> A Land of Giants and a Stallion Named Smalls > by Sir Hat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I think > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think I was smiling. I think I was happy. Somewhere down that long tunnel where the pony is, I thought I could hear laughing. Now she's just sitting there, smiling. Don't spit on her Smalls...just don't. I watched as the massive mare stepped back. Come on Smalls...what's. "Doctor! Doctor I think he's having a seizure!" Her voice sounded hollow, like it had to travel through a cavern to get to me. "Doctor!" I sat and watched as my narrow viewpoint shook violently. I let out a sharp groan as my body went through another seizure. Smalls, you're a constant disappointment. I rubbed my face as I thought at my body. You were a painter, now look at you. What a fucking mess. I hated to see my body like this. I had been something, and now I was some drooling husk waiting for them to turn the lights out. But they never would. They don't have to touch me, they use magic to stop the seizures, they place me down with the mad and I laugh, Smalls laughs, I stand here and wait more. They just won't let me die. "Do they?" A strangely calm voice came from behind me. My black void now inhabited by a light blue mare with a grey mane. She walked over and stood before me. "Strange isn't it?" I looked the pony over. Strange doesn't begin to describe it. I sat down on the black void, my tunneled vision still shaking violently off to the side. So what are you? Hallucination? The mare walked past me, towards my view into the outside world. "No, no. I'm very real. Maybe I'm not supposed to be in here, but most ponies here don't really like me in their heads. One more voice amongst many I suppose." Just you and I in here. The mare chuckled and turned to me. Her voice was rich and proper. "And you talk without opening your mouth. An interesting enough pony I suppose." She pushed her foot against my knee. "I am Steely, but, everypony here calls me Screw Loose." She smiled and turned to my eyes, watching as a few ponies worked to stop my shaking. "I suppose you're not actually Smalls, are you?" I scratched my head. I could feel the deep gash where the shrapnel had gone in. No. I'd tell you my real name if I remembered, but, lost a lot when I got here. The mare's smile faded. "Ah, so not mad?" Damaged. The mare nodded. "My condolences. Any chance of recovery?" I scratched my upper lip. My hoof dragged across my patchy mustache. Not sure. They were talking about something, but it might kill me. I don't think they're going to try it. The mare hummed softly and walked around me. "Screw seems to think she's a dog, which leaves me in a bit of a tough spot. And your Smalls cant really talk, now can he?" Not well. Maybe a few mumbles and grunts. I watched through my eyes. It really did feel like being knocked out of your own skin. You have a plan? The mare laughed. "That depends, are you patient?" I sighed loudly and sat back down. You learn to be. "Do you mind me sticking around your brain a little?" She looked around the endless black void. "It seems empty enough, and I'm sure you wouldn't mind the company." I rubbed my hooves together and hopped upright. I suppose. Not much I could do to stop you if I cared. The mare smiled and shook her head. "So you don't mind?" No. "Then I'll be sure to visit." She nodded and walked back over towards me. She sat down next to my leg and stared out the shaky pony filled view of my eyes. "Potassium-carbonate, poison joke, and powdered Opal. You think you can get any of that?" I watched as the view stopped shaking, and a few rather large ponies picked me up. Not soon. But yes. The mare nodded. "I tried it once. I think it could work if I just had more. They took me here before I could finish in Ponyville." She sighed heavily. "What do you need?" I rubbed my face. They need to pull the metal out of my head. I looked up, drawing the mare's attention with me. A large metal spike was hanging over us, dangling in my dome like a pendulum. It might kill me, but if they can pull it out, they said they can try something to reconnect the tissue. The mare licked her lips and nodded quickly. "Smalls...has it changed much? Equestria I mean." For the better, but quite a bit, yes. I thought back to the new ones, roaming around Equestria with no land to call their own. Humans are new. Brought phones and computers and such with them, but it's close enough. The mare sighed and stood up. "Then I suppose the sooner we leave, the sooner we can fall back into the fold, yes?" If you want. To be honest I was enjoying your company. "Then I'll stay." The mare sat back down. "Screw is going to be getting abused or barking at the walls about this time. I'd rather not be around for it." I licked my lips. Abused? "Raped. One of the nurses." She nodded quickly. "I think...when I leave here, I think I'll kill him on my way out." I watched as I was thrown down into a hard bed. Smalls let out an extremely loud whine that turned into a soft moan as he laid there. They're certainly not gentle, are they? "Fetlock ponies never are." She shook her head. "But I suppose these ponies aren't exactly the prime example. Most of them are actually very nice, if a bit drunk." I nodded and looked down at the blue mare. Could be said for most ponies. "That we're drunk?" Maybe. But I meant that most are nice, with the exception of a few assholes. I coughed into my hoof. "Not really a fan of pegsus. They're very loud. The mare cocked her head to the side. "I suppose. I'm honestly not a fan of unicorns. They think they can solve everything with magic." She snorted loudly. "They use spells on me, try to fix a small disorder and ended up making my body act like a dog." She closed her eyes and grimaced. "Good intentions don't really make up for malpractice." I watched as another pony came in with a syringe in her mouth. Oh...well, I have to imagine it's time to leave. The mare frowned hard as Smalls started to scream. "nO! HurT! No!" Smalls just kept flailing as a few others came in and held him down. "He doesn't sleep otherwise, does he?" The mare asked, scratching the ground with her hoof. "What a shame. But, I do look forward to--" What room? "Ah. Ward Six, room twenty." The mare stood up. "You'll hear the barking." > I Move > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I pulled Smalls around. It felt like my hooves were jammed in mud and I was operating a large machine from fifty meters away, but I could move him. He was very vocal about it, whining after every wobbly step he took. "Moving time?" Steel's voice came from behind me as I tried to keep steady. "Mr. Smalls, moving time?" Trying to get you your plant. Keep quiet, let me work. "Well that's not very nice." I kept Smalls hobbling down the white hall, features blurred and pointlessly small from my frame of view. It was just a hall, one way, no doors, only the lower ward waiting. It's difficult. Like walking through sludge. Just give me a minute and we can finally meet face to face. "Oh? You're actually coming to see me? How nice. I never have visitors aside from my nurse, and he's rather bad company." The mare sat down next to me, watching as I forced Smalls down the hall. "Do you have any of it?" I bit my tongue as Smalls slammed his side into the wall. I made him steal a pot. It had a blue flower with a lid over it, so I think it's what you need. Smalls continued to hobble along, moaning and groaning as he neared the door I needed. Is this right? The mare leaned forward and squinted. "Hard to tell, there should be a window." Smalls...you listen to me. You open that door and put the plant down, okay? Smalls wailed and hurried over. "HunGry." I let go of him and stepped back. Smalls did as he was told, the next room held the exact same mare that I was sitting with, only now she was sporting a massive white coat with straps. She was leaned up against one of her room's white walls, whimpering and growling at the corner of the room. I turned to Steel and raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. "She wants to see the moon. Again...she thinks she's a dog." I huffed. Where should he put this? Steel sighed and stepped back. "Let me see if I can stop her from barking for a minute. I can hide whatever you brought me." She slowly faded back into the dark void around us. I watched through Small's tunneled vision. The barking mare snapped her head about, growling a bit before snapping her teeth together. "It's a big! Big horse!" Steel's body laughed like a maniac. She trotted a circle around Smalls before reaching up and pulling the potted plant from me. She zipped down to the bed in her room and jammed the pot under her bed. I turned around and waited. Smalls chugged on out of the room and lost himself in the hall. I let him wander, it wasn't really important where he went now. I watched the void, waiting for Steel to walk back in. And she did. She slowly turned from foggy and hazed to solid and clear as she walked to me. "So, you just let me make an ass out of myself about the Fetlock ponies, didn't you?" Well, you did call us all drunks. And you're not completely wrong. I laughed softly and scratched the ground. The name is rather ironic, isn't it? "Very." Steel plopped down next to me and looked me over. "Can I ask why you, right now, are grey? Your body isn't grey." I looked down at myself. I was perfectly grey, no color, no definition, only a mannequin of myself. I don't know what color I am. Again, I lost a lot when I arrived. "White coat, orange mane. I think they shaved it though." I looked back down to myself. My solid grey coat had turned a pure snowy white, and my mane, bright mixed orange now drooped over my face. Like this? Steel smiled and laughed. "Close enough." She sighed deeply. "I'm glad I could be of assistence--" Lord Flint, Petty King Of Smalls. I watched as Smalls chugged out into a bright open space. The tunnel between myself and the outside world seemed to pull back slightly. I lifted my hoof and watched as Smalls stumbled slightly. I know that name. Someone I knew, was maybe, or perhaps...hmm doesn't matter. Steel looked up at me. "Who?" I shook my head softly. I opened my mouth. "Lord Flint, father of Count Maxus, Count Cross, and Count Gavel." My voice was thunderous and booming. "One of those has something of mine." Steel's eyes went wide. "Well...that was.... I suppose if you're going to show off a new voice, that's the way to do it." She laughed nervously and stood up. "Before I go, can I ask you how you got that plant?" I took a deep breath. "You wouldn't think Smalls was good at theft. But everypony forgets he wasn't always a blithering idiot, and they tend to leave things unguarded." I laughed softly. "Smalls asked for woof woof and they showed me to your room in a heartbeat." I shook my head. "Poor daft creature...hopefully he'll get better." "Better...." Smalls huffed, his voice steady and without the churdling yell of his usual tone. Steel laughed and walked back over to me. "So, you think the two will be spending more time together?" "Screw and Smalls?" I reached down and nuzzled the much smaller mare. "Definitely." Steel lingered around the periphery of my void. "I suppose...should I go? I should really get back into her head to keep her from drooling--" I walked over to her and nipped at her nick. I picked her up and carried her back over to the center of my void. "Sit down. Until you can teach me how to move through minds, I don't think we're really going to be able to go over there." I sat down next to Steel again. "...I'm not stepping on marital ties am--" "Not for ten years." She shook her head and laid down. "Foolish fillies get married before twenty. And only idiots stay." I nodded. "Then I will ask you to stay." "And I will then." Steel settled in and crossed her forelegs. She looked out Smalls' eyes. "What is he doing?" I shook my head. "I fear I will never know what goes on in that simple beast's mind." > I Fuck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched as Smalls' view lowered down, half covered by silver mane. "How long have they been at it?" I asked, having since steadied my voice. Steel shook her head. "I have no idea. To be honest, time has always been a bit of a blur." She rubbed her face with her hoof. "To be honest, I am a bit worried. You're rather big in general, I don't want you ripping her open." I laughed loudly. "I? Smalls and I share much, but we're hardly the same person." The huffing and moans echoing around my void felt painfully awkward. Steel covered her hoof. "Animals...the both of them." I could see her starting to sweat. "They just don't know any--" "They're enjoying themselves...." I held my hoof up and teetered it back and forth. "They've been seeing each other a lot, at least, I think so." I scratched my head. "Do you know how long it's been?" "Since?" "Since...I suppose marking dates by the ingredients will work well enough." I held my hoof up and tapped it with my other. "Today...what was it today?" "I think Smalls spat out an opal, it's not powdered, but we can figure that out." Steel looked out of Smalls' eyes as a sharp whine echoed about. "Dear Celestia...animals." "Right, so when was the poison plant?" I set my hooves down and watched as Smalls' vision started to shake harder. "Oh-- Is he going to have a seizure mid mount?" Steel started laughing. "Oh dear, will you be alright if he does?" I shook my head. "I have no idea. Damneded fool." Steel tapped her hoof on the ground a few times. "I'm trying to use something to count. Feedings don't really work. I suppose medications might...but it's hard to distinguish. Feels shorter than it has been, I can tell you that much." I sighed loudly. "Long enough for those two to start making foals...." I shook my head. "I suppose the impaired have drives just as any other pony does." "Are you really not controlling this?" Steel looked up at me with a cocked head. "I could have sworn you were trying to tell me something." I shook my head and watched as Smalls leaned forward and back, his vision fixed on the floor next to Screw's hoof. "Smalls might be. But it's hard to have a sex drive when you lack a penis...or balls." Steel stood back and lifted her leg. She looked back at herself, barely able to lean around. "Huh...never really thought about it. We don't have genitalia like this, do we?" "We don't shit, we don't eat, we don't have bodily functions." I shrugged. Smalls kept huffing, the sound of male grunts, even in my own voice were starting to grow a bit much. "How long is this going to go on for?!" "Dear Celestia, your body can really go." I frowned hard and nodded. "Truly not a joke. One would think someone that hardy wouldn't be taken down by anything." Steel sighed and fanned herself with her hoof. "So, should we talk? Or just wait for this to finish?" "Well, I think we might be in a different frame of time than them. That's the only reason I can come up with for this." I shook my head. "Good Goddess of the Sun...where is the staff!? Shouldn't they stop this?!" Steel licked her lips. "I don't know. But, maybe they'll leave us alone long enough for me to hide the supplies." She looked up at me. "Again, how--" "Smalls bit off a mare's necklace." I pushed my lips to the side. "By the end of this, I won't have much of a body to go back to." Steel laughed. "You think I'll fare much better?" She shook her head. "Needless to say, I'm going to give her a while to rest before I go back into that mare." I snorted. "I can try and make him stop. But I really doubt he'll listen to me telling him to stop." The grunting grew louder. "I think he's rather caught up!" Steel cocked her head. "What!?" "I said I think he's rather caught up!" A loud grumble started to roar around us. "Pissing heck! This is horrid!" The rumbled grew louder and louder until finally it stopped. The grunting stopped and Smalls vision shifted up then down. Under him was Screw, her legs locked and tail yanked to the side. She was panting like a hound. Steel bit her lip and frowned. "If we continue to talk after this--" "Which we will." Steel nodded. "Never speak of this." I coughed into my hoof. "Never talk of your body panting like a dog after being plowed by a simple pony? Somehow I don't think it'll come up." Steel snorted angrily and shook her head. "I'm going to go hide the opal...until we talk again...." She walked out into the black void. I watched as Smalls limped out. Something felt off. There was a human in the hall, someone with the look of death about him. His eyes were sunken in deep and he wore a bright red badge on his shoulder. Is eyes lingered on me as Smalls hurried away. "Lord Cross?" The human followed Smalls. "Lord Cross is that you?" My void grew brighter. My brain clicked again. "Well, that narrows the list...." I laughed to myself and sat down. "Lord Cross, now Smalls. What a mess you are my friend, what a mess you are." > I Sleep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I laid down in my own mind. That was it. "Lazy day is it?" Steel walked over and flopped down next to me. I sighed heavily and opened my eyes. "Not much to do. Finding that last thing you wanted might either prove much easier or much harder depending on somepony outside." I stretched my foreleg and looked back. Steel was resting with her back against my own. "I found out my name." "Oh? What is it?" "Lord Cross." I laughed and laid my head back down. "There was a human talking to Smalls, and I think he's going to try and help." Steel yawned and slapped her tail against my flank. "Why would a human help you? Did you know him?" "I don't know." I looked towards Smalls' eyes. He was staring at some dirty magazine and sitting with Screw, both of them staring at stallions and mares presenting. "I think he gave the idiot a gift...seems like he's a bit preoccupied." Steel sighed and arched her back, pressing her withers and flank against my back. "Well, they seem to be getting along well enough." "They've been fucking, and talking gibberish at each other for...who knows how long." I licked the air and nuzzled the ground. "So, whenever we get back into them, first thing will be to shower, right?" "Agreed...." Steel sighed again and stood up. She flung her forelegs over my side and laid down on my ribs. "Speaking of, you have a home to return to?" "I suppose I do now. I remember a little about the counts in Fetlock, and they all had castles.... So, yes I suppose--" "You're bringing me, yes?" "As?" I looked down at her. "Baggage?" Steel flipped her mane back. "That depends on you. But I have no place back in Ponyville, and I'm doubtful they'd need another metallurgist in Canterlot." "Is that what you do?" Steel cocked an eyebrow. "No, I'm named Steel because I love to dance." She shook her head, her chin rubbed up against my ribs. "I created the compound of steel that is used in modern Equestrian weapons and armor. It's light and extremely robust. It's not perfect for buildings, but I had a compound nearly down before I started going mad." She shook her head. "Never pull an all nighter around powdered nickle, it will end very, very badly." "I can imagine." I laid back down and snorted. "But you didn't answer my question. What exactly are you going to be coming with me as?" "Marefriend, metallurgist, mental equal, oh and cook." She laughed. "I can't imagine somepony like you could cook with hooves that massive. Clumsy even." "Well, claim your spot I suppose. I have no problem with you tagging along." I watched as Smalls turned the page, Screw growled at the page and forced it back. "So we're following their lead I take it?" Steel sighed. "Well, they seem to have some sort of connection without us. It wouldn't really be fair to break that up would it?" I laughed. "Lord Cross has two children...." I looked down at her. "This might create an issue." Steel looked over at me. "Really? A herd--" "A widower. But the offspring still stand." I lifted my head and tried to think back. "To my memory they were had young...should be turning into stallions soon. If they already aren't." Steel snorted. "So, they were sired by you young? And without a mom?" "If memory serves." Steel laughed. "Then I think maybe they'll have a few bite marks by the time I'm done with them." "Brats." I laughed. "Brats and mongrels. If you give them a nip and straighten them out, I'll give you a farm." Steel rubbed my side. "What's it like? Fetlock, I mean." "Depends on the island. Smalls is a chain of four or five six mile wide ones. Its nice year round, but the winters are bitter." "Well, I suppose having somepony like you to rest under will take care of that." I snorted. "I'm more than a heater." "Yes, but that doesn't discount you from being a heater also." I watched as Smalls leaned forward towards a picture of a mare's anus. He licked the page and whinnied. I licked my lips and grimaced. "I have never wanted to brush my teeth more than right now." Steel watched as Smalls continued to try and lick the mare in the picture. "You divorce sense from the body and you're bound to do something stupid.... Like bark like a dog...or pee on a lantern post." She groaned and laid down against me. "Or let some massive idiot mount you in an asylum." "Well, I think that's a fault of both of us as well as them." "Fault." She laughed. "I don't think we're really to blame for anything they do." I shrugged. "If I didn't know you, Smalls would probably be alone, crying and having a seizure after sucking himself off." Steel looked down at me. "Can you still do that at your size?" I felt my cheeks burn. "I've seen him do it." Steel coughed. "You'll have to call me next time he's at it." "Hmm...can those without genitals have sexual impulses?" "Well I am...." "Fair enough." > I Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel sat with me, watching as the human who called me Cross sat apart from Smalls. "Who is he?" Steel asked, poking my foreleg. I licked my lips. "I have no idea, but I'm not about to complain." The human coughed. "So...Cross, how are you feeling?" Smalls mumbled loudly. The human just nodded. "That's good." I shook my head. "We can use him. We need to find a way to tell him what we need." Screw scratched her chin. "Well, they use potassium carbonate in the food...we could try there." She tapped the ground. "I don't know though, Smalls can't exactly--" "Putasum Carbuns!" Smalls shouted at the human, spitting slightly. Steel cocked her head. "Well...fuck my ass." She looked up at me and started laughing. "Did you know he could do that?" I shook my head. "I think he's very much aware of us, but I'm not sure if he wants to help or if he just wants us to shut up." The human cocked his head. "Car buns? Cross...what happened to you?" Smalls started huffing. "Want! Potassum!" The human rubbed his face. "Sir, you've been gone a year, what happened?" "Oh...well, shit." I laughed softly. "That is going to be a problem." Smalls shook his head. "Pottassum Carbite!" He snorted loudly. "K! Want K!" I felt my mouth hang open slightly. "Periodic symbols?" The human's eye tensed up. "Potassium Carbite? The hell-- Smalls...what--" "Pottassums Car-bun-ates!" "Good boy Smalls! Use your words boy!" Smalls started laughing. "Yay! Smalls good pony!" The human pressed his hands together and knocked his fingers against his forehead. "Alright...." He scratched his head and looked me up and down. "Why do you--" Smalls snorted. "Smalls need potassum to save pretty mare!" The man scratched the back of his head. "It's like for.... Yeah, harmless." He looked up at me with a smile. "Sure, give me a second. Get you a little bit of...that...." He huffed and turned away. "Oddly specific." Smalls cheered to himself and bounced in his seat. "Smalls good pony!" I laughed and rolled onto my side. "Oh dear...this wasn't really as horrid as I thought it would have been." Steel walked up and put her hoof on my head. "I told you, patience would pay off. All it took was time." I snorted. "it doesn't even feel like its been that long." Steel smiled at me. "Time spent with good company isn't very taxing." I sighed and watched Smalls' view bob up and down as he cheered. "Truly." I sat upright and stretched my neck. "So what happens next?" Steel took a deep breath. "Next...I go away for a while...and you...you go under a knife." I sighed heavily. "Do try and make it quick." I smiled at her, she had a nervous look about her. "Tell the human to ask about removing the metal in my head, insist it, demand it. And whenever I wake up...well, I'll see you there I hope." Steel nodded fervently. "Oh course." "Here ya go buddy." The human walked back over with a brown packet. "Good for feeling a little nervous, right?" He tossed the packet into Smalls' hoof and jostled his foreleg. "We'll get you out of here Lord Cross, just give me some time." I turned to face Steel. "Well, you heard him. I look forward to seeing you in person." Steel slowly backed into the white fog that surrounded us. "I'll hurry then." She faded away into the fog, leaving me to watch as Smalls lead the human down the hall towards the end of this little trip. I took a deep breath and looked up at the bright metal piece still looming overhead. "To tartarus with you...I'm about done with you anyways." I snorted and sat down. It was out of my hooves, and in the flow of fate now. All I could do, once again, was wait. > I Am > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched the human watching Smalls. "Uh...Lord Cross what exactly--" A loud crunch cut him off as Smalls crushed the opal in his massive jaw. Even I flinched as he chewed it to dust and let Screw catch the falling powder. "Dentist first...shower second." I stretched my jaw and watched the human's face, just about mirroring my own. He looked mortified. "Lord Cross, what happened to you." He rubbed his face as Screw barked in her face. He leaned away from her and groaned. "I shouldn't have left." Screw started cackling. "Chewtoy! Squeaky little chewtoy!" I scratched my foreleg. "Hmm...count myself luck Smalls keeps quiet." Smalls finished up grinding the opal and looked down at Screw's little petri dish. She rubbed her hooves together and ground her teeth together. "Showtime for the puppy!" She started laughing like a madmare and slammed the dish into her mouth. She swallowed and licked her lips. I held my breath and leaned forward, trying to get a better look at the scene. Screw jerked her head back and growled. She snapped up onto four hooves and locked herself in place. She started to shake violently, whipping her frazzled mane around like mad. She leaned her head to the side, stretching the muscles in her neck tight enough to show through her skin. The human stood up and backed away. "Whoa...what just happened?" Screw threw herself down and took a gasping breath. She went still. I held my breath, quietly waiting as Smalls started to whimper. "Come on...Steel, come on, get up." I bit my tongue and stomped my hoof. "Steel stand up!" Smalls whimpering went quiet. "Pretty mare?" The human's voice cut in. "Oh god...what just happened? What did you do!?" A loud hack came from Screw. "Oh dear Celestia." She clutched her throat and reached up with her free leg. "Water--water--water!" The human looked at Smalls, then to the door. "God damn it!" He bolted out and left Screw gasping on the floor. Smalls started whimpering and grunting, huffing in his seat was about all he could do. "Bad...no...bad!" He started blustering as Screw tried to hobble upright. His voice cracked into a high cry as she slumped over. "Bad!" "Smalls control yourself damn it!" I stomped my hoof, sending an echo through my void. "You are Lord Cross! Count of Fetlock's Isle of Smalls! Behave yourself you mongrel!" Smalls went perfectly still and perfectly quiet under my voice. He stayed staring at the mare as his hooves. His breathing was still heavy, but my words had dug in and shut his trap. The human slammed into the door and tripped. A bottle of water was flung from his hands, against the wall, and onto the floor. "Shit--" He slammed his palms into the ground and hopped upright. He grabbed the bottle and cradled Screw in his arms. "Drink drink, drink already!" Screw went limp in his arms, slowly lifting a hoof up to regulate the flow of water. Smalls slowly settled down, his blusters and huffs easing away into calm quiet. Screw slowly opened her eyes and pushed the bottle away. She swallowed hard and cleared her throat. "Thank you...." She rolled out of the human's arms and shook herself hard. "Thank you." She straightened out and raised her head towards me. She opened her eyes again and nodded. "Lord Cross...I believe it's time I repayed the favor." The human in the room swallowed hard. "How do you--" "Surgery, he needs surgery. The metal in his head can be removed and some patching from a unicorn can bring him back." Smalls nodded heavily. "Pretty mare, yes!" The human looked between us. "Did I miss something here?" "Quite a bit as it were." Steel nodded, finally back in her own skin. "Now, can you make this happen, or do I have to make it happen myself?" The human looked up at me with a worried frown. "... I suppose. Having him like this isn't going to get us anywhere." He leaned up to me and looked into Smalls' eyes. "You sure about--" Smalls nodded again. He accidentally bashed the human across the nose and sent him tumbling backward. "Smalls good pony! Smalls ready!" I took a deep breath. "Oh you lovable retard.... You are a good pony my friend." > Lord Cross > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched as the metal shard was jostled. The noise was absolutely cavernous, sending ripples and shock waves through the meat of my bulky body. The echoes as the metal was slowly pulled away, releasing the white light above for a mere moment before I was left alone in pitch black. I stood waiting. An electric tingle drifted through the air as I stood alone in the black void. I looked around. I walked in a circles. I saw nothing but the darkness. A bright light flashed from a far off walk at the end of the void. I held my breath as it grew brighter and brighter until only a single white dot sat at the far end of my hazy home. "Well...one or the other...seems like it's time to go." I leaned my head down and kissed the ground. "You've been such a good boy Smalls...never forget that." I took a deep breath and got ready for my walk. "I wonder how long it'll take. ... Better start I suppose." *** A soft beep pulled me out of the darkness. I could see a mask pulled over a white muzzle, with a whirling overhead fan zipping overhead. "Oh god!" The voice of my Spymaster shot through the room. "Sir?" Steel's voice cut back in. "I told you, he'd make it." I stared at the overhead fan. "Wendel." Wendel walked over and looked at me. His bearded face stood out in my peripheral. "Sir?" I took a deep breath and looked over at the human. He stepped back slightly. "How long have I been away?" My voice was booming, with a depth and weight that could break stone. Wendel's brow furrowed. "One year, two months, six days, three hours." "Since the surgery?" I asked, looking to Steel, the beautiful blue mare now cleaned and well kempt. Wendel coughed into his wrist and straightened out. "Three weeks." "And my brothers?" "Maxus is acting regent. Gavel fled." He nodded sternly. "I have all the information you will need. And sir...I'm glad to have you back." He put his hand over his stomach and bowed. "I'm sorry I wasn't quicker--" "You couldn't have prevented it." I took a deep breath through my nose. "And you're a spymaster. I...." I looked to Steel, her smile bright and sunny. "I am Lord Cross, Petty King Of Smalls. And I will have justice!" Steel laughed and nodded. "Oh dear, you sound a bit angry." I whinnied and jerked my head back. "I've just survived an attempt on my life in tact...I spent the last ruling year of my life in an asylum, my sons are missing, my brothers have taken power and fled, respectively, and I have a mare to plow will my seed." I snorted and shook my head. "You could say I'm a bit livid, and perhaps just a bit randy." I slammed my hoof into the bed. "Now stand me upright! And bring my sons to me!" Wendel brought his fists up to his chest. "Sir...it's so good to have you back." He shook his fists lightly around his chest. "An absolutely perfect day--" "If I wanted somepony to suck me off, I'd ask, Wendel! Now help me...I can feel something attached to my cock...and I'm a bit afraid to touch it." Wendel looked towards the door. "I'll find a nurse then...." > Towards Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched as our boat listed through the water towards home. Our island sat just north of Fetlock's main island, and sat only ten miles wide. There were a chain of islands under my law, under the County of Smalls, but the fog was so dense you could barely see one. The icy cold water grew a bit warmer as we approached the coast, the port of Crosland stood with a lighthouse beaming out to us. "Well, I hope you like it." I huffed, watching my breath curl around my lips as we chugged towards home. "Its nice, but I don't know how much has changed since I left." "One year? I can't imagine it would have changed that much." Steel sipped on a thermos full of tea and looked off the edge of the boat. "You'd never know how cold it was from the asylum." I looked down at the smaller mare. "The asylum is near Equestria's shore, only a few miles out. And you get used to it. I've had the smaller sort like you show up to settle, they always get used to it in time." I shook my body, my massive frame jostling meatily. "If not, there are other islands in the Duchy, and I have to expect my brothers will be more than willing to give up their post after our little"- I snorted loudly -" misunderstanding." "A bit angry?" Steel asked with a laugh. "Wendel might be a weasel and a coward, but he wouldn't lie to me, not about this. He has everything to gain by keeping me alive, and my brothers wouldn't tolerate him for a second." I snorted again. "No, those cretins tried to have me killed. I should have know at the time, I should have waited." Steel pushed a hoof against my foreleg. "What happened exactly? I'm still a bit dark about all this--" I grunted. "Murder for profit. Our father left me the head position, left my brothers smaller parts to the whole lot of islands. Backstabbing cunts tried to kill me to inherit, steal from me, my sons!" I stomped my hoof. "They left me to rot in an island dome for the rest of my brainpanned years!" Steel nodded slowly. "Well, you're alright now. And I'm here." I opened my mouth to yell, but quickly let it fall shut. "Hmm.... A reason to thank them, maybe." I reached down and bopped her mane with my mouth. "But I do believe a prison or exile would suit them better." Steel huffed. "Oh calm down. I'm sure you can handle this like adults." "Yes, with exile and imprisonment." I nodded quickly and looked down at my half-sane mare. "How would Smalls and Screw handle this?" Steel rolled her eyes. "Bark!" "Exactly." I poked her back with a hoof and looked to the lighthouse. "Imprisonment." "Is it because they're family, or is this just your answer to anypony that crosses you?" Steel swept her mane out of her face. "Would you imprison me if I tried to have you killed?" "...Hard." I looked down at her with a straight face. "I would imprison you so hard...you wouldn't even know how imprisoned you were with how much imprisoning I would do to you." Steel shook her head. "Tail's up." "Oh I know!" I snorted and shook my head. "Still going to plug you when we're at a bed...." I snorted again, the frustration starting to taint each grunt and huff. "Steel...stop me if I'm being an ass--" "That was the plan." She leaned against my back legs, her chin touching my mark. "Now go on, I'm interested and invested in your story." "My story about bending you over and putting a foal in you?" I laughed and adjusted my back legs. "Needless to say, I feel the great divorce from mind and body might have left some yearning for warm pussy over the year." I scoffed and slapped Steel's back with my tail. "It's a horrid day when a mental patient is laid more than a petty king." Steel walked around and sat by my foreleg. "Its a bad day when a metallurgist mare is bent over a hospital gurney and violated, but I'm far past complaining." I huffed. "So, back to that? Exile or imprisonment?" Steel looked up at me with a smile. "Surprise me." I nodded and laughed. "Tossed into the sea then." I smiled at her. "Or would you prefer to feed him to a sea-devil yourself?" Steel shook her head slowly. "I'd really rather you just put him in prison." I snorted and licked her mane. "I'd prefer to bend you over the railing and inseminate you. But sometimes its just not appropriate." Steel looked up at me with a cocky smile. "Am I that attractive?" I nodded. "A little queen I get to bring to my throne." Steel scoffed. "It has been an interesting ride, hasn't it?" I sighed heavily and looked to the island dock. We were almost home, and I could finally rip my home back from the clutches of those who would steal it from me. "Its hardly over." Steel rubbed up against my side. "I meant the asylum, but yes, I do think this will only get worse as time goes on." I sighed and watched as we pulled up to the dock. Two of my sons were standing, waiting. Giants amongst the fog, lit only by the light coming off the street lanterns. "Oh much, much worse." I looked down to her. "...On a serious note, is it safe to mount you?" Steel cocked an eyebrow and looked up to me. "I believe Smalls already did. So, assumptions made...yes?" I scratched the deck with my hoof and stretched my neck. "So, you wouldn't mind me...." I coughed. "I feel like I've been speaking a bit heavily, but that its also rather true.... I just fear my true thoughts might come--" "What, that you want to fuck me?" Steel put a hoof on my foreleg. "That you want to fill me with cum? That you want me to bear a foal from you? Or about shoving me down and bruising my flank as you stuff me like a cored apple?" She bumped my knee with her flank. "I think you made it pretty clear." I took a deep breath. "Well...I do believe our bodies hit it off for a reason." Steel huffed and rolled her eyes. "No, you don't say? Two minds talking, and the bodies decide to do the same in their physical ways? No...." I snorted and shook my neck. "So...how do you think you'll fit in as a queen?" Steel shrugged and pulled her hoof away. "I figured I'd deserve as much after the steel I developed litertally took my mind away for a while." She smiled at me. "I think its owed, and I don't think I could have found a better king." I snorted. "I'm going to cork you full of cum until you stick your tongue out and pant for more...." I snorted again and shifted my back legs. "Dear Celestia...I love you...I love you and I cannot wait until I make you mine." I nuzzled her head and let her ear flick against my cheek. I buried my lips in her mane and snorted. "When we get home, I'm going to take you to the bedroom first--" "Then stop talking about it--" "Lord Cross!" A sharp perky voice cried out from the edge of the ship. A pony with a dark burgundy mane peeked over the railing. He stood nearly as tall as me, but he wore a young look about his face. "Dad...who's this?" I looked the boy up and down. "Thatch...." Another pony with a brown mane and a large reddish brown spot on his side walked over. "Clay...." I looked down to Steel, the one non-white coated pony, and the only one below six-feet. "Boys, meet your mother." I looked between my legs. "And your future sibling." "Oh gods--" Thatch turned away in a flash. Clay started laughing. "Old bastard, six not enough?" I walked over to the brown headed colt. "Large families, Clay, I expect you to do-- To-- what is that?" A strange bipedal thing was hiding behind my son's leg. "Clay, what is that?" He took a deep breath and looked back at the ponylegged girl that was hiding behind him. "Oh...granddaughter." He looked up to me with a frown. "First one was a girl I'm afraid." I felt the heat leave my face as Steel climbed up my back and looked down at the strange creature. It bore pony legs, a tail, and a bright mud-red mane, but a human upper half. "Oh...that's new." Steel said, scratching my back with a hoof. "What is it?" Clay grumbled. "Daughter. Satyr. Granddaughter to you, and technical heiress to Smalls." I looked Clay in the eyes. "Only the--" "Oh no, she's the oldest, have twins of the same build with the wife, and another in the wife." He laughed heavily. "Bloody took after the old bastard, didn't I?" I took a deep breath and looked back to the hybrid child. "I don't know if I should be proud or offput." Clay laughed. "Well, makes ya feel better, that's just the one wife. Got a Fetlock mare about to pop, and a dragon floating around the eastern isles with a bit of my seed too." He started laughing again. "Like I said, took after the old bastard, didn't I?" I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against his. "Boy...you're a pervert, a polygamist, and an ungrateful sod." I let out a long sigh. "And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud." Steel cleared her throat and settled onto my back. "Oh sexual prowess, or...." I looked back at my future wife. "The boy has two wives and he's only..." I looked back to him and held my hoof out. Clay shook his head and laughed. "Twenty-three." "Twenty-three!" I stomped my hoof. "The boy must have done something right." Steel looked over at my son. "Hmm, he sounds interesting to say the least." Clay started laughing again. "Aye, ol Fetlock ponies get a lot a that from you mainland--" Steel shook her head. "That's enough, boy. I think you've made your point." Clay leaned back and grimaced. "Oi, and the heck makes you think you got the right ta talk--" "Being your step-mother." Steel clarified, standing up on my back to march over and look him in the face. Clay looked to me. "You just gonna let her talk ta me like--" "Yes." I answered quickly. "She is your mother after all." "Pissing heck...great, now tha two of ya can come make me feel like a shitemongrel even more than before." He huffed and turned away. "Dirty old bastard, ya brought a tiny mare with a bigger say than a daft giant, ya pissing...." His voice cut out as he wandered off the dock. I felt Steel step down from my back and watched as she trotted to the ramp off the ship. "Well, they're interesting." I walked through the dense fog that was settling over the ship. The gang plank landed heavily against the cut stones of the dock. "One word for them." "Hmm. Well, family issues seem to be prevelant here. Shall we get started fixing them?" Steel walked off the plank and onto the dock. She looked tiny as she walked amongst the large ponies leaving the ship around her. I bit my tongue. "I have this...this is my mare...." I smiled to myself. "Bloody brilliant."