> Button Mash's Gamble. > by Master Titta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Once more beaten, Button Mash." Diamond Tiara stated, while the TV screen flashed with the image of Diamond Tiara's character proudly standing up over Button's badly-battered defeated character. The brown colt smirked. "Yeah, yeah, you did, Tiara. But it won't happen again." As he said that, he stroked his mane a and, as he did that, he felt the shrinking potion' phial tangled deep in his mane. "Eheh, she will not suspect anything," he thought to himself, as Diamond Tiara did the whole in-game menu-surfing all over again "and, when she will realize, she won't be able to respond. Oh, the fun I will have with her while she slides down my dick and she is reduced to just a little amount of jizz in my nutsack." "Ready to another round of defeat, Button, fallen videogame champion?" Diamond Tiara asked. Button Mash got up, and walked towards his room's doorstep. "Okay, but only after I have a drink," the colt said "want one too?" "Yes, still water." The filly stated dryly. "Okay then, I'll be back with water" Button Mash said, as he walked out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen, where, on the table, he had left the instructions for use the potion and a can of soda for himslef to drink up. The colt opened up the green fridge's door, and took a bottle of still water labeled as "Castratio", before putting it on the table for pick up two glasses from a nearby counter. As soon as he was done pouring water in the glass reserved for Diamond Tiara, Button extracted the phial from his mane. The phial contaiend a dull green liquid, and had Zecora's initials etched on the cap. "Hopefully she didn't give me a dupe," Button said, as he poured the liquid in the water "it would be very annoying. But I am pretty sure it's the real deal." The green liquid quickly disappeared from sight in the water, as if it had never been there. Button opened the soda can chuckling. "I'm already feeling it... uuu..." he murmured, as he took both glasses, put them in a red plastic tray, and placed it on his back, and walked back upstairs into his room, where Diamond Tiara was idly playing around with the buttons while looking at the ceiling. "I'm back," Button said, as he put the tray on the floor "here, have your water." "Many thanks," Diamond tiara said, picking her glass up with her left hoof, and drinking it all in one gulp. Button could see that, shortly after ingesting the laced water, Diamond Tiara had slightly shrunk already. "Ugh, Button, what kind of brand do water do you have in your house? Minotaur Sweat?" Diamond said with a frown of disgust, as she put the glass down. "Not really. It's Castratio, but I admit it's a pretty shitty water," Button said, his dick slowing getting hard at the thought of what he was going to do to the pink filly in a few minutes. "Anyway, let's get back to the game." Diamond Tiara said, not noticing that her hooves could barely get a grip of the controller now. But the filly persisted in trying to keep it in her hooves, to much of Button's hilarity, who snickered. "What are you laughing at? It's not my fault if the controller.." Diamond Tiara stopped herself, and looked at the game pad, which was now three times bigger than her "Hey, hold on, how did I shrunk? Did you spike the water with a potion or something?" Button Mash chuckled, as he swiftly took Diamond Tiara with his left hoof and, after putting himself on his back, warmed up his cock with his right one, causing it to get out of the sheat. "Yes, how did you guess it?" "First of all, put me down this instant. Second, stop jerking off in my face. Third, turn me back to my size!" Diamond Tiara said, while pointing Button's penis, which was starting to ooze with pre-cum. "How about no?" He said, as he turned Diamond up-side down, before lodging her inside her sperm hole with a very loud moan of pleasure and a likewise loud groan from the pink filly. “Button, if you do it, I will make you pay very, very dearly for your act!” She protested while flailing, as Button slowly kept pushing her down his cock. Once Diamond’s body was fully inside Button’s moist helmet, he pet her head, while Diamond Tiara flailed around and grumbled loudly. The flailing had turned into a pleasant vibration that made the colt moan of pleasure. Then Button made a waving gesture, as he said “Goodbye!” and gave a final push on Diamond’s head, sending her down and causing Button’s cock to actually start to suck her inside. As Diamond descended down Button’s dick, pressing against the skin and thus making a pony-shaped bulge, Button laid on his back and enjoyed the feeling of Diamond Tiara pounding his hooves against his penis’ inner parts and sometimes skin, causing some more precum to come out from the canal, mixed with some drops of piss, all while his dick had turned into a fleshy monolith. He moaned of pleasure, while Diamond tiara traveled down the spermatic canal, until he heard a plop and a muffled shrill scream. Button moved his head forward towards his ballsack, and he heard these words. “Yuck! Semen! It’s all smelly and sticky!” “If that will chill you out,” He said chuckling evilly as he kept enjoying Tiara swimming in the the sea of his cum “you will be part of it soon!” “Sperm isn’t acid, and I sure I still feel in one piece, if incredibly sticky.” Diamond Tiara deadpanned, a she started to swim around Button’s testicles. “It will happen, you watch.” He said, as he made an exaggerated yawn, and went near his bed, beofre moving away his pillow “In the meanwhile, I think I’m going to sleep for a bit.” “Release me, now!” Diamond Tiara shouted, her shout muffled by the skin of Button’s scrotum. Said shout made Button chuckle, as he took the trousers of his light blue pyjama and laid them on the bed, before hopping onto it. “I will release you, with some nice wanking, only when you will be part of the cum load.” With that said, Button put the trousers of his nightwear on his flank, putting them carefully so that the tip of his penis stick out when he lied down, and put a striped light blue and red shirt on his torso. Then, with that done, he quickly turned off the TV and game console, before tucking himself under the covers, purposefully rubbing the tip of his dick against the sheets, and using his left hoof for shake his ball sack around for a bit, too much of Diamond’s annoyance, who shouted and kept blabbering angrily. When the latter activity lost its novelty, Button pulled up his trousers, muttered “Goodnight Tiara,” closed his eyes and dozed off into sleep. Button woke up to pain. Strong, debilitating pain. And, worse of all, this pain was in his ball. “Oooowwww!” He lamented, as he felt his lower body fill suffering unheard of, rolling out of his bed in the vain attempt to stop it. “Must… get to… bathroom..” he said, as his nuts kept aching, nibbled by something that Button, due to his agony, could not think straight and manage to think up a theory for why his balls were in pain like that. He droned on, trying to keep his tears at bay, walking slowly and painfully, until he reached the open bathroom, where, once he managed to almost crawl to the toilet bowl, he lowered the trousers of his pyjama and put his penis forward in the hole, awaiting to see if he could expel the source of his pain by pissing. As soon as he did that, a ruby red stream of blood came out of his penis, staining the white ceramic and causing Button to jump back away, hitting the floor and spraying some blood on his face. As soon as he did that, he heard an evil laugh coming from his genitals, as a familiar voice cackled out. “Button, look at your testicles, and despair, for I have castrated you from the inside!” “W-what? M-my dick’s talking?” Button stammered, the pain in his balls still storng. “No, you major moron, it’s me, Diamond Tiara!” Button now remembered. The attempt to cock-devour Tiara, his hopes to turn her into more sperm, his masturbation with her struggles… “N-no… it can't be... it can't be!” “Yes, it can be! Now quick, go to the hospital to remove me from this place full of life's seeds, before I decide to open my way inside you and cause more misery to you, oh worthless clod!” She shouted. Button, puzzled, asked, trying to ignore his pain. "What do oyu mean?" There was a groan. "That I may or may not carve you form the inside and eat up your liver as a tasty snack!" Button chuckled, slightly soothing his suffering but causing some blood drop to hit the floor and stain it. However, then he thought "Wait... she's in my ballsack... sure she can get there..." so he painfully walked outside the bathroom with his cock dripping with blood mixed with urine. However, as blood loss was becoming noticeable, he felt getting weak and his face was getting pale. Not feeling he could make it, he shouted "Mooooom!" before letting himself collapse on the floor, waiting for help to come. "What happened Button? Did you hit your head?" Button Mash's eyelids felt heavy on his eyes, and he flet the need to remain asleep. However, as the seconds passed, he slowly put together the coherent thought of "I must see what's happening to me now." Realizing that is ears kept picking up a muffled and jumbled mess of squishing, electric and metallic sounds, and begin in torpor, he quickly realized he needed to get his eyes open as soon as possible. He tried one time, but, when sudden light hurt his eyes, he closed them, and waited a bit, before trying again. Slowly, with difficulty and fatigue, the colt fluttered his eyes open, seeing green, white, red, brown and azure blurs that had no shape. As his eyes took their time, Button turned his head left and right, seeing a lighter shade of brown upon a darker shade of said brown. Button heard a muffled male voice say "Awake already?" Turning his head slowly towards the source, he was an unicorn doctor with his horn alit moving what it looked like a needle around what Button quickly realized to be his crotch. "W-what?" "Oh," the doctor said, as he stopped stitching up for turn his head around and making a clickling sound with his mouth "You will see it soon, don't worry." Button tired to move away, but realized he was tired up and, when he looked at his bindings, he saw he was tied to a chair, and that several tubes and cables where hooked up on his front legs, making him look like a cyberpony. But it didn't matter to Button now: he wanted to know "Where am I? What about my testicles?" "At the hospital. As for your testes..." He simply said, as a smiling green Pegasus nurse walked inside with a metal rolling tray with something bloody atop of it. The unicorn doctor nodded towards the nurse, took the bloody thing in his magic, then put it in fornt of Button Mash's face "This is their condition." Button gagged in horror. The nuts proper were full of bite marks and missing latge chunks, and the veins along with the nerves and the rest, were only either dandling bloody threads attached to the aforementioned nibbled testicles or obviously entirely missing. Button looked down, away form them, only to see his crotch, left with the black stitches where his balls where, leaving bare skin, just under his surprisingly-intact dick. Even more disgusted, he looked left, but saw a window behind which a normal sized Diamond Tiara begin cleaned up from blood and cum by a couple of nurses with soap and water, and blowing a raspberry towards him. Reaching eye-gouging level of desperation, Button looked at his right, seeing only the blood-stained white floor, and decided to settle his gaze on it. The doctor, noticing his constant shuffling grimly said. "You are castrated now. On a positive side, you could become Princess Celestia's First Eunuch right now. That, or be a tenor."