Stuck in Equestria

by FellFour

First published

Even though Earth was bad, that doesn't mean Equestria will also have it's bad rmoments. I learn this the hard way and I soon realize that this planet is no different fom Earth.

I'm Trevor. I'm a human being (shocker) and I'm stuck in Equestria. Will I ever get out of here? Probably not.

Staring ME! Basically, what will happen if I got stuck in Equestria.
Inspiration from JasontheDemon's story "Buck My Life"
All ponies are anthrofied.
Rated Mature for strong language and sexual themes.


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I should probably start with an introduction/prologue, because why not? It wouldn't be a story without one, now would it?


My name is Trevor, which I address every time I post a blog on here, and I'm 18 years old. I live in a small town in the state of Ohio. You could say that I had a good childhood, but that doesn't mean that I had a lot of bad times. My family isn't rich or wealthy. We're kind of in between the poor and middle-class (I think that's what it's called) range.

I don't really go out that much, since it's March and it's cold as shit outside where I'm from. Even if it is a nice day out, there really isn't much to do in my town. There really isn't that much excitement around here. It's boring. I go through the same routine everyday and it's boring me to tears.

I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have a job, I don't have my state ID yet (which I'll get soon), and I don't have a license. I'm a jobless loner, basically. I wish I could go out and meet people, but I'm always anxious to do so. My anxiety is kind of bad and I'm not really good when it comes to being social. I guess that's what you get when you isolate yourself from the rest of the world. It's depressing, to be honest.

I'm a senior in high school, but I don't go to school for like seven hours a day or some stupid shit like that. I made the best decision in my life and went to afternoon school. There, I would only have to go there for only two hours, which is incredibly nice because now I don't have to sit through the same bullshit that goes on there. Lots and lots of drama. Fights, apparently, but I never see them. All talk, no action, is basically what goes on in my town. Basically, most of the kids that I know are pussies. There are a few that will actually do something if someone else is messing with them, but that's about it.

I've never got into a physical fight before, but I'm not afraid to do so if I have to. I'm very protective when it comes to my family, especially over my second oldest sister. She has autism and is a very sweet and kind girl. She doesn't take shit from NOBODY, but she doesn't know how to defend herself, so it's my job to protect her. If anyone talks shit about her, it'll be me to end that, because she doesn't deserve that at all. If I find out that some guy hurt her or harassed her, I'll kill them (not literally, though).

So, what about the story? Let's get into it before I keep going on and on about details that you don't really need to know about.


It was another day of school. I just got out and was walking home. I'm in a hoodie and shorts and it's very cold outside. Yeah, I know wearing shorts isn't a good thing to wear when it's the winter time, but I didn't have any clean jeans to wear. I'm not afraid to wear shorts in the winter time.

Anyways, I'm walking home and I light up a cigarette and smoke, since it was a long day. After a while of walking, I finally get home. I take one more hit off the cigarette and put it out in the snow that was on the sidewalk. I get the snow that was on my shoes off of them, open the front door to the apartment that I live in and step inside.

My mom was sitting on the couch with my two-month-old nephew. She looks up at me and gives me a smile.

"Hey baboon! How was your day at school?" My mom asks me.

I take off my hoodie and shoes off. I walk into the kitchen area where I place my backpack on top of the air conditioner that's sitting on the floor. "It was alright, I guess. Same as usual." I said, sighing deeply.

"Good. Can you take out the trash later?"

"Yeah I can do that."

"Thank you, sweetheart!"

I plop onto the couch and start playing Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. God, that is such a good game. I always did like the Smash Bros. games, especially Melee. The combos that people pull off in the tournaments are SICK AS FUCK. Melee is my favorite out of all the Smash Bros. games. It's very technical, though. LOTS of advanced techniques, like L-canceling (which I'm starting to get the hang of), wavedashing, etc. Let's move on before I get off topic again.

I get to a match. I select Captain Falcon, because he's mainly who I use when I go to online matches. I'll use others too, but mostly Falcon. I beat dozens of people without even trying. I become bored, so I turn off the Wii U and head up to my room. I look around and I see all the dirty clothes that were on the floor and I just look at it in disgust.

Shit, this room is a mess. I need to clean it up.

I always tell myself that, but I never do it. I'll either blow it off or just flat-out forget to do it. Yeah, I'm lazy. VERY lazy. It isn't that hard, I know, but I just don't have the enthusiasm to do it. I don't have the enthusiasm to do anything anymore. If I had a job, then that would change very quickly. I want a job so badly, but I don't have an ID. The job that I want to work at requires an ID and your social security card. So I'm stuck doing the same fucking routine every day. It drives me crazy.

I just want to do something different. All my life, I've always wished that I could go somewhere else, besides here. I've already been all over my town, so there isn't anything new that happens around here. It got to the point where it got boring.

I lay on my bed, frustrated by this fact and started thinking to myself.

I want out of this routine. I'm torturing myself by doing the same shit every day.
Why can't I go out and hang out with my friends?
Why can't I do something different?
Why do I have to do the exact same fucking thing, over and over again? IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!

Okay...calm down. Maybe something different will happen tomorrow.

What does Earth even have to offer me, anyway? I want to go somewhere else. If only I could, but I can't. That's impossible. Oh yeah, somehow, a magical portal shows up at the end of my room and, BAM, goodbye planet Earth. You'll never be missed! My family doesn't help me, so why should I miss them? They can go fuck themselves for all I care. My mom is a bitch, my dad is an asshole, and both of my sisters are...irritating. Every single Christmas time, there's always something bad happening and it pretty much ruins my Christmas, especially this Christmas. My mom just had to start a fucking fight with my dad and it led him to being a complete fucking idiot and get angry. I'm so fucking sick of this shit!
If there is some god-like being out there and is listening to my thoughts right now, GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE!

At this point, I was in a pissed off mood. I got out my computer, turned it on and just surfed the web. That's basically all I did that entire day. I stayed in my room until it was time for me to take my medicine. I went downstairs to do so and I was greeted by my mom, who was smoking. She smiled at me, but I didn't smile back. I just give her a wave and went for the medicine cabinet.

"Not in the mood?"

"Just tired, that's all. It was a long day at school and I just want to go to bed."

"Okay. Listen, if you need to talk, I'm here."

"You told me that already."

"I know."

I grunted and took my medicine. My mom and I exchanged a 'goodnight' to each other and I walk the stairs up to my room and close the door. I turn on the fan in the corner of my room and turn off the light. Now, it was me and the darkness that surrounds my room. I plop onto my bed and just stare up at the ceiling.

Maybe what I said was a bit harsh. I still love my family to death, even though they can drive me nuts.

My thoughts then wondered off to My Little Pony. Ah yes, I finally get to talk about this. I got into the show back in July of 2011. I watched the first two episodes and I was instantly hooked. Nowadays, I don't really watch the show that often anymore. I'll watch it every now and then, but that's about it. I shut my eyes and smiled; imagining the world of Equestria.

I wonder what it's like in Equestria. It has to be so peaceful. Man, what I would do to be there. It has to be better then this shitty place.

I secretly have a metal pipe as a weapon for just in case type situations. I pick it up and put it beside me. After doing this, I take off my glasses, wrap the blankets on me and I fall asleep in just a few minutes.

As I was waking, I felt that I wasn't even on my bed anymore. The brightness of the sun was right in my face and I fully felt it's warmth. I also heard the chirping of birds and trees flapping away while the wind was blowing and...I felt it. I open my eyes immediately and stood up. I regret doing so, as my body was in a lot of pain. It felt as though I hit the ground very hard. I put my hand on the back of my head and it didn't seem I was bleeding in any sort of way, which was surprising to me. I look around to see where I was and it looked as though I was in a very dense forest of some sort.

This sort of sent me into a state of panic, because I knew I was nowhere close to being home. I was in a completely different area.

Where the fuck am I? How did I get here? Am I dreaming? Am I still asleep?

I close my eyes and pinch myself very hard, hoping to wake up in my bed. I open my eyes again and I was still in the forest.

...Well, shit. What do I do now?

I knew what I had to do after a few moments of thinking. I had to get out of this forest and look for a town to ask for directions. I couldn't have been too deep in this forest, so maybe getting to a town won't take as long as I'm thinking. As I was getting up, I remembered having my metal pipe beside me when I fell asleep. I look for it and I found it immediately.

"Thank god. Who knows what wild animal is in this forest. There could a dozen of them here, so I have to be extremely cautious."

With that, I start walking; hoping to find someone on the way.

Did I ever mention that I ran away from home a few times when I was younger? My family is very crazy a lot and drama happens constantly, so running away for a while always made me feel better. It also taught me a lot of life lessons; most of which a lot of you might have learned. I learned that running away from your problems won't help. I always tried running away from my past, but in the end, it caught up with me every time. I made some poor decisions in my life, but I have to live with them. I'm not like my dad that always ran away from his problems. No. I man up and face them head-on. But the situation I was in was completely new to me. I didn't know if I was going to find my way back home, because this didn't look like the wooded areas in my town. This was an actual forest. I've been to forests a couple times in my childhood, but that was when I went camping.

I was with my parents and siblings when we went camping. Even though I knew I wasn't alone, I couldn't help but FEEL alone. It was terrible. I wasn't scared, though. I will admit that I was nervous, though. I knew there were dangerous animals here and that's why I kept looking behind; making sure I wasn't being hunted. Though, at times, it felt like I was being watched. I probably was and I didn't even realize it.

As I walked deeper into the forest, not knowing where I was going, the sun's bright light faded immediately, but there was still enough light for me to see where I was going, so I wasn't really worried about that. I'm not afraid of the darkness, but I was afraid of what will emerge from the darkness, so I walked a bit faster than usual. As I was moving forward, something stopped me in my tracks. I saw a figure. A tall figure.

No, it wasn't the Slender Man. Don't be ridiculous. It looked like a big bear. I slowly walk towards it, clenching my metal pipe; ready for a possible fight. As I got closer to it, I could finally see what it was and I almost drop my weapon in utter shock.

No. Fucking. Way.

It was a manticore.

...I don't believe. No way. I have to be dreaming. There's no way that fucking thing exists. I'm still on Earth, aren't I? I have to be. There's just no way. That's impossible!

I heard it growl a bit and I saw it turn around, looking directly at me. I didn't move. I couldn't move. I was frozen in-place. My mind went completely blank. I didn't know what to do. It roared at me and started backing away; thinking I was a threat. The best option for me was to wait for it to go away. There was no way I would be able to survive a manticore attack. I did have my weapon with me, but I don't think it would have that much of an effect on it, so I just waited.

I thought luck was on my side, since it was backing away at first, but I was dead wrong. It stopped in place and got into a pouncing position. My eyes widened and I start backing away; hoping it would do the same again. It didn't. It started coming towards me.

"No no no! Stay away from me. I'm not a threat!" I said, as calm as I could.

That only made it worse. I didn't know what to do at this point. Should I scream for help or try to run away? My mind went completely blank and I stood there frozen in place. I was getting scared. My thoughts were running wild. I was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it, so I just sat down and waited for it to consume its prey. It got ran in my face and...just sniffed my head. It then growled and ran into the forest.

I let out a deep sigh of relief. Luck WAS on my side and I couldn't help but smile. I got up after a few moments of collecting myself and continued forward; hoping that will never happen again.

It still blows my mind that I actually encountered a manticore. I never thought in my life that I would encounter such a creature. Now that I've seen it with my own eyes, I now understand where I am.

I was in the Everfree Forest. If I was in the Everfree Forest, then that could only mean one thing...

"I' Equestria."

"How the hell did I get here?!" I then remembered what I said.

If there is some god-like being out there and is listening to my thoughts right now, GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

How did she hear my plea? I said that out of complete anger. I didn't actually mean it! Er wait...did I mean it? I don't freaking know. All I know is that I'm probably going to be stuck here for a while, until I find my way back home...well, if I EVER get back home, that is. that I think about, I don't think she would allow some random human to be transported here. What if it wasn't Celestia? Luna? ...Discord? That's a high possibility, but I doubt HE did it. God I'm so confused.

The confusion stuck with me as I continued forward. It had to have been an hour or so since I woke up and decided to head towards Ponyville. As I continued forward, I saw a small hut in the distance. I instantly knew who lived there and curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to see if she was there. When I made it to the hut, I very carefully peeked through her window and, surprisingly, she was there; making some sort of potion or something. However, there was something about Zecora that to me.

She had hands and was standing like a normal human would, except she still had hooves. This also blew my mind.

Am I in a universe where all the ponies are anthrofied? ...AWESOME!

After a few minutes of watching her, I decided that I should move on. I quietly walk away from the hut and press on, hoping to get to Ponyville soon. It still blew my mind that I was here in Equestria. However, what REALLY blew my mind is the fact that I was in a universe where all the ponies are anthros. I didn't think of it as weird. I actually found it fascinating. However, I knew that, once I get to Ponyville, citizens might look at me very strangely. I also had to act like I don't know any of the Mane 6, if I was going to meet them, that is. After a few more minutes, I saw an opening of the forest straight ahead. I knew what that meant. I was almost out of this hellhole. I needed to shower badly because of the constant sweating. I could even smell myself a little bit, which is fucking disgusting, I know. So, I walk faster and not even a minute later, I finally got out of the forest, but this was only just the beginning of what was to come next. I didn't immediately walk down to where the citizens would be. I had to be careful about this. I COULD NOT get caught walking around the area. I had to sneak my way to Twilight's library. She has to know that I'm here. Why, because Celestia has to know too, and she probably sent Twilight a message saying that I have arrived. If that is not the case, then I'm probably gonna have to tell her everything.

Just when I was about to head there, I saw a child staring at me with fear. I could see from where I was and I knew that she was probably going to get help. Then, another one came. And another one. It turned into a crowd instantly and all I could do was stand there. I didn't know what to do now. My original plan was an instant failure and now I was frozen. A lot of chattering was going on in the crowd, mostly questions they were asking to themselves, such as:

"What is that thing?"
"Should we approach it or drive it out of town?"
"Is it dangerous?"
"Is this thing a demon or something?"

So on and so forth. What I didn't get was that they've failed to realize that I look kind of like them, except I don't have fur, a snout, and animals ears. I took one step forward and they all gasped, thinking I was going to attack them or something. What are they so scared about? I mean, I understand that a lot of chaos occurred in this town, but do they really need to be scared of a thing that looks identical to them? I don't blame them, honestly, because I think it's their first time witnessing the unknown. Basically, I was an alien to them. An Extraterrestrial. An unknown animal.

It felt weird, to be honest. However, that feeling would be replaced with pain as I was struck with some sort of magic to the chest. I grunted in pain. Trust me when I say this; it fucking hurt. It felt like I was stabbed with a knife thirty times.

"Who...the fuck did that?!" I yelled in anger, as I was getting up.

I was furious and they knew it. I was struck again, but this time it felt more forceful. I screamed in pain and rage. Not even five minutes here and I was already being treated like shit. This was ridiculous. I got back up and looked at the crowd with anger.

"Seriously?! WHO IS DOING THAT?!"

They were all just staring at me with shock.

"...You can talk?!" A person asked in the crowd.

"Yes, I can talk! Why else would I have a mouth?! Now who was the fucker that did that?!"

They all looked around and they didn't seem to know either. I looked around the area and saw a purple blur in the distance. Before I got to see who that was, I was struck by magic for the third time and this time, it caused me to black out. All I remember was a lot of screaming from the crowd and I remember being covered in blood. Then, in a flash, I lost consciousness.


As I started to regain consciousness, I hear beeping noises. I open my eyes slightly and I saw that I was laying on a bed in some sort of room. I then realized that I was in the hospital. At first, I didn't know why, but then it came back to me. I was attacked. I had to get out of here, but as soon as I tried sitting up, my body was met with an intense pain. I immediately laid back down and grunted in pain.

"Why did you do that, Twilight?! He didn't look like he was a threat to us!"

"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking straight. I seriously thought that he was going to do harm to them! I didn't mean to put THAT much force into it! That was an accident!"

"Celestia is not going to be happy when she finds out about this."

"Look! He's awake!"

All of them then turned their heads and looked right at me. Twilight started tearing up and just walked away.


"Let her be, darling. She needs some time before she faces him."

The Mane 6 then came into my room and looked at me with worry.

"We're terrible sorry about what she's done to you. She was just worried, that's all."

I was looking up at the ceiling when she said that.

"Listen...could you by any chance give us you na-"

"No." I said coldly.

"...Okay. Come, girls. We should probably leave him be." Rainbow Dash said.

The door opened and I heard a lot of hoofsteps walking out the room and then the door closed. For a few minutes, I thought I was alone, but I would soon realize that I wasn't. I turn to see who was still here. It was...Fluttershy.


"Is there something you want to say?" I plainly ask.

She kind of flinched at my attitude and I realize what I did. I deeply sigh and groaned in frustration.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just...ugh, I'm freaking furious at your friend!"

"B-but she didn't really mean to d-do that to you. You know that, don't you?"

"...In a way, yes. I guess I understand why she did it, but I don't see why that she had to do that with so much force."

"Like I said, she didn't mean to. She's very upset at herself right now and, trust me, she's extremely sorry for what she did to you."

"I get that."

Fluttershy got up and sat on the bed, looking down at me with a warm smile.

"...If you need to cry, you can...if you want to, that is." She said with a smile.

I look at her and I feel myself melting at her touch. She was so warm and gentle. It's like she understands my pain. My hurt. She' nice. Just as nice as I thought she would be.

"...No...I think I'll do that some other time."

" you...need something?"

"...Yeah...what was her name again?"


"Yeah, that's it. Do you think you could get her over here? I think we need to have a talk."

"Absolutely! I'll be right back." Fluttershy said.

She walked out of the room and went to get Twilight. After a little while of waiting...and thinking, Twilight arrived with bloodshot eyes, indicating that she cried very hard. The door closed behind her and we were left alone to talk.


For the first few minutes with her in the room, she didn't say anything. Not only that, but she didn't look at me. I felt my anger towards her diminish. I felt extremely bad for her. She's devastated. I knew that. I know how that feels and, believe me, it hurts a lot. It heavily wears you down mentally and can cause you to be anxious.


Her ears perked up and she looked at me with a confused look.

"That's my name. My name is Trevor. ...Who are you?"

"...Twilight. Twilight Sparkle."

"It's nice to meet you. ...Look, I know how you feel right now. Trust me, I do, but it's only going to get worse if you don't talk to me. I know you're sorry and I know you feel guilty about what you've done. I'm not angry at you. I know it was an accident. A big one, at that. So, please talk to me, because, like I said, it's only going to get worse if you don't let it all out."

Twilight's ears drooped back down and she turned away from me again. She started sniffling and I saw tears dropping down to the floor.

"...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I-I-I was just protecting them. I didn't mean to traumatize those children. I didn't mean to put that hole in your stomach. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Celestia is going to be so disappointed at me."

"Is she your ruler?"


"...Is she your teacher too? That's what it sounds like to me."

"...Yes...I've always wanted to give her a good impression, but now I think I just gave her the worst one. I could've killed you."

"But you didn't."

She turned around and faced me, standing up with tears going down her face like a waterfall.

"I know, but I can't get the horrible memory of seeing your blood go all over the place out of my head! Over these last five months, I've been trying to forget!"

"Whoa, whoa. I've been out for five months?!"

Twilight wiped the tears off of her face and calmed down enough to explain.

"Yeah. You lost so much blood that you went into a coma. Your injuries guaranteed that you had an extremely slim chance of survival. Faust was on your side, I guess. Consider yourself very lucky. NOBODY has survived an injury that critical up until now. You probably feel very weak, right?"

"Yeah. My arms feel like jello and I can't really feel my legs. So I'm guessing it damaged my spine?"

"Pretty much, but not to the point where you're permanently paralyzed."

"That makes me feel a lot better...I think."

"Look, you won't be like this forever. You still have a lot of healing to do. I mean, you should've seen-"

"The hole? I got an idea, but just...don't tell me, alright? I'll see how big it was when these bandages get taken off."

"Yeah. I think that's the better way, I guess."

"...So...what made you think I was such a big threat, anyway? I'm curious." I asked, giving her my attention.

" wasn't the way you looked, firstly. That would be racist. And...I don't know what came over me, honestly. It was like I said, I thought you were going to attack the crowd."

"Okay, I may be strong, but not strong enough to kill an entire fucking crowd. I mean, I had a pot belly! ...But then again, just because I was a bit chubby, doesn't mean I can't take down some musclebound idiot."

"I don't know about that. There are some strong stallions here in Ponyville."

"Okay? That doesn't intimidate me."

"I...can see that."

Twilight started to turn away from me again.

"Stop thinking about what happened five months ago and focus on what's happening now. I'm fine! I mean, I'm in a lot of pain, but I'll get through it. Trust me, I'm tougher than you think. I'll say it again, I will get through this. You can count on that."

"...I know you can, was just-"

"Traumatizing? Horrifying? I know. I've seen that kind of shit before, but I never thought that...I would experience it. God...I'm glad my family wasn't there."

"Where is your family? Are they here?"


I just look up at the ceiling and tears started rolling down my eyes.

"No. They probably think I'm dead, by now. They've probably already moved on...and that kills me inside. I wish I could go back, but I don't think I can. I'm stuck here for the rest of my life and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it."

"How did you get here?" Twilight asked.

"I don't fucking know. I woke up in the Everfree Forest; feeling like I got ran over by a fucking...truck...what the fuck is a truck?"

My eyes widened when I said that.

Whoa, whoa. What the hell is going on? Why can't I remember what a truck is? I know the word, but I don't know what it is. Same goes for car and motorcycle.

"...What the fuck did those doctors do to me?" I asked, starting to get angry.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Did they do something to my memory, because I can't figure out what a truck is."


"...Do you even have cars here?"

She just tilted her head like she was confused. "...How far along are you in technology?"

"Technology doesn't really matter here. Magic is the primary source for power. Why?"

" do you even..."

I got lightheaded. The heart monitor started going crazy and I heard Twilight calling for me. My vision started going blurry and, before I knew it, I was unconscious again. This time, though, it felt like I died. I could've sworn I heard the monitor flat line, but that could've been my imagination. All I knew was that I couldn't wake up; no matter how hard I tried to. It felt like my eyes were locked tight. Maybe...I was dead after all...or so I thought.

"Charging! ...CLEAR!"

I felt something cold on my chest, but then electricity filled my entire body and I immediately opened my eyes and sat up; not feeling any pain whatsoever. I look around and, at first, didn't recognize where I was, but then a purple blur rushed me and embraced me tightly; whaling.

"...What the hell just happened? Did...I just die?"

"For a while, yes. We've been trying for an hour. We honestly thought that you were long gone, so we were about to give up. However, we tried one more time and, boom! You're back to life! The stress is probably what caused it, so you should probably get some more rest. Miss Sparkle, unfortunately, will have to leave, but we'll give you two a while to talk. When you're sure you two are done, then please have her-"

"No! ...I'm going to stay with him." Twilight barely said.

"Is this what you want, sir?"

"I don't mind. I could use some company." I said.

"Okay then. We'll leave you two alone. Remember, stay relaxed and, hopefully, this won't happen again."

"Got it."

With that said, the doctor and Nurse Redheart left the room; shutting the door behind them. Now it was Twilight and I alone. As she was still crying, I kind of giggled. She looked up at me with a confused look.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asked.

"Oh nothing. It's just that...I never would've thought that I'd actually die. I'm too young for death. So...I guess I could call this a near-death experience."

" see anything?"


"What did you see? Where did you go?"

"...I...I went to..."


"I went to Hell...and...oh god, no."

Twilight sat up on the bed and held my hand; giving me her attention. "You need to tell me so that I can tell Celestia."

"...W-why? Why tell her?"

"Because she has seen Hell. She can help you get on the right path."

"...Why do you care so much?" I asked.

Twilight just looked down for a second and looked back at me and smiled.

"Because there's something special about you and she knows it. Trust me when I say this; she wouldn't have brought you into this world if she didn't see something in you. Many of your kind have come to this land, but have fallen into insanity and were sent back with no knowledge of being here. She's not going to give up on you. She may given up on the others, but she won't give up on you."

"What makes me so special? There is nothing special about me. I'm just like any other human. I make mistakes, I make bad decisions, and I do stupid shit. So what the fuck makes me so special?!"

"Celestia will tell you when she gets here tomorrow."

"Wait...she's coming here...tomorrow? She...wants to see me?"

"Of course she does! She knows about the accident, so she's extremely worried about you. She just wants to make sure that you're okay. If you're lucky enough; she might get you out of here early."

"How? A healing spell?"

"Yes. IF you're lucky enough."

"...Okay." I took a deep breath and I begin telling her everything.

That one hour felt like an eternity. All I saw was darkness for a while. Then I started to see a light. It was like I was in a tunnel. I ran towards it, but as I was getting closer. It started to dim out. I ran as fast as I could, but it was too late. The door to heaven closed and I was in darkness again. The sound of glass breaking filled my ears and I was falling into more darkness. As I fell further, I began to feel a very intense heat. I then realized where I was gong. I was going to Hell. I cried as the heat got more intense.

That was when I decided to look down. I saw multiple rings of fire. As I went through them, I began to hear the screams of agony. I would soon be a part of them...or so I thought. I did see where I was going to land and I was bracing for impact. Just when I was about to land in Hell, it all stopped. It was gone. The screams were no longer heard and I was just floating in darkness again. But just when I thought I would away from it, huge flames of fire then surrounded me.

Then...that's when I heard the screams again. I even heard a child cry. That put me into tears. The ground felt like hot concrete. I just laid there and awaited the inevitable. I felt nothing again. I opened my eyes, but I didn't know if they were open or not. I was in darkness again. That's when...He began talking to me.


He then laughed like I've never heard a person laugh before and continued laughing until I woke back up in the hospital bed.

"...So...basically, I was close to being in Hell. Oh god...the children. Their screams."

Twilight crawled over to me and held me in her arms. "It's okay. You're alive again and that is all that matters."

"I know...but..."

"Ssh. Just try to get some rest, okay? Celestia will be here tomorrow and, when she gets here, you can tell her everything."

"Are you staying here?"

"Nah. I actually thought about going back home. You need some alone time, anyway. Besides, I'm very tired and I really want to get some sleep." Twilight gets up, opens the door and looks back at me. "Like I said before, everything will be alright. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"...I guess."

"Okay then. Goodnight." Twilight said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I found myself alone again, but in the darkness this time. After she left a few minutes ago, she came into mind. What was really strange is that she cares for me so much. She practically pounced at me when I came back from the dead. There were a couple questions that came into mind and these stuck out from the rest of them.

What plans does 'She' have for me? Also, who is 'She'? Celestia? Luna?

As I thought about it, I found myself suddenly exhausted. My eyes immediately got heavy.

Well...I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Celestia might have the answers I need.

With that said, I wrapped the blanket around me, got into a comfortable sleeping position and fell asleep. If only I knew how crazy tomorrow is going to be. Man...that's a day I'll never forget.