimate act between them. He jerked just a little bit, causing her to clench and gasp in pleasure. He trembled, too. Oh they couldn’t take it much longer. “Twilight, what’s the next stage?” “That’s called the orgasmic phase. It’s not very long, but it contains the greatest sensitivity to pleasure and stimulation. Muscular coordination is at a minimum. Breathing and heartrate are wild. Stallions ejaculate and release semen. Mares may release some fluid. After that comes the relaxation stage, where you come back down from your high. Are you getting close?” “Yeah. I’m about to c-cum.” “Me too. Just give it to me, Spike. Cum inside me. I want to feel you...” He grunted, his body tightening. His cock almost ablaze with white-hot pleasure. Twilight dropped any pretense of detachment and began shaking, grinding him as hard as she could, fucking like mad in a desperate dash to the finish. “T-T-Twilight,” Spike panted, pulling her down into a fierce hug. I’m… I’m gonna.. cum! ARH!” He bucked upwards uncontrollably, his cock surging. “Yes, Spike! Yes yes yes!” Shouted Twilight shamelessly as she tipped over the edge into orgasmic bliss, feeling the dragon fill her completely, rutting her like a beast, giving into primal instinct. She shook her hips, loosing a great roar from the dragon. He clenched and grasped at her body and pushed himself as far as she could go, hitting her deepest parts as she in return drove him mad with pleasure by shaking around her hips to milk his cock for every last drop of cum. “Kiss me!” Spike shouted, grabbing her into a passionate kiss, groaning into her mouth, their tongues dueling skiniously. He cried out in pleasure as his first spurt of cum erupted from his throbbing cock, driving him to fill the mare’s hot, electrifying cunt as deep as he could as carnal bliss blanked all other concerns. Lightning bolts of euphoria so intense it hurt electrified his entire body. Twilight lost control and lung herself around Spike, into the kiss, taking his cock as deep as possible as her climax overwhelmed her as her body shook, ravaged by unbearable pleasure. She cried out his name amid streams of uncontrollable, primal moans of pleasure. Her pussy spasmed and contracted as his dick drove her wild, clenching and milking her mate anew as spurt after spurt of cum spilled from his wonderous cock into her heavenly cunt. They held each other close as their bodies writhed uncontrollably, wracked with pleasure. He spilled into her as she coaxed everything she could from him. After a frenzied half minute, they relaxed. Twilight Sparkle still trembled from her core. Spike still felt his shrinking erection, still feebly releasing a little bit of semen into her. Twilight had collapsed on top of Spike but still supported herself on her elbows. “Wow…” Spike breathed aloud. “I came… inside a mare… what does that mean?” His mind was almost blank. “I know,” Twilight whispered into his ear. “It’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to make it quite so intense.” He hugged her tightly. Silence. Eventually the alicorn sat up. Both she and him were sweaty and sticky. Spike saw the place where they became one. Twilight touched his face tenderly and smiled. “How was that, Spike?” He sat still for a moment, almost staring off into space. The other mares watched closely, emotions ranging from concern to confusion. Spike deliberately clasped one of Twilight’s hands and held it firmly within his grasp. He had just had sex with Twilight Sparkle. A huge number of very new emotions and feelings were swarming around his head right now, but he felt, for a lack of a better word, alright, good even. He looked up at the mare’s nude body with a new sense of admiration, respect, and lust. He thought to himself how nice it was to be balls deep inside her, and how much he was looking forward to his next time between a mare’s thighs… It was interesting, but not bad by any stretch of the imagination. Just perhaps a tad too intense. “Are you alright, Darling?” Rarity inquired. He saw the other mares looking at him intently, not with disgust, resentment, or impatience, but with love. The dragon nodded, “I’m just fine, everyone. Just wasn’t expected, well, that…” He hugged Twilight again. “Thank you, Twilight. That was amazing.” “No problem, Spike. I really enjoyed myself, too.” “You sure came a lot,” remarked Applejack. “Twilight, I hope this doesn’t make anything awkward.” She kissed him before she dismounted from his hips. “Don’t worry, it’s just sex. Nothing’s going to change between us.” “Except for perhaps fucking each other more often in the future?” Spike ventured. “Exactly. And since we’re not related it’ll be okay.” The adolescent drake scratched his head. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Nothing,” Twilight said. “Just saying that sex is okay, providing all parties are consenting and not doing anything dangerous, illegal, or unethical, but that’s a lesson somebody else’ll give you soon enough.” Spike sat up. “And speaking of lessons, what’s next? I mean, who’s next?” “I am!” Screeched Pinkie Pie as she crashed onto the bed, pushed Twilight out of the way, and proferred herself to Spike in a sexy pose all in one fluid move. “Hey, Spike, wanna see just what kind of fun sex stuff you can do?” She touched between her legs. “I’m ready when you are.” Spike’s jaw almost dropped at the gorgeous mare offering herself to him with such enthusiasm. He felt a surge of life within his penis. With a grin, he answered, “Let’s get it on.”