> Harmonics-The Moon's Apprentice > by darkone4587 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP-Harmonics The Moon's Apprentice pt.1 In the middle of a room at the top of a tower a blue Alicorn with light blue hair lays on a bed as struggles to find a comfortable position in spite of her newly acquired wings. "Damn these things." She says annoyed as she rises out of bed. "How in Equestria did she get used to these things." As she looks at them annoyed she accidently flaps her wings and flies into the air before slamming into a nearby wall. "Damn it!" "Princess Trixie." A voice says from the door. "Are you okay in there?" "Yes I'm fine, you don't have to worry." "Okay then." As the guard moves along Trixie gets up from the ground and moves along to the bed yet again, staring out of the window as the sunsets in the distance a white Alicorn with rainbow hair in the distance on the balcony of a large tower using magic to lower it. "Well it looks like it's almost time." She says annoyed as she struggles on the bed yet again. "Why do I have to do this in my sleep?" As she struggles to get to bed the Moon appears in the sky as a dark purple Alicorn with flowing purple hair taking the place of the other one. "Okay then now, sleep." She casts magic on herself falling into a deep slumber. As she awakens she finds herself in a fluffy colorful place with various doors with the purple Alicorn sitting atop a hill looking down at Trixie looking at her seriously. "Your late." She says annoyed by Trixie. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this body yet." Trixie says annoyed. "Princess Luna, do we have to do this when I sleep it's inconvenient and I don't rest well when we do this." "TRIXIE!" Luna yells out flying from her seat and rushing down towards Trixie. "Do you understand the situation you're in!" Trixie panics and lowers her head afraid of Luna. "Sorry, sorry." Luna says calming down to reassure Luna. "It's just that we're in an odd situation." "The situation was easier for Twilight Sparkle, and besides I'm already quite skilled in magic." "Alicorn magic is very different from regular Unicorn magic, much more powerful." Luna says seriously walking around Trixie. "Need I remind you of the kitchen incident." Trixie slumps yet again as she watches Luna. "Normally you would've started your training at a young age and spent your time learning magic more and more until you mastered it and eventually learned to control it naturally, but because of the Alicorn Amulet you were essentially forced into this and we have to do some damage control." Luna looks down at Trixie seriously as Trixie is hit hard by Luna's words. "Okay then, let's get to work now." "Okay." Trixie says reluctantly. "Today we'll continue your training with dream magic, and entering the dreams of others." "Okay." A while later as the sun rises Trixie awakens in bed exhausted as she stumbles along out of her bed and into the hallway. "I hate Mondays." Eventually she makes her way into the kitchen where Luna and Celestia sit around drinking tea and eating small cakes. "Good morning Trixie." Celestia says happily as Trixie stumbles along past her. "What's wrong with her?" "We had an intensive training session last night, but she hasn't quite gotten used to dream world training." Luna says seriously drinking her tea. "But eventually I think she'll get the hand of things." Celestia looks on Trixie as she slinks into the corner of the kitchen before looking at Luna seriously. "Um, dear sister I think we've got to have a discussion....." Celestia says seriously. "Princesses, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sir Spike have arrived in Canterlot and are making their way to the castle." A Guard says rushing into the kitchen. "Should we prepare a royal precession?" "That is fine, I will meet them in the audience chamber." Celestia says before flying off. "Sister, we'll talk more later." As Celestia leaves the kitchen Luna looks back at Trixie before she flies off and leaves the kitchen as well. "This training is stupid." Trixie says annoyed. A while later Twilight walks through the castle before coming upon Trixie sitting around in the castle gardens. "Trixie." Twilight says rushing up to her. "I've been looking for you." "Oh hello Twilight Sparkle." Trixie says disinterested. "What're you doing here, don't you have your own castle?" Trixie looks on Twilight disdainfully before turning her head around and seemingly ignoring her. "Um, well I was wondering how your training with Princess Luna is going?" "It's fine, well as fine as a fuck up like me can do." Twilight looks at Trixie nervously attempting to get her to look at her. "If that's all, then can you please leave me alone." "Um, okay." Twilight walks off looking back at Trixie as she leaves. "If you want to talk about things then I'll be in town for a few more days." Trixie sits around before attempting to use magic and accidently burning some grass before stomping it out and staring off blankly. > Ch.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLP-Harmonics The Moon's Apprentice pt.2 In the dream world Luna trains Trixie in magic as the pair sit around with Trixie exhausted from the recent efforts. "Well you've improved a little bit, but you've still got a long way to go." Luna says looking at Trixie seriously. "Now then, I think we'll take a break on dream magic and move onto something else." Luna stands around thinking as Trixie forces herself to stand up. "How about we move onto some a little more serious." "Serious?" Luna asks curiously. "Yes, maybe you are ready for something more serious and more impressive." "Yes then I'll show her." Trixie says under her breath. "I'll show her who's better." Luna looks on her seriously before starting to walk off. "We'll cut it off here tonight and pick things up later." Trixie looks on seriously as Luna walks off before an odd shadow flows out from under Trixie. A while later during the day Twilight wanders around the castle before finding Trixie sitting in the garden messing around with some magic. "Trixie." Twilight rushes to Trixie's side happily looking at her "How'd you do last night?" Twilight looks at Trixie annoyed before turning her head away and looking off annoyed. "Please, I respectfully ask you to go away." Trixie says annoyed by Twilight. "If you would Princess." "Um Trixie, what's wrong?" "Oh nothing, I'm just tired of you hanging over me like the perfect princess that you are." Trixie looks enraged by Twilight before walking off annoyed. "I'm sorry that I'm not a perfect little princess like you, I'm just a mistake to you aren't I." "What, I never said that you were a mistake." "But it's in your eyes, everyone loves their little Princess Twilight Sparkle but I'm looked on with disdain ad they wonder why I'm a princess and why I'm not locked up in Tartarus." Trixie says annoyed. "So just leave me alone." Trixie runs off as Twilight stands around stunned by her actions. Meanwhile up above in a nearby tower Celestia looks down at the pair with a telescope. "This is bad." Celestia says seriously. "This is really bad." A minute later Celestia rushes into Luna's room where Luna sleeps in her bed quietly. "Sister, we need to talk!" Celestia says bursting through the door. "It's an emergency." "What is it sister?" "It's about your apprentice, Trixie." "What about her, she's on her way down a dark path." Celestia says seriously. "A path not unlike you once traveled." "What do you mean?" Luna says raising out of bed. "She seems fine." "I once ignored you when you were headed down a dark road, so I maybe be ahead of myself but I can't turns my back on something like that again." Celestia says seriously. "But I don't think I can help her." "So what do you want to do?" "I think you need to talk to her, maybe then you'll be able to help her." "Fine, maybe I'll help her." Luna says seriously. "But I think she can work through her issues on her own." "She's your apprentice and I won't interfere, but I don't want a repeat of what happened with you and me all those years ago." Celestia looks seriously at Luna as Luna notices the worry in her face. "Fine, I'll deal with it." Luna says trying to reassure Celestia. "But I'll only interfere if I think it's absolutely necessary." Meanwhile in the back of the castle Trixie messes around with magic accidently creating a burst of electricity that burns some carpet. "Damn it, I almost had it there." Trixie says seriously. "Okay, one more time I have to get this right." Trixie concentrates yet again creating a storm cloud above her head with blasts of lightning coming down from it blasting the ground. "Yes, it's almost there." Trixie says happily. "Once I'm done I'll show her." A while later Trixie stands looking outside her window as the sun starts going down and the moon rises. "Yes, all I have to do is impress her and then I can show up Twilight." Trixie says excitedly. "Now all I have to do is show Luna, I'm sure she'll like it." As the moon appears in the sky Trixie rushes to her bed before struggling around and then uses magic to fall asleep. A minute later Trixie awakens in the dream world looking around and finding Luna sitting atop a hill looking down on her seriously. "Luna, I've got something amazing to show you!" Trixie says excitedly. "If I can get it right you'll let me show it to Celestia right?" "Trixie, I think we'll lay off your amazing thing for now." Luna says seriously. "We'll go back to dream magic and then some simpler things for now." "What do you mean?" "My Sister came to me with some concerns after your encounter with Twilight Sparkle...." "Twilight Sparkle!" Trixie yells out annoyed. "Damn it, it's always Twilight!" "Trixie?" "Celestia wants you to hold off on my training because she's worried about her dear student!" Trixie yells out annoyed as a large shadow forms underneath her. "This is how it always goes she's the one who always get's the praise!" As Trixie yells out the shadow grows large and large before it starts to encompass Trixie and flows through the dream world. "Is this what my Sister was afraid of?" "I'm tired of it." Trixie says annoyed. "I'm going to show you, no everyone, I'm going to crush Twilight Sparkle and prove myself." As the shadow takes her completely Luna looks on seriously with a magic aura flowing through her horn. "Well it's time I have to interfere."