> A World Without A Rainbow > by PinkiePieFan12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Let's Watch The Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat in her throne room with her five pony friends, and her #1 assistant dragon. That of course is Spike. They were all chatting up a storm while the princess was thinking of something of her interest. "Girls!" Twilight Sparkle Shouted loud enough to get her friends' attention. "I have a great idea for what we can do to celebrate our friendship! I recently learned a time travel spell that lasts more than a few minutes, so I thought why not take an adventure? And what's a better friendship adventure than one that shows how close of friends we all are?!!" Twilight started. "Um... yes, darling, I guess that makes sense. What did you have in mind exactly?" Rarity asked politely. She looked over to Twilight confused. "Um... Oh yeah! I thought we could go back in time to when each of us saw Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom! This will not only remind us how close we were before we even met, but also show the details we never knew about each other's past!!!" The lavender alicorn explained. "Ohhhh!" The main six except Twilight said in unison. "This is going to be super-aweso-mazing!!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed bouncing in place. "I can't wait to see your past Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed getting up in her face like she usually does. Pinkie started getting a little nervous at that statement from her friend. Although she didn't know why. "Well...actually, um if you wouldn't mind can we do me last?!!" Pinkie asked in a slightly less peppy tone than usual. "Sure thing Pinkie. So everypony likes the idea?!!" Twilight asked excitedly. She looked over to each of her friends who each gave a nod. "So is everyone ready?" Twilight asked ready to embark on the adventure. _____________________________________________ Pinkie Pie had hurried home to gather supplies for the adventure, as well as her other friends. She couldn't wait to see Rainbow Dash's past. It would be amazing to see the beginning of her friendship with every pony. She couldn't imagine what her life would be like if it weren't for Rainbow Dash and she didn't really want to try. The thought immediately felt too painful to think of, although she didn't understand why. She also didn't understand why she told Twilight to do her cutie mark story last. Pinkie had already told her friends she lived on a rock farm, they even went to the rock farm, and met Maud. Why did she feel so scared, and ashamed of her past? It's one thing telling someone something, but seeing and hearing are different senses entirely. Pinkie Pie knew that in her heart, and that her friends would be sympathetic if they saw how sad she used to be. Rainbow Dash had saw Pinkie Pie go crazy on her birthday, but not how sad she was before that. Twilight had saw her being sad when she made all of those clones, but thought she couldn't be the real Pinkie cause she was sitting still. Her friends knew little to nothing about how she reacted, or how her life used to be. Everything Pinkie had told them they didn't put much thought into, giving it the "Oh Pinkie Pie you are so random" response, or the "What? Rock Farm? What in Equestria is that?" response. Neither were what she wanted to hear. She didn't want sympathy either just not... being ignored or asked questions. Pinkie grabbed her saddle bags and began her walk back to The friendship castle. ____________________________________________________________________ Pinkie and the rest of the main six made it to the friendship castle. They all had saddle bags full of supplies for their trip. "This is gonna be so-o-o fun!!!! I'm so nervous-cited!!!!" Pinkie shouted jumping in mid-air. She sure couldn't wait to see the past of all of her friends. Pinkie always wondered how her friends got their cutie marks. Although they all gave a short description of what happened seeing it would be so cool! "You're completely right Pinkie Pie! this is going to be the best adventure ever! I have never been so excited!" Twilight Agreed shouting almost as loud as Pinkie just did. She obviously cared about this adventure and hoped it would bring them all closer together. "Well you look excited Twilight. You're kinda... bouncing up and down Darling," Rarity pointed out, and it was true. Twilight was bouncing up and down, it was close to the time she got her cutie mark and bounced around saying "yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! yes!" Which is definitely a sign of extreme excitement. "Oh. Um sorry about that I'm just really excited for this trip," Twilight apologized for being so hyper. "You have every right to be excited Twilight this will be so amazing! I can't believe we're doing this it's gonna be so funnarific!" Pinkie bounced excitedly again. "Alright come on let's get this adventure started! I'm tired of just sitting here. Let's start with the awesomeness!!" Rainbow Dash said looking a little eager and annoyed. "Right, Let's do this," Twilight agreed with her rainbow friend. "Okay, everypony come over here in a circle. Then I'll use my magic to activate the spell," Twilight explained. The main six followed their friend's order and made a circle. Twilight stood in the middle. "So where do you suppose we go first?" Applejack questioned. "I guess it would be best to go to the one that started it all... Rainbow dash!" Twilight decided. Her friends nodded and they agreed. "This is gonna be so sweet!" Rainbow shouted doing a small flip flying into the air. "Everyone ready?" Twilight asked one more time. Each of the ponies in the circle nodded. They all had a smile on their face ready for their adventure in time to begin. Twilight looked at all of her friends as her horn began to glow. > Chapter 2 - A Dash of Loyalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie opened her eyes. Her sight was slightly blurry, no doubt from the spell. As her vision cleared she noticed she was falling at a rapid speed, her friends all just now regaining awareness. She didn't think they knew they were falling yet though. "Twilight! we're falling! Hurry up with the cloud walking spell so we can land!!!!" Pinkie screamed loud enough to snap her friends out of the blinding effects of the spell. Twilight's eyes widened as she took in this information. "Rainbow dash! Fluttershy! Grab Pinkie and the others while I try to remember the spell!" Twilight shouted so the pegasi could hear her over the sound of the rushing wind. "Okay!" The pegasi said in unison. Rainbow dash quickly grabbed Pinkie Pie and Aj, while Fluttershy grabbed Rarity. Twilight remembered the spell they needed and cast it on the the two earth ponies and and the unicorn. It was a good thing cause Fluttershy lost her grip and Rarity began to fall to the cloudy surface below. Rainbow, wanting to help, dropped Pinks and Aj, and they began to fall as well. They quickly approached the clouds below and landed softly. Not falling through thanks to the spell. Pinkie loved the feeling of the soft texture of clouds beneath her hooves. It was like walking on air, which it kinda was. "Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked concerned. The main six each gave a different answer, all meaning the same thing, 'Yes'. Twilight relaxed, as this was very dangerous and she was glad her friends were all okay. "Good! Now Rainbow, do you know where we need to go?" Twilight asked eagerly ready to see this legendary event. "Sure do! We need to go to the Cloudsdale flight camp!" Rainbow said pointing her hoof in the direction to the left. Pinkie’s eyes were set on one pony alone, as well as all of her friends’ eyes. Rainbow dash couldn't be more proud of herself as they watched filly rainbow dash break the sound barrier and create the spectrum of colors that is the Sonic-Rain-boom. Ponies watched in awe as Rainbow zoomed through the air at lightning speed, just to stand up for her friend. This was definitely a sign of true loyalty. The friend, of course, was Fluttershy, who they would visit next. As filly Rainbow landed on the cloud surface she could hear everypony in Cloudsdale shouting “Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” although it might have just been her ego. She couldn't really tell. She felt a tingle on her flank. As she looked down her eyes got wide with pride. On her flank rested a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt coming out from it. Pinkie couldn't be more happy to witness this amazing moment with her own eyes. But suddenly the thought returned again. The thought of what would happen if it weren't for this moment happening. She didn't want to think about it but she did anyway. ‘What if this didn't happen? Would I still be living in Ponyville with my friends? Or would I be on the rock farm with my family? Would I even have any friends?’ Pinkie thought to herself. This thought bugged her and kept creeping into her mind. ‘If it weren't for Rainbow Dash, would I be the pony I am today?’ “Are you okay Pinks?” Rainbow said, noticing the look on the pink pony’s face. “Um...Yeah sure! I was just mesmerized by that amazing Sonic-Rain-boom! I guess I kinda zoned out,” Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow didn't think she got the whole truth, but she wasn't completely sure. So she accepted the response anyway. They turned their attention to Twilight. "So we ready to see Fluttershy's story?" Twilight asked her six friends. They nodded. "Okay let's go!" Twilight shouted as a blinding light illuminating from her horn, overcame them all once again. > Chapter 3 - A Flutter of Kindness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A yellow pegasus opened her eyes, to see that she was falling. This of course was Fluttershy. "Ahhhhhh!" She screamed. She closed her eyes to await the ground below, but then she stopped falling. Inches from the ground she was floating in mid air. She had been lifted by little wings. Although it was not her own wings that were flying, it was a large group of light pink butterflies. They had caught her from her fall and lowered her towards the grass gently. "Wow! This is beautiful, I've never been this close to the ground before," Fluttershy shouted in gentle tone. There were a ton of butterflies and little flightless animals the young pegasus never saw from her cloud home. "Woah! I need to control that light!" Twilight shouted as she and her friends recovered from the spell once more. "Ahhhh!" "What was that?!" Twilight looked around for the source of the scream. "I fell remember?" Fluttershy said pointing to the whole in the clouds created by her younger self. "Oh. Yeah," Twilight recalled. "Okay, now we need to teleport down there!" She continued. A slight flash of light later they were all on the ground. "Wow you were so cute Flutters!" Pinkie Pie whispered with a lot of enthusiasm, most likely holding in a shout. Fluttershy blushed and nodded, from her friend's compliment. The gang watched as filly Fluttershy sang about the land she never knew of. "Here comes the event that made history!" Rainbow Dash said, obviously talking about her sonic rain-boom. "Rainbow! This is Fluttershy's story! Stop bragging!" Applejack whispered, aggravated. "I'm not bragging AJ!" Rainbow argued. A huge explosion Stopped AJ from responding. "Shh. It's okay. You can come out. Everything's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of," Fluttershy explained to the animals quietly. She had the ability to talk to animals, and three butterflies appeared on her flank to symbolize it. Pinkie Pie watched in awe before she once again got lost in her thoughts. 'Wow Flutters was really effected too! But what if she was never bullied?! Then Rainbow wouldn't have needed to be in that race or do the sonic rain-boom! That would be a good thing right?! Fluttershy wouldn't have been hurt, but none of us would get our cutie marks! I wouldn't have...Why do I hate that place so much?! It's my home, or at least it used to be. My family is there, sure it was boring but was it that bad? I obviously care about it enough to stand up to Trixie about it, but still. I have this weird feeling that if Dashie never did that then I would be stuck there! But would that be a bad thing? Why would it be? Well I might have never met any of them, or any other pony outside of he farm.' She thought to herself. The sound of hoof steps brought her back to reality. "Wow, Fluttershy you really are amazing with animals! I mean we already knew that but, you might never have discovered it if it weren't for Dashie!" Pinkie Shouted as they walked farther away so as not to disturb the past. "Yep! Told you it made history! My destiny was twenty percent cooler than any one else in Equestria, because I gave all of you your cutie marks too!" RD bragged being boastful as ever. Pinkie giggled. The other four sighed, right before they all started laughing. "Okay who's next? The rest aren't as connected as you and Fluttershy were Rainbow," Twilight questioned. "What about you, Darling?" Rarity suggested pointing at Twilight. The other five nodded in agreement. "Sure! Let's go!" Twilight decided. For the third time doing the spell that blinded her and her friends.