> The Manehattan Project > by Omnixious > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A resounding crack echoed throughout the prison as my hoof made contact with the door. Again and again I've tried, but it was a fruitless effort. The door was just too tough and, weak as I was, it wasn't go to open that way anytime soon. I turned and sat by the wall, sighing in annoyance. "Okay," I grumbled, "I've played your silly little game for long enough, why won't you let me through?" No response. 'What was I expecting? It's a door.' I thought. I stood up with a huff and walked over to the doorway that housed my only exit, ready to give it one last shot for the day. I had done this once or twice before my capture, as the Apple family had no trouble with it I saw no reason I couldn't be able to. As I stopped in front of the door, I turned around and reared up my hind legs. With one swift motion, I kicked with all my might. Another crack was heard throughout my stony prison, though this time it didn't sound quite like I expected. 'Could that be?' I wondered in disbelief. 'There's no way that after all this tim-' I turned around in excitement, only to be disappointed with the lack of an open door. 'Oh for the love of Celestia!' Sometimes I get the feeling that the door is easily opened, and my captors simply allow me to continue hammering away at it for amusement. Like some sort of twisted game that I'm being put through and they're always watching. They must get a kick out of this. I sat down on the cold floor and let my thoughts wander, back to that day when everything changed. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It was a simple task, and one I enjoyed doing. Bring my brother to the schoolhouse to play with the foals his age and make sure he doesn't get hurt. He enjoyed it as well, as he got along with the others. Though at times I suspect it might be those three fillies that are always running around town, trying various activities to get their cutie marks. They were an adorable trio, and even let him join in from time to time. However, they could also be dangerous with their stunts, so trips like this one earned a closer eye on him. "Come on Pip!" I yelled up the stairs. "You're going to miss the school bell!" "I'm almost ready," he said with determination in his voice. "Got it!" He made his way down the stairs and stood next to me, ready as ever with a cheerful smile on his face. I loved that smile, Pip was always ready to go do something new. "Let's g-" His saddlebag fell off. "Here, let me get that for you," I said, a small smile forming on my face. Reaching over, I grabbed his saddlebag off the floor and checked the straps for any tears. None, just a bit too loose. "I think you need some more practice." I draped the bag over his back and fastened the straps once again. "Maybe mom can show you again when we get back?" "No, I think I've got the hang of it," he said, the same smile still on his face. "Come on, we're going to be late!" Stepping out the door, we headed towards the schoolhouse. It wasn't a terribly long rip, but Pip could get a little antsy when on these trips. So I decided some small talk would do, especially since moving here from Trottingham has brought many new surprises along with it. Living in the same town as one of the princesses and fighting all sorts of creatures, that easily marks this place as one of the best I've been to. "So Pip," I asked, "how are you liking it here in Ponyville?" "It's great!" he shouted with excitement, "especially when I met Princess Luna!" I had to agree with Pip on that one, that Nightmare Night was one he was never going to forget. "Avid!" a mysterious voice called. "Woah!" I shouted and hopped a step back, "Oh, It's just you, Pinkie. You startled me." "What are you startled for silly? It's just me!" said Pinkie in her usual upbeat attitude. "I know you just, surprised me is all." I replied, suddenly finding the ground very interesting. "Surprise? Ooh I love surprises, especially when they're surprise parties!" Pinkie said jovially. "Yes Pinkie, I know you like surprises but me and Pip here," I motioned to Pip who was hiding behind my hind legs, "have someplace to be right now." "Right, I'll come with you!" With a single roll of my eyes we headed off towards the schoolhouse once again, Pinkie Pie in tow humming a cheerful tune. However, a few minutes down the road she quickly stopped humming and began contorting her face in weird expressions, as if trying to remember something. "Oh!" Pinkie shouted, "I almost forgot! Twilight wanted to see me super duper fast, must be really urgent." "Um, Pinkie-"I started. "Seeyouguyslaterbye!" She quickly blurted out. This left me and Pip standing there in the road with puzzled expressions on our faces. "What did she say Avid?" Pip asked. "I have no idea," I said, both to Pip and myself, "but let's go, we're running behind." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A faint hum disturbed me from my thoughts. Listening for the source, I got up and looked around my room. This place was fairly small, though it left just enough breathing room and some space to pace around in when I got bored. My bed was little more than a dusty mattress on top of a rusted metal frame, both of which showed years of use and served their purpose well. A small pillow was placed on one end of the mattress and needed to be fluffed periodically or else it would get stiff, and that was very uncomfortable. A small bedside table was also next to the bed, and it's where I kept my notebook, quill, and ink bottles. I kept my thoughts for the day in this notebook, and tried to write in it daily. It was a good way to pass the time when I wasn't trying to break out. I didn't find it right away though. I only noticed the beside table when bumping into things on my first night. The night I awoke in a cold chamber and realized that I had just lost everything and everypony I held most dear. I pulled out my notebook and a fresh ink bottle, deciding to write my accomplishments of the day before continuing to search for the noise. Day 33 Still no success with my escape plan. I don't even know why I bother I keep writing about it. Still, I think I'm onto something. As I'm writing this I can hear a faint buzzing noise. It's not much but it's there. I will search for the source today, and hope that it's not just a ventilation issue or something. As I closed the book I stopped on one of my earlier pages, remembering how long I've been down here. Day 5 I've been here for about a week now, since I woke up the first time. I'm only keeping track of time by the sunlight pouring in from the doorway. I think that it's going to be my only chance at escaping after tearing the rest of this place apart searching for an exit. I did manage to find an old saddlebag underneath the bed, so I could put my things there once I escaped. I'm getting a little worried about my food though, I think it's time to start rationing and stop eating out of boredom. I still have no explanation as to why it was down here, to keep me alive? Of course, but this place looks fairly old, even for an underground bunker of sorts, so I could only assume that someone was here recently setting things up. At least before me. Flipping through a couple more pages I came to where I had started worrying more about my supplies. Day 15 Today I managed to chip part of the wall next to the door. It may not be much but I might be able to use this to my advantage. If I could continue breaking away the wall by the door, I could go around it instead of through it. It would definitely be worth checking out. On another note, from now on I'm going to be writing shorter entries. I've already gone through two of my four ink bottles and I want to continue this for as long as I'm down here. I snapped the book shut, dust flying up into my face. After a small sneeze and a mental note not to do that again, my ears perked up as I listened intently to find the source of the noise. I turned around and my eyes widened in shock. The old message written on the wall, which had since faded away, was glowing a dull green. The very thing was enough to make me have to do a double-take. 'Could this be what the old message meant?' I wondered curiously, 'You'll know when you can leave, I believe it said.' As I walked over to the old writing, it suddenly became much brighter. The once dull green had become a vibrant lime color, easily distinguishable from the gray of the stone walls. A line also appeared and traced through the room to the door. Upon closer inspection, the line seemed to lead to an indentation in the wall beside the door where a handle would be. I was beyond shocked. Was this going to be it? Was I finally going to be able to escape this lonely room and free myself? I could only imagine how worried all the other ponies must be. Were they even looking for me? Surely they are, or at least did. I've been gone for over a month now, so it would only make sense that they would give up after a long search. I quickly rushed over to where the light shone by the door, which was now glowing in a shape that resembled a hoof print. Seeing no other explanation of what to do, I pressed against the wall. What happened next only confirmed my suspicions. As I pressed where the light shone, the stone pulled itself into the wall. I backed away slowly, unaware of what was about to happen. The door, which had been both my friend and my enemy for quite some time, swung open with a loud creak. I could only stand there, mouth agape. 'This is it. This is the day I finally leave this rathole and return home.' I thought to myself, a big smile forming on my face. I quickly gathered up what little I had and stuffed them into the saddlebag I had found a few weeks ago. Walking up to the doorway, I let out a deep breath, and headed through. The sudden blast of light that followed assaulted my eyes like dragon fire. I wasn't used to much light, the only light I ever got shone through the door. After spending weeks underground my eyes had adjusted so I could see fairly well, only needing some light when focusing on very precise things. I stood there for a moment or two and let my eyes adjust, then made my way up the stairs that were on the other side of the door. My smile dropped immediately once I saw what was at the top of the stairway. I was outside, yes, but it wasn't anything like I pictured. I remembered lots of bright colors, the world full of greens, blues, and yellows. But what I saw was red skies and dry, brown earth. No longer was the world bright and cheerful, it was now full of nothing but emptiness.