> Zombie Apocalypse: Equestria > by jsamolis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seemed like an ordinary day in Equestria, but something happened that day, something bad. There is a research lab in the Everfree Forest run by a pony of no name, a pony who everypony calls: “Dex”. They were working on a potion that can bring the dead back to life, but something went horribly wrong. Dex accidentally added a chemical to it, unbeknownst to him and his crew. But it wasn’t until a month later when this potion got out and was used to revive a dead relative, and that’s where it began. Twilight was reading a book in the library of her castle when a pony delivered a letter to her from Celestia stating the current events. The note says: “My dearest Twilight, a zombie uprising has broken out because of an incompetent pony at the Everfree Forest, who made a failed resurrection potion. I want you to warn Ponyville immediately.” Twilight gasps. “A zombie uprising!?” she gasped. “I gotta warn everypony!” So she heads to town hall and tells Mayor Mare about it, showing her the note from Celestia. Twilight gathered her friends at her castle. “A zombie uprising?” scoffed Rainbow Dash, “yeah right.” Twilight looks at Rainbow, “Princess Celestia would never lie to me, Rainbow,” she said. “But, still, maybe it’s a joke… right?” asked Rainbow Dash, hopefully. Twilight shook her head. “I’m afraid not,” she said. Rarity gasped. “We gotta lock ourselves in here so they can’t find us and get to us and bite us!” she said dramatically. “Easy there, Rarity,” said Applejack. “No need to take things outta proportion.” “Don’t take things out of proportion!? These are zombies for pony’s sake!” exclaimed Rarity. “Rarity calm down!” exclaimed Twilight. “We’ll be safe in here. Where’s Spike?” “He’s not here!?” shouted Rarity. “No…” said Twilight. Spike was in fact not in the castle, but outside of it, wandering around, not knowing of any zombies. He then heard some groaning. The groaning of a zombie pony that had used the potion. He saw the zom-pony and ran away, but his little legs could only carry him so fast, the pony caught up to him. The zombie pony bit Spike, and Spike had let out a scream to which Twilight and her friends heard. They looked out the window and saw the zombie biting Spike, but don’t do anything as it is too late. “Spikey-Wikey!” exclaimed Rarity in horror. “He’s gone, Rarity, it’s too late…” said Twilight, matter-of-factly. “But now he’ll go around infecting all of Ponyville,” said Applejack. “Well it was nice knowing him,” said Rainbow Dash. “He was a good friend,” said Fluttershy. “He will be missed,” said Pinkie. They barricaded their doors so no zombie can get in. They also can’t write notes to Celestia because Spike has been bitten. Then they heard the zombie that bit Spike. “Leave us alone, you ruffian!” shouts Rarity. “You took Spike from us!” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They barricaded their doors so no zombie can get in. They also can’t write notes to Celestia because Spike has been bitten. Then they heard the zombie that bit Spike. “Leave us alone, you ruffian!” shouts Rarity. “You took Spike from us!” Just then a knock is heard on the door. Twilight looked out the window and saw Derpy and lets her in. “Thanks so much everypony,” said Derpy. “First things first, have you been bitten?” asked Twilight. “No no, of course not. The Doctor helped me escape, so I could get help,” explained Derpy. “The Doctor?” asked Twilight. “Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” said Derpy. “Where is he?” asked Twilight. “”At the edge of the Everfree forest in his blue box,” explained Derpy. “A blue box?” said Twilight in a curious tone. “Yes,” said Derpy, though she didn’t wanna endanger her friends by going to him, she thought she had to. She then went to the door, signaling them to follow. “Is that… Spike!?” asked Derpy in a horrified tone. Twilight nodded with tears in her eyes, and after seeing Twilight nod, Derpy cried a little. “Ok, lets go.” Derpy opened the door and used a Dalek laser she got from Doctor Whooves and used it to shoot the zombies. Twilight recognized some of them as Lyra, Bon-Bon and Granny Smith. “Granny!?” shouted Applejack in horror. “No!” The Granny Smith zombie groaned and tried to bite AJ, but Derpy shot her with the laser. The seven ponies ran quickly to Doctor Whooves, Derpy knocked frantically. “Oh hello, my darling Derpy, and friends,” he said as he opened the door. “Hiya Doctor, these are my friends: Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity,” she explained. “Hello girls,” greeted the Doctor. “Hello Doctor,” they greeted. They entered the TARDIS and then conversed about the upcoming epidemic. The Doctor told everypony that he had enough weaponry for the eight of them. They’re a little skeptical at first, but realized the only way to survive is to kill the zombies. “I, for one, am against violence and weapons, but if its the only way to survive then I will do what I must,” declared Rarity. “I know The Doctor’s weapons are totally awesome!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Um, I don’t feel comfortable using lasers,” said Fluttershy shyly. “But ya gotta, Fluttershy,” said Applejack, “for Granny Smith and Spike.” “Yeah, Fluttershy, for them and any other of our friends who may have been infected,” said Twilight. “Let’s get this Zom-Party started!!” shouted Pinkie. They soon headed out, with only one goal in mind: to survive. And the only way to do that is kill zombies, no matter who they may be. Whether they be friends or family, they had to die. The group soon came across a horde of zombies with some familiar faces in it. Trixie, Lyra, Bon_Bon, Vinyl Scratch and Sunset Shimmer were amongst them. “Is that… DJ Pon3!?” asked Pinkie in a horrified gasp. “Looks like it,” said Applejack who shot her in the head. “I know who we have to find for an antidote!” exclaimed the Doctor. “His name is Dex, or at least it’s his alias.” “Dex, who’s that? Does he at least have a real name?” asked Twilight. “Nopony knows,” said the Doctor. “But we gotta find his lab in order to get the antidote to save the ponies… that we didn’t kill.” “But something tells me there will be anymore deaths among us,” said Derpy. “What do you mean, darling?” asked Rarity. “I mean… we may have to kill more… or more of us may be eaten,” said Derpy in a horror-movie-style voice. All the ponies except Doctor Whooves gasped. They all walked through Ponyville following the Doctor. “It’s deep inside the Everfree Forest,” he said. “The Everfree Forest?” said Fluttershy with a hint of fear in her voice. “I’m afraid so,” said the Doctor. The group stopped at the edge of the forest, and there was silence, too much silence. But some groaning is soon heard and Fluttershy started to freak out, flying off and a zombie pegasus tackled her as the group watched on in horror. “FLUTTERSHY!!” they shouted as the zombie pegasus tackled her. The pegasus appeared to be Cloudchaser. Applejack went to help, but is stopped by Doctor Whooves who insisted there was no helping her. Cloudchaser then proceeded in biting and tearing away flesh as Fluttershy screamed out to the group, but the group realized there was no helping. Cloudchaser ripped away more flesh and blood sprayed everywhere. Crying is heard as Rarity went behind Twilight and Applejack and was nearly bawling her eyes out. After five minutes of blood and gore, Fluttershy is nothing more than a mangled wreck, blood and guts everywhere. “See, I told you,” said Derpy. “That was Cloudchaser, I thought Pegasi would be safe,” said Twilight. “Apparently not,” said Doctor. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in the lab, Dex was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself as if he’s gone insane. “The zombies… they’re growing in numbers. I hadn’t intended for this to happen,” he muttered to himself as he paced his lab. “Surely survivors will come for me and the antidote, and when the do, I’ll be ready for them, I’ll be ready for them all!” He laughed maniacally but stopped when he heard a banging on his doors. He still felt safe, however, as he had put titanium locks on the doors keeping the zombies out. He went back to pacing and muttering to himself. Being locked away in solitary confinement can do things to a pony. Back at the Everfree Forest entrance, the group was shaken up but they continued their quest. As they walked through the forest they saw Zecora’s hut, but the door was open and had been trashed. “What could have happened to Zecora?” asked Applejack. “Something bad…” said Doctor with a hint of concern. Just then a groaning is heard and the group turned to see a zebra-colored zombie. They gasped and backed away. The Doctor lured Zecora into her hut and locked the door behind her. “That should hold her, they can’t unlock locks,” explained the Doctor. “Ah sure hope so,” said Applejack. “I wanna live! This isn’t fun anymore!” shouted Pinkie, who was slapped by Derpy. “Hold it together, Pinkie!” she shouted. The group walked through the forest passing a group of zombies busy eating a pony that looked a lot like Roseluck, much to the Doctor’s dismay. “Was that…?” asked Twilight. The Doctor nodded without saying a word. “What was she even doing here?” asked Rarity. “I don’t know…” said The Doctor with hint of sadness in his voice, trying to hold back tears, which proved unsuccessful. He hung his head and Derpy tried to comfort him by petting his mane. “We were close friends…” said the Doctor tearfully. “I am so sorry, Doctor,” said Twilight in a comforting voice. “It’s fine… she’s in a better place now,” said the Doctor. “She’s no longer in pain.” A few more hours of walking and they reached the lab. The Doctor saw the main entrance has been padlocked. “Derpy, hand me that laser,” said the Doctor. Derpy did as instructed and the Doctor fired the laser at the chain, breaking it. “Now we’re cooking with gas,” said the Doctor. “We gotta go in, find Dex’s room and take the antidote or make him distribute it out.” The group went through the lab and came across a room after a while with Dex’s name on a sign by a set of double doors. The Doctor knocked on the door, but there was no answer. “Come on out Dex! I know you’re in there!” demanded the Doctor. “No, g-go away! I don’t have anything of use here!” said Dex, but the Doctor could tell he was lying. The Doctor used his laser to make his way in the room, burning away the titanium. “Now see here Dex, a lot of our friends died because of you! Now you can either give us the antidote peacefully or we’ll take it by force,” said the Doctor as he busted in the room. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” lied Dex. “But now the doors are open and the zombies will get in and kill us all and NO PONY will see this antidote.” He pointed to a beaker full of a greenish-orange liquid on the table. “I don’t care, I have this Dalek laser to fend off any oncoming hordes, but as for you “Dex”, if that is your real name, you will not live through this,” said the Doctor. “I intend to pour the antidote into the Ponyville water supply so the zombies can drink the water and return to normal.” “You fool,” scoffed Dex. “Zombies don’t drink water. They have to be pushed in a lake!” Dex laughed maniacally. “Or I can put in in a cloud and have that cloud rain it out onto Ponyville. The antidote will get absorbed through their skin and go back to normal,” suggested Twilight. “I vote that idea,” agreed Derpy. “Do what you want, you’ll never make it. The zombie pegasi will chase you, and will catch you, and will EAT you,” said Dex with a chuckle. “Like you or any of those zombies scare me!” shouted Twilight. “I’ll be back.” Twilight then grabbed the beaker and flew out the lab and headed for Cloudsdale. She went toward the weather factory and gave a factory worker the beaker who then poured it in the machine and powered it on, making it rain down over Ponyville. Zecora busted out of her hut and made her way to Ponyville so the rain will hit her. The group watched what ensues on a monitor. “I’ll be darned… she did it,” said Dex. Just then a zombie entered the room, it not being outside, thus never being hit with the antidote rain. This pony looked like Trixie, who was also one of the ones that had eaten Roseluck. “‘Tis a shame, that. But I warned you they’ll make it in,” Dex said with a snicker. This caused the Doctor to shove Dex at Trixie who grabbed him and bit off a large chunk of flesh from his neck, causing him to bleed out. The Doctor then took the laser and shot Trixie and Dex with it. Twilight then returned with a smile. “I did it! Everypony is saved!” she said with glee. “Almost everypony,” said Rarity, remembering the deaths of Spike, Granny Smith, Bon Bon, Lyra, Fluttershy, Roseluck and Trixie. “Right…” said Twilight, upset. “At least we’re alive and many others are too.” The group made their way back to Ponyville, and saw that all of the surviving zombies had reverted back to normal. They cheered, but were still sad over the loss of the friends that were unfortunate. The day had been saved this time, and as such, the Doctor and Derpy headed back to the TARDIS for their next adventure.