
by Minion

First published

The Timberwolves. The Republics Angels of death. An elite shock company of Pegasi who are always sent into the thick of the toughest battles.

The Timberwolves. The Republics Angels of death. An elite shock company of Pegasi who are always sent into the thick of the toughest battles. Follow different members of the Timberwolves as they fight for the glory of Luna and her Republic.

Manehatten liberation

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Captain Steel-Jaw-Manehatten

I marched through the ruined streets of Manehatten with the full Timberwolves Company at my back, followed by the other infantry and armoured divisions that had fought in the battle to take it. Overhead, massive airships skimmed the tops of skyscrapers, dropping confetti among the parade and crowds while trailing Company banners behind them.

The parade route weaved through the entire city, avoiding streets where heavy fighting had collapsed entire buildings and a large portion of the civilian population had turned out to see it and congratulate their liberators. The Republic anthem blared from loudspeakers placed at each street corner, adding to the din already created by the screaming crowds. There were still many who remained indoors and some who even shouted insults along with Celestian propaganda. Several times, squads had to break from the parade columns to save a malcontent from being beaten to death by angry mobs.

Underneath my helm, I cursed the entire thing. I knew it was to raise the spirits of both the soldiers and the civilians as well as to put off any would be troublemakers but this was no place for the Wolves. We should be heading out to a new conflict. Not smiling and waving.
The heat was also irritating the scar tissue around my helm, further adding to my foul mood. It was as if Celestia was going out of her way to infuriate me.

The parade took a sharp left, avoiding a street where a Skyscraper had fallen into a building directly across the street from it, leaving rubble strewn across the ground below. More people lined the pavements, cheering to the passing soldiers and waving Republic flags.

The cheers quickly turned to screaming as cracks of gunfire came from within the crowd and a rocket hit one of the airships, causing it to sway off course and crash onto the roof of a building. At the far end of the street, two Celestian halftracks sped into the middle of the road and began firing mounted machineguns while disgorging troops who swiftly fanned out and began firing.

Panicked civilians ran in all directions. Some fell and were crushed by those around them while others where mown down by the heavy fire coming from the Celestian position. Unknowingly, the crowd had aided us by soaking up the majority of the enemy fire.

“Timberwolves! Secure the high ground and return fire!” I bellowed, spreading my wings and taking to the skies, firing from the hip as I rose. I quickly spotted a two storey building with a half collapsed flat roof and surged towards it, landing hard and rolling into cover behind the waist high wall that ran around the roofs edge.

Big Red quickly joined me and immediately opened up with heavy fire from his LMG while I fired short bursts from my rifle. Blaze and Flamin’ tore through the sky, dropping incendiary grenades into the midst of the enemy. Explosives of any kind were meant to be left back at the armoury but for once I was glad that they'd disregarded orders.

The flames quickly consumed any enemy soldiers unlucky enough to be caught below the two Pegasi then an explosion from one of the halftracks which had been leaking fuel quickly took out the majority of those who remained.
“Alright lads! Let’s mop em up!” I said over the com link before getting airborne once more, strafing the handful of enemy troops who were trying to withdraw though I was quickly overtaken by Raptor, the best scout in the Company who had a knack for high speed air combat.
I dropped my speed and circled around to where the main body of the company were securing the area.

“Can I have a smoke now, Captain?” Shouted Sparky, a tall but thin engineer with patchy stubble along his jaw.

“You can shove it up your arse! Prepare to move out when the scouts get back!” I roared, shaking my head and slapping a fresh mag into my rifle.

Lieutenant Black N’ Blue ran over to me, bulky and imposing in his heavy armour with the flail that had been implanted where his tail once was hanging limp. Sometimes I wondered how his wings managed to keep him aloft or how he kept his motions so fluid in close combat.

“Ambushes have been reported all along the column. Bastards even had a tank hidden inside a gutted building.” He said after snapping a quick salute and removing his black helm with blue trim that covered his entire head aside from a slit for the eyes and holes for his eyes.

“Casualties?” I asked.

“Heavy at the tail end. The enemy hit them hard with the halftracks. The airships have withdrawn and by the sounds of it, the fighting is mostly close quarters. There’s also been reports of a small group of halftracks conducting skirmishes throughout the line.” He replied, stoic as ever.

“Get the men ready, we’re moving back to support. Have Brass and his men hold this street and tell the scouts to go hunting for those halftracks. Send Blaze and Flamin’ out too, they’ll love the chance to blow something up.”

“On it, sir.” He said, saluting again before turning to replace his helm and relaying my orders to the men at the top of his lungs.

I scratched the skin around my helm which had become almost unbearably itchy, cursing Celestia as my nails drew blood, before shouldering my rifle and taking to the skies.

“There’s more fighting to be done! Let’s go kick these bastards out! For Luna and her Republic!” I bellowed and was met by the cheers of the assembled soldiers as they took off, getting into formation around me.
We skimmed across the rooftops towards a billowing cloud of black smoke and sounds of gunfire, barely heard above the rush of the wind.

“Break into squads, follow each other in and commence strafing runs on the enemy position. Second squad, rooftops are yours. Make sure they're clear then hit the enemy from the rear flank. Marksmen break off and take position on the buildings. Black, take your squad to the rear of the formation and engage them in close quarters after your run.” I barked before pulling into a steep dive, pulling up when I was close to the ground and firing on full auto at a group of Celestians who were using rubble that had spilled across the street as cover.
I rocketed down the street for another few metres before turning in time to see Second landing after their sweep of the buildings and open fire while Third hurtled towards me, having completed their run.

I landed with my squad fanning out into cover around me and firing at the enemy. I took cover behind a destroyed halftrack and began firing single shots, picking off an enemy with each one.

In under a minute, every squad had completed their run and the Lieutenant had landed his men among the enemy.

“Timberwolves! Into them!” I bellowed, slinging my rifle in favour of my sabre and pistol. I charged forwards, firing as I went, leaping over the rubble and taking the head off of the first man to meet me. Blood splattered across my helm but I pressed on, shooting a terrified Celestian in the face before ducking under a lunge from a bayonet. I threw my shoulder into my attacker, tumbling to the ground with him and shot him three times in the gut before rolling clear and rising to my feet, firing a round into the back of another Celestian.

I looked around to see Black N’ Blue lash out with his flail, crushing the side of a man’s face, before thrusting the blades on his gauntlet through another’s throat. He threw his head back and roared before throwing himself at another Celestian. Swift Steel floored a Celestian with a headbutt before stamping on the dazed man’s throat then rushed forward to join the Lieutenant who was fending off two Celestian officers.

I looked away and ran towards two men in the middle of a savage knife fight. I squeezed the trigger of my pistol but a click told me it was empty so I lunged forwards, piercing the side of the Celestian with my Sabre before twisting and ripping it out in a spray of blood.
The sound of engines made me turn my attention from the brutal melee. Four halftracks were rushing down the road. Before I could even shout a warning, two blurs flew overhead and dropped grenades down on the advancing vehicles.

The explosions where near deafening, even from this distance, as the munitions ignited, sending up plumes of smoke and fire. Blaze and Flamin’ looped around, landing hard in front of me with big smiles across their faces.

“Parades are fun! We should do this more often!” Blaze exclaimed, slapping Flamin’ a high five as the Lieutenant came to my side, his armour covered in blood and gore.

I prepared to move the Company further down the line when the gunfire abruptly faded into an almost eerie silence.

“Enemy forces are withdrawing, break into squads and take them out.” Came a voice over the com.

“I'll leave the rest to you Lieutenant.” I said, turning to walk towards the main body of Republic forces, the itch on my face finally receding.

Canterlot infiltration

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Captain Steel-Jaw-Canterlot

“I think I just stepped in shit, sir.”

“Shut it Blaze. You’re a big boy now.” I said, wading through the waist deep water of the sewers beneath Canterlot. Raptor suddenly appeared by a junction a hundred metres ahead of the squad, her fatigues clinging to her body from the water.

“There’s a maintenance hatch a few hundred metres down the left if you don’t mind a little wading. No entry points to the right as far as I got but no deep water either.” She said quietly.

“We’ll take the left. I’d say the lads would be glad to get out of these tunnels.” I replied.

“The drain will take us out into an alley behind a disused store. We could get our kit sorted there.” Raptor said.

“Take point and lead us in.” I said with a nod as she turned a slowly strode down the left path.

Within several minutes we were standing at the edge of the area of deep water that Raptor had warned us about. From what I could make out through the murky water, it was a tunnel leading down, similar to the one we had entered the city through.

“Rifles up, on your side and wade it.” I said, holding my suppressed rifle clear of the stinking water and slowly wading across. Raptor was already at the half way point and Blaze was muttering with Flamin’. Sparky was quick to follow me in, wrinkling his nose against the stench. The heavy set trooper, by the name of Swift Steel, from the Lieutenants squad shoved past Blaze and began wading across.

He quickly drew level with me and his face almost made me recoil. It was covered with scars, the most prominent was by his mouth and gave the impression that he was constantly sneering. Not for the first time, I was glad he was on our side.

Raptor had already scooted up the ladder and was waiting under the hatch, her trademark smirk on her face as she watched us form up below.

I climbed quickly to join her with Swift below me and the others lined up at the base of the ladder. I tapped Raptors foot twice and she opened the hatch before disappearing over the lip. I followed swiftly, taking cover at the corner of a building that gave me a view out onto the street.

Raptor had already gone inside the building and the rest of the squad followed. Last in was Sparky, who tapped me on the shoulder as he passed. I waited a second then swung round and followed him into the gloom, closing the rotting door behind me.

“Everyone change and before you say anything, Raptor isn’t going to peek at you Blaze. She’s seen enough horrors without adding that to the list.” I said and was met with a chuckle from the squad.

We changed into clean fatigues before exiting back through the door we’d came through just minutes before. I glanced around the small cobblestone square until my eyes fell on the open hatch.

“Sparky, you bloody idiot. Why the hell didn’t you close that?” I growled.

“I didn’t want to make any noise sir.” He replied with a blank expression on his face.

“Swift, secure the hatch. Raptor, get on the roof. Blaze, cover the alley.” I snapped and they hurried to follow my commands.

Swift Steel walked over and unfurled a map of the city with red circles around four areas.

“My best guess says we’re here which makes this munitions warehouse the obvious first target. Then we have a choice between the barracks or the other warehouse. After that we can hit the shipyard and bug out.” He said, pointing to each one in turn.

“We’ll take the barracks after the warehouses since we have the highest chance of being detected there. I don’t fancy attempting to rig a warehouse with the city guard up our arse. We might be able to get some transport at the shipyard too. Just to get us out of the city then we ditch it and hoof it back home for tea and medals.” I replied after a few seconds thought.

“Sounds good to me.” He said, folding the map away into his pocket, glancing at Flamin’ and Sparky who had appeared at my shoulder during the exchange.

“Raptor, we clear?” I asked through the com.

“Two hostiles walking down the street…You’re clear, they’ve went around the corner.” She replied, her voice barely more than a whisper.

“Alright, move out.” I said, glancing up to the cloudy sky that obscured the moon from sight before following Blaze and Swift Steel down the alley. The wide, cobbled street was dimly lit by a pair of lamps. This sector of the city had been neglected since the start of the war and many of the shops were abandoned, their owners either dead or conscripted. Some buildings still bore the scars of a civil uprising from the start of the war.

We continued down the street with Raptor advancing across the rooftops to watch for any golden coloured surprises. Scrawled on one of the walls was several faded anti-Celestia slogans, probably another relic from the Canterlot uprising. The thought brought a slight smile to my face. The few dozen survivors of the uprising had established resistance cells that had supplied the Republic with information. It was their intel that got us the locations for tonight’s raid and after the first detonation, several cells would commence raids on secondary targets as well as turn on a short range jammer which would block Celestian comms from within the district.

“Celestian halftrack coming down the next street, get in cover.” Raptor said over the comlink.

I threw myself through a shattered window, landing on a stone floor in a plume of dust. In the dim light I saw several sets of tables and chairs as well as a long counter running the length of the back wall. It seemed like it was once a pub or restaurant before the war.

Swift Steel and Blaze threw themselves in beside me while Flamin’ and Sparky hid in an alley across the street. Barely getting into cover before the halftrack came rumbling down the road. There were only two soldiers stationed on it, a driver and a gunner who both looked relaxed as they chatted casually.

“Let’s speed things up. Swift Steel, take the gunner. Flamin’, you’ve got the driver. Make it clean, we’ll need the uniforms.” I said.

They both darted from cover, bent low and sticking to the shadows as they approached the slow moving vehicle. Within seconds, they’d reached the rear and silently hauled themselves in before advancing slowly to the hostiles. Swift Steel broke the neck of his target while Flamin’ cut the throat of his. Neither made a sound.

“Good job you two, grab their vests and helmets then ditch their gear. The rest of you, mount up and lie down.” I said before climbing back through the window and hurrying towards the halftrack.

“I think I should drive, sir. I know my way around one of these and the vest would fit me better.” Sparky said.

“Good call. Swift, give him the gear and hide the body.” I said.

“Want me down there boss?” Raptor asked.

“Keep watch from the rooftops and stick close to us.” I replied.

“Not a problem.” She answered.

“Hail Luna.”

“Who said that?” I hissed, raising my rifle.

“Sergeant Flitter, Canterlot resistance.” Answered a young man with long, brown hair and a small beard.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.

“Lending a hand.” He replied, opening a bag and setting it in front of me.

I lifted it and looked inside. There were six pairs of Celestian helmets and flak vests along with a revolver and spare rounds for it.

“We’ve been gathering them up for a while now. It helps us blend in to gather intelligence. There’s a few of our lads out on the lookout for you with bags of em.” He said with a small smile.

“Thanks, we appreciate it.” I said as I began pulling out the equipment and distributing it among the men.

“I’m also here to join you. You’re a man short of a patrol team which would look suspicious so I’ll come with you.” He said, reaching into the bag.

“No. Too risky.” I said flatly.

“You’re dead without me if you pass a checkpoint and you don’t have to worry about my ability. I’ve done plenty of raids in the past.” He replied cheerfully, pulling on a vest and grabbing a helmet.

I turned away from the man and clambered into the passenger seat while the rest of the team got into the troop compartment. Sparky nimbly turned and went speeding down the road that the halftrack had come from.

The rest of the journey to the first target passed uneventfully. We passed a few foot patrols who waved at us as we past and passed a checkpoint comprised of a mounted gun behind a sandbag wall and a hand operated barrier that stretched across the road.

The warehouse loomed ahead in the pale glow of the streetlights. The massive building was surrounded by a chainlink fence, topped with barbed wire. A barrier like the one at the checkpoint stood in the centre, facing the road and was manned by two troopers with an officer sitting inside a windowed booth.

“Don’t suppose you can think of a reason for a patrol to go in there?” I asked Flitter.

“Execution?” He suggested with a small smile.

“Bollocks to that. Sparky, find somewhere quiet to park up.” I said as I tightened my grip on the revolver concealed between my thigh and the door.

Sparky found an alley on the adjacent street and backed into it, cutting the engine as soon as it was far enough back to be concealed in the darkness.

“Raptor, location.” I said.

“Right above you.” She replied.

“Keep watch from there. Sparky and flitter, mind the track. We may need it again. The rest of you, on me.” I said, stepping back onto the street and walking in the direction of the warehouse.

We turned the corner at the end of the street and ran straight into a foot patrol.

“You look a little underhanded.” The officer said.

“Off duty, fancied the walk.” I replied with a sniff.

“See anything good.” He asked, lighting a cigarette.

“Nothing. Looks like we’re set for a quiet night.” I said.

“Not now that you’ve said that. We’ll have half the Republic up our arse before dawn.” He said with a chuckle.

“I’ll let you lads get on with your patrol. Take care.” I said, forcing my voice to adopt a light hearted tone.

“I don’t suppose I could borrow a cigarette off you, sir? Left mine back at the barracks.” Blaze asked.

“I’ll never see a smoker short.” The officer replied with a smile, handing one over then lighting it for Blaze.

“Thanks sir, I owe ya one.” Blaze said with a smile.

We said goodbye to the patrol and continued down the street until we could see the warehouse again.

“Blaze. Never do that again or I’ll shoot you.” I snarled.

“Noted.” He replied cheerily.

We continued to the back of the warehouse, cutting through the fence with a pair of cutters before slipping through. The building had been hastily erected near the start of the war and the roof was just rusty sheets of tin bolted together. We climbed a ladder to reach it before prying part of the roof back far enough to slip inside one at a time.

We dropped onto a mesh catwalk seven feet below the roof. The warehouse was just a single room, stacked with crates and badly lit by a row of lights running down the centre. A single soldier was stationed on the catwalk while three more patrolled the aisles below. The man on the catwalk was leaning back on a chair with his boots on the railing, sound asleep with his rifle on the floor beside him.

I nodded to Swift Steel who silently stalked towards the sleeping man while the rest of us crept down the stairs to take the three below, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.

Once downstairs, I came up behind the first man and clamped a hand firmly across his mouth while drawing my blackened combat knife across his throat. Blaze and Flamin’ hurried on behind me to take out the remaining sentries as I eased the dead man to the floor.

I turned to follow them when I heard the cough of suppressed rifle fire. I ran around the corner to see on sentry dead with a deep gash across his throat and the other at the end of the aisle with three rounds in his chest.

“You two, get to work. I’ll keep an eye on the door.” I said quietly before taking cover behind a crate which was labelled rations and watching the plain steel door at the side of the warehouse while Blaze and Flamin’ got to work setting charges on a pair of support columns. Swift Steel had taken position where the sleeping guard had been, half seen in the gloom with his rifle aimed towards the large main door used to move supplies through.

“Charges set, five minute timer.” Blaze said, already running towards the steps.
We left the Warehouse in the same way we entered then walked quickly back to where the halftrack was hidden. Sparky had the hood up and was pretending to tinker with the engine while Flitter sat in the drivers seat.

“What’s going on here?” Asked Flamin’ in a deep growl.

“Just a bit of engine trouble sir…Flamin’ you bastard.” Sparky answered, turning round.

“Sorry man, couldn’t resist.” Flamin’ said with a smile.

“Get ready to move, detonation in just under a minute.” I growled, climbing back into the passenger seat while the rest of the men got back into the troop compartment and Raptor sent a buzz through the comlink to signal her readiness.

Flitter pulled out of the alley and drove as fast as he dared down the street towards the next objective, turning a corner just as all sound was drowned out by the explosion of the warehouse and its munitions.

Almost immediately alarms across the city began to sound followed by shouts of officers rallying their men. One Celestian squad sprinted around the corner and raised their weapons at the halftrack.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Bellowed their officer.

“Securing the secondary warehouse or would you rather the bastards got that too?” I roared back, rising in my seat. The officer didn’t reply, waving his squad on instead and setting off towards the blazing warehouse.

“So we’re bastards now are we?” Whispered Blaze with a chuckle.

“Don’t make me shoot you.” I growled back.

Several more explosions shook the city in the few minutes it took for us to reach the secondary warehouse and sporadic gunfire drifted on the wind from the raids being conducted by the Resistance forces.

Sparky slammed on the brakes as we came up alongside the front of the warehouse then Blaze, Swift Steel and Sparky opened fire with their suppressed rifles, mowing down the dazed guards in seconds. We ditched the transport and raced to the front of the Warehouse while Raptor flew to the top.

A buzz on the comlink told us she was inside and I opened the door, letting Swift Steel in first, followed by Blaze and Flamin’. Sparky, Flitter and I quickly hid the bodies of the slain guards behind the booth and took up their stations.

The next few minutes seemed to crawl by as we waited for the charges to be set. The scar tissue around the edge of my helm began to itch again and I raised a hand to scratch it, wincing as my nails drew blood.

Suddenly Blaze, Flamin’ and Swift Steel burst through the door and sprinted towards us.

“Charges are buggered. Detonation in thirty seconds!” Blaze shouted and the rest of us began running down the street as Raptor rocketed overhead.

I sprinted as fast as I could down the street with Flitter just ahead of me. He turned sharply down an alley and I hastened to follow before bracing myself against the wall seconds before the charges blew.

The deafening boom of the charges was followed by smaller secondary explosions, sending debris whizzing through the air.

“Report.” I said into the comlink.

“We’re all fine sir. Couple of cuts and bruises and I think I’ve shit myself.” Sparky replied after a few seconds.

“Regroup on the vehicle.” I said, relieved that none of men were wounded.

“Problem sir. It got destroyed by the blast.” Sparky said dejectedly.

“Then we hoof it up to the barracks. Regroup on me.” I ordered.

Once the men had gathered, we set off down the alley which took a hard right turn before running out onto a street. As I turned out onto the footpath, I came face to face with the muzzle of a rifle.

“What the hell are you doing soldier?” I bellowed, raising the revolver that Flitter had given me earlier while the squad fanned out behind me.

“Sorry sir, I thought you were the enemy.” He replied, eyes wide with terror.

“The gold vest didn’t tip you off? Lower your weapon or I’ll shoot you.” I snarled.

“Hang on mate, he’s just a rookie.” Said his officer stepping forward. It was the same squad we’d encountered earlier.

“Then his training should be fresh. For raising your weapon against an Imperial officer, you are sentenced to summary execution!” I barked before firing my revolver at the young soldier.

Blood and gore splattered across the officer and a chunk of skull embedded itself in one of the other mens cheek, causing him to swear loudly and clamp a hand on the wound.

“Why are your weapons suppressed?” The officer asked quietly.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Why are your weapons suppressed?” He said again.

“Orders from Princess Luna.” I snarled, putting a round through his throat while my men opened up on his shocked squad and Raptor rained fire from above. None of the enemy even managed to raise a weapon.

We double timed along the next few streets before slowing to a brisk walk, heading for the barracks.

“Is there much point taking out the barracks sir?” Sparky asked.

“It’s a target.” I answered with a sideways glance at him.
“I know but it’ll probably be empty about now.” He replied.

“Might as well inconvenience the bastards though, eh?” Flitter said, falling into step at the other side of me.

“We hit it anyway. They might have left a few squads in reserve there. If not, at least we’ll have done a little more damage to their infrastructure.” I said.

We marched on until we saw the barracks. It was an ugly square building made of concrete with a few vehicles parked outside, including a tank. The gatehouse was deserted. Either the men manning it were called off to fight or had retreated inside.

“How do we get in boss?” Blaze asked.

“Straight through the front door. If we meet anyone, we’re relaying orders for them to join the hunt.” I said, ducking under the barrier.

We opened the front doors and strode into a bare hallway with doors leading to bedrooms on each side and another doorway at the end of the hall that led to a mess hall according to the schematic we had studied at the briefing. A narrow staircase to our left led up to the second floor.

We walked in the direction of the mess hall when suddenly the doors around us were flung open and men in the decorative armour of the Royal Guard flooded into the hallway, weapons raised. I felt the muzzle of a rifle press into the back of my neck.

“Surprise captain.” Sneered Flitter.

“What the hell!” Blaze shouted.

“Shut your mouth, moron. Tonight we wipe a stain from our honour clean!” Flitter barked.

“I recognise most of the men here but you’re new to me Flitter.” I said, glancing around.

“I joined not long before you defected. That’s why I was the lure. A spy in the Resistance told us of your plans. I disposed of the man sent to greet you then signalled the barracks when we were almost here.” He said, almost cheerfully.

“Seems a little unnecessary.” I said.

“It was unlikely that I’d pick you up but it meant I could watch your back and make sure you got here. This is a personal matter. We need to settle this, not some halfwit grunt getting a lucky shot.” He snarled.

Suddenly the floor above caved in ahead of my, raining the Royal Guards with chunks of debris and dust. The doors to the barracks exploded inwards a second later and four men dressed in black rushed inside, firing on the Guards behind us.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Swift Steel leapt forwards and rammed his knife into the base of Flitters spine while the rest of us began firing on full auto.

“Fall back! Regroup outside!” I bellowed as I backed away.

A stray round caught Swift Steel in the leg, followed by another that pierced his shoulder then one more to the head. He fell in a spray of blood, his finger still squeezing the trigger. Another round caught one of Resistance fighters in the shoulder, sending him to the floor with a scream of pain.

My rifle clicked, signalling that my mag was spent so I turned and ran to the door. I grabbed the fallen Resistance soldier under his arms, dragging him behind the wall before reloading and opening fire on the Guards who were recovering from the shock and fighting back in earnest.

“Sir, grab some vehicles and get to the docks! We can take care of this lot!” Shouted one of the Resistance, struggling to be heard over the gunfire.

“Thanks for the help but you’re coming with us. We’ll take a halftrack and the tank. Sparky, Blaze and Flamin’ take the tank. Everyone else in the halftrack with me!” I shouted as Raptor landed beside me.

“Like my little diversion?” She said sweetly.

“Perfect timing as always.” I said.

“Well, you did have your comlink on.” She said with a chuckle before climbing into the driver’s seat of the halftrack and starting it.

The tank roared into life a few seconds later as I was lifting the wounded man into the troop compartment then climbed onto the 50. Cal, waving the Resistance back. The three men flung themselves into the troop compartment, rifles aimed at the door and Raptor surged forwards, ramming through the perimeter fence.

The tank spun its barrel round to face the barracks as it came forwards behind us. The roar of the tank gun shook my teeth as it blasted a large hole in the front of the building. Blaze appeared from the hatch and took hold of the 50.

“For Luna, you bastards!” He shouted gleefully.

We thundered down the road, firing on any Celestian patrols we passed. The black clad figures in the halftrack blew our disguise and we could no longer rely on the jammer being running. The only checkpoint we passed was quickly obliterated by a shot from the tanks main gun, accompanied by cheers from its makeshift crew.

The docks loomed ahead, suspended by struts from the side of the mountain. Massive sheds for storing supplies and spare parts for the ships stood in rows while the docks were occupied by six golden airships.

“Sparky, ditch the tank and commandeer one of those ships. Let Blaze and Flamin’ use it to unleash hell. The rest of you, with me to support Sparky.” I said.

The gatehouse was destroyed in the same way as the checkpoint we passed on the way then the tank smashed through the barrier and slewed to a stop. Sparky clambered out while Blaze and Flamin’ aimed the gun at the furthest shed.

Raptor pulled us up beside the second airship, which was the smallest. Two panicking men on the deck opened fire wildly with pistols but I pinned them down with sustained fire from the 50. while Raptor got airborne and took them out from above.

“Secure the ship!” I bellowed as Blaze and Flamin’ took out another shed with the tank before setting their sights on one of the docked ships. Their shot pierced the hull before detonating in the engine deck, causing several secondary explosions as the mighty machine fell across the slipway, spilling cargo and flaming debris everywhere.

I climbed the rope ladder onto the deck of the ship in time to see Raptor and Swift Steel hauling the corpses of its crew over the side. Sparky was already inside the bridge, preparing the ship to move off.

“Raptor, help the Resistance secure the lower decks.” I said, who saluted before moving off as the tank destroyed yet another shed.

“Contacts at the gate!” Blaze shouted, appearing from the tank hatch and manning the 50 cal.

“Raptor, get out here! No survivors!” I shouted before firing my rifle towards the advancing fireteam.

The approaching men scattered as Raptor soared out of the ship and obliterated their officers’ head in a haze of red. I managed to shoot one of the men in the leg as he ran for cover then Blaze finished him with a burst from the 50. Sparky ran out from the bridge, firing his rifle on full auto as Raptor took off in the direction of the remaining shed for a better firing angle.

“For Luna! For the Republic! Make them fear the Wolves!” I bellowed, killing a man who had taken cover behind a group of barrels.

The tank gun barked again, hitting a large galleon and sending the men taking cover on board flying into the air like ragdolls.

“Lower decks secure. One hostile neutralised.” Said one of the Resistance.

“Sparky, time to leave.” I said.

“On it sir.” Sparky replied, darting off in the direction of the bridge.

“Blaze, rig that tank then park it up in the shed and get back here. Raptor, hostile count.” I barked.

“Two hostiles, clear shot on one but the other is a little out of the way. Give me thirty seconds.” She answered.

The tank disappeared into the shed then Blaze and Flamin’ appeared seconds later, their rifles blasting towards unseen targets as Raptor took off and opened fire from above. The three of them landed on deck almost simultaneously as Sparky began backing the ship out.

“Time to detonation?” I asked Blaze.

“Four minutes. Enough time for us to check in with Canterlot first. Gives the whole escaping story a bit more credibility.” He said with a broad grin.

“Good thinking, keep watch out here.” I said, clapping him on the shoulder and walking to the bridge.

Sparky was fiddling with the controls when I pushed open the metal hatch.

“Status?” I asked as I stepped into the small room.

“In need of a cigarette, sir.” He replied with a smirk.

“Of the ship.” I growled.

“She’s got a full load of fuel, engines are working perfectly though the balloon is a little light on gas but that’s fine. She’ll do the job.” Sparky said, scratching his chin as he looked across the panel.

“Good man.” I said, tossing him a packet of cigarettes.
“Sir, I’m touched…You got me a present.” Sparky called after me.

“Don’t get used to it.” I replied with a slight chuckle as the radio console crackled into life.

“Celestian three, why are you leaving Canterlot?” Demanded the voice.

“We had to flee from the attack on the shipyard. We’re doing a damage check then we’ll return to Canterlot and provide air support.” I replied, holding the radio close to my mouth.

“Roger. Finish your check then return to the city for tasking.” The voice replied before the line went dead.

I left the bridge and went onto the deck to find Blaze and Flamin’ chatting while Raptor sat on the handrail, her rifle nestled in her arms.

“You two, go rig this thing to be the biggest firework Canterlot has ever seen. Raptor, get everyone on deck aside from Sparky. We’re leaving soon.” I barked then stood at the prow of the ship, gazing back to Canterlot as the rigged tank exploded in a flash of orange and added one more plume of smoke to the choked sky.

It only took a few minutes for the team to assemble on the deck, along with the Resistance fighters who had saved us in the barracks. Sparky joined us a few moments later, having turned the ship and locked it on course to be above one of the military districts when it detonated.

“Alright, good job tonight. Everyone slip away from the rear of the ship.” I said, leading the way and throwing myself over the rail before flying down into the darkness of the forest.


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I crouched in the foliage overlooking the train lines beside the largest metal cage. By now the Captain and his team would be making their way through the sewers of Canterlot and in the next five minutes, a supply train bringing food and munitions to the frontlines would be passing.

The lines had been rigged to explode as the train drew near then the plan was to kill the guards and loot what we could before falling back. The Republic wasn’t particularly low on supplies, especially since the liberation of Manehatten and its industrial districts, but the goal was to lure some of the garrison from Canterlot out and buy the infiltration team a little breathing room. Denying the Celestians some supplies was just an added bonus.

The sound of the train reached our ears a few minutes before it came roaring around a bend in the track. It was a pre-war civilian train reinforced with steel and had a sun painted on the front. Each carriage was further protected by a 50 cal. On the roof, aside from the three flatbeds that were transporting a tank each. Those would make valuable acquisitions.

Among the forest were large metal crates housing the companies’ namesake, Timberwolves. A full pack, including the alpha male, trained to fight alongside Republic forces.

As the train drew close to the explosives, I sent a burst of static through the comlink, signalling the assault to begin. The explosives detonated, consuming the engine and first carriage in flames, then the crates were opened and eight Timberwolves raced towards the stunned Celestians.

“Slaughter them!” I bellowed as I jumped out of the ditch and followed the wolves towards the crippled train.

I ran across the open ground while the wolves tore apart the first defenders. When I came close to the train, I leapt into the air, flying low across the roof and smashing my flail into the face of the gunner with a satisfying crunch.

By now the Celestians had mostly recovered from the shock of the ambush and were beginning to fight back in earnest. Firing slots opened in the carriages and a hail of gunfire poured out.

I hovered above the roof of the carriage, picking off an adjacent gunner with a quick burst from my rifle before dropping down to the roof hatch, opening it and tossing in a grenade.

Shouts of fear followed me as I took to the skies again, seconds before the grenade went off. The muffled explosion was swiftly followed by several secondary explosions as the munitions inside the carriage went up; leaving me with no doubt that there would be no survivors.

Already, the weight of fire from the defenders had lessened and several carriages had been boarded. The roof gunners were all lying slumped in their seats while the Timberwolves prowled the perimeter, ensuring that nobody got the chance to run away. After all, a Celestian left alive today was a Celestian that would fight another day.

I landed on the roof of one of the carriage and waited as the last few carriages were cleared and the company began forming up around the train.

“Alright, hopefully they’ve gotten word to Canterlot and enemy reinforcements are en route. We’re hoping they’ll send them from Canterlot but there’s a chance that Cloudsdale will send a company. Possibly even both. Bring the heavy lifting gear up and get those tanks off the beds and load as much as you can then stand to. Check the tanks for fuel and ammo as well. They’ll come in handy if a mechanised company turns up.” I said before jumping down and assigning tasks to squads.

Barely half an hour had passed before the trucks were loaded and sent on their way to dead drops where Resistance forces would be able to pick them up. The tanks had been found to be carrying full tanks of fuel. A little hunting around in the carriages uncovered several crates worth of ammo for the tanks main guns and the 50 cal. Rounds for the train roof carriages were shifted over to their counterparts on the tanks once they had been lifted off of the flat beds.

“Demo teams, rig the train. What we can’t have, the Celestians sure as hell won’t be able to recover.” I said before hunkering down at a hastily erected sandbag wall.

Suddenly the trees that had hidden us before the assault on the train came to life as Pegasi poured from them to fill the skies above us.

Bullets rained down, tearing apart one of the Timberwolves and several men before we got the chance to return fire.

“Assault squad, on me!” I bellowed, racing upwards and lashing out at a Pegasus with one of my wristblades, opening his throat and spraying my armour with blood.

I gained some more altitude to face the next Pegasus who was riddling the ground defences with sustained fire from an LMG. I raced towards him, holding my arm out to open up a long, deep gash in his stomach before leaning back in order to hit another in the side of the head with both feet, knocking her out of the sky.

“Plant explosives in the tanks. This lot must have come from Cloudsdale, we’ll lose them in the forest.” I said over the comlink as I sped after a Pegasus who was doing strafing runs with an LMG, blasting him out of the sky with a few bursts from my rifle before banking towards the trees.

The company broke up into squads, scattering into the forest as the explosives planted on the train and tanks exploded, taking several low flying Celestians with them and in the confusion, we managed to slip away and begin the journey back to the Republic.