A Royally Pink Surprise Party

by Ponyess

First published

A good friend of mine was over, while she was here, she gave me an idea. There is some Pone I need to see, I just need to prepare a few items and acquire the details behind this one Surprise party for this one Stallion.

Since my friend Surprise just left, it is high time to take care of an issue. There is a Unicorn Stallion, who is awaiting my visit, even if he doesn’t know of it yet. I plan on informing him, as I arrive at his home.

I don’t need to care where he lives. That is one thing about me since I have a shortcut. That will cut short his chances to deny me entrance, of course. I guess that is highly convenient.

Just the few preparations, once I had gathered the details I will need before I go. He will be surprised when he sets his eyes on me, just as he will have quite some problems recognising me, even if I know he saw me at the Gala.

Prologue is Power: 1

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My friend Surprise had been over at my place, but she left last night. Princess Luna Lulamoon had for some reason chosen to invade my dream and remind me of an old acquaintance. A Stallion by the name of Prince Blueblood. Of course I remember him, sorry, I never learned the trick of forgetting. At least I can forgive.

I had planned that one surprise party for a friend of Dashies, Gilda the Griffon. Sadly, she walked out on the party. I guess she was hit by one prank too many, even if it was her very own friend who was behind several of those jokes and pranks. I did recognise them, when I thought back at the scene.

Now I am going to throw a little party for the good Prince. I just hope he will appreciate it more than Gilda did. On the other hoof, Dashie isn’t going to be with me, I am going alone.

Since I have managed to get all the items I intended to use, I am set, I just need to perform the final preparations, before I go. The trip is short, I don’t need to take the train, or any other such common mode of transportation, maybe that is for the best. This way, none can follow me, or tag along. They don’t know when or where I go. I will simply be there, done deal.

I have the two tubes, the clear rubber horn and the liquid rubber hide. There is the valve and the sipper. Oh, and there is the gift label for him, with the text already filled in. I just could not sign it personally, or as the common Anonymous Admirer, so I chose to sign it Surprise. I doubt he can figure out who she is in a million years, even with the help of all his best Advisors. Then the final detail, the aesthetically enhancing prosthetic nail extensions.

First I slip in the tubes from behind, before I continued with the orchid tube. These were overly easy to manage at this point, I just had to insert them before I applied the rubber hide, which would seal them inside, thus sealing me securely into the doll form I had chosen for myself.

Once I had inserted both of my tubes, I placed my horn squarely in my forehead, before I slip the nails into place, one by one, from the thumb and continuing to the progressively smaller once, then repeating the process on the left hand.

As I had put the final detail in place, I opened the can of clear liquid rubber hide, before I dip my right index finger into the contents of the can, feeling it flows up my finger and arm, out onto my body. From there it flows up to my head, covering my face, my mane and my horn. It also flows down over my chest and down my back, while it flows down both my arms, over my hands as it seals my hands in entirely.

The clear rubber flows down over my mound and into the respective tubes, sealing them into place, before it continues down my legs and tail. Before I really knew it, the hide encompasses me, I am sealed in. Now it cured and hardened, making it feels like the solid rubber a regular play suit, or a nighttime doll would be crafted out of.

With the fake valve on my belly and the zipper along my spine, I will look exactly like one of these nighttime bed toys. Incidentally, the zipper is close to invisible, in part due to the fact that I had chosen clear. Yet, for some reason, the horn is still clearly in view. I could see it in the reflection in my mirror.

Since I had planned ahead, I know everything I need to do. Just as I can’t forget any details, as much as I may feel like it, from time to time. I had thought back to what Rarity and Princess Celestia had said. It is all in the presentation.

I have heard several important and highly influential Ponies talking. I could make out a way through the maze of dialect patterns, based mainly on the way Celestia and Luna spoke, how else? There is no Pony more important and influential than the two of them. I just needed to make a few adjustments here and there. Using the patterns of Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Cadence and a few of the friends in Canterlot and Manehattan to fill out the last gaps.

Only when I was about to take my shortcut to his bed, I encountered a surprise. Something I had not prepared for, something I could never have prepared for. As I pushed up the gap in the fabric of time and space in order to go, my horn slowly lit up, glowing fairly heavily. As if I had been a true Unicorn, casting a Spell the way Princess Twilight Sparkle always did it.

Just as the gap grew, the intensity of the light grew with it. As the breach reached the full size as intended, the blue light had reached an almost blinding brightness. I could only hope this wouldn’t be observed or seen by any Pony on his end. I had no intent or interest in being seen by any Pony who did not directly need to see me. What if he had a Mistress coming to his room tonight? I guess I just had to go on instinct.

I lowered my hands to the side of my body and stepped forwards, walking though the entrance into his bedroom. I thought this should be fairly close the time to when he was to retire to his room. A Pony in his position was bound to have a heavy and demanding schedule, or it is what I counted on. As I had walked through and into his room, I closed the breach, sealing myself into his room. There could be no sign of my entrance to any other Pony.

As I closed the breach, the intensity of the blue light emanating from my supposedly fake rubber horn faded away, leaving me in an almost dark room. I chose to chance it and allowed my horn to spread a faint light blue light around me, giving me a chance to see the room clearly, without using his light.

Just as I hear the faint noises of hooves along the floor of the hall, progressing towards the room, I walked to his bed and laid down. As the glow of my horn had faded away, the room is once more dark and quiet. Now I looked as if I was a rubbery Nighttime doll for his pleasure. I did imagine a Stallion like him would have at least one, even if she was not on his bed currently.

The door opens and I hear him walk into the room. The door slammed shut behind him, before he magically lightened the room brightly. It was something a high Unicorn Prince could perform easily, so easily, he did never consider it. He merely spread the light in the room, as if it had been natural.

“I know I did not place her on my bed. Besides, I never had a Pink mare!” he merely stated as he saw me.

“I am for you, Prince Blueblood!” I responded, as if his word had been a cue for me to declare why I had been placed in his bed.

“This is still the finest Doll I had ever had. Not just the fact that she does talk, but she does have a Royal accent to her voice!” he pointed out to himself, as if a mere Doll never required a compliment.

“Of course, it would be a crime to send you anything but the very best. I just hope that I can live up to your Royal expectations!” I responded, as if on a cue.

“That is a good point. I think I should take the time and enjoy exploring the quality work put into crafting you, my dear, pink Doll!” her uttered, as he thought of it.

“That is my purpose and your privilege, my dear Prince!” I merely confirmed.

--- --- ---

A Pink Examination: 2

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Once I had seen the Doll on my bed, she had acted exemplary. Although, she was merely lying in place, but she spoke almost like a lady. There was nothing of the cheap Dolls I had imagined the Vulgar Rufiants that populated the rural communities, or even the Cities.

This mare had a Royal accent, just not quite either Celestia or Luna. The delicate balance in her pronunciation, not timid, nor was it rude, merely to the point.

Whoever had crafted her, he would be worthy of a compliment. At least her voice, her vocabulary and speech patterns were flawless. The Stallion behind the creation had an ear for the finer nuances and a mind for details.

As enticing as her voice and vocal capabilities were, what was the use, if that was all she could do for me. I had to examine her further.

Since she is merely a Doll, I know I can play with her with total and utter impunity. Who could raise a voice against me, just for playing with my very own toys and Dolls? The label clearly had stated that she had been a gift for me, as vague as the address had been.

I know a Doll can never quite compare with the real thing, a mare is truly alive, even if she has rights, as limited as they may be, compared with me and the situation under which she chose to come to me in the first place. I am her prince, while she is a mare and a slave or servant. Yet, this particular doll seems to promise more than any Doll I ever laid my eyes upon, while she still has the promises.

Placing my hand on her still warm belly. Yes, her belly is still warm, which puzzled me. I do feel as if there is truly a Mare under my hand, yet, what I feel also screamed out; this is a Doll. Maybe it was the late hour that keeps me on the edge of reality, or my desires play tricks on my mind.

There is no belly button, which is true for any and all Doll, commonly, although there are the few exceptions. This could have been a suit, covering the small dent in her body, if that had been the case. Yet, the warmth and the texture made me think there never was any dent here.

For a moment, I was tempted to go for her firm jigglies first, only my right hand betrayed me and moved down to the large mound, seeking out the luxury orchid. The feel isn’t that of the flappy flesh I had felt under my experienced fingers, so many a time. That is clearly the rubber of a skillfully crafted toy, yet it is warm, pulsating with passion, and possibly desires.

The rubber is uncommonly stiff, yet more elastic than I had dared to hope, the surface coarse, yet slippery as if covered with honey, or some lubricant, but refused to smear, or stain my royal fingers. As if it knew its place.

This Mare Doll is conveniently a bright Pink, so it is hard to impossible to see her blush, if she had been capable of it in the first place, in the manner of a living Mare. Her complexion is so close to that of a fierce blush it could even be.

I playfully stroked the orchid for a moment, the pulled slightly, just to sample her material. I wanted to see just how far I could go, without damaging her. Of course, here is when the chock hit home. After about a minute, or it is how I felt it, her horn slowly picked up a faint, yet light pink glow, almost as if she had still been the true Mare, yet, since her eyes are a bright blue, the glow should have reflected it, even in the heat of ecstasy, I would know that.

Was this a crafted response from my Doll? I just could see no other possible reason behind her response. I could guess a Mare would have been excited my me touching her, particularly in this manner. It isn’t as if I had really tried to harm her, just playing with her in what I knew to be pleasurable to her in the first place.

I am not a cruel Stallion, whatever some may say about me. I never intentionally did harm any Pony. Why? Is there a joy or pleasure in it? If so, I truly don’t want to know. I can simply not go there. I have heard of the Stallion referred to as King Sombra and his deeds. That scared me, just to see a Stallion, or any Pony capable of such acts.

The exquisite rubber is very fun to play with. I had slipped two fingers inside of the orifice of her orchid, just to tease myself and the Doll, only to feel how tightly she contracted around my fingers, on the instant of contact and insertion. Almost as if she reacted on me and what I did to and with her. A bit more and certainly more delicate and precise than I had seen with a mare at any rate. Yet, I could easily part my fingers, just as I could push them further inside as well as pull them out, easily. She made no active protest, or acted against me in any way.

My left hand playfully landed lightly on her right jigglie, then pushed just enough to feel and examine her freshness. She certainly is firm, yet yielding just enough to be truly delightful.

If I am to put words to how she feels, it would be mare 2.0, for lack of better expressions. I guess I could dig up more fitting expressions, for what she is, but for now, I will make due.

“You enjoy me? I am pleased!” the Doll, formerly known as Pinkie Pie pronounced in her stately, yet courteous manner.

“Oh, but of course. How could I not? In a manner of speaking, you are my wishes fulfilled!” I responded.

Then I noticed that her glow had increased steadily as I had been touching her. Apparently, I had pleased her the way I would have, had she been a real mare.

“A good Prince needs, requires and deserves a special sopmepony. I am here to be just that. The one you can play with every night, the one you can trust. I was crafted to be perfect for you!” she merely pointed out, with a delightful giggle to her voice.

“You could be all that. I certainly do need a mare at my side. Since you sound like a courtesan and concubine, I guess that is your deepest desire. Although I still haven’t chosen the Mare to be my Princess!” I responded.

“You are born to be the Prince, I am merely crafted to be by your bed, and to console you, when you need me. How could I ever bear your Royal foals?” she continued, with the same playful giggle to her voice, as her eyes twinkled, lit up with the eternal joy.

If only I had known the reason behind her reaction. She is still the element of laughter, and she had managed to make me smile. She kept me happy, which apparently is the fuel of this particular Doll.

“If you could be capable, that would only be known in about one to two years from now. Several tests would have to be performed and passed, before such declarations could be formally made. I can’t overrule the laws set before me. I may be the Prince, but I am the Prince, because I am supported by certain rules and other influential and important Ponies in the first place. If I was to go up against them, I would be Prince no more. As a matter of fact, I fear I would be quite, quite dead, within the time of a week, or as little as a day from the moment I did it publically!” I pointed out.

There is no point in lying to her. Either she already knew it, or she was still incapable of telling any Pony. She is after all my toy. Even the lowliest courtesan was more risky to speak to.

“You are the Prince, I am merely here to serve and please you. If you feel it is appropriate and in accordance with your wishes, I would do everything I can to full fill them. Although there are limits to what I can do, just as there are limits to your actions!” she responded, looking up at me with reverence in her eyes.

“Yes, I am the Prince. As much as I may enjoy the status and the privileges, it is also a terrible burden on my person. Something the common Ponies are never told, they need not know!” I pondered.

“I couldn’t enjoy your situation. I am not born to it, and I have no such ambitions. I am merely here to make you happy, and your people, though you. Right now, I need for you to enjoy me and my body, such as it is presented to you!” she merely stated.

Nothing changed in her demeanor. She is a Doll, she merely is here to please me. That is all I need to know. I am quite happy with it. For as long as it will last. As a Prince, you live with the inevitable, things come, and things go.

“Then you enjoy me touching you and teasing your body?” I inquired, with a curious smile on my face, I simply could not help myself.

“I certainly do enjoy it. On the other hoof, it isn’t as if you have done anything to hurt me, this far!” she pondered in an even more curious tone to her voice.

“I think I could get used to this. To have you by my side. I think I would love to get to know you. It can be very lonely to be a Prince, you know!” I responded.

“I know that feeling only too well, although I may be a mere Doll on your bed, but I was alone, until you finally entered the room and touched me!” she pointed out with heated passion to her voice.

“Here I thought I was all alone. The only one to experience these feelings. I didn’t know others could feel like this. That others could feel all alone and left out. Is that how all Dolls feel, before they are delivered to heir respective Owners?” I pondered.

“Maybe we all feel along and left out? Just imagine how lonely Princess Celestia must feel, knowing everyone she sets eyes on, are going to be dead in little more than an instant? I can only speak for myself, I have never seen another Doll, or any other Ponies, for that matter. I merely hope I can console you, make you feel needed and appreciated. To give you the few rare moments you need to keep going and do what you have to do, for all these Ponies under your care. There is none for you, but you are there for all of them. Thankfully, I only have you to care for, and you enjoy my presence already!” she pondered.

“There is one scary perspective. To see everyone you love die, with nothing you can do about it. Yes, I certainly do enjoy you and your presence, my precious Doll. I love how you predict what I am about to do, enjoying everything I am doing to you. I also enjoy how I know where you are, that I don’t need to worry about you in any way. You will simply be there for me, no questioning, no loyalty issues or anything else I need to worry about, with you!” I pointed out, matter of fact.

“So long as you do it with a Smile, and laugh, there is very little that bothers me!” she put forth.

“With you, I am certain I can do both. You are my reason to do these things!” I responded, knowing I felt exactly that.

“Good!” she pronounced as she reached up, momentarily holding on to my hips, holding me firmly, indicating she wanted me by her side.

What she asked of me, gave me the final excuse to pull the Royal robe off of me. With that I allowed it to slide off of me, before my hidden undergarment fell to the floor with little to no care.

--- --- ---

A Royal Night: 3

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He stands before me, entirely nude. His white hide slightly to the pink side. I know why, and so does he. A mare in his room, even if he thinks I am a mere Doll, which currently serves me just fine. I want him relaxed and at ease, no male hangups or any other distractions.

As it is, he is mine. I will make him do exactly what I wanted him to do, all along. The curious convenience, I merely wanted him to smile all along. I just want him happy and content, right now.

I guess I do have a more selfish goal as well since I did expect to enjoy him on a more physical level as well. Could you blame me? What mare had never had a fancy about being with him, or another Stallion just like him. Rarity once nurtured such a dream, until she met him face-to-face. At the time, he looked down at her and put her in the place he found befitting her.

Since I know why, I found a way around the problem. Of course he couldn’t have just any common Mare by his side, particularly not on such an occasion as the Grand Galoping Gala of all times. There is no occasion, and there is no public here. It is after all in the privacy of his highly guarded room.

Personally, I had no hangups on public or occasion, I merely wanted to have fun and see all the Ponies smile and hear them laugh, even if some was at my very own expense. So long as it wasn’t at the expense of any other Pony who couldn’t take it, I guess I am still fine with it.

If only he knew, just who he had before him. I am still the very same Pinkie Pie I was before, and when I saw him at the Gala, yet I am not letting that get in my way. I may have been raised as a Rock Farmer, which says nothing of my ancestry, or where I am today!” I thought quietly, not a sign on my face, just the same smile.

There is no point in asking the Doll who crafted her, or who commissioned her for me. Kind of a shame since I would love to thank the Stallion in person and publically!” Prince Blueblood thought, merely adding a strange tint to his smile.

“I know you want to sample me, to experience me in every aspect!” I told him.

“What Stallion wouldn’t want to experience and explore his new Doll or Mare? Yes, of course I want to do all that with you, or to you, depending on your perspective!” he responded.

“How about a kiss since you haven’t touched my face yet!” I proposed.

He couldn’t hide his feelings, he did not even bother. Why, the Doll before him couldn’t hurt him, or his position. He knew me, I wanted nothing but to make him happy and smile.

“That sounds delightful, I can’t make you insist!” he responded, before he leans forwards and place his hands on my cheeks, then planted his lips squarely on mine.

With delicate, slow moves, I placed my hands on his waist and then moved them up to his chest in a fluid motion, in the manner one expected only a Doll, or possibly an experienced dancer could have managed to pull off.

My hands slowly rubbed his chest as my nails teased the outer surface of his hide in a manner few would dare. I slowly put just enough presure behind as I responded and returned his kiss, slowly parting my lips, just enough to slide my tongue out.

I did not mind talking to him, just as I knew he was quite pleased to have me to talk to. He felt almost as if I was the mare, yet not quite enough to be a burden or a risk to him, the perfect balance.

As the seconds slowly ticked away, I killed all the light in the room, we did not need it right now. I have no idea exactly how I performed the spell, or spells, this is just the way everything has always been for me. Things happen, I simply learn to live with it and interpret what it means.

Most of my regular spells gave a blue glow in my horn, corresponding with the colour of my eyes. Just that blushing carried through in a bright pink, the colour of my hide, which corresponded only too well with the blushing as well. Then I have a few spells that gave a light blue to cyan, or a more bright white glow. I guess it is just as well, I never encountered a spell that corresponded with a green glow, considering what I connected the green glow with. From Queen Chrysalis, to the incantation of Materialisation Rarity picked up in the book Spike incidentally handed her, on the occasion when she was down after the needlessly harsh critics she had faced.

There was something special in merely holding my hands up onto his chest and teasing his hide, although the warmth of the kiss, the hidden passion he finally was free to release.

I could feel a warmth he felt he could never express, not with the mares in his surroundings. Either they were just not for him, not interested, or they were too far beneath him for him to even care what they felt or wanted in the first place. There was never a Mare around, one who wanted to be with him, one he felt he could give himself to. As to the Dolls, they never gave anything back, they were merely a physical release, a form for him to play with, for the short while, before he grew bored of them. They were mainly plastic toys, the once you grew out of. You learned of it in foal-hood, then you knew it.

Now, there was the not quite mere, the not quite toy, a Doll who actually did respond. Almost as if she had been a sister. She kind of acted as if she was a mare, and she felt the same way.

Just that no Mare had ever presented herself to him, no quite in this way. She had been prevented, due to the low rank, the lacking position in life. There were very few Mares on his place in the hierarchy, which left him feeling empty and alone. Maybe this had caused him to act out his frustration on the scores of Mares beneath him who wanted to be with him, merely as a tool to climb on the ladder. Was there any of them who truly cared for him, liked him anyway? He refused to see it.

“Since I noticed how you looked at me and my hooters, maybe you would enjoy to examine them further?” I enticed him, just as the kiss broke.

“If you ask me, besides, as a Doll, you are supposed to enjoy everything I do with you, right?” he responded.

“Yes, I did. I have a feeling you are going to enjoy this, more than you are prepared to let on, or tell any Mare or Stallion!” I continued.

He noticed that my playful joy still was lacing every last word I uttered in his presence. What I told him gave him no choice, he conceded to himself.

Once I had suggested the act, he was taking it almost as if it had been an order, he couldn’t refuse, yet it was what he had desired all along. Maybe I was looking and feeling too much like a true Mare for him to just do, what he knew he wanted all along. I could clearly feel his hands as he slowly and ever so gently cupped both the orb-like jigglies I had referred to as hooters. I had merely chosen the word since it was expected to make him more excited than the other.

I could feel him rubbing the soft jigglies, squeezing them and finally pinching the large nibble on my right jigglie. From there, I guess the distance wasn’t as much of a hindrance, which caused the spark to fly. The next moment he moved his face closer, ending up kissing my nibble.

His soft, hot lips, touching the coarse rubber, as slippery as it is with the slippery cover, only to tease his lips as much as it excited me. Maybe I had been more selfish than I cared to let on, yet I could as well enjoy this to the fullest, while I give hm a good time I did not originally know he needed. Yet, I am not the generosity, I am laughter and joy.

After a mere moment of hesitation, his lips parted and he dared to let his tongue out in order to taste the nibble. To his surprise, there is a sweet taste to it, not quite nectar, but sweet enough to be enticing.

As he parted his lips just enough to allow the nibble to slide in I moan. The sensation couldn’t be denied, it was feeling better than even I had expected. I guess he recognised the sound, after all, even if he had no recollection of it, but it should reverberate well with him.

The next moment, he gave my nibble a tentative suck, only to be shocked to feel a slight squirt hit the back of his mouth. He merely closed his eyes, no idea as to what to do and how to react. Just that once he had closed his lips around my nibble, little more was required. If he did not suck, I gave him the action as a gift, shaking slightly, just enough to make it, thus giving him the second squirt as the friction between his lips and my nibble gave me what I wanted.

“I like them large, just never had them quite this large before. I wasn’t prepared for you to squirt as I sucked. I guess I could get used to this. This certainly is something the Doll is better at. I couldn’t find a mare with these perfect hooters and large nibble that actually squirted out of excitement!” he mumbled, just after he puled his head up from my nibble.

“Let me be your perfect mare, and you will have all the time available to explore me as much as you like. I know you are enjoying it already!” I responded in a dreaming and slightly more teasing voice, smiling at him.

Of course I had prepared for him, most of the possible eventualities, at any rate. There are after all the few contingencies I couldn’t truly prepare for. If it came down to that, I did not want to be there and explore the experiences. Maybe I was taking a chance, going here as a Doll. Yet, I was counting on him to prefer to enjoy me as the Mare I look like, which is closer to the truth than I could ever let him know.

The amusing thing is, in about a year, that question would be moot, particularly if we did, what I knew he would love to do, had to lead to. How would he react on a pregnant Doll, or all the things in his Universe?

Then it hit me, I had to wake him up early, with a wet dream he would not forget any time soon, unless he had a very poor memory. I know I will remember, but I couldn’t forget anything. That includes the few years I lived at home with my family, before Rainbow Dash ignited the inspiration leading up to what I became. The Mare I am under the rubber that makes me into his doll, for as long as I am here with him.

“How could I ever prevent you from being just that? I am realising that you are exactly the Mare I had been dreaming of and waiting for, all these years. You make me wish you were more than the mere Doll I have before me. With every new aspect of you, you make me explore, I find something I love!” he pronounced.

That was not what I had expected him to say, yet I had had a pretty solid hunch. I guess I knew him better than I had actually hoped for.

“If you keep your left hand right where it is on my hooter, you still have one hand free for something else. I suggest you place it on my mound. I know you know how and where to move on from there!” I merely suggested in a tone that gave him no options or alternative, other than what I had just told him.

I did not need to force him, just make him desire, what I wanted for him to do. This merely requires for me to word suggestions in the right direction at the proper time. After that, he is willingly doing exactly what I wanted for him to do. I particularly enjoy him teasing my nibbles, more so than I had dared to expect. If it is just the way it feels, if it is him doing it, or the way it is the Doll enjoying what he was doing, who is to say?

Little by little, his eyes told me what I wanted to know. His eyes clearly told me, I have him, not that he truly was resisting, but I was gaining the control.

“Of course, Mistress!” he uttered in a rather excited voice as he once more placed his lips on my nibble, while his left hand did stay where it was on top of my other jigglie.

His right hand soon found itself on my mound, just before he started to rub the rubbery petals of my rubber orchid, only to cause me to moan.

Maybe I had not been fully prepared for just how sensitive my orchid is, while I am this Doll. As if I mind, I like it this way. I almost wish I could have granted him the same, yet I know I can’t. Not just because it would ruin my disguise, of course, which it would.

I ended up, moaning with every, or every other move as he rubbed my rubber petals. I couldn’t say anything, for much longer, I had to give him all the instructions I needed for him to carry out, and in the few remaining minutes.

“I love how you rub the petals of my orchid, maybe you could give the left nibble something like that?” I suggested in a moan.

He merely nodded, with my nibble in his mouth, firmly in between his lips.

“Now, if you would give my nibble a tentative suck, just for the feel of it?” I moaned as he rubbed the other nibble, he readily complied, rewarded with a nice little squirt of my fresh Mare’s milk.

“Maybe you could try to suck just a bit harder, then again? I love how it feels when you did that. How about you suck even harder?” I moaned.

Of course, once he had started to suck, he would be hard pressed to stop, not to mention, to say anything. A new fresh squirt flowing down his mouth and throat with every time. Just a bit more, then the previous. If only I had known, just what effect or effects this would have on him.

I wanted to scream, the joy he filled me with. I knew he would be smiling all night long now. Although I guess I had a few more tricks to tease and tempt him with.

There is the one thing I could do for him, the thing he couldn’t do right now. Even if there were a few more things I wanted for him to explore. I guess these could wait. With that, I placed my right hand on his sheath. Slowly rubbing him, teasing him out. Once he peaked out, I placed my hands around him, slowly rubbing his head. With the palms of my rubbery hands, I could easily encompass him comfortably.

There is a strange sensation, the rubber rubbing him. I just continued. Not sure how long it would take, so I had to feel my way, easing him into the state I had in mind, making him stay on top for as long as I was able.

Now I did learn of a special talent the rubber has been enchanted with. For one, it doesn’t get sticky when it gets moist, or stained by his sauce. With that, I can keep teasing him unhindered and undeterred, for about as long as I could desire to.

After a few minutes, I could see the first signs of the shift in his expression and the blush on his prime white cheeks. White can’t hide the slightest of blushes, which only amused and pleased me at this point.

I feel his heart-rate climbing with the tone of read in his face, I knew the reasons. This is what I had been after. The silly smile of his contentment, the pleasure and joy he experiences as he was allowed to play with me as his perfect doll, while I stimulated him in order to lift him oer the border his mere fun couldn’t make him breach.

There was the inevitable moment, and I had to let him go. I couldn’t hold him up here for much longer, not just because he was tired and sleepy. I was pushing him towards the outer limit of his endurance. Just as I felt him about to crumble, I pushed him over the edge, made him hit the climax he had been about to have, or lose for a good long while.

This isn’t a matter of generosity versus selfish needs, it is about me enjoying giving him what made him smile. The one thing I always craved. I couldn’t escape the fact.

I release my grip around him, with hands covered in his sauce. Letting him lie down on the bed, his head resting on the large pillow. To my surprise, he didn’t merely roll over and fall asleep. He afforded me a good long glance, smiling at me, his excitement glowing in his eyes. Almost as it did in my horn.

For the longest of instants, he looked up at me, looked at me, where I lie at his side. He is clearly smiling, conveying the love, the appreciation and how much he had enjoyed the short while. Letting on, he was looking forwards to more.

He slowly closed his eyes as I watched him close his eyes and slowly drift away towards the Luna who kindly opened her door towards the land of dreams for all sleeping Ponies or critters alike. Of course, I soon followed him. I need my sleep, just as much as any Pony else.

I had memorised the schedule of his day, the one short glimpse is all I needed. Not that it bothered him to let me see. A mere Doll, even as precious as I, sill is just a Doll, even with all the joy I could grant him.

Convenient or no, I woke up well before him. I slipped out of bed, standing in the middle of the room. For a moment, I just enjoyed the view. Looking at the beautifully woven tapestries covering the wooden panels of his walls. How many bits and gems must have gone, just to cover the cost of acquiring and putting them in place. These tapestries looks fresh, as if they had been new. The floor, covered with several finely woven mats. Precious, but durable fabrics in both tapestries and mats, of course. Maybe I am a simple Pony, but my recollections from Celestias Royal palace told me all I needed to know, correlating with the times I had been speaking with princess Celestia and now Princess Rarity about these things.

Unlike others, I need merely a quick side glance and a cautionary comment to know, that is how my memory works. As much as it could have been a pain, I put my effort into steering and focus on what is at hand.

With the time I had before me, I could take a moment to explore and enjoy the site, to enjoy the decor of his room. Just as I have enough time to explore my options and warm up for the task at hand. I want to enjoy it with him, even if I am just a Doll to him. The strangely amusing thing about being the Doll, you have opportunities no Mare would ever have. Just like seeing the private chambers of the Prince known as Blueblood. How many Mares wouldn’t love to have my place, right now, if only they knew the opportunity was there, waiting.

There is a hidden door behind one of the tapestries, where the wardrobe is storing all the clothes he ever wears. Behind another to the left, his Stalions’ room is hidden. Just out of site, while fully accessible to him.

Of course, now I need to do, what I had in mind for him, before he stirs. I want to do this little thing for him in order to cause the wet dream for him. I need to take the opportunity, to catch his last dream of the night.

Standing before him, to the right of his large Royal sized bed, both hooves firmly planted on the floor, before I started out, teasing myself in an effort to see the details. First I placed my right hand on my mound, teasing my orchid with my fingers by rubbing the petals. Before I released a moan, I stop, merely placing my left hand over my mouth, preventing any stray moans.

Now I rather place my fingers on the rim of the elastic orchid, letting my left hand fall, in order to have four fingers slipping into the tight orifice since it contracted instantly and instinctively on contact. Once my fingers were spread out, I slowly pull my hands apart, only to see how eagerly my orchid expanded as I pulled at the rim.

From there, I slowly, quietly slip up onto his bed, only folding the quilt aside, giving me access to what I had in mind. Firmly placing my knees to the right and left of his chest, before I lower myself, soon to feel his bro touch my orchid. At this point, all it takes is to push forwards, down, and he eagerly slip into me. This is exactly why I chose the opportunity to pick the moment of his last dream of the night.

Quietly, I move my hips up and down, up and down in a fluid motion, feeling him inside while he is still soundly asleep.

Just as he is about to wake up from the highly intensified dream, I pull up, only to realise that I couldn’t pull him out. I place my hands on my mound, slipping my fingers in and prevent my orchid from contracting, before I once more pull up, this time I feel him sliding out of me.

At this point, I lazily slide to the side and slide the quilt back over him and me, in order for him to think he woke up first. I lie with my back turned towards him, just in case.

I feel him move to the wardrobe, picking up the clothes he is to wear as he leaves the room for his breakfast. Naturally, I am not expected there, a Doll doesn’t eat, after all. I hear the steps as his hooves move over the floor and he stops, slipping the pants on, before he put on a shirt and pants, before he slips into his royal robe and walks out of the room.

The last I hear of him is the door as it opens and moments later slams shut. With that, he is out of the room. I will not see him for several hours, he has serious royal business to attend to. Business where a mere Doll is not expected.

--- --- ---

An Episode: 4

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I had been told Pinkie Pie was to be expected to be at her new Party Launge. Of course, the small room she has at the Cakes’ house isn’t much privacy, and she obviously loves parties, so I guess that still did track.

As I arrived, I hear a strange noise from the small room on the back. As if some Pony was falling back into the room, from some place outside the room. There is just the one Pony who could pull this little trick off. It is as personal as Rainbow Dash’s Rainboom. I could as well try to raise the Sun or the Moon, but either way, I would still fail.

“That is curious. I sure did not know she was out of town!” I thought as I trotted to the door, knocking early.

“Pokey Smoke!” came from beyond the door, before Pinkie Pie came out, although it barely did look like her.

What I see is a Unicorn, although it is more of a Doll than a Pony.

I know it is her, yet, she doesn’t look like Pinkie Pie. And for Celestia’s sake, why is her horn glowing?” I thought.

“Sorry, Surprise. I’m just back from the other end of Equestria. You can’t believe where I was, with whom or what we were doing!” she merely blurted out.

Then I could see a sipper on her back, just as it opened up, slowly at first, then faster, only to slow down to a complete stop at the together end. The next moment the horn grew limp and reverted to the regular rubber it had been crafted out of.

“Ok, I know you were not in the room, or in Ponyville, but where in Equestria were you, and what did you do with whom?” I responded, bubbling over with curiosity.

“Would you believe I was with Prince Blueblood the entire night? Even though I did wear this while I was there!” she responded, referring to the rubber suit that had made her into what looks like a doll.

“Of all the places you could go, and all the Ponies you could spend a night with? I guess that does take the Cake?” I responded, looking at the clear rubber falling to the floor as she stepped out of it.

“Yeah, but it was fun, you know. I saw an entirely new and very different Prince. Although I guess it is as much an excuse to wear the suit?” she responded, sipping it tight, before she inflated her new friend.

“Wait, you can do that?” I merely enquired with a deep gasp.

“Do what? I just intended to play the part of a blow-up Doll for the occasion. I had placed the horn on my forehead, just to make myself more appealing to him since he is a Unicorn and a Prince!” she blurted out.

“Aside from actually going to him, to actually see him in person, but to play the part as a Unicorn. You are an Earth Pony. How could either of us play a part as Unicorn? Even if I guess I would have been an Alicorn, since I have wings and all that!” I responded.

“That is a very old trick of mine. I make my own shortcut by poking through space and time, taking me directly into his bed room, in this case. Since I have a few friends, some of which just so happen to be Unicorns, or Alicorns, like Princesses Celestia and Luna. Just that I can’t forget anything, so I do remember every single detail, from there, there is no challenge to impersonate a Noble. The matter of my newly acquired Unicorn magic is a surprise to me as well!” she merely blurted out in an unstoppable torrent of words.

“Oh, I guess I did hear of it, somewhere, just can’t put a finger on where I heard of it, or from whom. Even without that, your accomplishments are still legendary. I am not sure, I truly want to have a clear recollection of every instant in my entire life, even if it starts at four or five years of age. I love forgetting certain things, if I ever do have to endure them. Like Rarity and Twilight Sparkle? Oh, I forgot, there are scores of Unicorns even in Ponyville. Then you just so happened to befriend each and every Alicorn known in Equestria, not that they are that many. Yet, both Celestia and Luna alone is no small feat!” I pondered.

“The one reason against me naming all the Ponyvillian Unicorns is the cheer number of them. Yes, of course Twilight Sparkle, Cadence, Celestia and Luna are all my friends. I have seen them on numerous occasions. I was the first to see Luna in Ponyville, with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash by my side, but still, I was the first to see her. Speaking of which, even if you can’t use my suit, I could make you one, later today, if you would like? You just need to acquire a small list of items, before I could make the suit for you. Maybe I could tease you for a moment, before we go there?” she responded in a veritable fountain of words.

“Naming dozens to hundreds of Unicorns will only confuse me. The few important once are more than enough to me. If I need a suit, I know where your friend Rarity lives. We have all come to love Luna as of late, for what she can do for us, in a manner no other Pony could. How does one guard her subject against dreamt up Villains we can’t even see or touch? Yet, she is there for us. The suit and your tease, I will love both of them. Most likely because they are from you!” I responded with a smile on my face, giggling.

“Oh, but wait. I think I actually did have a spare horn and a few cans of the rubber required in order to make myself a suit. Or, in this case; making one for you? If you would like to try it out. I have a few hours, before he will be missing me. Let’s make the most out of it, shall we!” she put forth.

“If you happen to have the spares for me, how am I to say no?” I exclaimed.

“Exactly, that is what I wanted to hear. Oh, there it is. I did have a valve and a sipper left for you as well!” she continued, with a grin spreading out all over her face and beyond.

“You know, that smile is scaring me, thankfully I know you better than to run and hide. With you, there is no point. I can as well accept the inevitable fate you have in store for me!” I responded with a hapless giggle to my voice.

“Just don’t tell me, you have heard of that old episode? I was ages ago. Besides, it would appear, poor rainbow Dash have a pension for stalkers. I saved her from these incidents, even if I may have been the one on her tail, once or twice?” she bubbled over in giggles.

“Hay, I know you better than that, Pinkie. I know that you know it too. Now, if you could explain all the details? What these are and how to use them?” I responded.

“Of course I know, silly Surprise. You know how I know all my friends intimately, in ways no other Pony ever could. Directly to the point, good. If you start with these two tubes, back and front!” she responded, still grinning like mad.

“Oh, okay,” I responded, picking the two tubes and slipping them in as she instructed me, feeling strangely open and vulnerable in the process; “this makes me feel extremely open and accessible, but, why do I feel wet, all of a sudden? I know I never felt this wet or open before!” I exclaimed with a strange look on my face.

“Good, I was expecting as much, it is the way you are supposed to feel at this point. If you slip the valve into your belly button and place the horn on your forehead?” she continued, instructing me in how to make myself into the perfect Alicorn, for whom ever you chose to be a gift for.

“Sure, Pinkie!” I responded as I slip the valve into my belly button, which gave me strange feelings, but at least it isn’t uncomfortable and it does fit quite well, then I placed the horn on the top of my head, pressing it down gently.

“As an Alicorn, you will have to have a Royal air to you, this should seal the deal. Just put them on, before I help you applying the second skin, the clear doll rubber and you are set!” she explained.

“That sounds a bit too easy, but if you say it? I guess I have to trust you?” I responded, picking the clear plastic extensions, placing them onto my own nails, one at the time, from my right thumb, only to start over with my left thumb.

I could feel the sipper as she placed it on the small of my back, and pressing down along my spine, all the way up to the lower edge of my hair.

Then she started to spread the gel over my face, from the forehead. I feel the clear rubber flowing over my nose and cheeks, then down my throat and neck. I guess I couldn’t feel the horn, but that is about as sensitive as the hard part of my hooves. She continues down my chest, over my jigglies, taking the time to tease my nibbles, before moving downwards. What I missed is how she placed a pair of semi clear rubber extensions on top of my nibbles as she kept teasing my chest.

I could feel her hands over my belly and on both sides as she continued down over my hips. Just as she had covered my mound, she slipped into the frontal tube that is covering my orchid. I can feel it very clearly and it was contracting around her as she had her finger inside of me. That feels very strange, I can’t put a finger to it, or explain it in words, you simply have to experience it to know what it is like.

She continues down between my legs, repeating the process of the first tube, once over, slipping a finger into the rearwards tube, with the same result, just not exactly the same feeling to it. It isn’t intended for me to be excited about, or is it.

Once she completed the tease of my rear tube, she continued with my rump and up my back, only to stop at my wings, giving them a full cover before she finished my back, and up my shoulders and neck. All the way up to the hairline.

She now moved down my right arm, over the elbow, down the wrist and hand, finger by finger, including the tips and nails, from the thumb and the smaller fingers in order, only to repeat the process with the left arm. I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise, but that is me, I am Surprise.

As she completed my arms, she moved over to my right leg, continuing down the thigh, over the knee and the calf, all the way down, including the hoof. “If you lift your right hoof, please?” she pointed out, before she finished my right leg. Only to repeat the process with my left leg, step my step.

“Shiny. Now I do look just like one of these play dolls you see for young stallions!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I guess you do. Just that most of these commonly are Earth Type. There are a few Pegasi and Unicorns, but I doubt you find any Alicorns. Wonder why!” she responded.

“Part of it is in the class. Yet, if you want both a Horn, and Wings; that makes for a considerably more expensive doll. Few finds it worth it. You don’t really get a better doll, just because you add the Horns and the Wings. Either, but not both. There just isn’t a Market for them. We only have four Alicorns in all of Equestria at the time. All of them are mares!” I pointed out.

“Mares are known to have less interest in these dolls. How does it feel now?” she teased.

“I barely feel the issue with the open tubes now. Yet, I do feel incredibly wet. Oh, and my nibbles are much larger and sensitive too. I hope that was intended!” I pointed out.

“You will have forgotten all about the open tubes, once I have shown you the next step. The suit requires the extensions, or your fingers would have no nails at all. I chose these; because I figured you would be most comfortable with them!” she responded, still with the grin from ear to ear.

“If so, I hope it will not be as hard to adjust to, when I go back to myself. Even if I guess I could enjoy being an Alicorn too. Even if some of my friends would have a very hard time, adjusting to me being an Alicorn. Aside from all the doll-like qualities to both my looks and feels. On the other hoof, what is the next step?” I inquired.

“It is still you, just an Alicorn. Sounds insane? I never had any of these problems, but I am special all by myself. Yeah, it is most likely your friends who has the hard time adjusting. I haven’t really let on the new Unicorn doll self to any of my friends. The only one who saw it is Prince Blueblood. That was a blast, I guess you wouldn’t see it in him when you saw him. Now, if you would put forth your hand, while thinking of where you wanted to go, as in the Royal chambers of Luna!” she blurted out, poking the air before her with her right hand.

“You mean like this?” I inquired as I placed my hand before myself in the same manner as she just showed me, seeing the same strange effect in the air, feeling a strange rubbery resistance towards the palm of my hand.

“That looks good. I think you can do it, if you want to see her right now?” she responded.

“A free Audience with the Princess? Now, that is something I could get used to!” I responded, giving the air before me a new poke, only to see something I had not expected, the horn she gave me is coming to life, glowing as if I had been born with it.

“There, I think you are going to give her a very nice surprise, as your Name is suggesting!” she pointed out with a merry giggle.

“It feels strange, as if I was poking a rubbery membrane, rather than the air before me, but there is something more there. Something I can’t quite put a finger to, or dress up in words right now. I imagine you know what I try to poke at, Pinkie?” I pondered as I carefully poked at the fourth wall before me, as if I tried to find a gap or a crack within the fabric of space and time.

“There, I think you will have this down to an art in no time. Yet, I will be with you for a while longer, if you don’t mind?” she responded, her joy beaming as if she had been a bright sun on my sky.

“There, it is as if I actually feel what I am looking for. I think I will be able to be with her. Naeh, no problems. As a matter of fact, I will enjoy having you around for a while longer, or the entire day? Just this strange feeling I have. It is as if you are beaming physical light and warmth, not mere joy!” I pointed out.

“Then it will be my pleasure to see you through to the other side. You will see sides of our deer Princess no other Ponies have other seen. Well, at least not yet. Don’t worry, I enjoy spending time with you as well. I never really thought of it in those terms. Curious expression!” she responded.

“There, right there. I feel her. Now I can go to her any time. Just hope she wouldn’t mind seeing me!” I put forth.

Then I could see how the air changed, as if a door opened up, right out of nowhere. If only, she could have prepared me for what was about to happen. Yet, I guess I am thankful for what she gave me, and the time with her.

“If it had not felt strange, you know you lost it. It is the first time you attempt to actually using magic. Be it Alicorn, rather than merely Unicorn magic, but still.

“You are right, and it is. Even if flight technically counts as Magic, this is still different all the same. Why do I have the feeling, no regular Unicorn or even Alicorn could regularly perform the trick you just taught me?” I pondered, almost as if thinking out aloud, yet still expecting a response.

“I know, and I love being right. I am very good at it. Yet, I guess I do enjoy your company more, and a few cakes and a pile of pastries would also be great!” she merely blurted out.

“A lonesome Pony is a depressed Pony. I do enjoy your company as well. I guess I have heard of your passion and urge, or need for these, once or twice. Can’t say I blame you. I could have a few Muffins right now, too!” I put forth.

“All my friends know of it, and most of Ponyville too. If you place your hands on the rim of the entrance? I think I should give you a heads up on a detail I noticed, as I was visiting the Prince!” she pointed out.

As I complied, she placed her right hand on my hip from behind, before her other hand was sliding in between my legs and a finger found its way to my orchid, then eagerly slipping inside, feeling the wet and slippery juices.

“Oh!” I moaned as the finger touched my orchid, revealing the slippery juices.

“Ooooh!” I continued as the finger slipped in and lingered for a while.

“I guess I expected the reaction!” she merely teased me.

“Wait, while is my horn glowing, in pink?”I inquired as I noticed the glow from my horn.

“The word is Magic, but it is your Excitement shining through!” she carefully explained.

“Time to go,” I pointed out, pulling my hands to my sides, before I stepped in; “I don’t feel like letting her wait for me, would you come with me?” I pondered.

“Sure thing!” she merely responded, as she came a step after me.

“I think she will be here soon!” I pointed out.

“She will be here in about half an hour. Probably just enough time for me to explain a few details and give you a good tease!” she pointed out.

“I may need some things explained, and the tease sounds like fun!” I expressed eagerly.

“On the one hand, some things will carry consequences on your person, even after you exit your suit and go back to yourself. On the other, there are a few things I think you may feel like trying out!” she pointed out, now standing behind me, placing a hand on each of my jigglies and using her fingers on my nibbles.

“That feels much better than I had expected. The sensations are more acute, not dulled down and delayed as I had expected!” I breath in a new moan.

--- --- ---