> Wings Only Zing Once > by RTyrant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Not so innocent beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was evening when Dash winged in over the small town of Ponyville, the sun slowly sinking into the horizon as she flapped into a steady glide to survey the area below. It was quiet besides the occasional cluster of ponies going about their evening routines. Dash rolled her eyes, talking to herself to fight boredom. “Oh this is going to kill me! The whole place looks so lame...” She drug an immaculately clean hoof over her face. Whatever, bits is bits, but the weather team better promote me fast if I’m dealing with this. She gritted her teeth in frustration as she homed in on the obvious landmark for her temporary housing. A farm? Even more lame… With the weather team hoofing her rent for the week, she hoped she wasn’t expected to do any chores. Dash folded her wings, dove, and pulled up into a spinning loop, offering the ponies below a colorful show as she made her roundabout way towards Sweet Apple Acres. “Hehe, I’m probably the best thing these boring ponies seen all year!” A sudden glimmer caught her eye mid-loop, and she flapped into a steady glide for a better look. Long golden flowing fields of hay swayed gently in the breeze, hallowed by dancing rays of the setting sun. She stared, eyes wide and mouth agape at the sheen that sparkled like a streak of golden mane set in stark contrast to the rolling hills of brilliant green orchards caressed by deep autumn hues. “Whoa, awesome…” Applejack flopped her flank down onto an old log, and heaved a relieving sigh. “Woo’dowgy! That’s a lotta hay!” She glanced over at the small wall of remaining bales. Big Mac tossed another one onto the pile, bringing it to two stacks of three standing next to each other. “That it?” Her lips pulled into an enthusiastic grin, though her eyes belied her exhaustion. “Eeyup…” “Head on back then, ya earned it. I’ll haul the rest of em up into the hay barn with the others ‘ere tonight. Gonna enjoy some quiet, and watch the sunset fer’a bit.” She pointed over to the farmhouse over the next hill as her brother hesitated, reaching for a bale. “Go on, git! I can handle mah own work.” “Eeyup.” He swiftly plodded off towards home and food. “Have Apple Bloom run me out a pie!” she shouted as an afterthought, pulling the band out of her mane so she could enjoy the cool apple scented breeze to its fullest. “Eeyup!” her brother called back, already halfway down the hill. Applejack turned towards the sunset. A tingly warmth spread through her as love for its orange and yellow hues filtered through the autumn leaves of the apple trees, and straight into her heart. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the earthy scent of freshly harvested hay. When she opened them, she was staring straight up at the sky, intent on watching the waning light of day darken from vibrant blue into the deep purples of night. She blinked and squinted in confusion. “Ain’t rained today. What’s with the rainbow?” She marveled at the out of place streak of colors, until it dawned on her that it was moving, looping, and twisting around the sky. “Wow! Don’t see that everyday.” Applejack leaned back, splaying across the log in very unladylike fashion. She propped her head back onto her forehooves, and enjoyed the colorful streak as it swirled and twirled at random. A goofy grin spread across her muzzle. She wondered what it would be like to meet a rainbow, and she giggled at the absurdity of the thought. Hay there cutie, if yer the rainbow of mah dreams, then fall from the sky, and- She glanced over at the wall of hay. -and move some hay bales for a lady! The rainbow drew closer. Applejack sat up a bit, propping back on her forehooves as she stared. “It’s falling?” Her heart skipped a beat, then sped up. “What in the world? It’s comin’ right for me!” Dash arched back around to keep the hayfields in view, and dropped altitude, intent on getting a closer look. However, by the time she realised she was coming in too fast, an unsuspected updraft snagged one of her wings. “Horsefeathers!” Dash rolled into a spin, flapping wildly to regain control. I’m gonna buy the farm! She twisted, aiming for a wall of hay to soften the crash. Applejack watched wide eyed as the rainbow twisted and juked until it fell out of sight beyond the tree line behind her. She glanced around frantically, trying to find her descending imaginary rainbow hunk. Well this is excitin’! Wonder when I fell asleep? Days work must’a been extra hard ta earn a dream like this! Applejack’s mane blasted forward as a vibrant streak of colors swished past, just barely missing her little wall of hay. It crashed with an explosive crunch behind it. A flurry of reds, oranges, and browns fluffed outwards in a cloud of leaves. “Ah just raked those leaves…” Applejack’s eye twitched at the added work even as she gulped down her apprehension. She craned her neck trying to get a glimpse of the newcomer just beyond the wall. A sudden nervous sweat beading upon her brow. “H-Hello?” She was answered by a soft groan. “Oh, my head…” Dash slowly crawled out of the massive pile of leaves, shaking off the prickly ones that clung to her fur. Applejack mumbled under her breath. “Oh, a mare. Well that’s fer the better, don’t need no distractions-” After moment of rustling about, the mysterious rainbow popped its head over the wall of hay. “-any-wow!” Applejack’s face flooded with tingles that burned their way back to her ears. A wonder of colors, every hue of the sunset, autumn, spring, and even a blond streak of the hayfields all in contrast to a beautiful sky blue coat greeted Applejack. Every color of everything I love... “Hay’ya, not my best landi…” Dash’s jaw dropped. “Whoa! You’re totally glowing!” Applejack’s mane flowed around her, gently whipping in the wind, the sunset rays lighting them in a haloing gleam. “G-Glowing like the hay fields…” Heat flooded through Applejack’s cheeks, and suddenly she became self aware of her unladylike pose. She snapped her legs shut, sat up, and twisted to the side on the log. Dash choked on her words, also suddenly aware of just how personally acquainted to this new mare she had become. “I-I-I was just admiring your mane, that’s all! I mean, your tail was glowing too but’uhm...” Applejack’s blush doubled in shade. “Nonono! It was really beautiful! I mean, of course, all of you is beautiful! What, wow, did I just say that?” Dash slammed her face into the hay. “Aww, horsefeathers!” Applejack snorted behind her hoof as she tried to contain a giggle, and forced out a greeting. “Name’s Applejack.” Try as she might, southern hospitality escaped her at that moment. Her hoof refused to extend for a shake, and an invitation to dinner stuck in her throat. “Rainbow Dash…” She muffled into the hay, peeking up slightly. She froze as she felt a breeze cross under her wings. Oh, No! Nonono! Stupid wings, go down… down-down-down... “H-hello, well ah guess I kinda already said that, but hi again and all…” Applejack stammered wringing the end of her tail, her mind racing to find which part of Dash’s body would be the least embarrassing to compliment. “I mean, uhm…” Her eyes locked back onto Dash’s mane. “Uh...colors!” she blurted out awkwardly. “What?” Dash’s head popped up. “I like your colors, they’re purdy.” She smiled sheepishly. “Wow! Hay, thanks.” Dash beamed at the compliment. “Whoa, I mean, it’s nothin’, just a kind sayin’ in kind for a kind sayin’, righ’?” Applejack fought the urge to face hoof. “Oh, yeah! Right, well I like your eyes, and the freckles are totally adorable…” Dash grinned, then remembering her wings, she forcefully shoved them down, her hooves behind her back. Applejack lost control, the giggles forced their way up her throat as she stammered uncontrollably. “Y-You already c-complimented me. Ahm the one who owed you the compliment…” “Right, duh…hehe… Well, yeah. I’m not from around here. Compliments in Cloudsdale are usually said with wings.” Dash chuckled nervously as a wing popped up, and she swiftly forced it back down with a hoof. She pulled them forward, pinning them to her stomach. “I’m supposed to stay here while I’m training for the weather team.” “Oh! You’re mah G-PET!” Applejack choked on her words, realizing them, but too late to stop herself. “Mah, pet, I mean not mah pet, but mah guest pet. Not pet!” She waved her hooves frantically, and said her words slow and methodically. “Guest, yer mah guest stayin’ here from the temp agency, right?” Seeing the rosy blush overtake Dash’s face Applejack froze, and stopped fighting that urge to face hoof. ‘Pompf!’ Dash’s wings, still pinned to her stomach, slammed back, blasting her forward through the wall of hay. “Whoa!” She tumbled into a roll, stopping at Applejack’s hooves, hay bales tumbling behind her. She nimbly popped up, sitting on her haunches as she played the embarrassment off with a brush of her hoof through her mane. “Grr-ounded Pegasi Enrichment Temp or G-PET, at your service.” She laughed awkwardly, extending a shaky hoof, the other twirling a lock of hair. “The pegasi job agency likes acronyms waay to much. Heh, so uh, I guess that makes me the pet you’re looking for. Gah! No, I mean I’m your Dash…” She face hoofed with a groan, trying to hide her blush. Applejack snorted, and burst out laughing. Dash looked down with indignant eyes, a reprimand on her lips, but her words were shushed by an orange hoof. “Hold on nah, don’t get yer tail in a bunch, I didn’t mean nothin’ by it.” Then, suddenly aware of what she was doing, Applejack’s hoof shot back, hiding behind her. “Whoa! Sorry, ahm used to doin’ that to my little sis when she gets that look. Ah didn’t mean to touch yer lips like that.” “No problem…” Dash squeaked, her eyes wide in shock. Applejack gasped out a shaky breath, eager to change the subject. Dash’s jittery wings caught her attention, and suddenly, her hooves itched to touch them. “Oh, what in tarnation? Your wings are all shakey. Are ya’lright?” Dash nodded, apprehension catching in her throat, though she wasn’t sure she could keep from screaming much longer. Tension balled up in her chest and stomach, jumbling her thoughts, and weakening her knees. She sat on her haunches. Her forelegs pitched back in a blur to grab her wings, and fold them forward. She rubbed her primaries together nervously across her belly, trying to fight butterflies with little tickles. Applejack’s voice softened, her brow furrowing with honest concern, but her eyes were locked on Dash’s wings. “Do they hurt? You had some nasty falls.” No... Dash mewed in her mind, but her head shook a meek little yes with big puppydog eyes, still twirling her primaries in little circles around her belly. “Aww… here, let me take a look at em’. I don’t know the first thing ‘bout wings, but I know a whole heapin’ lot’about scrapes and bruises!” Applejack’s heart skipped a beat as Dash leaned closer to her hooves. Those wings! They look soo soft... She nearly ‘squeed’ out loud, as she gently prodded one of the wings, looking it over with tender hooves. A numbness spread through her forelegs. Her pupils dilated at the tingling pleasures. It took all of her willpower not to dive face first into those delicate, fluffy… Applejack wiped a bit of drool from her muzzle. Dash shook her head no in a barely perceivable motion, her mind screaming for Applejack to back off, but her traitorous body denied her any means to tell her so. “Aww, they are a bit scraped up aren’t they. Here, have a seat, and I’ll see if ah can help.” Applejack gently pulled Dash to sit in front of her on the log, by a wing. They don’t hurt! Dash’s mind screamed as her body complied obediently. “Uh? They’re shiverin’ real hard now. Yah must’a sprained somethin’.’” Applejack worked around the base of Dash’s wings, gently massaging the muscles, questioning the sanity of every stroke of her hooves as she reveled in the delicious downy softness. Dash shifted her shoulders forward, trying to pull her wings away, only to have them extend back under their own volition as they refused to leave Applejack’s hooves. “Ye-yeah! Just a sprain...hehe.” She tensed as a shiver ran through her body, chewing at her lip. “If y’aren’t comfortable...we can...stop.” Applejack’s words came hard and forced. Dash’s mind screamed yes, but her head shook no. Then her traitorous wings jerked back to caress Applejack’s shoulders. Her jaw dropped in shock as she struggled to get them back under control. Applejack tensed, her eyes snapping wide as she shrank from Dash’s wing tips. “W-what are ya doin’?” “Oh, me?” Dash sucked in air, her mouth open to reply, but her chest squeezed so tight she could barely manage to squeak. “N-Nothin… they just do that…” “Really?” Applejack’s brow raised as she eyed the wings slowly caressing her forelegs. At this point she felt willing to believe anything as long as she could keep touching, exploring, devouring that fluffy softness. No! Dash gasped out her words in a long blurred forced jumble. “Oh, yeah! Normal! Totally can’t control em! If you’re embarrassed we should stop!” Applejack nodded in agreement, but her tongue had already agreed with her hooves which held the base of Dash’s wings, preventing her from moving away. “No-no-no! Not bothered at all!” She gritted her teeth at her own stubborn stupidity, laughing awkwardly. “Kay!” Dash blurted out a bit too loudly. She struggled for breath, growing tired of fighting against her own body. Her shoulders sagged as she tried to relax. However, her wings took full advantage of her drop in defenses as her primaries curved around Applejack’s biceps, squeezing. Applejack giggled at the warm little tickles that Dash’s primaries left in their wake. “Wow, wings sure are friendly critters.” She bit her lip, secretly fangirling over the fluffy down of Dash’s underwing ridges as the muscles melted beneath her magical hooves. Dash mumbled in reply, “not usually…” “Ah...ah hope ahm not taking southern hospitality too far over here?” “N-Nah…” Dash blatantly lied, her forelegs sagging limply to the sides as her head lolled back. Emboldened, Applejack worked up Dash’s delicate wing ridge, gently rolling it between her hooves. Fuzzy realizations slowly wormed their way into Dash’s thoughts as her wings began shamelessly claiming Applejack. Seering little tingles followed Applejack’s roaming touch. She struggled internally to get her wings in check, fighting against instinct as they demanded free reign to explore. “Oh-my-gosh…” she whispered in shock. Her face flushed deeply as heat spread down her neck, radiated through her body, and pulsed back through her wings. “You’re the one…” Dash fought to control her breathing, which was swiftly careening out of control. Dash’s wings tensed around Applejack, gripping her tighter. Applejack was too lost in wonder to notice. Prickly little arcs of static were nipping at her hooves. She recoiled slightly at first, then slid them back over Dash’s wing ridges as little tingles danced through her hooves, and radiated sensations of pleasure up her forelegs. Applejack sucked in a deep breath, unaware she had stopped breathing. Her cheeks burned, her whole face pulsing with frantic beat of her heart. Dash was too far gone to reply, but her thoughts and actions were in agreement for the first time that evening. Her mind flooded over with a torrent of fuzz, a muffled moan escaping her lips. Wings slid further back, curving around Applejack’s shoulders as Dash slowly leaned towards her. Applejack hesitated, a wave of apprehension crawled up her back with a shiver as her sense of duty and responsibility nagged through tingling haze crawling from her cheeks into her mind. She pressed harder into Dash’s back, trying to keep her distance, but her muscles buckled under the passion in Dash sudden overwhelming desire communicated through insistent wings as primaries caressed her biceps, rendering them weak and complacent. “Maybe we should stop…” her words fell flat and meaningless, a toneless breathy plea, a last ditch effort of her waning ego struggling for control. Her own hooves ignored her as they slid under Dash’s wings, and gently twisted to support her weight, sliding down her sides to pull her flank closer. Applejack’s breath caressed Dash’s neck triggering a sudden chain reaction as Dash’s wings shot forward, and she arched back into Applejack, gasping at the sky. “Hung-ga-huh!” “Wha-wow…” Applejack’s eyes shot bolt open, a little sanity creeping up on her even as the sound sent tingles rippling up Applejack’s legs, flushed her cheeks, and radiated back down to settle in her… “Hot! It’s dang hot! Weather’s gone plum crazy! Hot, we should… inside…” Dash cut Applejack off, pinning her back, resting her head on her shoulder, and panting in her ear. The ear twitched. Applejack gritted her teeth, every muscle tensed. She forced a breath, and melted under Dash as the mare’s scent wafted across her muzzle. “Fresh crisp rain air after a long drought…” Applejack half mumbled to herself as the fuzz resettled thicker, dulling her thoughts. Her hooves slid around Dash’s mid, hugging her tight, and exploring her chest with little minds of their own. Applejack, having momentarily retreated into her mind, was a simple pony. She paid attention to her simple thoughts, accepting them at face value, usually without digging deeper. She also paid attention to her body, while she dutifully ignored its complaints half the time she nonetheless listened, and understood. At the moment, it couldn’t have screamed any louder at her. Applejack turned to look Dash in the eyes, coming nose to nose. “Ahm, really not into mares…” she denied without conviction. “First for me too...” Dash savored the sweet scent of apples rolling off her new body pillow. Her eyes softened, begging. Thier trembling lips brushed ever so slightly... “Hay, Sis!” Apple Bloom screamed from over the hill. “Ah got yer pie!” “Horse Apples!” Applejack’s hooves shot out, sending Dash fluttering chaotically into the air. They both fell to opposite sides of the log, thudding onto the ground. Apple Bloom rounded the hill top, and trotted over. “Oh, howdy.” She locked onto Dash, who was confused between shock, surprise, and a flood of other emotions all turning into indignation at being shoved aside. “Mah names Apple Bloom! Ya hungry? Hay, what’cha doin’ on the ground?” Dash shook the fuzz off her brain, the situation slowly dawning on her. “Oh, yeah...uhm haaay there Apple Bloom. Names Rainbow Dash. Sure, I could go for a bite.” She grinned awkwardly, trying to regain her composure as she picked herself up off the ground. Applejack popped up from behind the log. “Uh, hay, Apple Bloom! This here’s Rainbow Dash!” She said a little too loudly. “Yup, got that covered already, Applejack. You feelin okay?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Yeah! Right, feelin’ great. Hehe...heh.” Applejack popped up to her hooves and clopped Dash on the shoulder, sending her stumbling forward, and continued with a manic grin. “This here’s Rainbow Dash, I mean you already know all that, but she’s our pet.” She shook her head. “NO! Dang it, she’s my pet! Not yers, erk…” Dash face hoofed, and slammed the other into Applejack’s muzzle. “I’m here on an official G-PET cadet scholarship. That’s lame speak for Grounded Pegasi Enrichment Temp for the Weather Team Regional Officer Training program, or WeTROT. I’ll be staying at your farm until I get a place of my own.” She added unnecessarily. “Uhh… Your sister was just helping me deal with some wing cramps after a bumpy landing.” She kept a straight face, Applejack was impressed. “Eh… Yeah, gotcha. Well ya’ll come on down soon. Granny’s gonna wanna meet’cha!” Apple Bloom dropped the pie into Applejack’s hooves, spun around, and trotted back towards home with extra bounce in her step. “I’ll let’em know yer comin’!” Dash blasted out a sigh of relief, surprised she had been holding her breath in the first place. She turned on Applejack. “Are you crazy? Massaging my wings…” She halted mid sentence, and swiftly removed her hoof from Applejack’s mouth. “I-I-I…” She cradled the hoof in her foreleg, stammering, and blushing anew as she watched little wet trails of slobber slide down her hoof to her fur. Applejack spit out some dirt and hay. “Ah was only tryin’ ta help! You could’ve said no ya’know.” Her words lacked bite, though her lips scrunched up in embarrassment. Dash shook her head. “Yeah, let’s just forget about it okay? I’m kinda tired. This whole thing has been...weird…” Applejack’s ears fell flat. “W-Weird? Was it that bad?” “That bad? I’m used to colts and mares wanting me. Totally nothing new, but I really gotta hoof it to you-” She brushed Applejack’s cutie mark with a wing. “-you almost had me there. I just wasn’t expecting it.” She shrugged. “No biggie.” “Oh, so you fallin’ back on me was mah fault? Let’s not forget who was on top!” Applejack glared at her. “Yeah I was!” “What?” Applejack blinked in confusion. “It’s cool, if you can’t handle it, I’m totally into taking charge.” Dash grinned teasingly. Applejack stuttered, her brow furrowing as she flushed with angry indignation. “H-Hay now! Ah can take charge any ol’ time!” “Sweet!” Dash laid down on the log. “Prove it...” Applejack took a step forward, stared, then blinked. How did it come to this? “Waaiitiinng…” Dash wiggled her hips enticingly. “Ah new it! Yer tryin’ ta trick me!” Applejack waggled a hoof at Dash, her eyes glued squarely to those rocking blue flanks. “Ahm onto ya...ya...ya sneaky...ver...va-vermit.” Her voice trailed off as her brain began to fail. “What? You better not bail on me! Not after...what just happened.” Dash’s face scrunched up indignantly. “You were the one touching my wings, you know. Though usually that’s a bad thing...” Dash trailed off in thought. “Wha’?” Applejack shook the fuzz off her brain. “Wings? Wait...so what? Stop yammerin’ and make some sense would’ya?” Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, like you don’t know?” Applejack’s answer was a mute deadpan as she waved a hoof at the surrounding farm. “Uh...point taken. Well, let’s not worry about who’s fault it was.” Dash bounced off the log, trotted up to her, and threw a wing around her back. “Why don’t you show me around? Any good hiding places we can be alone for a while?” Five or six popped into Applejack’s mind. She shook them off. “What? No! And y’ain’t gettin’ outa it that easy!” Applejack’s lips scrunched up to the side. “I’ll tell you about it later. For now let’s just…” She leaned over, and nibbled Applejack’s ear. “Wha’aa!” Applejack face planted as her forelegs gave out. Dash burst out laughing, taking wing as Applejack took a swipe at her with a rear hoof. “Uh...ohh… I think somepony likes me!” “Knock’it off, yah fluttery vermit!” “You liike me… You wanna huug me…” Dash waved her hips from side to side in mid air tauntingly. “You wanna kiiss me. You wanna make sweet swe-eeyigh!” She dropped down barely missing the hay bale that whizzed by her head. “Watch it! Whoa, hold on, hay!” Another hay bale wanged her wing. Dash dropped in a flurry of chaotic flapping straight into Applejacks awaiting forelegs. “I said knock it off…” she growled down at her captive. Dash threw her forelegs around Applejack’s neck. “Whoops! Didn’t hear you. Must’a been too busy staring at that tight, round, juicy flank.” A wing dropped down to caress the curve of said flank. She grinned as Applejack turned bright red, unable to reply. “Yeah! That’s the reaction I wanted. So, uh…if you want me so bad, you gonna lay some of that sweet apple on me or what?” “Eeyu-nope…” Applejack dropped Dash to the ground with a huff, rolled her eyes as she turned, tossed her pie up onto her back, and trotted off towards home. > A Shaky Fort-night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash flopped face down onto her bed, her ears flicking in irritation to the croaking, chirping, and hooting of various night critters floating in through the thin walls. The events of the day tumbled through her head as she tried to unravel them. She knew she was a simple pony. Feelings were confusing, and questioning them in the moment never gave her anything but frustration. So she filed them away for moments like this, when she could be alone. Except being alone wasn’t doing jack for her. Muffled moans of frustration escaped Dash’s pillow. She paid attention to her body. Whether it had too much energy and needed exercise, or it was hungry and tired, she gave it what it wanted. If it was happy, she was happy. Her head lifted, and her eyes slid over the opposite wall. She could hear Applejack rustling around in her room on the other side. “Not happy…” She likes me, I know she likes me! Then what’s her problem? She buried her face into the pillow again. “Aaww-this sucks!” She sat up, extending a wing for preening. It’s gotta be because I’m a mare... She snuffled angrily at the feathers, straightening them out with all of her frustration. What else could it be? If either of us was a colt, she’d be worshiping the ground I fly over by now! Dash ripped out a bent feather, and tried to spit it out. “P-tah, stupid feather!” It stuck to her tongue until she shook her head, and it fluttered out, then defiantly zapped to the side of her muzzle. “Oh come on!” “Shh!” Applejack hissed through the wall. “Yer gonna wake Granny up!” she whisper yelled. “Sorry!” Dash whisper yelled back, using a hoof to remove the feather. “Oh, yuck… Great!” She realized too late just how dirty her hooves were as she smeared some bits of gravel across her nose. Then, she wiped her muzzle on her shoulder, only to realize again too late just how dusty it was from earlier. “Gah, stupid, why’s everything so…so-” She sneezed the word out. “-filthy!” “Shh!” Another disembodied Applejack hiss. “I’m sorry!” Dash snapped at the wall. Dash and Applejack's hackles stood on end as their ears picked up on a muted thudding sound. “You fillies keep it quiet up there! I’ma tryin’ ta git mah beauty sleep!” Granny Smith yelled, giving her ceiling a few more pokes with a stick she kept just for such occasions. “Sorry!” they whispered loudly at the floor. Dash plodded quietly over to the window. “Maybe some air will clear my head.” She opened the simple wooden shutters with a creek, and leaned out, preparing to launch. “Wait!” Dash’s hooves slipped on the windowsill, nearly sending her over the edge. “Whoa!” She scrambled back inside, falling to her flank. Applejack leaned a little further out her window, giggling quietly behind a hoof. Dash’s head popped back out. “Hay! Not…” “Shhh…” “Oh, right,” Dash whispered. “Not cool Applejack. You trying to kill me?” “Well I might if yer leavin’ already.” Applejack tapped a hoof lightly on the window sill, an eyebrow raised. “What? No, I’m just going out to stretch my wings. All this ground pounding is making me dizzy.” She hoofed at the dirt below. “Dirt doesn’t move enough. I’m getting land sickness.” Applejack’s ears sagged. “Oh, right. Go on then. See yah later.” She dodged back into her window. Dash squinted, waiting. Come back...come on...you know you want to! She chewed at a lip nervously as the seconds ticked on for an eternity. Come on! Applejack’s head popped back out. “Quit starin’.” She hissed quietly. “Ahm tryin’ ta sleep…” “Yes!” Dash hoof pumped the air. “Knew you’d come back.” “Shhh!” Granny Smith’s head popped out of the lower bedroom window. “If ya two fillys er gonna yack up a ruckus all night then pick a room, build a fort, be quiet, an’ hunker on down!” “Sorry!” they whispered loudly. Granny Smith popped back into her room, the shutters clattering behind her. Applejack and Dash locked gazes for a split second. “Chance…” Dash darted inside. “Ahh no ya don’t ya varmit!” Applejack whispered back vehemently. She tippy hoofed swiftly to the door, and latched the deadbolt. “Hehehe, get through that.” “Ooh…” Applejack spun around, coming nose to nose with Dash. “Great idea, we’ll need the privacy.” “How did ya?” Applejack backed into the door, scrunching up as Dash pressed on. “Pegasus, hellooo?” She flapped for emphasis, and hoofed over her shoulder to the open window. “Uhg...right… Ah fergot you’re a sneaky flappin’ varmit.” Applejack dodged to the side, letting Dash’s weight carry her stumbling awkwardly past. Dash recovered gracefully, spun around, and trotted up from behind. “Why are you playing so hard to get? Did I make you mad?” Applejack stopped in her tracks, searching the floorboards, confusion in her eyes. “Look, Rainbow Dash, you were right and all. This is weird.” “What? Did I say that?” Dash gritted her teeth, looking to the side for a moment. “Maybe I bucked up, okay. I mean, what’s so weird about it? We obviously got some sparks. I don’t know about you, but I am totally looking forward to seeing where this is going.” Applejack deadpanned over at Dash. “Really? This-” She waggled a hoof between them. “-isn’t weird to you? I thought you said you weren’t a fillyfooler?” “Well I could be I guess. I do like you. My wings really like you...” Dash shrugged matter of factly. “So what if you’re a filly. Doesn’t bother me.” Applejack’s jaw dropped. “So…just like that then? Yah never put much thought into it so now that you like me it’s ‘el’I’be! Shrug, guess I’m int’a mares?’” Dash smiled happily and nodded. “Or, just into you…” Applejack sighed, reaching up to pull off a wayward feather that had somehow gotten stuck to Dash’s chin. “Well sorry, but I cain’t be that carefree ‘bout it.” Applejack turned away, drawing little trails in the dust on the floorboards with a hoof. “Oh…” Dash chewed at a lip. “Well, how many colts have you been with?” Applejack went rigid. “None!” she whisper yelled. “Ever since ah took over as head of the farm, ah haven’t had time for no sweet talkin’ googly eyed lovey dovey nonsense.” Dash squeed excitedly. “Sweet! I’m totally going to be your first...” She giggled as she threw a wing around Applejack, pulling her close. “Have ya been listenin’ to a word I said?” Applejack shook her head as it tilted to the side, her ears falling over, trying to see Dash from a different angle in hopes of better understanding her insanity. “Yeah, I’m listening. Right now my wing is telling me that you aren’t pulling away.” She grinned mischievously. “Oh for lands sake!” Applejack rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I’ll just spell it out for ya. Ahm busy, and your carefree attitude ain’t good for mah farm or mah family. You got trouble written all over ya.” Dash’s smile didn’t waver. “Kay… So that’s why you told me to wait when you thought I was leaving, and why you still haven’t pulled away from my wing?” Dash hugged Applejack closer, nuzzling behind an ear as she sneaked a foreleg up around her neck to pull her in tighter. Applejack leaned into Dash. “Would’ya just give me some time to figure all this out?” “Mmhmm…” Dash playfully nibbled at the ear. “I guess your minds gotta catch up to your body at some point, right? Just try not to take to long. I’m dying over here.” Applejack dodged out of her grasp, and trotted over to the bed. “Awww…” Dash pouted. “Well…” Applejack glanced back shyly. “You gonna help me build this fort or what?” Dash laid half in and out of sleep, listening to Applejack snore. They were facing away from each other, backs mere inches apart. The chill night air breezed in through the window, and gently flitted over the rustling sheets of the fort. Memories of cold and lonely nights pining for that special somepony came clawing back to Dash’s mind as she scooted slowly closer, little by little, to Applejack. She held her breath. Don’t wake up...just a little bit more...please don’t wake up... The snoring stopped. Dash’s heart felt like a balloon expanding in a shrinking chest. A nervous terrified grin spread over clenched teeth as she waited. Applejack shifted a little, and the snoring resumed. Dash let out her breath in slow, controlled, jerky halts, and waited until the snores grew slightly louder. Then she began sliding once again, attempting to cover the vast expanse of inches between her and that sweet red delicious flank. So close! A jolt ran up her spine and out her legs as their flanks touched ever so slightly. She resisted the urge to squeal, holding her breath, slowly sliding her back against Applejacks. Shivers ran through her whole body. Her hind legs squeezed and shifted restlessly as she fought against the heat spreading through her cheeks, wings, and the powerful urge building between her thighs. After what felt like an eternity, their shoulders met. Her breathing came in long gasps, and her lungs wound tight. I’ve flown in competitions that were less exhausting than this! Applejack moaned, a hoof reached back, and grabbed Dash’s wing, pulling it over like a blanket. Dash twitched. “Aaapplejaack…” she whispered painfully. “It’s not supposed to bend that way…” She lifted herself up with her legs to relieve the tension. Then tugged on her wing slightly, trying to get it back without waking Applejack. “Come on, that really hurts.” A jolt ran through Dash, her eyes bolted wide, and her jaw dropped. Oh my gosh! She isn’t… There’s no way! Dash clenched her teeth as she craned her neck to look back. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Applejack smiling happily. She’s chewing on my wing…in her sleep! Her cheeks flushed deeper, and her wings burned hotter. She snagged a loose pillow, and stuffed it under her side. Dash then leaned back, slightly elevated onto Applejack, and giggled quietly as she savored each adorable little suck from Applejack chewing softly in her sleep. “Dash...ya sure can ride a cowgirl…” Applejack mumbled sensuously into her wing in between soft little snores. Dash grabbed another pillow, shoving it between her thighs. Her lip curled in, and she bit it hard as her hind legs shifted ceaselessly. “Applejack, you’re so mean…” Dash opened her bloodshot eyes, and lazily blinked away fuzzy sleep as she glanced around Applejack’s room. The previous nights memories came flooding back with the blinding light that beamed in through the window. She sat up with a start, the white sheet fortress collapsing around her in a heap. She fought at it only to get entangled worse. Applejack laughed whole heartedly from the other corner of the room where she sat brushing her mane in front of an old vanity. “Ah see, so that’s how ya nab a rainbow!” Dash’s bedmane popped out of the sheet, followed by bedraggled looking blue pegasus. The sheet fell, coiling around her mid. Applejacks laughter redoubled. “Well now, don’t you look worse than anything the cat dragged in?” “Hay! I kept up my end of the bargain. I was in complete control, and totally awesome last night…” Dash beamed. “Well, except for ruinin’ a perfectly good pillow… Yeah you were a complete gentlemare.” Applejack smiled and trotted over. “I feel much safer around you now.” She pecked Dash on the cheek. “Good job.” ‘Pompf’ Dash froze, her wings slamming out to the sides flinging the sheet up. “Hehe…sweet!” The sheet floated back down, wrapping around her head. “Awesome yay!” She collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles. “See yah after yer trainin’!” Applejack trotted out, smiling ear to ear as she shut the door behind her. “Uhhgg…last night was torture.” She let out a deep aggravated sigh, threw the sheet aside, and shook her mane into its usual style. Her hoof rubbed her cheek where Applejack’s lips still burned. “Heh, totally worth it though.” She grinned as she launched out the window, adding in an extra spin before shooting up into the sky. > The Improper Way to Ride a Cowgirl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack tossed the last of her hay bales for the day into the barn, clopping her forehooves together satisfactorily with dusty little puffs. She took in a deep breath, and let out a cleansing sigh. Then kicked back on her favorite log to watch the sunset. Dash stormed up the hillside past the hayfields, walking awkwardly, lifting her hooves too high, and shaking them out to the sides dramatically. Applejack stared, too shocked to laugh. “Rainbow Dash, what in tarnation?” “Don’t wanna talk about it!” Dash closed the gap between her and Applejack swiftly, tippy-hoofing up the hill. “Yuck! Uhg, why’s it all gotta be so nasty!” “What the hay has gotten int’a ya?” “They clamped my primaries, Applejack!” Dash blurted out, her wings extending for emphasis. On the tip of each wing was a small metal tie that clamped her primaries together. “I can’t fly!” Applejack was taken aback by the hurt in Dash’s tone. She sounded on the verge of tears. “Hay, it’ll be alright, sugarcube. When do they take them off?” “When I pass the ground test. I passed the flight test no problem, totally aced it. But I failed the ground tests. I was…” She looked down irritably. “You were what sugarcube?” Applejack slid closer, wrapping a foreleg around Dash’s shoulders. “Tired…” she mumbled. Applejack nodded. “Well’a figured ya would be after sleepin’ in that position all night.” Dash grumbled and glared at Applejack. “It’s not funny! I can’t fly, my hooves are throbbing, and covered in dirt, and nasty. And! I get land sick really easy. I’m really queasy right now. It’s killing me! I need to fly…” “What? A little dirt never hurt nopony!” “Applejack, I grew up in Cloudsdale! There isn’t even dust up there. Everything is super clean. All this dirt is…is just so...dirty…” Her face scrunched up. “I can feel it all over me. It itches…” Her feathers ruffled, and her fur stood on end. “It’s everywhere! Itching, and crawling!” She danced back and forth on her hooves, then stopped abruptly as she fought a dry heave. Applejack stifled a snicker as Dash turned a slight shade of green. “Nah hold on, we’ll get’cha cleaned up back at the farm in no time.” She grabbed Dash’s hoof, and pulled her along. Dash pitched backwards, snagging her hoof out of Applejack’s grasp, and flapped to regain balance. Then she turned away, wavering back and forth. “Dash? You alright.” Dash shook her head, a hoof shot up to cover her mouth. She realized how dirty it was, and completely lost control, darting over to a bush... “Yick… Well yer gonna be extra hungry tonight!” Applejack trotted over, and held Dash’s mane back. “That’a girl, let it all out. Ain’t good to fight it.” She slid the tie off her mane, and tied Dash’s into a ponytail. “There ya go. Let’s get some fresh air on that neck.” Dash didn’t reply, but leaned into Applejack with a groan, her legs quivering. “Come on sugarcube, up ya go.” Applejack slid under Dash, lifting her up onto her back. Dash went limp, letting Applejack take over as she buried her muzzle into that wondrous golden mane, straddling the mare for balance. She sighed, taking long deep breaths to savor the heady scent of hay, and the sweet aroma of apples. “There ya go, sugarcube. Just relax, but hold on tight or yer gonna fall off.” Applejack trotted off down the hill towards the farmhouse. “Family’s out about town today.” “Chance?” Dash snickered woozilly, the word halfhearted at best. “Pfftt… Are ya kiddin’? Not after ya just fed mah bush back there.” Applejack trotted on, bottoming out the ravine, and starting up the next hill. Dash snickered again. “Soo, let’s just say I get hungry… Are you on the menu yet?” “Knock it off…or I’ll dump ya here in the ravine, and ya can walk back.” Applejack halted for emphasis. Dash whimpered, hugging Applejack’s neck tighter, and burying her muzzle deeper into the loose strands of her mane. Applejack’s breathing deepened as she trotted on, Dash burning into her back. She’s so dang light, ah can barely feel her back there. A shiver ran through her body as her breathing picked up. Oh, pony, she feels so good… Her ear twitched. D-Did she just moan? “You doin’ alright back there sugarcube?” Applejack smiled as she felt Dash nod against her neck. “C-Can you talk some more? Please?” Dash asked sheepishly. Applejack raised an eyebrow at Dash’s sudden subdued personality. “Huh? Uh, yeah sure. What’cha wan’a talk about?” “Anything!” Dash’s voice was strained. “Oh, sugarcube you don’t sound so good.” Applejack stopped mid-trot, and looked back worriedly. “Don’t stop! Please, keep moving…” Dash hesitated, panting a little as she shifted her hips slightly. “I uhh… The motion...it’s uhh...helping me feel a lot better.” “Oh, ok...anything ta help. I hate seein’ you like this.” Applejack trotted on. Dash let out a little moaning gasp. Applejack’s lips pulled back into a nervous grin. She isn’t! Applejack swayed her flank a little harder as she trotted. Dash’s grip tightened around her neck as she let out another short gasp. Ohh, she is... “Talk to me…” Dash pleaded. “I...uhh…uhmmm...uhh…” Applejack’s deep voice vibrated through her body. “Ohh, yeah! That’s good too!” Dash bit down on her neck gently. Applejack stumbled, gasping as a tingly wave of heat flushed through her. “Uhm...uhh...yeah, I…” “Mmhmm…” “Ahm just gonna go faster…” Applejack picked up her trot into a slow gallop. “Mmhmm!” Dash nodded excitedly. “Ah might be feelin’ a bit dirty too.” Applejack cursed the inuendo in her own words. “Mmm?” Dash’s thighs clenched, rocking back and forth in excitement. Applejack’s voice went up in pitch as she blurted out frantically. “Ah-ah mean I did fill that barn up today...so-so-so I could r-really use a bath right about now!” “Mmhmm! Mmhmm!” Dash bit down harder. Applejack fought the urge to roll her eyes up as another wave of intense heat flooded through her. “So ah got the next couple days off!” She yelled too loudly. “And ah was thinkin’ maybe we could get to know each other a bit better!” Her hoof beats quickened, slamming into the ground harder, faster. “Yes!” Dash affirmed, reaching up with her muzzle to clamp down on Applejack’s ear, her wings stretching out, flapping in time with her rocking. “Oh, wow!” “Oh, yeah!” Dash growled into her ear. “Ahh!” Applejack veered off course at random. “Oh, lookie the river! We must’a passed the farmhouse! Uh...a long time ago!” Dash gasped, panted, and groaned into the ear. “Stop talking, and just buck me!” She ground harder into Applejack’s flank, squeezing, biting, and flapping wildly. “We’re coolin’ off!” Applejack screamed as she took a mighty leap, and plunged into the cold water. A few seconds later Dash resurfaced, eyes wide in shock as she dog paddled for the bank, mane plastered across her face, her wings flapping madly, lungs gasping for air. Applejack crawled up into the shallow embankment next to Dash. She shook the water from her eyes, only to be hit in the face with an angry wall of pony. Dash bowled her over onto her back, and stood over her dominantly. “What is your problem?” Dash glared down at Applejack, her wings stretched out angrily. “Nothing you do makes any sense!” “Wha-what? Hay! I was just tryin’ to help, you’re the one who started all that moanin’, and’a’grindin’.” Applejack averted her eyes, blushing despite the chill waters lapping at her cheeks. “You loved it! You were into it as much as I was, then you do this?” She hoofed at the waters. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny Applejack!” “Joke? T’ain’t no joke Rainbow Dash. Ah wanted ya to stop, so ah found a way ta get ya ta stop!” Applejack shoved Dash off. Dash flapped her wings for leverage, and shoved back, pinning Applejack. “No you didn’t! Everything you said, everything you didn’t say! You wanted me to keep going, what you did made no sense!” “What? You don’t know what I want!” Applejack glared back, her teeth clenched. “Yeah, I do! My wings told me!” “Now you don’t make no sense! Yer just yammerin’ on cause ya got yer feelin’s hurt, and ya know ahm right!” Applejack shoved harder, sending Dash flying back. Dash flapped hard, thrusting forward, but Applejack used her momentum as leverage tumbling backwards to land on top, pinning her. “Hah! Get out’a that one ya varmit!” Dash shoved and struggled, bucked and bit, but Applejack held fast. “Yah cain’t win, I can pin down mah big brother, and you aren’t half his size.” She grinned as she boasted, but her confidence quickly faded from her muzzle. Pain welled up in Dash’s chest, and burst out in a frustrated wail. “Get off of me!” “What?” Applejack backed off, worry creasing her features with a frown as she extended a hoof. “Did I hurt you?” “Shut up!” Dash spun around, and flapped. She lifted a few feet from the ground before slamming back into it with a splash. “Hay, Dash, wait...you okay?” Applejack bolted to her side. “Do I look okay?” Dash swiped a clamped wing at Applejack, who swiftly dodged. “Do I sound okay to you? Get away from me!” Dash bit at the metal clamps, but swiftly gave up when it became obvious she would have to rip out her primaries to get rid of them. “Just leave me alone!” She brushed off Applejack’s concerned hoof as she bolted into a gallop. “Wait! Rainbow Dash, please? I didn’t mean ta…” She trailed off, throwing all of her concentration into her hooves as she chased. Dash darted in and out of sight between trees as Applejack raced after her. Their hoof beats thundered through the orchard, autumn leaves floating down around them as they passed. “Come’on, Dash, just listen to me fer a sec!” Applejack’s hooves threw up chunks of dirt, her stride swiftly closing the gap. Dash gritted her teeth, and lowered her head to pick up speed. “I’ve been listening! I can’t understand a thing you say or do! Your body tells me one thing, while your mouth says another. In the end I can’t tell which one is lying to me anymore!” “What? Rainbow Dash, ah would never lie to’ya! Please, just hear me out!” Applejack closed the gap, snapping at Dash’s tail. Dash juked to the side, cutting a corner so sharp at full speed with just a flap of her wings that Applejack did a double take, unsure if she had actually seen right. “Wow…” Applejack rounded a few trees away, and cut back, determined to catch up. She came within inches of Dash’s tail, only to be thwarted yet again as she juked to the side in a rainbow streak. However, Dash, not used to running on hard ground, was slowing down as pain racked her hooves, and Applejack had no trouble keeping up. “Would’ya knock it off, and talk to me already.” Applejack caught back up, trailing Dash by a few hoofspans. Dash blurted out between pants. “Leave...me...alone! I don’t...need...you!” “Well’nah, hay! No need to get down ta hurtful words!” Applejack pouted. Dash whipped her head around, glaring daggers back at Applejack, but her words were lost as her hooves slipped, not used to the leaves and the slope of the hillside. A low thick branch caught her neck, her hooves whipped under and passed, and Dash fell back, hard. Applejack’s words blurred together with the world spinning around Dash. All of it faded out to merciful black long before the pain kicked in. Dash groaned as the sunlight stung at her brain. “Ow…” “Mornin’ sunshine.” Applejack smiled weakly. Dash glanced at her, and then at the window. “Morning?” “Yeah, uhm…” Applejack played with the tip of her mane, her cheeks permanently flushed. “You slept through last night. Pretty nasty bump you had goin’.” Dash’s eye twitched as the previous day came back in a rush of anger. “Right, that.” She sat up, but her head throbbed, knocking her back to her pillow. She held a hoof to it, which was also throbbing. “Oh, horsefeathers. My head feels like it’s about to explode, and my hooves are gonna fall off.” “Yeah, I thought so. Granny’s downstairs making up a batch of herbs from the garden. It’ll fix ya up quick.” Applejack went to place a consoling hoof over Dash’s, and flinched as it was batted away. Dash also flinched as the action sent a stab up her leg. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be up on my hooves, and out of your mane the second I can trot outa here.” Dash sat up, stubbornly rubbing at her temples. “You leavin’?” Applejack lost the will to make eye contact. “Yeah I got places to go, things to do, and none of it includes a pony who can’t be true to herself or her feelings.” Dash challenged Applejack, daring her to make eye contact. Applejack lost the battle, slowly turned, and silently left the room. Dash was left alone with some very sad and angry thoughts. “Well, fine then…” She bit her lip, feeling pressure building behind her eyes. “Ya coulda put up’a little fight…” She mimicked Applejack’s accent quietly to herself. I hate mind games anyway. Dash laid back down, simmering as she continued to rub her temples, debating on whether or not she really did want to leave after all. She startled as it dawned on her how dirty she must be, rubbing mud and gravel into her mane. She glanced at her hooves. “Clean?” “Yeah! Sis cleaned ya up good an’ squeaky last night while you were out cold.” Apple Bloom sauntered in through the open door. She offered up a half hearted smile. “Ah brought you Granny’s medicine, and some breakfast. Trust me, eat the food first, but save the last bite ta kill the nasty taste of the medicine. Else, you’ll be sorry.” “Thanks, kiddo.” Dash sat up, and accepted the food graciously. Her stomach growled in approval as she took in a long deep snoutful of the stack of pancakes smothered in apple jam, and maple syrup. “Hay, if ya don’t mind me askin’. Did somethin’ bad happen between you and Sis?” Apple Bloom ground a tentative hoof into the floorboards as she looked up shyly. “We don’t really get along for some reason.” Dash shrugged the question off. “Why?” “Well Applejack is actin’ all weird. She’s been cryin’ since last night, and she won’tell nopony what happened. And that’s weird cause’ I haven’t seen Sis cry, ever! Not since Ma n’ Pa died.” Dash choked on her bite. “Hmm?” She swallowed. “Wait, didn’t you say she cleaned me up?” “Yeah, when we got home yesterday she was cleanin’ you up. Went through like six buckets of water. Made me carry em’.” She rolled her eyes. “Pony, let me tell ya, those things is dern heavy! She was cryin’ half the time to. Didn’t sleep a wink last night neither. Sat the whole time by yer bed.” She looked up with innocent eyes. “Big Mac says she’s sweet on ya, whatever that means, but the way she was a’cryin’, ah think she was afraid ya might die, or somethin’.” Her eyes slid over to a pillow on the side of the bed. Cleaned me up, then stayed all night next to me… We gotta talk! Dash looked down at the glass of medicine with a deep frustrated sigh. It consisted of a light lime green goo that made her cringe, though she had already lost her appetite from the story. Maybe I’ll just wait until she comes back... Her eyes narrowed with sudden determination as she glared down at the medicine. Then darted back to the pillow. Wait! Is that the pillow I totally bucked up last night? She sniffed at it. The implications exploded in her brain, her pupils dilating. Then, suddenly, she grabbed the medicine, closed her eyes, and powered down the potent brew in one swift quaph. “Wow, yer nuts!” Apple Bloom backpedaled. Dash could almost feel herself turning green from revulsion. “Eeyuck!” She swiftly shoved an entire sticky pancake in her mouth, desperately sucking the sweetness out of it. Apple Bloom laughed, thoroughly enjoying Dash’s reaction. “I usually just pour it out the window, and pretend to feel better.” “I’ll keep that in mind, kiddo. Thanks for all your help. Can you do me one more favor though?” Dash smiled at her, ruffling her mane around the cute oversized bow. “Yeah, what’cha need, Rainbow Dash?” “Can you run into town, and tell the weather office that I won’t be in today?” “Yeah, no sweat. I gotta go inta town anyway, an’ pick up Applejack’s hat from the cat lady.” Apple Bloom beamed, the perfect picture of helpful pony. Dash laughed. “You’re awesome kid, and don’t worry, I’ll go cheer your Sis up.” “Really? Wow, you can do that?” Apple Bloom stared in open awe. Dash snorted, glancing back to the raunchy pillow next to her. “Yeah kid, in my sleep! Just leave it to me. I totally got this...” “Well if’n ya like her just tell her.” Big Mac drawled out slowly, trying to make head or tails of his sister’s dilemma. He eyed a plow in the dim dusty beams of light that filtered through the barn windows. “Aww, Big Mac if it was that easy ah would, but ah got the farm to deal with. Ah just don’t have time for this.” She gritted her teeth, and kicked a hay bale. “Just go tell her why, Applejack. She’s gonna understand an’ if she don’t then she wasn’t worth knowin’ anyway.” Big Mac kicked at a bent metal rod on his plow, his thick metal horse shoe ‘clacking’ loudly as he drove it slowly back into shape. “Ah gotta farm ta run! Ah don’t have time for things like romantical nonsense. We don’t even have enough bits ta get you that new plow ya been needin’ for three years now!” Applejack hoofed over at the offending plow. “We, don’ even need it till next season anyway. How is you takin’ some time off in the winter gonna cost us bits? Just let me run the place fer’a’bit.” “Cause there’s stuff ta do, you got enough on yer shoulders, and that’s all there is to it!” She retorted stubbornly. “We got repairs on the barn, heck we need a ‘new’ barn as it is. We got repairs to the farm house. It almost collapsed last winter durin’ the big snowstorms. We need…” “Applejack!” Big Mac stomped the ground. The hairs on the back of Applejack’s neck stood on end as she cringed reflexively. “Yer comin’ up with some pretty weak excuses! It’s all gonna come down to a broken heart. You let her go without ever tryin’, and yer just gonna regret it, and it’s gonna be nopony’s fault but yer own,” he chided her softly in his deep baritone. Applejack sat for a moment, head hanging low. “Yer right, Big Mac.” She sniffled. “But she already hates me! She said she was leavin’, and not comin’ back.” “What’cha scared of, Sis?” Big Mac asked it plainly as he eyed the metal rod, deep in thought. “What? Ahm not scared. What would I be scared of?” Her face scrunched up in confusion. Big Mac shrugged. “Well ah’ve never known ya’ta be so…” He searched for the word for a second while Applejack waited patiently. “Ehh...timid.” “I don’t know, Big Mac.” She shook her head. “Wha’da’ya want me ta say here?” “Somethin’ about that mare scares you. Just spit it out an’ get it over with.” He stopped what he was working on, and plodded over to his sister. Applejack flopped down on a hay bale, her brother standing across from her waiting patiently. She thought for a moment, trying to analyze everything Rainbow Dash was. “She’s just movin’ really fast. Ah cain’t move that fast. I got too many responsibilities to be runnin’ off willy nilly. This is Ma n’ Pa’s farm. We’re…” Big Mac cut her off “Ah know… Ahm just as serious as ya’r in keepin’ it.” He thought for a second as Applejack waited. “What’s more important than the farm, Jackie?” Applejack’s eyes darted back and forth. “Don’t use that…” “Just answer the question.” She fumed. “Family, ya oversized brick!” Big Mac grinned. “There’s ma Sis. Now if’n yer sweet on that mare, n’ she’s sweet on ya. Then ya’two get together. What’s that make her?” Applejack’s muzzle pulled back over clenched teeth as realization flooded through her, but her words were solid denial. “Ah’ve only known her fer two days though!” “What’s it make ya? Huh?” “I don’t know if ah can trust her yet!” He waited, silently. “She’s unpredictable, an’ ah don’t believe in no such thing as that love at first sight nonsense!” Tears brimmed in her eyes as Big Mac stayed silent. “Ah caint Big Mac! We’re both mares, it’s just not right!” “Enough!” Big Mac slammed his hoof down on the hay bale next to Applejack, sending his sister bouncing slightly with a flynch. “What’s it make ya?” “Family!” Applejack sniffled as a wail crawled up her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she lunged forward, wrapping her hooves around her brother’s neck. “Oh, I bucked up! What if it’s too late?” Big Mac held his sister gently. “Ya only known her fer two days. How bad can it be? Tell’er the truth. It’s all ya can do. ” “Ah don’t know if I can!” She sniffled into his shoulder. “Every time ahm around her mah brain goes wonky!” she growled stifling a sob. Movement caught Big Mac’s eye from up in the barn window. Dash winked at him over a cheshire grin. “Well, Sis, uhm… That there’s a serious problem, an I’ma let ya get to fixin’ it then, eeyup.” He let go of a shocked, and confused Applejack, turned, and trotted for the door. “Wait...what?” Applejack reached out a hoof to her abandoning brother. “But, ah still need you.” “Nope.” He stepped out, and turned as he prepared to shut the door. “But...ah’m still confused!” “Eeyup!” He chuckled as he shut the door. Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes. “What in tarnation?” She looked down, studying the floor, kicking at bits of loose hay. Blue hooves slipped around her chest. Dash whispered softly in her ear. “Miss me?” > Bubbling Frustrations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two years later... Dash, Applejack, and their friends were walking back to Ponyville after a harrowing sleepover in the Everfree forest castle. The dark trees dimmed the suns rays as various animal sounds sifted ominously through the tree line... Applejack was oblivious to all of it, her one track mind focused back on those first two days when she met Dash. Her eyes subconsciously stole little covert glances at her marefriend. Her plans for a romantic spooky night alone with her had completely fallen apart. “What’s wrong Applejack, dear? Something’s bothering you, isn’t it?” Rarity trotted alongside her. “What? Ah, nothin’ really, just issues with family, and farm, an’ all. The usual.” Applejack looked up, snapping out of her silent thoughts as Fluttershy fell into step on the other side. “Well, uhm...you have been a little quiet lately…” Fluttershy whispered at her. “Those nasty vines were so mean to your farm. I’m sure you’re really sad. Do you, maybe, want to talk about it?” Dash hovered in over head, a little sad they weren’t alone. “Yeah, and you were kinda grumbling in your sleep last night about vines now that I think about it.” Twilight turned, intrigued and worried. “Applejack, are you having nightmares about the vines? I’m sure everypony will be more than willing to help you rebuild.” “Huh? Uh...yeah, thanks girls,” She replied absentmindedly. “They tore up the farm bad.” She yawned, deep bags under her half lidded eyes. “Guess, I can’t stop seein’ that fight the other day either. The one where you were trapped. Didn’t want’a lose Dash to the vines. That’s all…” Applejack mumbled half to herself as she plodded along. Everypony stopped. It took a second for Applejack to realize they were all staring at her. “What?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “I thought Twilight was the only one who got caught by the vines…” “Eh? Of course.” Applejack looked around in confusion. “Why? What’d I say?” “Rainbow Dash, dear.” Rarity hid a mischievous smile behind her hoof, and shared a glance with Fluttershy whose lips were scrunched up, looking on the verge of a delightful squeal. “She’s just stressed out because of the farm getting destroyed by those stupid vines.” Dash covered for her mare. “It’s cool Applejack. Those vines didn’t even touch me.” “Nice cover…” Spike rolled his eyes as he twisted around on Twilight’s back to watch. “What will those two come up…” Twilight bucked him slightly into the air. Spike flailed, and landed with a thud on her back. Pinkie shivered in place, whispering in Twilight’s ear. “Something’s coming, and it’s a doozy.” The ear did a double twitch, Twilight’s eyes growing wide with excited anticipation. “I’ll take your word for it Pinkie.” “Didn’t touch you?” Applejack spun around, and growled. “They didn’t have too! Ya were too busy bein’ all gun-ho runin’ face first int’a some strange crazy spiked clouds like it was’n’no big deal!” Dash frowned, landing in front of Applejack. “Relax, AJ, I didn’t hit any spikes. Would ya have a little faith in the best flyer in Equestria!” “Ah don’t care if ya’are best flyer in the world!” Applejack stepped forward, slamming her hoof into Dash’s chest. “They were spittin’ lightning bolts at you!” Dash stumbled back a little. “Hay! Whoa, I dodged every one of those!” She rolled her eyes. “Pffttt...lightning… Come on AJ. That was probably the least dangerous thing I’ve done this past month.” She smirked. Applejack’s lip quivered. “That’s the attitude that scares me.” Her ears sagged as she studied the ground at Dash’s hooves. Dash glanced nervously at her friends, who were all riveted on their argument. She looked back in confusion, embarrassment suddenly showing rosy upon her cheeks. “You act like you weren’t turning those vines into chewing gum. They were spiked too ya’know!” “Ah was defendin’ mah farm, family, and friends…” Applejack diverted her eyes to the side, clenching her jaw. “So was I!” Dash puffed her chest out. “I wasn’t about to back down when everypony was in danger either! What’s gotten into you?” Applejack growled. “I don’t know! Okay? Ah just need ta think fer a bit. Ah cain’t get mah thoughts straight. Didn’t sleep a wink last night, and…” She shook her head. “Look, ah just didn’t like it alright? I didn’t like seein’ you fight.” “What?” Dash smirked, trying to play down the embarrassment her friends eyes were burning into her fur. “You don’t think I can hold my own?” “Ah know ya can Rainbow Dash! Doesn’t mean I have ta like it!” Applejack pushed her way past Dash, shaking her head again in agitation, fighting tears of frustration that threatened at the corners of her eyes as she pulled her hat down to hide her face. “Can we drop it? How’d we all get on this anyhow?” “No, way!” Dash darted in front of Applejack. “I’m not letting you through until I get some answers. What the hay was all that about, huh?” “Ah don’t want ta talk about it!” Applejack slammed her forehead into Dash’s, smushing her hat, and pushing her back, choking on apprehension as it clawed up her throat. Dash shoved back hard, blinded by Applejack’s hat. “Don’t you think I’m weaker just because I’m smaller than you!” Applejack’s voice wavered. “Dash yer takin’ this all wrong!” Tears trickled down her muzzle as panic set in. She desperately didn’t want to cry in front of her friends. “Ahm not lookin’ for a fight… Ah just don’t want to see ya get hurt! I had a few bad dreams, so what? Can we drop this now?” “And I’m saying I wasn’t in any real danger! Pegasi are resistant to lightning!” Dash pushed forward, but Applejack didn’t budge. “It’s not just about the lightning and the clouds you birdbrain!” Tears pattered the ground in front of Applejack’s hooves, her face still hidden behind her hat. “Any danger is real danger, RD…” She growled before Dash could reply. “We’re done. Now move…” “Not a chance! I still...” Dash’s words were cut off as Applejack thrust forward. Dash’s rear hooves were dug in and stood fast, but the rest of her body bent and twisted. She popped up, and pitched backwards, flailing as she lost balance, and flopped hard into the ground. Everypony gasped. Dash stared in shock, all anger lost, transfixed on Applejack’s wavering eyes. “What if it didn’t all come out okay, Rainbow Dash? Ah can take mah time rebuilding the farm…but I cain’t never replace lost family!” She lowered her head, and charged forward, a stream of tears in her wake. Dash looked on, her jaw slowly moving up and down, searching for lost words as Applejack disappeared around a bend in the road. “She...she was crying…” “Dash! Go after her!” her friends screamed together. Dash leapt back to her feet, and rocketed forward in a blurred streak. The suction left in her wake dragged her friends stumbling a few steps forward. Rarity smirked, trotting into the lead as she magically readjusted her frazzled mane. “I tried to tell you all, but you just wouldn’t listen…” “Hehe! I’m so going to throw them the best making up party ever!” Pinkie leapt into the air with a squeal. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Let’s just give them some room to figure things out.” “Well you certainly are staying calm about this, Twilight.” Rarity looked over curiously, but halted with a double take as she saw an excited, almost manic grin spread across her friends face. Twilight lightly bounced along. “Well, I never said we weren’t going to get every last little detail from them once they do!” Rarity, and Pinkie broke down into little fits of giggles, falling in formation next to Twilight. Spike cleared his throat. “You know, this gossip is fascinating and all-” He looked around in confusion. “-but where did Fluttershy go?” The friends joined Spike in glancing around the pathway. Rarity gasped. “No! That sneaky little cheat!” “Rarity?” Twilight stared at her friend in shock. “Don’t you see? She flew after them!” Rarity stomped the ground. “Oooh! She better have some juicy details when she gets back.” They all stopped, suddenly staring at each other with rosy cheeks. Pinkie cleared her throat, a serious look in her eyes over a jovial grin. “Besides this weeks regularly scheduled spa get together on sunday.” She pulled out a calendar pad and a pen. “Oh, look! we’re in luck. There’s a special spa get together later today!” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “What?” She went to pull out her own schedule, but she couldn’t find it. Then, taking a second glance at Pinkie’s. “Hay, Pinkie!” “What?” Pinkie looked up innocently as Twilight snagged her calendar back. “I don’t have that in my planner anywhere! We just had one yesterday. When did we plan this?” Twilight looked up in confusion. Spike rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. Pinkie giggled. “Just now, silly!” “Oh…” Twilight’s blushed as she penned in the gathering on her planner, then again on her todo list. They all laughed, chattering excitedly as they trotted down the lane. Spike face clawed. “Mares…” Dash streaked down the road, a trail of dust spraying into the air, trees bending after her. She homed in on Applejack, the much slower earth pony barely moving in comparison despite her hooves slamming the ground with every ounce of confusion in her tumultuous heart. Dash hovered over Applejack, slipped her hooves around her waist, and hoisted her into the air. Applejack bucked and squirmed, snapping at Dash’s hooves. “Put me down ya varmit.” Dash guffawed. “You haven’t called me that for years!” She flapped hard, slowly ascending. “Uh...Dash, hay now! What’er’ya doin’?” Applejack’s lips pulled back into a terrified grin, her legs splayed out tensely as she watched the ground slowly fall away from her. “Hay! Knock it off Dash! This ain’t funny!” “Relax, I’m just going to find a cloud where our friends won't bother us.” Dash caught a pale yellow streak out of the corner of her eye. “Though I may have to have a talk with one of them later.” “What?” Dash shook her head. “Never mind, don’t worry about it. Let’s just get somewhere we can settle down.” “Ah never said I wanted ta talk to ya!” Applejack squirmed stubbornly. “Who said anything about talking?” Dash snickered, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Are you outa yer mind?” Applejack glared at Dash, her voice growing more and more angry. “That’s definitely not happenin’ dangit. Nah put me down!” Dash dramatically looked past Applejack down towards the ground. “I don’t know A.J., that’s one heck of a drop.” Her grin didn’t waver. Panic flashed across Applejack’s eyes. “Tha-t’ain’t funny neither!” Dash flew up to a cloud, giggling the whole way, and then pretended to set Applejack down. “Dash! D-dash! Dash! Earth pony! Earth pony!” Applejack clamored for Dash’s forelegs, holding on for dear life, her hind legs kicking frantically. Dash laughed at the top of her lungs, flipping the flailing Applejack over, and pinning her tight in a vice grip hug. She bopped Applejack’s nose with her own. “Applejack! If only you could see your face right now!” She then flipped upside down, and flopped onto the cloud. Applejack lay on top, wrapped tightly around her, to nervous to speak. “Oh, come on A.J., relax! You know I got you. Remember that first night when we…” “Yeah, I remember!” Applejack craned her neck back to look down at Dash, square in the eyes. Her lips scrunched up, her cheeks burning bright from the embarrassment of the whole situation, and the remembrance of that night long ago. “I didn’t let go fer nothin’! Just because ah let you fly me once, don’t mean you got the right to pluck me like an apple from the tree whenever ya dern well please!” “Whaat?” Dash shrugged innocently. “I just wanted to talk for a bit. You know, see what’s gotten under your skin.” She reached a hoof up, and brushed a lingering tear from Applejack’s eye. “Come on Applejack, this isn’t like you and you know it.” Her voice dropped, low and sultry as she nuzzled her marefriend. “Our friends aren’t around, so let’s drop the act okay? Just tell me, what’s up with you? What happened back there? I know for a fact I didn’t say anything you couldn’t normally handle.” Applejack deflated, her body giving in to exhaustion from sleepless nightmares, emotional stress, and the midflight terror of dearly missing dirt under her hooves. She rested her head on Dash’s neck as she sank into her embrace. She took in a deep long breath, and sighed, giving in to the situation. “The trip to the castle, I kinda planned the whole thing…” “What?” Dash’s eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about? That castle challenge was totally random.” Applejack deadpanned. “Dash, ya aren’t exactly the most confusing corn maze ta get through, ya know.” “Huh?” Dash’s head cocked sideways, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “Yer easy to figure out!” Applejack’s head popped up, if she could face hoof without the fear of falling she would. “I had you pegged for challengin’ me to stay the night in that castle the second ah told you that story. Then I’d get ya all spooked up with ghost stories and old mares tales, and cuddle ya calm for a bit. Then...well…I-I-I was gonna…” She trailed off, her face turning bright red. Dash blinked a blank look on her face. Then her lips curled into a lascivious grin. “Oh, Applejack...what were you going to do to me?” She leaned in close with a whisper. “I hope it was naughty.” Applejack’s ears burned. “Nah hold on, it wasn’t like…” Dash cut her off, wrapping her hind legs around Applejack’s mid and thrusting her hips upwards. “You were going to do a bit of this?” She let out a lecherous moan, giving Applejack a lustful glare. “What? No...no, well, maybe, but no! That wasn’t…” Dash cut her off again, her eyes rolling back dramatically as she faked a loud orgasmic scream through clenched teeth. She held back a snicker as she heard a muffled ‘eep’ a few clouds over. “Dash! I was gonna…” Dash eyed Fluttershy’s hiding place, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Yes! Tell me! Yes, Applejack, what were you going to do to me?” Dash broke up into a fit of giggled laughter as she could no longer keep a straight face. “Propose!” Dash’s laughter died in her throat, her look confused and vacant as her brain switched gears, suddenly sober and serious. “Wha-whaa?” Applejack looked to the side shyly, her eyes darting back to Dash’s with little furtive glances. “I-I was gonna ask you to marry me…but the ring got lost in the confusion, and all. Then our friends showed up...” Dash’s jaw dropped, her response as articulate as her addled brain could handle. “Why would you do that?” Applejack’s eyes widened, wavering as tears built back up, her lip quivering into a frown. Dash sucked in a panicked breath. “No-no-no! I didn’t mean it like that!” Applejack’s words came out in a high pitched whine as she fought a losing battle against a torrent of tears. “Ah know! Ah just cain’t wait any longer! I’m ready, now!” “Well then why are you cry-ing?” Dash’s voice cracked. “Don’t cry, please? Let’s start over! I’ll totally say yes! I mean, the answers always been yes, so, uhh, yes by the way. Yes!” “No…wait, it’s not the yes, it’s the...uh, I don’t know!” Applejack sniffled through a frown, her tears flowing freely down Dash’s neck. “I just need to go an’ think for a bit to myself, but I’m stuck on a cloud with a crazy pegasus who never takes anything seriously, won’t listen, flies face first into danger without a care for her own safety, and is bad for mah heart.” She squeezed out her words through deep racking sobs, completely breaking down. “You’re a mean little varmit!” “Hay, hay… I’m serious! Come on AJ what’s gotten into you? And why would you propose to me? It’s not like I’m an official Wonderbolt or anything yet. And! We’ve faced all kinds of danger in the past. You never freaked out then.” “Ah know, but the farms destroyed, and I gotta rebuild almost everything. The roots tore it all up…” Applejack peeled off into painful sobs, burying her face into Dash chest. “We all worked so hard, and after seein’ it tore up…ah didn’t even care! Not one bit! All I could think about was how lucky ah was I didn’t lose any family...again.” “Oh…” Dash’s ears fell flat. Her eyes darted around, searching the sky above for answers. Deep down she wished she could fly all of Applejack’s cares away. She closed her eyes, thankful her own worries were so easily blown away with a few flaps of her wings. “So...you were thinkin’ about your parents again huh?” “No…” Applejack sniffled as she looked up. “Just you…” The corners of Dash’s muzzle pulled down into a painful frown, her eyes stung, tears threatening to pool up. “Come on A.J. don’t worry about me.” Dash kissed a tear on Applejack’s nose. “I’m not going anywhere. I can take care of myself. Promise...” “Yah keep sayin’ that! But ah want to take care of ya too!” She sniffled, another halting sob, and more muffled words as she hugged Dash tighter. “I was just scared when ah saw you rammin’ into that spiked cloud, and all that lightning. Then, fighting that rockodile, and the vines. All I could think about was how useless I’d be to protect you while ya were flappin’ around up there, and how my world would end without you...” Dash nuzzled Applejack’s nose. Then looked off to the side, a stream of tears pattering into the cloud. “Hay, ok, shh… I’ll be more careful. I won’t do so many stupid stunts and stuff. What else do you want? I’ll do anything!” “Marry me?” Applejack’s voice cracked as the weight of her words burned into her cheeks. “I mean…then ah’ll know for sure you’re taking this serious. I want ta share mah life with you Rainbow Dash...all of it. Commit to me, and I’ll give you everythin’ I am...” Dash smiled softly. “What about our deal? We throwing that silly competition out the window?” “There’s no way I can win now! You beat me fair an’ square.” Applejack stared at her expectantly. “Forget about it, you win. I’m proposin’ right here.” Dash giggled, impulsively kissing Applejack, her hind legs kicking in excitement. She pulled back, her eyes bright, and vibrant, the biggest grin on her muzzle. “Applejack, as much as I love winning, the answer has always been yes no matter who won. I don’t really care about some silly two year old challenge.” Applejack blushed, diverting her eyes, with a lopsided smile. “Now that’s a fib if I ever heard one...” Dash giggled giddily. “Okay, maybe a little.” Her hoof ran down Applejack’s golden mane, slipping off her red scrunchie. “So, let’s renew our vows here. Right now…” Applejack’s muzzle scrunched up. “Dash we kinda have to get married first before we can renew vows…” “Duh…” Dash grinned mischievously as she snapped the hair tie around Applejack’s muzzle. “Of course I know that.” Applejack blinked, staring crosswise at the red band. “But…” Her eyes widened, understanding slowly dawning. “You mean?” “Mmhmm…” Dash’s grin widened. “I’ve been dead serious since day two. You’ve always had my commitment.” Applejack’s eyes wavered, her vision blurring into a happy teary mess. A tingly fog washed over her thoughts as Dash’s lips pressed gently into hers, dragging her back into sweet memories... > Steamy Barn Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two years earlier, just after Applejack’s brother had left the barn... Blue hooves slipped around Applejack’s chest. Dash whispered softly in her ear. “Miss me?” Applejack froze, a silent gasp all she could muster as she nodded ever so slightly. Yeah ah missed you! Reflexively she grabbed Dash’s hooves, gripping them to her chest in case she changed her mind. “So, you don’t believe in love at first sight, huh?” Dash grinned, fighting the urge to flinch from the pain in her hooves. The constant trotting around, and the running from the previous night were still taking their toll. Applejack shook her head no, slightly. “Ahm not convinced.” A wavering whisper, her hooves tightening around Dash’s, a silent plea for her never to run again. Dash sat behind her, wrapping her hind legs around Applejack, locking her in place. Applejack tensed, a little gasp, a shiver flooding through her body. “You like this, right?” Dash whispered. An answering nod. “And how about this?” She wrapped her wings around Applejack’s mid. “Mhmm…” Applejack’s breaths quickened, getting deeper, heavier. Dash smiled, an ear twitching in excited anticipation. “And now you want me to nibble your ear, don’t you?” Another nod, hesitant, and yet another as Applejack squeezed her eyes shut, her teeth clenched. Dash bit down lightly on her ear, and was delighted with a rewarding gasp as Applejack leaned back into her, melting beneath her grasp. She giggled, whispering enticingly. “That wasn’t convincing enough?” “It’s all physical.” Applejack looked up with puppydog eyes, her chest squeezed nervously. “Ah want somethin’ deep.” Her hooves tightened against Dash’s once more. “How do ah know you won’t fly off some day, or get tired of me?” Applejack clamped down even tighter, driving Dash’s hooves deep into her chest, making sure she couldn’t get away. “Ah just cain’t lose more family…” Her voice wavered painfully. Dash’s ears twitched, her hooves screaming and throbbing from the previous days abuse, but she refused to break the moment. “I’m not going anywhere.” Dash nuzzled behind Applejack’s ear, her wings overlapping as she squeezed tighter. “Because my wings tell me you’re mine.” “You were leavin’ earlier…” Applejack’s ears sagged. “I didn’t really mean it…” Dash’s voice fell from her lips with a hint of sadness. “I kinda wanted you to argue with me.” She hesitated, then forced herself to continue. “I...I-I was really sad when you didn’t put up a fight, you know. You kinda suck at making me feel wanted...” “I...I understand, and ahm sorry. If yah ever say yer leavin’ again I’ll hog tie ya to the bed...” Applejack’s joke was accompanied by serious unblinking eyes. Dash broke out into laughter. “Sweet!” “We got a deal?” “Heck yeah!” “Well’all-righty then!” They both basked in the sunny tingles of each others giggles for a moment. “So yah keep sayin’ somethin’ about those wings, but ah don’t get it. How are they tellin’ y’ah’m the one?” Applejack’s grip lightened up on Dash’s hooves as she leaned back, and snuggled into the downy warmth of her wings. Dash let out a silent gasp of relief. “When you touched them, I just felt it. It’s really uncomfortable when others touch my wings. It’s a pegasus thing. I mean accidents happen, but it sucks. It’s embarrassing. It’s like sticking a hoof under somepony elses tail.” “What!” Applejack twitched, trying to turn around, but Dash held her steady. “Ahm so sorry! Honest, ah didn’t know!” “Relax, I kinda got that.” Dash laughed softly, rocking Applejack side to side. Being an athlete, she knew her captive could break free if she really struggled, but was happily surprised at how Applejack’s resistance ebbed off as she melted back into her grasp, swaying contentedly. “When a pony touches your wings, it makes you nervous...uhh, angry, and kinda sick. It’s not so bad if they touch the outside of the wings by accident or something, but it’s really bad if they touch underneath, or grab them. A pegasus never lets anypony touch under their wings. Unless its like ponies they love or something. You know, really really close friends, foals, that special somepony...” Applejack reveled in the delicate downy softness of Dash’s underwings as they shifted around her. She leaned her head back, resting against Dash’s shoulder. “So, yeah, there’s this thing you learn as a foal. My Mom taught me, you get one shot. When your special somepony comes along, and it’s really them. You know they’re the one, because your wings go nuts. You feel it so hard it knocks you out.” She nuzzled Applejacks mane, whispering quietly. “Applejack, I hate it when ponies touch my wings, but when you grabbed them, they went crazy. I think I passed out for a second. It was like wrapping up all of the awesome in my life into two hooves. I thought you knew at first, that you would just understand what happened, but I kinda got embarrassed when it hit me you didn’t...” Applejack mulled over the confession, smiling happily, shivering with excitement. Then it dawned on her, she still knew nothing about Dash. “Hmmm… Ok, so, Rainbow of mah dreams, who are ya?” Dash snickered, and stealthily rolled her aching forehooves out from under Applejack’s. “I have big dreams. Really cool ones. I’m going to be the best flyer in Equestria! I got moves that will blow your mind, and nopony can keep up with me in a race! Ponyville is just my launch pad. I came here to earn some extra cash working the weather teams so I could buy an entry into the Best Young Flyer’s Competition, and earn points towards a scholarship while I saved up tuition for the Wonderbolts Academy.” She slid her hooves along Applejack’s forelegs, down to the tips of her hooves, and squeezed gently, ignoring their little complaints as she whispered into her ear. “These two hooves held all of my awesome…and suddenly I never wanted to leave this boring old town.” Applejack stayed quiet as Dash fell silent. The two simply enjoyed the embrace, rocking, snuggling, never wanting the moment to end. The shadows grew longer as midday gave way to dusk, spreading its orange glow across the barn walls. The vibrations of Applejack’s voice sidled comfortingly through Dash’s chest. “How can ya trust I won’t break yer heart?” Dash shrugged. “I’ll take my chances, besides you don’t seem like the type of pony to go around breaking hearts.” She nibbled and nipped at Applejack’s neck playfully. “I mean come on, you haven’t raped me yet, and I can’t throw myself at you any harder.” Applejack gulped down her giggles as she resisted Dash’s playful nips, and buried her face in those downy wings. “Uh, ah might have to confess somethin’.” “Ooh… I hope it’s ‘juicy’.” Dash whispered enticingly into her ear, running her tongue up the edge. Applejack shifted to the side reflexively, hunkering down lower. “Well, uh...last night...ya know how you were kind’a, uhm...out cold?” “Oh, Applejack!” Dash gasped playfully, her voice full of hope. “What did you do to me?” Applejack could feel her whole body blush... Applejack rolled Dash’s limp body onto the bed gently, her breath coming in long panting draws as she ran a hoof across her forehead. It halted mid-wipe, her other hoof snapping to Dash’s forehead. “She’s runin’ a fever…” Applejack bolted from the room, returning momentarily with a bucket of water, and a hoof full of washcloths. She dipped one in, wringed it out, and folded it across Dash’s head. “Oh pony...this is all mah fault…” She wiped the dirt from Dash’s muzzle, and gently ran the washrag around her eyes. “Ahm so sorry, ah wanted to move that fast, honestly, but I cain’t. I just cain’t… Really I want to trust you somethin’ fierce, but...” Dash moaned lightly in her sleep. Applejack blushed, her heart skipping a beat as she appreciated Dash’s clean delicate sleeping features. Her mouth watered, a hoof brushing across Dash’s lips gently, hesitantly. Her chest squeezed, need flooding through her in a sudden startling wave. Her hoof withdrew in a blur. “What am ah doin’?” She rewetted the washcloth, and swiftly worked down Dash’s forelegs. She hesitated at Dash’s hooves, turning them over gently. “Oh, sugarcube!” She turned, shouting out the door. “Apple Bloom! You home yet?” Little hoofbeats charged up the stairs. “Yeah, Sis! What’s up?” Apple Bloom skidded through the doorway. She halted in shock, seeing Dash’s state. “Hay! She gonna be ok?” “Yeah, ah need ya to change the water quick, and bring an extra bucket up.” Applejack tossed the washcloth down. “An’ get me mah hoof cream, and the soft sweater.” “Huh? One of yer winter wool ones?” “No, Sis, the fancy one I hide in the back of the closet.” “Oh, the one ahm not allowed to touch?” Applebloom raised a concerned eyebrow. Applejack nodded swiftly. “Yeah, that one! Hurry…” “Ahm on it!” Apple Bloom darted from the room. “Ahm, sorry, Dash. Ahm so sorry.” She gently squeezed the hoof to her chest. Dash twitched in her sleep, grimacing, moaning a mild complaint. Applejack bit her lip, fighting back the regret pooling in the corners of her eyes. “Back Sis…” Apple Bloom’s ears fell flat, and her bow sagged as she looked on with wide innocent eyes. “She’s not gonna d…” She choked on the word. Applejack shook her head. Apple Bloom silently handed her the sweater with a sigh of relief. Applejack held the sweater, her secret little guilty pleasure of orange with multicolor highlights, every hue of the rainbow. She hesitated a second longer, then dunked the sweater into the water, and took Dash’s mud caked hoof in her own. “No!” Applebloom caught her sisters foreleg, her eyes wide. “Sis, yer gonna ruin it! You saved months fer that thing!” “Shh…” Tears streamed down Applejack’s cheeks. “It’s the softest thing ah got, Apple Bloom.” She cut off her sisters reply. “Go on out, an’ shut the door. Leave a couple more buckets outside. Don’t come back in.” She was too preoccupied to notice Apple Bloom slink away sadly as she studied the damage to Dash’s hooves. Blisters showed through the thick layer of mud. She painstakingly carved around them with her hoof, chipping away at the chunks as they fell to the floor around her. Once the thicker layer was whittled down, she took her sweater in hoof, and gently worked at the thin layer left over. Slowly the hoof regained its natural blue, which only heightened Applejack’s guilt as little cracks became visible. She picked at the bits of gravel, leaves, and twigs stuck in the cracks with ginger lips. The night grew longer as she worked her way through Dash’s devastated hooves until they were immaculately clean. Exhaustion from the day weighed down upon her shoulders. She ignored it as she massaged the herbal hoof cream in gently, bringing life back to Dash’s hooves as the raw redness, swelling, and even the cracks seemed to melt away. Finally, she layed her head on Dash’s side, intent on resting a while. Immediately, the smell of sweat hit her. She breathed in deep, savoring Dash’s salty scent as a mild haze set over her brain. Briefly she wondered... No! Ahm not gonna do it... Her tongue itched for a taste as her cheeks burned with shame. She shook the feeling off, and grabbed the sweater, burying the thought under a frenzy of scrubbing. Dash rolled to her back, moaning gently in complaint. Applejack froze. “Applejack...run harder…” Dash sucked in air through her teeth, still asleep. She laid her head on Dash’s stomach, watching intently as she mumbled dreamily. She ran a hoof around Dash’s cheek gently. Her muzzle burned, her lips throbbed with desire. She kissed Dash’s chest hesitantly, yet eagerly giving in to the desire to add a taste to that delicious scent rolling off her fur. Her tongue flicked out in a guilty little lick. But Dash was already too clean. Applejack whined in frustration, need radiating through her body, and intensifying between her thighs. She shifted uncomfortably, rubbing her legs together, squeezing. Impulsively she turned her head. Dash’s scent slammed into her full force. Her legs were splayed, the passion of her dream wafting across Applejack’s muzzle, her eyes rolled back into her head. She gasped, fighting against agony as she resisted, biting down on her deviant watering tongue. Her hoof hesitantly reached for the bucket, and her sweater, her head never leaving her spot on Dash’s belly as she listened to her breath. Raising and lowering, Dash’s warmth radiating through her mind as she slowly inched downwards, closer, still fighting her tongues desires. She brought the sweater up, hesitating, a snail paced race between the sweater of willpower and her hungry desires. Her muzzle inched lower, she breathed deep, the fuzz over her brain numbing her thoughts. Her tongue slid out tentatively to taste the fur just above... Summoning the last bits of her waning willpower she slipped the sweater between Dash thighs, running it up and down gently to wash away her lust. She gritted her teeth, wanting to cry at the lost chance for a sweet taste of...Dash’s hips rocked ever so slightly, a little moan escaping her lips. “Oh, sweet Celestia…” Applejack bit down even harder on her tongue, a violent shiver of desire running through her body, settling heavily in her nethers. She moved the unused clean part of the sweater in deeper, rubbing rhythmically. Ta wash away the grime! She denied the action, even as her hoof found, and focused on Dash’s sweet spot. Dash’s hips rocked forward, instinctively pressing into Applejack’s hoof, gasping in her sleep. Applejack responded with her own halting stuttery gasp, giving in to her desires completely as an embarrassing whine escaped her lips. She silently prayed nopony heard it, as her other hoof slipped down past her belly. A wave of guilt burned at her cheeks. She grinded her hips forward, a swift intake of air as she pressed gently in little circles, her teeth clamping down on her lower lip. She pressed harder into Dash, and was rewarded with a soft little sleepy moan. She smiled, a twinge of happiness tugging at the corners of her lips as she reveled in the desire to pleasure dash, to watch her enjoy everything she had to give. Her hips rocked forward, her hoof already soaked by her slick burning need before she had even started. She failed to stifle a lecherous moan as her eyes darted back to check the door. “How did ya do it?” Applejack watched Dash squirm in her sleep. “Ya lasted all last night, and ah cain’t even last a couple hours…” She bit her lip, guilt building swiftly towards climax as she reveled in every little twitch her wayward hoof elicited from Dash. “Ahm, sorry…” Her eyes squeezed shut as she buried her muzzle into the bed to muffle the wave of pleasure that wracked through her body forcing strained little moans. Ahm, so sorry… but ah want so much more... > Deviously Dirty Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash sat quietly, rocking Applejack back and forth gently. Her wings splayed to the sides throbbing as her hooves shakily explored Applejack’s chest, her jaw clamped tight, her breaths coming in pained needy bursts. Applejack waited, guilt and apprehension tearing at her heart. Dash let her sweat for a bit. “Okay, so that happened, awesome…but what was with the raunchy pillow I creamed in the fort sitting next to me...” Applejack froze solid, her eyes wide, and lips pulled back in a terrified grin. “I-I-I n-needed a pillow…” “Uh-huh…thought so.” Dash snickered. “Perve…” The blood drained from Applejack’s face. “At least you’re an honest perve.” Dash giggled, letting Applejack suffer for a few more seconds. “It’s cool, awake or asleep, I totally would have done the same…” Her head lowered as she whispered dangerously into Applejack’s ear. “Not that I won’t get some revenge when you least expect it.” Relief flooded through Applejack, then a chilled shiver as Dash’s full meaning hit her. “Oh, pony…” She leaned back into Dash, sank down, and looked up, apprehension wide in her eyes. “Hehe, oh yeah, look forward to it...” Dash grinned down at her wolfishly, nuzzling Applejack’s nose. Applejack grinned back sheepishly, locking eyes with Dash, the two of them losing themselves in each others gaze. Only breaking it to brush lips, playing, anticipating their first kiss as their muzzles danced back and forth, savoring the buildup of the moment. Silently, they held onto it. Treasuring every second as walls of distrust, and apprehension melted between them. Golden evening rays deepening into night’s greys, the moon casting its slowly increasing glow into the deep shadows of the barn as they basked in each others growing need. Neither was willing to give in first until a grin parted Applejack’s lips. “Love at first sight? Ah may be convinced.” Applejack giggled with an afterthought. “Especially with yer mane back in a ponytail like that.” “Took you long enough…” Dash teased breathily, whipping her ponytail back and forth, Applejack’s tie still gleaming red in the moonlight against her rainbow mane. “It’s only been two days, but you’d give up your dreams to spend the rest of yer life with me?” “In a wing beat...” Dash said gently with conviction. “Hows’a mare ta resist with yer mane all down‘n sexy like that?” She teased, mimicking Applejack’s drawl. “Knock it off.” Applejack giggled, slamming her head back into Dash’s chest playfully. The smile quickly ebbed off, her voice growing somber. “Ah hate to say it, but I’d follow ya to Tartarus, and never come home…” She paused for a second, the weight of her words settling in. Dash’s chest fluttered, a relieved whisper escaping her lips. “Oh, Applejack…” Applejack pitched forward, severing the moment. “So! Ya like a good challenge?” Applejacks voice had a hint of whispered mischievous. Dash snickered, her features scrunching up, her eyes narrowing. “Pffttt, mare, I’m the master of challenges. Nopony beats me!” “Oh yeah?” Applejack pulled away, facing off with Dash, snout to snout. “Well how’bout this then. You got dreams, and I got responsibilities. Right?” Dash raised an eyebrow, while sad the moment had suddenly derailed, a small thrill chilled down her wings in anticipation. “Yeah, what’cha got?” “I ain’t givin’ nothin’ up for ya! And you ain’t givin’ nothin’ up for me, got it?” Applejack grinned wider, slamming a hoof into the floorboards for emphasis. “What are you getting at?” Dash’s mouth popped open, her head cocked to the side as she tried to make sense of where Applejack’s idea was going. “We’re gonna do this.” She pushed against Dash’s snout, their noses wrinkling up. “Yer gonna go fer yer dreams! An’ ahm gonna get mah farm back together!” “Yeah?” Dash grinned. “So how do I kick your flank at it?” “First one to get all their goals wins.” Applejack’s eyes narrowed. “Loser proposes down on a knee.” Dash’s eyes lit up. “Sweet! Yer gonna look soo sexy holding that ring up!” “Not on yer life! You’d better treat me like a right lady with a fancy dinner before…” “Never gonna happen, cause I got this!” Dash butted heads with Applejack. “You’ll be down on that knee before you know it! And that fancy dinner is mine!” “Yer on!” Applejack didn’t give an inch, giving back every shove Dash threw at her. “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah!” “You got nothin’ on me ground pounder!” Dash grinned excitedly. “I’ma make you eat those words ya overgrown bluebird!” Applejack’s voice rose with her anticipation, her chest heaving breathlessly. “There’s no way you’re gonna fix this dump up before I get into the Wonderbolts!” Dash’s wings extended in challenge as she stared Applejack down, her own lungs clawing hungrily for air. “Oh, ah know you didn’t just call my home a dump!” Applejack gritted her teeth, her tail flicking side to side. “Well, I just did! What’cha gonna do about it?” Dash’s ears plastered back, her eyes narrowed tauntingly. “Huh?” Applejack dove into her, a feral hunger in her eyes. Dash knew she wouldn’t escape unscathed, finally. Dash barked a high pitched laugh, trailed by little giddy giggles as they went flying through the air, slamming into a neat stack of haybales. The golden wall came tumbling down around them with resounding thuds, stacking up haphazardly, blocking out the light. Applejack pinned Dash, straddling her, weighed down by the haybales on her back. Her heated breath played down Dash’s cheek in heaving waves. The strain of the weight on her shoulders shivered down her legs, and into Dash’s sides. “Whoa, Applejack, you ok?” Dash eyed the massive weight bearing down on them. Little rays of moonlight sifted through the cracks of the mound, glinting off Applejack’s strained, determined grin. “Give me a break, this is nothin’ compared to what ah handle every day!” Applejack’s knees buckled slightly as she grunted against the load. Dash gasped, her teeth clenched as empathy flooded through her. “No way! It’s not Applejack versus the world!” Wings reached out, gently caressing her cutie mark, coaxing her down. Dash’s hooves slid up Applejack’s sides, pushing against the bales, powering through the searing pain in her battered hooves as she lightened the load. “Not while I’m around,” Dash cooed soothingly. Applejack sighed in relief. A blush spread across her muzzle as she lowered to her knees. The hay bales followed, but were no longer a burden as Dash’s warmth burned up through her chest, and stomach. “You won’t do it alone, A.J.” Dash whispered. “I’ll be there for you.” Applejack’s eyes locked onto Dash’s, soft and needy as those words seeped into her heart. “And ah’ll be there, pushin’ ya every moment to yer dreams, R.D.” Their breath hung in the shrinking gap of air between them, muzzles moving slowly closer. Silent conversation passed back and forth, poetic words of passion said with parted lips, little gasps, and dancing eyes. Neither capable of holding back any longer, their lips met suddenly, magnetically sucked together, pressing hard as each pushed the other back and forth in a struggle to match pace. Breaths came in short gasps. Lips parted, tongues touched hesitantly, exploring, hungry, curious, and devouring. They drew back briefly for air, hesitated, trembling, then dove into that delicious warm embrace again and again. Muzzles interlocked, tongues slid together, twirling, dancing. Their legs weakened, the weight of the mountain of hay atop them crushing down. Dash pulled her muzzle to the side with a wet smack, gasping for air. “Heavy!” Applejack slammed her muscles into place, forcing the mound up. She bucked into the air, her back arched as she knocked the hay viciously aside, heavy bales flying in every direction to bounce off the walls. Dash stared in awe. “Whoa…” Their eyes locked, chests heaving, taking advantage of the brief respite. Dash’s wings burned hotter, throbbing, shivering, demanding Applejack’s hooves. “That was hot!” Dash pitched forward in a flapping blur, slamming into Applejack. She flew across the room, and pinned her against a wall with a heavy thud, the building shaking around them as dust rained down from the rafters. Applejack gasped in shock, but words were lost as Dash rammed her tongue into her mouth. Dash’s wings flapped, seared with passion, and pressed her forward, straddling, squeezing, and grinding against Applejack’s thigh. Applejack ran her hooves up Dash’s sides, across her back, grabbed her wings, and pulled her in closer, sucking her tongue hard as Dash moaned into her mouth. She ground into Dash’s thigh, giving as good as she got, pent up pressure demanding release. Dash smirked with a giggle as Applejack pulled away for air first, and dove in to punish her by nibbling and sucking at her neck. The air caught in Applejack’s throat as her head pitched back, slamming into the wall, waves of heat flooding her legs, bouncing back, and driving her hips to rock faster, craving more satisfaction, but frustrated that grinding wasn’t enough. Dash’s wings picked up pace, flapping frantically. “Can’t fly you!” she gasped breathlessly. “What?” Applejack blurted out between gasps, trying to catch Dash’s muzzle with her own. Dash’s wings instinctively beat at the air as she dodged half of Applejack’s insistent kisses to get her words through. “You, me...can’t fly! Clamps, wings!” “Can’t fly sugarcube! Earth...pon-nngghuh!” Applejack choked on her words, her eyes widened, groaning at the ceiling as Dash bit down on her neck, and slid her thigh up hard between her legs. “Don’t argue… Clamps! Fly!” Dash demanded, aching with need. “Now!” Applejack shut her up with a vengeful kiss, clamping Dash's face between her hooves. Then, she shoved her back, jumping on top of her, pinning her roughly to the ground. Thick strands still connecting their muzzles, dripping down onto Dash’s neck. Dash stared up at Applejack in shock and elation as she anticipated what unpredictable thing she would do next. Applejack zeroed in on the offending clamps, her eyes burning as she bared down on them. Her horseshoe bounced off the metal with a resounding clank, but not much more. Dash growled back at her, impatient, passion screaming. “Do it!” Applejack’s chest heaved as Dash’s demand flooded through her in a wave of dizzying need, clouding her mind. Her hoof viciously hammered down, a feral growl in her throat. Dash bounced up, the ferocity of the impact warping the floorboards beneath her. Again and again Applejack assaulted the metal, twisting it, mangling it, driven mad with passion, demanding it release her mare. Her Dash. Dash squealed in delight, waves of awe driving her dizzily insane as Applejack fought for her freedom in a display of raw overwhelming power that cracked the floorboards, and rattled the walls. The clamp exploded into shrapnel, and Applejack pounced upon the second one with vigor, driving her hoof down repeatedly. Suddenly, the floor board splintered under the assault, bits and pieces popping up to shower down onto Dash. Applejack froze, momentarily stunned out of her frenzy. Dash shook the shrapnel off, her jaw dropping as she glanced over to stare at the gaping hole in the floor. Her eyes slid over to meet Applejack’s, their chests heaving. “Buck yeah!” Dash latched onto Applejack, intent on pulling her down, but instead raised up, unable to overpower Applejack’s muscles in overdrive. She wrapped her hind legs around her mid, squeezing, needing, grinding, and flapping madly. Their lips locked once more, tongues dancing as Dash pulled at Applejack’s mane. Another long passionate kiss, Applejack dancing back and forth trying to keep balance with Dash strapped underneath, her wings beating wildly. Dash screamed out, instinct demanding it. “Fly!” Applejack grappled for Dash’s wing, the pegasus fighting her every step of the way clinging, kissing, biting. She over powered her, grabbing the wing, forcefully held it still, and eyed the mangled clamp, cracked beyond repair but still hanging on. She bit down on it with a crunch, split it, and spit it out. Its final duty to clank across the floor. Dash howled, and splayed her primaries wide in triumphant freedom. She clamped her legs hard around her mare, and shot across the room in a blur. The barn doors exploded outwards, slamming loudly against the walls with a resounding ‘crack!’ Dash rocketed in a rainbow and orange streak up to the sky. Applejack ignored the ground as it fell away. She wrapped her forelegs around Dash’s neck, and feeling the heated pulse there, craved it, sucked at it, desiring the taste of her passion as those wings beat in time with her heart. Dash drew them higher and higher, peaked out, and spread her wings wide, drawing a stark silhouette against the vibrant full moon. Applejack stared in awe, entranced by the surreal beauty that held her aloft, the moon hallowing Dash’s colorful mane as the chill night sky nipped the sweat from their fur in a blanket of steam. “Love me?” Dash asked hurriedly between breaths, and clenched teeth as she ripped Applejack’s red tie from her spectrumed mane. “I...” Dash put a hoof to Applejack’s lips. “Shh, don’t say it…prove it.” Applejack nodded breathlessly through half lidded eyes, falling helplessly under Dash’s spell. She leaned forward, her lips yearning for Dash’s, but Dash dodged backwards with a smile. She savored Applejack’s needy whine as she leaned farther forward, begging for another kiss, to prove it. Dash snapped the band around the base of Applejack’s muzzle, staring deeply into her eyes, savoring the first sweet memory of her love drunk marefriend. Then without warning, she rocked Applejack’s head back with a forceful kiss, sucking her tongue in, and sealed their lips together with the band. Her wings folded around Applejack, squeezing her tight as they plummeted. Applejack immediately understood. Don’t break the kiss! Not that she ever would! She was perfectly content getting lost in it, their tongues dancing, caressing, and exploring. The wind rushed past, locking them into their perfect little world, deafening, whipping at their manes, and tearing at their tails. Dash’s downy embrace became everything as Applejack’s reality faded away, her blood rushing to the beat of Dash’s thundering heart. Then, a blue hoof boldy slipped down past Applejack’s belly. Applejack squeaked as Dash found her target, and squirmed with nowhere to go but forward, grinding hard into Dash’s hoof. She squeaked again, driving mind numbing shivers through Dash’s wings, forcing her to whine little pleas into Applejack’s mouth as her hips shifted. Applejack’s hoof slid down with a vengeance to find Dash’s aching need, eagerly rubbing against her sweet frustrations. Dash arched upwards drawing the full length of her slick folds along the hoof, too sensitive to take its swift movements directly on her sweet spot. She relaxed back down slowly, haltingly, as she muffled dirty little words around Applejack’s tongue. Their tongues hooked one another, wrapping around, and pulled back in an internal wrestling match, gasping and inhaling each others breaths. Their shared breathing quickened, hearts speeding faster, pace for pace, hind legs swimming through entangled tails. Adrenaline ran wild through their blood, beating to their passion as they screamed their swiftly building climax into each others mouths. Elation and release burst through Applejack rippling up her body to explode in little starbursts behind her eyelids. Her worries and cares momentarily shattered beneath overwhelming ecstasy, rocking hard against Dash’s hoof as she clawed at her back, and screamed into her mouth. Dash, eyes rolling up, eagerly returned her passion in hot wet gushing waves, caught by the rushing wind to stream up their coats, and splash against Applejack’s neck. Applejack’s eyes opened wide in shock, her fur soaked, and swiftly growing cold. A lecherous shudder shivered its way through her body. Her hoof dropped lower, and eagerly slipped into Dash, demanding more. Dash gasped, whining, pleading for it in muffled submissive moans. She bucked forward, squeezing around the orange hoof, growling her continued release into Applejack’s mouth. Her wings shuddered, her free hoof dropping to grab at Applejack’s flank, raking hard against the tense muscles under her cutie mark. Applejack savored the torrent of cool wet streams that crawled up, soaking through her fur, little drops tickling up her ear ridge, driving wild heated waves of desire wherever they roamed. A blue hoof, sensing her desire, slipped further down and slid in to return the favor. Applejack’s head pulled back in surprise, but pitched forward, frantic to keep the hair band in place. She winced at the pain, but couldn’t help desiring more of it. Her intense grip on Dash’s wing pulled her forward, rocking into Dash’s hoof harder, faster. Dash giggled with excitement as she pressed her hoof up, calling Applejack’s release closer with every slick stroke. Applejack bucked forward repeatedly, her breaths coming in shorter and shorter gasps. She whined, a higher and higher pitch with every frantic breath. Then, without warning, Applejack’s adrenaline dumped all at once as another wave of ecstasy slammed through her. Dash moaned a little giggly squeal as mild pain radiated up from her sore hoof, Applejack clamping viciously around it with vicegrip pulses, her legs rising and shuddering. Applejack went silent, tensing up, then screamed into Dash’s mouth, rattling her mind as Applejack barely clung to consciousness. Dash made note, a smile curving at the corners of her mouth, of how mind blowingly delicious Applejack’s pleasure screams tasted. Their bodies relaxed. Their breathing coming in steamy gasps that escaped between their locked lips. Dash grunted frustratedly, craving more as Applejack’s hooves bit into her back. Her wings and legs couldn’t pull her in tight enough. She cursed the fur that separated them as she melted under those powerful roaming hooves, and explored the smooth lithe muscles rippling under Applejack’s coat. Their tongues relaxed as they lost themselves within the kiss, enjoying what little time they had left until, grudgingly, at the last possible second, Dash’s wings ‘whomped’ out to the sides. The ground came up swiftly, but Applejack never faltered, their bond unbroken… Two years later, on an early morning cloud outside of Ponyville… Applejack’s tears streamed down Dash’s muzzle, trickling down her cheeks into the cloud. She held the kiss, gently pressing their lips together, smiling and savoring Applejack’s salty joy as it seeped into her mouth. Applejack broke the kiss. “It’s the same one, I kept it, and I wear it every day…” A hoof reached up to caress the red hair tie around her muzzle. She shook the shock out of her brain. “Why didn’t’cha tell me? Are ya crazy? Ever since that day we’ve been married?” Dash shrugged. “Well, kinda, by pegasus standards anyway. Marriage is private between two lovers, well mostly.” She glanced over to where she knew a certain yellow spy was hiding in a cloud off to the side. “I knew that night I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t really need any fancy proposal, dinner, or earth pony gathering to tell me that. We just needed not to break the kiss.” “What if it didn’t work out? What if I broke up with you? What if I left? What if...” Dash smothered Applejack’s worries with an invading tongue. She ended the kiss with a wet smack. “Shh…” Applejack giggled, her eyes softening as all the worries and doubts ebbed out of her. “Ya really did commit everythin’ ta me that day without thinking ahead didn’t’cha?” “Mmhmm…” Dash rubbed her nose against Applejack’s, a smile permanently on her lips. “My wings never failed me before…” Applejack’s giggles refused to stop. All of her balled up apprehension bursting out as giddy elation. “So, what happens if ya break the kiss?” “The worst thing ever!” Dash joined Applejack’s infectious giggles. “You can’t see each other for a whole month before you can try again.” Applejack snorted, then burst out laughing. “Well, the way that month went, I think we would have both died!” “Yeah, but you wanna know something funny?” Dash asked in between guffaws. “What?” “It’s the big strong stallion who does the save at the end.” Dash’s grin turned taunting, her eyes anticipating Applejack’s pending assault. Applejack’s eyes narrowed in challenge as she shook the happy little tears from her muzzle. “Oh yeah?” Her lips curved up into a lascivious grin. “Then marry me, ya stud!” Dash’s eyes widened in shock as Applejack locked onto her muzzle, sucking their lips closed, and slipped the band down into place around their noses. She squealed in delight as Applejack clamped her legs around her, wrapped their tongues together, and twisted off the cloud. Dash’s wings instinctively flapped, trying to gain control of the fall as she nearly broke the kiss in her surprise, but Applejack would have none of that. She sucked Dash’s tongue in harder, Dash’s downy wings wrapping around her, both giggling, plummeting, loving... Fluttershy landed in front of her cottage, cheeks burning red as she swiftly snaked in through the door, shutting it slightly harder than usual behind her. “Fluttershy!” Her friends greeted her. “Eeeh!” She turned to run, and threw the door open. Blue and magenta auras wrapped around her, floating her back into the room as she golloped in mid air, flapping in vain. “No, no! I didn’t see anything! Let go! Pleeaasse, I just want a warm bath…” The door shut, muffling her cries, leaving Fluttershy to her fate. Applejack lay breathlessly under Dash, the morning dew cool against her back. The two of them hot, and sticky. Their breaths steaming in the chill morning air. “R.D. the others ain’t gonna believe this…” Applejack heaved for air. “But we gotta tell’em sooner or later.” Dash shook her head breathlessly, sliding off to the side with a thunk, her thighs flopping together with a wet slap. “Nah…” She panted, though her lips curled in anticipation of Applejack’s response. “This time our marriage is official by pegasus law, since we had a pegasus for a ceremonial witness.” “Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Cain’t get married without somepony ta back up yer story.” Applejack panted for a few more seconds, then stopped. Her head snapped to the side, eyes wide. “Wait...what?” Dash guffawed loudly, slapping the grass next to her. “Let’s just say Fluttershy’s got our flanks.” “Fluttershy whaaat!” Applejack’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t know pegasi traditions were so dirty!” Dash snickered as she tried to talk brokenly through the laughter. “Well, actually, it’s just...the kiss...that really matters. Rest of it was just a bonus.” Applejack sat up, looking off into the distance towards Fluttershy cottage. “R.D., you’re terrible!” Dash’s response was to nearly choke on her own laughter, gasping for air.