> Sparkling cider > by Sugar Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one. Night time confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was night-time in the library.The purple mare who resided within was all alone, sheltered from the silent night in her comfy bed. Not a thing stirred. Not even her number one assisstant dozing quietly. It was the perfect time as far as Twilight Sparkle was concerned. No pinkie parties, no spa trips and no evil deities trying to equestria. Just her and a stack of books. Paradise thought twilight. “Bang bang bang” sounded from the door. Paradise shattered as she grumbled morosely, trotting over to the library’s door to see what all the fuss was. Maybe it was spike returning from Raritys early. “Hello-“she started but stopped when she noticed who it was. It was Applejack and she looked a mess. Her usually bright green eyes looked wracked with worry. “Twi” AJ said “Ah need to talk to y’all. An ehts mighty important it stays between us.” “Of course. Quickly come on in.” Twilight said worriedly. Walking into the centre of the library she gestured for AJ to sit down while she made some tea. “Now, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked with genuine concern. “Well, Ah dunno how to start Twi. Ah aint the mare you thought I was. Ah’ve been lying to ya and to the girls. To everyone ah now and even to mahself, Twilight. Ahm the element of honesty and ahm the biggest liar of the whole bunch.” She stopped on the verge of tears desperately looking at Twilight. Twilight’s expression softened. She looked straight at AJ with big understanding eyes. “AJ, it’s ok. Some ponies lie. Some ponies do it to hurt other ponies but you aren’t those ponies. If you’ve been lying about something then it’s to protect somepony. Whether it’s your family, your friends or even yourself. The value of honesty is knowing when to be unflinchingly honest. You know that better than anypony. That’s why you’re here. “ Applejack continued looking at Twilight, sniffling a little. “If you want to tell me Applejack and you’re sure it’s ok, go ahead. You don’t have to be scared or protective anymore. I won’t judge” Twilight smiled warmly. At that Applejack smiled back. “Ahm. Well ahm a filly-fooler.” She looked dead into Twilights eyes expecting the coming admonishment. “Yeah, so?” Twilight deadpanned. “What ya mean so? Ahm a filly-fooler. Ah freak. It t’aint natural. Granny smith is gonna be so disappointed.” AJ buried her head in her hooves. “AJ” Twilight replied lifting Applejacks head. “Grow up, you stubborn fool.” She punctuated it with a cuff to the back of the head.”This is the year 1002. Not the dark ages. You should know better than that. You’re not a freak. Ponies can be any sexual orientation. It doesn’t matter. And as for it not being natural ask Fluttershy about her animals sometime. So you like mares? Who cares? If they love you like your family does then they’ll accept you. You haven’t changed. You’re still the most dependable of ponies.” Rubbing the back of her head Applejack retorted “If its’ so natural how come Ahm the only filly-fooler in the village?” “Don’t be so self centred. You aren’t. Lyra and Bon-Bon have been a couple for years. I hear Blues and a certain cowpony have been going steady for a while now. Plus there are even whispers of Vinyl having some Canterlot pony as a paramour. Heck even Rarity’s’ gay though she is still si...” She never got to finish that sentence as AJ tackled Twilight to the ground. “Rarity’s like me? Prissy, generous, prefect Rarity? AJ said fervently. “What? Yes, well she’s bisexual apparently. Wait. Why do I get the feeling that you haven’t told me everything?” Twilight’s eyebrow arched inquisitively. “Oh uh well yah see...” AJ stammered slowly backing off Twilight. “That’s what else ah wanted to tell yah. Ahm in love with Rarity. Eht was her that ahve fallen for.Ever since that sleepover I just been looking at her differently. Its her I want Twi. She’s well. She’s better than me. Tough as me but with grace ah could never have. Did you see how she fought those changelings back in canterlot? Ah needed your help just to stop getting swamped but she took em all down with a right hoof. Tough, smart and generous to boot. Dear Celestia ah love her Twi” “Wow. Rarity? That is a surprise. Well they do say opposites attract. At least my books say they do.” Twilight pondered thoughtfully. “So you going to tell her? I mean she is the one you should be saying all this too.” “Twilight this ain't a book. She’s too good for me. What would she want from me? Ahm a simple cowpony. Ahm not high society material and that’s what she wants. Look at that prince of hers. Ahm nothing like him” “You’re forgetting that she hated blueblood and threw pie all over him. I think you have a shot at her. In fact I know you do. AJ you should tell her.” “Ah can’t Twi. But ah can’t continue living like this no more either. She doesn’t want me. She wants a high society type.” She sighed, exasperated. “Well. Be one then.” Applejack looked at her quizzically. “It’s simple AJ. You lived in Manehattan for a while. You know as much about high society as her. And with me teaching you the rest you couldn’t help but impress her. The thing Rarity wants most is to be wooed. So, woo her.” “But if she knows it’s me ah won’t get a chance to woo her. To her ahm still a friend. Ahd need a way to show off mah fancy side without her rejecting me straight out. Ahd need to be inconspicuous” Twilight simply looked at the poster behind the orange mare and smiled. “I think that can be arranged.”