> MLFNAKH > by RedeemerofDark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 week after KHDDD 3D AKA Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance 3D* “It has been a week already”. Sora thought to himself. After he found out he would not be deemed a keyblade master, that honor would go to Riku, he decided that for nostalgia’s sake he would go on the gummi ship to explore more worlds for keyholes to lock. He brought Goofy and Donald along to help and they honestly didn’t have anything better to do so they were fine with it. ”Hey we’ve found a keyhole Sora. ”Chip and Dale said in unison. ”That means we found another world.” said Sora. ”Well let’s go!” “Yeah!” said Donald, Goofy, Chip, and Dale in a cheerful unison. After flying through an asteroid belt fighting off a ship controlled by someone who called themselves the Flying Dutchman and Crew and Killing a giant Flying snake by (don’t ask) -ing it through its (don’t ask). When they finally arrived Chip spoke up, “Hmmm, It appears we've arrived at a human world it looks very city-like but not as advanced as the other ones like they Radiant Garden, it says the year is 1993 currently”. ”Hmm that’s 7 years younger than the Radiant Garden actually, according to what the statistics say”. Dale spoke up next, "The inflated area on this world is a pizzeria from what i can see, oh boy Sora, Donald, Goofy looks like you get free pizza. "I wish i could go with ya, but me and Chip need to monitor the ship, could you bring us back some?” ”Sure.” ”Yay, thanks sora”. "Well, beam us down Chippy.” ”Don’t make that a habit Sora, please.” ”Ok Chippy”. Chip sighed at this and sent them on to the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the pizzeria. "Alright it’s 11:00 p.m., it means i have plenty of time to settle in before those damn animatronics start up” said mike grumpily. He’d been working at this pizzeria for a whole month and knew tonight wouldn’t be any easier than the other 31 days of January hell. "It's okay Mikey remember you're doing this for Doll." Unbeknownst to him a blue aura had appeared in the left hall and was slowly but surely forming as 3 figures hit the floor. And unbeknownst to everyone their was a particularly important piece of paper on the floor of the supply closet and the door was already open. Mike heard the figures footsteps but because everything he met in the pizzeria before has tried to kill him he decided not to look at what it was. And he definitely wasn't leaving his post, his boss did this weird thing where he checked his butt print in the seat every time his shift ended. The only reason he knew this was because he caught his boss doing it the other day when he was particularly tired one morning and saw his boss doin it, he can remember how awkward that was. "Uh hey boss I'm going home". "Alright mike see ya tomorrow" he said as he walked over to look at the seat. "See ya.......uhhhhhh...." mike said as he turned around to see his boss looking at his seat. "What are you doing, boss?" "Just checking to see if you were really here your whole shift". He said with uncertainty, as if he didn't trust mike. "Of course I was here, where else would I have gone, you lock the place up every night." "You could have gone anywhere in here, for all I know you could be the one banging around in the kitchen every night." "Unbelievable." He thought. "Wait a minute you don't live in here so how do you know about that?" "From past night guards plus I barely scrounged up enough money to implant a couple of things throughout ghe building to hear what happens in here." Mike grimaced That explains the occasional hearable buzz in the office, I think I'll stop asking questions now. He thought. Yep most awkward moment working here ever. But hey I've worked here 66 weeks and earned 8,000 dollars. 120 more weeks and I'll be able to afford that ring for doll. He thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Crystal Library. Twilight had been busy today especially so far she had checked out and in 85 books in total and judging from the pace she would have checked in and out 100 books by the end of the day, though to her surprise she seemed to be checking out the last of the books right now, so checked in and out books total is 86, huh i guess even numbers was going to be a thing now maybe, it’d be better organized if it that’s what ended up happening. “Well it seems like we’re done for the day spike she said to the exhausted dragon as Carrot Top left with a book called “How to Make Carrots Turn Different Colors” she said she was going to see if people wanted specific colored carrots. She looked back at spike she couldn’t blame him for being tired he had been writing everything down and carrying the papers back and forth all day, meanwhile she just gave him books to put back on the shelves got the books he got and gave them to the person requesting that particular book and stamping each sheet given for the borrowing of said book, and he had been writing so much his hand was bit more red than normal. “Is your claw okay spike? she asked him in a way that was a little curious with genuine concern mixed in. “I’m fine Twilight i just need an ice pack from Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy and it’ll be good”. “Well it appears to be 5:00 p.m. now i’ll go check to see if everything is in its proper place see ya in a bit spike.” ”Alright i’m going to Fluttershy’s cottage for that icepack”. Little did they know that in a week's time everything would be anything but normalor calm for that matter. And as Spike started trekking towards Fluttershy's cottage, something happened that's never happened ever before in Twilight's life. She felt........a....magic..disturbance this, she thought meant one of two things. Either A: The magic disturbance was sl strong she was able to feel it, or B: It was a normal magic disturbance that she just happened to have been felt by her and maybe discord. Whom did feel it actually causing him to go noodle discord in the middle of helping fluttershy, she asked if he was alright and since the disturbance hadn't caused anything particularly bad at the current moment and he didn't want her worrying he said he was fine with a smile and started helping her again. And though discord and twilight didn't know that they both felt the magic disturbance much less know that they felt it at the same time, but what they did both know is that unlike most magic disturbances they were able to read that it would happen in a week's time.