> Coincidence > by SoarinDashIsBestCouple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > If three specific villains meet... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sighed as he realized Twilight was going to make him get an awful lot of things again. She had found a new spell in her book that can let her teleport three objects to one place. It doesn’t seem much, so Spike wondered, why in the whole wide Equestria was she so pumped up about it? Spike dropped his musings as Twilight started to tell him what to get. “Spike, get me a rubber ball and a quill.” “What about the third object?” Spike asked. “I already have it, I’ll use a cup for the third object.” Twilight replied as Spike complained; “But Twilight! What if your spell breaks it?” Spike knew that if the cup breaks, that’s one cup out of dishwashing. But, if the cup breaks, he’ll have to clean it up too! “Oh don’t worry spike, I’ll only use a plastic cup.” Twilight replied to assure him as she went back to the book to study the spell more. Better get it done. * A few minutes later, books, papers, parchments, and quills were scattered around the library. “What?!” Twilight yelled, enraged that the spell failed, along with the current mess of the library. …Cleaning up shards of a glass cup would've been better than cleaning up the whole library.. Spike said skeptically in his mind as he groaned in frustration. “Twilight, do you think you can make a time travelling machine, go back in time, replace the plastic cup with a glass cup, do the spell correctly, but accidentally break the cup?” Spike asked, as Twilight gave him a deadpan look. Spike sighed but then wondered; So nothing happened, or… “I think I might’ve used a bit too much magic… it may or may not have teleported three random things into a random location.” Twilight asked wearily and sheepishly to Spike, as Spike groaned. * Meanwhile…. In a clearing somewhere in a forest in Equestria, three bright lights suddenly appeared. The bright lights disappeared and in one of the bright lights revealed Discord, the other a weakened Chrysalis, and the other, Sombra in shadow form. “Wait, where am I?” Discord asked as they all looked around and at their company. “Oh for Celestia’s sake! I was about to pull a prank on Lulu!” Discord complained as the other two were looking at him like he had just grown two heads. “What?” He asked. “You look ugly.” Sombra deadpanned obliviously. “W-what?” Discord sputtered, not expecting the forward insult. “You dare insult the God of Chaos himself?!” Discord yelled at Sombra, enraged at the nonchalant action. Chrysalis snorted and beat Sombra to a retort. “You? The God of Chaos? My, even the most distorted, beheaded, changeling would look better than you!” Chrysalis said as she raised her snout up away from Discord. “I agree, he doesn’t look like the God of Chaos, though I might need a bit more info on what these ‘Changelings’ are.” Sombra asked, requesting information from Chrysalis, in a business-like tone. “Oh of course, they are only the most powerful creatures in Equestri- wait, scratch that, I mean, farther than the bounds of Equestria could ever imagine!” Chrysalis added; “And I’m their leader.” Sombra snorted. “You? The leader? I don’t think someone of your personality fits as a leader. More like me.” Sombra said as he narrowed his eyes and bared his fangs to look intimidating. Meanwhile, Discord turned a patch of grass in the clearing to ice, and skated on it while humming a nameless tune. He saw the other two fighting, snapped his talons, and immediately appeared between them. “I was about to go back to The Canterlot Castle via. Ice skating, but you two individuals seem interesting enough. Why don’t we stop chit-chatting here, and start chit-chatting there?” Discord pointed to a table with teacups full of tea already out of nowhere, which was standing on wooden floor that has replaced the previous patch of ice he just made. Chrysalis and Sombra looked to the table and back to Discord in bewilderment, until they saw Discord was suddenly in a formal black suit. Making their confusions and bewilderment into a chance to drag them to the table, he snapped his talons, and they were now all sitting on chairs. Well, Shadow Sombra was floating on top of a chair, at least. Poor shadow. Can’t even sit down. Whoever did this to him was merciful enough to leave his head alone, at least. Discord thought in amusement as he snickered quietly, though the other two heard him. “…What?” They asked in unison, asking more how he did this than why he was snickering. “Oh? I just told you; I’m the God of Chaos, right? You expect me to go to the ends of Equestria to find a table, three cups of tea and three chairs just to prepare tea time for us?” Discord asked sarcastically as he sipped some of his tea. The two glared at him as he happily sipped his tea. Chrysalis grasped her tea of cup in her magic as she was about to sip on it, but right as she took in some tea, before even swallowing a bit, she spat it out onto the face of Sombra! Sombra’s eyes widened and a slight snarl rose up in his throat. “What. Is. This?” Chrysalis asked Discord while gritting her teeth. That tasted awful... Chrysalis thought as Discord raised an eyebrow and made an innocent face. “What do you think? I just put tea in there! A certain someone must’ve wanted to prank you for having an argument with him!” Discord spat out an excuse while gesturing to an oblivious Sombra who was sipping his tea, using his shadow to hold the tea. Unfortunate for Sombra and fortunate for Discord, Chrysalis fell for it. Even though Discord’s excuse couldn’t have got past through a gullible foal. Chrysalis slammed her cup into the table, stood up, and slammed her hooves on the table. “Sombra! I dare you to come out here and face me like the so called leader you claimed you are!” Chrysalis said, enraged. Sombra looked at her in bewilderment as Discord snickered. Well, this is going to be a fun day, thanks to whoever casted that spell. Discord thought. * “But Twiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!” Spike groaned her name out as he took a mouthful out of his bowl of ice cream. At least he had his ice cream there with him. “Spike! We have to find out what I have accidentally cast to where! And I just read that it can also teleport not just objects, but living creatures!” Upon hearing that last part, Spike spat out the ice cream inside his mouth at the face of Pinkie, who, to the disgust of Rarity, defied the laws of physics and licked her whole face to get all the ice cream. “Oooh! Vanilla!” Pinkie exclaimed as she suddenly grabbed Spike’s bowl of ice cream, put it on her side of the table, and smashed her face in it! “Ooookay…” Spike said, apparently, now wanting any of the ice cream anymore. As Pinkie continued her antics, with Rarity complaining how hideous she looks, Spike, Twilight, and the others tried to think up a plan on how to find out what she had teleported, and where she had teleported it to. * Discord leaned back in his chair as he looked at the bewildered Chrysalis turned male Chrysalis. Chrysalis groaned in rage as she… he, asked Discord what he had done, while Sombra was just snickering from what had happened to Chrysalis. “Oh nothing, you just have to stay in that form for a day or so, and I’ll tell you five ponies that has a lot of love!” Discord offered while mentally he betted Chrysalis would believe him, again. “Fine…” “Okay then!” Discord perked up happily as he pulled out a scroll from out of nowhere, unrolled it, and revealed it to be a contract for their promise. “Sign over here, please.” Discord said while pointing a lion paw’s finger to a blank space near the down side of the paper. Male Chrysalis then used his magic to get the quill in Discord’s free paw, and then signed on the blank space Discord had just pointed. Why would a changeling have a signature anyway? Discord wondered suddenly. As Chrysalis finished signing it, Discord snapped his talons and it disappeared. He then bowed in mock respect and said; “The contract has been made ma’am.” He said as he sat down in his chair again. He then looked at Sombra who seemed to be thinking about something deep. “My my, what is wrong my Dear, Dear, friend?” Discord asked. “I’ve been thinking…” He started. “What teleported us here, and why in the world are we not making any move to get out of here?” Silence. Discord knew well why he wasn’t making a move, for it was because he just wanted to prank these two. But why they weren’t moving, they didn’t know. … … … … “Maybe because you love each other?” Discord said while snickering mentally as both of them turned sharply towards him you could almost hear their necks crack. “WHAT?!” It was certainly going to be a fun day for Discord.