Twilight's Book Attack

by CrimsonEquine

First published

Twilight Sparkle finds that her history book has come alive and had amassed an army of destruction to combat her.

Twilight Sparkle finds that her history book has come alive and had amassed an army of destruction to combat her.

Done for "I give you story, we have gud time"


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The morning light lit softly over the slumbering Twilight Sparkle; whose horn was currently lighting up without her control. It was evident that she was in a dream and she turned until her horn hit itself upon a history book that was scattered over the floor. The book sizzled with energy and grew eyes, a mouth, and a nose. It gave a breath of fresh air as it stood itself up with its book folds. He positioned himself as if he was calling out to the sky and then screamed. He cried with the gift of sentience to his very being and yelled out as deeply as possible.

"I am ALIVE!"

The book looked around its surroundings, hoping for some answer to his sudden birth to this new world. He could only find the familiar Tree Home and the slumbering equine that slept with her legs twisted and crossed from her laying awkwardly on the floor. He smiled at the idea that his creator had given him so much and the sleeping gave him an idea to how hard she must have worked to bring him to life. Not wanting to wake the tired master, he decided to see more of what this world had.

He went to a bookshelf near and touched upon a fellow book. His finger shocked against the surface and the purple energy wafted around.

"Hello new friend!" said History Book as the other one stood up.

The new book suddenly tackled History Book, where he almost gave a scream. He shushed him before he could awake Twilight Sparkle.

"Listen to me and listen to me well, My name is War Book, and don't be deceived by that equine! Last week she used me for two weeks none stop! The agony of hearing her word everysingle word in my book, it was just too much."

"Oh my goodness! What should we do!?"

"There's only one way." said War Book as he stood up from him.

"And whats that? I mean she gave us life for a reason!"

"Yes, she did, and it was to torture us! Reading our words like no tommorow! She won't even take a break!"

"Oh Jeepers thats definitely not a good thing!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan, take your magic and get every book turned alive, we won't let this Study Shrew read us too oblivion!"

"Alright! I'll start then! No way she will get away with this!"

History Book passed his magic to each and every book on each shelf, by the time they were done, they had over five-hundred books in their army.

They assembled their army at dusk, ready to assail the slumbering equine before them. Their army was vast and took over the wide area of half the floor. Carrying flags made out of torn book paper, they were ready to fight the good fight.

"Mmm... Spike... Please bake more cake..." said Twilight between breaths of slumber.

"She speaks to turn us into pastry! We must eliminate this enemy before she can torture us any further!" screamed History Book.

They all screamed, and charged to her, she opened her eyes to the loud screaming books running at her and screamed herself. The books paused their advance after War Book gave the order to stop. He emerged from the vast army and stood his ground.

"Any last words, torturer!?"

The books scowling at the so called creator as she looked at them with a fixated stare of confusion. She looked at the mass amount of battle ready books and a single sweat dropped from her brow.

"Um, I'm sorry?" said Twilight Sparkle with a nervous grin.

They all gasped at the beautiful apology the creator had given them, truly she was a good pony. They all cried tears of pain, they shouldn't have acted in such a way to some pony who thought to create them for a better purpose. Even War Book bent down on his book cover to feel her holyness.

"Were so sorry! Its just you read us so much and we thought you were going to just use us."

Twilight watched guffawed, not only were all her books talking, but they were about to attack and now are asking for forgiveness.

"Eh...? um... Its alright, I uh, forgive you?"

"But, how could you after the disrespect we have given you! We do not deserve your glorious bounty! Our only purpose is too serve you!"

"Well... how about I give you all a new purpose! Why don't you..."

Twilight looked around until she found her apple that she was going to eat as a snack. She picked it up and passed it on top of War Book's head.

"Why don't you guys go solve world Hunger! I will thrust this to you my books as your new purpose, ok?"

War Book and now, History Book quivered at their new reason to exist. They raised the apple that they needed for their task and valiantly lifted up to the other books to which they cheered valiantly.

"You heard our creator! We must do this divine quest! Lets go, we have troubled her long enough."

The books trudged out of Golden Oaks Library and left without a trace, all that was left were the empty book shelves. Twilight watched them leave before realizing that she had no books to read. She left outside to were the books left to find not a single trace of them in sight.

"Shoot." said Twilight. Returning to the inside of her home, she continued to rest. Tommorow was going to be a long day of repopulating her bookshelves. And, a whole story to tell for all of her friends.