> Turn Left > by MysteriousRevenger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Derpy Hooves: Turn Left > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, where did he run off to now?" Her eyes scanned two different directions, looking for the familiar blur of brown that usually accompanied the insanity that was the wake of the Doctor. She sighed, thinking about taking to the air to hunt him down. "What troubles you, young one?" Came a voice, almost melodic in its tone. She turned to see a smile coming from a striped muzzle. "Zecora?" Derpy was surprised to see her out in the marketplace today. "No, my dear. I am but a wanderer, but one that has a vision on other things. I offer to show others what I see." The figure stepped out into view, a zebra with a mane that was more black than white, pale blue eyes that gazed almost in a look of concern upon the wall-eyed mare. Derpy couldn't help but feel herself shiver. "No, no...that's alright. I have to look for my friend..." Words almost failed to escape her mouth. "The Time Lord will come back around. He has a few times. But you...you are the reason I am here. Your path is becoming an unusual one. Things will happen, as they often do around that pony. I only want to show how much of a difference you have made." "Wait. Me? Make a difference? No, no, no, no...you must have me mixed up with somepony else..." The smile returned to the zebra's face. "Want to see for yourself?" She wasn't sure what was welling up. Curiosity as to this zebra's words? Concern about what was meant? Or, just plain exhaustion after chasing down the hyper brown stallion? She didn't know what spurred the words out. "What do I do?" "Sit, young one. Let me show you." Derpy parked herself on a nearby bench, with the zebra next to her. "Now, close your eyes. Focus only on my words. Nothing else is around, only you, me, and my words..." Walking the path that time posed to other paths, the way is closed Show the world that choice theft if this one...turned left Dizziness suddenly struck Derpy hard, and she quickly fell over. -- She rose, looking around at the usual marketplace, the hustle and bustle of a typical shopping day in Ponyville. She scratched her head, the fog lifting finally. She looked around, suddenly aware she was alone on the bench. She scanned the area, each eye intent to spot the mysterious zebra. "Where did he go?" She thought out loud. "Where did who go?" A new voice spooked Ditzy, spinning her around into the view of a bright red mane. "Carrot Top? When..." She wanted to question, but just shook it off. "Was there a zebra on the bench with me?" "Ditzy Doo...you know for a fact there is only one zebra in town. And, she's nowhere to be seen." Carrot Top shook her head, once again accepting the silly ramblings of her roommate. "Oh...right..." Ditzy wasn't convinced, but she just shook it off. "Have you seen Time Turner recently?" "Who?" "Time Turner? I introduced you to him a while back." "You haven't introduced me to anypony for a while, Ditzy." Shock was obvious on her face. "Come on, Carrot Top, that's not funny. Seriously, have you seen him?" Carrot Top got a look on her face that Ditzy knew for a fact was her 'Serious Business' face. "Ditzy. I'm not joking or playing around. The last pony you introduced to me was Rainbow Dash. And, that was a long time ago." Ditzy was visually confused, so a concerned hoof went over her shoulders. "Come on. The heat must be getting to you. Let's get you home." As if those words suddenly jarred her into reality, the blistering heat suddenly hit her. "Carrot Top...why is it so hot? I thought it was springtime..." "Ditzy...how out of it are you? It has to be." Carrot Top just shook her head. "Are you sure you're okay?" When she saw Ditzy's confused look, she sighed, and pointed a hoof out. The sight that came to Ditzy made her eyes straighten. A wall of white stood outside the city, standing above the tops of trees and buildings, holes cut into the blank cliff had ponies passing through them, shivering and chattering. Her eyes moved up, and saw the massive cloudbank that covered the top of the wall, but stopped over Ponyville, seeing the weather team moving at what seemed like a frantic pace. She suddenly sprung up, flapping with all her might to get above the clouds. Every pegasus was moving with fervor, shuttling clouds away to other places that Ditzy couldn't identify. A sudden streak of rainbow colors shot by her. Ditzy flew as fast as her wings would let her, screaming a breathless call to the head of the rainbow-colored streak. She finally stopped, drew in a huge breath, and screamed as loud as she possibly could. "RAINBOW DASH!" The trail stopped, then turned to her. She was suddenly face-to-face with the cyan speedster. "Oh, hi Ditzy. Can this wait? I'm needed at the cloud recycling center." "No, it cannot. What's happening here? What's going on? Why is everything white?" Rainbow laughed. "What, have you been asleep for months? It's snow." "Snow?" Ditzy was now getting more and more scared. "Why is there so much?" "Ask Twilight. I have to get back to work. Sorry!" Her last word was punctuated by a sudden burst of speed, and Rainbow disappearing into one of the massive buildings to which all the clouds were being taken. -- "The Ice Worm from up north made the weather of all of Equestria fall out of the control of every weather team. The Princesses defeated it, but not before it left a lasting impact on the land. Even now, the weather teams all try to get all the clouds under control, and hopefully soon the work can begin to try and reclaim the lands lost to the snow. Though, it will be a long time before life can even begin to return to normal." Twilight's words crushed Ditzy's heart. "Ice worm? But...we stopped it..." When Twilight looked at her confused, she just shook her head. "What about some ancient history? A pony named Tic Toc?" Twilight was puzzled for a while, before she finally brought down a large, old looking book. "I don't have anything about a pony named that. Sorry, Ditzy." "He saved a whole colony during a major war! It was because of him that they were able to fight off a massive evil that threatened to destroy Equestria 500 years ago! I know he did! He saved Fort Nayers!" Twilight flipped through the book, then nodded. "Fort Nayers was involved in wars that did stop a dark force from taking over the west Equestrian lands. But, for reasons never documented, the enemies retreated and have never been heard from again." She looked up, mouth in shape to ask how Ditzy knew this, but the blonde pegasus was gone. -- Ditzy sat on the bench, staring at the wall of snow surrounding the town. It was a shock to her that the world had changed so much because of her. "Do you see it now?" Came a melodic voice. Ditzy didn't turn. "Where is the Doctor right now?" The zebra looked out to the wall. "A faraway planet. Not sure as of right now, to be honest. Could never really predict his movements." "What about the future? What will happen to this world..." Her own words caught hard in her throat, the realization of what she had asked dawning on her. "The Doctor will save Equestria...after it has already been conquered..." The zebra sighed. "Do you see now how much you mean to history, now that you know the Doctor? Do you know now what you need to do?" She nodded. "Turn right." The dizziness struck again, and she went down. -- "Miss Hooves! Hello? Come on, it's not nap time. Wake up!" Derpy's eyes fluttered open, suddenly sitting straight up. "Doctor?" The grin on his face widened. "Who else?" Suddenly, two gray hooves embraced the confused Time Lord. "What? Are you alright?" "Never better!" She could have kissed him in that moment. But, his eyes went to the seat next to her. She followed his gaze, seeing a simple piece of paper there. On it was this: Never doubt your heart also know what is your part Continue the fight And remember, you chose right. > Rainbow Dash: Turn Left > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAINBOW DASH: TURN LEFT She didnt like spending too much time on the ground, but even Rainbow knew that the shopping she had to do was better in the marketplace of Ponyville than the offerings of Cloudsdale. She wandered aimlessly, trying her best to remember exactly what she was trying to get. "Let's see...food for Tank...some snacks..." She never had memory problems, except for those rare moments where she had to do things that she really didn't want to. Shopping was one of them. She didn't want to do this. "You look lost," a voice came from her side. She turned to see the striped muzzle, a little too close as Rainbow suddenly jumped back. "Zecora?" She shook her head, a yellow bead bobbing in a long lock of mane. "No, my friend. I am just a wanderer. It seems that Ponyville does give me some more interesting things to see, though. Like you, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow beamed. "So. You've heard of me?" Finally, she was getting the reputation she desired. The zebra, again, shook her head. "Not in the way you expect." When the confusion and disappointment on Rainbow's face showed, she smiled. "I saw your path, and you will soon face a new challenge. I offer to show those ones the things that are not, at least now they aren't." "Just what does that mean?" Rainbow really began to question the 'stability' of this pony. "Would you like to see for yourself? I know of your past. The Sonic Rainboom. Applauable, to accomplish at such a young age. But, what if you had succumb to your fears? Waited? Another opportunity, of course, presents itself. What if you had taken it then?" Rainbow felt something well up. Something she thought was limited to eggheads. Curiosity. "And just how do you intend to show me that?" The zebra smiled. "Join me on that bench. I'll show you exactly what I mean." They walked over to the bench, its back to a fountain. "Who are you? What is your name?" Rainbow questioned. "I have told you who I am. My name is lost. Just sit. You have other things to worry about." Rainbow sat, and the zebra joined her. "Just close your eyes. Only focus on my words. Nothing else exists, save for you, me, and my words." A nod, then Rainbow closed her eyes. Walking the path that time posed to other paths, the way is closed Show the world that choice theft when this one...turned left Dizziness struck hard, dropping Rainbow Dash in an instant. -- Her eyes shot open, now on level with the ground. Rainbow sat up, feeling the dizziness leave her. She looked around, realizing she was alone on, or by, the bench. She stood, looking around for the mysterious zebra. Seeing nothing, she checked her bags. All her bits and food was there. Except for Tank's food. "Why would a zebra knock me out to take lettuce?" Rainbow's annoyance was obvious, but she needed to save her bits for other things. Right now, though, she wanted to get home. She took to the air, not flying with speed, just with the happiness she felt every time the wind caressed her wings. It was almost disappointing when the all too familiar cloud structure arose in front of her. She pushed open the door, stepping into her familiar home. Nothing was different. "Tank! Tank, where are you?" She really didn't expect to get a response. But, the empty silence that filled the house also crept into her heart. She would at least hear the propeller that kept him aloft. "Okay, don't hide on me. I dont like this. Come on out, buddy." Nothing. She shot around in a blur, opening doors and peeking into anything that could fit the animal. No sign of green anywhere. She streaked into the living room, panting hard. She scanned the room, maybe thinking that she had left the windows open. She saw other things, though. "My Daring Do collection! It's gone!" The bookshevles were bare, save a few manuals on aerial maneuvers, of course written by the Wonderbolts. "I've been robbed!" She bolted out the door, the mulit-colored contrail streaking all the way to Ponyville. The library quickly appeared in front of her, prompting her return to the ground. She pounded on the door. "Twilight! Twilight! Someone broke into my house and stole my books and Tank!" The figure that opened the door scared Rainbow. A light red pony, whisps of blonde mane over her magenta eyes met her horrified expression. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. There's no Twilight here." "What? Who are you? Where's Twi?" "I've been the Ponyville librarian for years, Rainbow Dash. I should be shocked, except for the fact that you rarely ever even step hoof near here." Rainbow back-peddled, suddenly shooting into the air. She looked around, the Carousel Boutique standing out. She shot to the door. "Rarity! Are you here?" She pushed open the door, and was greeted by a familiar face. "Oh. Rainbow Dash. What an unusual surprise." Rainbow could have cried at hearing that voice speak to her, but teared up for the next thing said. "Why would you be coming here?" "Nonononono! Not you too! We're friends! We've been through so much!" Rarity took a step back. "Darling, as much as I'm flattured that you think we're friends," the last word spoke had venom behind it, "but, you and I have never socialized. I shudder to think about spending any amount of time with you..." She then did visually shudder. She turned away from the speedster, only to have Rainbow notice one more thing missing. Rarity's Cutie Mark. -- Rainbow barely had her legs under her as she stumbled through the market. Tears streamed from her eyes. Her whole world had collapsed, as suddenly her legs did too. She sobbed, not caring for reputation, how pathetic she looked, or anything. She was heartbroken. And, all of Ponyville knew it. "You have left an impact, Rainbow Dash. Not as a flyer. But as a pony." She immediately looked up into the sea-blue eyes of the zebra, the yellow bead hanging by her ear. "Where are the others? I don't want to look. I just want to know. Are they all blank-flanks?" The zebra shook her head. "Applejack bears hers. By attrition only. You bound yourself to the fates of many others. Your fame is not measured by your acrobatic skills, or your power of flight. It is by your heart that you are legendary." "Why did you show me this?" "Because we do not often get the benefit of knowing what would have happened had we, say taken a new path, or taken one action instead of another. You will question yourself. You will stumble. But you must always look at these as learning experiences. And know that you do not walk alone. Pride before the fall, tis true. Only humility will allow us to stand again. Now, Rainbow Dash. What will you do?" She stood, smiling to the zebra. "Turn right..." The dizziness caught her again, once again bringing the darkness. -- Her eyes were heavy, but they opened finally. She looked around, suddenly seeing a pair of hooves next to her. "Rainbow Dash! Are you alright? I was told you needed help!" "Who..." She looked up to the purple coat, violet mane, and the horn. "Twilight!" She hugged the bewildered unicorn tight, feeling her tears well up again. "I have never been so happy to see you!" "Rainbow...what's wrong? You're acting like you haven't seen me for a long time." She fought back tears, sniffling. "It feels like it. Can you join me to Carousel Boutique? I wanna see Rarity." Twilight's confusion was apparent, but she nodded. Rainbow moved, and a piece of paper fluttered down. "What's that?" Twilight levitated the paper to eye level, and the two ponies read it. Lightning struck six places Aligning hearts, and steadying faces Alone, you will never fight And, remember, you chose right