> Come Back Dashie > by The Mechanical Artist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Save her... please > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie ran as fast as she could. The sound of her hoofs beating rhythmically at the ground in sync with her heart only managed to elevate the panic already taking control of her mind. She cantered through streets and up narrow alleyways trying to reach her in time, if it wasn't already to late. Something had happened, something terrible. It had all happned so fast, one moment she was flying fine, but the next... The memory played over and over in her mind like a Pinkie came out over the bridge leaving Ponyville and sped up the path leading to the Everfree forest. Halfway down the dirt road she skidded to a halt. She had been here, she had to be here. Frantically she twisted left and right searching for a sign of her fallen friend. Nearly a full thirty seconds later, she spotted the faint dust cloud rising from the field. She shot across the grass racing t'words what she feared to be the worst. As she reached the crest of the hill she found her. Rainbow Dash was lying in a broken heap at the foot of the grassy slope. Pinkie slid to a halt near the base of the hill. Desperately, she scanned her friend looking for some hope or sign of life. Her chest was barely moving, but she was alive. She bent down, cradling her head in her arms as she gently brushed the hair off her face trying to survey the damage. A large gash in the back of her head was trickling blood at an alarming rate as well as her nose and mouth. Pinkie was terrified. "Dash?" she whispered nervously in her ear. Rainbow Dash remained silent She carefully shook Rainbow's lifeless body. "Dash! Come on, wake up!" She started to shake harder. "This isn't funny, you're hurt... badly! Please wake up!" She begged, but as her silence persisted Pinkies panic quickly turned into tears. "Wake up!" She looked at her friend. She had been hurt worse than she had initially thought. Ribbons of red fluid blossomed from her leg where it looked like she had landed pretty badly. She needed help, but she didn't know who or where to turn to. She watched as a small pool of blood collected around her unconscious friend's head. She had to get her safe, now. Her mind raced as she looked feverishly for somewhere safe to take her. Quickly she made her decision. She hefted the bleeding cyan pegasus onto her back and split, making directly for Twilights library. She was the smartest pony in Ponyville, she'd know what to do. She had to. Otherwise, Rainbow Dash was going to die. * . * . * Twilight put the book she was reading down and took another sip of tea. It was impossible. She just didn't understand how astrology was supposed to pass off as a science. It was complete nonsense. She really enjoyed reading all the stories about ancient heroes and such, but how you were supposed to predict the future from their constellations. Plus, if the stars could tell the future, then wouldn't that make Luna like some kind of Celestial mindreader. It was just, cheap! She put her cup down, and took one single note down on her letter for the subject. "Dear Celestia, Astrology is bogus, P.S. I think youre a Libra, look out for unexpected luck with love, Signed Twilight Sparkle." She chuckled to herself. She usually wasn't too good with humor, but she thought she had done a pretty good job on that one. She sank deeper into her overstuffed armchair. It was so quiet. She thought for once, she might actually take a nap. Or, at least she would have if Spike hadn't burst into the room waving his arms like a maniac. "Spike! What have I told you about knocking when I'm studying!" She yelled acroos the room at him. It hadn't been the first time this week, and she was getting tired of it. "Sorry Twilight!" He panted. "No, time! Dash. Outside. Hurt. Quick!" He looked about ready to puke. "Hurt? Spike, what are you talking about!" She tried to probe him for more information, but she didn't have time. "Go see for yourself." He said and raced off for the bathroom. Twilight sighed and trotted down the stairs to the front door wondering which leg she had broken this time. She almost wonered if it was worth her time to tell Dash to just go back to the hospital. She swung the door forward to allow Dash to limp right in but instead was met with a distraught Pinkie pie, but worse, and more surprising still, the mangled form of Rainbow Dash carried on her back. It only took about half a second for Pinkie to break the stunned silence shouting the first three words that came to her traumatized mind. "Save her... please!" > Yes, I Love Her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie sat quietly in the hospital waiting room staring down at her hooves. It had been a complete disaster. Why did everything she do always have to boil down to some form of hideous mistake? She had been so excited to finally have some quality bonding time with Rainbow Dash by herself when she had invited her to the picnic, and of course, she had to have chosen that time to get into such a mess. But you couldn't really blame her for what had happened. From what it looked like, she had passed out mid-flight. And to think, this whole episode happened all because of one stupid sonic rainboom. Honestly, it was less Rainbow's fault than her own. She had been the one to ask her for a demonstration of the incredible feat, and now, here they were. Admittedly it hadn't really been bonding time she had been so desperately hoping for, even though she still had trouble getting herself to believe it, she wanted to see some affection from her. Yes, Pinkie was attached to her friend more than just as a fellow element of harmony. Ever since she had stood up to Gilda for her, it had just sort of built up over time. Pinkie just couldn't get enough of her boisterous personality and her adorably pathetic jokes. Even her vanity had its own type of appeal. Dash was like a drug. Pinkie couldn't deny it. She was hopelessly in love with Rainbow Dash, and It was clear as day that it wasn't her fault that little Dashie was so damn irresistible. Especially when she flew. Pinkie couldn't help but watch every inch of every move she pulled in her graceful ballad of speed, strength, and agility, all the while keeping her ignorant beauty proudly displayed for anypony to see. She sighed at the thought of being so close to finally telling her how she felt, if only it wasn't too late. But no, she didn't deserve Rainbow Dash after what had happened. This was her own fault, and she had to take the blame. "Are you okay Pinkie?" Twilight's voice asked, snapping her back to reality. "Yeah, I'm fine, Just a little daydreamy. Di'jya want something?" She said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Yeah, Rarity and I were going to go get some coffee and talk this over, do you want to come?" She asked. Pinkie sighed. fun as that sounded, she felt it was wrong for her to abandon her friend when she had pulled her so far into this herself. Plus she didn't really feel up to it. "Nah, Im gonna wait and see what the verdict is." She replied with regret in her heart. "Okay, well, give us a call if anything happens." And with that, Twilight turned and left. Pinkie slid farther down into the uncomfortable chair. "Give us a call" She thought bitterly to herself. "Not like you could wait with me or anything, can't anyone tell I'm practically dying in here? She looked at the clock. Two hours, It had been nearly two hours since they had walked, or rather teleported, in. What was she coming too? Twilight had waited silently with her for nearly two whole hours and all she could do was complain. Why was she being so selfish? "Nothing else new" She muttered and closed her eyes thinking about how well the day should have gone. "Stupid sonic rainboom" > My Hooves, Her Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie did her best to sit still as the foamy sponge made another pass over her left shoulder. Even from another pony, this was the absolute, longest bath she had ever taken. She groaned as Rarity gently massaged the soap into her fur, trying to coax the red splotches from it. "And, how exactly did this come to happen?" Rarity asked, ignoring the chorus of moans and grumblings from the pink pony. "I mean, I know that Rainbow Dash fell but, why so much... well, for lack of a better word... blood?" Pinkie sighed again. "I don't know Rarity, I was so focused on getting her safe, I guess I hadn't even noticed how much of it had gotten on me." She lowered her head to the water, staring deeply into her own, reflected eyes trying to find comfort in them. "I feel so bad for her. Nopony can even guess when she might get better. She hasn't even woken up yet." Rarity nodded silently and put down the sponge exchanging it for a brush, and began to work on her mane. "I just can't help thinking this is somehow all my fault. That I'm to blame for this. Even though there isn't a thing I could have done to stop it." She had to admit it, no matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the present, her heart was still with her beloved Dash, in the hospital waiting room, along with her stomach and mind. She tried to fight the tears boiling up inside of her. "It just seems like I should be there with her, right? " Rarity put down the brush, thinking this one over. " You know Pinkie, you can't go blaming this on yourself just because you were there." Rarity said coming to a conclusion. "She's going to be fine, she always bounces back from things like this. You'll see." She said and moved around to the front of Pinkie. "Hmm, your hair however isn't going to fare so well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut it." She said decisively, knowing exactly how she would respond. Just as she had suspected, Pinkie almost jumped straight through the ceiling. Cut her hair? How could she do that! She had never even had a haircut before in her entire life, she liked it just the way it was and... and she wasn't about to start getting them now. "What? Noooo way!" She said, acting almost offended by the simple idea. "Just because I feel bad doesn't mean you can rope me into that one Rares!" She said, chuckling. "Sorry, not happening!" Rarity rolled her eyes . "Pinkie, unless you want to go about smelling of Rainbow Dash's insides" She said, cringing at the very thought. "Which I assure you, you do not. Then you're going to have to let me cut it." Pinkie's face fell. Rarity wasn't going to let this one go. She looked around for some form of escape plan and saw that all the exits were unfortunately placed directly behind the menacing unicorn, and she didn't have a chance of getting around her. The sadist had thought of everything, and she knew she was going to have to give in sooner or later. Might as well get it over with. "Fine!" she said and plopped down into the tub, splashing water everywhere, including on Rarity's new rug. She wasn't about to go down without a having some fun first, and she planned to put Rarity through her paces. > -_Rain_- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie pulled the comforter closely around herself, drawing the warmth of the soft blanket tighter to her body and shivered as she listened to the soft patter of rain on the window. She felt guilty as she was, wrapped up safely in her own bed, in her own home. Thoughts of her friend tormented her as she struggled to keep her eyes closed. Sighing, she turned over and tried to relax, but still found herself far too tense to sleep. Her whole body felt like it had been beaten heavily and dragged off somewhere to lie, bleeding its insides out, waiting to die. This only made her feel worse about herself though. The scene kept repeating it's self over and over. And each time, she tried even harder to decide how it was even more her fault. She managed to come to a simple conclusion. It wasn't. Yet even now she felt that somehow she had made the wrong decision. She sat up in bed pushing the dense fabric off herself, letting it fall resentfully to the floor. Flicking the bedside light on, she gazed, as though in a trance, at her hooves. Just a few weeks ago, she had used them to save her friend, now they had done just the opposite. She pulled back the sweater sleeve and stared at the ugly horizontal jagged lines crisscrossing her skin in a sort of twisted plaid. "You really lost it Pinkie." She thought quietly to herself. "You let everybody down, especially Dash. You know she wouldn't have wanted you to do that you know." She glanced over at her nightstand at the broken shard of glass, still stained at the tip with a patchy red splatter. She was right. She wouldn't have. She would have wanted her to get it over with and move on with her life. But "It" had scarred her forever. Even deeper than the glass. She felt her stomach turn, and pulled the sweater back over the marks. She had better things to think about. Admittedly she hadn't wasted her entire time with Dash. She thought back to that one, particular night. That one, wondrous, beautiful night, when they had gone on a camping trip on the beach, just the two of them. It had been incredible fun and only got better when, running back from the sandy shore in the middle of an electrical storm, they had discovered that one of the tents had collapsed in the rain. After some quick addition, they realized that one tent to two ponies could only mean one thing. After zipping the themselves in safely and toweling off, they quickly discovered an interesting predicament. They only had a single sleeping bag. Pinkie had managed to rescue her mat from the remains of her tent, but her bag had been completely soaked. Then ever resourceful Dash came up with an idea. She had suggested that they unzip the bag and use it as a blanket, covering both of them instead of just one. And after Pinkie pointed out the hilarious expressions they would get from their friends when they told them that they had SLEPT together, it was quickly settled. She remembered falling asleep next to that beautiful pegasus. It was funny though. That sleeping bag never did seem to dry for the rest of that two week vacation. Pinkie turned her attention to look at the other object on her desk. She slowly lifted the blue-cyan feather off the smooth wooden nightstand. She watched it glint softly in the low lamplight as though it was still living. It was too much to take. She closed her eyes tightly as a tear rolled down her cheek. She cried herself to sleep that night. Thinking of how she would never see another one of those perfect feathers again. > Hospital Day Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning again. Pinkie watched as the almighty "life giving" sun rose above the tree tops. In the distance she could see ponyville waking up. Windows opened, birds sang, and even a few particularly cheery ponies joined in. That was all outside. Inside was a mess. Beeps and chimes rang endlessly through the halls and doctors were running every which way. It was hard enough sleeping on a plastic bench without having to listen to the intercom all night long. But she didn't mind. It kept her awake. The real problem was internal, not external. Every time she heard someone speak she flinched, listening carefully, but still failed to gain any news about Dash. That was to be expected though. With hundreds of patients ranging from paper cuts to terminally ill, what was one patient? It was frustrating but still, she couldn't be mad. She was sure they were doing everything they possibly could. "Ms. Pie?" Said something above her. She lifted her head from the depressed pony in the linoleum and saw one of the many nurses standing before her. "Doctor Cross wants to see you in room Thirteen." Pinkie just stared up at her, giving the same look of pain and depression that she had been giving everyone for the last two days. "What's he want?" She said barely making eye contact. The nurse softened her manner at this. There was always something so heart rendingingly horrible about seeing Pinkie Pie sad, it drove most ponies straight to tears. Knowing what she was going through didn't help. She shifted uncomfortably from one hoof to the others and thought. "I think it'll be best if it comes straight from the doctor. I don't have all the details." She added as an afterthought. Breaking sad news to Pinkie would be like trying to put down a perfectly healthy kitten. Pinkie sighed and got shakily to her feet, feeling every second of the three days of lost sleep, and took a wary step. * * * Pinkie winced as she watched Dr. cross finish up the last of her stitches. "Look. I know this is probably going to be hard for you to hear." He said turning his attention to her. "But you need to go home. It's been too long since you did anything to take care of yourself. There's no sign Dash is going to wake up any time soon. Try to relax, take a break from worrying. We'll make sure to tell you if anything comes up." Pinkie felt tears start to build behind her ears. "Doc, I'm fine. I just need to..." "Ms. Pie." Interrupted the persistent doctor. "Passing out from malnutrition is not fine. You need to get some rest. I can give you a prescription for some sleep medication, but the rest is up to you." He stood and signaled something to the nurse. "I'm sorry but you're just going to have to wait for Dash to get better. There's nothing more you can do. * * * Pinkie spent an unusual amount of time outside that night. She didn't want to sleep, she didn't want to eat, she just wanted to be there with her. She sat on the balcony staring up into the sky watching the moon intently. Only wondering why. Why now, why here? Why Her? She knew it was different, she knew it was stupid, but she loved her, and she'd be damned if she thought she was wrong. She choked on her thoughts and burst into tears, whispering to the sky through heartache, through pain. "Come Back Dashie" Some where in a darkened hospital room a cyan ear twitched. > A Step in the Wrong Direction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something slashed through the streets of Ponyville, something in an ungodly hurry. Just a pink blur zipping off to where ever pink blurs go, when they go. It could have been a pony. It could've been a bottle of mustard for all the pedestrians cared. Still, it did manage to break the flow of things in the way that it seems, only pink blurs can. But the Pink blur knew exactly where it was going. And it knew exactly why it was going. And the pink blur knew exactly why Rainbow Dash was dying. And the pink blur was having a nervous breakdown. It was going to be a pink blur kind of day. But who cared? There were muffins to eat. * * * The lobby was bustling with energy as the hysterical Pinkie Pie burst through the doors and pushed her way to the front desk as fast as a pink blur. She managed to get something coherent out about her friend and a crash before breaking into waves of heaving tears. Ponies were contacted, strings were pulled, and half an hour later Pinkie found herself in room 4014. Crying her eyes out as silently as she could. She watched, biting her lip as hard as she could, as she slowly watched as Dash lay, silently, perfectly preserved in the deep fabric of comatose sleep. "Pinkie. I'm so very sorry. I don't think she's ever going to wake up." Whispered Cross. Pinkies heart stopped. Those words. She pictured them in her mind, biting and clawing at her lungs. She tried to say something, anything. "N-n... no." She managed to push up from her bleeding soul. "N-nn no she c-c-cant... die?" And with that she lost all control. The room, the monotonous beeps, her friend dying of life. It was closing in on her. Her emotions had slain her upper functions and were fighting to take control of her. It didn't take much to win. She collapsed, falling straight down onto the cold floor. Her life swirling in around her, stabbing her in the chest. Pain splitting outward from there on. She lay there weeping for what seemed like an eternity and a half. Alone with her dying heart. "Pinkie" Cross murmured. It didn't register. Millions of questions swirled around her, all of them for no one. "Pinkie" Someone was calling her. She felt something touch her. Cross was sitting next to her. One leg on her shoulder. Theres someone here you should talk to. She looked up. "What, what are you talking about. She gasped between heaving breaths. She followed Crosses eyes and saw he was gesturing at Dash. "It's quite possible, although not scientifically proven, that she still may be able to hear you. Tell her what you want her to know. It may not be to late." Pinkie gaped at him. "W-why? That's horrible." "It may be your last chance. Take it for what it is. Try to consider it a gift." She blinked the tears out of her eyes. "Okay, I-I'll try to." She pushed herself slowly to her hooves. Pinkie swayed dangerously. Just looking at her, so still, so lifeless. It was unnatural. She couldn't see how somepony so full of life, could be so lifeless. She slowly approached the bed. She was sleeping that was all. That was enough. She was sleeping, and like all sleepers, she would eventually wake. That lie was enough to keep her going. She could hear the telltale clip-clop of hooves as Cross left the room and closed the door. She took a deep breath and began. "Dash? Well, if you're in there, I-. I just want you to know that I miss you and, and..." She stuttered trying to hold her emotions down. She leaned over and whispered softly in her ear. "That I love you..." * * * "Pinkie? Could you come over here a second?" Cross was calling to her as she exited the room. "Yeah, I was just on my way out. What is it?" She asked moving over to him. "Well, I hate to ask you this, but you wouldn't happen to know of any documentation related to the incident would you?" Pinkie stared at him blankly. "No, but I guess I could look for it." "Thats not necessary, I would hate to trouble you right now..." "No its fine" She interrupted. "It'll keep me busy." Cross opened his mouth as if to say something but stopped. "Yes, of course. Thank you. Oh and Pinkie?" He said as she turned to leave. "I'm very sorry for your loss" She gave him a weak smile and nodded. "Thanks." she said and left the hospital. > Missing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There wasn't much left to say. It was a simple dilemma, either Dash pulled through or didn't. Still, it didn't help knowing . She had been right about this taking her mind off it. Rainbows house was an absolute mess. Admittedly, some mess was normal for her but, this. There was a sort of destructive feel about the clutter. Just glancing around the room gave her suspicions. Wind flicked through the room, disturbing a few pages and tissues carefully strewn about the floor. A bathrobe was hung loosely over a chair and, what was that on the table over there, A liquor bottle? It didn't make sense. This is how it had looked after her problem with Tank. That had been horrible for all of them. Even now Pinkie wished he were still here, just so she wouldn't have to do this alone. But Tank was gone and the house was empty. Pinkie pulled the collar of her coat up and shuddered. It was freezing. She trotted across the room and pulled the window shut. The room suddenly got very quiet. All rustling stopped and it seemed as though the room itself, in a way, had died. Pinkie righted one of the chairs and sat, taking it all in. The room was enough to tell her, as if she didn't already know her friend well enough. Something more than an accident had gone on. She glanced to one of the end tables by the overstuffed chair. An ashtray, and she would bet her flank that wasn't a cigaret resting in it. She hadn't seen one of those around Dash for years. Something serious must have changed to get Dash smoking again. There was enough left. Pinkie lifted the blunt and lit it. She and Dash had kicked the habit together, now seemed like an appropriate time for a relapse. She let out a heavy sigh and stood. There wasn't a chance of her finding a thing in this mess. She decided to move to the bedroom and start there. The weight of the room swayed as a particularly strong gust of wind made the house buck. It managed to cause several books to slide off their shelves, and a particularly herbal cigaret to fall straight through the cloud floor. Damn, she thought watching it slip through the mist, they had been so young. Pinkie pulled herself away from her disappointingly short fix and turned to the door. She almost felt an urge to knock, like some part of her half expected to find her just in the other room. She quietly turned the knob and opened it a crack, slamming it immediately as a blast of cold air threatened to freeze her where she stood. Shuddering, she pulled her scarf up around her face, and turned back to the menacing door. She watched her breath turn to mist in front of her eyes. What the hell Dash? She pushed the door, it stuck. frustration started to brew in her veins. She was getting into that room, whether the house liked it or not. She turned and kicked the wooden frame. The door swung loose and before it had a chance to close again, she threw her weight against it. Pushing against the literal wind, she forced her way into the room. It was practically a refrigerator in there. January had nested in it, and it was enjoying its stay. Pinkie rushed to the window and slammed it shut. She heard the door behind her close as the last of the wind died away. She growled something to herself and slid to the floor. It was still cold. Pinkie was surprised how clean it was. The bed was made and the floor was relatively clear. Nothing seemed out of place. She stood and made her way to the center of the room. She was about to start rummaging through seemingly loose papers when she noticed something glint on the nightstand. It was a letter. Light from the window bounced off the shiny wax seal casting flecks on the walls and ceiling. Something about it drew her to it. Slowly she walked around the bed and picked up the envelope. The loosely legible hoof writing was definitely hers but she stopped short after reading the back. There was no address, no return address, not even a stamp. There was just one word written across the starchy blank paper. And the word was Pinkie. > Hello Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Pinkie It’s been a while hasn’t it? must’ve been… A week? Two weeks? A year? Yeah, Definitely been a while. I have to say It's probably pretty weird to see my words written like this, and I'm sorry that this was the way you had to find out this way, but I didn't have much choice. Admittedly I don’t know exactly what actually happened, or where, but I do know how it happened, and why, you wouldn’t be reading this otherwise. I knew today would be the day, I could feel it in my heart. The doctor did tell me it could be any day now, I only wish it didn’t have to be so soon. I've chosen these words carefully because I knew I could never tell you the truth myself, but the games up now, and I might as well be straight with you so you don’t go blaming yourself or something stupid like that. I’ve been a dying mare for a long time now, and knowing what it's like now, I can't help but shed a few tears at the thought of leaving you all behind, but thats not up to me now, is it? Well, no point in delaying, we might as well start at the beginning. So here we are, the whole truth from the start. It must have been about a year back. On that fateful september morning ever since I had woken up I had been dizzy, to such an extent that I could barely walk straight. You probably remember that morning. You were there. You helped me get to the E.R. actually. You were so sweet to me then, I remember you, rushing around trying to make sure that I was getting the best care that the hospital staff couldn’t muster. I still smile at the though of you chewing out that nurse, but we're not here to talk about old memories. The day I came home you were worried sick over me. And I told you I was fine, that I just needed some rest, and that soon I'd be back out there again, better then ever. I’m sorry I lied. I didn't want you to have to go through that. It would have only ruined the time we had left to cry over the inevitable. They told me I was sick. Something to do with how high speeds and gravity wore on my brain. And I didn't have much time if things kept up as they did. So apparently you can’t actually just go flying around faster than the speed of sound unprotected and just walk away without any consequences. Who could've guessed? But I could save myself, there was a way out. I could have given it all up. I would have stopped flying, and as long as my hooves stayed on the ground, I would live. I know you would ask what you're thinking, but you know better than that. I would never give up the sky, even if it killed me, that wasn't a life I wanted. So it was death by living then, what was left to do? Well obviously none of you expected this, but I had a feeling that you would have the hardest time giving me up. So I needed to spend my last moments with you, and thats what this letter is for, to give you as much closure as possible. I guarantee that picnic was the best one I’d ever had, and I’m glad It was my last. I guess it was sort of our little private goodbye party. So If you ever feel like you wish you could've done something, remember, you did. You made what little of life I had left worth living. You were my beacon to follow home if I ever strayed too far, If I ever needed anything there was always Pinkie, And when the world came crashing down around me, I was always right there in your arms, we'd sit and cry together, and you would make everything feel better. You made my life shine, and thats the most that you could've ever done for me. But there's one last thing I need you to help me with. There's about about an eighty percent chance that the blood vessel that burst in my brain killed me, In which case this part of the letter won't apply. But it's completely possible that I just ended up brain dead, and this brings me to the second point of this letter Pinkie. If that's the case, I want you to pull the plug on me. The chance that I pull through that one is almost nonexistent, and, I'm sorry, but I don’t want to live the rest of my life like that. This is the last thing I’m asking you to do for me, and I want you to do it. I want to know that you’ll be there with me when I go. I don't want any of our other friends there, I just want you, because you're special. More special then I could ever put into words, and fuck me for saying this, but I love you. I love you Pinkie Pie and no amount of pride is going to keep me from saying it. I don’t know if you’ll just think me crazy, but you were more to me than any stallion could’ve been. And that’s all I ever wanted you to be. I guess I was always too nervous, or too proud to say anything. Even now I’m blushing thinking about when you'll read this, but It’s too late for whatever we may have been now. So I'll step aside. I had my chance, and now some other pony gets to share the rest of their life with you. I just want you to know how I feel. Either way I know that you’ll miss me, and believe me I’ll miss you too, but don’t worry, you’ll have a good life, I'll just have to watch from a distance. And who knows. Another eighty or so years from now, we might just meet again, and we can pick up where we left off like we always have. Until then Pinkie Pie. Your eternal friend, Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie stood there stunned. For the first time in her life she had nothing to say. For what felt like hours she stayed completely still. But eventually she swayed and tipped as the cloud walking spell wore off, and she fell head over heels through the floor.