The Sun's Life

by DiscordFan

First published

Celestia tells everypony and everybrony how she was born.

Princess Celestia. An alicorn being in which we have no idea how she was born. Time for a discussion with the Princess herself!

Birth and Early Years

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Darkness... That was it. Just darkness was surrounding the looker. It was warm and comfortable, so that was good. Suddenly, the being felt like it was being squeezed. The being couldn't do anything though. Just stay surrounded by darkness and be squeezed. Then, it felt coldness. Awful, awful coldness! It began to wail, but it couldn't hear its own wailing. Its ears hadn't "opened." Then the being felt warmth surround some of it. It calmed down.

Then, something flooded its nose. Good smells, bad smells, everything. But the most noticing smell were the roses. Of course, the being didn't know that it smelled roses; it only knew it smelled something good. It snuggled into the warm, rose-smelling... thing. It was still dark, but it was warm again instead of cold.

Next, its mouth felt dry, and something... below?.. it hurt. A lot! It wailed, but this time, it heard itself. What an awful noise! It wailed louder. That's when it opened its eyes. Everything... Everything was pink! Pink, pink, and more pink everywhere! It was the color of cotton-candy, its world. It cried. It did not like this world of pink! It was bland and weird!

Then the pink moved from its sight. That's when it saw a white pony with a horn. The pony's mane (and tail) was orange that faded into blue and purple and indigo, and it was curly. Resting on top of the pony's mane was a golden tiara. The pony's eyes were a light blue and looked caring. The pony smiled at the being.

"Welcome, my little filly," the pony whispered gently to the being filly, "Welcome, Celestia..."


Seven Years Later...

Later, the filly (who learned her name was Celestia or 'Tia) learned she was white, and she also learned she had created that pink world at first! Her mane and tail was the pink, she had a horn and wings, and she white like Mother.

Her father was a navy blue pegasus, or a pony with wings. His mane and tail was short and a little curly, but not a lot, and it was light blue with white and yellowish white dots. His eyes were a vibrant yellow that were always cheerful to 'Tia. He usually wore a silver crown, chest plate (that reached over his flank), and slippers. Father's laugh was also the best.

They lived together in a castle. 'Tia had learned that Father and Mother were called "King Dusk" and "Queen Dawn." When a pony saw 'Tia, they called her "Princess Celestia." 'Tia didn't know why they called her that, but the "Royal Guard" (whatever that was) just called her "Princess 'Tia." She like that! The name was kinda silly, in 'Tia's opinion. What was a "princess?"

'Tia trotted over to the "throne room." This is where her parents usually were, and the sun was at the top of the sky. Her parents always invited 'Tia to the throne room when the sun was at its highest. They said so it was that they could teach her how to rule Equestria. She opened the doors, struggling a little bit with her magic. 'Tia had only recently been taught, and she even had a "tutor!"

She opened the doors and saw Father speaking with the earth pony leader: Chancellor Jello Hooves. She was funny and looked similar to Elder Pudding Head. The Chancellor was a purple with a reddish pink, wavy mane and tail, and her eyes were a cheerful purple. (She also was wearing that Chancellor outfit.) Then 'Tia noticed Elder Pudding Head standing off to the right. She was pink with a darker pink, fluffy mane and tail, and her eyes were a cheerful blue. She was wearing a brown and green toga (signaling she was the Earth Elder). Laughing, 'Tia galloped over to the Elder. Elder Pudding Head greeted her with open hooves.

"Hey, mini-Dawn," Elder Pudding Head said in that squeaky-ish voice of hers, "What's new, 'Tia?"

"Nothing much, Ed-ler," 'Tia said. She was still working on a few words. She was only seven after all! "How are the eat-th pon-ees?" Elder Pudding Head giggled in that childish way.

"They're good! And Jello Hooves is doing a super-duper-wuper-looper job at leading them!" 'Tia giggled at Elder's silly way of talking. She reached up and bopped Elder Pudding Head's muzzle.

"I got you firf-st fis time!" Pudding Head gasped.

"You did! This calls for sire consequences!" She began to tickle 'Tia everywhere. Pudding Head tickled her tummy, her hooves, her neck, her back, and, the weakest point of all, 'Tia's ears. 'Tia began to make those squeaky scream-laughs.

"Stop! Stop! The Pin-sets co-mans you!"

"Never," Pudding Head giggled and joked, "You must pay for bopping my muzzle first!" Pudding Head tickled 'Tia's ears. 'Tia began to scream-giggle even louder.

"Elder," Father said calmly, "please, stop. We have much to discuss. You know this." Pudding Head stopped and sighed.

"I know, my King," Pudding Head said sadly. She rubbed 'Tia's head playfully before they continued their discussion.

"So, Chancellor Jello," Father said seriously, "do we have any idea why the droughts and famines happened?"

"No, King Dusk," spoke Chancellor Jello Hooves. "We only know that the droughts caused the famines." Father brought his right hoof up to his chin, and he rubbed it in thought. "Shall we summon the pegasi and ask them, my king?"

"Yes," replied Father. "We'll ask Commander Twister and Elder Hurricane. Ink Quill! Send a summoning to the pegasus tribe. Tell them to come in one sun or in two suns." A black unicorn with a white, gray-striped mane nodded, and he wrote a letter.

Ink Quill read what he wrote,

"Dear Elder Hurricane and Commander Twister,

Several droughts recently struck the earth pony tribe. This caused famines. Because the cause was of droughts, we would like to discuss the lack of rain. I am willing not to punish if you state a good reason. Please come within one or two suns. Thank you.

-King Dusk"

"Thank you," Father said, "Ink Quill. I'll sign it." Ink Quill nodded and levitated the paper and a quill over to Father. Father grabbed the paper with his wings and the quill with his mouth. He signed his name. "Please send it, Ink Quill." Ink Quill nodded and trotted away to find the messenger, Derpy Wing.

Then, Father asked, "Would you like to stay overnight, Earth Elder and Chancellor Jello Hooves?"

"Would I," asked Elder Pudding Head, "Uh, yeah!"

"King Dusk," replied Chancellor Jello Hooves, "we would be honored, and, besides, we would also like to discuss with the pegasi." Father nodded.

"Fa-fer," 'Tia said, "can Ed-ler Pudding have a sweep-ofer wif me?" Father chuckled.

"I don't know," he responded. "Ed-ler might get bored. She would never make it!"

Elder Pudding stomped her front left hoof, "Is that a challenge?! If it is, I want 20 bits at sunrise if I win!" Father (since they weren't in public) brought his hoof up to his face (he facehoofed).

"Fine, I'll give you 20 bits."

"Yay," 'Tia shouted, "Come wif me, Ed-ler! To ta sweep-ofer hall!" 'Tia, giggling, galloped away. Ed-ler Elder Pudding Head followed in the same manner. Chancellor Jello Hooves looked down and shook her head.


Ta Sweep-ofer!

'Tia smoothed out her yellow and orange blanket on the floor. Pudding Head smoothed out her pink blanket on the floor. The "sweep-ofer hall" was the bedroom hallway. (Father and Mother "made" it there, so they could put 'Tia to bed if they had to.) Elder Pudding Head was no longer wearing her toga. It was then that 'Tia saw three balloons on Elder's flank.

"Ed-ler," 'Tia asked, "Why does your fwank have twee bawwoons?"

"Oh," Pudding Head said, "that's my cutie mark!" 'Tia blinked confusingly.

"A what?" Her eyes were full of curiosity and awe.

"A cutie mark! It's something that shows what your super special talent is! Mine is having fun and sharing that fun with others!"

"Ooo..! Why bawwoons?"

"I don't know... I'll bother the narrator, DiscordFan, later about it!" *sigh* Of course you will...


"Nopony!" I (, DiscordFan) facehoofed the best I could with hands. "Hey! You wanna tell silly sleepover stories now!?"

"Yeah! Wet's tell sil-we sweep-ofer stowies!"


The Next Sun

Commander Twister and Elder Hurricane had arrived as soon as the sun rose. Mother had been helping raise the sun with 'Tia watching. They were on throne room's balcony. She greeted the two pegasi warmly.

"We received King Dusk's letter," Commander Twister said seriously. "We are ready to discuss, argue, and or or debate." Mother nodded.

"Come, 'Tia," Mother said. "Let's go get your Father."

"Don't wor-wy, Mother," 'Tia said over-cheerfully. "I'll get Fa-fer!" 'Tia galloped away. Mother heard the door open and close...

... But then she heard, "FAAAAA-FEEEERRR!!!!!"

"Well," Elder Hurricane chuckled, "'Tia's voice has grown." They heard the clopping of tippy-toeing hoofs.

"Fa-fer is coming, Ma-fer," 'Tia said. They heard something moaning walking into the throne room.

"'Tiaaaa," Father moaned, "what do you need?!??" Mother facehoofed. Father's eyes were closed, and he was leaning on the archway of the balcony. He was drooling slightly.

Mother spoke to Father, "Dusk, the Wind Leader and Elder are here." His eyes snapped open, and his wings snapped opened as well (a wingboner).


Being a Young Mare (teens)

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It was Celestia's birthday. She was entering young-mare-hood. She had been alive for 4,745 suns. Mother had told her a while ago that you celebrated your birthday every 365 suns. Celestia quickly did the arithmetic in her head. This was her thirteenth birthday.

(By the way, she is slightly smaller than the CMC.)

Celestia had awoken early, so she could attempt something important today. She woke up before the sun was up. Celestia was planning to raise the sun. Mother had never let her do it alone... But Mother wasn't awake!

Celebrating trotted giddily to the throne room's balcony. Once she got there, she did a little happy dance. Mother and Father weren't awake! She looked at the moon. Uh, oh. Who's gonna lower the moon!?!! She started to hyperventilate. She couldn't do both!!!

Then she heard the clopping of hooves. I am dead... Celestia turned slowly, and she saw... Elder Platinum? Elder Platinum was a white unicorn with a gorgeous curled, purple mane and tail. Her eyes were a lovely blue. Her eyelashes were long but perfect. Her toga was purple, and she was wearing a silver laurel wreath on her head. Only elders that use to be royals got laurels. Elder Platinum told Celestia she used to be a princess.

"'Tia darling," Elder Pudding said, "why are you up so early?"

"I'm afraid I must ask the same," Celestia replied. Elder Platinum sighed.

"True. Well, I am up because I couldn't go back to sleep. What about you, darling?"

"Pudding Promise you won't tell anypony?" Elder Platinum smiled delicately.

"X my heart, Wish to soar, Stick a biscuit in my eye. Now, 'Tia, why are you up?" Celestia sighed.

"I wish to attempt to raise the sun, but forgot that I needed somepony to lower the moon. Aren't I a 'clever?'" Celestia put her head on the rail of the balcony and sighed.


"What Elder Platinum?"

"May I tell a few unicorns? Not the Queen of course..." Celestia thought for a moment.


"So we can lower the moon, 'Tia!'" Celestia blinked, slightly surprised.

"Y-you're not gonna stop a filly from raising the sun?"

"Maybe a different filly, darling, but you, I'm sure you can handle it!" Celestia trotted over and hugged Elder Platinum's leg and part of her chest.

"Thank you..." Elder Platinum laughed delicately.

"Don't thank me until I get those unicorns, 'Tia darling!" Celestia giggled.

"Okay." She continued to giggle. Elder Platinum trotted away to go find powerful unicorns. Celestia was feeling jitters now. Calm down, 'Tia. Calm down. She breathed deeply and slowly. Better? Better. Good. Note to self: talk to ponies and make friends your age.

Celestia heard a chorus of clopping hooves. She turned and saw Elder Platinum with, maybe, ten unicorns. Celestia smiled.

"Thank you all for helping me in my, uh... wish."

"Wait," one of the male unicorns spoke, "Elder Platinum, are we letting a filly raise the sun?!"

"Obey your princess, Bright Moon," Elder Platinum stated, "and be rewarded forever, darling." Bright Moon muttered something. Probably something rude or unpleasant!

"Care to share, Bright Moon," Celestia asked.

"N-no, Princess," Bright Moon stammered. Celestia felt a little bit giddy at the unicorn's wariness and (petty) fear. Just 'cause she's Royal doesn't mean she's a tramp and a brat!

"I was merely jesting," Celestia said. "You don't have to cower."

"Princess," Elder Platinum spoke, "it's time, darling..." Celestia turned to see the moon was "stuck" on the horizon. *deep breath* It's time. Okay.

"Unicorns," she commanded (kindly), "please lower the moon, now." The unicorns, including Elder Platinum, lit up their horns and lowered the moon.

Celestia then lit up her own horn. Her wings fluttered, instinctively. She hovering in the air now. The east horizon turned orange and yellow and all the other millions of colors of dawn. Her horn brighten as a ball of pink and orange rested on the east horizon. The ball rose up higher until it was yellow, and the sky was blue. Clouds drifted here and there.

Celestia had attempted and succeeded in raising the sun. Celestia smiled. She had done it!

Then her flank made a flashing sound and shone white. She turned her head (while she was still in the air), and she saw a yellow sun with yellow-orange rays.

She earned her cutie mark...

"Of course she earned her cutie mark, DiscordFan," Elder Pudding Head, popping out of a beer barrel said. Wait, why a beer barrel?

"Ask my Pudding Sense. 'Cause hey, screw physics, I'm Pudding Head."

You, my friend, are an ancestor of Pinkamena Diane Pie.


Somepony from the future.

"Oooo... The FUTURE!!! Cool!" Celestia, very weirded out, was staring at the pink Earth Elder.

Wait, why are we conversing?

"Um, I think it's 'cause I appeared out of a beer barrel."

Oh yeah! That's it! Well, I'm gonna continue the story now.

She earned her cutie mark... Then, Celestia heard the flapping of wings and the clopping of hooves. She turned around completely to see Father in the air and Mother on the balcony. Celestia's expression turned from proudness to sheepishness. I'm busted.

Mother's face was serious, and Father's face was also serious, but he had that usually jolly twinkle in his eyes. Celestia landed on the balcony. Father landed on the balcony three seconds later.

"'Tia," Mother said fiercely, "what were you thinking!?"

"She was thinking that she wanted to do something special for her birthday, and she thought we were being overprotective," Father said. Elder Pudding Head gaped.

Elder Pudding Head appeared in front of him, "You can break through the fourth wall, too??!?"

"Shh, yeah." Wonderful. I'm gonna go bang my head on the wall over there. Pudding, take over or something! Cool! I'm the narrator now! Look out Equestria! Pudding Head com'in through!

"You," Mother asked, "You think we're overprotective? Dusk, are we?"

"I don't know, Dawn," Father said. "Maybe we are."

"A little," Celestia said sheepishly. She shifted her hooves and gazed at the floor. This had not gone as she planned... But then again, she hadn't planned far ahead.

Mother sighed, "Let's go have your birthday breakfast." The three Royals trotted away to the dining hall.

"So," Father said, "you're raising the sun from now on?"

"What," Celestia asked.

"Well, your cutie mark!"

"... I guess..."



Princess Celestia (now a little shorter than an average unicorn mare) had been raising and lowering the sun for four years. Ponies now truly respected her.

Celestia wasn't sure if she should be glad or disappointed. She missed being treated like a foal. It was better than being feared and avoided. After all, nopony wants to scare the controller-of-the-sun. She would surely scorch them. Ponies...

On the 36th sun of Celestia's 16th Spring, Mother made an announcement at the dining hall.

"Dusk," Mother said cheerfully, "'Tia, I have something very important to tell you."

"Mother," questioned Celestia, "what is it?"

She beamed at Father and Celestia, "I am having another baby." Dusk's eyes widen, and Celestia "squeed." She was going to have a brother or sister!

"Oh, Mother," said an excited Celestia, "does this mean I am going to have brother or sister?!"

Mother delicately laughed, "Yes, 'Tia! You're going to have a brother or sister!"


(Small) Interlude I

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Celestia was skipping to the throne room. It was time to lower the sun. Over the past months, Mother's belly has been growing. The apothecary had said the baby was almost ready, but Celestia was really nervous. She hoped her little brother/sister likes her!

Right when she was about to open the throne room doors, she heard a painful groan inside. It sounded like Mother. Celestia flew the doors open to see Mother by the door, obviously about to leave for night. Mother was on the floor shivering.

"Mother," screamed a panicked Celestia. "Mother, are you oka-" Celestia then noticed the water by Mother. Celestia's ears flattened.



The apothecary exited Father and Mother's room. She closed door gently.

"Well," she stated, "I am proud to tell you Queen Dawn successfully delivered another filly."

"So," Celestia said, "I have a sister?!" Celestia was practically bouncing up and down. Father nudged her. She, blushing, stopped.

"Yes," replied the apothecary. "Princess Celestia, you are having a sister. Now, please, Queen Dawn needs her rest." She bowed in the direction of Father. "Good day, King Dusk." She trotted away. Celestia "squeed."

"I'm having a sister," she said as she danced around. "I'm having a sister!" Father facehoofed.

"Celestia," Father said.

"A sister!"


"Yeah, I'm having a sister, a sis-"

"'TIA!!!" Celestia stopped. She flattened her ears.

"Sorry, Father..." Father nodded.

"Now, 'Tia?"

"Yes, Father?"

"Would you like to see your sister if your Mother is awake?" Celestia's eyes widen. She nodded, speechless. Father chuckled. He opened the door with his wings, and he poked his head through to see if his wife was awake.

She was lying on the bed holding a bundle of light blue and navy blue. Mother was stroking the light blue and was softly singing a lullaby.

"You are my moonlight,

My only moonlight.

You make gla-ad when skys are dark.

You never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't thieve my mooonlight away..." You Are My Sunshine...

Father smiled. He brought his head out of the door and nodded at Celestia. She beamed, and hopped in a circle. She was going to see her sister!

Father opened the door more and trotted in with an excited Celestia following. Celestia saw Mother smile at her while continuing to stoke the light blue, obviously the baby's mane. Mother motioned her over with her free hoof. Celestia quietly and curiously trotted over.

Her baby sister was navy blue with a light blue mane and tail. On her flanks was a black birthmark. She was also, like Celestia, an alicorn.

"... What's her name," Celestia whispered.

Mother whispered back, "Luna." The baby cooed. "Would you to hold Luna, 'Tia?" Celestia nodded. She sat down on the floor. Mother carefully placed Luna in Celestia's hooves.

Luna squirmed a little upon smelling something other then roses, Mother. Now she smelled lavender. The lavender smelling, warm thing was whispering noises to her. The noises were peaceful. Luna stopped squirming and snuggled into the lavender smelling thing. Celestia smiled gently. She carefully nuzzled Luna, and, in reply, Luna nuzzled back. Mother and Father smiled.

Then Luna began to whimper and tear up. Celestia hoofed Luna carefully back to Mother. Celestia and Father left Mother, so she could feed the whimpering Luna.

"Luna," whispered Celestia, smiling. "Luna."

The 20s: a Sort'of Interlude

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It had been over 1825 suns (five years) since Luna's birth. Celestia was had now been alive for over 8,030 suns. Luna had been alive for over 1825 suns. She could talk, walk, fly, and struggle a little with magic.

Celestia was about to lower the sun again when she heard, "'Twia!!!!" She turned to see Luna galloping towards with her little wings flapping, but she got no air. "We want to pway wif 'Twia!!!!" Celestia laughed.

"We'll play after ''Twia' lowers the sun! Okay," Celestia laughed.

"O-kway!" Luna began bouncing in place as she waited for Celestia. "Hey, 'Twia?"

"Yes, Luna?"

"Can we ways-z the moon?" Celestia had a wingboner.

"Uh, maybe with my help. Sure Luna."

"Yay!!" Celestia chuckled and lowered the sun.


"We are weady!!" Luna lit up her horn, and it was wrapped in a blue aura. Celestia lit her horn up. That's when Celestia noticed the moon was moving without her using her magic. Celestia gaped at her baby sister. Luna started fluttering her wings more intensely. The moon went higher and higher. Luna's black flanks flashed white; a crescent moon appeared.

Luna had raised the moon alone.


"Mother," Celestia called. "Mother! Mother!?" Celestia trotted into Mother's room. Mother was there.

"'Tia," Mother asked. "What's wrong?"

"Mother, Luna raised the moon on her own." Mother's eyes widened.


"She wanted to, and then she lit up her horn. I did the same, but before I gripped the moon, she moved it!" Celestia was shaking a little. Mother came over and stroked her mane.

"Shh, it's okay, 'Tia. Luna is just powerful like you."

"But that's just it, Mother. I don't want her to grow up like me. Be avoided and feared by your own subjects, just 'cause you have the image of a celestial body on your flank!" Celestia began sobbing uncontrollably into Mother's shoulder.

"Is that how you feel, Celestia?" Celestia nodded. "Oh, baby... I'm so sorry. I should've payed more attention to you-"

"No, Mother. It wasn't you. It was the ponies. And, and I don't want my honest, generous, and always spreading joy and/or laughter filly sister being treated that way. She doesn't deserve to be treated so, so... uncouthly!" Celestia continued sobbing. Luna walked in and saw Celestia.

"'Twia? What's wong," Luna asked. Celestia looked at her sister and smiled faintly. "Does we need to gif 'Twia a hug?" Celestia laughed a little and nodded. Laughing, Luna galloped over. She jumped on Celestia.

Then, Mother noticed Luna's flank. Just like Celestia had said. A crescent moon was on her black birthmark.

"She did," Mother whispered, "she did raise the moon... Oh, Luna, I'm so proud of you! My little moonlight rose the moon! Dusk!! Dusk!!! Come here!" Father trotted into the room. He noticed Luna's flank.

"..," Father's mouth moved, but no sound came. "..."

Luna noticed him and said, "Faf-fer-er! Wook! 'Ta moon is on our fwanks!"

"I see the moon on your flanks, Luna," said Father. "Why is the moon on Luna's flanks? 'Tia, why is the moon on her flanks?!"

"She rose the moon by herself," Celestia said.



"..." Father stared at Luna blankly. "What? 'Tia, how did this happen!!"

"She wanted to raise the moon, so I said that she could with my help. Before I could 'grip' the moon, Luna was almost done raising it... Any questions?" Celestia scanned her family. Father's mouth was moving, again, with no sound. Mother was just sitting there calmly. And Luna was bouncing around with a confused smile. She had no idea what was happening. Celestia sighed.

"I love you, Luna."

Luna replied with a laugh, "We wupv thou, too, 'Twia!!... Can we have eve-nag meal now?" Everypony laughed.


One "Eve-Nag" Meal Later...

Luna was playing "Touch-and-Trot" with Celestia. (It's basically "Tag.") Celestia was "Touch," and Luna was "Trot." Celestia chased a laughing wildly Luna.

"Thou cannot cet-up us, 'Twia. We are too... trotty," Luna guessed.

Celestia laughed and replied, "Oh, but I must catch you. I must give you 'the raspberries!'" Luna squeed giddily yet fearfully.

"N-no! Not the razz-bwer-wees!" Luna galloped faster... and ran into Father.

"Whoa," Father said, "who on Equs is this super fast filly?! She's adorable and has the best laugh! Oh my, who could it be?!"

Luna giggled, "Faf-fer! It's us, Woona!!" Father laughed.

"Impossible! My Luna knows not to run in the castle!" Father smirked and raised an eyebrow. Luna's smile faded.

"Oh, uh...


Right then, Celestia turned at the corner and saw Father.

"Busted! Dang it," she said.

The Court of the Sun

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Celestia was now over 9490 suns old, or 26 years old. Luna was 3285 suns old, or nine years old. Luna's speech had "corrected," and she had grown into a beautiful filly.

She had navy coat and her birthmark was as black as night with a glorious crescent moon. Her mane was the color of the blue glow around a full moon, and her eyes shone like stars. Fortunately or unfortunately, Mother and Father decided to get her suitors this time at the "correct" age.

Unfortunately, Celestia also has begun receiving suitors when she turned 20. It was late, but Mother and Father were happy.

Celestia trotted onto the throne room balcony where Luna was gazing happily at her ponies. Her ears perked and twitched at the sound of clopping hooves. She turned her head slightly.

"Hello, 'Tia," Luna said. "I suppose the night must end. One moment, please, sister." Luna trotted closer to the edge of the balcony and let out a shrill whistle that stretched across Equestria. Suddenly, hundreds, then thousands of threstrals flew above the palace, each looking for a dark cave until the moon rose again.

Celestia stared at the sight. So many colors; all of Luna's (main) subjects. They were as colorful as "normal" ponies. Celestia continued staring. It was like looking at a rainbow.

Luna smiled at Celestia. "Do you like it?" Celestia sighed pleasantly.

"Oh, Luna," Celestia said, continuing to gaze at the ponies. "It's beautiful... Wait, you didn't set this up or rehearse this for me... Did you?" Luna giggled gently.

"'Tia! Of course not! Actually my friend, Midnight Breeze, offered to do this every night after getting his father, commander of the night guard, to help. Isn't that so generous?!" Luna sighed adorably. Celestia held back so much giggles.

"How old is he, Luna?"

"He's over 4015 suns old..." (11) "... He's white as a full moon; his eyes are a vibrant yellow as shooting stars. His mane is a deep, deep navy blue with one streak of cyan and is longer than normal male manes and its a somewhat wavy." Luna stared at the moon. "And the webbing of his wings are dark as midnight during a dead..." (new) "...moon..." Luna sighed dreamily at the moon.

Then, Celestia saw a pony's shadow fly in front of the moon and dove down. It was the pony of Luna's description. Another pony followed. It was Commander Twilight Crescent. The commander bowed before the princesses.

"M'ladies," he said. "Guardians of the Sun and Moon, Day and Night." Celestia flared her wings and cleared her throat. She quickly winked at Luna. Luna stifled tons of giggles. She knew exactly what Celestia was about.

"Rise, soldier," she said extremely formally. "Thank you, Commander, for stalking my sister and I our whole lives under our parents order..." Twilight Crescent became very, very red. "...and entertaining Luna by showing her a threstral rainbow." Crescent Shield became very, very red.

"U-uh... Pri-Princess," he stammered. "I, uh... The King and Queen, they- They t-told me, too..."

"And that is an excuse, Commander. I need to say my thanks."

"W-wait... Wha..?"

"Yes! I need to say 'thank you!' Now, thank you very, Commander Crescent, for entertaining Luna."


"Yes! Why else would I thank you?"

"B-but, I," Commander Crescent stammered. "..." His mouth began to move with no sound.

"'Tia," Luna whispered, as if trying not to wake something up. "'Tia, the moon is tired, and the sun is getting restless." Celestia nodded.

Both of their horns flared. Luna's magic was a blue that matched her eyes, and Celestia's magic was a purplish-magenta that matched her eyes. The moon slowly made its descent in the sky. Half-way in the descent the east horizon glowed and vibrant orange.

It was dawn.

And it was Dawn, or Mother.

Mother watched the scene of dawn and the night going to sleep. The sun continued rising until it was at the peak of the sky. It was done. Luna yawned, and Celestia noticed.

"Alright, Lulu. Time for bed," Celestia said. Luna rubbed her eyes while yawning.

"But I'm," another yawn, "not tired, 'Ti..." Luna began producing soft snores. Celestia giggled and lifted, with her magic, the now sleeping napping Luna unto her back. Mother smiled at them as they trotted to the Princess Room, or the girls bedroom. Celestia usually rested with Luna, but today she had to get up at noon for her first court.

Mother sighed.

"Good luck, 'Tia," she whispered. "Good luck with your subjects..."


Celestia trotted to the throne room about five minutes to noon. Today was her first court alone, and she was excited. Mother and Father wouldn't be the ones to listen to their subjects' needs. She was instead!

Celestia began to skip.

She was adorned in her regalia. It use to be Mother's, but she had hoofed them down to Celestia. She was wearing a golden tiara (not crown, like the one she has now) with several amethysts bejeweled upon it. Her chest piece was a simple golden necklace, and she wore simple golden slippers. Celestia's hair seemed to glow pink.


And Father had called her the second most beautiful mare in the world.

At the time, Celestia groaned at the remark. Father was just so... silly at times.

Then she was at the throne room doors. Celestia opened them revealing the announcer, the scribe, a few guards, and the judge, that helped the court host decide what to do. Usually, her family didn't call his opinion, because they knew it was one and the same. But sometimes, what ponies brought to them was... uncouth or very, very uncouth.

Celestia shuddered as that memory came.

"...Go to Tartarus!" Mother gasped and held Luna's ears in order to keep out such rude sayings. "You heard me! Those pegasi," the male unicorn said harshly, "didn't let it rain on my earth ponies' crops! So go to Tartarus for not doing anything!" Mother placed a soundproof spell upon Luna's ears. She didn't want her moonlight to hear.

Just then, Celestia trotted in with a message from Father.

Mother rose slowly from the throne, and the sisters watched with curiousity. Mother stood before the unicorn. Mother was taller, and her eyes were furious.

"Buck," Mother said. "Buck you." The unicorn cowered. "You dare tell your queen and caretaker," her voice got louder, "to go to Tartarus! And in front of a filly! You despicable creature." She turned to the guards. "His court time his over. Give the earth ponies he overlooks a better noble." She turned to the unicorn.

"Be gone. NOW!!"

Celestia shook her head to clear the thoughts. Poor Luna... Her soundproof spell unfortunately wore off early, and she heard what Mother said.

Celestia trotted to the throne and sat down. She nodded to the announcer. He cleared his throat.

"Court subject one," he said loudly and clearly, "please enter!" A unicorn trotted in, muzzle high in the air. He bowed once he was at the back hoof of the throne.

He opened his eyes, looked at Celestia, and said, "Your Highness, Guardian of the Sun! I, Silver Ore, come here to make a request for the Rare Nobles."

Celestia nodded and motioned with a hoof to continue. Silver Ore cleared his throat again.

"We would to start decreeing licenses to miners. There are those who go to the Royal Mines and take the rare minerals and metals."

Celestia gasped. "Soldier Sparkle." Celestia's personal guard nodded attentively. Celestia looked at the scribe. "Ink Scroll, please give Soldier Sparkle a copy of what is happening in the mines. Soldier Sparkle, please take the scroll copy to King Dusk."

She turned to Silver Ore again. "I am sorry, but neither the judge or I have the authority to permit licenses. Please return tomorrow. Fare well!" Silver Ore nodded, bowed, and trotted away.

The announcer cleared his throat. "Court subject two, please enter!" Five Four ponies trotted in, and another pony rested on the only male one's back. Two adults, each of opposite gender, and two fillies (trotting). They were all had straight manes and drab colors: gloomy purple, gray, drab brown, etc. But the one resting on the one pony's back was a white pegasus filly with a poofy yellow mane and tail. She groggily opened her eyes revealing a vivd, cheerful purple.

She jumped off her dad's(?) back and began bouncing beside her trotting family(?).

How is she making that 'sprigging' sound while bouncing, Celestia thought.

Then all them bowed except for the pegasus, who was gawking at the tall ceilings, shiny things, and trying to make the emotionless guards move. To no avail How did she make him move and start playing patty-cake with her!!?!

Breath, DiscordFan. Breath.

The male rose first. "Sun Guardian. Please, here out the Pie Family."

Celestia nodded. "Of course. Please speak, faithful subject."

"I am Boulder Pie, and my family and I own a rock farm. Our newest daughter, however, is, um... different." Celestia raised an eyebrow and flapped her wings in question. Boulder Pie reddened a bit. "N-no! Not different because of her species. For... Other reasons. You see, Princess..." He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "... she can perform magic." Celestia gaped.

"Ink Scroll," she said urgently. She cleared her throat.

"I, Princess Celestia, firstborn to King Dusk and Queen Dawn, Guardian of the Sun, will be teaching and caring for the pegasus filly, of the Pie Family..." She turned to Boulder Pie.

"Surprise," he said. She nodded.

"... Surprise with the permission of her parents, Boulder Pie and his wife..."

"Gem Pie, Primcess," Gem Pie said.

"... Gem Pie. I will teach Surprise for ten years or, if her parents wishes so, more. Signed, Princess Celestia."

Ink Scroll finished writing the contract. "All finished, Princess," she said as she levitated the contract over to Celestia. Celestia took a quill and signed it, saying she read it, and understood what she wanted.

Now, under "Princess Celestia," one word was written. It said "'Tia" in big, cursive writing. She drew two more lines below her signature and levitated the contract and the quill to Boulder and Gem Pie. They signed.

Celestia smiled lovingly. "Thank you. I will take good care of her." She giggled. "And Luna and Surprise can have fun with each other!"

The War: Part 1

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Celestia galloped through the halls. Mother and Father were missing. Nopony knew where, and Surprise and Luna, so far, didn't know. The guards were going crazy in search. Soldier Sparkle galloped up to her without her armor.

"'Tia," she panted, "all of the armor... in the armory... turned... into butterflies." She collapsed on the floor, still panting.

Without the armor's magic, Soldier Sparkle was a light pink unicorn with gentle violet eyes. Her mane and tail was white with a violet stripe. Upon her flank was a six-pointed violet star with five, small, white stars surrounding it. Sweat dripped on her forehead and hung in her straight mane.

"Butterflies," said Celestia very confused. "Only a very, very strong unicorn like StarSwirl could do that! Or his personal pupil, Clover!"

Sparkle shook her head. "It was a very strange dragon! He had a brown pony's head, a large tooth, a darker brown body, a lion's paw, an eagle's claw, a cloven hoof, a reptile's foot, a dragon's tail, a goat's horn, and a buck's horn."

Celestia blinked. "That is the most chaotic creature I've ever heard of! And it can do magic?!"

"I'm a 'he,' you know," a voice rang out from the walls. "And you're right about chaotic." Something flashed between Celestia and Soldier Sparkle. The creature was now there. Its His eyes... Celestia didn't like his eyes. They had a red pupil and iris and a yellow sclera.

"The name is Discord," he announced. "The Lord of Chaos, Master of Everything that Breathes and Doesn't Breathe, and many, many other titles." Discord smirked at the two ponies. "What lovely wings you have. Like a swan's. Oh, and a horn? An alicorn! I thought I killed all of you off!"

Celestia and Soldier Sparkle gasped. Killed!?

"Whelp! Now that you stupid ponies are here, I'm going to have to declare war. Goodbye! I'll see you on the battlefield!" He disappeared.

The walls 'spoke' again, "Oh, by the way: I have your parents. Toodles!"

Celestia collapsed and began to weep. Soldier Sparkle sat down on the floor by her and comforted her.


Celestia donned her armor. She never wanted to use it, because it meant she was going to fight.

Discord had been bringing chaos everywhere. Mashed potato clouds that rained hot, boiling water. Animals going crazy and experiencing physical changes. Food became no longer edible to ponies.

It was awful.

Discord was also giving ponies a hard time. Driving them to be slaves. Brainwashing them. Giving them defaults to their natural abilities. Reversing their personalities. And... And so much more that hurt Celestia's heart.

Her armor was golden. There was a blade attached to her helmet. Her hooves were covered with longer, stronger slippers. Finally, Celestia's mane and tail were tied up in pony-tails.

She was as ready as she could ever be. And it was time.

She began to trot outside, and every guard followed her.

Soldier Sparkle was trotting beside her and was wearing armor similar to Celestia's.

"'Tia," Soldier Sparkle whispered, "will this be enough? He's a god."

Celestia looked worried. "I admit, Sparkle: I-I don't know." Her ears flattened. "We might not be able to defeat him and..." She choked up a bit. "... and hopefully retrieve my parents." Celestia shed a tear. Sparkle noticed, and she rested her hoof on Celestia's side.

Celestia looked over and smiled softly but sadly. "Thank you, Sparkle." Celestia looked foward. She could see the battlefield... and she could see her parents in a cage.

They were weak. So weak, they couldn't stand. They simply lied there in the cage. Father's wings were bound to his sides, and Mother's horn had a spell ring on it. A spell ring didn't allow unicorns, or alicorns, to activate their magic, at all.

Celestia began tearing up again. Her parents... They were on the verge of death.

Then, the army marched onto the battlefield. No turning back, now.


(What happened to the time-skipping-thingy? Dang it, Discord!)

They were gone. They were all gone! Discord had been able to kill them all. And... And her parents.

How was Celestia supposed to defeat him? He was all-powerful! He made the guards turn on each other, and they had a bloody battle with one another. Only Celestia and Soldier Sparkle had been spared from the spell.

They were galloping to the castle, at the moment, to see if Luna and Surprise were okay. They arrived and found the mares cowering. It had been a few years, and Luna was almost a full grown mare (she is the same size as she is on the show). Surprise was also close to being a full grown mare, as well.

"'Tia," Surprise asked, "what happened? Where are all of the guards?" Some of Surprise's mane and tail 'deflated.'

Celestia looked at the floor sadly. "Surprise? Discord... Discord, he killed them all... Only Sparkle and I live. He even killed our parents, Luna. Our parents..." Celestia collasped and wept.

"Sister," Luna asked. "May I make a suggestion?"

"Of course, Luna," Celestia said sadly yet lovingly. "What is your suggestion?"

"Do you remember that story Mother and Father told us about the five friendship gems?"

Celestia scrunched her face in thought. "Yes?"

"I believe we must find them, 'Tia." Celestia pondered for a thought, but then nodded.

She looked over to Surprise. "Will you join, my friend and student?" Surprise's lit up at the thought.

She did a flip in the air, "Yay!! Of course I will 'Tia!"

"Soldier Sparkle," Celestia asked.

Soldier Sparkle nodded faithfully. "Let my magic protect."

"Luna," Celestia continued, "let us find more ponies for our journey."


They found four more ponies. One was an orange earth pony baker with a blond mane and tail. Another was pink pegasus warrior with a blue mane and tail. A different earth pony that was an animal caretaker was yellow with a pink mane. Finally, a unicorn miner was a blue-ish white with a purple and pink mane.

They had settled that this was 'the team.' Celestia, Luna, Soldier Sparkle, Surprise, Apple Cider, FireFly, Humble Flitter, and Rare Gem. A strange team, but they were the only ponies to be found.

And now, the quest for the Friendship Gems.

The War: Part 2, The Journey

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Celestia cut through vines of a forest.

The story, if the alicorns remembered correctly, the five friendship gems rested within the eldest forest that was free, but they were only visible to those who shared the bond of friendship.

Supposedly, the gems were red, orange, blue, purple, and pink, but it is unknown.

Celestia continued cutting the vines and forliage. It had been 24 suns, or over three weeks, since the ponies began their journey.

Humble Flitter proved herself very useful. She could identify plants and animal species by simply looking at them. It didn't matter if the species was unknown or not, she could identify it, and if it was edible and safe.

Apple Cider could cook almost anything, but did her best when there was at least one apple ingredient. She was also probably the only pony, including Luna, that could keep Celestia from going back to Discord and attempting to kill him.

Firefly was very reliable. She would fly ahead, scouting for danger, and if there was danger, she would fly upward, enraging wingless monsters, whose roars warned the group.

Rare Gem was able to make fantastic temporary shelters, able to withstand very tough storms. She also provided camouflage with her abilities.

Surprise was one out of two of the ponies that kept the group smiling, if only for a short time before thoughts of death made frowns again.

Soldier Sparkle was very efficient with her magical abilities and guard training. (She was the first female guard.) If they ran into monsters, she used her magic to cause temporary mind confusion.

Luna was the second pony that helped keep the smiles going, always offered to help, and kept things blunt and honest.

Celestia was the leader of this strange group. She always made sure to show her compassion and loyalty to these brave ponies. She would not give up.

No, she couldn't give up. Her friends were relying on her and her sister to defeat Discord, Lord of Chaos.


Celestia was cutting through vines and foliage again. Sweat dripped down her muzzle. She began to pant slightly.

"Prin- I mean, Celestia, would you like to take a break," Firefly asked. "I'll cut through the forest."

Celestia froze. "No, Firefly. I'm okay."

"Pardon me, Celestia, but your sister begs to differ," Apple Cider butted in.

"Luna," Celestia said growing louder.

"I'm sorry, sister," Luna said, "but you need to take a break. You're sleeping less and less. I'm-I am beginning to worry about you."

"Lulu, I'm-"

"No! Don't 'Lulu' me! Sister, you need to take a break. Firefly offered to help, yet you refused because you are angry and stressed. Now, dear, dear sister... Take. A. BREAK!!!"

Celestia fumed, but then looked at her followers. They were all watching worriedly.

"Um," Rare Gem stuttered. "May I make a suggestion to help release your... emotion, Celestia?"

"A... suggestion?"

"Yes, you see I, uh... You know what, could we... talk privately," Rare Gem hissed out the last part fearfully.

Celestia understood immediately. This suggestion was a bit personal to Rare Gem.

"Of course, Rare Gem," Celestia said understandingly.

Rare Gem lit her horn, and then leaves and sticks and rocks were floating about, slowly creating a small speaking area. Rare Gem trotted right over and behind the leafy curtain. Celestia soon followed suit.

The other ponies heard them rustle about, when suddenly Rare Gem poked her head out and asked, "Sparkle, could you perform a no-sound spell on our area? Thanks!"

Soldier Sparkle blinked, but she performed the request on Rare Gem's and Celestia's area.

"Alright, 'Tia. I suggest a journal," Rare Gem said after making sure the no-sound spell was there.

"That's it," Celestia asked.

"Well, you see, I, myself, keep a journal, and, oh, by Faust, does it help so," Rare Gem complimented journal-keeping.

"Hmm... I see... Thank you very much, Rare Gem. That does seem to be good idea. I shall try it." Celestia leaned over and clutched Rare Gem with her front hooves. "Thank you," she added with tears filling her eyes."

"You're welcome, 'Tia, darling lady."


Celestia watched as Firefly and Apple Cider cut the vines and foliage.

Celestia promised Rare Gem she would begin a journal tonight. Rare Gem even created a plain, leather-bound journal.

They had made it about 360 hoof-steps East when Humble Flitter received an awful headache.

"Flitter," Firefly cried out.

"Fire... Nyaa!.. It's okay," Humble Flitter said meekly. "Don't worry... This has actually happened before... I was in the presence of a magical-resistant creature..." Humble Flitter winced in pain. "I-I just need rest."

"Wait," Celestia said. "Before you rest, did you say 'magical-resistant?'"

Humble Flitter nodded.

Celestia paled. "I know what the creature is... And nopony is going to like the answer.


Celestia, Soldier Sparkle, and Firefly trended lightly. They were searching for a dragon. Specifically, a young dragon. Because Humble Flitter's headache was minor (compared to others she has had), the dragon had to be young.

That's when Firefly froze, and her ears twitched.

"Grr-aaaah," a shrill voice cooed from... the left.

Celestia slowly crept towards the left. She came to a bush with phoenix-flowers, where the coos were loudest.

With her magic, she pushed some leaves and flowers aside revealing a young lilac dragon with a deep forest green belly. He had deep forest green spines and ear scales. He opened his eyes revealing vivid, orchid-colored eyes with slit pupils.

Celestia smiled gently at the large reptile, "I'm going to keep him, and his name shall be... Forest Flame. Yes, Forest Flame."

"'Tia," Soldier Sparkle questioned, "are you sure this is wise?"

"We shall raise him as though we were raising a foal. He will help amend his species and our species rift." Celestia picked the dragon up into her hooves. He cooed as Celestia tickled his belly. "Yes, Sparkle. I am positive this is wise."

A Series of Journal Entries I

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27 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

Forest Flame has been most pleasant. He seems to understand not to hurt life-forms like me, 'Mom-mom.'

Though what surprised us all the most, was how Forest followed Rare Gem around. The only time he'll leave her side, is when I call him over. Once I do, he wears a sad expression as he trudges over to me.

His most recent parting with Gem went like this:

"Um," Rare Gem said, "'Tia? Could you uh... *cough, cough*" She smiled.

"Of course Gem," I responded pleasantly. "Forest Flame? Come here, baby!"

His ear-scales wilted. "Ba-ba, Ware Clem," he stated sadly. Then, very slowly, he dragged his feet and body towards me.

I admit, I feel bad for making him part with her, but at least he knows to obey. Imagine if he didn't! He probably might have gotten eaten by a monster by now.

On some stranger notes, my mane and tail have a blue streak in them now. I don't know why. I just woke up with it today. (But Rare Gem says I look more beautiful now, and that the color complements the pink nicely.)

I must go. Forest Flame is trying to eat Rare Gem's tail while snuggling with her.

Now Rare Gem is calling for me. I'll write within you again later, Journal. 'Til then!



31 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

It has been four Suns since I've 'spoken' to you, but my friends and I have been, ah, encountering troubles, such as a hydra, a manticore, ursa minors and majors, Cebereus, zombie ponies (please don't ask, Journal. You don't want to know.), a shadow pony, and a river serpent.

We only had big problems with the ursa minors and majors (quite an aggressive bunch) and the shadow pony. I must say, Soldier Sparkle and Firefly's teamwork is most commendable. They are fantastic! Apple Cider isn't so bad as well, but Sparkle and Firefly have been doing the most damage.

Oh my. Seems that Forest Flame needs me. By the way, he's seeming to take an interest in Humble Flitter. If she has something to do with it, she hasn't said anything, and that would be most unlike her.

Until the next time, Journal.



38 Suns After the King and Queen's Deaths

Dear most helpful Journal,

I have great news to tell you! After running from monsters for a few Suns, Apple Cider refused to go on further, and that we should all rest. Reluctantly, we agreed.

Rare Gem set up 'camp' on a stable cliff with a fantastic view.

Oh, but before I continue, important fact: I had hurt one of wings the day before.

Continuing, that night, the ground rumbled, and we all woke up to find ourselves sliding down the now broken cliff. Only Surprise, Firefly, and Luna were spared because of flight and were soon zooming towards us. They were able to grab Forest Flame, Rare Gem, and Humble Flitter. Apple Cider quickly bit down on a root that was stuck in the cliff, but I, however, was still sliding. I was near the edge. My hind legs were now dangling over the cliff.

That's when Apple Cider let go and said, "Hang on, 'Tia. I'ma com'in!"

Apple slid down and grabbed my forelegs. She tried to pull me up, but I am larger than an average pony, so she couldn't.

Then Apple Cider looked up then back down on me. "Let go."

"What," I screamed.

"Please, 'Tia! Believe me, if you want to be safe let go."

Tears wavered in my eyes. I let go and began screaming my heart out.

But then I stopped moving. I hesitantly opened one of eyes. "Huh," I asked. Luna and Surprise had caught me, and Firefly was flying over to Apple Cider. The orange mare winked at me.

This is where the miraculous part happened.

An orange gem appeared over Apple Cider, floated there for a few seconds, and then zoomed away towards the East.

"Uh," Soldier Sparkle said, "does this mean we're going East?"

Luna nodded.