> Padded Paradise > by Shizuo35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Paddles to Plastic Pants > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late at night at the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor was in bed in the dark stretched out on his back. Moonlight shown through large balcony window. Shining looked around the room giving a sigh. 'Dammit Cadence you better not be having any trouble with that outfit I bought for you...' He thought. Suddenly the door flew open slamming against the wall. Cadence came in with a leathery outfit on and flipped on the light revealing that Shining was bound to the bed and gagged. "Well well well..." Cadence said walking inside the room. "It seems somepony has been a very bad guard and a bad husband too!" She surveyed her husbands body closely and saw that his cock remained sheathed. Nothing but his black balls sat covering his anus. She sighed and sat on the bed. "...This is the third night in a row and I haven't gotten even an inch out of you..." Shining used his magic and unlatched the gag removing it. He stretched his mouth a bit and looked to his now sad wife. "It isn't my fault Caddie... This bondage thing just isn't working out either way!" He said releasing himself from his bounding clasps. He sat up next to Cadence. "For one I don't want to hurt you if we switch roles. Anyone who passes us on the street and sees that you have a cut across your flank, your cheek or any part of you they'll think I'm beating you! And the other its just the same routine. You tie me up, gag me, call me a slut while giving me a strap-on up the ass and you just use your magic forcing me to feel the pain of each orgasm wanting to come and when you do let me cum you force me to drink it like I'm sucking a margarita through a straw." Cadence leaned on him whimpering a bit. "...Face it... I'm not fit to be with you..." She said tearing up. "...How can I be the Princess of Love if I cant give my husband a stiff soldier?" Shining hugged her and held her close falling back onto the bed. "...Cadence you and I went out for a long time... Even when Twily was still learning to potty train..." He said. "... Saying you aren't good for me after all the time we were together is like saying Princess Celestia isn't good enough to raise the sun! Now get out of that and lets go to bed. Its late and you have a big day tomorrow." Cadence sniffled and kissed Shining on the cheek before breaking free from his hug. She rolled out of bed and used her magic to stretch the outfit a bit before stepping out of it. She went back into the bed climbing under the covers to nuzzle her husband. "...N-night Shiny..." She said. "Night Caddie..." Shining replied softly. As Shining closed his eyes Cadence shifted rolling to a more unoccupied side of the bed. She used her magic to turn the light off. Now she sat in the dark. Moonlight came in from a window just feet from the bed. It was a round window so she had something to lean on if she planned to feel a cool breeze come by. She slowly got out of bed and walked to the window. She stood and sighed staring out over the land she knew. "... I cant believe I just... Let him down like that..." She said to herself. "...No twitch... Not even any bedroom eyes..." Cadence sighed hanging her head in defeat. She turned around and walked back to the bed lying on top of the covers. As she closed her eyes she thought of different ways she could please her husband. Not even a few seconds after closing her eyes she slept almost soundly. She was having a bit of a bad dream. She dreamt she was watching her husband pack his bags. Twilight Sparkle at his side helping him pack everything away with a sad expression. "...Shining... Are you really really REALLY sure you want to do this...?" She asked her brother. Shining glanced over at Cadence and nodded a bit hesitantly as he zipped up a suitcase. "...Twily... You might not know this yet but not all couples stay together for a long time..." He said. "...Now... Why don't you take your BBBFF and lets go to your place... I need to be with my little sister for some comfort..." Cadence saw tears come to his eyes. Twilight hugged him as he started to sniffle. Everything started to fade to black. All that remained was Cadence sitting as if she were still in the bedroom. "...Trouble in bed Cadence?" Somepony asked. Cadence looked behind her and saw Princess Luna approaching her. "...I'm afraid so Auntie Luna..." She said. "...Shining and I have been having sex the same way and... It's getting boring... love never gets boring when you're with someone who you've spent time with... Their family adores you for what you've done for them and the young ones in their family that look up to you like they just want to be with you instead of the one who you're already with..." Luna sighed sitting next to her. "Cadence I'm going to be straight with you..." She said. "...Things will get boring if you do them too often and if you do the same thing over and over again. My advice is either do it every other weekend or change what you're doing entirely." She rested her wing on her nieces back. "My suitors up until my banishment always did the same thing. It got old after a while and it just bored me. My guards threw the suitor out thinking he had displeased me- which he did- and gave me the next suitor who did the exact same thing. These days it was the same up until one day I just said 'instead of doing something you want me to do you're doing what I want to do' and everything got fun again." Cadence sighed. "That's the problem Auntie..." She said. "Shining and I have been doing that... I tell him I want to do a thing, he says yes and we do it but... I just need some fresh material... This material is stinking stuff up like a foal who just messed their diaper." The pink mares aunt gave a bit of a smile. "Well I'd suggest you change this dirty foal!" She said. "Change that foal's leathery diaper and put it in a more absorbent clean diaper!" Cadence looked up at Luna. "...What do you mean by that?" She asked. The midnight blue alicorn stood up. "Well just think about it!" She said giving a smile. "You're a foal sitter. You can probably think of a way to do that." The pink and colorful maned mare thought for a moment. She hummed thinking about what she did for a job. She changed foal's diapers, changed sheets for fillies and colts old enough to use the toilet during a night time job, even helped a few fillies during a potty training session. "You mean... Treat Shining like a foal?" She said. She looked back at her aunt. Luna nodded. "So... Make him wet himself? Like putting his hoof in warm water while he sleeps?" Luna thought for a moment. "Well... That isn't what I had in mind.... But you're on the right track." She said. "Who knows maybe you do that for a few nights, make him think he's having accidents. If you'd like I can help you out by giving him a few bad dreams!" Cadence gave a giggle looking back at Luna. "Luna you know that he cant be scared of anything. Besides he told me a few times that you've been intentionally putting him in situations where he had no other choice but to just stand there and take it." She replied. "Speaking of Shining.... Do you think I could take a bit of money for this? If shining wets the bed he's probably going to change the sheets and buy more and I am going to need diapers just incase..." Luna smiled. "Why certainly Cadence!" She said. "I'll get a guard to give me a bag. I'll sneak it in to your carriage when you arrive to the castle. A guard will tell you where those Bits are! Now I suggest waking up. It's nearly your eight AM wake up call and my morning coffee. I'll be seeing you soon!" The aunt alicorn gave her alicorn niece a hug. As they broke the hug Luna's horn glowed a bit. She waved before fading into darkness. Cadence now sat in darkness. She heard snoring. Probably Shining. She heard a door open and hooves against the hard floor. "Princess Cadence?" Someone said. They nudged her a bit. "Come princess we must not be late on your big day!" Cadence groaned a bit and shifted, cuddling up to Shining. She could feel the other pony reaching over her and shaking Shining who snorted a bit. He groaned as well but brought his head up. He stretched a bit before looking to an orange Pegasus guard. "Ah Flash!" He said. He looked down at Cadence and sighed. He looked back up at the guard. "I'll take it from here. We didn't exactly have a sound sleep." Flash nodded. "Understood sir." He said. "Shall I prepare the coffee and breakfast?" Shining pried his wife off of him and stood up from the bed. "Do it... Faster we eat the faster we can get to the Canterlot train station." He said stretching more. His back cracked a bit. Flash nodded and hurried back out of the room. Shining looked to Cadence. "Caddie you need to wake up now. You may not have done much last night but today is a new day!" Cadence flipped over bunching the covers over her. "...Just... Go away I don't wanna get up I'm tired..." She said. Shining's horn glowed a bit and he yanked the covers off. "Sorry Cadence I cant let you do that." He said. "Princess Celestia is expecting both of us. Maybe later we can take a bit of rest in our honeymoon suite at Canterlot." Cadence sighed and opened her eyes. Her mane was a mess as she sat up in bed. She brought a wing up and started to preen it. It only took a few seconds for her to get it back in place before getting up from the bed with the help of Shining. "...I guess I should get up..." She said. "...More I lay in bed grieving over my failed attempts at sexual pleasure, the more time I lose to forget about the whole endeavor." She mustered up a smile and stretched extending her wings. Shining grinned a bit. "That's the spirit!" He said. "Now come on, get your mane brushed and meet me in the dining room!" He said. He kissed her on the cheek and nuzzled her before walking away. Cadence waited before she was alone to sit back down on the bed to give a hefty sigh. Her horn glowed and so did a drawer in her nightstand. It opened a bit and she pulled out a brush. She started to brush her mane tugging at it getting past some knots. "...Come on Cadence you can do this just... Try what auntie Luna told you..." She whispered to herself. "Or... Maybe just... Try diapering yourself... You were in diapers at one time but... That was some years ago... What to do what to do...?" She sighed again now deep in thought. She remained in thought as she walked out into the hall. She walked through the halls with a guard at her side she didn't even acknowledge when he joined her. Once they got to the dining area Shining sat at a six seat table. Cadence went to the seat right next to his and sighed hanging her head a bit. Shining looked over. "Caddie cheer up!" He said. "I just got word from Princess Celestia your favorite little sister is going to be there!" The alicorn mare looked to her husband. "...It might bring my mood up if I spend some time with Twilight..." She said. "...Do you think Celestia will allow me to spend time with her at all...? I mean... Today I have to help Celestia fix a few wrongs made back in Saddle Arabia... She needs me to be there just in case the leader and his wife get a bit hostile." Shining gave a shrug. "Celestia's business is really important." He said. "My guess is Twily could come just after you're done which should only take... I don't know an hour at the most." His wife gave a hesitant smile. 'Okay you're here.... Ask him dammit.... Ask him if he wants to try something different!' She thought to herself. "Shining sweetums?" She said. Shining smiled and looked into his wifes eyes. "Yes Caddie?" He said. Just as Cadence was going to ask her question but a unicorn stallion came in dressed up in chefs attire holding two plates in his magic. He set them both down, one in front of Shining Armor and the other in front of Cadence. "Here we are Princess!" He said. "Shining had me make your favorite waffles WITH a few blue berries in the mix." Shining looked to the chef and got up beckoning him over to the corner. He followed him leaving Cadence alone at the table. "What was that?" Shining asked. "I asked you to make Cadence's favorite breakfast! Those blueberry waffles are my sisters favorite breakfast!" The chef grunted and stomped his hoof. "I knew there was some bit of confusion when I found the recipe!" He said. "Terribly sorry Prince Shining. Shall I take the plates back?" Shining looked over at Cadence and saw her happily eating her waffles. He looked back at the chef. "I'll let this slide but please remember that Princess Cadence's favorite breakfast is heart-shaped pancakes with chocolate chips in them!" He said. "Now kindly bring us something to drink to wash this meal down with. We have to go soon!" The chef nodded and hurried back into the kitchen. Shining went back to the table and sat next to his wife giving a sigh. "Sorry about that Cadence.... Now what were you going to say?" Cadence looked to him as she swallowed a the bite she had taken. "I was going to ask where the food was." She said. "Here now! Too late to ask and Shining he actually did have the order right. Last time we had Twilight over she had gotten sick off of the sweetness of the blueberries." Shining thought for a moment. "...OH!" He said having a sudden realization. "I was away from the table to attend to a problem in town that's right!" He put his hoof up to his head sighed. "I think I'm starting to forget who likes what! Next time I think I might mix up where my own parents home is with where Twily lives." Cadence rolled her eyes as she ate more. 'Or how to control your bladder during a nap.' She thought. "Say Shining maybe after I'm done with the Saddle Arabian diplomats we could commandeer a room and try again with our naughty play time!" She said giving a blushing grin. Shining grinned a bit as well. "Maybe Caddie just try not to take so long." He said giving a bit of a yawn. "...Woke up a couple hours after we went to bed and I just couldn't help but stay up with a few cups of coffee.... They actually might be starting to wear off..." Cadence perked up. "Well when we get to Canterlot you can sleep as much as you want." She said. "After Celestia is done I'll come in and have a nap with you." Shining smiled a bit just as the chef came back out with two mugs of what looked to be hot chocolate. It looked dark and murky. Not brown enough to be coffee with cream in it and not even a shot at being dark coffee. He looked to the chef. "Thanks and I take back what I said about this being the wrong meal." Shining said. "I've got a lot on my mind... Not to mention very tired..." He yawned again. The chef sighed wiping his fore head. "I was sure I had screwed up somewhere..." He said. "Well... You enjoy your breakfast!" Both Cadence and Shining gave a smile as they continued to eat. About ten minutes later Shining was walking down the castle steps all armored up with Cadence at his side. They both looked very full off of their meal. Shining looked as if he were having a child. Cadence looked at Shining's flank. His tail barely covered his blackened taint and sack. '....Jeez that flank would be perfect in a nappy....' She thought to herself. Shining looked back at her and she immediatly looked forward. "Caddie? Were you eyeing me up?" He asked. Cadence blushed and nodded hesitantly. Shining laughed a bit. "Dont worry Cadence look ALL you want." He raised his tail giving Cadence a better view. Cadence's wings extended with a loud POMF! She cleared her throat putting her wings back in place. "Shining dear put your tail down!" She said. "Well unless it's doing anything for you! Is it?" Shining sighed putting his tail back down. "...Not really Caddie..." He said sadly. "But seriously can you just let last night go? You brought it up twice this morning and you're making me feel like it's my fault!" Cadence sighed as well. "Shining it isnt your fault! It isnt mine either!" She said. "You really would've hated it if i were using that strap-on. The time before we actually ran out of lube and i lost the bottle!" The guard she called her husband gave a grunt. "Okay I admit I used some lube to help dislodge one of the guards from his dented armor after he fell down stairs!" He said as they got to the ground floor. "Can we hurry and get to Canterlot?" Cadence asked. "Celestia cant wait for me forever and there are things at stake with this meeting!" Shining nodded and hurried outside. Cadence followed. An hour later Cadence was walking through the halls with Princess Celestia and the Saddle Arabian prince at her side. "...Tell me Princess...." He said. "...Why did you not take my advice about wearing that veil I had sent you just weeks before the ceremonies for my daughter getting married?" Princess Celestia looked to the prince. "I apologize for not wearing that veil." The Solar Princess said. "I had my guards keep it in a special place but what i didnt account for was that there was a leak that ended up ruining that veil... Not to mention the last wedding i was at with your father when your sister got married her husband ended up getting drunk and he attacked one of my guards thinking he was keeping him from his bride." She looked back foreward. "That stallion had blurry vision and the alcohol he had drank was laced with LSD making him think i was his bride when he looked at me." The prince sighed. "Yes Amir was drunk yet i didnt know his drink was laced with any drugs." He said. "And honestly if you had told me about your veil getting ruined I would have sent over another as quick as it could be made." Just then a guard ran up bowing in respect to Princess Celestia and Cadence. "Princess Cadence! You are needed in your honeymoon suite!" He said. Cadence sighed looking up at Celestia. "Please excuse me Celestia." She said. She looked to the Saddle Arabian Prince. "And to you Prince Hassan I am sorry to leave this meeting but before i leave i have a suggestion!" Prince Hassan looked to Cadence and tilted his head. "Wha? What do you have on your mind?" He asked. Cadence smiled. "The suggestion is give Celestia another veil and reenact the wedding!" She said. "It may not be authentic but maybe tell your daughter the official who had done the wedding wasnt certified at the time of the wedding. Perhaps that will work for you?" Celestia looked down at the prince as he thought. "...Ah... Yes yes... That is perfect!" He said giving a smile. "This will fix EVERYTHING! Princess Cadence you are briliant! For that I send you both genuine Saddle Arabian silk veils and dresses!" Cadence and Celestia smiled. "You are very welcome Prince!" Cadence said bowing for him. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to attend to my own matters!" Princess Celestia and Prince Hassan nodded just before Cadence went off with the guard at her side. As they walked Cadence looked to the guard. "Okay give me the heads up. Is it Shining or Twilight?" The guard looked to her. "Princess Twilight just approached me and told me that you were needed." He said. "I wasn't sure if it were her or your husband that needed you but she did seem a bit worried." Cadence sighed. "If it's Twilight being worried it has to be her brother." She said. "I've seen her when she gets worried. Before Shining became the head of the royal guard he had to go to the boot camp. You remember boot camp don't you?" They turned the corner and the guard nodded. "Well when Shining went to boot camp his parents hired me to come and visit Twilight to make sure she was happy while her brother was away which pretty much was every day. I even denied payment because only seeing Twilight's smile was payment enough. That and I did have a few other jobs to do." The guard chuckled a bit. "I do love the smile of a child. Always warms up my day no matter what." He said. Not even a moment later they both came up on Princess Twilight Sparkle who was pacing back and forth in front of a pink and red door marked 'Private'. The guard broke off and kept going down the hall as Cadence hugged her sister-in-law. "Thank god you're here Cadence!" Twilight said sounding a bit scared. Cadence broke the hug. "Something tells me Princess Luna put you up to something with your brother didn't she?" She asked. Twilight nodded hesitantly. "...She visited in my dream last night and told me you were wanting to try something but you were a bit too hesitant on doing it..." She said blushing hard. "...I really had to help to keep my brother happy with his marriage even if it had to mean playing some mean tricks on him for your sex life..." She averted her gaze. Cadence rolled her eyes. "Twilight you did what you needed." She said. "Now... Why don't we go in and give your brother a hug?" Twilight took a few deep breaths ridding herself of her nervousness and opened the door. The thick scent of fresh and warm urine came to the two alicorn's noses as they entered the dimly lit room. Cadence flipped on the light and saw Shining sitting in the corner crying softly in his hooves. A large stain sat on the bed covering a great portion of the bed. Shining saw Cadence approaching him. He cowered. "...D-don't look at me Caddie..." He said. Cadence sat with Shining and rested a hoof on his shoulder as Twilight sat on the other side. "Shining don't worry... Your tired mind took control and you relaxed a bit too much making you have an accident." Cadence said softly. "...You need me to make everything better?" Shining shook his head curling up in a ball. Twilight hugged her brother. "C'mon Shining... You know mom n dad would help you to get you to stop crying." She said softly. "...Now that you're married Cadence can help even more.... If you don't want her to help can I at least try and help?" Shining looked up at Cadence and looked for some sort of tick as he nodded hesitantly. "Don't worry shiny..." Cadence said stroking his mane. "I wont be mad if you only want your sister to help. Now go get cleaned up while I clean up here. Okay my blue maned bodyguard?" Shining sniffled and nodded before getting up with his sister. Cadence followed them to the door and watched them as they started to walk away down the hall together Twilight having a wing rested on her brothers back. Cadence sighed and closed the door before flashing away. She flashed back in front of Luna's bedroom where a few unicorn guard's stood. They weren't even phased by the fact that Princess Cadence just appeared in front of them. They bowed in respect to her. "May I enter my aunt's room please?" She asked. The guards looked to each other. One shrugged just before they looked back at Cadence. "Uh... Yes Princess Cadence." The guard on the right said. "But... May I ask why you need to see her?" Cadence sighed. "Do you really need to question a princess of her business?" She asked. The guards shook their heads and stepped aside. "Good choice boys. I'll see it that Shining does something about you." One of the guards used is magic to open the door for Cadence before nearly silently shutting it behind her. Inside Cadence saw Luna sitting at a desk staring into a fish tank filled with spider webs. "Auntie Luna?" Luna looked behind her and gave a smile getting up from the desk. "Cadence!" She said going and hugging her. "Tell me did you find the money in your carriage on the way from the train station?" Cadence nodded before breaking the hug with her aunt. "I kept it hidden in my tail. Shining tries to keep his eyes off of my flank when he's out with me. Just wanting to look professional." She said. "Auntie Luna I wanted to ask something..." She averted her gaze a bit. "...Did you get Twilight to make Shining wet the bed?" She looked back at Luna who gave a nod. "Well I wanted to help you somehow." Luna replied. "I actually invited Twilight but I had her say she was showing up out of the random. She must've put her brothers hoof in warm water like I asked and she hid the bowl after." She gave a giggle. "Now judging by what had happened you had Shining go wash up?" Cadence nodded. "Good. Now why don't you and I do a little shopping down in the mall?" Cadence tilted her head. "The mall? Why would I want to go and spend the money you gave me at the mall?" She asked. Luna smiled a bit going for the door. "There's a shop that I told Rarity about so she could work for multiple clients and not take any breaks." She said as she opened the door. "Not to mention she had to grab a few things for her sister." Cadence followed her aunt outside into the hall. "She got diapers for herself and for that 'baby sister' she calls her sometimes and has always kept it a secret from her friends." Cadence gave a bit of a confused look. "You mean... There's a shop in the mall that sells diapers fitting for adult ponies and little colts and fillies?" She said. Luna nodded as they went past a few guards. "Well... What if anypony sees me buying those diapers?" Luna giggled a bit. "Cadence you're a foal sitter!" She said. "Anyone who sees will think you're prepping for a foal-sitting job. Perhaps for a foal who has an illness affecting their mind or something of an amnesia thing." The princess of love hummed. "I forgot there are adult ponies who have a regressed mind because of some trauma..." Cadence said. "Not to mention those poor ponies with those disabilities. I really feel sorry for them." Luna gave a sigh. "As do I Cadence." She replied. "Let not that thought fog your mind dear Cadence. We need to hurry and grab those diapers. Wouldn't want someone to have an accident now would we?" Cadence shook her head and stepped up her walking. Not much later Princess Luna and Princess Cadence were walking with four guards around them. They walked around a fancy looking shopping mall. Ponies around them had their heads lowered in respect for them. Cadence smiled at everyone she had passed. "We mustn't take too long here auntie." Cadence said. "The longer we take the less time I have to make sure Shining does not catch on." Luna nodded and looked over the unicorn guard in front of her. She saw a shop ahead with a sign in the shape of a rattle with the words 'Funny Foal Care' written almost as if a child wrote it. "Ah there it is!" She said. She looked to her guards around her. "Come on we need to swing by that foal care supply store for Cadence's next foal sitting job!" The guard in front looked back at Luna and nodded before cutting through a crowd making a path for the princesses and the guards. The guard on point got the door open and let Luna and Cadence in. The two guards on either side entered with the two princesses. Inside there was nobody but a motherly looking mare at the counter. Long curly violet mane and tail, a light pink coat and her cutie mark was a diaper with a heart on the front of it. Wings sat on her back. She came from behind the counter seeing both princesses and bowed in respect for them. "...My my this is an honor to have one of the best foal sitters in Equestria here in my shop!" The clerk said going back behind the counter. "Anything I can get you? Anything at all I'll be happy to do it!" Luna looked to her guards. "Stand outside. No threats in here." She said. The guards saluted and went for the door. Once the guards were outside Luna looked to Cadence. "Go on. Ask." Cadence nodded before taking a breath. She looked to the clerk blushing a bit. "Miss I'd like to purchase some adult foal things please." She said. The clerk looked to the door and windows. No pony seemed to be looking except for the guards. She looked back to Luna. "Princess Luna might I ask you to have your guards turn the other way?" She asked. "These kinds of transactions are supposed to be private even with Princesses." Luna gave a nod before looking towards the door. She raised her hoof and moved it in a circle making the guards turn completely around. The clerk flew over the counter and pulled some curtains shut blocking the windows. Only the store lights remained to illuminate everything. Cadence blushed even more. "....W-why do you have these transactions private?" She asked. The mare sighed going towards a curtain in the corner. "Well ponies don't like being seen purchasing things from a foal's store that aren't for foals." She said turning back around. She nodded back meaning 'follow me'. Cadence hesitantly stepped towards the mare. Luna stayed back. "I've had done one transaction for a stallion and his mother happened to come by. I wont say what I sold him but his mother had to live with him for a while." The mare opened the curtain and both her and Cadence entered. Inside there was a stock room filled with shelves each having a lot of foal things. Pacifiers, diapers, onesies, hoofy pajamas made to look like wonderbolts uniforms, suits, even a few novelty ones like 'mommy's little stinker.' There were a few shelves covered with tarps marked 'JUNK' in black markers. The mare looked back at Cadence. "Can you help me get these up please?" Cadence nodded and used her magic to help fold the tarps over to the other side. These shelves had much bigger packages of diapers, onesies, pacifiers, hoofy pajamas, and even had big jars of foal food along with big bottles, bibs and jumbo tubs of wet wipes. "...All of this is for adults?" She said gazing at the stocked shelves. The clerk gave a nod. "I've got things for grown mares, stallions, even for those in between." She said. "Judging by your nervousness it isn't just a normal thing for you to come in and ask for adult diapers. Trouble in bed with your hubby?" Cadence nodded a bit hesitantly blushing hard. "Well diapers aren't going to cut it. If he feels the need to do this stuff you're going to need the full package. That means a few onsies, pacifiers, a pair of hoofy pajamas, diapers, even some food." Cadence shook her head a bit. Her jaw dropped shocked. "B-but I only came in for diapers!" She said. "I was going to play off I knew he wet the bed but how am I going to hide all of this stuff? I cant just bring it in the carriage and on the train! My husband will know I set him up on that!" The mare before her went behind cadence and grabbed a few boxes prepped and ready to go with the top already opened. She grabbed a few onesies and hoofy pajamas giving a bit of a laugh. "Those guards out there could deliver this for you." She said. "You can take the diapers and put them in the carriage. These will just be an added surprise if he wants to do more. By the way I'm throwing in some hoofy PJ's for you as well just in case your husband doesn't want to wear them. Make him think you're wearing them to make him feel comfortable wearing them." Cadence used her magic to take a package of diapers off of the shelf. "...I've actually thought about it this morning." She said. "Not the PJ's but the diapers. What's deterring me is the fact that I've been potty trained longer than you've been alive." She looked at the diapers. They had a foal-like feel to them with the packaging they were in. "And... Being a princess wearing a diaper would make it seem like I want to feel young again or I'm losing control of my bladder so much i'm forced into these." The mare turned to her as she closed the box lid. "Princess you're getting a bit way in over your head." She said approaching Cadence. "Those diapers are being worn as a thing to bring pleasure back into the bed time wrestle you two do. If you chose to wear those outside of that I could see that happening but that should stay a secret. I think it would make a statement about something if a princess wears and uses her diapers." Cadence set the diapers on her back and gripped them in her wings. "Well... Thanks..." She said. "How much do I owe you for all of this?" The mare thought for a moment mumbling under her breath. She looked to Cadence. "Nine bits." She said. Cadence tilted her head confused. "Yes you heard right. You only asked for the diapers. I'm only charging you for the diapers. Consider all the rest a thanks for foalsitting for me as well. You may not remember me but... Take my word on it." The clerk gave a smile and winked. Cadence smiled as well using her magic to take the bit bag braided in her colorful tail out. She opened it up and took nine bits from it setting it in the mare's hoof. "Thank you Miss..." She said. "...True I might not remember your name but I do remember you were one I never had to use my magic on. Always a good little filly. By the way... I'll have guards return to retrieve the box. They'll know where to deliver it." The mare nodded and went back towards the curtain. "Well Princess Cadence I'll get you a bag for that and you can be on your way." She said. Cadence smiled and followed her out. Luna stood just as she were before. The clerk went behind the counter and Cadence joined her aunt again. Cadence placed the diapers on the counter as the mare grabbed a big paper back. "Alright I do hope things work out for that foal. If he still refuses to wear those diapers you know what to do." Cadence took the bag in her magic and put the diapers in it setting it on her back. "I definitely will do what I do best!" She said. "You do have a good day Miss. And... Maybe if you need a few pointers on foal care I would be happy to help. I mean that cutie mark cant come from nothing you know!" The mare gave a laugh and smiled at Cadence. "I will definitely write to you if I ever have any questions." She said coming back around the counter. She bowed in respect to both princesses again before watching them both leave. Hours later Shining Armor was on the train with Cadence. Cadence had the diapers at her side in the private car she and Shining had all to themselves if they needed to sleep, if they wanted to have fun on a long train ride or just to spend some time together. Shining was blushing with his head hung a bit. "...Cadence it was just one bed wetting..." He said. "...I don't see why you had to go buy those..." Cadence sighed. "Shining I bought these so we don't have guards coming in to clean our sheets and I don't want them talking bad about you." She said. "Besides would you want your sister and her friends having a sleep over just to have Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie walk by our room in the middle of the night to use to toilet only to see you in the corner crying while I strip the bedding off." She nuzzled him a bit. "I just want you to sleep soundly and not wake up in a puddle of your own urine." Shining sighed. "...Well... Alright Caddie..." He said nuzzling back. "...Hopefully this doesn't take that long to blow over... I really would want Twily and her friends over... I miss seeing her... Mom and dad... I don't want to sound mean but... It's like ever since we got married I've been too busy making you happy to visit with my own family and see how they were doing...." He lied down on the bed they were on. Cadence shushed her husband. "...Shining don't be so hard on yourself..." She said. "...I know you aren't blaming me... Maybe tomorrow we can have your mother and father here to have a dinner and bring your sister and her friends over for a nice dinner with family AND friends." Shining gave a bit of a smile as his wife lied on top of him. "See? There's a smile from my big boy!" Cadence blew raspberries into Shining's stomach making him laugh. "C-Caddie!" He said through his laughs. "C'mon stop! I'm not a foal anymore!" The lovey princess' heart dropped a bit and she stopped. She sighed getting up from the bed. "Alright then Shining..." She said. "...If you'll excuse me I need to use the toilet." Shining looked to the diapers and then to his wifes flank. "Wait!" He said. Cadence stopped and looked back at him. "Why don't you use one of these diapers? I... I just want to uh... to spend some more time with you...?" Cadence giggled a bit nervously. "You sure this isn't something to get me to take those for myself?" She said trying to play it off. "I want to save those for when ever you have an accident while you sleep. If I go in those it's like I'm de-potty training myself. If that happens and I wet myself during a speech or a foal sitting visit I don't think I'd be leaving our bathroom." She gave her husband a humble smile. "Lets just keep those nappies dry and on your flank! Now if you will excuse me..." Cadence turned back around and left the train car. Shining looked at the packaging on the diapers. There was a picture of a foal in his onsie, a diaper puffed up on his flank as he sat sucking on a pacifier. There was also an illustration of the diapers inside. It was a sky setting with white clouds that faded to thunder clouds when wet. "...Maybe these are my best bet right now..." He said to himself. "...I really don't want the other guards thinking I could be making a mess at any time in the day during my patrols..." The stallion gave a sigh and lied back on the bed. He sat there for a while until Cadence returned. When she came back she looked a bit relieved. She noticed Shining looking as if he were going to pass out. "Shining does somepony need a nap?" She asked. Shining nodded a bit. "Alright we should almost be at the castle. Just go take a walk to keep yourself awake until we get to the castle so we can go to our room and so I can get you in your diapers." Shining nodded and rolled off the bed onto his hooves. He stretched a bit before walking towards the door. About a half hour later the train pulled up to the station in the Crystal Empire. A few Pegasus guards stepped off making the few ponies in the station back away from the train. Cadence stepped out with the bag hiding the diapers in her magic. Shining stepped out behind her with his armor on. As the other ponies bowed in respect Shining hurried up to Cadence's side. "...Cadence can I at least try and nap without one of those?" He asked whispering. Cadence sighed a bit. "Shining you know these 'sleep masks' are supposed to keep our complexion all nice." She said. "Not trying to be mean here but you're starting to look a bit stressed. This is more for you than it is me." She looked to Shining and whispered in his ear. "Please don't try to weasel out of this. The more you don't want to be padded up the more of a chance we wake up wet and embarrassed." Shining sighed and hung his head a bit. A little while later they were back in the castle. Cadence was just diapering Shining who was blushing hard. "Alright now Shining is there anything you want me to do before I go eat lunch?" She asked pulling her husbands tail through the tail hole. Shining averted his gaze and nodded as she closed it up. "...C-can you at least nap with me please...?" He asked hesitantly. "...I just... I just don't feel comfortable sleeping alone... Not to mention if I do wet myself... I don't want to make it seem like I'm hiding something if I need you to help me clean up..." He blushed harder than he already was. Cadence stood up and thought for a moment. "Well... I could come back after I eat..." She said. "But... then again I'm not feeling as hungry as this morning... Those Blueberry waffles filled me and its taking a while to digest..." She looked down at Shining. "Alright I'll nap with you but I better see that diaper on you when I wake up!" Shining nodded as he climbed under the covers trying not to be a crinkly nuisance. Once Cadence lied down Shining cuddled up to her. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep together. About an hour later Shining woke up to the sound of his door being shut. He opened his eyes and didn't see Cadence in the bed with him. He gave a quick stretch sitting up in his bed. No crinkle. Only a bit squishy. He sighed looking down at his soiled nappy. "...Damn... Cadence was right..." He said pressing his hoof against the thunder clouds on his crotch. He blushed feeling the sensation between his legs. As he did that he looked to the door where a big box sat. Curious he got up and quietly walked over to the box. "...Did... Cadence order something from that shopping catalog again...?" Shining sat down by the box and started to flip the box over. The underside was closed in a way to keep everything from falling out with the flaps one on top of the other leaving a small square hole in the middle of the flaps. Just as Shining opened the box the door opened back up. Cadence stepped in looking like she was trying to be sneaky. She heard the sound of cardboard rubbing up against itself and tearing slightly. She looked to the side and saw her own husband looking into the box of the adult foal stuff she tried to hide. "Shining!" She said making him jump a bit and scramble to his hooves. He looked scared and a bit ticked at the same time. "...I-I can explain why this is in here...." She pulled the box over with her magic and pulled the jars of foal food out setting them at her side before dumping all the other adult foal things out. Three onesies, two hoofy pajamas (One purple and the other was a dark blue), a bib, a bowl and spoon, a pacifier and a bottle with included formula. "I went into the store to grab the diapers and... Well the mare inside read me like a book... She thought this would perk our sex life up! I don't want you to be mad but... Luna had Twilight put your hoof in water so you'd wet the bed... I couldn't just ask you to put on a diaper and be a baby... I wanted to work you into it!" Shining sighed and sat back down in the squishy garment he wore. "...Cadence... You know I'd do anything for you..." He said. "...If you said you wanted to try something new why didn't you just ask? And... Why did you put my hoof in warm water this time? You could have just asked me to use it!" Cadence tilted her head looking at Shining's soiled diaper. "...But... I said Twilight did it..." She said. "...She did it back at the castle and..." She sat down trying to comprehend what had just happened. Shining blushed. "...Caddie... Are you saying I did this on my own?" He asked looking at his diaper. He looked back up at Cadence who nodded not even being able to take her eyes off the bulging protection padding. He managed to force a smile starting to feel something. "..The spark is back.... You feel it too... Right Caddie?" Cadence smiled and stood up walking over to Shining. She stood him up and kissed him deeply. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. "What do you think my little Shiny-boo?" She asked. She giggled and walked around her blushing husband and felt up the diaper pushing the wetness into his now slightly extended stallionhood. "Oh my it looks like somepony needs to be changed but... Maybe I could let it sit until baby makes a mess in it." Shining looked back at Cadence as she came back around. "...M-maybe feed me first? I didn't eat lunch at all..." He said. Cadence smiled and nodded as she brought up a bowl, a spoon and a jar of food with her magic. She popped the jar open and poured half the jar inside. "Oooh yum yum... This jar of..." She looked at the jar. "...Mashed peas and carrots look delicious for a baby like you shinyboo!" She closed the jar up and stuck in the spoon stirring it a bit. She set the jar down and rested the bowl on her hoof. She took a spoonful out and raised it to the mouth of her husband. He hesitated a bit but ate it anyways. "...Good Shining! Eat up!" Shining pushed some of the food out of his mouth and onto his chin. Cadence scooped it up and put it back into his mouth. He could feel his stallionhood throb a bit inside his warm and wet diaper. He swallowed what his wife had fed him and whimpered. "...M-mommy Cadence?" He said. "...I... I need you.... Please just change me and lets just get at it..." Cadence shoved another spoonful of food into his mouth giggling a bit. "You need to eat and go poopy so I can clean you up." She said happily. "Besides the next diaper would be wasted! This way it'd be more fun!" Shining blushed as his wife kept feeding him spoonful's of blended peas and carrots. She fed him until the whole bowl was empty. Only bits of residue was left. Shining's face was a mess of green splotches from the food. That and the fact that his stomach was trying to digest it. Cadence wiped his mouth with a bib. "...T-tell me those weren't laced with anything..." He said. "...I've tasted peas and carrots before like that but... This tastes like shit..." Cadence picked the jar up setting both the spoon and bowl aside. "Well lets see what was in it..." She said looking at the label. "... Peas, Carrots... Could've swore it was Pickles and peppers... Ah! Here's what was making that food taste weird! This foal food was formulated just for adults. Mostly with constipation... Because it is laced with Laxitives... Nothing other than that... Oh shit... There's hemp here too..." Shining yelped literally shitting himself. The sound of the wet manure filled gas made Cadence laugh a bit. "Sorry! I just wanted to have a bit of fun with you!" Shining blushed looking at his diaper. The warm feeling of his wastes and the contrasting smells made him tear up a bit. "...Caddie you know me being under the influence of drugs scares me..." He said. "...Can you change me now? I don't want this smell leaking out the door when it opens..." Cadence nodded and lied her husband back making the contents move a bit. He shivered and whimpered having the weird mushy warmth move around his flank. He watched as Cadence went to a chest in the corner. It was an old Toy chest. She opened it up and pulled out a box of wet wipes for when she had to watch foals from her subjects or for when she had a foal sitting job that required to be near the foal and the foals parents were out of town say from Canterlot. Cadence came back over and set the box of wet wipes down giving a bit of a laugh. "I'm surprised that worked so fast!" She said going to where she set the pack of diapers. "Does my shiny-boo want to have fun with mommy after she cleans you?" Shining whimpered and nodded covering his nose. She pulled a diaper from it and brought it back over sitting near her husbands puffy and dirty flank. Cadence untabbed the stink bomb that was her husbands diaper. She covered as much of the smelly pool as she could as she carefully pulled his tail out. Lucky him it came out clean. Shining lifted his flank for Cadence and kept the filth ridden diaper. He looked to Cadence still keeping himself balanced trying not to fall on his side. "...C-caddie...?" He said. She looked to him as she wiped his flank. "...Can we not do this... Poopy diaper thing every time we do this...? That laxative baby food has a taste that I could only stomach one day out of the month..." Cadence gave a warm smile tossing the soiled wipe into the diaper before rolling it up and tabbing it up. "Well of course Shining!" She said. "That food will only be used for when either of us are plugged up but we might need to buy a minifridge for our room!" Shining gasped a bit having his cock twitch. "Yes that does mean you can have your special sodas in here as well! But that doesn't mean you'll be spending all of your time in here!" Shining clicked his hooves together as he set his flank back down into an open diaper. Cadence pushed him down and climbed on starting to tease herself. "C'mon caddie! Give your baby boy a treat for being a good boy!" He said. Cadence shushed him and lowered herself onto her husbands cock giving a moan loud enough for the guards to know what was going on. She blushed hard moving her flank making his cock ravage her insides. Shining put his hooves on her flank helping her stay upright. "...Mmmmhh Caddie... I love you you know that right...?" Cadence kissed her husband still riding his cock going hard. She used her magic to fondle his balls to make him give a moan as well. She broke the kiss and looked into Shining's eyes. "...M-mommy loves you too..." She said. She felt Shining's cock twitch inside of her as if he jumped with excitement. She giggled a bit. "Y-you like it when I call myself mommy don't you?" His cock twitched again making her scream a bit. "...Would little Shiny-boo like it if mommy wore a diapee to bed with you?" Shining yelped a bit trying to hide the fact that he spoke gibberish. Cadence giggled and shushed him. "Don't fret now... You're with mommy now..." Shining gave a bit of a smile and rolled over pinning Cadence taking control of his thrusting. "M-MOMMY!" He said ramming his cock deep inside of her. Cadence blushed screaming in pleasure having her wings extend with a POMF! Cadence came giving Shining a nice hold on his stallionhood. He could feel something building but didn't know whether to explode and give his wife a reason to diaper up or just give her a little 'spilled formula' on her undersides. He even knew he had to make a decision- and FAST! He started a yell and quickly pulled out just in time to shoot his spunk onto his wife strands reaching up to her chest. They looked into each others eyes panting and nuzzled. "...Caddie... Thank you for bringing the s-s-sp-... Thanks for giving our sex meaning again..." Cadence smiled as Shining stepped off of her and lied back down on the ground. She used a few wet wipes to clean herself before she got up taking a few diapers from the package near the bed. "...Shining... I really enjoy our marriage and... Just doing the same thing over and over again is boring no matter how long you and I've been together... And how long I've been alive..." She said. "Oh and... If you're wondering I remember when you needed to be foalsat I'd have to change you a lot but after you were potty trained... You just didn't want to wear training pants to bed... I got into bed with you one day wearing a faux diaper and you just went right to sleep... You were just so cute..." Shining smiled as Cadence diapered him again. "...A-am I still cute mommy...?" He asked. Cadence nodded pulling his tail through the hole. "...Can you... Can you put me in my PJ's too momma...?" He blushed hard. Cadence floated over both PJ's. She helped him into his purple hoofy PJ's. "Alright now my shinyboo is all padded up and ready for beddy-by!" She said zipping him up. "Now... Help mommy get ready?" She blushed helping Shining up and lying back herself. After they were all padded Cadence climbed into bed with Shining. Just before she got comfortable a guard came in and stared at his superior and the princess. She looked to him as he saw all the adult foal stuff on the floor. "You say ANYTHING and I make sure work is something you haven't EVER done!" The guard nodded scared and left closing the door behind him. This marriage was like a fire dying. Just needed some fresh wood and a new spark to get it going again. Cadence's foal sitting wont ever get rusty with what she's doin' for fun in the bed.