> New Friendship, New Magic: Origins > by Grey Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: New life (Pilot/Test) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: New Life (Pilot/Test) By:Grey Star (A.k.a C.M.O) Any and all used characters in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is © by Hasbro -Azure Shine- It just became dusk, a nice assortment of colors in the sky. Though I had to be spending this beautiful moment in the Hospital. You want to know why? I was pregnant, even though i haven't mated with any stallions in like the past 2 years-3 years maybe? The doctors were even baffled by this, but it happened anyway... annnddd my water just broke. "Alright miss Azure your going to feel some more major contractions" said doctor Soar burn "When they happen i want you to push with all your strength." "O-OK..." I muttered. "Now Push!" I felt a huge rush of pain travel through out my entire body, it was like getting your intestines tied in a knot. "AHHHHH" I hollered "That was a good push" Soar chimed in "just a few more like that, and this will be over quickly" And for like that for about 4 more minutes there was just screaming and supportive words going around the room until the little foal's front hooves poked out. The foal was finally extracted, and gradually a feel of relief started coursing through my body. I was exhausted, beads of sweat dripping from my forehead making my mane stick to the pillow i was resting upon. Then the noise of a little foal rang into my ears. Doctor Soar then placed the foal into my arms. "Its a colt" Doctor Soar burn clarified "Any names?" The colt had a short, spiky, jet black mane and tail but his tail on the underside had a short blonde streak. His coat was a silvery-grey color, making it look kind of shinny in the light. Then on his sides were the tiniest of wings, but it looked like something was on the tip of his wings, I couldn't tell what it was though. "Well seeing how coat shines, he'll be my little Grey Star" I answered. "That's a fantastic name, he'll have a lot cut out for him with a mother like you." "Yeah, yeah." "Anyway all we need now is to get the birth certificate all filled out, we can do that tomorrow if you don't feel up to the task." "Tomorrow sounds great, having a foal is tiring." "I bet it is ." And with that I shut my eyes and fell asleep, or so i thought. I was having a dream about Grey, how he's going to act, grow up, all that kind of stuff. He was just like me, Shy at moments then becomes a over exciting mess, can be really 'ignorant' with some topics then turns into a total genus with other, mostly unimportant topics. I really hopes he turns out that way.'Wait a second...' I thought 'I totally forgot how my parents are going to react to this, I didn't tell them that I was pregnant.' I started to panic which unfortunately woke my up from my slumber. "Ughhhh" I choked out. I looked out the window. Looks like its morning considering all this bright light flooding into my eyes. To stop my eyes from burning i looked around the room, there was white tiles on the ceiling and floor, a blueish-green wall, and medical equipment all over the place. To put it plainly, it was sterile, boring, lame, all of those thoughts running through my head until i heard the door open. "Oh, miss Azure glad to see that you're awake" said Doctor Soar Burn "I hope you had a good nights sleep." "Yeah, i was just thinking about a few things, but aren't we supposed to be filling out the birth certificate?" I responded. "Yes all we really need is your signature then you can take Grey home." "Okay." Doctor Soar left the room then came back with the certificate. I signed it happily and prepared to leave. I had mixed feelings about having a foal. I was scared for all the troubles Grey might get into and how my parents were going to react to all of this. Then I was also happy I'll finally wont be alone, when he wont need my constant care I'll be able to have fun memories with Grey. Laughing, playing, sharing all that good stuff. Those two feelings were trying to dominate one another. I cast these feelings aside and followed the doctor to where Grey was sleeping. "Okay here he is" Soar burn whispered. Doctor Soar burn picked up Grey and hoofed him over to me. "Thank you" I began "I guess I'll be leaving now." "Okay, when he turns one make sure you comeback for another check up." "Why?" "Just want to make sure he's growing alright, he was a below average size for a Pegasus." "Alright I'll try to remember that Doc." "And if you forget we'll send a message through the mail anyway." I nodded, turned around and left the hospital. First thing on the agenda was explain this whole situation to my parents, I wasn't sure how to but that's exactly what I'm going to do, no matter the consequence. I spread my wings, making sure Grey was fasten correctly and gently flew off to my parents home in Cloudsdale. > Chapter 2: The Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The Story By:Grey Star (A.k.a C.M.O) Any and all used characters in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is © by Hasbro -Azure Shine- Man it felt so good to feel my mane flow in the wind again, I hated being cooped up for a long period of time. That was all in the past now, now I was flying to my doom also known as my parents. I looked behind me so see Grey gently breathing, still fast asleep.Man he's going to have it easy I thought I'll be taking all the heat for something i didn't even expect to happen. I turned away, and Cloudsdale was in sight, about 3-5 minutes until I'll be there. Okay i need to think of a game plan quickly, or else I'm screwed. I already know my dad would be angry, having a foal and not even being married yet, or having a colt-friend. That makes this situation two times as worse, he might think i might just hop into the bed with any stallion without thinking. My mom on the other hand wouldn't care that much about that stuff, she'll care about how I'm going to raise my foal. Stuff like how I'm supposed to hold him, how to feed him, how to change his diaper, what to do when I'm not home, how to make him stop crying. She'll most likely want to take care of Grey herself, cause I'm not ready for the "Responsibility" of taking care of a foal. Thinking of all the possible out comes i didn't even notice that i was already in Cloudsdale flying straight for their house. Oh crap i thought I still don't even know what to do. No time in prolonging the inevitable. I looked back again, only this time Grey was awake, probably from the noise of ponies moving all around the city. I landed right at the front door, I gulped and knocked on the door. I heard movement coming towards the door, sweat on my brow expecting the worst possible outcome. The door opened and i saw a light velvet colored Pegasus with a short light blue mane. "Azure...? Is that you?" The Pegasus asked. "Yeah mom it's me" I responded. "Oh my gosh it's been a while since I've seen you, I know we've gotten your mail, but... its been so long since I've seen your face." "I know, I should visit more often, but mom may i come in there's something i need to talk to you guys about." "Of course you can come in, but is this some bad news?" "Not exactly." I casually walked into the house, I saw the puzzled look on my moms face when she saw the foal. "Are you foal-sitting?" she asked. "Wheres dad? I digressed, dodging the question. "He's upstairs, let me go get him." She traveled up the stairs, still glancing at the foal until she couldn't see it anymore. I heard some whispering up there, but couldn't make out the details, I just sat there waiting for them to walk down the stairs with questioning glances. And that's exactly what they did, i cracked a small smirk at that then I switch it back to my "poker face." A yellow color stallion with a red mane traveled down the stairs with my mom. He had a straight face which only made me feel more uneasy. "Azure is something wrong, your mom told me that you had something to say to us." he said "Well..." I began "there's no easy way to say this so I'll say it bluntly, You guys are grandparents." Grabbing Grey off my back to show them their grandfoal. There was just a stunned silence, they stood still, their mouths agape, their pupils shrunken down to tiny pinpricks, staring in awe. "W-What?" They said in unison. "This is my foal Grey Star" I answered. Silence. "So..." my father began "You mean to tell us that this is Your foal." "Yes" I simply put. "Whose the father?" "I don't know." "What do you mean YOU DON'T KNOW." "It means what it means." "Okay I want you to explain everything from the start." This was going to be a Loooooooong story I thought "It all started 10 months ago." I started "I haven't mated with any stallion for the past 3 years dad, so don't look at me like that." I heard him grumble under his breath. "I started having signs of pregnancy like other mares, morning sickness, cravings, so I went for a check up at the hospital and they said that I was pregnant." "But that's impossible, you had to have mated, there's no other way" my father chastised. "I don't know how it happened, but it did just hear me out." "Tsk, tsk." "As I was saying, the doctors didn't understand how I got pregnant either, i told them i hadn't mated, so they started doing research on the matter..." "And what were the results?" "I'm not sure, I'm going to a check up when Grey turns one, so i might find out then." Silence went through the room again. "So the foal's name is Grey" my mom asked changing the subject. "His full name is Grey Star, but its just easier to say Grey." I responded. "I just hope you know what you're doing Azure" my father chimed in. "Yeah i got it dad." I looked at Grey, an he looked back. He had the cutest eye's I've ever seen, a deep sapphire blue. "I guess i should be on my way now." I said looking back at my parents. "Okay... bye Azure you better drop by more often, just like you said" my mother said. "Alright I'll come back in like two weeks, don't worry I'll be fine and I could ask you guys for help if I need any." And with that I left. Agenda one, check. My parents didn't kill me and that was a achievement. My parents especially my dad are kinda overprotective. I refastened Grey to my back, and started flying back home. As I made my way back home I noticed Grey started to shiver, I looked back then up and noticed huge dark grey clouds above, of course today just had to be scheduled to a storm i thought. I started to fly faster, but not fast enough before Grey losses a grip on my back and falls off. Even though I live in Manehattan, i still had an apartment in Cloudsdale. Just there when I decided to spend a week or two with my parents. The rain started as I made a dash for the door. I opened the door and slammed it shut, Whew just made it. I grabbed Grey and set him on the couch, now what do i do. I have no idea how to be a parent, I just stared at him and he stared back. Oh Celestia help me now, teach me how to be a parent. Maybe i should have asked those tips before i left my parents house. Darn it, why couldn't i have asked I thought could have made this much, much easier. I poked my hoof on my chin thinking of what to do, when I heard a rumbling noise go through my house. "Grey are you hungry, do what to eat, do ya'." I said in the biggest foal-ish voice i could. He nodded his head furiously. Man I haven't heard him cry other than being born. Most other foals I've seen cry when they get hungry, or whenever they feel like it. "OK lets get you some food." I picked him up and walked into the kitchen.