Giving Her What She Wants

by DezmondVulpin

First published

It is just another normal winter morning for Rarity. That is, until a familiar face comes knocking on her door with an itch that desperately needs scratching.

The usual, boring morning at the Carousel Boutique gets a little more interesting once Rarity gets a very familiar visitor.

This is a story loosely inspired by the picture found at the source. I mainly wanted to write this because: one, I really like the picture this is based on. Two, something about this pair really grabs my attention. And three, I wanted to practice a little bit and get back into the swing of things.

Now I'd like to take the time to thank Discrete Turtle. Your art managed to drag me out of a nine month block. In addition, while I was writing this story out, I developed new ideas for other stories that I might potentially expand upon in the near future. So once again DT, if ya ever see this, thank you very much.

To top it all off, I'd like to thank the many proofreaders of this story, which include Lex, Menelven, Twinkletail (who has an account here at ), and RDashie/Flitter. (You all know who you are! :P)

Anyways, happy reading!

Chapter 1

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Rarity sat quietly in her kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. She gazed out of the window, noticing just how much of an unusual winter morning it was. The sky was cloudless and the sun seemed to be shining as bright as it would during the spring. If the rest of day was going to be this way, she was definitely going to take a much-awaited stroll through the park or maybe even pay Twilight Sparkle a visit. She really wanted to make Twilight a dress that was fit for a princess, even if the ponies in Ponyville were not as fond of clothing as Manehattan ponies were. In fact, she realized that none of the princesses usually wore dresses. That’s something that Rarity thought urgently needed changing.

As Rarity went to take another sip of her tea, a sudden knocking at her door interrupted her. “Now who could that be, especially this early in the morning?” Rarity asked aloud. Sweetie Belle was not supposed to be there until later in the week, and it certainly could not be one of her customers because the Carousel Boutique was still closed at this hour.

Standing up, Rarity made her way to the door, hoping she looked the least bit presentable. She opened the door to see a familiar face standing behind it.

“Lightning Dust? What are you doing here, darling?” She asked, seemingly surprised.

“Uh, hello. It’s that time of the week again, Rarity. Don’t you remember?” Lightning Dust answered. Rarity blinked momentarily and then face hoofed.

“Oh, of course!” exclaimed Rarity. “Please forgive me; it’s been a very busy week. Please, come in!” Rarity stepped aside to allow the turquoise pony entry into her home. “Would you like some tea, dear?”

“I’d rather get this over with,” Lightning Dust protested.

“Are you sure, darling?” Rarity persisted. “The sun may be shining, but it’s still really chilly outside. You could use something to warm you up.”

Lightning Dust just shook her head. “Look. I just want to be done and out, okay? No casual stuff, no friendly conversation or anything like that. The only talking we do is whatever is said upstairs. We agreed on this, didn’t we?”

Rarity sighed. “Oh come on, Lightning. I’m just offering a little hospitality! One cup of tea is all I ask,” she said in exasperation.

Lightning Dust let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Just one. And this is the only time we’re gonna do this, alright?” said Lightning Dust, obviously annoyed.

Delighted, Rarity clapped her fore hooves together. “Sure, dear! Right this way!” Rarity sauntered back to the kitchen. Reluctantly, Lightning Dash followed the marshmallow- colored mare.

“Please have a seat, Lightning!” Rarity insisted upon entering the kitchen. Lightning rolled her eyes and flumped down into the nearest chair. “So, darling, what would you like? I have quite a variety of different flavors you could try!”

Lightning Dust shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I’ll just have whatever the hay you’re having.”

Rarity nodded at Lightning’s response. “Casual blueberry it is then! Just give me a moment to prepare it, dear!” Rarity began preparing the tea for serving purposes. “So since we’ll be here for a bit, how was your week? Pretty good, I hope.”

Lightning shook her head and frowned at Rarity. “I said no casual conversation, remember?”

Rarity shrugged. “Then we can sit here and awkwardly stare at each other for the next fifteen minutes or so,” she shot back.

“Fine, you win! You wanna know how my week was?!” she exclaimed. “Just like every other week since I got kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy. Awful.” Rarity’s ears perked, surprised that Lightning finally decided to open up. “Do you know how hard it is to get a job when everypony and their mother knows that you accidentally put the lives of five ponies in danger?” Lightning paused for a second. “Well let me tell you something, ‘darling.’ It’s tough,” she then shot a quick glare towards Rarity.

“You also get the honor of getting repeatedly laughed at by your so-called friends and becoming the ass-end of all of their jokes once you take the flight of shame back to a place you once called home. That’s Las Pegasus, by the way,” Lightning Dust continued, now having a thought of stopping her tirade. Rarity said nothing and simply listened to Lightning. “And to avoid being laughed at in public, you decide to stop going out for leisurely purposes altogether. So yeah, I don’t actually talk to anypony at all anymore unless I have to. ” Lightning stared at Rarity just to emphasize her point.

“Now guess what happens when I actually luck out and get a job,” Lightning went on, not giving Rarity enough time to respond. “I find myself working at the stupid Cloudsdale Cloud Factory. The one place I thought I‘d never have to work for; and to make matters all the more worse, one of my bosses happens to be your friend, Rainbow Dash. Come to think of it, she’s probably the only reason why I got hired.” Lightning Dust sighed with frustration.

Rarity, now done preparing the tea, placed a teacup in front of Lightning Dust and began to pour some of the hot tea into the cup. “Well, that’s not so bad, is it? You two must have some kind of chemistry after all of that communicating you did at the Academy, right?”

Lightning Dust chuckled emptily. “‘Chemistry?’ I’m not even on the stupid weather team. You know what my role is? Cloud monitoring. I get to sit there and watch the flow of the clouds. They think I’m too ‘dangerous’ to be out there with the weather team. Even though that’s where I should be,” She took the teacup in her hooves and began to hastily drink from it.

“Wait! Take it easy, Lightning! Tea is meant to be savored, not guzzled,” Rarity exclaimed, quickly taking a sip of her tea as if to give Lightning a demonstration on how she should drink it.

Lightning lowered the teacup and stared at the mare who now sat across from her. “Gee. Thanks for that information. Anyways, I’m pretty sure Dash only got them to hire me because she pities me. And that makes me feel even worse about working there,” She took the cup in her hooves again, taking a sip from it as recommended.

“Well, it could be worse, darling-” Rarity said.

Lightning shook her head. “What could be worse than working under the mare who’s responsible for having your one and only dream shattered? I was so close, too…” Lightning looked down at the tea cup, which contents showed her reflection. Shaking her head, she looked back at Rarity. “And I would’ve gone all the way too! But then her dumb friends showed up and she decided she couldn’t handle the heat. So what does she do? She goes and tattles on me like some sort of little school filly! Uh, no offense.” Lightning said, realizing her mistake. She took another sip of tea.

Rarity raised a brow. “Dumb? You think my friends and I are ‘dumb,’ darling?”

Lightning Dust shook her head. “No! I really didn’t mean that, okay? It just slipped out!”

Rarity nodded. “Okay Lightning. Just watch what you say in front of me from now on. That word isn’t welcomed here, especially when it’s directed at me or ponies I care about. To tell you the truth, I have gotten over that accident, and I’m sure my friends have too. Now please, calm down a little and continue.”

Lightning Dust, still a bit worked up, took a deep breath and continued, “Well, just because you five have forgotten about that whole ordeal doesn’t mean the rest of Equestria has as well. That’s why I eventually found somepony who turned out to be you. If I couldn’t let off steam at work or by doing what I love to do, I figured turning to one of those matchmaking ads would help me.”

Rarity nodded. “And have I been doing a good job of helping you so far?

The turquoise mare rubbed her neck, blushing a little bit. “Y-yeah,” she uttered, proceeding to drink the rest of the tea. “L-listen, about that. Can we just get to it? I ‘savored’ all of the tea you gave me.”

Rarity nodded. “Just one more question for you. Did talking to somepony about your problems make you feel a little bit better?”

Lightning Dust thought about this for a moment before finally responding. “Well, yeah actually. I’ve been holding all of that in for quite a while. It just feels nice to get all of that out there,” she paused and sighed. “Th-thanks for listening,” Lightning ended, switching her attention to the table.

Rarity smiled warmly at Lightning. “You’re welcome, darling. Now why don’t you go upstairs? I’ll meet you there in a bit.”

Lightning Dust simply nodded and made her way up the stairs leading to the second floor of Carousel Boutique. Rarity finished off the minuscule amount of tea that remained in her teacup. After depositing her and Lightning’s recently used dishes in the sink, she climbed the stairs to her room. She normally would not leave the kitchen knowing there were unwashed dishes in there, but she’d excuse herself this time.

Once she was in her room, Rarity pulled a chest out from under her bed by the use of magic. Opening the chest, Rarity began taking out all of the things she would be using during her ‘session’ with Lightning Dust. She could not possibly use the same things she had used in other encounters with her partner. Lightning needed something different this time, and Rarity knew just what to use. After gathering all of the necessities, Rarity closed the chest, shoved it back under her bed, and set off for her guest room.

Upon entering the guest room, Rarity spotted noticed Lightning Dust sitting on the bed that was ‘strategically’ positioned across from the largest mirror in the room.

“Are you ready, darling?” Rarity asked. Lightning Dust took a deep breath and nodded. “Good, now please. Hold still,” Rarity ordered, and began to tie up Lightning Dust with a unusually large orange ribbon..

“Whoa! Wait! What’s this all about? This isn’t the usual!” Lightning Dust protested, beginning to struggle against Rarity’s magic.

Rarity rolled her eyes, continuing her attempt at tying up her struggling partner. “Lightning please. You told me during our first session that you wanted me to be rough, and I can’t do that while you’re flopping around like a fish out of water. Now I’ve been tolerating your actions for the last few weeks, but I will not be having it today. It’s hard to do anything that can even pass as rough to you while you’re nearly uncontrollable. The ribbon will help me please you to the absolute best of my ability. Besides, I think it makes you look all the more enticing. Now please, stop struggling.”

Lightning Dust ceased her struggling and hesitantly allowed Rarity to tie her up. “Okay fine. But I’m not really comfortable with this.”

Rarity gave Lightning Dust a smile. “I promise you Lightning, it will be okay. The moment you want me to stop, just give me a shout~!” Lightning Dust was still shifty on the whole idea, but was the least bit willing to try out something new.

After a few moments, Rarity succeeded at tying her partner by her wings and arms. “Okay. Was that so bad, dear? Now, if you would, please roll onto your back with your head facing the edge of the bed,” Rarity ordered, to which Lightning Dust reluctantly complied. Rarity began to put on the strap-on she would use for this session in particular.

“Wait! Stop for a second! Is that a different one? I mean, it seems longer than the usual one,” Lightning Dust asked, her eyes directed at the rubber toy.

Rarity, now successful in putting the strap-on on, nodded. “Why Lightning! You’re so observant! Yes it is!”

Lightning Dust shook her head in protest. “Why the hay are you changing everything? I was okay with the way thi-” She was soon interrupted by Rarity.

“Because darling. If you use the same equipment and same methods every single time, everypony involved will become bored,” Rarity explained. “Now we certainly don’t want our encounters to become dreadfully dull, do we?”

Lightning Dust appeared to be in deep thought for a few moments, seconds later, she nodded. “Y-yeah. I guess.”

Rarity smiled at Lightning’s response and exclaimed, “Great! Then we can finally get started~!” Rarity began to move closer to where Lightning Dust was. Once she felt she was close enough, Rarity stood up on her hind legs. Resting both of her fore hooves on her bed so that Lightning was in between them, Rarity lined up her new toy with Lightning’s mouth. Lightning looked back and forth between what she could see of Rarity’s face and the toy that hovered inches before her face.

Rarity looked at the mare that lie just beneath her and grinned playfully. “Well darling? Do you plan on opening up and working your magic or what?” Slowly but surely, Lightning Dust opened her mouth and began licking the tip of the toy. Rarity frowned at the mare and moved her hips slightly forward to give Lightning easier access to it. “Oh please! Put some heart into it, dear. The better you do now, the better the next part will be!”

Lightning Dust lapped at the toy at a more rapid pace. However, Rarity remained unimpressed at Lightning’s performance. “Tell me Lightning. How many times have we done this? I am far from pleased with the way you’re behaving right now. I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hooves then,” Lightning Dust stopped lapping at the toy in order to ask just what Rarity meant by that. She did not get much of a chance to vocalize her question however, as Rarity thrust her hips forward, shoving the toy into Lightning’s open mouth, causing her to gag and squirm.

“Now, as I said before, don’t be afraid to shout at me if you begin to feel too uncomfortable with this. your current case, a ‘shout’ would just be a ‘really loud groan.’” Rarity chuckled. Lightning Dust attempted to give a “really loud groan” but was cut short as Rarity began thrusting the toy in and out of Lightning Dust’s mouth. Lightning, not even remotely used to this, wiggled in discomfort and gagged as the toy kept inching its way to the back of her throat time and time again. It was not long until a majority of the toy was completely coated in Lightning’s saliva. “Oh Lightning Dust! You’re doing so well! Let’s see if you can handle even more of my newest favorite toy!” exclaimed an excited Rarity. Lightning Dust tried to shake her head, but even this gesture proved to be impossible for Lightning as Rarity repositioned her right fore hoof so that it now rested on Lightning’s throat.

Rarity thrust forward once more so the rubber member was completely engulfed by Lightning Dust’s maw. The mare underneath Rarity began to choke on the toy, and in a feeble attempt at freeing herself, started to squirm.

Rarity just shook her head at the mare’s attempt and pushed down on her right fore hoof, effectively choking Lightning Dust. “Come on, darling, stop trying to resist,” Taunted Rarity. “This is what you wanted, correct? Why ask me to be rough on you if you can’t even handle this? If one asks to be treated like a lowly whorse, why not give them what they want? Am I right? Now settle down. I promise you that you’ll be okay.”

Rarity’s words failed to have much of an effect on Lightning, as the mare continued to wiggle, gag, and make fruitless attempts at taking in air. This however, did not deter Rarity from her rapid thrusting, forcing Lightning to deep throat the toy.

As the seemingly merciless deep throating continued for what seemed like ages to Lightning, beads and lines of drool escaped her mouth and made their way towards her forehead, bringing about a tickling sensation which was completely overpowered by the choking caused by Rarity repeatedly ramming and hitting the back of her throat with the toy. With tears steadily crawling out of her eyes, drool trickling out of her mouth, and a desperate need for oxygen, Lightning felt her eyes roll to the back of her head. She desperately made another attempt at giving a 'really loud groan,' hopefully signaling her partner to stop.

Pleased, Rarity pulled the saliva covered toy out of Lightning’s mouth and took her hoof off of Lightning’s throat. On instinct, Lightning Dust began coughing repeatedly and gasping for much needed air.

“See Lightning? I told you I wouldn’t hurt you. A lady is simply not a lady if she cannot keep her word. Just look at how well you did! And as a reward for doing so well, here comes the fun part!” Rarity used her magic to turn the gasping Lightning Dust around so that she was lying on her belly with her nether regions facing Rarity. “Are you about done with all of that loud breathing, darling?” To Lightning Dust, Rarity sounded like she was under water. Hoping Rarity had asked a question that would not bring about more phallic objects ramming at the back of her throat, she nodded absent mindedly.

Once Rarity received the okay from Lightning Dust, she put both of her hooves on Lightning’s left and right flanks respectively, and pulled her closer. Rarity took a moment to line the rubber member up with Lightning’s soft folds. Taking another look at the slightly out of it mare beneath her, Rarity thrust forward, inserting the saliva covered dildo into Lightning’s awaiting pussy.

Lightning, now coming to her senses, gasped yet again; not for air. Yet in surprise of the object intruding in her nethers. “R-Rarity!” squeaked Lightning. Rarity steadily moved her hips forward, pushing the toy deeper into Lightning’s now sopping cunt. Once the toy was halfway into Lightning’s dripping honey pot, Rarity paused, leaving the rubber member where it was for a while. Rarity leaned in close to Lightning Dust, listening to the mare’s fevered panting and moaning for a moment. Rarity then looked forward, noticing the duo’s reflection in the mirror. She thought about this for a minute. She was amazed that she failed to come up with this idea before. She’d be able to see every facial expression the mare beneath her made. She’d be able to see just how hard she would have her way with Lightning. Every twitch Lightning would make, not a single detail would escape Rarity’s line of sight. The thought made Rarity more excited than she had been a few moments ago. Without warning, Rarity thrust her hips forward, now shoving the toy entirely into Lightning’s pussy.

The sudden movement made Lightning squeal in absolute surprise and pleasure. “You did such a marvelous job with coating my toy, darling,” Rarity congratulated. “It’s quite as slippery as silk!” She giggled. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Rarity pulled the toy out of Lightning’s cunt, eliciting a whimper of disappointment from the orange maned pony beneath her. Lightning’s feeling of dismay would not last forever, as Rarity quickly thrust her hips forwards, colliding with Lightning’s flanks, and plunging the toy back into her awaiting slit. Accompanied by several moans of complete ecstasy from Lightning, Rarity repeated her movements, thrusting the toy in and out of Lightning Dust. Before long, Rarity found a slow, rhythmic pace and leaned in closer to Lightning.

“You like that, darling? Don’t be shy. Tell Miss Rarity just how much you love it~,” Rarity whispered into Lightning’s ear. Lightning only nodded, which did not do much to please the mare bringing her great satisfaction. Accompanied by a rather hard set of thrusts and a slap directed at Lightning’s right flank, Rarity continued, “Now, Lightning,” she said, “you can be much more vocal than that. We’re the only two here.”

Lightning Dust responded with a string of loud moans, and screamed, “I-I love it M-Miss Rarity! Pl-please don’t stop! F-faster!” Rarity raised herself back up. Determined to fulfill Lightning’s plea, Rarity sped up the pacing of her thrusts a fair bit. Rarity could tell that the mare beneath her was not lying to her. The puddle of sparkling love fluid that now stained the guest bedroom’s bedspread was all the proof she needed.

Rarity took another look into the mirror, taking notice of every single facial expression and shift that Lightning made. It was not enough however. Rarity wanted to step things up a tad bit. “Lightning, darling. You are going to adore me when we’re done!” Once again, Rarity gave Lightning a quick, but fierce smack on her rump and leaned down, taking part of the mare’s mane in her mouth. Snapping her head back, Rarity gave Lightning’s mane a good tug, evoking a moan that would have woken neighbors. Rarity wanted to give Lightning everything she had, and she was dead set on doing so. She rammed the toy into Lightning’s pussy at rapid pace, extracting moans and squeals of complete elation from the turquoise mare. Rarity kept going for quite some time, rutting the everloving hell out of the sexually frustrated Lightning Dust and making sure to keep at least one eye on the mirror in front of her to see how well she did her job. And boy was she doing it well.

Lightning Dust’s facial expression rapidly became one of pure bliss. “R-Rarity...I…” Lightning Dust managed to squeak out, her thighs shuddering in pleasure as the mare behind her kept filling her up with the rubber horse schlong that she swiftly grew to love so much.

Rarity nodded, knowing what Lightning Dust meant. With the turquoise’s mare bright orange mane still in her mouth, Rarity uttered, “Yush weh ih ahl ouh, derring.” Rarity tightened her grip on Lightning’s flanks and kept pumping away at her pussy, giving Lightning what she wanted the most. One last hard thrust sent Lightning on an orgasmic cruise, moaning, arching her back, and attempting to flap her bound wings as she experienced an orgasm that completely rocked her world. Rarity did not let up a single bit, continuing to thrust the rubber love toy into Lightning. Rarity wanted to make sure that Lightning would experience the entirety of what had to be one of the best feelings Lightning had felt in recent years. Once Lightning finally went limp and came down from her orgasmic high, Rarity pushed her hips forward once more, plunging the hilt of the rubber member into Lightning Dust’s tired opening.

Rarity kept the toy inside of Lightning Dust, listening once more to her pants of total exhaustion. Eventually, Rarity slowly stepped back, unhurriedly pulling the pink horsecock, which was now wholly coated with Lightning’s fluids, out of the Lightning’s soaking marehood. The marshmallow mare took a moment to admire her work. She had absolutely fucked Lightning Dust silly, and she was proud of it too. It was always such a pleasure to please a mare who really needed it. And Lightning Dust really needed this to take her mind off of certain recent events, even if only just for a little while. It was just too bad that nopony would ever know about this. An agreement is an agreement after all.

The puddle of Lightning’s sparkling pussy juice that formed on the bedspread had expanded since Rarity last took note of it. She would definitely have to give those sheets a very thorough hoof washing. Rarity shook her head, and turned her attention back to Lightning Dust.

“You did very well today, darling. Same time next week?” Rarity asked.

Lightning could only respond with something that appeared to be a nod and a series of incoherent mumbling. Rarity giggled and began untying Lightning with her magic, “Okay then. Why don’t you get some rest, dear? You look quite exhausted. I’ll get you a glass of water. Your throat miiight hurt just a teensy bit when you wake up,” Rarity insisted while trotting over to Lightning and giving her a quick peck on her forehead. Lightning Dust nodded again. With her tongue lolling out of her mouth, she closed her eyes, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Rarity smiled warmly at the turquoise mare. Lifting the toy she had just used to satisfy Lightning up to her snout, she gave the rubber member a lick, sampling the fluids that were left on it. “Simply splendid...” she said to herself as she carefully rested the strap-on on the bed. Finally, she turned towards the door and sauntered out of the guest room. There were still dishes that urgently needed washing and the strap on could wait for a ‘proper’ cleaning.