> Sweet Apple > by Crystal Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Morning Kiss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash always saw Applejack as a good friend, but time went by and her feelings towards the orange mare grown stronger and stronger. She thought about telling her but, she would always get shy when close to Applejack, somethimes more shy then Fluttershy. Funny isn't? Also, she knew it was wrong, a mare fall in love for another mare, but Rainbow Dash only had eyes for her. Another good day for Equestria. As usual, Applejack woke up early to do her tasks. She got out of her bed, still a bit sleepy because last night they had a party at Pinkie's house. After exiting her house, the orange pony looked around, she has lot to do. Always busy, and so Applejack began. Without being aware she was being observed. Up from the clouds, the blue rainbow mare watched her. Recently Rainbow Dash would wake up earlier than usual just to see her beloved mare. Somethimes, she was waiting for the right moment. The moment of truth, but she was always interrupted or shy close to her. The rest of the group was starting to notice something was wrong. For several times, Rainbow Dash denied it, saying that she was fine, just feeling a bit sleepy. Even Applejack could lie better, they all knew about her napping during the all day. Applejack entered the apple orchard with two buckets on her backs. And so she began her work, kicking some trees, collecting apples and then store them in the farm's basement in front of the barn. The blue mare always liked her strength and beauty of the orange earth pony. Her wings flap slowly while she held the white cloud, following Applejack. "She is so beautiful even when working hard."- said the blue mare with a lovely grin. One of her most deep desires was to smell her scent. Rainbow Dash heart started rushing, maybe now it was the perfect moment to tell her about her feelings. Nopony was in sight, besides them. "I have to tell her now..."- she thought when suddenly she heard somepony calling her name. "Hey Rainbow!"- yelled Applejack from the ground. Rainbow looked down, Applejack was staring at her. She felt her heart going faster, the feelings were returning to her mind. "Alright, keep it cool Dash, it's just Applejack, only the most lovely pony."- she said to her herself. Taking a deep breath, she left the cloud, going towards Applejack. Applejack was sitting while waiting. She knew something was different about her friend. They needed to have a talk, mare to mare. Rainbow Dash finally got close to the ground, standing in her four hooves. She stood in front of Applejack, still a bit nervous. She tried to look in to Applejack's eyes but she couldn't, she felt her legs getting weaker. Silence reigned for a brief moment. They remained silent. Applejack was looking at a apple tree while Rainbow Dash was making circles on the ground with her hoof. Finally, the orange pony decided to break the silence. "Ya' Rainbow, what are you doing here?"- she asked. "Don't you have things to do, like cleaning the sky or something?" The blue mare rushed to say something. "Who? Me? Of course not, why do you ask?"- she questioned nervously. Applejack noticed lately her friend Rainbow Dash has been acting weird, especially towards her. She asked the rest of her friends about it but, they didn't know nothing. This was the moment for some answers. "Say' Rainbow follow me, I have something you might like." She nodded her head following behind Applejack. She took a sneak peek at her, she seem to be sweating for some reason, and the look in her face was different. Actually, she thought about it, she never did that expression before. Something was wrong and she wanted to know why. They arrived at the barn, the orange pony opened the doors slowly. "Come inside, partner!"- Applejack with a grin. Rainbow looked around. "You can sit over here."- she pointed at a small stack of hay. And that's what she did, meanwhile Applejack was looking for something in some chests. Rainbow was starting to feel a bit anxious, that situation was strange to her. Being alone with Applejack in the barn. The orange earth pony sat in front of her, in her hooves she had two mugs. "Here ya' go."- giving Rainbow one mug. She looked inside. That smell. That was cider. The two ponis started drinking. "Thanks, AJ! It's delicious, as always"- she smiled. "Glad you like it but, now tell me, why are you acting so strange lately, especially when close to me?" That question made her stop drinking, almost choked, she took a quick glance at Applejack. Her lips opened slowly. She didn't know what to say. "I...I...have to tell something..."- she looked down closing her eyes, a few tears appeared in her face. Suddenly, she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Applejack was smiling. "You love me don't you?"- she whispered in her ear. Rainbow opened her eyes even more after that question. "You see, I..."- again, Rainbow Dash was interrupted but, this time something extraordinary happened. She felt her lips being kissed by Applejack. She had her eyes closed, the blue mare decided to do the same thing by closing her eyes. For a brief moment she felt joy, true love. Applejack put a hoof on her mane, caressing her. The fact was Applejack also had some feelings for Rainbow Dash. After a few minutes, the couple finally broke the kiss. "Applejack that was...very pleasant!"- said Rainbow Dash with a grin. Applejack smiled while looking into to Rainbow's Dash eyes. "Ya' know, I kinda always had a...crush for you' Rainbow."- she admitted. That statement brought the blue mare a huge smile, finally she knew that Aj had the same feelings for her. She gave her a strong hug, a tears fell from her face. Applejack placed a hoof on her face, cleaning the tears. The two mares stayed huged for a long while. Celestia's sun was rising. That truly was the perfect moment but, Rainbow Dash had a question in her mind. "Aj, can I ask you something?" "Of course sugarcube." The blue mare took a deep breath. "Are...Are we marefriends now?"- she asked with a nervous tone in her voice. Applejack smiled, before giving an answer, she kissed Rainbow. "Yes, we are, RD!" Days have passed since both mares started dating, in secret of course. There was still some "issues" to be taken care off. Every morning, even before Celestia's sun rise, the two mares would meet in the barn. Applejack was sitting on a stack of hay while Rainbow rested her head on AJ's legs. "I have been thinking about this for a while but, how about our friends? How will they react to this?"- said Rainbow rising her head looking at her marefriend. Honestly, the orange mare thought about it too. "I don't know! I guess for now, we can stay like this without telling nopony, do you agree?" Rainbow gave Applejack a hug. "I don't mind one bit!" When the sun was rising, both mares lips touched before saying goodbye, for now. They also had the night for themselves. The perfect time to cuddle and nuzzle. Rainbow was very happy, everything worked well. She was the most happiest mare on Equestria. The End!