Start of the brood

by king fireball

First published

A two part story that will tell the story of Lightning Dust, Sweetie Belle and Starshine

Starshine wants to create a team that will defeat and destroy anything that comes in their way.

Chapter 1 Dust made Light

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The night was quiet and calm with no sign of anybody awake under Luna's moonlight that shined down on the city in the clouds. Lightning Dust was walking down a flight of stairs when a man with reddish hair and a white streak in the front greeted her.

"Well hello there my name is Starshine and you must be Lightning Dust." said Starshine.

"Thank you...I think, what do you want from me? An autograph?" retorted Dash.

"No I'm only here you take a few problems out of commission." said Starshine as he walked around Lightning Dust.

Dust did have a problem with Fleetfoot and Spitfire but mostly Spitfire so this deal this mysterious person was giving would actually help her get rid of Spitfire for good. Lightning Dust turned to look at him but with a sinister look on her face.

"What did you have in mind?" asked Lightning Dust.

"Well...there is a poison that is in my bag in my car outside this place, would you like to come join me?" asked Starshine who extended his hand towards Lightning's hand.

"Of course" said Dust as she took his hand.
They both went outside in the freezing cold but it didn't affect them. Starshine opened the trunk of his Chrysler 500 to reveal a small vial with clear water but with a green bubble inside that made a swishing noise whenever it moved side to side, Lightning Dust had an evil smirk on her face that was as clear as the morning sun.

"You should let me do it considering that Spitfire trusts me with important things." said Lightning Dust with a convincing look on her face.

"But of course" said Starshine.
The smile grew wider with each sinister intention Lightning Dust had. She had just met this man and already Dust was impressed, now all she needed was to find a way to poison her commander Spitfire.

Chapter 2 Poison

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A tired but manageable Spitfire was able to come here on time despite her lack of sleep from the party last night. Still, she was eager to get to work no matter what until Lightning Dust came in with a tall glass of water with a green bubble that was plain enough to see which made Spitfire have a bit of suspicion.

"What's this green bubble in this glass?" asked Spitfire.

"Just a little extra to show you what a good leader you are." said Dust with a fake smile that spread across her face.

Spitfire stared at Dust for a few moments but shrugged it off then took a sip of her strange looking water. She made a disgusting face as if she tasted bad sushi that Soarin gave her a few months back. Lightning Dust had a syringe behind her back with her own version of a poison if this one Starshine gave her didn't work on Spitfire.

But it seemed the poison was working because Spitfire coughed constantly and even landed on the ground, gasping for air. Reaching for Lightning Dust's hand she only slapped it away and poisoned her again but this time with a syringe which made the poison travel faster down her bloodstream causing Spitfire's blood to move faster and her heart to work to pump more blood faster.

"Such a shame that you could've been better Miss Spitfire but I guess not." said Starshine who walked in and kissed Dust on the lips softly.

"Who...are... *cough* you?" asked Spitfire who was clinging to life but dying fast.

"My name is Starshine and your little Lightning Dust has just injected enough poison to drop a rhino so you'll die very soon." said Starshine.

Spitfire's heart quickened so much that it bleeded internally which caused her heart to shut down and finally die. Her body only saw a glimpse of what happened. All those years of being a friend to Rainbow Dash and Lighting Dust has changed, this was the end of the wonderbolt commander Spitfire.

"It's such a shame she had to go...we didn't have a chance to take a picture of her dying." said Lighting Dust.

"No worries I got that covered" said Starshine who pulled out a camera and took a picture of them with Spitfire's dead body.

"So this Brood thing you talked to me earlier about, what do they exactly do?" asked Lightning Dust.

"Basically we kill anyone that gets in our way" said Starshine.

"Sounds fun" said Dust who wrapped her arm around his arm.

They both left the building leaving Spitfire's body to rot in there and into Starshine's car where he started the engine and revved up the engine, they left that same day. The regret Lightning Dust was waiting for never came cause all her life working with Spitfire was a pain in the ass so seeing her die was a blessing to her along with Starshine.

"So where are we going now?" asked Dust.

"Well my dear we are going to the city of Manhattan where our newest member will join us, a very peculiar one I spotted some time ago before finding you my dear." said Starshine with a smile across his face.

"Who would that be?" asked Lightning Dust who was eager to know the answer.

"Sweetie Belle...she's with Rarity and her friends, we're going to try to lure her out and come with matter the cost." said Starshine.

"What if Twilight and her friends try to stop us? Do we just take Sweetie Belle and run or kill them then take Sweetie Belle?" asked Lightning Dust.

"They will die along with Sweetie's sister Rarity who used to be my friend until she betrayed me." said Starshine.

The mere cold words hit Dust but she didn't care as long as she went to Manhattan to retrieve Sweetie Belle to begin this "Brood" Starshine talks about. Manhattan wasn't far now at least...this would be the start of something bad and it will bring end times for the Equestrian Girls and Rarity's lovable sister Sweetie Belle who was in Manhattan with her to help with a very important order to be placed soon.