> The Silence of Middle-Earth > by Vinyl-ScratchDJ17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Once long ago there was Maldor the Dark One. He had eyes that were orange with black pupils. He killed many with his powers. This Valar was defeated in a battle. All of Middle-Earth was attacking him. He finally lost. He was sent to the Darcor. A Void like dimension. But there is a prophecy that he would come back. But There would be the Fellowship of Middle-Earth to protect their lands. And when he would return is when ponies from another universe will appear there. They would be animated. Six animated ponies. It has been over 500,000 years since he was sent to the Darcor. But now he returns.  The prophecy says,"One Villain To Rule Them All. One Villain To Destroy Them. One Villain to Kill Them All and Corrupt Them into Darkness." The darkness will fall when Maldor returns. He will Kill all. But there will also be many obstacles for our heros  Maldor was a big armored Valar. He Attacked all the lands of Middle-Earth. He would have won if one of the dwarves didn't stab him in the chest then push him into the portal to Darcor.   This prophecy is to shed light onto the Day that is coming. The Silence Of Middle-Earth. > The Start of A New Journey: Chapter 1 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   There once lived two Hobbits. Their names were Garrett Zyran and Chris Zyran. One day they were sitting outside on their bench when a man with a beard walked up towards them. He was a tall man with a white robe on. He had a white beard. It was a big beard. He also had white hair. He had wrinkles on his face. His skin was white. He had a big white hat on his head.   "Hello you two, my name is Gandalf The White." Said Gandalf pulling out a pipe and putting it in his mouth.   He blew through it and rings of smoke came out of the pipe. He was waiting for the two hobbits to speak.   "Hello, Gandalf the White." Respond Garrett Zyran after a long pause.   Garrett Zyran put out his hand so Gandalf could shake it. After another long pause Gandalf shook Garrett Zyran's hand.   "Hello, my name is Chris Zyran. This is my brother Garrett Zyran." Said Chris Zyran pointing at Garrett Zyran.   "Well hello Chris and Garrett Zyran. I would like to ask you something." Responded Gandalf. Gandalf thought for a moment and said,"Would you two like to go on an adventure with me and my friends?"   "No no no no no. I'm not going on a wild adventure with someone I just met!" Said Chris Zyran motioning his hands. "Okay, I guess I'll be going now." Said Gandalf walking off. A moment passed and Garrett said,"Dude this could be exciting! Let's go!"   They start to run after Gandalf. When they catched up with him they were a little far from their hobbit hole.   "Gandalf! Gandalf! We would like to join you on your adventure." Said Garrett Zyran catching his breath. Gandalf then said," well then, I new I could count on you. Now meet my friends. This ones name is Gimli The Dwarf. This one is Legolas The Elf. This ones name is Arrowdor. This ones name is Valg The ShadowShifter. Then finally this one is named Aragorn."    Gimli was a short dwarf with a reddish beard. The beard was very long. He was in DWARVEN armor. Legolas was an Elf Archer. He had blonde long hair. He had pointy tips at the ends of his ears. He was wearing green. Now Aragorn was a Human. He had a beard that was dark brown. So was his hair. He was wearing dark clothings. Arrowdor was like Aragorn. He was human as well. But his hair is a different color. Then finally Valg The ShadowShifter, he is a Valrog. He is the leader of the Valrog race. He has pitch black fur, changing different colored mane and tail, he is tall, he has silver colored eyes, he has hooves for feet, his face looks like a normal face, so do the hands (except his body is covered in fur).   They had horses. So Gandalf told Chris and Garrett Zyran to get on them. Gandalf got on a horse after they did.   "We have to make it to Rivendell, The kingdom of Elves. Before it turns night." Said Gandalf pointing his white staff forwards. The horses started moving in that direction. MEANWHILE IN PONYVILLE......   "What do you mean a green circular thing appeared out of nowhere?!?" Asked Twilight.   Twilight was a purple Alicorn. She had a purple mane. So being an Alicorn means she has wings and a magical horn. She had purple colored eyes. She was in her castle. She was the Princess of Friendship. She yelled at Rainbow dash a Cyan colored Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail. She had a cutie mark of a rainbow lightning bolt. She had magenta colored eyes.   Rainbow backed up into a wall.   "I don't Know!!! It just appeared right in front of Me!!!!!" Said Rainbow Dash panicking.   "Well let's go check it out." Said Twilight rolling her eyes. They walk out of the room. And go out of the castle to the portal. They then look at it with a weird look. "Well, this isn't normal." Said twilight, "I'm going to need to get our friends to help us out with this. Rainbow you stay here and guard the portal." Rainbow Dash Saluted with her hoof. And she stayed there. Twilight trotted away. "Come on rainbow! You can stay here and cause no trouble!" Said Rainbow Dash to Herself pounding her head. She turns to look at the portal. "Maybe putting my hoof in there wouldn't hurt." Said suggested to herself curiously. MEANWHILE SOMEWHERE IN MIDDLE-EARTH......... "We will kill these heroes you speak of Maldor. I Am Zog The Impaler!!!" Said Zog. Zog is a Huge Orc. His skin is pitch black with tattoos in red on him. His skin is different from the normal Orc skin. His eyes are bloodshot blue. "I will find them and I will kill them. With the help of my Orc army of course!" Said Zog. TO BE CONTINUED..... > The Start of A New Journey: Chapter 2 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   They then entered a forest. They looked all around. While they rode their horses through the forest they had a weird feeling that they where not alone.   "Something doesn't feel right." Said Gandalf rubbing his beard.   Then Valg heard noises from outside the forest. It sounded like orcs. He pulled out his sword.   "I hear orcs nearby." Said Valg sniffing and he then said," Yep there are orcs nearby."   Then an orc jumped out at Valg. Valg sliced the orc's head off. Then Orcs started coming at them.   Zog The Impaler came out and tried to attack the hobbits. But then Arrowdor jumped in front of them and got stabbed. Arrowdor sliced Zog's hand off.   "ARRRRRRGGHHHH!!!" Said Zog. The other orcs pulled him away.   "Come on! We must run! Out of the forest!!! Now!!!" Said Gandalf riding his horse forwards.   Then the others followed him. Valg sliced off an orc's head when the orc jumped at him. They got out of the forest and rode to Rivendell. Luckily the orcs where gone.   MEANWHILE IN PONYVILLE......   Rainbow Dash put her hoof into the portal being sucked into it. The others just got there and saw her being sucked in. Rainbow Dash then knew she would never come back.   "See you girls someday." Said Rainbow Dash closing her eyes and smirking.   The portal closed behind her.   "Rainbow Dash!!!!!!!" Yelled her friends.   ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PORTAL......   "Huh? Where am I???" Asked Rainbow Dash.   She got up and was in the middle of a battle. The orcs were fighting some elves. A huge flash of light was shined on her. One of her eyes was blinded. She couldn't see out of that one eye anymore. She was suddenly able to fight. She had telekinesis. She pulled up a sword and attacked the orcs. She was knocked out by an orc.   She woke up in the elvish kingdom of Rivendell. She rubbed her head with a hoof.   The elves said,"We found you in the battle field. You were lucky to survive."   "Okay.... What are you creatures? Also why am I wearing this?" Asked Rainbow Dash.   "We are elves. And you are now apart of the elvish race. We bathed you in the water of elves." Responded an elf.   "What happened to my wings!?! There gone!!!!!" Rainbow Dash Said freaked out.   "We made them disappear. It does that when we bathe creatures in the water of the elves." Responded the elf,"don't worry you'll get use to being an elf....pony. You are a pony right?"   "Yes I am." Answered Rainbow Dash,"I guess I will trot around."   "Oh and also we have a mission for you. These heroes are coming here for a meeting." Said the elf.   Our heroes got there and met up with the ruler of the kingdom.   "We welcome you Gandalf and your friends." Said the king of the kingdom.   "Thank you. These are my friends." Said Gandalf. Gandalf told him all of their names.   "This is Rainbow Dash. But let's get started. We are here to answer to the threat of Garendor." Said the king of the kingdom.     After talking a bit they finally decided to go and destroy Maldor. The king of the kingdom said that they should take Rainbow Dash with them on this adventure.   "You eight will now be known as The Fellowship of Middle-Earth." Said the king.  TO BE CONTINUED......