An Innocent Cry: Chaos

by GreyEcho

First published

The story of the narrator begins. Follow the tale of a forgotten knight in search for his memories...

Reality, a term use to define ones understanding of the world, but what would happen if it statrted to crumble. This is the tale of the narrator. A title only given to those who surpass life's obstacles and restrictive nature. If you could change the world would you...

Greg Echo finds himself in a new world, or at least new to him. After a blinding light, he wakes up to find he has no memory of his past. He will soon see that the past can be haunting. Luckily for him, he has friends who can help him find his way. Only problem is his father still has a say in his future. With the rememories of those he once loved and admired plaguing his dream, he'll find his past may just be best to leave alone. Now with the help of friends and enemies alike, he'll have to fight to regain his lost thoughts. Will he be able to come to terms with his past, or will he be swallowed up by regret.

Book 1 of a trilogy. We will dive deep into the mind of Grey Echo, past, present, and future.

Edited by Candyjar1991

OC is someone I always had in my head as a kid... but uh, ponified. He is not entirely me, but he is something I wish I could... sometimes. All other OC are friends that help me make this book possible. After all, I've only had this is my head for 2 or so years.

Waking in a foreign land

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An Innocent Cry

Ch.1 Waking in a foreign land

Darkness. I remember a bright light, then all was consumed by darkness. Where am I. Who am I. W-what happened. All these thoughts and more came rushing to my head. Okay so I fell from somewhere, I'm guessing. Lets, uh, t-take a look around. Opening my eyes seemed to be a bad idea as pain surge through them. Worst idea ever, gah! Okay, let's try again slower and without looking at the bright ball of death. Taking a deep breath, I begin to repeat my action in a new way. Not as bad a pain... Now let's try standing up. I roll to my side, but find it difficult to stand. Why is this so hard? Okay one leg in front of the other aannnd push up. There. Looking around, I see that I'm in a forest. Huh, I expected an open meadow field surrounded by lovers... Wait, why would I expect that. Whatever, this place definitely looks spooky. Dark leafy foliage covered the floor, while thick, miserable trees covered in evil lively looking vines rose to the top.

Hmmm, well there's a lake. I start walking to the small lake, or rather I tried walking. My first step resulted in my face saying hello to Mr. Grass Patch. Hi Mr.Grass Patch, you hurt a little less than the sun did. Now would you mind if I tried walking on you. I kinda have to get to the nearest liquid mirror. I stand up and try again... resulting in the same face hugging. Look you and me are going to have problems if I can't walk on you; cuz if I can't walk on you, then I'll stay here. If I stay here, then I'll get hungry. If I get hungry I'm eating you. Do we have an understanding.

Once again I try, and finally, after a little wobbling, eventually start moving forward. I notice I'm have a really difficult time walking, stumbling on four... hooves. I don't know why I haven't noticed that. I'm an animal of some kind, then? As I'm walking, I can't help but feel two appendages on my sides. Reaching the lake, I'm surprised to see that I'm a small horse. Wow do I really look like that? Yes, yes you do. Who said that? I guess you did. I look at my reflection startled as another me appears but looks different. You see moreover, I have wings. A winged pony. Pegasus is what I think it'd be called, well I'd be called. Regardless, I'm predominantly a very pony. A grey coat with an unkempt looking dark gray mane. My eyes a silverish colour. My reflection, on the other hand; now sported a dark shade of my normal coat, a black long mane, and coal black eyes. Also along with wings, it had a horn.

WOAH! What are you. Like I said, I'm you; but I have a horn as well. An alicorn I think it's called, well I'm called. That's beside the point, who are you. I'm ... then it hit me Grey Echo, really, that seems a bit obvious now, whatever. Further more, why do you have a high pitch voice and have more curves then me. I don't know. I just remember a blinding light then black. Funny same here. Is that so. Wait wouldn't this count as talking to oneself. Well, do you have a name? No or rather I-I can't remember. Then it shall be black sonic. No no no. Sonic Black. There, now I'm not talking to myself. Okay first, stupid name. Nah-uh. Second, that's childish, as if giving a name to an imaginary friend.

Tussling stirred in a nearby bush, and I jumped to look that way.

"I think I heard something over here," said the voice of a high class mare.

"Okay, but remember protocol," came the voice of a tom boy.

Out from the bush appeared two other ponies. Both looking like Sonic in figure. The one on my left wore a similar coat colour design as mine, if not a little lighter in shade with about the same colour as my own. Her eyes has a light purple in them. The other wore a white coat with an electric blue mane, and purple lensed shades that covered her eyes. Looking further, the one with glasses had a horn only, presumably unicorn. Even more curious is the symbols on there distracting flanks. The one on my left, a treble clef. On my right, two eighth-notes connected. Check out the cute mare asses are we. N-no. Well... maybe, but I was looking at the symbols on them. Sure you were. Fuck off.

"Um. Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing in the Everfree," said the gray mare.

Everfree? So that's the name of this forest, seems appropriate. Seems ludicrous to me, I mean nothings Ever Free. D-did you just make a pun Maaaybe.

The gray mare stares at me for a couple more seconds before talking the the blue maned one, "What should we do, we can't just leave him here."

Looming up to the sky for a moment, she seems to be pandering to herself.

"Hey, uh, what... what's going on here. Who are you two," I say still confused.

It looked like the the gray one was going to answer when the white one interrupted her," I'm Vinyl Scratch, just Vinyl by the way, and this here is Tavi."

"Really now Vinyl, I do apologize for her, I'm Octavia Melody, but you can call me Octavia," stated Octavia, "as for whats going on, it would appear you've wonder into the Everfree."

Wow, heh, sexy minx. You mean sexy pony. So you admit she's sexy. Well she is pretty, but sexy would be a more perverted term to use. Hey, your the one calling her that, I am you after all.

"Ooookay, um, well what are the two of you doing here then," I say trying to ignore my slip persona.

They stare at each other for a moment contemplating something. Then, Vinyl finally said, "I, uh, sorta dared Tavi to come with me to the castle ruins that's here in the forest."

I see, so this is some sort of dangerous place... come to think of it, this place, it looks familiar somehow. I know right, like we were here sum one thousand years ago. I'm pretty sure I wasn't born then. Well maybe I was. Your me, so explain.

They continued to stare at me wandering who it was I must have been having an internal struggle with until Octavia spoke up.

"Would, uhm, you like to come with us back to our place, you could tell us who you are, and we can go from there."

After a few seconds consideration, I give an answer. "If I'm not a burden, then I would be honoured to go to your place of residence, as far as who I am, all I remember is my name."

"Oh, a gentlecolt, what would name be," Octavia asks graciously.

I was about to say, when a strange sense of falling came over me, and darkness claims me again.

"Grey Echo..." What's going on. N-not again.