The Potion

by Bullet25

First published

Vinyl picks up two potions for a little fun.

Vinyl picks up two potions for a little fun. Things might not have gone as planed.

[Contains melting/merging]

Art used for cover.

The Potion

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“Hey Octy, look what I got,” Vinyl said holding up two small vials of blue liquid in her magic.

Octavia looked up from her sheet music for a second. “You have blue liquid, congratulation,” Octavia deadpanned.

“No not just blue liquid, they’re X-Change,” Vinyl said with a grin. “Okay, so it’s not the legit stuff because it’s like super expensive, and you need to a store and stuff and other ponies might see me and then they mi–”

Octavia shut Vinyl up by putting a hoof in her moth. “Vinyl, first what’s exchange? Second if it’s not legit what is it?”

“Not exchange, Octy, X-Change. It’s that new potion made by that like total potion genus in Ponyville. What’s her name again?”

“Vinyl, I don’t have time for this. I’m trying to practice for a recital in a week. Just tell me what it does already.”

“Well, I thought I’d try and spice up the bedroom a little, and well,” Vinyl said while fidgeting in the doorway to the room.

“Vinyl, point, now.”

“Okay, jeez. It turns one of us into a stallion temporarily.”

Octavia just looked at her with a blank expression. “Okay, I’m going to go to the kitchen, get out the bottle a bottle of whisky, take a giant chug of it, pretend you didn’t say that, and then come back in here. When I do, you’re going to tell me what it actually does.”

Octavia put her cello down in its case and placed the bow on the chair then walked out of the room to the kitchen. Vinyl followed her. “Octy, I’m not kidding,” Octavia opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a bottle. Opening another cabinet she pulled out a glass.

“Look I’ll prove it. I’ll take the first one,” Vinyl said. Vinyl put both vials down on the countertop, uncorked the first one and drank it.

Octavia stood there looking at her for a minute. “Okay,” Octavia said opening the bottle of whisky and pouring some into the glass. “You still look like yourself to me.” Octavia drank the glass of whisky she poured.

“Well it’s the cheap stuff. Maybe it like takes a bit or something,” Vinyl defended.

Octavia poured another glass of whisky and drank it. “When you’re done drinking colored water come find me in my study,” Octavia said while walking out of the kitchen.

Vinyl sat on one of the stools, head on the table, looking at the other vial. “Bummer,” she sighed. “Damnit, I’m out two hundred bits now.” Vinyl picked up the other vial in her hooves and it began to glow. “Whoa. Octavia!”

Vinyl grabbed the vial with her magic and rushed back to Octavia’s study. “Here, Octy, Drink,” she said, holding the vial up to Octavia.

“Vinyl, I’m not going to drink that.”

“No look, it’s doing something.” Vinyl magicked the vial back over to herself and touched it. The blue liquid glowed again.

“So you don’t even know what this does now and you want me to drink the other half,” Octavia said.

Vinyl shook her head up and down. “Yep.”

Octavia put her hoof on her forehead. “You do see the problem here, right?”

Vinyl shook her head side to side. “Nope.”

Octavia sighed. “Vinyl, you don’t know what it does. Why would I drink it?”

“I’m fine.”

“It’s been five minutes!”

“Please Octy, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,” Vinyl begged. “Please, please, please, please, plea–”

“Fine!” Octavia grabbed the vial from her magic, uncorked it and drank it. “There, are you happy now?”

Both Vinyl and Octavia stood in silence looking at each other for a minute. “So now what,” Vinyl asked.

“I don’t know, you tell me, genius.”

Vinyl put one of her fore hooves onto Octavia’s face. “Nothing happened.”

“What did you think would happen,” Octavia muffledly asked.

“You’d glow or something.”

“Um, Vinyl, Your foreleg is dripping.”

“I thought my foreleg was tingling.”

Octavia knelt down and looked at the white goo on the wooden floor closely. “It’s not clear, it can’t be sweat. What do you think it is?” Octavia touched the goo with her hoof.

“Oooooohhhhhh,” Vinyl moaned.

Octavia stood up and looked at Vinyl with an eyebrow raised. “Did… did you just moan?”

Vinyl grinned. “That… That felt soooooo good. What did you do?”

“Vinyl this is weird. The puddle is getting bigger by the second.”

“Oh hey look you’re dripping too.”

“Vinyl, are… are you getting… shorter?”

Vinyl looked around the room. “I think so.” Vinyl tried to walk over to Octavia only succeeded in becoming more of a puddle. “Okay, I don’t know about you but this feels awesome. Here Octy, catch.” Vinyl magicked some of her puddle up into a ball and flung it at her. “Oh yeaaaah.”

Octavia let out a slight moan. “Eww! Vinyl! I have goo all over my face now.” Octavia wiped the white goo off her face with her foreleg, smearing grey goo in its place.

“Oooohhhhhh,” Vinyl moaned again. “Seriously Octy, Keep doing that.”

“How… how are you even feeling that? What’s going on right now?”

“Here let me try you,” Vinyl said while picking up some of the grey goo around Octavia with her magic.

Octavia sighed heavily. “Oh my Celestia. What… What did you jus–” Octavia was cut off by another heavy sigh when Vinyl compressed the ball of goo with her magic.

“Oh, I have an idea,” Vinyl exclaimed. With her magic she picked up some of the white goo and mixed it with the ball of grey goo.

Octavia collapsed on the ground panting. What little of Vinyl was left did the same. “Vinyl, I don’t want to alarm you but you’re a current a puddle and a head,” Octavia said after catching her breath.

“Well, Octy, you’re only a puddle, head and torso.”

“Vinyl what’s happening? Are we going to be okay,” Octavia said.

“I’m not dead yet so I think so. This potion may not have done what I wanted but hopefully its still temporary. Besides thi–” The goo puddles forming from each other combined on the floor and they both were flung into a state of pure ecstasy. What was left of Vinyl’s head went blank before completely melting into the puddle. Soon followed.

A few hours later both Octavia and Vinyl work up with splitting headaches. “Damn I feel like I was run over by a carriage,” Vinyl said while rubbing her temple.

“You can say that again,” Octavia chimed in shaking her head. “Also stop moving my leg.”

“I’m not, you stop moving my head,” Vinyl replied.

“I’m not either.”

They both opened their eyes at the same time. “Hey Octy, where are you,” Vinyl asked looking around.”

Octavia got up off the floor. “Right here, seriously, stop moving me.”

“Octavia, I think we have a problem,” Vinyl said. “Where’s your mirror in here?”

Octavia turned around and walked over to her wall mirror. “Right here,” she trailed off.

“You see what I’m seeing right?”

Staring at them in the mirror was a grey colt with a white horn, electric blue mane and ash black tail. For a cutie mark he had a pink tenor clef.

“Well, Vinyl, your potion worked.”