> Date Night with Skultz > by Sleepyted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon softly sighs, his hand going through his hair as he walked down the streets of Ponyville. He had only been here for a month and he hated how there wasn’t much to do that he did when back on Earth like drinking with his mates or clubbing, there weren’t even really any ponies that even knew what strong alcohol tasted like. Only that apple farmer knew about strong drink, with her heavy cider but that was only about as strong as a light beer, if that. But not that long ago he found out there was actually a bar, one that had heavy drinks and everything. The only problem was it was in a city called Van Hoover so he had to travel by train for the past day and night, and the beds the ponies had on their trains were awful, they couldn’t fit his legs in the slightest. But now he finally made it, his bags were in the hotel which the crown was happily enough to pay for even though they thought he was just exploring the sights there were to see in Equestria but he planned on only really seeing one sight while he was here. The place was called The Salty Ship, and it wasn’t even a well-known place because from what he heard many of the things that were there weren’t seen as one hundred percent legal but the law couldn’t prove anything. But there were accusations of drugs, illegal booze and ‘friendly companionship’ when the place was mentioned. He checked the small note he had written himself when he was told what the address was, he didn’t want even a chance of forgetting it when he was told. After a few more minutes of walking he found what he was looking for, the fairly large for ponies metal door. It would look bland and not really draw the eye but Anon knew what it was, and what was inside. Knocking onto the door he waited for the response. The metal slit halfway up the door opened and a pair of large green eyes looked out of it. “What is it?” A deep male voice asks. “I’m here because a friend told me I can actually get something strong to drink in here.” Anon states, seeing the eyes look up so they could look the human in the face. “What’s the password?” Anon looks confused for a moment, he was never told that there was a password. “I was never told anything about that.” He states. “Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you.” The doorman said, the slit in it closing before there was a few loud clicks and the door was opened up, exposing the larger than normal stallion, wearing a black tux and a smirk on his face. “Come on in, have as much fun as you want and as long as you can pay.” He said with a grin. Anon waves his hand dismissively. “Whatever man, as long as you have something with a kick in it I’m happy.” He said with a chuckle. “While I’ve been here I haven’t found anything near as strong as back where I’m from like whiskey or vodka.” “Well I don’t think those are things we actually have but you should check with the bar cause they’ll know what they have or not.” The pony says with a shrug, stepping aside to let the human in. “No problem, they’re drinks of my place so they won’t be found much here if at all.” Says the man with a smile, walking inside where he could already hear the slight sounds of a heavy base, the door must have had magic on it that stopped sound from getting through. Walking through the darkened corridor he soon turned a corner and what he saw made his jaw drop. “I’m in heaven…” All around were ponies dancing on a large colored floor, the tiles changing color after a few seconds of being on an old one. There was what sounded like watered down dubstep being played by a white mare on stage with a pair of purple sun glasses on even though it was a dark room and a pair of headphones on. To one side of the huge main room was a large bar space with many of the stools full, some with ponies passed out at the bottom. To the other side there were what looked to be pony pole dancers and at point of not even getting close in any sexual way with any female Anon was even considering going over there for a little fun but he came here to get wasted and that was the first thing he was going to do. Going over to the bar and drawing the attention of a lot of the others there he couldn’t help but notice their weren’t just ponies but a few griffons as well, probably just staying in Van Hoover and heard about the place just like Anon did before they would move onto another town or city. Once at the bar he sits at one of the stools, hunching over it a bit due to his larger frame than normal. After a few minutes of sitting there a pony with a cleaning towel approached him from the other side of the bar. “What can I get you stranger?” He asks with a smile. “I’ll have the strongest thing you have, I don’t want to be able to walk right after tonight.” The human said with a huge grin, this was finally it, he could get as wasted as he wanted like many of the others around him. The bartender grins widely. “Alright friend, the strongest thing we can sell ya that won’t stop your heart in an instant.” He said before going to the rows and rows of oddly shaped bottles and filled with colors of all types. After a few moments the bar tender come back with a smallish plain bottle with a skull and crossbones on it, a pony skull of cause. He grabbed a shot glass and poured it full to the brim with a cloudy white liquid. “This right here would knock any pony right of their feet and into a hospital.” He stated, grinning eagerly to see if the human was able to take the shot well. Many of the other ponies around Anon looked on, they all knew how strong that drink was and pitied the man, that stuff would knock him out cold from what they knew. Anon grabs the glass, the bottle reminding him of something. “I hope this isn’t rate poison.” He mumbled before picking up the glass and quickly downing it, expecting an unbearable kick to it. It did have a kick but not as much as he expected, about the same as a shot of sake and with a horrible taste to boot but this time it was super salty, tasting like he just drunk alcoholic sea water. “Jesus, that’s a lot of salt.” He admitted, coughing a few times. “Tastes like I just drank right out of the ocean.” The bartender looked surprised by the man, that shot alone had more salt in it then what a few stallions could take altogether. “Wow, how are you still even awake?” He asks in shock, many faces around in shock as well. “I don’t care, just give me another.” He stated, he could tell this was probably the strongest drink he was going to find in Equestria so he was going to savor it as much as he could. The bartender pours another drink for the human which he drinks down quickly. “Come on, keep them coming.” The human says, knowing that he’ll have enough salt in him by the end of this he may have some problems in the future. The bartender just leaves the bottle by the human, just going to charge him at the end of the night. The human couldn’t help but notice that ponies were looking at him in shock and wonder, grinning to himself as he looked to one. “What is it buddy?” Anon asks. “How under Celestia’s sun are you able to drink all that?!” The stallion asks in shock. The human decided to answer by picking up the smallish bottle and put it up to his lips before starting to chug away at the contents, wincing slightly at the salt content in it but that didn’t stop him for long. “What in Celestia’s name has gotten into that thing, surely it will salt him to death!” He heard someone say around him. “He isn’t dead yet, he’s still going!” Another exclaimed. “CHUG, CHUG, CHUG….” A large group started to cheer as he kept on drinking the salty booze. He kept on drinking until there was nothing left to drink, knowing that he had probably more than what was healthy in the levels of sodium he had in his body and he could feel the buzz of alcohol in his blood, making him feel hazy. Once done he tipped the bottle upside down to show everyone watching that the glass bottle was indeed empty and threw up his other arm in triumph, he hadn’t done anything like this in far too long. “YEAH!” He yells, causing all the ponies and even a griffon around him to cheer in victory along with the human. A few bets made between friends and a few approaching the man and giving him a few pats on the back. Once all way back to normal he smiled brightly at the bartender as he came back, a slightly somber look on his face. “Hey man, how much will that run me?” The man asks, not expecting the answer he got. “Seven hundred bits…” The bartender said, his once chipper attitude gone. The human looked like he had just been struck, he didn’t have anywhere near that amount of bits, he only brought two hundred because he didn’t expect the drink at this bar to be so expensive. “I-I don’t have that many…” Anon said timidly, if not being able to pay for your drinks was anything like it was on Earth he was scared out of his skin. The bartender sighed sadly, taking the towel off his shoulder and putting it to the side. “Well, I’m sorry buddy, but I-“ He started but was stopped when a mare step forward and slammed her hoof onto the bar top. “Hold it!” She exclaimed. She was an average looking unicorn mare, her light pink coat combed and groomed nicely, her purple mane pulled back into a large ponytail at the back and her tail combed so it looked long and flowing. Tying her mane was a beaded hair band, three metal studs along the edge of an ear and a spiked collar around her neck. “What is it Skultz?” The bar tender asks. “I’ll pay for his tab.” She exclaimed, voice fairly slurred and with the red filled martini glass held in her magic. The bar tender looked a little skeptic but also slightly relieved that he didn’t have to do anything he would regret later. “Are you sure about this girl? It’s a fair amount he owes.” The bar tender asked. “I’m fully sure, how much is this gonna cost me?” She asks. “Seven hundred and fifty bits.” He says flatly Without saying a word the mare floated a jingling sack onto the bar top. “Alright, there, all done.” She said with a grin, both males there looking confused at the mare. “Well, if you’re really sure about this…” The tender said, scooping up the bag and sliding it under the bar top before walking off to serve others who wanted drinks. Anon looked shocked at this unknown mare to him. “U-Umm, thanks, you really didn’t have to do that, Skults was it?” He asks. “It’s Skultz, with a ‘Z’, not an ‘S’ at the end.” She slurred out, letting out a small hic sound. “Well Skultz, thank you so much for doing that to me, I-I don’t know why you did it but I’ll pay you back as soon as I get the money back.” He said gratefully. She waved her hoof dismissively, slamming down her martini in one go and put the glass to the side and smiled up at the man. “Don’t worry about money, my father is rather rich so it’s no problem.” She said, smile never leaving. “Well that still means you bailed me out without even knowing who I am.” He said with a faint blush on his cheeks. “I saw you in the newspapers about a month back.” She said with the smile. “Ever since then I always wanted to meet the recently unknown species. But there is one way you can help pay me back, you might even enjoy it as well.” She said in a tone he didn’t like the sound of. It was lust, plain and simple and even with his even minor sense of smell he could catch the scent of an eager mare from the times of walking around Ponyville with mares in heat as they called it. “O-oh? And what would that be?” He asks uncertainly, but he already knew the answer, hoping the smell was just in his head. She didn’t say anything yet but moved closer to him before starting to press her side against his leg. “How about we do something crazy tonight?” She asks biting her bottom and her eyes half lidded. “I have a room upstairs, no pony will disturb us, there are enchantments all around it so no sound will get~” She cooed up at him, the smell much stronger now. He started to sweat, he didn’t want to be in this position. While it was true that he hadn’t had sex in almost over six months he didn’t know if he wanted to do it with a pony, bestiality was a big no no back on Earth after all. “I-I’m not sure about this, we just met each other.” He said hesitantly, but he couldn’t deny the arousal that he was feeling at that moment. “Don’t worry, nothing will come of it, just a quick fuck and we never have to see each other again, how does that sound?” She asks eagerly, rubbing the side of her barrel against his leg. “Come on, what do you have to lose?” She asked. His resolve was starting to break, his pants a lot tighter than he remembered and there was only one reason for that. It could just be a quickie right? Not going to come back and bite him on the ass any time soon. “A-alright, I-I guess I need some way of paying you back right?” He says with a nervous grin, feeling uncomfortable. Her smile got even larger and she even started to bounce in place. “That’s great! I can’t wait, let’s get going.” She said quickly as she grabbed onto the side of his shirt with her mouth and started to take him towards a fairly hidden staircase that leaded up. Once he led them up the stairs he came face to face with a large wooden door and even from this side he could tell there were quite a few locks on it but in his current intoxicated state of mind he didn’t really pay too much attention to it. The Skultz’ horn glowed and the door flew open and she quickly dragged her and the human inside, grinning widely the entire time. Once inside she pushed him down onto the couch to the side of the room, everything seeming to be what you would find in a normal hotel besides the multiple sexual objects to the corner like multiple dildos and some contraptions he wasn’t paying that much attention to. The door suddenly slammed shut and all the locks clicked into place, many of them only able to be opened by magic but he didn’t know that. Turning around she smiled at the human and started to slowly walk over, her hips swaying as she looked at him lustfully. “So my stallion, ready for some fun?” She asks softly, making her way up between his legs and resting her chin on his painfully tight crotch. “Y-yeah.” He groaned softly from the pressure on his aching erection. “I-I’m ready.” “Don’t sound so nervous, we’re going to have a whole load of fun.” The mare said as she used her magic to undo his pant, exposing his bulged boxers. “How many layers do you have?” She asked in confusion. “T-that’s the last one.” He says, his heart racing at what was about to happen. Using her mouth this time she carefully bit the hem of his boxers before pulling them down, unexpectedly getting slapped across the muzzle by his long human dick. “Huh, it looks a lot different from a pony’s” She said using her hooves to move it around so she could look it over, making him bite his lip to stop himself from moaning. “Well for your size I guess you’re alright, not as big as I thought you’d be, you’re smaller than a pony by far.” She observed. Anon couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt tat that statement, he already knew he could never compete with a stallion’s shaft, in girth or length, but it still hurt when the mare said that. “I-It’s not about the size of the waves, it’s about the motion of the ocean.” He said the cheesy line. She gave him a flat look and just opened her mouth wide and quickly took the head of his dick into her mouth, lips wrapped firmly around it as her tongue flicked around his cum slit, making him gasp suddenly and her back arch. Skultz chuckled softly into his shaft as his reaction, slowly moving her head further down before pulling back up and going back down, taking more of his cock with each bob of her head. From the sudden pleasure flowing through his body Anon’s cock started to slowly leak pre into her mouth, her greedy tongue quickly licking it up. “F-fucking hell, t-this is intense.” He moans, his hands going to the back of her head as his fingers go through her mane. She kept on bobbing her head up and down while softly suckling on it until she managed to take it all, her nose pressed firmly against his crotch. His cock was pressed firmly against the back of her throat, making her gag slightly but she didn’t let that deter her, still eagerly moving her head up and down along his shaft, tongue licking all around where it could reach and making a thick buildup of saliva in her mouth. “I-I can’t hold back much longer.” He whimpered in bliss, his hips jerking into her muzzle slightly as his body tried to get his cock as deep into her as it possibly could. Skultz wanted to pull up her head to give him a lustful statement to try and make his orgasm as powerful as she could but with his hands holding her down she wasn’t able to do that but she wasn’t complaining that much, wondering how big a human’s load would be compared to a pony’s. “Aghh!” The man yelled, pushing her head down as hard as he could and jerking his hips up, the mare he was inside still sucking and slobbering all over his shaft with gusto. His cock started to pulse and throwing his head back he started to cum. His balls tightened and soon cum started to shoot out of the tip of his cock and directly into the bac of the mare’s throat, making her gag and choke slightly as she started to try and swallow down his load the best she could, pleasing the man very much. He managed to send a whole thirteen spurts of cum into the mare, letting go of her head and laying back on the couch as he basked in his afterglow, swearing he could see tunnel vision from how intense it was for him. Staying there for a few more moments to make sure she licked up and swallow every bit of cum he could give her she pulled her head back and smiled, pressing her cheek against his shaft as she smiled up at him, a small amount of spunk still in her mouth mixed with her saliva. “So… are you ready for the grand finish?” She asks with a slightly evil looking smile, her horn giving an intense glow before disappearing as fast as it appeared. He nodded dumbly, if it felt as good as her mouth just did then he couldn’t wait for them to actually go all the way. “Y-yeah, I just hope I’m big enough to please you.” He says softly. “Well, you’re not small by any stretch of the imagination but the thing is…” She said softly before standing on her hind hooves and what she was holding caused Anon to take a sharp intake of breath and flinching back like struck. In her hooves was the biggest cock he had ever seen, it was longer than one of her legs, going from her crotch to her chin and was as thick if not thicker than one of her hooves. Her balls were each the size of bowling bowls, each fully packed with cum wanting to get out. “The thing is mine’s bigger…” She said with an evil grin. Anon was horrified, he was bi, true, but every time he ever did something with a male he always went top but he could tell that this mare with the massive dick wouldn’t be the type to go bottom. “This might hurt just a little… I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can.” She cooed, her horn glowing and Anon found that he could barely move. “Enjoy it as much as you can…” she said softly, giving his cheek a quick kiss. “W-wait! I don’t want this anymore!” He protests, trying too struggle against his invisible bindings that were holding him down to the couch, his legs spreading open as wide as they could without them starting to hurt at the joints. “Just relax human, it’ll hurt more if you’re all tense.” She said, positioning herself so her cock was mere inches from his tight virgin anus, about to have it take away by a monster of a cock. “N-No! Help!” He screamed out, in hope someone would come to his aid but he remembered what the mare said. “The room is sound proof, you’re not getting out till I’m getting in, now stop yelling and take it like a stallion.” She grunts as she holds onto his thighs, the huge flat head pressed against his asshole. She began to apply a lot more pressure to his rear entrance. With a sudden gasp from her and a small scream of pain the huge head popped into him, the pre coming from her cock and coating his insides and slightly helping to lube up his insides. “You’re so tight, this is too good.” She moans, continuing to push in if he was used to it or not which he wasn’t whimpering in pain as he felt the huge intruder continue to push into him. “S-stop! Too much!” He yelled in pain, tears in his eyes. “Just breathe slowly human, it’ll go in a lot smoother if you just relax already.” She moaned, the tightness of his walls around her cock was one of the best feelings she had ever felt in years since she had her way with that foal that one time. Anon tries to do what the mare using his body said and started to take deep shaky breaths and the pain got less noticeable but was still quite painful with how big she was. “J-just a little slower please.” He whimpered. Knowing that this was hard for him she decided to give that to him request at least. She started pushing in slower, making his muscles relax slightly but he still only felt discomfort even as it pressed roughly against his prostate. “I’m not stopping till I fill up your bowels alright, so don’t bother asking.” She moaned. Soon she hit a flesh wall inside him, knowing that was as far she could go without just ripping into his insides and fucking his organs but she didn’t want to kill the human. Once at the amount inside him she slowly started to pull out until only the head was left in before pushing it back to the flesh wall all over again. “Ughhh.” Anon moans in discomfort, feeling the fleshy pillar inside his bowels move back and forth in a slow but steady motion so she could get the most out of the pleasure of this man. “Y-you are by far the tightest stallion I’ve ever been with, this is just delicious.” She moans, each time she pulled back his muscles would tug on her shaft and suck her deeper when she pushed back into his snug rear. “I-it still hurts.” He whimpers in pain, her legs twitching slightly from the intense pain going through his stretched rear. “Y-you’re stretching me too much.” “S-stretching? We haven’t even gotten to the stretching yet.” She said with a grin that scared Anon. “I’m going to fill your belly with my seed, let’s see how much you’re able to hold…” She said, her thrusting starting to pick up speed as she couldn’t hold back anymore to go gentle for the human, she needed to feel him clench around her cock while she fucks him with abandon. Anon’s eyes went wide, each one of those balls were at least five liters. “Y-you better pull out.” He groans out. “I-I can’t take that much cum into me…” He whimpers, the look on the mare’s face saying what she really was going to do. “Sorry, but you’re flank is too good to pull out and waste my spunk, it’s all going inside you.” She said with a menacing chuckle at the impaled man at the man. “And it f-feels that I’m getting close to being able to do that.” She stated. Anon looked at her in horror, feeling the head of her flattened dick start to expand inside his bowels, shaft starting to twitch rapidly. Anon knew what was coming, the flaring head causing the mare’s dick to tug firmly at his insides and locking her inside him. “H-here it comes!” She yelled, her hips thrusting in as far as she could and staying there, her face clenching up into one of bliss, soon a long drawn out moan escaping her lips. The human’s eye went wide and he gasped as he suddenly felt a large heat fill up his insides, quickly spreading out further into his insides. It was such a weird feeling for him to get pumped full by insane amounts of cum but it kept on coming, far beyond what a human would fire out but her balls were big even for a pony, he knew she was nowhere near finished. Anon looked down at his belly, his eyes got even wider when he saw that his stomach seemed to be expanding, trying to make room for the large amount of seed being forced into the small space. Even when he looked like he was pregnant more somehow kept pushing its way in. Soon it was too much for him and his body went limp, his eyes going unfocused as he let out a constant groan of discomfort as his belly kept expanding, looking like he had twins inside his belly but it was all cum just sloshing around inside his body. With a moan the mare leaned forward and gave Anon’s belly a soft kiss before her horn glowed and a larger looking black butt plug floated over to them. Slowly she pulled her cock out, the shaft going soft before she finally managed to yank the head out of his stretched pucker and almost instantly hot horse cum started to run from his slightly gaping anus. But before too much came out she used her magic to quickly push the plug into his ass to keep the cum from pouring out of him. “T-there we go, wasn’t that fun?” The mare asked with a weak chuckle, utterly spent from the powerful orgasm she just had, rubbing a hoof softly over his bloated belly. “You look like you’re about to have foals, too bad you wouldn’t be able to.” She said with a faint giggle. “Uhhh…” Anon groan, his whole body hurt and he couldn’t move his legs, his ass hurting more than it ever had in his life and his insides struggled with the amount of cum stored within. “Speechless ain’t you?” She said with a grin, her horn glowing and her flaccid horse cock and balls turning invisible once again. “Thank you so much, but right now I need to be going, look me up if you ever want to do this again.” She said, putting the key to the room on a small table to the side and walking out of the door and closing it behind her, leaving Anon to himself. With a soft groan he moved himself around so he was more comfortable on the cum stained couch, looking up at the roof. “That’s it, I’m not drinking ever again…” He groaned as his head fell back, eyes closing as he let his mind and body rest after all he just did.