> Her Lunar Guard > by RaijingtheClockworkPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Simple Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A deep blue mare walked through the marble halls of Canterlot castle. Her left hand slowly glided along the wall as she walked, touching the tables, or paintings she passed gently. She was new to these halls, but they felt so familiar to her. The mares face broke into a small smile at the thought. Home. This place was her home now, and she was with the only family she had. Princess Luna gave her wings a soft flap, the deep blue feathers creating a soft breeze in the hall, as she paused in the hallway. Her sister had welcomed the younger goddess back so quickly, and they had made amends, and now she had been entrusted with running her own council. The mare ran her right hand along the seam of her dress she enjoyed wearing, and had just worn through a meeting of her Night Council. It was a simple black ensemble that had embroidered lines of pearl white to form the constellations in her own flowing mane. Beginning her walk along the hall again, she looked behind; spotting one of her Night Guard. She smiled to the member of the newly formed unit of the military for the sole purpose of keeping her safe. She recognized the jaw and height as Black Adder. She turned to the dark grey mare and motioned for her to come closer. "Corporal Adder, correct?" She inquired as she looked at a painting of some noblemare in an uncomfortable looking dress laughed at a knight offering wilted flowers to her. She was certain some artist would tell her about some deeper meaning to it, but she doubt she would see it. The guardsmare nodded as she approached the goddess. "Yes mam." She returned her gaze to her companion. "I think you have earned an early release from duty. I can return to my room from here on my own." The mare stood there for a moment and spoke in a calm and controlled manner. "Your Highness, I cannot in good conscious let you go unguarded." She looked at the princess sternly with her bright yellow catlike eyes, a modification given to Night Guards as a final piece of the uniform. "If you came to harm, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Luna giggled. "I appreciate that, but the only danger I am in is stubbing my hoof on a chair." She smiled to the mare before her and motioned for her to remove the silver helm she wore. "Please, take the rest of the day off. Enjoy yourself. You have earned that much." She saw the polite defiance begin to form in the mare's eyes. "Don't make me force that order." Adder nodded and shuffled. "As you wish…" She removed her helm. "Thank you Princess." The mare bowed and turned to leave as Luna brushed some of her mane out of her eyes. She loved her mane, and wouldn't give it up for a moment, but its constant motion could sometimes be annoying to her. Maybe I should cut it? She ran her hands through the hair, and she smiled as she felt the cool sensation of her mane. It was like a breeze on a summer’s night. She adored the way her mane felt, and she didn't like the thought of not being able to run her fingers through so much hair. She wandered through the castle and walked up a flight of stairs, into the northern tower. She walked out of the stairwell into a massive domed room, the ceiling made of glass. Of all the rooms, this one was her favorites, as the observatory gave one of the best views of the sky in the entire kingdom. The unique position of Cantorlot city upon the mountain, coupled with the tower's incredible height allowed it to stay above most clouds and have little light pollution from the city. Her magic arched to the ceiling, and made it buckle, and fold upon itself to remove the glassed dome obstructing the view of the stars. When she had discovered the observatory she was amazed at the design of the dome, and by the telescope, but for her, the old fashioned way of observing the stars was the best. Much to her dismay however, the observatory was all but abandoned by the castle staff. Very rarely the maids had visited enough to keep it clean, and only the odd group of scientists or students used it, but they were few and far between. Her mind wandered as she looked into the cosmos using her powers to look upon the night sky she painted each night. Her thoughts turned to a few nights before. She was spending her time in the same room, and her musings of the night sky had been interrupted when her guard barred entrance from a group below. She ordered the stallion that was on duty to allow them in, and discovered that the group was from the magical academy and they were granted permission to use the telescope during a meteor shower that was expected to happen that night. It was while she helped them observe her night that she realized that she was longing for something. She had felt it since she returned to her sister, and moved into the castle, and through the two months up to that night. It was a longing that she couldn't put a finger on it, but when she watched a group of the students talking and laughing with each other and joking it clicked in her mind. Friends, companionship, or simply someone to talk to about anything. The revelation hit her like tidal wave, and she found herself jealous of the young mortals. The thought brought her back to the present, as the sound of hooves on stairs reached her. She turned to see her sister walk into the room, a silken robe covering her voluptuous frame and milk white fur. Luna admired the way Celestia held herself, and the majestic level of beauty that she had. Her features were motherly, but had a distinct appeal to them, and her body was firm in all the right ways. Luna had always been jealous of her sister's body, but that wasn't to say that she didn't love her own. As goddesses, they were gifted with physical perfection, so they were fit, and beautiful. Celestia had the beauty of a nurturer, a caretaker, and as such she was gifted with larger than life proportions in her bust, height, and abilities in magic. Luna on the other hand, was more subtle. Luna was taller than any mortal mare, but some males were able to be her equal in height. She was slender compared to her sister, but still had a body to match any mares. Celestia was looking to the sky and walked over to her. "I was never able to do it as well as you could." She stated, studying the moon. "It was never so smooth when I brought it to set..." She smiled and looked to her sister. "I missed your nights..." Luna smiled fondly at her sister. "I missed the warmth of the sun." She looked her sister over. "Why the robe? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your day?" The elder alicorn nodded and chuckled. "I woke early and wanted to talk with you before you turned in." She hugged her sister with one arm and brought Luna's head to a rest on her bust. The younger mare giggled and hugged she sister back. "Celly... what would you like to talk about?" Celestia spoke, her voice gentle. "Well, I think simple catching up would be nice. Have you been settling in okay?" Luna nodded. "I have. The maids have been good at respecting my privacy, and the Night Guards have been very loyal." They shared a silent moment to look up at the sky. Luna shuffled and checked to see if her sister was still looking at the sky. She opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her and she remained quiet as time passed. She didn’t know if she could ask her sister for help for the problem plaguing her. "Well... this was nice." Celestia spoke, smiling at her sister. "We need more time like this. I need to get dressed for the day, and get the day started." The princess of the sun hugged her sister tightly. "I love you Lulu." "I love you too Celly." She answered back. The goddess of the sun glowed a soft gold and teleported out of the room, leaving Luna alone with her thoughts, and the last moments of the night sky. Luna looked to the moon once more and felt the pang again. She had once been alone from everything for so long, and now... she was feeling it all again. She began to close the dome when she was struck by the thought. She had been defeated by friendship, and it was now the thing she craved most. With the dome closed, she made her way back down the stairs, and to her personal chambers. She had the luck of getting to choose her own chambers, and she made the strategic choice to pick a room that was far from the beaten path, and away from the bustle of the daily workings. She found the room she was looking for in an old commons, which had once been used to house soldiers from the days when Equestria was a far more dangerous place. The commons had been converted quickly into a massive master bedroom that was an impressive feat for the renovators. Soundproof and near lightproof, and had a small kitchen and a space for an office, the room was perfect for her, as she hated distractions from work, or to be awoken without reason. She paused at the opening of the hall leading to her room when she spotted a silver clad guard near her door, standing in wait. He snapped to attention the moment he spotted her and saluted to her. "Princess Luna." She moved closer and studied him for a moment, searching her mind for a name. She nodded to him and gave a polite smile. She reached the door before he spoke again. "Is there anything you need before you retire?" She placed her hand on the doorknob and let out a small sigh. She looked at the guard and the name snapped to the forefront of her mind. "I don't think there is anything you can get for me, Eventide." She opened the door and moved inside while the guard resumed his careful watch of the hall. She cast her gaze around the room, drinking in the peace of her private sanctuary as her magic lit an array of tiny crystals above her, before moving to the bed. It was a massive circular bed, surrounded by a veil that helped dim her resting place more than the enchantments on the door and curtains of her room. She sat down on the cushion, glad to be on something comfortable, and able to remove her regalia and crown. The arm bands were the first to go, followed quickly by the shin guards and anklets. She placed the regalia onto a small table followed by her crown. The silver sparkled in light of the crystals above her, and she stretched her limbs. She liked letting her fur be free, and she decided that she could let more be free. She pulled her dress off with her magic and levitated it before her, inspecting it, and admiring the work of the tailor. She walked towards her closet while she studied the dress, and caught sight of herself in the mirror. Before her was an alicorn of deep blue, wearing nothing but a pair of black jet panties that drew attention to her bare flank and the cutie mark it bore. Her bosom was free to the open air, and she studied it. She turned to get a profile and admired herself for a moment. When she was fitted for her dress, the tailor threw a term for her chest size. "You're a D." The stallion had chuckled while looking at the measurement. "I'm working with a smaller bust than normal. You sister is a G." The elder stallion chuckled at her confused expression and resumed his work without another mention of her size. Luna turned back to facing the mirror and opened the door of her walk-in closet, and deposited the dress carefully, then lifted out a set of white undergarments. Without hesitation, as she was in her room alone after all, she changed into the soft fabrics, and began looking for a comfortable outfit to spend the night in. As she searched for clothing, her mind went back to her thoughts from the observatory. I want a friend... but... I don't know how to make any... She bit her lip as she pulled a nightgown out that was a light shade of violet. She knew that people had to spend time with each other to become friends, but she didn't spend much time with anyone. That's not exactly true. I spend time with my sister... and the guards. She put on the nightgown and walked back to her mirror, examining herself. She smiled, pleased with her choice of attire. It was comfortable, pleasant to look upon, and it would be great to sleep in. The guards... my Night Guards! She peered at the door and shuffled in her place. Her head was full of ideas but none seemed likely to work, but a small voice in the back of her head was telling her to just go for it. She swallowed and nodded to her reflection. Just do it! Eventide heard a small click behind him, and turned to see the door opening. Luna's head appeared in the opening, along with a small segment of her body. "Eventide... would you please come into my chambers? I wish to speak with you." The stallion looked back up the hall for a moment then back to the goddess. "I don't think that would be prudent your highness." The sound of shuffling came from the door, and her voice becoming very soft. "Please don't make me order it..." Eventide bit the inside of his cheek for a moment and scanned the hall one last time, and turned to the partially open door. "You don't need to." The ornate door opened and he walked into the dimly lit room, and was surprised by a few things on entry. The first was that the ceiling of the room looked like the night sky. On closer inspection he discovered that the stars were crystals. The second was that there were only two ways into the room. He knew that this was once a barracks commons, but when it was renovated, they removed all the unneeded entrances and left only the hallway entrance, and a glass double door leading to a small balcony overlooking an old training courtyard converted into a private garden. The final thing he noticed was that the princess was standing near her bed in a nightgown that barely made its way below her waist. He was stunned for a moment by how much bare fur there was, and stared at her legs and thighs as the mare walked to the bed. His only thought for the moment was how wondrous the movement of her tail was as she walked, but his training kicked in and he mentally chastised himself for being distracted while on duty. He watched the princess turn to face him, and she motioned for him to move away from the doorway. "Please, make yourself comfortable. You've been standing for a while if I am not mistaken." "I am better able to protect you near the door." He said stoically, taking up his usual stance near the door. Luna's eyes glowed and the door locked. "I am certain we are safe." She moved the chair from her desk over to the bed. "Come, sit near me. It would please me if you did." Eventide let out a small breath and walked into the room, and as he did he noticed the mare on the bed smile warmly. He reached the chair and sat down, looking over his shoulder to the hall door for a moment. "So, Eventide, this is your first guard assignment with the Night Guard correct?" He turned his gaze to the princess as she sat on the bed. "It is." She shifted so that she sat on the back of her legs, her knees to him and her hooves to her pillows. "I inducted you and two others last full moon correct?" He nodded and felt the urge to smile as she beamed at him. "Correct. You gave us all the eyes, and you gave me my wings." At the word wings, he spread his bat like wings to demonstrate the point. He folded them back in as she nodded. "Are you adjusting to the changes in form? I heard a few others mention that flying was a little weird without feathers." He was taken aback by the worry in her words. He had heard that she was emotionless from all the maids, and butlers, and even from some of the assistant Night Council workers, but the mare sitting before him was not the Luna he had been warned of. "I am able to fly very well. The new cues I have to use with these wings take time to adjust to, but I have been practicing." She nodded and brushed her hair behind her ear as it began drifting into her eyes. A quiet settled over the pair for a minute and the guard began wondering if this was some sort of test, or interview. He cleared his throat to get the princess's attention. "Your Highness, is there a reason you wished to speak to me?" She nodded and a light blush came to her cheeks. "I wished for you to simply talk to me." A raised eyebrow was his response for a moment. "Simply... to talk... Your Highness, I am on duty. I can't let myself be distracted while I protect you." She turned her head to the pillows and wrung her hands together in silence. Did... did I just chastise a goddess... He felt a cold sweat begin to form on his brow. I am so fired... if I'm lucky... He shifted in his seat and for a moment considered leaving to return to his post but the goddess looked back at him with an unsure glance. "Um... I order you to be at ease, and treat me as a civilian until you return to your post..." She rubbed her shoulder and bit her lip. "Does that um... help?" The guard nodded. "I have to follow your orders..." He removed his helm, thankful that she wasn't firing him or banishing him, but also amused that she had ordered him to just be normal. "Though I think telling me to be at ease would have saved time..." She smiled shyly and nodded. "Do you enjoy being a guard?" He nodded and placed the helm on the nearby table that held the crown and regalia. "I do. It's a fine job, and I like helping others." "Did you enjoy working for my sister?" Luna inquired as she watched the stallion sit back down. "I did. She is a fair and very kind ruler." He smiled. "She gave us plenty of days off so we could be with family, and she pays us generously." "And... what about me?" He swallowed. Crap... this is an interview... if I can make her laugh or smile I might have a chance! He gave a small cough before speaking with a kind tone. "It's been a pleasure so far." The pegasus felt waves of relief as the princess before him blushed and smiled at him. "Thank you. You are too kind." She shifted, and unbeknownst to her, gave the guard a generous view of her cleavage, and white bra. She looked back to catch him staring at her and then quickly look away. "Is... is there something wrong?" Asked the princess, her concern coming through again. Crap! She caught me looking! He licked his lips nervously then heard her speak words that he was certain would doom her. "Be honest with me... I want you to be comfortable..." Shit... I'm banished... He nodded and looked her in the eyes, and prayed she wasn't going to destroy him. "Well...um... you're form is very... distracting..." He gestured to her outfit and cleared his throat. She looked down and blushed, and her hand covered her cleavage. "Oh..." I just body shamed a goddess... I'm dead... I'm so very dead... He bit the side of his cheek, and felt his stomach tie itself into knots. So this is how he died... by looking at the bosom of a goddess... "I apologize." She got up from the bed and went to her closet, and returned a few moments later wearing a long kimono. "Is this better? I didn't mean to be offending..." The guard blinked a few times and shook his head hastily. "No, you didn't offend... you were very appealing, but I shouldn't have looked." He rose from his chair and rubbed his neck. "Perhaps I should return to my post..." "No... please stay..." She stuttered and fumbled with her robe. She rubbed her shoulder again as she stood there. "I... as you wish." He sat back down, wondering where this was going. Luna made her way back to the bed and sat down. "Tell me about yourself... why did you join the Night Guard?" Eventide sat up a little. "I wanted to protect and serve. This seemed like a good way to do it." The princess's gaze narrowed a little and became a fraction sterner. "I've heard that a few times before... are there any other reasons?" The guard nodded, and pointed to the crystals above them. "Well... I've always been a fan of a night sky." He smiled as he looked at them. "I was never that smart, so astronomy was tough for me to understand... but that didn't stop me from watching the night sky." He looked down to see the princess smiling at him. "You enjoy my nights?" "Of course. They are so peaceful, and wonderful to watch." He replied, and looked back to the crystals. "These are not as good as the real thing though." Luna nodded and smiled. "They aren't, but you can get an amazing view of the sky from the observatory." He grinned at her. "I would like that. Maybe you can teach me about some of it. Maybe it will stick if you taught me." "I would be happy to teach you." She smiled and glanced at the clock hung on her wall. "Oh... it's nearly eight in the morning." She removed her kimono and folded it with her magic. "I will need some rest; it has been a long night for me. This was nice... we shall need to do it again Eventide." The stallion rose, taking only a second to admire her body once more, than bowed to her. "Is there anything else I can do for you Princess?" She smiled and shook her head. "No, but thank you for asking. You may return to your post." The guard collected his helm, and left the princess to sleep. It had been an interesting night for them both. Four days had passed since the conversation between Eventide and the Princess before he had been assigned to be her personal guard again. He walked into the Night Council room, and relieved the previous guard of their duty. He watched the proceedings with a keen eye, looking for anything that could possibly be dangerous as Luna worked with the other ponies. The next hour was one of the longest for the pegasus guard. Nothing about what the council discussed interested him in the slightest, but he couldn't let himself space out, or doze off, due to his task at hand. The only thing that kept him from being bored completely out of his mind was Luna. He found himself staring at her every few minutes, studying her. She wore a light red dress that complimented her blue fur and mane, making her a very striking figure as she spoke. He couldn't help himself but watch the way her mane shimmered in the torchlight, or how her fur seemed to softly bristle with annoyance when the purple maned unicorn talked. He welcomed the sound of the council members calling for a motion to end and reconvene in one week and begin shuffling around, collecting their personal items and papers. Luna stayed at the head of the table with several sheets floating around her so she could read them as the rest of the ponies filed out, leaving only the working princess and the guard. "Good to see you again Eventide." She spoke from behind a large ledger. "I may be a few minutes more." He walked over and stood by her side, studying the room. "Take your time; your work is not to be rushed." They stayed in the room for several minutes as Luna worked, and Eventide stood by in silence. The only distraction came from a maid walking in and spotting them, shuffling for a moment then walking in and quickly picking a few pieces of trash off the floor, and then bowing herself out of the room. The guard shook his head for a moment and let out a small snort of boredom. "You seem anxious to leave." Luna stated, placing a few of the papers down. "This room is too open for my liking. I'd feel better if you were somewhere a little safer." He made a small point to the massive windows of the hall, giving the room a wonderful view of the city but was a worrying prospect for a single guard. "I suppose I do have a week to look this over." She guided the last few pages to the table and made a small stack. "We can head out. I want to make a small detour though." The guard merely nodded and opened the door for her. They moved through the halls quietly until they reached the hall to the observatory. Luna turned to the guard and smiled. "So, I've been looking forward to this." "Forward to what?" He inquired. She pointed to the stairwell. "You'll find out soon. Follow me please." The princess walked past him and moved up the stairwell quickly. He followed her, and enjoyed running up the stairs for a few reasons, the least of which was that this gave him an excuse to watch the motion of the goddess's tail, and that she was excited to show him something. He reached the top of the stairs to see the goddess moving the large domed ceiling of the room and smiled back to him. "I thought about showing you a real night’s sky, and this has the best view of it in the city." He shuffled into the room slowly as he witnessed the view of the heavens above him. He stopped near the goddess and tried to find a constellation but not able to. He cast his gaze back to the goddess to see her biting her lip and shuffling her place. "Do you like it?" He removed his helm as a gentle breeze came over the room. He felt it blow through his light blue mane and he looked at the moon for a moment then to the goddess. "This is amazing." He bowed to her and smiled. "Thank you. I think I have a favorite part of the castle now." The goddess beamed and looked up. "I know, but I scheduled a little surprise for the astronomers out there." The stallion felt himself smile as his heart began racing. He looked up and saw a streak of light move across the sky and vanished in an instant, followed by another, and another. His eyes widened and he grinned like a foal on Hearth's Warming. It was a meteor shower, and the goddess of the moon had given him a front row seat to the light show. His jaw dropped as he watched more and more of them going past the sky and his smiled widened. It was breathtaking to watch the way the meteors flash for a brief moment, like a match being struck and blown out a second later. The stood there and watched the astrological phenomenon and Luna moved close, as a breeze made her shiver for a moment. Eventide noticed this action and placed his wing around her making sure not to touch her. "You're cold... we should head inside and get you warm." Luna nodded. "A better outfit than this would have been wise for this." She giggled and looked at his wing. "Thank you." He placed his helm back and froze a moment later. The princess had gently touched his wing and wrapped it around herself as best she could. He turned to her to see her letting out a small satisfied sigh. "Your wing is really warm. It must be the fur." She noticed his gaze at her and she let the wing go and shuffled. "I apologize... that was out of line..." "I... um..." He placed the wing around her again. "I live to serve, in any way I can." He remarked as he motioned to the stair well. The pair made their way back into the warmth of the castle, stopping for only a moment for Luna to close the dome, and moved towards the bedchambers of the goddess. Luna kept his wing wrapped around her until they reached the door. He gently retracted his wing and moved to the side of the door, ready to guard her as she slept, but spotted her standing there with him. "Is something the matter?" She shook her head. "I was wondering..." She tapped her hoof. "If you would like to come in and have a simple talk? Like last time." "A simple talk?" His face warming a little. He bit the inside of his cheek as he thought it over. "Of course." He followed her in, and locked the door behind them, and watched her go to her walk in closet. She vanished within, changing into a more comfortable outfit, and one he hoped wouldn't be as distracting as the first from his previous visit. He was pleasantly surprised when she walked out in the kimono she had worn before and finished tying it closed. "I am not distracting this time right?" She inquired with a joking grin on her face. Eventide shook his head and smiled as he took off the helm. "Not at all. Is that silk?" She nodded. "It was a gift from a diplomat. It’s really comfortable and I love it." The stallion couldn't help but feel the corners of his lips turn up as she twirled the tie of the robe and sit on the bed. His smile fell as she rubbed her shoulder, an annoyed expression came over her face. The guard strode to the bed. "Is something the matter?" Her expression worsened as she tried rubbing her shoulder but couldn't seem to reach the spot she wanted. "My shoulder has been sore all night. I can't get this kink to go away..." She saw him near the bed and looked him over for a moment. "You said earlier that you would serve me in any way you can, correct?" "Of course." He reported. "Then I order you to remove this soreness." She commanded. He bowed and moved to the side of the bed for she stopped his with her magic, his armor glowing in her blue aura. "I don't want you to get on this bed with that armor..." The guard looked at his armor, wondering how it could offend her. It was polished daily, and it was indeed clean at the moment. Luna voiced her reason a moment later. "I don't want any of the points to rip the sheets. Please, remove your armor." Eventide stood there for a moment. "Remove my... are you certain?" She nodded. "I'm not risking these sheets, and it'll make you more comfortable." The guard nodded and began the process of removing his armor. Luckily for the guards, most of the armor could be equipped and removed quickly in case of emergency, and all save for the breastplates could be put on in less than a minute with practice. The breastplates needed at least another person to remove in that time, but it was doable for a single guard. Luna bit her lip and ran a hand through her mane as she watched more and more of his grey fur become revealed, and she saw that he was very muscular, as all the guards needed to be. Top physical condition was the standard for the guard, and Eventide was clearly built well. He was slender in his build, like a swimmer, and she knew why. Pegasai had it the worse among the guard due to needing to keep weight low to be able to have speed in the air, as well as reduce effort to lift off, but they also needed to meet requirements on lift ability and stamina on the ground. He fumbled with the breastplate for a moment and he glanced up to Luna. "Could I get some help? This thing is always a pain to remove alone." She nodded and her eyes glowed white for a moment, and all the buckles came loose and the armor slumped from its position on his body. He took the plate off over her head and she caught an eyeful of his chest and abs. Firm, and though they weren't quite washboard, they were in peak physical condition. He stood before her in tight shorts and a sort of loin cloth used to act as a barrier between the belt of the breastplate and his groin. He placed the armor in a pile near the bed, and clambered onto the bed. Luna wasted no time, and removed the robe to reveal a black set of lingerie as she laid on her stomach. He felt himself tense as the sight, uncertain of if he should really be doing this. If anyone saw them his job would be removed in an instant, and he was certain it was punishable to touch a goddess. "Be gentle... it's a little sore." She placed the kimono around her waist so that only her upper half was bare to him. She smiled to him, a light blush on her face as she studied his form. "Of course." He sat at her side and gently began kneading the flesh of her shoulder, and only a moment of work was needed before the princess let out a small moan of delight. He smiled and continued working the shoulder, removing knots in her flesh and easing her suffering. He felt himself relaxing as the minutes passed. "Where did you learn this?" The princess's voice was husky, and a slight moan came from her as he found another knot in her back. "You have the skills of a masseur..." "When you enter the guard, you learn quickly what stress feels like, and how truly sore the body can get." He said in a mater-of-fact tone. "So, we also were trained in how to ease the pain and give relief to ourselves and fellow guards if need be." She let out a deep moan as he began working the knot. Her wing extended and cut him off from his access to her shoulder for a moment. "Can you preen as well as you massage?" His response was simple. He took her wing and began preening with well-practiced and gentle hands. He spread the feathers and adjusted them as he picked out the dead ones. A satisfied coo came from the princess and her wing stiffened for a moment then returned to a more relaxed state. He finished with her wing and shuffled as he looked at the other. "I need to move to that side, I can't work on your wing from here... but you look comfortable as you are." "Straddle me..." She replied sleepily. "You'll be able to do my full back from there..." "I... what?" He glanced at her and saw that she wore a half-lidded expression of bliss. She turned to look at him. "Straddle my lower back. I've seen masseuses do it before on my sister... it'll be fine if you do it." He nodded and placed himself just above her waist, one need on either side, and was making sure he had as little contact with his own body to hers as possible. He began work on the other wing and the flow of contented breathing and occasional moan of bliss began flowing once more. He continued his work on her wing and finished with the preening, and noticed that he had made small piles of dead wings and other filth that preening got rid of. Luna noticed he stopped his work, and looked back and spotted the feathers. "I was expecting worse..." She removed them all with her magic and they simply disappeared, leaving the bed pristine. "Continue on my back please..." The princess places her head on her arms and closed her eyes as the stallion above her began working on her back. After a minute she noticed his apprehensiveness to massage near her upper back, and she realized why. Her magic grabbed his hands and gently guided them up to the hook of her bra. Without a word, she left his hands there, hoping he caught her message. His confirmation came when he unhooked it and moved the straps aside and worked on the soft body beneath. He continued for a while, time seemed to blur as he worked over the soft fur. He could feel gently breathing as he worked and he felt a sense of pride that his hands made her relaxed. He didn't know how long he worked on her as he couldn't see the clock from where he was, but he knew that it had been a decent span. He finished his work and moved back to her side, and inspected her body. She was immaculate in form. Breathtaking would be an insult to her as the gentle light from the tiny crystals above danced on her body and wings. He noticed that her kimono had slipped and he could see her cutie mark now. I'm sitting on the bed of the moon goddess, half naked, and I just spent maybe an hour massaging her and preening her... I must be dead, and in heaven. His eye was caught by the motion of her mane as it shifted in its flow and began slowly covering her back. "Your Highness, do you need anything else?" The only response was her deep breathing. "Princess Luna?" More silence. He gently moved so he could look at her face and saw the deep peace of slumber. I massaged a goddess to sleep... I should leave... He began moving to the edge of the bed but he felt a pang of guilt. He turned to her and swallowed as he saw her without any proper cover. The stallion moved back and covered her with a blanket and with gentle hands placed her head onto a pillow. He got off the bed and quietly got his armor on, and moved to the doorway. He looked up at the imitation of the sky and then to the now slumbering goddess. He smiled fondly and left the room. As he moved to his post to resume his duty he spotted another Night Guard walking towards him. "Corporal Adder." "Sargent Eventide. I'm here to relive you." She moved to the opposite position of his next to the door and began scanning the hallway. He nodded and began walking down the hall when the mare behind him spoke. "What were you doing in the Princess's chambers by the way?" He turned to her and kept his expression neutral. "The princess wanted a simple talk." Luna awoke to a gently glow of the sun on her balcony doors. Her mind was foggy, her body was warm and everything felt so soft. Her mind was filled with a quickly fading image of a smile, and she felt a deep need for it to return. Rolling over onto her side she grumbled, and felt the warmth fade a little as consciousness returned to her. A small moan came from her at the thought of being awake when the sun was up. She sat up and blew some of her ethereal mane out of her face and sighed. Another sleepless day... why am I unable to sleep without those dreams? She yawned. This is the third time… She rose from her bed, and placed her kimono on over her undergarments and moved to the small kitchen of her chambers. She spent barely a moment to stop as she instinctively made coffee and a bowl of cereal with her magic. The princess rubbed her eyes and sat down at her desk, spoon on one hand, bowl in the other and looked over a few papers from her work on the desk. She munched on the cereal as she scanned the papers, but her mind was wandering, not focusing on anything in front of her. That smile... it was so... warm... She rubbed the bridge of her nose, and sighed. She finished her bowl of cereal and sighed again as she looked at the light being held back by her curtains. She placed the bowl away, magically cleaning it, and picked up her mug of coffee. She sipped the miracle liquid and smiled as it warmed her. When she returned from her banishment, she had to adjust to modern life, and much of it still confused her, but the black liquid that she held was one of the few things she took a liking to in an instant. Another thing she accepted was the thought of having a guard, or rather, a Night Guard. Celestia had insisted that Luna have protection, and after a brief conversation Luna had been given the guards. She spotted a small scroll that bore the symbol of the royal guard. She read the scroll quickly and nodded. It was merely a formal letter letting her know that the leadership of the Night Guard would change from the current captain, a stallion named Shining Armor, to herself or a captain of her choosing. She placed the scroll away and sipped her coffee again. She thought about it for a moment, and pondered over the question of leadership of her own guards. Should she promote a member to be captain, or should she just simply be the leader? She levitated a small pile of files to her, the profiles of all her Night Guards. She was lucky that she kept it small at the moment, which allowed her to know her guards by name and face. One guards face came to her mind as she flipped through the files. The gentle expression, his muscular body, and the soft touch of his hands. She blushed as she thought about the way he smiled. His smile… I was dreaming about Eventide… She felt her wings extend a little as she thought about the implications of her dreaming about a stallion. What did it mean if she dreamed about a stallion? She was the goddess of the night, and she understood what dreams meant in all their shapes and forms. She bit her lip, and she tapped her fingers on her desk as she slowly mulled over her dreams. “I… might have feelings for him…” She took in a breath. “But… in what way?” She sighed as she found herself at a standstill with her mind. She couldn’t interpret her own mind as easily she could another pony. She looked at the doors of the balcony for a moment and rested her hand on the golden handle. She sighed and braced herself for the light. She opened it and was dazzled by the rays of warm sunshine. The goddess took in a breath of the summer air, and smelled the many sweet aromas from the flowers in her private garden below. She leaned on the railed and her eyes softly glowed as she contacted her sister telepathically. Celestia? Can we talk? The voice of her sister filled her mind. You startled me... I didn't think you were awake... give me a minute please. Luna nodded and felt a warm waft of air. I can wait. I have coffee if you want some. That sounds lovely. She could practically feel her sisters gentle smile through the telepathy. The younger goddess watched a few ponies in the garden below, both mares. They were talking, and pointing to the flowers, and Luna guessed that they were landscapers checking up on their work. One of them noticed her attention and motioned to her companion and they both bowed to her. Luna returned their bows with a nod of her head and sipped her drink again, looking up at the small clouds in the sky. The goddess felt a small crackling of energy behind her and turned to see her sister materializing from a golden aura. The princess of the sun smiled at her sister. "How is your week off?" Luna smiled and hugged her sister. "It's been... nice, but something is troubling me." She shuffled and felt her palms become sweaty. "I've been having weird dreams..." Luna walked deeper into the room and closed the balcony doors behind her. She glanced over to her sister to see her sitting down at the desk and looking at her, concern in her eyes. "Dreams... are they bad ones... or nightmares?" Luna shook her head. "That's the thing, they are great dreams!" She began pacing. "I like having them, and I feel so at peace when they happen, but I don't know what it means." "They are just dreams Lulu. No need to get worked up." Luna shook her head again and sighed. "Celly, dreams are more than silly images. They are windows into your own mind." She paused and looked at her sibling. "A dream can tell me so much about someone in a mere glance. How you feel, what you have done, and how you may act." She folded her arms and looked away to the bed. "I need help understanding what my dreams mean... and why I'm having them..." Her sister nodded and rose from the chair and walked to her sister. "Of course. What do you need me to do?" Luna smiled and hugged her sister. "I need you to look into my subconscious, and look at my dreams from the last few nights." Celesita nodded. “I suppose that could help.” She took a step back. “So, how will this help you exactly?” Luna sat on the bed. “I will be able to relive the dream, and be able to better see into my own mind, as I would another’s dream.” “Okay then.” Her eyes began glowing golden, as if her eyes had been replaces with miniature suns. “Let us begin.” Luna’s eyes glowed as well and they their horned connected with a beam of magic the color of silver and gold. Luna’s eyes closed and she fell back onto the bed and into the bliss of dreaming. The sun goddess stood in her place and her mind was flung into the dreams of her sister. She opened her eyes and found herself in a small corridor, but unlike the halls of Cantorlot castle, the stones were grey, and looked faded, like a painting left out in the sun. She glanced around and a moment later, she found the hall fading and the scene changed to pitch black, and then brightening with her standing in the bedroom she just left. For a moment, Celestia was worried the spell failed, but she noticed Luna in a very risqué outfit walking towards the door. The elder goddess had never seen Luna like this, and found herself impressed with how her sister carried herself. A moment later the door opened, and a silver form moved in. It bore the shape of a stallion, but looked made of pure silver, and Celestia felt a wave of affection from the pony and the figure before her. “She feels great affection for this figure.” The sun goddess mused as she watched the pair walk to the bed, and lay on it, the stallion turning her over, and Celesita watched with jaw agape as the figure began massaging her legs and buttocks with great vigor. The goddess felt a heat rising in her, and she found herself grabbing her breast, and squeezing. “If she brought me into her first wet dream…” She felt a tingling in her loins, and noticed that she was rubbing herself through her dress. She stopped groping herself, and cleared her throat, and was glad no one could see her at the moment. The pair continued on the bed, Luna moaning at the figures touch, and the figure began moving to her back. Luna smiled, and Celestia felt a rush of being relaxed, and her limbs felt heavy. Whatever the silver stallion was, it was good at its job. “Eventide…” The husky voice reached the goddess’s ears, and it all clicked to her. The silver form was one of her guards, and Luna wanted him. The figure placed Luna on her back, and began to shift into the form of the batpony guard that was recently inducted. “Princess…” The stallion smiled back, and Celestia felt the warmth wash over her and she felt secure. The scene began to fade again, but everything got brighter. Celestia closed her eyes, and found herself opening her eyes in her sister’s room. Celestia blinked and watched her sister sit up. “Well then, I think I know what your dream means.” The elder goddess giggled. “You want to mount a guard.” The younger goddess blushed and hid behind her ethereal mane. “I… I do… but… that’s not allowed!” “Lulu…” Celestia sat down next to her sister and wrapped an arm and wing around her. “If you like him like that, then embrace it, and go for it.” “Have you ever… done it?” Luna shuffled. “I have…” The white alicorn sighed and a gentle smile came to her face. “I have had a few over the thousand years you were gone…” She looked to her sister and hugged her. “I was so lonely then.” “So… I should have a relationship with him?” Luna asked. “As long as he agrees to it.” The elder sister grinned. “Do what you need to do to be happy.” Luna hugged her sister and smiled. “Thank you… this means a lot to me…” The sisters shared a moment just cuddling together on the bed. Celestia spoke again, a casual tone filling her voice. “So, how about we have some coffee, and I can help you get the perfect outfit for when you are ready for making a move.” Eventide was standing outside of Luna's door in the late evening. He had replaced the previous guard maybe an hour ago, and now he stood in the hall, watching the last rays of sunlight fell into the hall. While his body was in the hall, scanning for anything that might be a threat, his mind was wandering back to the last few times he had been there. By now it had been a month since the first talk, and every time he was with Luna alone, they had talked. Their topics varied but they always spoke to each other, and they had learned about one another. He had learned that she adored bats, which is why they were the wings of the guard. She had learned that he spent his spare time baking, and she demanded that he bring her some. The part his mind wandered back to was whenever he was assigned to protect her chambers she would invite him in, and since the second visit, she made him massage her. He had quickly found himself becoming comfortable with her near nudity around him, and his near nudity around her, and he was amazed at how the princess didn't even seem to notice it. His attention was brought back to the hall as the voice of the mare his thoughts were on came from behind him. "Eventide." "Is something the matter?" It was rehearsed. A formality that they enjoyed playing out every time. "I was wondering if you would like to come in, and have a simple talk." "A simple talk?" A slight pause then he turned to the goddess with a barely contained smile. "Of course." The pair retired to the bedchamber, Luna shedding her robe, displaying a deep blue bra and a skirt that was open towards the front, revealing her matching panties. She smiled as he admired her outfit. "Enjoying the view?" She giggled. "I always do." He answered back, chuckling as she gave him a small twirl. "I doubt that is what you are wearing to the council." "I gave the council the night off. To many members have fallen ill, and I do not wish to waste two sessions, one on trying to get work done with limited ponies and the second with filling the others in on what they missed." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Besides, you are pulling a double shift, correct?" He nodded. "Nightshade fell ill as well, so I am covering for him." "I will send him a gift basket and well wishes." She smiled at the guard and blushed. "I need a massage..." "As you wish." Eventide made his way to the bed and reached for his shinplates but felt energy wrap around his body, sending tingles through his skin. He felt the weight of all the armor come off in an instant and he watched them float gently to the table housing the royal regalia. He turned to the goddess and saw the distinct glow of magic fade from her eyes. "Much faster this way." She giggled at the guard, and then turned to give him the view of her back. He climbed onto the bed sat behind the goddess. "Where do you need it?" She unfurled her wings and grinned back at him. "Everywhere." He nodded and moved to her and began working on her lower back, starting at her spine. She giggled at his touch and smiled back to him. "So, when will I get to sample your baking?" "I don't think you want to." He said as he worked the flesh of the goddess. "I am not that good at it yet..." She reached back to his hands and stopped him. "I can be a taste tester then. A little help for you to get better at baking." He saw a genuine smile from her as she turned around, holding his hands which pulled him closer. They came face to face, barely a foot of space between them, their eyes locked to one another’s. Her cyan eyes to his deep emerald. He watched her blush deepen and he felt his own cheeks warm. "Eventide..." "Yes Princess?" She wrapped her wings around him, darkening the area around them, and leaned in. The guard felt her hot, moist lips to his own and her move his hands to her hips. He pressed into the kiss, and felt her tongue brush his lips. She was looking for entrance, and he welcomed it by bringing her body close to his own, feeling her hip on his own, and her breasts on his chest. Their tongue danced together, testing the waters before going deeper. They pulled apart, the goddess breathing heavily and the guard staring in disbelief. They didn't break eye contact for a second during the kiss, but now the alicorn looked away, to the ground. Luna blushed and tried to pull away, but Eventide's hands kept her close. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that..." "I didn't mind..." He leaned to her and kissed her on the cheek. She turned back to him and gently ran her hand through his mane. It was coarser than her own, but she found it pleasant all the same. "We can't... the rules..." He kissed her again, their tongues reuniting, the taste of each other filling their senses. Luna held his head and moaned into the kiss, sending vibrations through his head, and shivers through his body. They parted, but she stayed close, their breath mingling as they panted. "Screw the rules... we've been breaking them for over a month..." He responded, and gently squeezed a handful of her thigh. She let out a small sigh of delight, and smiled at him. "We have... several rules... you're out of uniform, touching a goddess, and you just kissed a goddess..." She kissed him on the lips. A brief kiss, a tease. "Wanna break a few more?" The stallion nodded. "As long as they are with you." She took a step back, smiling as she let his head go and reached behind her. Eventide gave her an inquisitive smile and narrowed his gaze. A moment passed, and the stallion’s curiosity of her actions was answered as the bra fell to the floor. He could now see her breasts in all their glory, as she cupped them and gently squeezed them. "Well... I know where to start." She gave him a smoldering look as she motioned for him to come closer. He was more than eager to comply. He was to her in an instant and gently gave her bosom a squeeze. It was warm, soft, and most importantly, it made her moan as he played with them. He tested his limits, pulling, squishing, and pinching the nipples. Luna for her part let him know what she liked with her squeals of delight, and moans of ecstasy. She giggled at his pinching of her nipples, and blushed as he rubbed them together. He smiled and kissed her. This time, it wasn't exploration, it was a fight for dominance, and it was a war Luna knew she would lose. He forced his tongue into her mouth as he roughly squeezed the mound of soft warm flesh and inspected every crevice of her mouth. She moaned into his mouth, filling him with her hot breath, and spurring him on to make her do it again. He left one hand to play with her breasts and the other moved slowly along her body to her sumptuous ass. He gave it a playful slap that made the mare squeak in surprise. "Eventide... that felt... nice..." His response was to spank her. She squealed and giggled. "You're so naughty..." He chuckled. "I'm just warming you up." He kissed her lightly then kissed a path along her cheek to neck and stopped once he reached where her shoulder and neck met. He stayed there, lightly nibbling on her, and he grinned as she moaned again. She held his mane as he pleasured her, and she felt her way across his back, finding the joints of his wings. She smiled. Now it was her turn to turn him into the moaning mess. She began rubbing the small span of skin between the joints. It was a well-known erogenous zone of pegasai, and she felt a wave of satisfaction as he stopped his breast playing and nibbling, and tightened his grip on her ass, as he released a small groan. "Shit that feels good..." He muttered and he grinned into her eyes. She grinned back and moved her other hand down to his groin and found a welcomed package. She could feel his hardened length straining against the fabrics of his shorts. "I know what feels better." She giggled and began stroking his shaft through his shorts. The stallion hissed as waves of pleasure crashed through him. She stopped a moment later, making him feel a deep longing. "I think we know where this is going..." She reached into his pants and he felt the soft, warm touch of her hand as it wrapped around his cock. "I need you in me. Now." "As you wish." He kissed her deeply. Foreplay was over. He laid her down and removed his shorts, letting his shaft and orbs free. He saw the princess rubbing her sex through her panties as she stared at his cock, biting her lip. "It looks bigger out of your pants." She admired. He chuckled. "Same goes for your boobs." He was modest in size, but a few mares from his past would testify that it was more than enough for the task. She squeezed her breasts together and smiled. "Thank you..." He didn't waste a moment moving over her, and grinding against the fabric covering her mound. She was soaked, and she let out a small gasp. He continued the grinding for a moment, each thrust making her gasp, and shudder in delight. She groaned and grabbed his wings at the joints, an action that was both painful and highly erotic to the stallion. "Stop teasing..." She whined. "Beg for it..." He kissed her and bit her lip gently for a moment. She moaned as he thrust again. "Fuck me! Rut me like a whore... please..." She kissed him deeply, and he could see a pleading look in her eyes, a primal lust. "I need this... please." He nodded. "Of course." He reached down and moved her panties to the side and made one last grind against her wet sex. "Ready?" She bit her lip and nodded. He nodded back and slowly thrust into her sex. After a moment of resistance he pushed his flare into her sex, and paused. "Oh shit!" She breathed out, her grip on his wings tightening. He couldn't believe how warm, no, how hot she felt. He took a moment to adjust his stance over the goddess, and continued to slide into her. It was the most incredible tightness he had ever felt. Her love canal was tight enough to make him take it slow, but wet and hot enough to drive his mind wild. Every inch he put in, the mare beneath him moaned and writhed in delight. He bottomed out, putting all of his length inside of her, and waited. They both adjusted to the sensations running through their bodies. He was feeling her sex pull at him, and clench down on his member, and enveloping it in a heat that consumed his body. She had never felt so full, so full of warmth. She had clenched her eyes shut up to this point due to pleasure, but now they shot open, and she looked into the eyes of her lover. He stared back, and kissed her. She found his kiss much more gentle, and she felt waves of new found affection for this stallion. He whispered to her softly. "Ready?" She nodded. "I love you." He smiled and slowly began pulled his shaft out. "I love you too." She felt herself being emptied. She wanted to tell him to push himself back in, but the sensation was nearly as satisfying as being filled. He stopped when only his flare was in her, and began a slow thrust back in, slightly faster than the first time. He bottomed out, and waited for a second, then repeated the process. The mare under him moaned his name and held on as he picked up the pace, slowly at first, then he found a rhythm. She kissed his neck and groaned. "Please... just like that..." He grunted in response and leaned over her, moving one hand to her ass, slipping it into her panties and squeezing it, both for her pleasure, and to help him keep a steady pace. The other ran through her mane, and he stared into the cyan eyes of the goddess he loved. She let out a scream of delight and he felt her velvet walls clamp down, and a wash of hot juices spill over his member and spill out onto their legs and the sheets. He kept his pace up until he felt her walls return to normal He slowed his pace and stopped bottomed out in her. Only after stopping was he aware that her grip on his wings was verging on painful. The goddess's breathing was heavy, and she was panting as her opened her eyes again. "Did you... finish?" He shook his head. "No..." She bit her lip and then kissed him, letting go of his wings and hugging him. "Then finish." She whispered into his ear. He smiled and pulled out to just his head. He slammed into her, making her scream again, and quickly pulled out and thrust again. He was ramming into her at a far greater pace, and the room was filled with the slap of his hips to hers, and her ecstasy. He groaned and his pace became frantic, he wanted nothing more than to show her exactly how deep his love for her went, and the faster he went the more she moaned in lust. He kept his frantic pace going, and felt a familiar tightening in his loins. "I'm gonna... gonna cum." He gasped out between thrusts. "Do it!" She breathed, and held onto him. "Cum in me!" He was spurred on and he slammed into her as fast as his body would let him, his bat-like wings flapping to help keep him stable. He thrust into her, his hips making a loud slap as he passed the point of no return. He cried out her name, and she responded with his own, and he felt his seed gush from his cock into her waiting canal. The goddess was breathless as wave after wave of white hot seed poured into her body, and that sent her over the edge for the second time that night. Her walls clamped down, and began milking her lover for all he could give and she raked his back and wings with her nails, certain that she was drawing blood. The stallion gave one last half thrust, and felt the last few spasms of his cock. He stayed hilted in her, and took in a breath like it was his first. He collapsed on top of her and rolled over to her side, his cock coming free with a wet pop. Their mix of juices slowly seeping out of Luna, and dripping onto the sheets. She gave passing thoughts of if they could be cleaned, but she didn't care as she rolled over and placed her head on her lover’s chest. They stayed there in silence for several minutes. Luna kissed her guard on the cheek. "I think I might have bruised your wings..." "They'll heal..." He whispered back and wrapped a wing around her. She kissed him again and wrapped her own wing around him. Her voice was soft as she spoke to him. "I'm not your first." He hesitated, and then nodded. "You're not..." "You're mine." She hugged him and he could see her blushing. "I'm honored to be yours." She closed her eyes and listened to him breath. "If anyone asks... this was just a simple talk with me..." "A simple talk?" He pulled a blanket over them and wrapped them up. "Of course." They fell asleep in each other’s arms, and it was the best sleep they had ever had.