Twilight and Rainbow Dash: Professional Vault Hunters

by AnimeKid22

First published

After a strange message about a vault is delivered to Twilight from another world, Rainbow Dash and herself travel there to find it's whereabouts

When Twilight receives a strange message from another world about a vault and untold treasure, she decides to travel there with the help of Rainbow Dash, to save the world from bad guys again! However, as they traverse Pandora, they quickly realize that the magic of friendship will do little more than get them killed here, and together they will see a world full of adventure and danger, strange creatures and wise cracking robots that will surely be the most life changing adventure these two will ever go on.
(Additional tag: Humanized Ponies)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash Travel To Pandora

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11:30 AM: Just Outside Fyrestone on Pandora

Twilight and Rainbow were sitting on the bus on their way to meet their travel guide. The inside of the bus was worn down, and the seats were rather uncomfortable. Not to mention the bad smell that invaded Twilight's nose. It smelled like someone died or something. Which probably wasn't too far off. The man driving them, who called himself Marcus, was apparently the local weapons dealer. He said to use the weapons he sold, but when they said they didn't need any, he laughed so hard I thought he was going to pass out.

"So you think you will survive Pandora without weapons young lady? HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is the best joke I've heard since I came to this place. You must be insane, incredibly cocky, or both. Whatever you think you know about this place, forget it. It is a place that only the toughest can traverse. You must have skill, wit, courage and a hell of a lot of bullets to make in this wasteland. So remember, when you arrive in Fyrestone, purchase Marcus munitions. You won't find any others selling around here. I made sure of that. That, and no refunds." Marcus laughed as he thought of how naive and stupid these two seemed. Not wanting guns in Pandora. He had never heard such an outrageous statement! Twilight was annoyed, but she felt he had a point about needing to protect themselves here. She had no idea how dangerous this place would really be, and having a plan of attack just in case, was a good idea. Rainbow Dash was itching to see these so called dangers that this guy was talking about. She was certain that she could easily overcome anything that came her way.

"Ha. Well I say bring it on!" Rainbow said with her usual sense of (over)confidence. "Just let me do all the fighting Twilight. You don't have to worry with me around. These guys won't know what hit them when they see the awesomeness that is Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow puffed her chest out proudly, while Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You know I can't do that Rainbow. We're in this together, and we need to work as a team. We can't just use a 'charge in, guns blazing' method. So to speak." Twilight was forming a strategy for how they would deal with this new and apparently unavoidable threat that is Pandora. She opened the map she had been given and took a look to see the various regions of Pandora. There was the one place in particular that had caught her eye. "New Haven. We need to head there to gather information on The Vault. That seems like our best bet anyway." The map had been marked with a big red circle saying 'go here' on it where New Haven was. Now I guess you're wondering how all this transpired. If you aren't, well, too bad for you. Cause I'm telling you.

The Previous Night: 9:40 PM

Twilight was chatting with Rainbow Dash while playing a game of monopoly. Twilight was always really good at that game, which frustrated Rainbow.

"Y'know, I've never been good at this game, Twilight. I knew it was going bad when you got all the railroads." Rainbow looked annoyed, while Twilight smiled triumphantly as she beat Rainbow in one of the few games she knew she could beat her at. "I guess it's better than listening to Pinkie ramble on or... helping Rarity model." She shivered at the thought. Twilight laughed at the idea of Rainbow wearing a dress like the one that she got forced into last time. Too. Much. Lace.

"So, how about another game, Rainbow?" It was a nice change of pace to reading alone. She loved her study time, but her friends were far more important.

"Sure. Why not? It's nice to relax like this after a long day of pulling bad ass stunts." Rainbow said with pride. Twilight rolled her eyes. Just then, there was a knock at the door. When she walked over and opened the door, she found that no one was there. She felt annoyed that someone would just knock on the door and run like that.

"Probably some prankster trying to be funny." As she went to close the door, she heard it hit something. When she looked down, she found a box with a scroll lying there. She picked it up and went back inside, thinking that it was strange that someone would just leave it there on the front door.

"Who was it Twi?" Rainbow was curious who would be out so late.

"Well, no one was there when I answered the door, but I found this scroll lying on the ground. I'd like to know who would bother to leave this here, but run off before I could talk to them." Twilight sat down oh the sofa and opened it. As she read it, she was visibly worried. She looked up at Rainbow nervously.

"Well, what's it say, Twi?" Rainbow asked curiously.

Well, it's big. Like "Going to another world and going on an adventure" big." Rainbow Dash got excited at the thought of a new adventure. Then, Twilight read it aloud to Rainbow Dash.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
Who I am, is not important. What is important, is that you are needed on the planet Pandora. There is an even about to occur in which something called "The Vault", is about to open. Once the key is found, whoever opens it will blessed with riches untold. However, this also means that there will be dangerous new artifacts that, put in the wrong hands, could put everyone on Pandora, and the surrounding worlds, in great danger. I ask you to seek out The Vault and open it before anyone else can, to prevent such a person from gaining the treasures inside. Should you choose to accept my request, there is a map and some gear inside the box I left. It will help you reach Pandora and get to The Vault.

Sincerely, No One of Consequence

"Woah! This sounds awesome! Going to another planet, having an adventure where the fate of multiple worlds hangs on the shoulders of two capable bad asses? Sounds pretty intense!" Rainbow was excited about the idea of another adventure. Especially where danger was involved. It would be like a Daring Do story!

"Now hold on a minute Rainbow. We have to think this over carefully. I mean, of course I'm going, but I have no idea what to expect here. "Twilight rubbed her temples as thought about what to do. "Do you know where the other girls are, Rainbow?" Twilight wanted to bring them, if possible.

"Well, last I checked, Rarity was in Manehatten, Pinkie Pie went to hang with Cheese Sandwich, AJ is in Appleoosa, and Fluttershy has been taking care of Angel, who got really sick." Rainbow had checked to see if any of them wanted to hang out, but they obviously couldn't.

"Well, it looks like it's up to the two of us then." Twilight felt nervous about not having the whole group, but she knew she could depend on Rainbow Dash. She then walked over to the box and opened it to find out what was inside. It had button on the front that Twilight pushed, causing it to open by itself with a series mechanical parts that unfolded and revealed four compartments containing various items. There were four backpacks in the bottom, with 12 compartments in it, there was a map, and two guns, with ammo for them both. Twilight picked up the map and unfolded it, showing various places with dots on them. They each had labels on them as the following: Guns, Ammo, New-U Station, Catch A Ride, and Fast Travel Station. It was a bit much for Twilight to handle, but Rainbow seemed to be having fun as she picked up the gun, imagining herself saving Twilight from impending doom and thanking Twilight for saving her. "Oh Rain bow Dash, you're so cool!" Twilight would say.

"I know, I know. Just doing what any hero would do for a friend in need." Then there would be a big explosion in the background as the bad guys perished before her, and Twilight would kiss- I mean what? What were we talking about?

"Rainbow? Earth to Rainbow!" Twilight was a bit miffed that Rainbow was daydreaming already. Err, well night dreaming anyway.

"Hehe. Sorry Twilight. Couldn't help it." Rainbow replied sheepishly. Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow and started planning for the next day.

"Alright. Here's the plan. We'll head out in the morning, gather supplies, and head to this bus station that will take us to Pandora." Twilight wasn't sure how a bus would take them to another planet, but they would cross that bridge when they got to it. "So be sure to get a good nights sleep Rainbow. We'll need it for tomorrow." Twilight had a bit of planning to do before she went to bed though.

"Alright. Good night Twilight. Actually sleep instead of doing check lists all night or something." Rainbow waved as she left and headed home. Twilight was going to protest, bus she couldn't really say anything there. Twilight went back inside and looked over the map once again, checking each area.

"It looks like the bus stops in Fyrestone, so we'll have to start there, gather what info we can on the surrounding area, and head for New Haven." Twilight picked up the machine gun out of the box, it was labeled DAHL. It was fairly light with a light green color and had a reflex sight, with a 12 round magazine. She had never had a reason to fire a gun, so she never did. She hoped she wouldn't have to use one honestly. Next to it, was a dark red shotgun labeled Hyperion. it was slightly heavier than the machine gun, but it looked really cool., and It held 8 shells at a time. Twilight sorted the gear out and re checked the map so she would memorize each area of Pandora. After feeling satisfied that had memorized it perfectly, she headed to bed and went to sleep so she could prepare for the day ahead.

8:50 AM: The Day of Travel

Twilight woke up with a determined spirit and immediately got up to get ready. She brushed her teeth and ate breakfast, and got dressed. She put on a white tank top with a sleeveless blue hoodie and khaki cargo shorts with tan hiking boots. She went downstairs and picked up her gear, putting the map and ammo in the backpack and the machine gun and shotgun in the weapon compartment. She left a list of things for Spike to do and left the house, walking to where Rainbow was staying with Scootaloo for the night so they could hang out before she went adventuring to save the world with Twilight. Twilight found the place they were staying and knocked on the door. Rainbow answered, already fully dressed with excitement written all over her face. She was wearing a white t shirt and baggy black cargo jeans and hiking boots. Twilight handed her the other backpack and the shotgun with ammo for it, and a map that Twilight made for her so they would both know the different areas. Rainbow hugged Scootaloo before they left and waved goodbye to her. They went around the market, being sure to grab supplies.

"Alright Rainbow. If there's anything else you need to do, do it now. We have to make sure we are completely prepared for this." Twilight had done everything she needed so she had no worries.

"I did what I need to do. Let's head out Twilight!" Rainbow said excitedly. Twilight nodded, and with that, they were off. Twilight went to the exact location where they were supposed to meet the bus at, and when they arrived, they saw a man standing there. He looked friendly, but annoyed at the same time.

"Haha!" The man shouted at their arrival. "You must be the two I was supposed to take to the lovely planet of Pandora! Can't say you look like adventurers, but he said you were vault hunters, so I guess you must be tougher than you look." Twilight and Rainbow were annoyed at his comment, but decided not to say anything. "My name is Marcus, and I'll be your driver on this trip to paradise. Now get on the bus or I'll leave you here." He said the last part grumpily, but they ignored it and got on.

11:43 AM: Arriving in Fyrestone

"Twilight had dozed off a bit, thinking about how all this had happened in less than a day, but she knew it couldn't be avoided. They had to find The Vault and get the treasure inside it. Just then, the bus came to a halt and Twilight was forced out of her daze.

"Well, we're here." Marcus said with a smile. "Don't worry about saying goodbye, I'm sure we'll all be doing this again soon enough!" He began to laugh and quickly got serious. "Now get off my bus." Twilight didn't like him very much, but decided again to not say anything as she and Rainbow both hopped off the bus and watched as Marcus drove away. Twilight and Rainbow saw what appeared to be a small group of houses, so they started walking towards them. Twilight remembered to pull out her machine gun and gripped it tightly, as Rainbow did the same with her shotgun. They started walking, when they heard something coming towards them.

"Hello!" A voice called out to them. Twilight quickly turned and saw a little robot with one eye and was rolling around on a wheel for a foot. "Welcome to the peaceful town of Fyrestone. I am CL4P-TP but you may call me by my locally designated name, Claptrap! However, since you two are one of the few people that aren't totally hostile, you're one of the only people that are civil enough to use names, much less not try to kill each other, since people around here looooove to kill Claptrap units!" Claptrap seemed excited about all this. "If it sounds like I'm excited, it's because I can't control my tone of voice. Not that meeting two vault hunters isn't exciting, as long as you aren't trying to kill me or anything!" Twilight had never heard someone so paranoid about getting hurt in her life. "Oh! We usually hand out heads up displays, but we ran out, so I don't have one for either of you. My bad!" Claptrap exclaimed.

"No, it's okay. We'll do fine without one." Twilight said. "I memorized all the areas around here last night. by the way, where do we meet our travel guide? We were told it would be here in Fyrestone." Twilight had no idea what she was looking for since it wasn't mentioned who it would be in the letter.

"That would be me of course, seeing as how everyone else is well, not particularly the social type. To people in Pandora are social, is to say serial killers are pacifists." Claptrap thought himself to be funny, as he laughed at his own comment. Twilight and Rainbow, not so much. "Well anyway, follow me. I'll take you to the resident doctor. At least that's what he calls himself." Claptrap rolled over to a fence and waited as Twilight and Rainbow walked over to him. "I'll just put the code in so we can enter." Claptrap started pushing buttons on the keypad at a rapid pace. "AAAAAAAAAAND OPEN!" Claptrap shouted. As the door opened, the three of them hear a faint rumbling that got louder, and louder, and louder. Just then, they saw vehicles flying overhead and over the fence. They tunred to where Claptrap was to find him hiding behind a makeshift door, trembling violently. "A-are... are they gone?" The Claptrap said still shaking.

"I can't see them anymore, but we should be on guard, just in case." Twilight said

"Good idea!" Claptrap said with renewed energy. As they started walking towards the village, Claptrap saw the bandits that were driving the vehicles they saw earlier. "Oh no! Run for your lives!" He said as he sped off. Rainbow saw that they hadn't noticed them yet.

"Let's go get em Twi." Rainbow said excitedly.

"No Rainbow. We can't just rush in like that here. We should sneak up quietly." Twilight didn't want to fight if could avoid it.

"Fine. We'll try it your way. If it doesn't work, we do it my way." Rainbow looked to see how many of the bandits there were, and noticed six in the area they need to go through. "How the hell are we gonna pull this off?" Rainbow was curious as to how Twilight would manage this one.

"Just follow me." Twilight said determinedly. As they made their way closer to the bandits, they saw Claptrap cowering in a nearby corner. When he saw them, he ran towards them. "Well shit." Twilight said in annoyance.

"Get those sumbitches!" One of the bandit cried out, and they all raised their guns and started firing.

"What now genius?" Rainbow asked sarcastically.

"We have no choice. Attack!" Twilight raised her rifle and started firing back, shooting one of the bandits in the shoulder. The bandit cried out in pain as a trail of blood was now fresh in the dirt.

"Finally! Time to kick some ass!" Rainbow yelled. She maneuvered around Twilight and fired her shotgun, blowing off one of the bandit's heads. Blood sprayed out from where his neck used to be and left pieces of his head on the ground as he fell over. "Score one for me!" Rainbow yelled, determined to make a contest out of the gun fight. Twilight aimed down her sight, finding it difficult to dodge the bullets flying past. However, she shot one twice in the chest, causing him to cry out in pain as he fell to his knees, then completely on the ground as blood leaked out from his body and died seconds later. Rainbow had taken cover behind a post, waiting for the enemy to reload. When he stopped firing, she rolled to the side and fired at him, removing his left arm, spraying arcs of blood everywhere. He cried out, but kept on shooting. "Holy shit. These guys are insane." Rainbow said to herself. She jumped around the post and took him out with another head shot, as his body fell over, blood poured out all over the nearby ground. Rainbow ran at them shooting as fast as the gun would allow her. Twilight followed suit, Running at the enemy, just barely missing the bullets flying past her. She began firing her rifle shooting the nearby bandit twice and another bandit once, before having to reload. Rainbow took out another bandit and knocked down the last one by decking him in the face. Twilight reloaded and shot him directly in the head, blowing chunks of skin and blood everywhere. They saw that there were no more and lowered their weapons. "Damn we're awesome!" Rainbow shouted excitedly.

"Hell yeah we are!" Claptrap yelled. Twilight and Rainbow just glared at him.

"Really. Just really?" Twilight almost felt bad for the robot. Almost.

"Well. Anyway, let's continue onwards, shall we?" Claptrap said so he could change the subject.

"Sure. We need to figure out how to get to New Haven." Twilight stated.

"Well if anyone can help you, it'll be Doctor Zed. He's, well, the only person still here." Claptrap said somewhat depressed by that fact. "Anyway, it's just behind this fence." Claptrap tapped the buttons on the keypad and the door opened, albeit rather slowly. "Here we are! Welcome to Fyrestone!" Claptrap yelled excitedly. As they walked through the "town", Twilight noticed a distinct lack of people, just like Claptrap said. They continued on. making their way to the center of town. "Over here!" Claptrap yelled. They walked over to where he was, and Claptrap wheeled over to an intercom. "Hello citizen of Fyrestone, the bandits have dispelled by two vault hunters." Claptrap waited for a response.

"Well shoot, I thought I was a goner that time." Someone replied back. If you could kindly press the button to oped the door, I would be able to speak to ya directly." The person said with a calm demeanor. Claptrap pointed to where the button was, and Twilight walked over and pressed it, and Twilight watched as the metal door went overhead and receded. They saw a man dressed as a surgeon with blood all over him and a body on a table in front of him. He slammed a wrench down on the body's torso and looked up at Twilight and Rainbow. "Name's Doctor Zed. They don't let me cut on people anymore on account of the fact that I lost my licence. I may not have a med school degree, but when you get hurt, you'll be happy I'm here." Zed stated. Twilight didn't know what to think of him, but she hoped that not everyone on Pandora was either insane or psychotic. Rainbow was just having fun now that she was on an adventure.