> The Summer Wind > by Josephi Krakowski > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > From Across The Sea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Summer Wind, came blowin' in," It gets tiring, it always was. Years after years of toiling away, building cities; raising a kingdom, a civilization. It gets lonely after a while when you're an ageless lord. You.. distance from everyone else. No one truly knew me then. Then she came. Her. Celestia. Her. With her sweet shimmering hair, her soft angelic smile. Her simple, foolish antics. She was lovely. So lovely. And yet so lonely, so sad. The loss of her sister had drawn her here to our distant world. We had the one thing that hers lacked. Joy. Friends. Luna. It was then when I truly first had a friend. She had the most brilliant laugh. Oh, that brilliant, bright laugh! Hearing her laugh was what delighted me the most, sharing her delight and enjoyment. And her smile, that beautiful smile. It was her heavenly, most enchanting smile that sheds the weariness of my tired mind. I have never seen a look so radiant, nor so magnificent before I had met her. Flowers virtually bloom in the sight of her delight. I could stare into her eyes for an eternity. Such deepness, such wisdom, such sorrow. Such tenderness. I saw her help a wounded doe, injured by a fall in the woods. She whispered gently into its tense ear soothing it as she tended to its wounds. But I saw naught but the care and concern in those soft pink eyes of hers, those gateways to her soul. "It lingered there, to touch your hair" I dare say I loved her. On the fourth annual Sombra-fest, I asked her for the right of first dance, as of gentlemanly custom. Ah! what a lovely night it was! We moved so elegantly, so smoothly, as if we were two parts of a puzzle fit together. It was magnificent, so magnificent! I shall never forget that sweet smile on her lips as we swayed in time to the music. And that look on her face, it was pure bliss. Pure, utter bliss. I have never seen her so content before. I suppose that was our first date. Celestia was a very gentle pony.She had a warm personality, gentle, but not lacking in depth. She plays the occasional pun, and for reasons inexplicable, I found myself joining in. She too can be silly, clumsy even. She once hit her head on the ceiling when I called her name in a dinner party. I think she was blushing at the moment. I wonder why she was staring at me. Should I be noticing something about myself? Celestia has the most queerest of acquaintances. I could never wrap my mind around that eccentric, yet brilliant old grey stallion that she keeps in her company. He seems mad, but somehow, it always seems that he's the wisest one amongst us all. Star Swirl, he was called. She wasn't harsh on the eyes either. Slender, graceful, a very mare-like figure. A most lovely mare, a most friendly smile, a most warm pair of eyes. "Two Sweethearts, and the Summer Wind" It was a simple love, the two of us had. She would sneak over to visit me in the dark of the night. A gentle touch, a tender nuzzle, a warm embrace. But simplicity was exactly what we needed, to deal with the exhausting days and nights of toil and strife. Our secret garden, in which the problems of the world did not bother us. Where all that matters was just the two of us. In that one moment, I get a feeling of content. A feeling of comfort, of simply just, being happy. Of an absence of worry. Simple contentment, a simple comfort, a simple love. For once, It feels like home. Me and my silly mare. We were so young then. But it won't last. I knew it before she told me of her friend Starswirl's worries. We couldn't be together, for in this tumultuous, complex world, a world of war and strife, a world of blurred lines between good and evil, a world of madness, that our little candle of love cannot burn for long before being extinguished. It was not meant to be. It seems very cliched, but that's how our world is built. Reality's like that. It gives you a hint of the loveliness of the heavens before bringing you back down to the earth. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- "Like painted kites, those days and nights, they went flyin' by" "Star Swirl tells me that constant use of the portal might cause a dimensional rift, forcing our two worlds to conjoin together," Celestia said in much distress. "Hush now, don't worry about that. We may solve that problem when we get there. Together." "Mmm, Together." The two ponies were cuddling up next to the tall tree in Canterlot gardens, in the dark of the night. Celestia had sneaked away behind Star Swirl's back to visit Sombra. "It worries you," Sombra whispered gently into her ear, "Doesn't it?" "Quite. I fret for the old stallion. He's been getting old, and his mind is deteriorating. I don't like lying to him like this." "Neither do I." "I think he's starting to suspect what we're doing." "Don't dwell on it, I'm sure it'll be fine" Sombra smiled gently at his lover, getting up from the grassy patch they were sitting on. "Its a beautiful day, and I have something special to show you." "Behold, the wishing garden," Sombra cried out to Celestia with a dramatic swoosh of his cape. The garden was located through a hidden gateway between the bushes. Hundreds and hundreds of little cards hung from the trees, proclaiming the hopes and wishes of ponies, old and young. T'was there in the center, where the grand old oak lay, its branches lifting the weight of scores of those tags. The weight of a million dreams weighed on that ancient tree, backed by a brilliant black night sky. Roses grew along the tree and around the path. A lone lamp stood tall beside the unpaved path worn down by the footsteps of many ponies. Celestia stood gaping in awe at the beauty of the place. "It's... Amazing." "I have never wanted anything before, so I had not much use for this place... Until you. Come, I want you to help write my wish." "The world was new, Beneath the blue umbrella sky." "I want you to write 'I wish for you to forever be my always'," Sombra smiled softly, his eyes twinkling in the night. " Always..." He murmured quietly to her, nuzzling her ear gently. "Always..." She responded in kind. "I'll have to go now," She said so sadly. " I wish you didn't," he replied. "I know" . . . Always. "My fickle friend, the Summer Wind."