> Lyra x Lyra > by VitalSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 — Lyra’s Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra Heartstrings trotted into Sugarcube corner, using her magic to part the doors. "Hello, Lyra dear," Mrs Cake greeted her kindly, "you must be here to pick up those special cupcakes you ordered. Let me go find them." "Mrs Cake!" called a high-pitched voice from the back. "Somepony has a smelly bottom and needs changing!" "Pinkie, I'm dealing with a customer here. Can't you take care of it yourself?" "Oh, it's not ME silly," said Pinkie, bouncing through to the shop, "it's Pumpkin Cake." Pinkie turned to Lyra to whisper, "I haven't had an accident in months." "I didn't mean it was... I meant, can't you... oh never mind," said Mrs Cake resignedly. "I'll go and change the baby. Could you take care of Lyra for me? She's here to pick up her cupcakes." Mrs Cake went to the back of the shop, leaving Pinkie to deal with the customer. "You know, I decorated these cupcakes myself," said Pinkie joyfully. She hummed to herself while she rummaged around in the cake cupboard. "Cupcakes... cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes..." she sang. "Oh here they are. Decorated with cute little humans! Such an unusual request!" Lyra blushed. "I really like those new My Little Human comic books. I have all the toys. Sometimes I just like to cuddle my little stuffed Jane Smith in bed. Such funny names they have! Bon Bon's starting to get a bit jealous." Pinkie said, "I don't really know much about those books. I always just enjoy making new unusual cupcakes, even if designs like this are a bit tricky." Lyra continued, ignoring Pinkie, "Humans are just so cute! With their little faces, and their little feet, and their hands. Hands! Hands are so awesome!" Pinkie interrupted, "And the hands were the hardest part. I kept trying and trying. In the end I had to ask Twilight how they looked, because, you know, she's the only one who's seen them, but Twilight's no good at icing, so I..." "WHAT?!" shouted Lyra, "Princess Twilight has seen real humans?!" "Of course, silly," said Pinkie, "anyway Twilight's no good at icing, so I needed to... Hey! Where did she go?" Pinkie looked around, but Lyra had disappeared, and taken her cupcakes with her. "Some ponies!" signed Pinkie Pie, stashing away the bits that Lyra had left on the counter into the cash register. * * * Applejack collected the hoofful of apples that hadn't landed properly in her baskets when she'd bucked the tree. She looked up to see a minty green unicorn. "Hi Lyra," she said, "I'm afraid it won't be apple cider season until next week." "It's not that," said Lyra nervously, "it's just you know Princess Twilight better than anyone, and, well... you're so trustworthy, and I'm never sure how much of what Pinkie says is true, but..." "If Pinkie's been telling you that Twilight has a crush on you, then it's not true," interrupted Applejack. "She's been telling everypony that. Twilight's just been mighty stressed out lately and Pinkie's got it into her head that she needs a special somepony." "No, it's not that," said Lyra, "though come to think about it, she might have been dropping hints about that last week. But, no, what I wanted to ask was: has Princess Twilight really seen real humans?" "Sure thing honey," answered Applejack, "it ain't no great secret. She's been to their world a couple of times. Never lets us come. I don't know what she's hiding there. Pinkie thinks she might have a special somepony, sorry... someBODY... on the other side. That Pinkie's always obsessing about other ponies' love lives. I know she just wants everypony to be happy, but... wait... where'd she go?" Lyra had disappeared. "Oh well, it's not like I had time to stand around talking. No, on an apple farm there's work to be done. No use standing around here gabbing. Not when there's trees to buck, apples to gather, seeds to plant, cider to make..." * * * Princess Twilight Sparkle had been at her desk, reading for hours. Her stomach started to rumble. She could ask Spike to make her some food. She knew he'd happily do whatever she asked, but she didn't like giving Spike any old job - he was supposed to be a research assistant. Still, everything had been quiet in Equestria for a little too long. They were overdue a disaster, so Twilight was reading up on every foe that ponies of the past had ever faced. Right now, she was reading about Somnambula, a powerful evil wizardess of times long ago. She heard a knock at the door. It was Spike. "Somepony here to see you," he announced, "I can tell her you're busy." "No, that's OK Spike. I could do with a break to be honest," replied the purple pony princess, rubbing her eyes. Lyra walked in, a cardboard box levitating behind her. "Are you here to borrow another My Little Human book?" asked Twilight. While the Golden Oak Library was being re-built, she'd temporarily reserved part of her new castle for use as the town's library, and was still unofficially serving as librarian until Mayor Mare could find a pony to take over the post more permanently. "I think you've read them all. Can I interest you in the new A. K. Yearling book?" "You've been holding out on me Princess Twilight," said Lyra accusingly. "Have you been talking to Pinkie Pie? I'm sorry. I'll tell you what I've had to tell everypony else. You're a very nice mare, but I'm not looking for a special somepony right now. I have more than enough things on my plate without a relationship!" "Humans!" accused Lyra. "You've been seeing real humans, and you never told me?!" "Ah," said Twilight. She'd been rumbled. It was never a big secret that she'd been to the human world, but she'd avoided telling Lyra because she knew how obsessed that unicorn was about humans, even before the fourth generation reboot of the My Little Human franchise. Twilight blushed and explained, "I thought you knew." "Tell me! Tell me all about them!" said Lyra, forgetting for a moment that she was addressing royalty, even though she knew that Twilight didn't like to be treated as better than anypony else anyway. "What's in the box?" asked Twilight, trying to change subject, even though she knew it wouldn't be long before Lyra brought the topic back around to humans. "Cupcakes," replied Lyra, "What are they like? Do they really have hands? Can they speak? What do they eat?" "Cupcakes?" asked Twilight, her stomach rumbling again. "Well, I suppose we could talk about humans for a while if I can have a few cupcakes." The two ponies sat together at a table. "Humans have always been real," explained the book horse, "but their world exists on a different plane to Equestria. It's like a parallel universe. And there are a LOT of parallels. "Long ago in Equestria's past, there were more chinks and gateways between our world and theirs. Several humans visited Equestria and played important roles in Equestria's early history. Most of these gateways have now been lost, hidden, or deliberately destroyed. I know of the whereabouts of only one: a mirror that Celestia used to keep, but has now passed on to me. "I've used it to visit the human world a couple of times to prevent their world from being destroyed by ponies and creatures from our world that sought to do them harm. "Their world is much like ours really. There are more stallions... I mean men in their world than there are in ours. The genders are pretty much equal in numbers, so you don't see a mare-dominated society like we have, and well, it's easier to find a coltfriend, so fillyfoolers are more of a minority. "No offence!" said Twilight, catching herself. "None taken," said Lyra, who had been listening intently. "Apart from that, and apart from them having quite a different anatomy, it's not really all that different from over here," Twilight summed up, "Was there anything else in particular that you wanted to know?" "Do they really have hands instead of hooves?" asked the minty green unicorn eagerly. "Yes, they have hands. I can tell you, when I went to the human world, controlling my hands was one of the trickiest things I had to learn. Well, that and walking on two legs," replied the princess. "WHAT?!" Lyra asked incredulously, "when you went to the humans' world you had hands?!" "Errr... yeah," answered Twilight, "it's some kind of side effect of the portal. When ponies go through to the human world, they become humans. When other species go through, they go through different transformations. But all living things seem to be transformed in some way. I don't really have it all figured out yet, but I've theorized that there could exist other portals to the human world that don't have this transformative effect. But I can't confirm that until I find another portal, and their locations seem to have been lost to history. So I was reading all these history books, and kind of got sidetracked researching ancient Equestrian villains, but..." Lyra was not interested in this tangent to the main conversation, so asked Twilight another question. "Are hands really soft and fluffy?" "They're not really fluffy," replied Twilight, wondering where Lyra had picked up that headcanon, "but I guess they can kind of be soft, and gentle. But they can also be strong, maybe not as strong as hooves, but those fingers can grip things pretty tight. And they're capable of much more precise movements than hooves." Lyra was excited by this description. She was secretly more than just a hu-mane-iac (the term that fans of My Little Human gave themselves). She was also a closet fapper (fap was the term hu-mane-iacs gave to sexual fan art and fan fiction). For Lyra, hands were the most sexually intriguing part of human anatomy. Lyra looked around, ensuring the two ponies were alone in the room, before whispering, "Do they really use their hands to fap?" "What's fap?!" asked Twilight, confused. Lyra looked around again. Had Twilight had to answer her so loudly? She leaned into Twilight and explained in a hushed voice, "it's the human equivalent of clopping." "It's... wait... WHAT?! Oh, Lyra!" exclaimed the alicorn, blushing. "I really wouldn't know anything about that," she answered, "I was only there for a week or so each time. And I was kind of too busy for... ... ... What IS wrong with you Lyra?!" "I'm sorry," apologised the green mare, "I just HAD to ask though. Between you and me though, it would be the first thing I'd try." "I... I really should get back to my work Lyra," said Twilight, no longer keen on continuing this conversation. "Maybe we could talk some more about humans another day?" Twilight mentally hoof-bumped herself for adding that "maybe". A maybe didn't constitute a promise, and given the direction their conversation had been headed, she wasn't sure she wanted to make any promises. "OK," answered Lyra, "thanks for talking with me. I'll come back another day." She levitated another cupcake and deposited it on Twilight's desk. "Don't work yourself too hard, and remember to take breaks for food!" Twilight looked at the cupcake and smiled at Lyra. That unicorn might be a bit weird and obsessive, but she was kindhearted and sweet. Twilight continued her research, remembering to stop and munch on the cupcake a little while later. By the time Spike brought her supper, she was already exhausted. "Hey Twilight," said the young dragon, "the Cutie Mark Crusaders have invited me over to their club house for a sleepover. Is it OK if I go?" "Sure, Spike," answered the princess. The dragon skipped off happily, and Twilight picked at the hay fries before trotting off to her bedroom and going to sleep. Twilight slept so soundly that she didn't hear the window sliding softly open. She didn't hear the pony clambering in. She didn't hear the soft sounds of careful hooves in her hallway, trotting from room to room, searching for something. She didn't hear Lyra powering on the portal to the human world and stepping through. > Chapter 2 — Lyra Explores > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Drops yawned and rolled over; it was her day off and she was in no rush to get up. She was surprised not to find Lyra beside her, Lyra never got up early. She didn't think too much of it though, and soon drifted back to sleep. She woke up again a little while later, not really sure of how much extra time she'd had in bed. Still no sign of Lyra. Come to think of it, she couldn't remember seeing Lyra last night either. She'd gone out to Sugarcube Corner. Had she come back? Sweetie Drops couldn't quite remember. The cream coated mare got up and threw a robe over herself before trotting downstairs and helping herself to some carrots for brunch. She picked up a copy of the Foal Free Press from the doormat and started idly flicking through the paper. Even after the Gabby Gums column had been shut down, the student-run paper was still a lot more interesting than the Ponyville Express. She and Lyra got a copy of it delivered every week since Lyra gave lyre and piano lessons to the students at Ponyville school as a part-time job. Of course! Sweetie face-hoofed. That's where Lyra would be. She was giving piano lessons this morning. Sweetie sighed. It was her day off and she had been hoping for some special alone time with her fillyfriend. A mare has "needs" after all! Why did their schedules never seem to line up? Sweetie put down the paper. If Lyra was not around, then she'd just have to take care of her needs herself. She moistened a hoof with her mouth and closed her eyes. There was a knock on the door. Grumbling frustratedly, she got up and started walking towards the front door. A thought struck her that perhaps she'd slept longer than she had earlier reckoned — maybe this was Lyra coming home. The earth pony mare smiled; perhaps she wouldn't have to clop herself after all. But then again, Lyra wouldn't knock. Sweetie answered the door and was surprised to see two school-aged fillies standing on her doorstep. They were both yellowish orange and were carrying a basket of fruit; peaches mostly, though Sweetie could see some apples and cherries too. "Hello," said Sweetie, "what can I do for you?" "Miss Cheerilee asked us to come by with this fruit for Miss Heartstrings," one of the orange fillies answered, "on account of her not feeling well." "Cheerilee isn't feeling well?" asked Sweetie, confused as to why that would warrant this basket of fruit. "No, silly," said the other filly, rather impertinently. "Miss Heartstrings isn't feeling well. That's why we brought fruit." "Thanks," said Sweetie, accepting the basket, "I'll make sure she gets it." She eyed the two fillies with a questioning look. "Shouldn't you two be in school now?" "It's lunch time," answered the first filly before the two school ponies trotted away. "OK. Thanks again," Sweetie called after them. Why would Cheerilee think Lyra was ill? She decided to hurry to the school house to find out. * * * Lyra collapsed onto a hard surface. She looked behind her to see a wall which shimmered with light for a moment before fading to dark. It was dark all around her. Night. In the distance she could see some light overhead, like a star or a moon in the darkness, but brighter, and closer to the ground. She trotted over towards it, or attempted to. Her legs, especially her rear ones had grown long and gangly, and they didn't seem to bend in the normal way. It must have been the transformation that Twilight Sparkle had told her about. She continued towards the light more slowly. As she approached it, she saw that the light was not a celestial body, but an artificial light source, held up by a tall metallic pole. She could see others further away in the distance, forming a long row. Lyra didn't really care about these lamps; they were but a means to an end and she wanted to inspect her new body. She sat on the ground and stretched the front legs out. They were still the same colour, but they'd become longer and thinner. The change she was most excited about was that her hooves had disappeared, being replaced by hands. Real hands! They were just like in the comics, with four long, fine fingers, and a smaller stubby one at the side. They were perfection itself. Lyra gazed at them for minutes, turning them over, flexing the fingers, and seeing how they moved. She brought them up close to her face and inspected them in detail. They had little hard bits at the end, like a cat's claws but not nearly as sharp. That was certainly a detail she'd never seen in My Little Human. She loved the delicate little curve between each finger, and the little wrinkles on the parts where the fingers bent, allowing the skin to move more flexibly over them. Yes, she could get used to these. She touched the face, trying to figure out what it looked like. The head seemed smaller, and the mane seemed to cover a greater proportion of the top and back of the head, as well as much of the sides. The skin on the rest of the face though was virtually hairless. In fact, apart from the mane, she'd noticed this about the rest of the body that she'd seen so far. Her muzzle had been reduced to a tiny pointed nose, her mouth was maybe a little smaller, and her teeth definitely so. She felt around in the mane trying to locate her ears, before remembering that human ears were lower down. She found them on the side of the head, smaller than before, and more rounded. She wished she had a mirror so she could see what this new face looked like. Was it pretty? It was hard to tell. She then shifted her attention to the legs. They were much like the arms, but a little longer, and ended in little pink feet. These were hard, much like hooves, and she thought they looked rather nice, even if they didn't match the pale green of the rest of the body. Lyra bent a leg and used the new hands to stroke one of these pink feet. Without warning, it fell off! Oh crap, she thought, I've only had this body a few minutes, and I've already broken it. But strangely, it didn't hurt, and moments later Lyra facehoofed, or maybe facehanded — it was obvious! These pink things weren't the feet; they were some sort of shoe! She turned her attention to the real foot. It was a little like an oddly-shaped hand, with much smaller fingers, all in a row. The comics didn't really show feet, or at least she'd never paid much attention to them if they did, and she couldn't remember them looking anything like this. She poked a finger between a couple of the foot-fingers, and giggled — the feet seemed ticklish. Perhaps this was why humans wore shoes, to prevent them walking around everywhere laughing. With some difficulty, she slipped the shoe back on. She looked at the belly and saw that the body was clothed. Ponies usually only dress up for special occasions, but if what the comics showed was true, Lyra knew that humans wore clothes all the time. (Although some fap fiction preferred to portray them without clothes.) She seemed to be wearing a pale pink dress. It was made out of a light, floaty material that perfectly followed the contours of the slim body underneath. She wanted to see that too, but would need to figure out how to get to it without ripping the clothing. For now, she contented herself with stroking the soft, silky dress. It was lovely. She noticed that she had a necklace. She'd never been one to wear jewellery back in Equestria, but she thought this one suited her nicely. It was a gold necklace with a charm in the shape of her cutie mark. Lyra wondered if she still even had a cutie mark, but couldn't tell with this silly clothing on. She made a mental note to check out the flank on this body later. Humans walked on two legs, like dragons — Lyra knew that much. Leaning on the post that held the lamp aloft, she pulled herself up onto the rear legs, and took a couple of tentative steps. She took to it surprisingly easily. She walked slowly back towards the portal she had arrived by. The sky was beginning to lighten, and Lyra could hear birdsong in the distance. As she explored, she gave everything a feel with the hands. The hands... she should stop thinking of them as somebody else's hands... HER hands. Grass felt so soft with hands; she thought about having a snack, but wasn't really hungry. Walls felt hard and rough. Puddles felt cold, and the feeling didn't quite go away when you took your hands out of them — not straight away, anyway. Lyra was startled by a cough from behind her. "Excuse me," came a voice. Lyra stood up, abandoning the puddle she'd been dipping her hands in and out of for the best part of half an hour. A human had approached her, and she wondered how she had not heard him. So many things passed through her mind. So many questions she wanted to ask. Should she greet him on behalf of pony kind? Or would it be better to stay incognito — pretend to be a human just like him. Before she had the chance to say anything though, he pushed past her, heading for a large building in front of them. He reached out his hands and pushed open a door, and was inside before Lyra had even introduced herself. Not very talkative, Lyra thought to herself. She now noticed other humans approaching the same building from other directions. This was clearly some kind of gathering place for humans. Lyra braced herself and headed for the door. * * * "And that's about all I know," finished Cheerilee. Sweetie Drops thanked her and headed out of the school back to the street, just as the bell rang and students began filing back into their class room. The short conversation had given Sweetie a lot to think about. It seemed that Lyra had never shown up this morning; given that she was always so enthusiastic about teaching music, Cheerilee had simply assumed that she must be unwell. Sweetie Drops was becoming increasingly worried about Lyra's whereabouts — it had been almost 24 hours since anypony had seen her. Sweetie thought about the last time was that she'd seen Lyra; it had been the previous afternoon, when she'd headed off to Sugarcube Corner, so perhaps that would be the best place to start looking for answers? Mrs Cake looked up and smiled when she saw Sweetie walk in. Sweetie was Ponyville's resident candy maker and dealer, and although this made her a competitor in a way, she was also one of the Cakes' most important suppliers. "What can I do for you, dear?" Sweetie had a concerned look on her face. "I was wondering if Lyra popped in yesterday. She said she needed to pick up a cake." "Oh, yes, she was here," answered Mrs Cake, "why do you ask?" "Well, I haven't seen her since, and I was wondering if you noticed anything unusual about her? Do you know where she was headed?" "Oh dear," said Mrs Cake sympathetically, "I'm afraid not. But you should talk to Pinkie Pie; she served her. It's her day off, but I think she's gone to her friend Fluttershy's house." Sweetie knew where that was. "Thank you, Mrs Cake." She hurried off to find Pinkie Pie. * * * Lyra Heartstrings stood in a corridor, watching as pastel coloured humans milled all around her. Humans talking, humans laughing, humans opening tall narrow metal cupboards and retrieving books, humans running, humans kissing (oh my!), one human pinning a slip of paper to a noticeboard. From her limited knowledge of human society, this seemed like a place of education. Nobody paid much attention to Lyra as she stood there. She was successfully blending in. She heard a bell ring and the humans instantly stopped what they were doing and started going through some of the many doors that led off the corridor. Lyra looked around for a door to go into, then spotted one with a symbol printed on it — the silhouette of a human wearing a dress. Lyra was wearing a dress, so assumed that this must be the door she was supposed to go through. She opened the door and stepped through. * * * Pinkie Pie stomped her hoof. "She's mine!" Applejack wouldn't call herself stubborn, but she was never one to relent easily. "No, she's mine!" Both ponies were tugging on Rainbow Dash's legs as Fluttershy watched them fighting. The yellow pegasus seemed as if she wanted to interject, but was being ignored by the other three ponies. "It's obvious she's meant to be with me!" Pinkie yanked at Rainbow's hoof, stretching her out, in what looked to be a very painful tug of war. "But I called her first." Applejack pulled back. "I mean, look at her! Those strong legs, that lean rump... I want her! I NEED her!" Sweetie Drops wasn't sure what the mares were arguing about, and wasn't sure if she wanted to know. But she was afraid to interrupt. Pinkie Pie saw the look of discomfort on Rainbow Dash's face, as she was being pulled this way and that, and suddenly let go. Applejack fell over, with Rainbow Dash landing on top of her. "Fine!" Pinkie Pie walked away from the two ponies lying on the ground. "You have her. I hope the two of you are very happy together!" The pink earth pony trotted up to Fluttershy. "It looks like you're on my team then." Pinkie reached into a cavity in a nearby tree stump and drew out a ball. Hoofball?! They were arguing over hoofball teams?! Sweetie sighed. "Hey Pinkie!" she called, "before you start playing, could I talk to you?" "Okie dokie!" said Pinkie cheerfully, her recent argument clearly already forgotten. She bounced over to where Sweetie Drops was standing. "Mrs Cake told me you served Lyra at the shop yesterday. I don't suppose you noticed anything off about her, did you?" "Nope!" Pinkie shook her head. "She just went on and on about humans, but that's not unusual for Lyra." "And do you know where she went after that?" asked Sweetie. "Nope again!" answered Pinkie. "I might be able to help you with that honey," came Applejack's voice. Sweetie turned around to see the orange mare walking over to her. "She came to see me yesterday, talkin' about them humans. It must've been after she'd been to Sugarcube Corner, on account of her havin' one of their boxes with her at the time." Sweetie's ears perked up. A clue! "And do you know where she went?" "No, not really," said Applejack, "she just kinda disappeared. But... oh, it's probably nothing... but she might have gone over to see Twilight." * * * Lyra found herself in an empty room — well, empty of humans anyway. The room had rows and rows of benches laid out on the floor, and more of the narrow metal cupboards, mostly with their doors open and empty. One of the light green walls contained a large mirror, while another had a row of hooks. What those were for, Lyra could only guess at. The floor was covered with white tiles and the room felt slightly cold. Perhaps Lyra wasn't meant to be in here after all? Lyra stepped towards the mirror and for the first time got a good look at her face. She was pretty, or at least she thought so; of course she had no idea what factors humans might take into account when rating another human's attractiveness. Yet she instinctively felt that whatever factors they were, she was looking right at them now. Lyra heard the door open. Somepony else was coming in. If Lyra wasn't meant to be here, then what would this human say? Lyra quickly hid in a shadowy corner, pulling a metal door in front of her. The colouring of her hair and skin helped camouflage her against the green wall while she peeked out to see what was going on. It was a human girl who had come into the room. Well, of course she was human — everypony here was human. Or everybody; she should stop thinking in pony terms. Anyway, it was a girl who had come into the room. Lyra thought the girl looked very pretty. Again, she had no idea what things real humans found attractive, but girls like this featured quite a lot in her imagination when she was reading fap fiction. She had green skin, similar in tone to Lyra's own. Her mane was long and purple — the colour of violets — and was tied in two cute bunches that hung at either side of her face, though some shorter strands hung loose. Her eyes were the same shade of purple as her mane and sparkled, even in the dim light of this dank and cold room. Her eyelashes were elegant and long — not as long as pony eyelashes — but they seemed long for a human. She wore a red skirt, a brown top, and had a pink star charm hanging from a gold chain around her neck. She seemed to be humming and singing to herself under her breath. "... you're fifteen and somebody tells ..." Lyra couldn't really make out many of the lyrics. The girl walked to the metal cupboards, thankfully on the other side of the room from where Lyra was hiding. She tugged at the two pink bands holding her mane and put them onto a shelf in one of the cupboards, causing her violet locks to hang down onto her shoulders and chest. She lifted her necklace over her head and placed it on the same shelf, then reached up and swept her mane behind her. Lyra watched, curious to find out what the girl was doing. The girl placed a foot on one of the wooden benches, and Lyra noticed that she was wearing brown boot-like shoes with laces. Lyra wasn't sure exactly how she'd be able to untie them; the girl wouldn't be able to use telekinesis as she had no horn, yet Lyra marvelled as the girl began to use her fingers to unwind the knots in the laces — she hadn't realised quite how precise and dexterous finger movements could be. Why, with fingers like these, surely humans would be capable of manipulations almost as complex as any unicorn could perform. After the girl had removed both shoes, placing them at the bottom of the same metal cupboard, Lyra noticed that she seemed to be wearing another layer of clothing underneath the shoes. Some small white... Lyra didn't have a word for them... undershoes? Lyra wasn't wearing any herself. The girl peeled these off and stashed them in the cupboard too, placing them inside her shoes. The girl wriggled her foot-fingers, and reached her pale green arms up as high as she could, stretching. Lyra noticed she shape of her body. Slim, like Lyra's own, with a chest that stuck out just a little, and long arms and legs. Lyra wondered what this girl looked like underneath those clothes. She was starting to become attracted to this human girl. She began to wonder what the girl's lips tasted like. Twilight Sparkle had told her that most human girls were only interested in human boys, but she hadn't said that there were no fillyfoolers at all in this world. Lyra hoped that there were, and that this girl might be one of them. The girl started unfastening some buttons on her brown top with practised ease and Lyra was captivated by her dexterity. In Equestria, even unicorns rarely bothered with buttons; simple loop and hook fastenings were far easier to manipulate. Lyra bit her bottom lip, anticipating her first view underneath this girl's clothing, but she was soon disappointed. Underneath the brown top was another layer of clothing — white this time, like the undershoes. The girl hung the brown top on a hook on the inside of the cupboard door. The girl's hands returned to her chest, unfastening more buttons. Perhaps Lyra's excitement had been premature before, but now she was surely going to see some naked human! The girl removed the white shirt she was wearing and hung it up in the cupboard. Lyra held back a groan in the interest of stealthiness — the girl had yet another layer of clothing on! How many layers did these humans need? It wasn't freezing cold here! This time however, at least it wasn't a total let down. The final layer of clothing, or the layer that Lyra hoped was the final one, only covered two small fleshy parts of her chest. Most of the rest of her upper body was now bare. Even the remaining layer of clothing didn't obscure very much. They were made of a lacy white material that afforded at least an impression of the soft green skin below. Lyra hadn't noticed these two mounds on girls' chests before, and it was now she realised why girls' chests stuck out. It wasn't that the whole chest was sticking out, but these two symmetrically arranged lumps pushed out the clothing like a tent. Lyra's hands reached for her own fleshy mounds, and she had to suppress a sigh. They felt warm and were very sensitive. In a good way. The girl's shoulders were sharp and pronounced, and Lyra loved the shape of them. Her stomach was flat, and right in the middle was a little navel; without a covering of fur, the navel was quite visible. Lyra thought it looked very cute. Lyra had been so distracted she hadn't noticed the girl had taken off her white belt and hung it in the cupboard along with her other clothes. With a wriggling motion, she pushed the red skirt over her hips and it slid down to the floor, then stepped out of it and placed it in the cupboard as well. Lyra admired the girl's long green legs, probably much like her own, which went all the way up to... another wretched item of underclothes! They were some small white pants, lacy like the other remaining item of clothing, with the lace revealing glimpses of green and purple below them. Lyra could understand the green, but purple? The girl had more hair down there? Lyra involuntarily squeezed at the lumps of flesh still under her hands. That felt good. She was beginning to feel warm between her legs. * * * Sweetie Drops knocked on the door of Princess Twilight's castle. She'd been avoiding the princess as much as possible for the last few weeks, ever since hearing a rumour that Twilight Sparkle had a big crush on her. Not that they saw each other very often anyway, but because of this avoidance, Sweetie had allowed a couple of library books to become very overdue. Obviously Twilight Sparkle was a very beautiful mare, so Sweetie was flattered to have caught her attention, and Sweetie's relationship with Lyra was kind of open, so Lyra wouldn't have objected to her seeking a bit of physical attention from the purple alicorn. But Sweetie couldn't really see how that relationship would work — Twilight was a alicorn princess, and Sweetie was just an ordinary earth pony. They had nothing in common. A small, purple dragon answered the door, whom Sweetie knew to be called Spike. He showed her in to see Twilight Sparkle. Sweetie Drops bowed as soon as she saw the princess. "Your majesty, it's about Lyra, I haven't seen her since yesterday, and I have no idea where she's gone! Have you seen her? Did she come here?" Twilight always felt uncomfortable when ponies bowed and curtsied in front of her. "Please, sit down." Twilight gestured towards a chair. She thought back to the previous day's events. "Yes, she did. We shared some of her cupcakes." "And she's still here?" asked Sweetie, not really believing that that would be the case, but hopeful that her fillyfriend was still alright. Twilight shook her head. "No, of course not, she only stayed for half an hour or so. We were talking about humans." Sweetie sighed. Finding Lyra here would have been too easy. "The humans again? It seems she's been discussing them with everypony." "Well, she came to the right place," said Twilight Sparkle with uncharacteristic pride, "I am Ponyville's resident expert. I mean, I've been there twice." Sweetie was confused. "Been where?" "Why the human world, of course." "It's real? It's a real place?!" Sweetie was surprised, and although at any normal time she'd want to find out more about it, now she just wanted to find Lyra. "You don't suppose... no... you don't think she could have gone there, do you? How far is it? How many days trot?" "It's not really... It's not really a place you can trot to." Twilight Sparkle wasn't sure how to explain it. "Maybe it's best if I show you upstairs." * * * The girl with the violet mane turned away from Lyra and bent down, reaching into a bag that Lyra hadn't noticed before to bring out a towel. Most of the girl's thighs were now exposed and Lyra couldn't see a cutie mark anywhere. Perhaps humans don't have them? She couldn't help admiring the shape of the girl's rear while she was bent over. Were all humans this gorgeous? The girl wrapped the towel around her body and brought one of her arms into her towel cocoon. Moments later the lacy white pants fell to the floor. She stepped out of them, bent down, picked them up, and put them into her cupboard. Then off came the other white garment, and that went into the cupboard as well. She wrapped the towel more tightly around her and somehow fastened it near her chest like a short dress, disappointing Lyra. The purple-maned girl walked over to a row of doorways, and pulled open one of the doors before disappearing inside. Lyra crept in the direction of the doorway, keeping her back to the wall and concealing herself in shadow. In a few moments she reached a place where she could see the girl through the doorway. She could not believe her eyes. * * * Twilight Sparkle and Sweetie Drops climbed the last few steps of the castle's east tower. Sweetie paused a moment to admire the view from a window. You could see beyond Canterlot from here, all the way to the Foal Mountains, and further south, parts of the Everfree Forest. Sweetie involuntarily shivered — that place was unnatural. A gasp from behind her took her attention away from the window. "It's on!" exclaimed Twilight. Sweetie looked around the room. "What's on where?". "The portal. It's a portal to the human world. There's a magic mirror, and an enchanted mangle, and a book, and some other things, and they're all held together with some wires and ropes and stuff, and... Oh... Pinkie Pie explains this much better. The point is that I always leave it switched off, but somepony's switched it on." The two ponies looked at each other. "Lyra!" they said in unison. Sweetie looked at the contraption. "Well, we'll just have to follow her and bring her back." She approached the strange machine. "Now, how do you work this thing?" "Hold your horses there, Sweetie Drops," cautioned Twilight, "let me take a look at this first." The princess then consulted a bunch of dials on the side of the machine. "That's… going to be a problem." "What's the matter with it?" asked Sweetie. "Nothing's the matter with it. It's just that my last journey to the human world wasn't very long ago, and Lyra only used it last night, and the machine can only perform a limited number of journeys. I mean, the mirror on its own could be used to transport thousands and thousands of ponies, but the mirror on its own only works for a brief period every thirty moons. The rest of the machine serves to spread its power out, so that the portal can transport less but without having to wait for some obscure astronomical alignments to happen." Sweetie Drops looked confused. Twilight could see the need to explain things further. "The upshot of it is that it can only handle three more ponies before it will need a long recharging period." "Well, that's fine then. Three. Lyra, you, and I." Twilight shook her head dismissively. "It doesn't quite work like that. If you and I went through it, it'd count as two journeys. We'd find Lyra, but the machine would only have enough power to perform one more journey. Only one of us would be able to come back to Equestria." Sweetie Drops' face fell. "I suppose I could... stay... with Lyra... in that world? It wouldn't be forever, right?" "It would be a long time. Many moons," warned Twilight, "but there is another option. You could stay here, and I could fetch Lyra. One pony there, two ponies back; three journeys." "You'd really do that for me? And Lyra? For us?" Sweetie was touched. Perhaps Twilight really did have a thing for her, and was trying to impress her. But then again, if that were the case, why would she help Sweetie get her fillyfriend back? "Of course." The princess nodded. "And it would be easier for me; I know what their world is like and I have friends on the other side who could help — who would be happy to help!" "Thank you! Oh, thank you!" cried Sweetie Drops, "if there's anything I can do to help you, please tell me!" "I'll need to talk to Spike first. Give him a few instructions on what to do around the castle while I'm gone. He won't be happy about not coming with me, but the machine just doesn't have the power, and I need him to look after things here. Give me half an hour and I should be ready to go." * * * The girl with the purple mane was standing fully naked in the tiny room behind the doorway. The door was still open, and her towel now hung from a hook on the back of it. She didn't seem to be making any move to close the door. Instead, the girl seemed to be concentrating on a pair of dials built into the side wall. Lyra could not take her eyes off the two lumps on the girl's chest; they were not large — around about the size of a very small apple each. (Did they have apples in this world? Lyra hoped so.) But it was their shape that she loved the most. Sort of tear-drop shaped — curved at the bottom, with a contour that swept up towards the girl's shoulders. The closer lump had a darker patch that seemed slightly pointed. The other one was hard to see because of the angle the girls was standing at, but was probably similar. It took incredible willpower, but Lyra forced her eyes away from the girl's chest and allowed herself to take in the rest of her body. The smooth, flat stomach she'd already seen, but now she could see the girl's hips, flank, and thighs, devoid of all their clothing. She noticed a tuft of purple hair at the front, perhaps where the girl's foalhole... or rather... babyhole would be. (Lyra kept trying to remember to think in human terms. Or rather, she assumed humans would use these terms.) So it seemed that humans did have more hair than just their manes! There, right there on the girl's flank... Lyra finally saw her cutie mark. A black star, similar except in colouring, to the star that the girl had been wearing around her neck; it must have been covered up by the girl's pants when she'd been wearing them. Water began to fall onto the girl and Lyra finally realised the truth about this tiny room that the girl was standing in: it was a shower cubicle. Lyra had a shower back home. She wondered why the girl didn't close the door to prevent water from splashing everywhere, before realising the obvious answer — water would splash the towel if the door were closed. Somepony hadn't thought that design through. Or somebody, rather. The girl with the star cutie mark bent over to pick up a bottle from the floor, giving Lyra a glimpse of the puckered hole between her legs. A bent-over human bum didn't actually look that different from a pony's rear end. Assuming everything worked the same, Lyra thought she would have a pretty good understanding of how to make use of that part of her new body. The girl squeezed something out of the bottle onto her hand, which she then rubbed into her mane; causing it to become white with bubbles. Once she rinsed her mane off under the shower, it clung to her back and chest; the soapy bubbles sliding down the girl's chest and over her flat stomach. They paused for a moment clinging to the patch of hair between her thighs before picking up speed again and racing down her slim legs to the floor. Lyra licked her lips watching. This girl looked stunning — she'd always found the humans in her comics adorable, and strangely sexy, but they were a hundred times better in the flesh. The warmth between her legs was becoming uncomfortable. The girl in the shower turned her back to Lyra in order to fiddle with the metallic dials again, shutting the water off. The girl collected her towel, momentarily giving Lyra a full frontal view of her delightful body, before walking out of the shower and back to her metal cupboard, leaving a trail of water drops behind her. Lyra slunk back along the wall, returning to her previous hiding place. As she crept along, she felt a few drops of her own liquid beginning to moisten the inside of her thighs. She peered out of the darkness at the girl who was now rubbing her long mane with the towel, and giving Lyra an excellent view of her pale green body. If Lyra was going to try fapping any time, then now seemed like a pretty good time. She took her left hand, having already noted that she seemed to have better control over that one than then other, and slipped it under her short pink dress. Lyra felt a layer of cloth covering where her foalhole must be. The fabric felt very damp and she tried pushing it to the side to get access, but that didn't quite work. She lifted her leg to make it easier. Crash! A metal can fell over, accidentally knocked over by Lyra's leg. Screwed up pieces of paper, old packaging, and what looked like tiny fragments of cloud spilled over the floor. Instantly the girl with the purple hair looked round and noticed that she had an audience. She pulled the towel to her chest, covering most of her body, and peered into the darkness. "Lyra?!" she asked accusingly, "is that you?!" Lyra had been discovered. Without even pausing to consider why this girl might know her name, Lyra panicked and ran back towards the hallway. "Get lost!" she heard over her shoulder. Lyra was beginning to feel distinctly lost in this world. * * * Twilight Sparkle was making the final preparations. "No following me this time, Spike." The baby dragon was disappointed. "Awww..." "I've already told you: I need you to look after the castle while I'm gone. Besides, you have a very important responsibility; the power on this thing is running low," Twilight looked at the dials on the machine and made some quick mental calculations, "So I need you to switch it off straight after I've stepped through." Spike crossed his arms. "We've been through this three times already, Twilight." "I'll let you know by writing a letter in Sunset Shimmer's notebook when we're ready to return. If you don't hear from me within 48 hours, then something might have gone wrong with that method of communication. So switch the portal on anyway. I should be ready to return by then, hopefully with Lyra." Spike nodded his head. "Goodbye, Spike." "Good luck, Twilight." Twilight stepped through the mirror. * * * Lyra wandered through lonely corridors. Perhaps this world was not the place she had dreamt it to be; these humans seemed so unfriendly and hostile towards her. The sound of a bell rang out, and a door opened right beside Lyra, startling her. She jumped back against the opposite wall as humans spilled out of the open door, chatting and laughing to each other. Tall humans, short humans, thin humans, more thin humans. Brightly colored humans with every mane style and clothing combination Lyra could think possible. She slunk along the wall, and suddenly another door opened right beside her. A few humans walked out calmly, chatting to one another. Lyra was curious about what was going on in all these other rooms. Once she thought the nearest room seemed empty, Lyra peeked around the door, but walked straight into another human coming out of the room. Lyra saw a blur of blue and pink hair as she fell over. She instinctively caught herself using her hands, avoiding falling flat on her back, and instead landing on her flank. It hurt like hell, but she somehow knew that it hadn't caused her any injury. "Lyra, what the hell are you doing?" came a familiar voice. It couldn't be, could it? "You were right behind me. How did you get in front of me?" Lyra swept the mint green bangs from in front of her eyes to look up at the human girl towering over her. It was incredible: she had the exact same blue and pink curls as Sweetie Drops, and as Lyra climbed onto one knee, she noticed it was the same voice too, even the same skin tone. Had Sweetie followed her into this world? The human Sweetie looked behind her, and Lyra's eyes followed. There, standing behind Sweetie was another human Lyra. Dressed differently. Her mane slightly shorter perhaps. But other than that, exactly identical. The three girls' jaws dropped. Lyra hadn't been prepared for this. > Chapter 3 — The Kiss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you going to talk then?" * * * Lyra and Sweetie Drops had been on the way out of their English Literature class when out of the blue, they'd run into a mysterious stranger that looked just like Lyra. For a few moments, they had stood around speechless. It had been Sweetie who had taken the initiative and spoken first. "You two need to talk." Sweetie had bundled both girls into her car, Lyra in the front passenger seat and this lookalike in the back, and drove off, heading for the apartment. Of course, the teachers might notice they were missing the rest of their classes, but the worst that would happen would be a tersely worded letter sent back to Lyra and Sweetie's respective sets of parents. Neither girl had been bothered about that. * * * Sweetie drove, occasionally looking at this strange girl in the rear-view mirror. There were some very tense conversations between the occupants of the front seats of the car. "Who is she?" Lyra looked back at the girl. It was like looking in a mirror. "I don't know, Bonny." Sweetie Drops couldn't believe that this stranger didn't have some connection to her girlfriend. Their perfect resemblance gave her the creeps. "You must have some idea. You haven't got a twin sister you never knew about?" "I think I'd know if I had a twin sister," Lyra hissed. Sweetie shrugged. "Not if you were both adopted." She pulled in and parked on the street outside their apartment block. "I wish I was fucking adopted." Lyra looked at the girl, hoping for an answer. The girl shook her head. Sweetie got out of the car, and Lyra climbed out of the door. The girl remained in the back seat. Lyra opened the door to the back of the car. "You need to come with us." The girl sat there with a blank look on her face. Her eyes travelled from Lyra to Sweetie and back again. "You do understand us, right? YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?" The girl nodded. "Come on then." The strange girl climbed out of the car, seeming a little unsteady on her feet. She hadn't said a single word since she'd run into them in the corridor at school. Sweetie and Lyra led Lyra's mirror image into the apartment building, and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Sweetie took out her keys and let everyone into the apartment. "So you're not my adopted twin sister?" Lyra asked. The girl shook her head. "We're not twins, so does that mean we're related?" The girl shook her head again. Sweetie Drops came out of the kitchen carrying a small tray holding three steaming mugs of liquid. "I hope you like tea." The girl nodded. Lyra kept guessing. "Oh! Are you me from the future? What's it like?" Her mysterious double rolled her eyes. "So who are you then?" Bon Bon asked. "You seem to know an awful lot about our private lives." The girl opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it again. She took a cup of tea and sipped at it, then looked at the steaming brown liquid as if it were going to answer the question for her. "Are you going to talk then?" Sweetie asked. * * * Lyra opened her mouth to speak, but had second thoughts — she hadn't actually spoken to anyone in this world since she'd arrived. Until these two girls had practically abducted her, almost everyone had virtually ignored her, and those who hadn't had been downright hostile. But still, abduction aside, they seemed like nice humans, and Lyra knew they needed an explanation. She took a sip of her tea, then looked at the steaming brown liquid, trying to find the strength to talk. "I--" Lyra started. Her voice surprised her — it was the same as when she was a pony, but somehow different. Like listening to a recording of yourself. The girls, who had perhaps started to wonder if she was mute, seemed stunned that she had finally spoken. Lyra could feel the weight of their expectation. "I... I am you. I think." The human who looked almost exactly like Lyra looked taken aback by this revelation. "What?!" "I'm you, but not you. I'm an alternative you. Or you're an alternative me. From another universe. Or, at least, I don't know... I think so?" The two humans looked shocked, but Lyra didn't leave them any time to absorb this new knowledge. Now the words had started coming, there was no holding them back. "Twilight Sparkle said that there would be humans in this world, but she never told me there would be a human me, and a human Bon Bon. It's amazing! What's it like being human? Oh wait, of course, I'm human now. But what's it--" The human that looked like Bon Bon interrupted, a slight scowl on her face. "Hold on! You're what now? You said you're human now ­— what were you before?" Lyra mentally face-hoofed. "Sorry, I should have said. I'm a unicorn. I come from a place called Equestria. The portal I came through gave me this body." She gestured to it. "It gave you a body exactly like mine?" said the girl who had a body exactly like Lyra's. "Yes. Well, no. It gave me a body like me. This body might be a completely different shape from when I was a pony, but there are similarities. My mane is the same, my coat is the same colour, I even have the same cutie mark." Now it was the girl who looked like Lyra's turn to interrupt. "Your cutie mark? You have cutie marks in your world? Like in My Little Pony?" Lyra thought it a bit strange that this girl would own a pony. But she supposed that in this world, ponies would just be considered animals, and people might keep them as pets. "You have a little pony?" she asked. "Can I meet him?" The girl shook her head and stood up. "No, no. Where would I keep a horse in this apartment?" She walked over to a shelving unit in the corner that Lyra hadn't noticed. "I meant like the My Little Pony toys." She gestured to a row of stuffed toys. Lyra stood up and joined the girl. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was an orange pony toy that looked suspiciously like Applejack. She'd only spoken to Applejack yesterday. A baby dragon toy which looked oddly like Twilight's assistant from the library. There were a bunch of others that she didn't recognise. But the last looked strangely familiar; she recognised the pink pegasus from history books she'd read when she was a school filly. The pegasus was not wearing her usual uniform, but she would recognise that cutie mark anywhere — General Firefly. Why did this girl have all these pony toys? * * * Sweetie Drops watched Lyra and her double standing by the bookshelf. Apart from their clothes, they really did look identical. The apparent ex-pony might have been carrying a little extra weight, but she was still slim-verging-on-skinny. And it could have just been the way she was standing, or a trick of the light. Other than that, they looked identical. Personality wise, they seemed different. Of course, this ex-pony was in shock now, so it might not be right to judge her personality by the last few minutes. But she seemed a little calmer than Lyra, a little more "together". Perhaps it was her soft pink dress that made her seem like a gentle creature? In a way, she reminded Sweetie of how Lyra had been when they'd first fallen in love, just before Lyra's 16th birthday, and before their lives had been ripped apart. Sweetie realised there was something she hadn't asked. "So, unicorn girl, what's your name? What do we call you?" The ex-pony turned to look at her and smiled. "Lyra." Sweetie's girlfriend looked at the unicorn and grinned. "Same!" She put her arms around her and pulled her into hug. Somehow Sweetie was not surprised by any of this. "Well, that's not going to get confusing," she quipped. Sweetie looked at the half-empty tea cups on the coffee table. "I think we're going to need something a little stronger." She headed back to the kitchen. * * * Lyra hugged the ex-pony. They'd only just met, and most people would have a lot of difficulty believing this story, but somehow Lyra knew that everything this visitor had said was true. And she couldn't be more excited! Life hadn't been easy for the last four months or so. Renting an apartment together had really been their only option, but it wasn't easy. Rent cost a lot of money, and there were bills, food, and other expenses. Bonny was a genius at making their money stretch, but they were both still in school, so neither were able to get a full-time job. Between them they had five part-time jobs which they squeezed into the evenings and weekends. But this left them very little time together outside of school, and when they were together they were often tired and irritable with each other. Sometimes she felt that her ponies were the one thing that got her through the day. And now she had a real-life talking pony in her apartment. "You've got to tell me all about where you come from!" Lyra released the ex-pony from her hug and smiled at her again. She led her back to the couch and they sat next to each other. * * * Lyra sat next to her human counterpart on the couch. The other human, that she assumed to be named the same as her own marefriend back in Equestria, Sweetie Drops, emerged from the kitchen carrying a glass bottle and three glasses. The glass bottle contained a golden liquid; perhaps apple juice. Sweetie Drops poured three glasses, and Lyra reached for her glass at exactly the moment her human double reached for her own. Sweetie sat in a comfortable-looking but shabby armchair facing them. The human version of Lyra was obviously keen to learn about Equestria. "So if you're the pony me, is there a pony Bonny too?" Lyra nodded. "Yes, but her real name is Sweetie Drops. I just call her Bon Bon as a nickname." "Same here!" the human squealed excitedly. "And are you friends with her?" Lyra blushed. "Actually, we're a little more than friends." The human Lyra looked at Sweetie Drops who gave her a small nod. "So are we," she confirmed. She wouldn't have wanted to announce it without Sweetie's permission — they'd had some bad experiences with people finding out about their relationship, and didn't want a repeat of that. "Do ponies normally accept that? That two mares can be together like that." Lyra remembered what Twilight Sparkle had told her, that such relationships weren't as accepted in this world. "Yes," she answered, "but it's not always been easy. There are a lot more mares in Equestria than stallions. So it's quite common for mares to be in relationships with other mares. With the right magic spells, they can even start a family together. But when I first got together with Sweetie, my family weren't too happy about it. Not because she's a mare, but because she's not a unicorn. "There are a lot of unicorns who think they're better than other ponies. They tolerate earth ponies, sure, but that tolerance only goes so far. We'd book tables in restaurants, only to find out that the booking had been 'forgotten about' when we turned up. Ponies would look at us in the street. Nopony ever said anything nasty. They were never overtly hostile to us. But it wasn't comfortable. "Eight years ago Bon Bon got offered an apprenticeship in Ponyville, and I decided to move there with her. Ponyville has a lot more earth ponies than Canterlot did, so Bon Bon feels she fits in better. And everypony is much more accepting of mixed relationships. It's a lot better now." Lyra paused and took a sip of her drink. She coughed, almost spitting it over the floor. "What is this stuff?!" Sweetie Drops laughed. "It's mead. There's a girl at school, Honeybuzz — her family have a... what's it called... an apothecary — you know, a bee farm. * * * Sweetie watched the two Lyras swapping stories over the next few hours, comparing life on Earth with life in this pony's world, which she called Equestria. The unicorn seemed so much more carefree and happy than her Lyra did. Lyra was angry at the world, and Sweeties supposed, had every right to be, but it wasn't always like that. She's once been as happy and sweet as this strange creature that they now had in their apartment. But now that the two Lyras were chatting, Sweetie could see that her girlfriend was starting to relax. The transformation was almost visible. It was like she was the happy, giggly, crazy schoolgirl that Sweetie had fallen in love with two and a half years ago. Of course, the two bottles of mead they'd gotten through could have had something to do with it as well. Watching them, she was reminded how much she loved Lyra, and she started thinking about the nature of love. These two girls, so identical. Why was she in love with one of them, but not the other? It was about shared experiences, Sweetie supposed; she didn't love Lyra because of who she was, but because of the experiences they'd shared together. That was really what differentiated Lyra from this unicorn; that was the reason why she was in love with one of them, and wasn't interested in the other, beyond the obvious physical attraction. Yes, she was physically attracted to this other Lyra. Really, how could she not have been? Sweetie was surprised it had taken so long for her to realise that she was. By now, she'd completely tuned out of the conversation and was beginning to fantasise about sharing a bed with the two identical girls. She'd always had a fantasy about making love to twins — not that they were twins, but close enough. Of course, she was sure that both Lyras would find the idea far too weird. The next thing she knew though, her girlfriend was standing up and hitching up her skirt, while the unicorn seemed to be watching in fascination. What was going on? She wished she'd been paying more attention. * * * Lyra had been chatting to her human counterpart for a couple of hours now, when it struck her that there was one thing they hadn't compared. It seemed so obvious. "I should have asked. What's your special talent?" The human smiled warmly. "I like to think I have several." Lyra giggled. "Well, of course. But I mean, what talent did you get your cutie mark for? I got mine for playing the lyre. I can play other instru--" The human was taken aback. "Cutie mark?! I know ponies have cutie marks in your world, but humans don't have cutie marks." Lyra was confused. She put down her glass. "But the girl in the shower; I saw her; she had a cutie mark of a star right on her flank." "Humans don't have cutie marks," said the girl, standing up and hitching up her short denim skirt to reveal pink lacy underwear. She slid this down a few inches at one side to reveal her flank. Without thinking, Lyra reached for the girl's flank and stroked the soft skin where she expected her cutie mark to be. The girl flinched and Lyra withdrew her hand. The girl looked at Sweetie Drops and seeming to see no objection in her expression, took Lyra's hand and put it back on her flank. Lyra stroked her skin again; there was no scarring from a burn or injury that could explain the lack of cutie mark. Perhaps humans really had no cutie marks? "So why did the girl I saw earlier have a cutie mark?" Sweetie Drops shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe it was a tattoo?" "What's a tattoo?" Lyra pressed. Sweetie Drops supplied an explanation. "It's a symbol that some people get drawn onto their skin. They choose a word or a sign that means something special to them, and it gets drawn on and stays there for life." "Oh," said Lyra, "so it's like an artificial cutie mark." Lyra's human counterpart nodded her agreement. Sweetie Drops just shrugged. Lyra noticed that her hand was still on the girl's flank, and withdrew it like it was burning. The girl sat back down on the sofa next to Lyra, closer this time, their legs just near enough to brush together. "It's OK," said the human girl, "I don't bite." Lyra laughed. "It's just that… well, I don't know how it is here, but where I come from, there's a taboo about touching other ponies that you hardly know in intimate areas." The girl laughed too. "It's the same here. But you're not a stranger. You said it yourself: you are me; I am you. I don't have a problem with you touching me." She looked over at Sweetie Drops, who watched them with interest. "And I don't think Bonny does either." Lyra looked at Sweetie Drops, or 'Bonny' as she apparently preferred to be called, and it was clear that she had no objection. * * * Lyra had almost felt electric when the ex-unicorn had touched her thigh, dangerously close to her butt. It only lasted a moment before the visitor had taken her hand away. She had looked to Bonny for reassurance before taking the visitor's hand and putting it back on her thigh, this time slightly higher. While they discussed cutie marks, she enjoyed the feeling of a new person's hand in a place only Bonny's and her own had been before. It was weird but exhilerating. Could she really be thinking like that about a version of herself? She'd never considered herself so narcissistic before. She was disappointed when the visitor again withdrew her hand. She sat down right next to ex-pony, making sure that their thighs would be in contact, and tried to reassure her that it was OK to touch. Was it really OK though. She knew it was as weird as anything, but the touch of her hand had felt like magic. Would Bonny ever understand? * * * Sweetie Drops blurted out what she'd been dying to say. "Go on, just kiss!" The two Lyras were surprised, but neither of them were more surprised than Sweetie Drops that those words had come out of her mouth. Sweetie had been watching her girlfriend and her double making moon eyes at each other for several minutes. As much as she loved Lyra, and the thought of her being with anybody else would normally sicken her, she had to admit to herself that the possibility of watching these two together was a real turn on. And it looked inevitable anyway. The two Lyras looked at each other. The pony Lyra knew that this might be her only chance to experience intimate contact with a real live human; perhaps to learn something about the human world that even Twilight Sparkle didn't know. The human Lyra had fantasized about ponies hundreds of times, and even convinced Bonny to roleplay a couple of times — to actually kiss a real talking pony was a dream come true. Sure, she hadn't dreamed about that pony being in a temporary human body, but — even though it would seem conceited to say so out loud — it was at least a pretty hot body. And here was her girlfriend, not only saying it would be OK to kiss her, but positively encouraging it. * * * Lyra looked at the human girl's lips, and unconsciously licked her own. She closed her eyes and leaned forward. And further forward. And further. Just when she thought her lips would never make contact, and that the human had fled in horror at the idea of kissing a pony, she felt something warm and moist meet her lips. Lyra's golden eyes shot open in surprise at the new experience, and she saw a similarly stunned pair of eyes looking back at her. They kissed the way two eight year olds might behind the bike shed in the school playground — nervously and hesitantly, with closed lips. Lyra wasn't a naive little mare anymore. Although she and Bon Bon had been together for many years, they had an open relationship, so she'd kissed plenty of other ponies — the DJ, that jeweller, the teacher, the post mare, even a stallion once, though she'd ended up regretting that. She was no stranger to kissing techniques, but was a stranger to human mouths, and human tongues, and for that matter, human customs, so she was cautious. She could taste the honey-sweet mead on the human's breath. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the new experience. * * * Lyra closed her eyes and kissed the pony. When their lips met, the feeling was so magical that her eyes sprung open. The unicorn had spoken about her species' ability to manipulate magic in her home land. Maybe kissing her was channelling a little part of that Equestrian magic? The pony's breath tasted partly of mead, which was to be expected, but also surprisingly minty, like she'd just brushed her teeth. It was an unusual combination perhaps, but certainly not an unwelcome one. She closed her eyes and melted into the kiss, gently parting her lips. * * * Sweetie Drops could barely believe what she saw. They actually did it. Her girlfriend and her double actually kissed. It was a beautiful sight to behold. It was only an innocent schoolgirl-style kiss, but to her it was more of a turn on than any porn she'd ever seen. And she'd seen a lot of porn — the good stuff too, the really good stuff. As soon as their lips met, Sweetie saw their eyes pop open in what looked like surprise. She prayed that it wasn't disgust, because no doubt then Lyra, her Lyra, would blame her for suggesting it. But her prayers were answered when they kept kissing, both closing their eyes again. Then Lyra, her Lyra, tilted her head to the side and started taking the kiss to the next level. * * * Lyra felt the human's tongue slip between her lips. It ran along her teeth and Lyra instinctively allowed them to part a little; the tongue darted inside her mouth. It was not as long or thick as a pony tongue, and didn't provide the feeling of filling up her mouth like she got when she kissed Bon Bon at home, but the girl's tongue moved quickly and nimbly around her mouth, seeking out her own tongue and stroking it gently. It was a new and very pleasant sensation. Lyra used her own tongue to caress her double's tongue. She felt her heart beating in her chest with excitement. She soon felt brave enough to slip her tongue between her partner's lips and explore the textures and tastes of the girl's mouth. Lyra felt the girl's hands on her mane, or rather, hair was what they called it. She mirrored her actions. Back at home, she'd often run her hoof through Bon Bon's pink and blue mane while they kissed, or while Bon Bon's mouth was occupied in other ways, but using a hand was a whole different experience; a hand is a lot more sensitive than a hoof. The soft human hair ran through her fingers, almost tickling the skin in between them. The human girl played with Lyra's hair, twisting a thin lock of her shoulder-length green hair around her finger before letting it fall back into place. Her hand stroked down from Lyra's hair to her cheek, caressing it softly, holding it gently, and pulling Lyra nearer to her in an urgent yet tender way. Lyra did the same. The girl's face felt smooth and soft and warm. Lyra could faintly feel the movements of the girl's tongue through the thin wall of her cheek. Lyra rubbed her thumb back and forth while holding the girl's cheek, and felt her partner copy the movement. Lyra let her hand wander further down to the girl's delicate neck and come to rest there. The girl's pulse was beneath her fingertips and Lyra could feel that it was as fast as her own. It thrilled her to realize that this human was getting as much excitement out of this as she was, and her kissing became more ardent and passionate. Lyra's double mirrored Lyra's movements and put her hand on Lyra's cheek too. She took the lead again, becoming more daring, allowing her hand to rest on Lyra's chest. Until the girl had touched her chest, Lyra hadn't realized quite how sensitive that part of her had become. It was like back in that shower room; she had been aroused and it had made the mounds on her chest respond so pleasurably to being touched. Lyra reminded herself that she needed to ask the humans if there was a word for these lovely little lumps on her chest. Lyra let her hand wander down to her counterpart's chest as well. She could feel the girl's heartbeat even better from here. When the human started rubbing Lyra's mounds through her clothing, it felt so good, and wanting the girl to feel the same pleasure, Lyra copied the actions, rubbing her clothing through her magenta t-shirt. The human girl seized Lyra's hand and brought it downwards and then up the inside of her shirt. Lyra felt the girl's chest again, this time hampered by one fewer layers of clothing. Why do these humans need so many layers of clothes, Lyra thought. Even with the lacy garment that the girl was still wearing, Lyra could feel plenty of soft human skin under that t-shirt. Lyra felt another hand on top of hers. The human had reached back out of the t-shirt, and had her hand on top of Lyra's, through the fabric. The girl pressed on Lyra's hand, guiding it to rub her chest harder; her other hand was still on Lyra's chest rubbing her mounds through Lyra's soft pink dress. A moan escaped the girl's lips, and Lyra knew that her partner must be experiencing the same pleasure from this as she was herself. She moaned too, to let the girl know she was enjoying it. Lyra kept one hand on her double's chest, and lay the other one on her bare lower thigh. It was soft, smooth, and hairless, just like her own. She slid it upwards, her thumb trailing along the girl's inner thigh. Lyra's fingertips arrived at the hemline of her skirt, and she boldly slipped them underneath, feeling the warmth of the girl's upper thigh. Lyra's partner shivered involuntarily. Feeling Lyra's fingers on her thigh, she did the same. Still squeezing Lyra's breasts, she placed her hand on Lyra's bare thigh and stroked it up and down for a few moments before she too dared to slide her hand further upwards, under the covering of Lyra's pink dress, and stopping only when she felt some lacy trimming that seemed to be the edge of Lyra's underwear. Lyra gasped and kissed her more passionately than before, hoping that the girl would take this as a signal to continue her explorations. Although the girl did keep exploring Lyra's body, Lyra was disppointed that she didn't move her hand further up towards her now very moist pussy, but instead slid it around to grab her on the back of her flank, giving her a little squeeze. Lyra thought that this area didn't seem as physically sensitive and pleasurable to be squeezed on as her chest did, but there was still a certain thrill to having it squeezed. Lyra decided to try doing the same, and slid her hand around to the girl's flank and it came to rest on her lacy underclothes. Lyra gave the girl's flank a little squeeze through the thin fabric. Lyra felt the girl moan more than she heard it, because their kissing muffled the sound from her mouth. This incensed her to become bolder and she slid her fingertips under the lace, feeling the soft, warm skin of her flank. The human was stunned when Lyra slipped her hand up the back of her pants to fondle her bare buttock, and opened her eyes with surprise. She squeezed the ex-unicorn's buttocks harder and kissed her with added fervour to show that it was appreciated. Tonight had gone a totally different direction from what she'd been expecting. Lyra felt the human squeeze her flank harder and knew that the girl must be enjoying what Lyra was doing. She found the little crack between the two halves of the girl's flank and rested her hands so that her fingers were gently snuggled in the crack. It was warm and slightly moist with sweat. The girl started kissing up Lyra's cheek to her ear. She gently sucked on Lyra's ear lobe and Lyra sighed with pleasure before the girl kissed down the side of Lyra's neck and gave it a playful bite, then raised her head so that Lyra could so the same. Lyra kissed the soft skin on the girl's cheek, then like she'd been shown, made a trail of kisses up towards the girl's ear. She sucked on the wobbly bit and considered sticking her tongue inside the ear like ponies liked to do, but wasn't sure if that custom translated to the human world. Instead she kissed down towards the girl's smooth neck and kissed the soft, warm skin she found there. Finally she broke off the kiss and looked the girl in the eye. The girl stood up and grabbed Lyra's hand, and Lyra was fairly sure that the girl wanted her to stand up too. * * * Lyra stood up and took the ex-unicorn by the hand. "I think we should go somewhere a little more comfortable," she purred. She led her towards the bedroom door before calling back to Sweetie Drops. "Aren't you coming?" "I can come and watch?" asked Sweetie Drops, with a grin on her face. Although she knew she was attracted to Lyra on a deep, emotional level, she was also drawn to Lyra for her gorgeous looks and slightly kinky sexuality, and was to this side of her attraction watching them make out had appealed. She'd mentally stored these images of two copies of her beautiful girlfriend kissing away for a later date. But now being allowed to watch them go even further was more than she could have possibly asked for. Lyra smiled. "Oh, I think we're both hoping you'll do a bit more than just watch." > Chapter 4 — Lyra x LyraBon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra followed her human counterpart to another room. It was slightly smaller than the previous room, with most of the floor space being taken up by a large bed. The sheets were dishevelled, looking as if the bed had been evacuated by two rather messy teenage girls who were not expecting company and not very concerned about the appearance of their bed anyway. And that indeed that was the case. A small open window let in some light and some fresh air, and a pair of white curtains gently swayed in the breeze. Lyra's double looked into Lyra's eyes before taking the hem of her own t-shirt and pulling the garment off, revealing a pink lacy undergarment. Lyra reached to touch it. "What is this called?" she asked. The human looked confused. "You mean my bra? Or my breasts?" "I don't know." The girl explained. "This is a bra," she said, tugging on the shoulder strap of her pink undergarment. She reached behind herself and in moments the bra fell away, revealing two small mounds of flesh that she cupped in her hands. "And these are my breasts." "OK, I'll try to remember that," said Lyra. She reached for the hem of her own dress and lifted it up, struggling awkwardly, having never done this before, but eventually managing to pull it over her head and drop it on the floor. Lyra stood there in white lacy underwear, pink shoes, and nothing else. Her human counterpart was still wearing her skirt and panties, but quickly stripped them off, revealing her naked, hairless body. Lyra stared at her in a manner that she supposed might be considered rude, but she couldn't help it. Sensing that it was her turn to remove some clothing, she kicked off her shoes and attempted to remove her own bra. She struggled with it. The human girl came forward and put her arms around Lyra. Lyra felt movements behind her back and when the girl came away, she was holding Lyra's bra. Lyra looked down at her own chest, finally seeing her own two breasts, which looked remarkably like the human's. The girl now bent down to slide Lyra's panties down her legs, the girl's face coming tantalisingly close to Lyra's crotch. Lyra was was wet between the legs and knew that the girl must be able to smell it. The girl looked at Lyra's pussy and involuntarily licked her lips. Lyra, though new to human bodies and human customs, was no stranger to sex, and knew what the girl must be thinking. "So, we're really going to do this?" she asked. The girl nodded. "But I don't really know how," explained Lyra, "I mean, I know how to do it to a pony, with hooves. In fact, I've been told I really know how to do it. But it must be different with humans. And hands." The girl smiled and clapped excitedly. "We can practise on Bonny!" Sweetie Drops folded her arms. "OK, so she goes down on you once she's an expert, but in the mean time I just get treated as some kind of test subject?" Her girlfriend shrugged. "And you're really objecting to being our test subject?" Sweetie Drops stripped off faster than she'd thought possible, and lay back on the bed. Even when her girlfriend had invited her to come to the bedroom, she had hardly dared to dream that something like this would happen. She put her knees up and moved her legs apart. The two Lyras took a position further down the bed, Sweetie's girlfriend by her left leg, and their visitor by her right leg. "OK," said the human Lyra, "first, there's no rush. We can take our time. No need to head straight for her pussy. You use that word where you come from?" Lyra nodded. They didn't use that word, but she could guess what it meant. The human continued. "Let's start by kissing her thighs." Lyra's human counterpart placed a gentle kiss on the inside of Sweetie's thigh. As she pulled her lips away, Lyra could see the slight dampness she'd left behind on Sweetie's creamy white skin. Lyra copied, kissing the inside of Sweetie's right thigh. Going in, she smelt a sweet, salty scent, not unlike a pony's musk, but not identical either. Sweetie's skin was soft but firm and tasted of… not very much — perhaps very slightly of sweat. Lyra pulled away and saw the lip-shaped patch of wetness she'd left of Sweetie's inner thigh. Both Lyras went in simultaneously for another kiss, an inch or two higher. Lyra felt something moving against her right hand, and looked down to see that her human equivalent had put her left hand against Lyra's right, interlacing their fingers together. It was beautiful — like a fabric woven of fingers — and Lyra couldn't help but stare at their hands for a few moments. Hooves were nice, but she had never felt such a feeling of closeness from merely touching hooves back at home. When she snapped out of her hand-imposed trance, her human double was looking at her. Once the girl saw she had Lyra's attention again, she smiled and gave Lyra a small kiss before going back to planting gentle little kisses on her girlfriend's thighs. Soon Lyra saw that her counterpart's kisses had turned into playful licks, and Lyra did the same on the thigh closest to her. Using her tongue, she was able to taste Sweetie better, and the flavour of her salty sweat was more noticeable, though not unpleasant. Lyra felt Sweetie's thigh quiver under her tongue. "Am I doing it right?" she asked hesitantly. "Yes," Sweetie Drops squeaked. "I mean, yes," she answered in a more normal voice. Lyra returned to licking Sweetie's thigh, confident in the knowledge that if she had raised Sweetie's voice two octaves, then she must be doing something right. Lyra felt her double slip her hand away from hers and looked around to see what the matter was. The girl was looking at her, smiling, and brought her hand towards her mouth before sucking on two fingers. When the fingers emerged, they looked wet and slippery. Lyra watched the girl reach up to her girlfriend's smooth foalhole. No, not foalhole, Lyra thought, I must remember to use human terms. Babyhole. "I'm just going to rub Bonny's pussy lips," said the human Lyra and started using her wet fingers to rub up and down the slit. "Pussy," said Lyra out loud, trying to remember the word. Her human counterpart giggled. "Here, you have a try!" Lyra sucked on her fingers to wet them. The sensation of her tongue running between her fingers was nice, and oddly sensual. She put her moist fingers onto Sweetie's pussy and started stroking up and down the already slick lips like she'd been shown, her fingers slipping over her counterpart's as they both rubbed Sweetie Drops' pussy. "You're a natural," said the human Lyra, and Lyra grinned. "Isn't that right, Bonny?" "Mmhmmm!" Sweetie let out a high-pitched confirmation. Lyra could smell Sweetie Drops' arousal and the scent of it was starting to have an effect on her. Her own pussy was starting to feel warm, like it needed some attention. But now was not the time for that, for now she was happy to concentrate on Sweetie's pussy, rubbing its pink lips and inhaling its sweet aroma. Sweetie Drops groaned when Lyra's human double slipped two fingers between her lips and up into Sweetie's pussy before drawing them out again, glistening in sticky liquid. "You try," said the girl. Lyra got ready to push her hand inside Sweetie but her counterpart stopped her hurriedly. "Not your whole hand — just your fingers. Only use one or two — my Bonny is insanely tight." She smiled at Lyra. Lyra nodded and extended two fingers like the human had before. She pushed and they slid into Sweetie's pussy without resistance, eliciting another moan from Sweetie. Lyra smiled, happy that she seemed to be doing a good job. She moved her fingers in and out slowly, just like her Bon Bon enjoyed when she used her hoof. Sweetie Drops moaned again. "Keep going, Lyra," she begged. "Nuh-uh," said Lyra's human counterpart, and pulled Lyra's wrist back. Lyra's fingers slipped out of Sweetie, who groaned in frustration. A thin bridge of sticky liquid connected Lyra's fingertips to Sweetie's pussy lips for a second before breaking. "Can't have Bonny finishing just yet," said the girl. Lyra watched as her double took Lyra's fingers into her mouth and sucked on them, cleaning them of Sweetie's juices. The girl offered her fingers to Lyra, who eagerly sucked on them too, swirling her tongue around to savour the dried-on Sweetie Drops nectar. The fingers tasted bitter and salty yet also sweet. She wondered if her own human pussy would taste the same, taste as good. Lyra found herself getting more turned on by this — sucking Sweetie Drops' pussy juice off her human double's fingers — than anything else they'd done so far. The taste, the smell, the sensation of the girl's slender fingers inside her mouth — it was all so amazing. Lyra took the fingers out of her mouth and licked the length of them up and down. "You're cute," the girl said, grinning. Lyra stopped licking and blushed. "I'm sorry, it's just… fingers. They're so delicate but so strong. Ponies don't have fingers." The girl giggled, "it's OK. I meant it — it's cute." She offered her fingers to Lyra who took them back into her mouth and sucked them again. The taste of Sweetie Drops was gone from them, but the feeling of the long digits in her mouth was the same. The girl wriggled her fingers playfully inside Lyra's mouth, still smiling, amused at how much Lyra liked them. "If you like them so much inside your mouth, just wait until you feel them other places." Lyra gasped in surprise and her double used that as an opportunity to claim her fingers back, smirking at Lyra's innocence. The girl gave Lyra a quick kiss, and Lyra took the opportunity to melt into her lips, her tongue slipping into the girl's mouth. They could each taste Sweetie's juices in the other's mouth. Sweetie Drops coughed. "When you're quite ready…?" The human Lyra broke off the kiss. "Sorry." She was apologising to Lyra as much as she was to her girlfriend. She scooted a few inches up the bed and Lyra watched as she put her face against Sweetie Drops' pussy, eliciting a moan of gratitude from Sweetie. Lyra could only imagine what the girl was doing, but it would probably be much the same as what she did with her own marefriend back in Equestria. Sweetie Drops began breathing heavily, and rested her hand on the back of her girlfriend's head, guiding her. Lyra watched but couldn't see much apart from the back of the girl's head. Lacking anything else to do, she reached her hand between her legs. It brushed against the small patch of hair just above her pussy. Just as she was about to make contact with the her pussy lips, her human counterpart spoke. "Would you like to have a go?" asked the human Lyra, gesturing towards the glistening pink area between Sweetie's legs. Lyra nodded and took her hands away from her own crotch — that could wait. She leaned on her elbows between Sweetie's thighs. "What should I do?" "Try giving her some little kisses and licks around the lips first," suggested the human Lyra. "No," said her desperate girlfriend, who was rubbing her own nipples with wet fingers. "Clit — now." "Ignore her." Sweetie Drops growled in frustration. Lyra lowered her head to Sweetie's pussy and did as she'd been asked. She gently licked the outer lips, noticing for the first time a big difference between Sweetie's pussy and her own — Sweetie's was completely hairless, while hers had a small patch of hair. She'd ask about it later, but it seemed likely to be an imperfection of whatever process had given her the human body — a little pony fur left over perhaps? The taste was unsurprisingly the same as when she'd sucked Sweetie's juices off her double's fingers, but more intense straight from the source. She ran her tongue lightly up and down each side, staying away from the middle for now. She did the same again, pressing a little harder. She knew what her Bon Bon liked and tried to apply the same principles to human anatomy. She found the little stretch of skin between Sweetie's pussy and plot hole and gave it a lick. "Mmmnmm…" Sweetie moaned in appreciation. She alternated between licking Sweetie's pink pussy lips and that lower area, with Sweetie's heavy breathing letting her know that she was doing a good job. "You could try…" the human Lyra started. "It's OK. I think I've got it," answered Lyra, briefly looking up. She delivered a row of gentle kisses along the length of each of Sweetie's pussy lips before sucking gently on one while massaging it with her tongue. She turned to the other lip, giving it a few playful flicks of her tongue before sucking on that one too. Sweetie stroked Lyra's hair gently. "Y-yes. She's g-got it," she murmured. Lyra used a hand to rub left lip while gently sucking the right, carefully avoiding the middle — at least for now. She brought her other hand up so that she could swap sides, sucking the left lip instead. "Stop fucking teasing me," begged Sweetie. Lyra decided to put the poor girl out of her misery. She used her fingers to spread Sweetie's pussy lips apart, revealing the glistening prize. She briefly thought that having hands might make this easier back at home, but then again pony pussies don't have such prominent lips. Lyra lowered her tongue to Sweetie's pink slit and felt Sweetie's thighs quiver as she licked the length of it from bottom to top. She lapped at the entire length of the slit over and over while Sweetie alternated between moans and squeals, her hands clasping at the sheets. Remembering what her human counterpart had done with her before, Lyra used one of her hands to reach up to one of Sweetie's hands, and fumbling a little, intertwined their fingers. Sweetie gripped Lyra's hand tightly while Lyra ran her tongue up and down her pussy. Sweetie moaned and began to move her hips, feeling herself getting closer to orgasm — if only this pony knew how to find her clit! She used the hand she had on the back of Lyra's head to try to guide her towards it. Lyra let the hand guide her upwards until she found a small, hard part of Sweetie's pussy, which she flicked with her tongue. A clitoris — the same as ponies have — only of course everything was upside down with Sweetie on her back. She gently licked it some more before feeling a hand on her flank. She briefly looked down to see her human double's hand gently squeezing it. "Do you mind sharing?" asked the human Lyra. Lyra shook her head and shuffled to the side. The girls took turns to lick up and down the length of Sweetie's slit, kissing her lower lips, and sucking gently on her clit. The human Lyra let her tongue delve deep into Sweetie's pussy, whirling it around before coming up. "You try it," she purred. Lyra didn't hesitate. She stuck her little human tongue, sadly not nearly as long as a pony tongue, into Sweetie's pussy hole. Although she'd been licking Sweetie's pussy for a while now, the inside tasted different, sharper, but still delicious. Delicious and warm. Lyra wondered whether her own pussy tasted the same inside. She eagerly thrust her little tongue in and out, pressing it against the walls before coming out again to kiss Sweetie's clit. It was the human's turn next. She stuck her tongue inside Sweetie Drops and from the way Sweetie clutched Lyra's hand it was obvious she was doing a good job. Lyra had almost forgotten about her counterpart's hand on her behind, until it started squeezing her tighter. The sensation reminded her about her own pussy, which was aching for attention, but it would have to wait. "Mmmnhmm… that's g-good Ly. N-nearly there," Sweetie panted, squirming on the bed from her girlfriend's expert treatment. "Your go," said the human Lyra, slapping the ex-pony's bottom. Lyra dived straight in, her tongue exploring the depths of Sweetie's pussy. "Come on, little p-pony, m-m-make me cum," gasped Sweetie, her thighs beginning to quiver. Her clit was beginning to tingle and she knew she was close. Lyra moved her tongue in and out, using it to fuck Sweetie's warm entrance. She buried her face in Sweetie's pussy and her nose rubbed against Sweetie's hard clit. Sweetie felt this other Lyra's tongue inside her, fucking her, while her girlfriend watched on, helping, caressing the inside of her thighs. When she felt the pony girl's nose brush against her clit, a flash of heat erupted inside her, the flames of pleasure curling down her legs to her toes. Even her ears felt like they were aflame. It was a climax like she hadn't felt in ages. She squealed in joy while her girlfriend quickly clambered up the bed. Sweetie's squeaks of sexual pleasure were only silenced when her partner's mouth clamped over her own, kissing her with a passion and vigour that had perhaps been missing from their relationship for a while. She was soon aware of the other Lyra lying beside her. She broke off her kiss with her girlfriend, and turned to the ex-pony to thank her properly, wrapping her lips around the lookalike's mouth and kissing her with erotic hunger, tasting her own sweet juices on this familiar stranger's tongue. Lyra, for her own part, had approached this whole thing as a kind of kinky experiment, but seeing Sweetie's orgasm had awoken a mysterious, animalistic hunger within her. She knew she had to do more with these two humans. She had to experience the same ecstatic climax that she'd brought somebody else to. She kissed Sweetie back with an intensity that she hoped would demonstrate her appetite. It did. Sweetie Drops climbed on top of Lyra's naked body and worked her way down, kissing, sucking, and licking Lyra's neck, breasts, and belly before taking a position between her legs. The human Lyra crawled down to join her and the two girls started kissing Lyra's inner thighs, pausing only occasionally to kiss each other. Lyra reached beside her and grabbed a pillow to prop up her head so that she could watch. She felt her heart beating in her chest, and her breathing quicken as the girls got closer and closer to her pussy. The human Lyra planted a gentle kiss on Lyra's pussy lips, triggering a shiver that ran down Lyra's spine. The kiss was followed by another and then another, and then one from Sweetie Drops, who kissed Lyra's pussy gently before using her hands to part the lips and hold back the light covering of fur. "She looks just like you," she said to her girlfriend. Lyra's double looked at Sweetie. "What? I shave." Sweetie giggled. "You only started that a couple of years ago." She gave her girlfriend an affectionate kiss on the nose before kissing Lyra softly between her pussy lips, prompting a satisfied sigh from the former unicorn. "Does she taste like me?" asked the human Lyra. Sweetie kissed Lyra's pussy again, and inhaled deeply through her nose. "Pretty much." She buried her face in Lyra's pussy, licking and sucking on the lips. Lyra tilted her hips up to give her better access, and watched. The girl's hands and dainty mouth allowed her to pleasure Lyra much more precisely and delicately than hooves and muzzles were able to do. Lyra felt Sweetie's tongue slide inside her. This was her first time in this body, and she worried that the body's hymen might still be intact, but clearly that was something that had been carried over from Equestria, and her pussy readily accepted Sweetie's probing tongue. Sweetie fucked Lyra with her tongue, sliding it in and out of her pussy. She had, according to her girlfriend, rather a talent for this sort of thing — which was nice, because it's great to find something that you're skilled at and also really enjoy. And Sweetie really enjoyed eating pussy. She loved the smells; she loved the tastes; but most of all, she loved the squirming and squealing of her partner. Her girlfriend could get particularly squealy, and it seemed like this double from another dimension was not going to be any different. Lyra was already moaning and breathing deeply while Sweetie penetrated her pussy. Her hands went to Sweetie's curly hair, stroking it softly while the girl thrusted into her with her tongue. Sweetie came up for air, and Lyra stroked the side of her face; it felt damp with her pussy juices. Sweetie turned to her girlfriend, and the two young women kissed passionately, with the human Lyra tasting her counterpart's flavour on Sweetie's lips. Sweetie broke from the kiss and guided her girlfriend's head down to Lyra's pussy, allowing the green-haired girl to take over her duty. The human Lyra assaulted her pony double's pussy with a barrage of licks, sucks, and kisses. Lyra could feel a difference in style between Sweetie's slow, precise tongue fucking, and the human Lyra's frenzied oral attack, but both were fantastic. Lyra's panting became heavier and she ran her fingers through her human counterpart's hair. When Lyra felt some lips wrap around her clit, she made a fist, gripping her double's hair, holding her in place as she began to suck. Lyra closed her eyes to better concentrate on the sensation. With her eyes closed, the rest of the room disappeared — there was only her and the lips on her pussy. She became aware of the sound of her own breath, of the rapid beating of her own heart, and of the tingling feeling in her pussy and at the base of her spine, and curiously in her ears. The girl pulled away, and Lyra reluctantly let go of her hair. She opened her eyes to see the two girls kissing each other again. The tingling receded and she felt the promise of an imminent orgasm fading away. Sweetie reckoned it was her turn now, so broke away from kissing her girlfriend to bury her face in Lyra's pussy again. She sucked gently on the clit and slid two fingers into Lyra's warm, wet passage. Assuming everything was the same as with her girlfriend, she knew exactly where all the best spots to rub would be. She laid her other hand on Lyra's lower belly, just above her pubic mound, and pushed the fingers that were inside Lyra's pussy gently upwards to meet it. With her palm, she could feel her fingers moving inside Lyra's body, and she started massaging the pony's pussy walls between her hands. "Yes, k-keep going," Lyra whined in appreciation. Hands were so much more versatile than hooves, though she supposed they couldn't beat unicorn magic. Sweetie Drops flicked at her clit with her tongue. Lyra's pussy and ears felt warm and tingly and she though new to this human body, she knew her climax must be approaching. When it came, it felt like a bolt of lightning tearing through her, up her spine from her belly right up to the back of her head. She writhed and clenched her teeth as shots of electricity twisted down her thighs, curved around her heaving chest, and raced along her arms, bringing sparks of pleasure to every part of her body, from her fingers to her toes. Her face, neck, and chest felt flushed and warm, and her ears felt like they were burning. Lyra's pussy walls clamped down on Sweetie's fingers, like she was trying to milk them, and she humped against Sweetie's hands and face, trying to get every ounce of pleasure from this. Sweetie withdrew her finders and lustfully lapped at the pussy, which had released a warm gush of fluids, which she was eager to consume every drop of. As Lyra started to become aware of her surrounding again, she noiced her human counterpart was looking up at her, open mouthed. "Wh-what just happened?" stammered the human Lyra. "She came, you idiot," answered Sweetie Drops, taking her face away from Lyra's crotch for a moment. "No, that!" the human Lyra pointed at her pony counterpart's head. Sweetie looked up and recoiled, backing away from Lyra. "Wh-what's going on?!" Lyra could see the looks of confusion, and perhaps even fear, in the two girls' faces. "What's wrong?" she asked, worried that she'd somehow offended her hosts. Her human duplicate gulped. "It's your ears!" "What about them?" asked Lyra, reaching for the top of her head, and finding her usual little pointy ears, which felt just like normal. Then it dawned on her. They felt like normal. Like pony ears. She sat up. Sweetie Drops was acting the most confused and worried about the situation. She was now standing beside the bed, backing away slowly. "Are you… are you becoming a pony again?" Lyra wasn't sure. This was new to her too. Her human counterpart hesitantly leaned forward. "Can I… can I touch them?" Lyra didn't know what to say, but found herself nodding. The girl reached foward, and took an ear in her hand — it felt soft but firm, like a real pony's ear — though why should it not; their visitor was a pony after all. "I don't suppose this sort of thing is considered normal in your world?" asked Lyra. The two girls shook their heads. Sweetie was now some distance away and noticed another change. She bolted across the room and grabbed a small hand mirror. "Look at your hair!" she cried, passing Lyra the mirror. Lyra took the mirror in her hands and looked at her face, seeing the new ears, or her old ears rather, and taking a look at what Sweetie had noticed: her hair was now three or four times longer, easily reaching down to the bed she was sitting on. She put down the mirror and took the long, soft silky hair in her hands. If she were standing, this would be long enough to reach her knees — it would almost look like a tail. It dawned on her — the burning sensation she'd felt in her ears, and at the back of her head when she'd climaxed. It had partly transformed her back into a pony. The human Lyra was now stroking Lyra's ears and hair. "You're so cute!" It figured — she was obsessed with ponies after all. Sweetie had begun to relax and sat beside her girlfriend on the bed. Lyra kissed her human counterpart, and then Sweetie Drops on the mouth, tasting her own juices on their lips. This was starting to get really weird. * * * Twilight Sparkle picked herself up from the concrete and looked around. She saw various faces, most of them somewhat familiar, but couldn't see Lyra anywhere. This came as no surprise — she could only guess at how much of a head start that crazy green unicorn had had. Tracking her down wouldn't be easy; she'd need the help of her friends. > Chapter 5 — The Girls, Robert, and Lyra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having searched the corridors of Canterlot High School for Lyra without any success, Twilight Sparkle finally managed to spot two familiar faces standing at the side of the school sports field. "Sunset! Rainbow!" she shouted, running over to them. "Twilight!" they both called, pulling her into a hug. Sunset looked at Twilight with concern. "If you've come here, there must be some reason. Has something terrible slipped through the portal to our world? A manticorn? A sea monster? Parasprites?! Twittermites?!" Twilight put her hands on Sunset's shoulders to calm her. "Yes, sort of. I'm trying to track down a visitor to this world from Equestria, but she's just a pony, and I don't think she's any threat. She's a primary school music teacher." "Who's a what, now?" came a familiar voice from behind Twilight. "Applejack!" she said, spinning around to greet her friend. Applejack had arrived with Fluttershy, each carrying bows, and not the kind you'd tie in your hair. Twilight gestured towards the bows. "What's all this about?" "Oh, Twilight, these? We just got back from archery practice," Fluttershy said softly. Twilight raised her eyebrows. "Archery? Since when have you two been into archery? I've never seen you with bows and arrows." Applejack rested her bow against a wall. "We've been into archery since forever, sugarcube." Twilight looked at Sunset and Rainbow Dash who nodded their confirmation. "Why didn't I know that?" Sunset shrugged. "You've only spent, what, a couple of weeks total in this world, and you were pretty occupied during those times. There are probably a lot of things you don't know about us." Twilight scratched her head. "I suppose so. But the Applejack in my world has never expessed any interest in archery. Not that I know of, anyway. I just assumed you'd be the same." "Now, I've never been to Equestria, sweetie," Applejack answered, "but from what you've told us, there are a lot of parallels between the ponies there and the students at our school. But it stands to reason there are going to be differences too. I mean, ponies ain't exactly going to be good at archery, are they?" Applejack held her hands up. "With hooves?" Twilight giggled. "You'd be surprised what a pony can do with hooves." "And besides, even if your Applejack and me were born destined to live parallel lives, we're all products of our experience, aren't we? If there's a human Twilight Sparkle out there somewhere, she hasn't lived the same life as you. She might be a very different person." Twilight hadn't thought of it like that before. What if there were another Twilight Sparkle in this world? There was doubles of all her Ponyville friends here, and the princesses — maybe others as well. In a way it would be weirder if there wasn't another Twilight Sparkle. "I suppose you're right, Applejack." A blur of pink whizzed past and crashed into Rainbow Dash. Rainbow stumbled and fell into Applejack, and they both ended up on the floor. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle pulled the two fallen girls up. "You're really improving, Pinkie," Sunset said encouragingly to Pinkie, who was now sitting with her back to the wall, taking her skates off. Twilight leaned over towards Sunset and whispered, "she's awful!" Sunset whispered back so that Pinkie couldn't overhear. "Yes, but this is still a massive improvement over before." Rarity skated to a graceful stop beside them. "Why, Twilight, darling, what a wonderful surprise? Whatever are you doing here?" "Rarity!" Twilight cried, throwing her arms around the girl and almost knocking her off her skates. After they'd each had sufficient hugs, Twilight explained the situation again. "A pony from Equestria managed to get through the portal and I believe she's arrived in your world. She's not any threat, she's just a music teacher, but I think she has some… weird ideas about humans. I need to track her down and convince her to come back home." Sunset shuffled nervously and looked at Twilight. Nopony had ever come to try to convince her to return to Equestria. Though she wasn't sure she wanted to return anyway. Twilight continued. "Anyway, her mane is green and white. She's called Lyra Heart—" "Heartstrings! I know Lyra!" Pinkie squealed. "Of course," Rainbow Dash said, "so do I. She used to hang around with me quite a lot when we first started at CHS. I think she had a bit of a crush on me… but who could blame her?" Applejack tutted and rolled her eyes. Twilight thought for a moment. "So you must know the human version of Lyra. Where can we find her? She might be able to give us some kind of clue as to where my Lyra has gone to." "What makes you think that she knows anything about your Lyra?" Sunset asked. Twilight shook her head. "She probably doesn't, but I've searched the school and found nothing. I don't know what else to try. Maybe she won't have seen anything, but I have to at least ask." Pinkie shrugged. "I don't know. She and Bon Bon were in English class this morning, but I haven't seen them since. I know they skipped maths. I don't blame them — Mr Donkey can be so cranky, but—" "Do they normally skip classes?" Twilight asked. "Not Bon Bon, no. She's very conscientious," Pinkie answered. Applejack raised her eyebrows. "Since when have you been usin' fancy words like that?" "I've been reading the dictionary. It was under 'C'…" "Do you think they'll be back tomorrow?" Twilight asked, bringing the conversation back around to a more pressing matter than Pinkie Pie's vocabulary. Pinkie shrugged again. "How should I know? You could go and ask them." "You know where they live?" Twilight asked. Pinkie nodded. "It's too far to walk though. You'll need to get somebody to give you a lift." Twilight wasn't sure what she meant. If it was too far to walk, why would anyone want to pick her up and carry her there? Sunset put an arm around Twilight. "Me and Robert can give you a lift." Twilight wasn't sure who Robert was. "O… kay?" "Road trip!" Pinkie cried. "Hold on a minute," Twilight said, "I don't want to overwhelm Lyra with people." Nor did she want to overwhelm people with Lyra. "I think it might be best if just us ponies go." She nodded towards Sunset. The girls were disappointed, but understood. Sunset and Pinkie discussed how to get to Lyra's apartment, and Twilight soon found herself being led to a car park behind the school by Sunset Shimmer. "I've missed you, you know?" Sunset said as they walked through the car park. Twilight smiled at Sunset and took her hand. "I've missed you too. But we write, don't we?" "I write. I sometimes get a response a few days later." They walked along together, hand in hand. Twilight stopped. "I'm sorry. There's a lot I have to do in Equestria. But I do think about you." Sunset looked away. "It's okay. I understand." She realized that perhaps this wasn't the best subject for her to have brought up. "Robert's over this way." Twilight felt a flutter in her heart. It felt strange that Sunset had this whole new relationship that she wasn't a part of. Why haven't you mentioned anything about him when you've written? Twilight sighed. "It's good that you've found a boyfriend. I guess that means you won't be returning to Equestria any time soon. I hope Robert knows what a lucky guy he is. You—" Sunset broke out in laughter. "Robert isn't a guy! Come on, let me show you!" She took Twilight by the hand and ran towards the far end of the car park. There was nobody else around. Sunset stopped by a large shiny dark plastic shape. She bent down and lifted a corner of it; it turned out to be a plastic sheet. As the sheet was pulled back, it revealed a large black machine underneath. It had two wheels, like the bicycles Twilight was familiar with from home, but it was much larger and covered in pipes and machinery. "And this is a Robert?" Twilight asked, open jawed. Sunset laughed. "No, it's a motorbike. I just call it Robert because I think it's fun to give it a name." Twilight giggled. "Okay, a motorbike. I see, like a bike with a motor. Intriguing." Sunset retrieved a pair of helmets from a storage section underneath the seat of the motorbike, climbed onto it, and put a helmet on. She patted the area behind her. "Hop on, Sparkle!" Twilight cautiously approached the machine, accepting the helmet that Sunset offered her. She hitched up her skirt slightly and carefully sat on the hard plastic seat behind Sunset. "Now, don't be frightened. Robert can be a little loud." Suddenly the machine sprung to life, making a loud growling sound, like a pride of angry manticores. The bike shook beneath them. "It vibrates a lot, doesn't it?!" Twilight yelled into Sunset's ear. Sunset shouted back, "V-twin engine!" Twilight had no clue what that meant. "Good isn't it?" Sunset added. "Good?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Why would it be good? It's annoying. Plus it means your engine is not being properly efficient. Energy that could be used to propel this vehicle forward is instead being disipated as noise and vibration." "Don't forget heat!" Sunset shouted, and the machine lunged forward, carrying the pair out of the car park and onto the road. The machine crawled along the city streets, the hard seat below them vibrating like crazy. The bike made a terrible sound, like it was suffering. Other bikes whizzed past, going at twice the speed and making a fraction of the noise. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?!" Twilight yelled into Sunset's ear. "Of course, Sparkle. I've been riding for nearly two weeks! I just don't know all the gears and stuff." "Two weeks?!" Twilight's grip around Sunset's waist tightened as she clung on for dear life. Sunset turned onto a much wider road, several lanes across, and accelerated right up until the bike's engine seemed to start resonating, increasing the vibrations dramatically. Twilight closed her eyes and buried her face in Sunset's shoulder. She began to notice that the vibrating seat felt really good against her crotch, the thin cotton panties she was wearing providing almost no padding against the hard plastic seat. She scooted back on the seat a couple of inches before tilting her hips forward to press her pussy down against the seat. What in Celestia's name am I doing? she thought to herself. I shouldn't be thinking about this? Not when I'm with Sunset. And not when Lyra's potentially in trouble. But it did feel good. And she could feel her body responding to the stimulation, her pussy moistening. She slipped a hand under Sunset's leather jacket. There was just Sunset's t-shirt between her hand and her stomach. Sunset's not going to think that's weird, is she? It's not like I'm feeling her naked flesh. Wait, why am I even thinking about feeling her naked flesh? Sunset's just a friend. Sunset pulled over and brought the bike to a standstill before switching off the engine. The vibrations shuddered to a halt. "You can let go now, Twilight… Twilight?" "S-Sorry," Twilight stammered, letting go of Sunset's waist. Sunset hopped off the bike and turned to look at Twilight, who was climbing off the bike, seemingly a little wobbly at the knees. Sunset smirked. "Didn't I tell you that vibration was a good thing?" Twilight blushed and smoothed her skirt down. "I… err… I guess it has its advantages." "Yeah, I always have to carry a change of underwear with me since I bought that bike." Sunset chuckled and turned to study the building numbers. "Here, it's this building," she said, walking over to a nearby door. Sunset pushed the door and it swung open. It was clearly meant to be protected by an intercom system that allowed residents to buzz visitors in, but the lock seemed broken. She consulted the names by the Intercom buttons and spotted a fairly recently written 'S Drops & L Heartstrings' which contrasted with the faded colour of the rest. She noted down the flat number and held the door open for Twilight. Twilight and Sunset stood outside the flat and Twilight nervously knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door was opened by a messy-haired girl wearing a dressing gown. She looked like Lyra, but neither Twilight nor Sunset knew which Lyra. "Twilight Sparkle? Sunset Shimmer? What are you guys doing here?" Twilight squinted at the girl, trying to figure her out. The real Lyra — her Lyra — wouldn't need to ask that question. "Is she here then?" Lyra thought about lying, but somewhat defiantly, decided to tell the truth. "She's here, yes." "Can we come in then?" Twilight asked, not wanting to have this conversation in the corridor. Lyra stepped aside. "Sure." The two ex-unicorns stepped into the small flat and took a look around. The other Lyra, along with a girl Twilight realized must be the human version of Sweetie Drops stepped into the room from the opposite doorway, each wearing dressing gowns. It seemed like an odd choice of attire at this time of day, but Twilight wasn't exactly familiar with human customs with regards to clothing, so didn't mention anything. She did notice Sunset raise her eyebrows though. "Lyra, we need to talk," Twilight said sternly. Lyra didn't seem especially surprised that Twilight had turned up. "I'm sorry, Princess Twilight, but I had to come. I know I should have asked, but…" Her voice trailed off, a look of sadness on her face. "Can you forgive me?" Twilight's demeanour softened. "I'm not here to shout at you, Lyra. Look, I think we need to talk… pony to pony." She turned to Lyra's human counterpart. "Is there somewhere we can talk… privately?" The human Lyra gestured towards the door that Lyra had just emerged from. Lyra and Twilight headed for the other room, Sunset Shimmer following behind. Twilight stopped her by the door. "I'm sorry, Sunset, this is between Lyra and I." * * * "Why, Lyra?" Twilight asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Lyra sat on a comfortable armchair a few feet away. "You, better than anypony except Bon Bon, should know that. You know how I feel about humans." Twilight shook her head and sighed. "But it could have been dangerous. You could have been hurt. Sweetie has been so worried about you." Lyra laid back in the armchair. The mention of her marefriend's name had stung. In all this, she'd barely given her a moment's thought. She blinked away the beginnings of a tear from her eye. "You're such a hypocrite, Twilight! Do you really think your friends at home weren't worried about you when you came here? I've spoken to Rarity when she's come to pick up Sweetie Belle after her music lessons. She worries about you when you've gone to Canterlot for a couple of days. How do you think she feels about you going to a parallel universe?!" "I guess… I—" Twilight stammered. But Lyra wasn't finished yet. "And aren't you the pony that's always encouraging everypony to learn?! To value knowledge and discovery?! Because that's why I'm here. To learn about this world." Lyra looked away from Twilight. She knew she'd been too harsh. Twilight sat in silence for a while before speaking calmly. "So, Lyra, tell me what you've learnt." Lyra looked up and gave Twilight a cautious smile. "Aside from getting used to this body…" Twilight nodded encouragingly. "I've learnt that humans wear clothes, and they sometimes don't like it if you watch them when they're not wearing clothes." Twilight raised her eyebrows. "I've learnt that humans don't have cutie marks." Twilight nodded, remembering when she'd noticed that herself. "And that humans can grow pony ears." "What?!" Twilight interrupted in surprise. "You didn't know?" said Lyra, smiling slyly. "Well, I did… it–it's happened to me. But it only happens in the presence of powerful sources of magic. How did it happen to you?" Lyra hesitated. "I… ummm… sex?" Twilight's jaw fell open. "Lyra… you've been here… what… less than 24 hours? And you've had sex?! Who with?! Not…" Twilight looked towards the doorway. "With her?! With the human Sweetie Drops?" "Maybe with both of them?" Lyra winced for the inevitable barrage of shouting, which didn't come. She looked up at Twilight who was instead regarding her curiously. "Do you think you could show me?" the princess asked. "Me? W–with you?" Lyra stammered. Maybe Pinkie had been right? "No! Just… you know… just show me on yourself." Lyra began to stand up. "Oh, okay," she answered casually, "I'll just go and get her." Twilight held out her hand to stop her. "No, not her yourself. Just yourself yourself." Lyra realized what she meant. "Ohhhhh… okay." She paused and blushed slightly. "Do you want me to take my dressing gown off?" Twilight chuckled. "You're already starting to think like a human. Lyra, I've seen you naked hundreds of times." Lyra smiled and laughed. "Oh, yeah, I suppose you have." She stood, and untied the dressing gown cord, then slipped the garment off over her shoulders. It fell onto the floor in a crumpled heap. She sat back on the armchair, lifting her feet up by her buttocks into a squatting-like position, with her legs apart. "Now… umm… I might not be very good at this. I'm still learning." Twilight nodded and shifted sideways on the bed a little to get a better view. In her two visits to Equestria before, she hadn't really had time for 'pleasure'. Her thoughts drifted towards Sunset. Surely she must know something about this? She'd been in this world for years. A girl like that must have had offers, and even if she didn't, then in the privacy of her own room… Twilight, pull yourself together. You need to pay attention here. Lyra parted her lower lips with the fingers of her left hand, exposing her delicate pink pussy. She used two fingers of the other hand to rub it just below her clit, but found it rather dry. She put the fingers to her mouth, sucking on them for a moment and enjoying the feeling of her tongue in the gap between her fingers, and then returned them to her pussy, covered in saliva. After rubbing up and down her slit a few times, Lyra pushed the fingers inside her tight pussy. It felt strange having Twilight watching, so she closed her eyes and pretended she wasn't there. A few thrusts later, Lyra could feel her pussy start to lubricate itself. Her left hand went to her right breast and started kneeding it beneath her palm. Twilight Sparkle watched while Lyra masturbated in front of her. Yes, she'd seen Lyra naked plenty of times before — that was perfectly normal in Equestria — but never in this body, and never doing this. She had expected to be able to observe this impartially, but found herself getting aroused watching Lyra pleasure herself in front of her. Twilight's hand moved down between her legs and started to rub at her own pussy. If I keep my hand outside my panties, above the fabric, then it isn't really wrong, is it? Lyra's fingers now moved in and out of her pussy at a steady speed, each withdrawl resulting in a slick squelch and a few drops of her juices trickling onto the seat below her. With her eyes still closed, she could almost forget that the princess was watching her, and she started to really enjoy herself. She tilted her hips up slightly to get better access. Her two fingers were penetrating as deeply as they could, stopped from going deeper only by the knuckles of her remaining fingers. Twilight knew she shouldn't be enjoying herself like this while she watched Lyra, but she couldn't help it. Her hand rubbed the cotton of her panties up and down, and she could feel them getting damper. This was all Sunset's fault, she was sure of it — Sunset and that motorbike, getting her all hot and bothered. Lyra moved her fingers faster and faster inside herself. By chance she brushed against a particularly sensitive spot at the front of her pussy, making her quiver with pleasure, so she curled her fingers slighty to make better contact with that area. She pinched her nipples between the fingers of her other hand, alternating between breasts, each pinch bringing pleasure, but hard enough to deliver just a tiny bit of pain too. Orgasm seemed so close for Lyra now. Her left hand abandoned her breasts and darted down to massage her tingling clit, each stroke feeling like a tiny spark of electricity, bringing her closer to her peak. Her pussy drizzled liquid while her fingers plunged its warm depths. When her climax came, she moaned and shuddered. She felt a tingle and a warmth in her ears. A shockwave swept over her body and her pussy clamped down on her fingers, squeezing them rhythmically. She kept going for as long as she could before the pleasure became too unbearable and she had to stop. She opened her eyes to the sight of Twilight smoothing down her dress, and noticed a pink flush to the princess's cheeks. Lyra rested for a moment before asking, "so, did you see it?" She started licking her fingers clean. "Yes, it was… umm… impressive, Lyra," Twilight answered, "but your ears didn't do anything." "What?!" Lyra cried. "They didn't do anything. They're just normal human ears." "But before… ask Lyra and Bon Bon!" Lyra threw her hands in the air. Twilight shrugged. "I… umm, okay… let's go talk to them. Maybe put your dressing gown back on first, though?" The two girls opened the door to face Sunset, Lyra, and Sweetie Drops together.