> My Little Pony: The Key > by Synesisbassist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A new world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people say when you die, you go to heaven. Some say you are reborn or reincarnated. I however, can tell you what happened to me when I died. I went to hell. Well, almost hell. It seemed like it as I sat in the small room, staring at the cold, cobblestone wall. I was battered and bruised, the love of my life was dead and my friends were probably dead as well. You know what? How about I start from the beginning of all this.... I died. Well, I'm sure I did. One moment I was fine, then the next thing I knew my leg gave out and I went tumbling down the stairs; most likely breaking my spine upon hitting the bottom and whatever else on the way down. When I eventually opened my eyes, I was in pain. I was cold, disoriented and it Letting out a groan, I rolled over onto my side, my left hand touching the moist ground beneath me. I cracked an eye open to see, well... Nothing but darkness. I blinked a couple of times, trying to get my bearing again. There was a dull pain in my head and I felt a warm, wet sensation run down the left side of my face. I managed to sit myself up against what seemed to be a tree, my mind running a mile a minute as I looked around. My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and I could make out shapes of rocks, the ground, that figure moving closer, the trees aroun... Wait... What!? Fear set in and I pushed back a little as it came closer. I tried to speak but I was scared stiff. My throat was dry, my jaw locked and I clenched my body. Is this the end? It was then when I saw the reflection of the moons light in the figures eyes before it spoke. "Hello? Umm… W-who are you?” The female voice asked with more curiosity than any kind of aggressiveness. I could only blink a couple times when a faint green glow came from the shape and I went wide eyed at what I saw. It was a white furred face, with big, but friendly, Iight green eyes and a... Horn? The ridged horn glowed a dull green and she looked at my face closer in the new light. Her eyes shrunk to pin pricks, literally, they shrunk and she spoke softly, almost a squeak. “Oh.... Sweet Celestia... Yo-you're...” She was at a loss for words and looked in between wanting to run off, hit me, or just stare at me. She choose the last one. Her eyes returned to normal after a couple blinks and she took in my details. Her eyes lingered on my left eyebrow and her expression changed to a sympathetic one. “You're... hurt.” She said softly and reached out a... Hoof? I guess she was a type of equine, perhaps a type of pony, seeing how small she was compared to me. Anyways, she reached out for me and I flinched, my instincts telling me to not let her touch me. But the tree behind me prevented me from going back any further. I started to breath a little heavy as she came closer. “Hey, it's okay... I won-” “Sweetie!” A hushed voice hissed from behind her, making the white pony jump and eep a little. “What the hay are ya do...” I looked over her shoulder, at the other pony behind this 'Sweetie'. This one was yellow with a red mane and tail. Her orangish eyes looked at me in a mixture of fear, surprise, and... Disbelief? “Oh... Celestia... I-It’s true! The legend of the Key.” Both me and the white unicorn looked at each other in confusion. “The ke...” Sweetie started but she then gasped and fell backwards. “Oh my gosh!” She peddled backwards with her hooves towards the other pony, then I looked between both of them. The yellow pony stepped forward, looking me dead in the eyes. “Hello. Mah name is Apple Bloom. Ah’m the leader of the Equestrian Resistance. Can you understand me?” She said a little slowly and a little shakily, then I nodded. “Can ya speak?” She then asked, her look getting more and more hopeful. I gave a half-hearted shrug and a nod. “Then please, tell us your name.” I noticed Sweetie was looking between the two of us, before her gaze set on me as they waited for me to speak. She got closer and closer to me as she spoke, her eyes darting across my body, her own trembling a little as she breathed harder. I grunted, making sure my throat was clear and I spoke. “M-my name.... Is Tyson Cage.” Sweetie went wide eyed, and Apple Bloom grinned and started to laugh. “Sweetie! I-I can't believe this! He can talk! He...” She trailed off, her eyes snapping to the side and she took up a fighting stance. I noticed Sweetie's horn was glowing slightly and she gasped before whispering urgently “They're close! W-What do we do?” I was confused as Apple Bloom looked at me, taking a moment to debate. “We gotta get em back to headquarters! Send off the signal!” She said only to have Sweetie hesitate and look at her, a scared look on the Unicorns face. “B-But what if it alerts them?” Apple Bloom grit her teeth and gave her a glare that told Sweetie to just do it. “A-alright... Here goes!” She had to concentrate a little and her horn started glowing much more brightly before a small ball of green light shot off and popped in the air. “There! Let's go!” The yellow pony then ran up to me and stuck out a hoof to me. “Come on! We need to go now.” I had a million questions running through my head, such as; what is going on? Who is coming? Why the hell do you need me? But she had no time for questions and took my hand pulling me awkwardly to my feet. “Come on! We need to go!” Sweetie said already on her way away from where we were. I followed, a bit wobbly on my legs but I managed to keep up with the two ponies. We ran in mostly silence, except from breaths, steps and the occasional time they asked if I was ok then... A bloodcurdling scream came from our left and not too far away. “T-That sounded like Flitter!” We all stopped for a moment before Bloom closed her eyes and spoke with gritted teeth. “We need to go.” Sweetie looked shocked and shook her head in disbelief. “What!? But Scootaloo was with her!” Apple Bloom turned to her and we both noticed she was crying, but she was trying to hold it in. “Ah know that! But if he's the key... Their sacrifice will be worth it!” As the two had their little argument, I noticed something move in the darkness. As I looked closer I noticed fangs glisten in the moonlight, with a trace of blood on them. Then, a split second later It went for Apple Bloom, but she reacted at the last moment and kicked the figure sending it to the ground. Sweetie gasped and I noticed the figure roll across the dirt and get to it's... Hooves? It looked to be a kind of pony, but it was mostly black with blue and white eyes. It hissed and showed it's bloody fangs again and then looked at me. It quickly shook it's head, getting its bearings. Then it let out a howl... One that sent shivers down my spine, and still does to this day. Then a searing pain shot up my right arm. Looking at my arm I noticed another one was attached to it by it's mouth. “Fuck!” I yelled out, making Sweetie look at me and she turned a little more white than she was before. I punched it in the face, its grip finally loosening and it fell to the ground. I looked at the mark in my arm; the teeth marks leaked blood heavily and it was almost unbearable as I bent down. “Sweetie Belle! Get us outta here!” Apple Bloom yelled out as she fought off a couple of those... Things. “At last! The one has shown himself!” A distorted voice said from behind us making the three of us turn around and I saw a pony get thrown to the floor. I looked at the poor... Pegasus? She was grey, but her coat was stained with blood, her sort of icy blue mane was also splattered with blood and her eyes looked at me, almost lifeless. She blinked and opened her mouth. “Help... Me...” She croaked out and spat up a little bit of blood. My mouth was dry as her head fell back down to the ground and her eyes closed. I looked up and saw a horrible sight. There was a kind of, well it looked a little like the smaller black things. But this one was huge, almost as tall as me. She looked like a bug/equine hybrid, her green slitted eyes looked me over and she smiled, releasing a chuckle from her mouth that sounded distorted. I was frozen in place when a blot of green light whizzed by my head and almost hit this bug creature. “TYSON RUN!” Came Sweetie’s voice and I quickly snapped back to my senses before something touched my shin. Glancing down, I noticed the pony reaching for me, tears running down her cheek, a desperate look in her eyes, she was clinging to life. I knew what I had to do. I didn’t think, I just acted. I bent down and snatched the injured pony off the ground and took off running, trying to catch up to the other two that already had a head start on me. “Sweetie! Do it!” Apple Bloom yelled while running and the white unicorn’s horn lit up before a green light surrounded the four of us and… All of a sudden, I felt weightless. Then the ground seemed to stop beneath my feet and I rolled to a halt. Making sure not to hurt the pony in my arms. “Tyson!” Sweetie called out for me, her hoofsteps getting closer to me and tried to roll me over. Gasps filled my ears and was quickly followed by mummers from, I presume, other ponies. I opened my eyes to look up into the light green eyes of Sweetie Belle. “I’m fine.” I then remembered the small pony in my arms and quickly sat up. “Are you ok?” I asked, though the answer was clear. She was not. She panted lightly, wincing in pain gently as I moved. Then just as I looked up. THWACK! Pain exploded in the back of my head. It felt like someone cracked me over the head with a baseball bat. “That’s right ya big…. Whatever you are!” Came a tomboyish call from behind me as I half slumped to the side and the pony in my lap fell onto the ground. “Scootaloo stop!” Came Apple Bloom’s voice from behind as this “Scootaloo” pounced on me and started to hit me more. “Big bucking ape!” She yelled as I flipped over and she got me right in the mouth. I snapped and gave her one good shot to her muzzle, then off she went with a yelp. It was a couple seconds before she once again got to her hooves, bloody nose and all. “You’re gonna get it now!!” I was still dazed, my head slightly swaying as I pushed myself up into a half sitting position when the orange blur came at me once more. I closed my eyes and tried to lift my arm to protect myself when another green light flashed before my eyes and… Well it sounded like someone hit a plastic dome and then they fell to the ground. “Stop it Scootaloo! He’s not dangerous!” A muffled groan came from whoever attacked me and they rolled over. “Sweetie! What’s the big idea!? Just look at it!” I slightly winced as she called me “It”. “That thing took Flitter and tried to chase you two down!” But then Apple Bloom stepped in. “He did not! He jus’ might of saved her! So shut yer trap, and we can deal with the dyin’ pony first!” The orange pegasus instantly closed her mouth and looked taken back. Her ears flayed to her head and Apple Bloom approached me. “Ah need a medical team stat!” There was a moment of pause, but soon a couple unicorns slowly and carefully approached me. I then reached out and handed them the injured pony in my arms. They looked hesitant, but soon took her from me and rushed her inside a tent. Then a burning sensation in my arm snapped me back to attention. I looked down and seen blood streaming down my arm and off my fingers. Sweetie Belle took a sharp breath while her eyes looked it over before charging her horn. “This will hurt, but it’ll save you.” With that a small bolt of her aura shot at my arm. It burned even more, the smell of burning blood and flesh filled my nose almost making me sick. The pain was almost unbearable but in a couple seconds it diwndled to a dull throb. I looked down and seen she used it to cauterize the holes to seal them up. Using some wrap she first took to cleaning my arm and then wrapped my wound tight as she could. I stifled a groan and gave a weak smile. “Thanks Sweetie…” “Alright everypony, get back to whatever ya’ll we’re doin’ earlier. You…” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. “Come with me. Sweetie, Scoots, follow along. And ah swear, you touch him one more time, ah’ll break yer wings.” She threatened her feathered friend. Scootaloo looked surprised and nodded quickly, shooting a snarl at me when Apple Bloom turned back. But I did as I was told, following the yellow pony to wherever she had planned. We continued to walk the stone halls, ponies seemed to be everywhere in here, most looked rough and wore armour with weapons. But the place we were in seemed to be ancient. Bricks were cracked, moss clung to the walls and a couple old windows still sat untouched. But most were sealed up and lanterns hung from the ceiling. “Where are we?” I asked absentmindedly, the pegasus lightly growling at me, but Sweetie Belle was quick to answer. “We are in the Castle of the Two Sisters. One of the last safe havens left in Equestria.” Glancing down at the white unicorn, she continued to look where she was walking. But she seemed relaxed, compared to earlier at least. “See, the land of Equestria was protected by the Two royal sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Along with… The bearers.” Upon hearing those words, Scootaloo’s ears twitched and she snapped at Sweetie. “Hey! It doesn't need to know about that stuff.” The orange mare glared at me and kept walking, head down before trotting up to Apple Bloom, giving me a small nudge before doing so. What the hell crawled up her ass? The only thing I’ve done is try to stay alive! And I rescued that pegasus! What does she fucking want from me?! “It’s alright Tyson, she’s a little on edge. We all are.” The yellow mare spoke with a sigh. She eyed my arm and bit her lower lip before resuming her gaze forward. I looked down to the white unicorn and tilted my head a little. “Why is that? What happened?” Sweetie Belle was about to open her mouth, but shut it and shook her head before she mouthed. “When we’re alone." I nodded in acknowledgement. We made our way right, and at the end of the long hallway, was a big wooden door. Two white, stallion guards stood outside the door and upon noticing Apple Bloom they stood strong and opened the door for us. “Ma’am!” Both guards said with a salute and Apple Bloom nodded while walking past. “At ease, Ah’d also like to be undisturbed. Understand?” Both stallions nodded and we all walked into what seemed to be an office. In contrast to the rest of what I’ve seen, this was modern. Clean, with a big desk, a map, books, couches, chairs, and a door off to the left as well as to the right. It looked like a planning room to me. Apple Bloom walked over to a large cabinet and opened it up, showing what was a collection of liquor. “Anypony thirsty? Water? Or a drink?” She then proceeded to pull out what looked like a homemade liquor judging from the bottle. “I’ll take a glass of water.” Sweetie Belle kept stealing glances at me, probably making sure I was ok. “Some Vodka and milk for me.” Scootaloo herself stared daggers into me, almost as if she was trying to attack me with her gaze itself. Apple Bloom then looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “O-oh… Umm… Got any spiced rum?” She thought for a moment and looked around inside the cabinet before pulling out the bottle. She poured the glasses, she herself poured what seemed to be cider. I could feel the glare that Scootaloo was giving me right behind me, an uneasy tension in the air. “Alright, sit, all of ya. and here’s yer drinks.” We all took our drinks and sat down, each at one of the four couches around a table. Apple Bloom took a mouthful of her drink and sighed. “Good as always. Now, to the point about you.” She looked straight into my eyes and swished her drink a little. "Him? What's so special about him?" Scootaloo said before taking a mouthful of her drink. "He shouldn't be here." I felt tense so I took a drink of my own, it was strong but tasty. “Just what the hay is it anyways?” All eyes fell to me and I swallowed thickly. “I’m a human.” And no more than a second after I stopped, Scootaloo piped in with a snort. “Yea right! Those are an old mares tale.” I narrowed my eyes at her and our eyes locked. You wanna keep being a bitch and I swear to god… I could feel my blood start to boil, the last thing I needed was blowing my lid so I stayed my tongue. I took a deep breath and continued. “Well it’s what I am. Human, homo-sapien if you will. There are plenty of sciency terms for it. Moving on, I’m from Canada, right on the coast near the Atlantic.” Apple Bloom looked confused. “C-Canada? Atlantic?” I sighed and rolled my eyes while I watched the gold liquid in my glass move as I took a small sip. “The land where I was born, and part of the ocean on my planet. Earth…. Which, judging from your reaction is not this planet." I took another drink and laid my head back, just letting my thoughts run through my head and nerves relax. “So I’m in… Equestria?” Sweetie Belle was quick to pipe up. “Yes, you are. On the planet of Equis. I might be able to figure out how you got here… But I can’t promise a way home.” She then frowned. “Now maybe if Princess Twil-” “I said knock it off!” Scootaloo snarled. “I’ve had enough!” She then slammed her, now empty glass, down. “I wanna know who, and what the buck this thing is!" "Scoots, calm down, it’s all gonna be explained later ok?” Apple Bloom tried to calm the angry pegasus, but she would not relax. A small snort came from Scootaloos nose. “No! I want to know now! It doesn't deserve to be here!” Her wings twitched at her sides as she flicked her mane from her face. I decided enough was enough and stood up, towering over the small pony. “You listen here, you little bitch.” Scootaloo shrunk a little from my size and voice. “I didn’t ask to be here, okay? So why don’t you just back off and leave me the fuck alone!” The both of us had a stare off, Scootaloo’s wings spread wide and she snarled as I bared my teeth. After a couple of moments, Apple Bloom got between us. “We have enough problems without the two of ya goin’ at each others necks! Get some sleep, both of ya. We can settle more out in the mornin’.” Scootaloo snorted and then with a quick snap of her neck walked to the door, pushed it open and left without a word. I untensed my body and Apple Bloom sighed. “Sweetie? Can ya show Tyson here the extra bunk in your wing? Ah need some time to myself.” The yellow earth pony made her way to the large desk and sat behind it and sighed, looking at a small picture frame. Sweetie Belle lit up with a faint blush, stuttering a little before nodding. “S-sure Apple Bloom. F-follow me Tyson.” I glanced back to Apple Bloom for a moment before I followed the unicorn outside and into the hallway once more. Instead of going left, the way we came, we went right and headed down the hallway. The ponies we past stopped to stare at me, sometimes muttering comments under their breaths. “I’m sorry about how Scootaloo acted…” Sweetie Bell apologized, keeping her gaze to the floor. I let out a small sigh. “It was none of your fault. It was her fault.” After a small yawn, I continued. “But she is right… I don’t belong here.” I ran my fingers through my hair, my arm slightly hurning at my movements. Sweetie frowned when I said that. “I know… But you might be able to help us.” Her tone caught my attention, it was a mixture of  begging and sadness… Something happened close to her, I could just tell as her words set into my mind. I stayed silent as we approached a door. “Um… Here we are.” She opened the door, and inside was much unlike the office I was just in. It seemed cozy. Inside were two sets of beds, bunk beds with a small table and some chairs in the room. There also seemed to be some sort of hammock in the corner of the room with an orange mare in it. “Welcome back Sweets, the other two bucked off on me and I....” The mare propped herself up and looked at me, tilting her head to the side. “What the heck is that?” Her fiery orange eyes looked me up and down before she rolled out of her hammock. Sweetie Belle stepped a little to the side. “This, is Tyson.” The pegasus approached me and eyed me curiously, and it allowed me to get a better look at her. Her mane and tail looked slicked back from wind, she had a scar across her left eye, and one that seemed to glance her right wing. She was older, looked like she’s had her share of fights and close calls, but she also looked a little playful. “So what? Is it some sort of pleasure creature? Because I’m hella down for that.” This snapped me back and I blushed hard as did Sweetie Belle. “No Spitfire, he’s here to help in the fight.” This earned a huff from Spitfire as she frowned and pouted. “Well fuck, I’m super pent up.” She then turned and flicked her tail at me. “But if that’s what you want, that’s cool. I’ll just be over here.” With a small jump she crawled back into her hammock. Sweetie Belle flushed red and facehooved. “Please have some restraint… He just got here… He needs some time to adjust.” Spitfire's tail flicked and she huffed. “Still! If ya ever want some fun times, you know where to find me.” Watching me shift in embarrassment she let out a small laugh. “I’m joking with ya, names Spitfire.” I blushed hard and rubbed the back of my head. “S-so… where do I sleep?” Sweetie walked over to the set of beds on the right side of the room and pointed to the lower bunk. “You can sleep there, I hope it’s good enough for now. I’m going to grab a bite to eat, you hungry?” Truthfully I did feel a little famished, but I was way too exhausted to care for hunger. “I’m good for tonight, I’m going to sleep. Night Sweetie Belle… And thanks for everything so far.” I gave her a small smile, one that she returned. “Night Tyson, see you in the morning.” She then left and I sat upon the small bed. It was smaller, but a good enough size and comfy enough for sleeping. It’ll have to do I guess, beggars can’t be choosers. I laid down with a sigh and closed my tired eyes. “Rough day huh?” My right ear twitched and I cracked an eye to look over towards the mare in the corner of the room. “Also sorry about that, it was just a joke… But I can tell you’ve had a rough day, I used to train cadets in a flying academy." She paused for a moment and smiled. Heh, sometimes it feels like none of this ever happened ya know?” Spitfire then let out a sigh and swallowed. “I’ve lost a couple cadets… Those poor souls. They were like my children, cut down at such a young age.” She sniffled and took a shaky breath, clearly trying not to cry. I sat up and looked over at her. “Umm… Sorry to hear that Spitfire.” She cracked a weak smile and wiped her cheeks. “Thanks rookie, mind if I call you that? It’s nice to be able to vent ya know? So where are ya from?” She then sat up and looked at me more. “I’ve never seen anything like you before.” I bit my lip and pondered for a second. Should I tell her? Could it hurt? “Well… I’m a human. Not from around here at all. I’m still trying to figure it out myself, it’s a lot to take in.” She stared at me, studying my face hard and for half a minute or so. “You’re not lying. After years of dealing with cadets, I’ve got a knack for detecting a lie. So you’re all alone huh? Welcome to the crew. Most of us lost ponies close to us. Me? I personally lost my best wing pony, friend… And, my secret love. His name was Soarin, disappeared about a month ago with the rest of his squad. ” Spitfire let out a small sigh. “But…. I feel as if he’s still out there,I just can’t go out on my own.” I swallowed a little, unsure of what to say to the pegasus. “A-are you sure? Like… Umm.” I paused, trying to find my words. Spitfire gave me a weak smile. “I know what ya mean, but we have a connection, he was my second in command and I know him. I can feel his…. His internal magic, what makes him him, ya know? It’s a hard concept to understand I know, but I just know he’s alive.” I sat in silence, unsure of what to say but she beat me to it. “Sorry to bother you, just don’t worry about it. I’ve rambled on enough for tonight, g’night rookie.” And with that she turned and laid back down. I… what? My mind was mixed, thoughts didn’t make sense. Too much was going though and I started to overload. Just sleep… Deal with this shit in the morning. I was exhausted and drained, I was aching and so tired. The millions of things going through my mind were like mere flashes of light in my mind. I just need sleep…. Sweet… Embracive… Sleep… It was then when I fully succumbed to my body and fell into a deep sleep. > The Examination > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up groggy, it was early. Way to early for my body at least. I rolled over and groaned as I tried to escape the rays of light as they came cascading though the slitted, boarded window. “Rise and shine rookie, its morning.” Came a slightly cheery voice to the left of me. With a frown I turned my head and looked over at the sound of the voice. The orange and yellow pegasus smiled at my look. “You look jet-lagged.” She paused for a moment then continued. “And by that I mean you look like shit.” Spitfire said with a smile. Spitfire... Ponies.... Another world... Suddenly it all hit me and I closed my eyes and groaned. I was in another land called Equestria, one with talking ponies and other weird creatures. Just what I needed in my life. “Come on rookie, I was told to get you outta bed. And you also need a shower.” A hard hoof prodded my leg and I reopened my eyes, staring at the wall. “Fuck.” I muttered under my breath as I rolled out of bed, I felt like crap and was sore all over. My body ached and my head pounded while my arm burned. Raising it in front of my face I seen the bloodstained bandages wrapped around it. That hurts like hell... Standing up I stretched, my back popped in a couple places and I felt a little relief in the soreness. “Shower?” I mumbled to Spitfire as I rubbed my face. The orange mare chuckled. “Ill show ya, and I'll get your clothes washed for ya, they probably smell as bad as you do.” I frowned and stuck my middle finger up at her as I walked towards the door. “I don't know what that means, but I don't think it's nice.” With a flick of her tail on my leg she followed me out into the hallway. The first thing I seen was ponies. There were a couple walking down the hall, some seemingly on 'duty' and other just walking and talking. But no matter what they were doing, they all stared. Some in wonder, some in fear, but all in amazement at me. I felt out of place, a couple of the ponies giving me looks that made me feel uncomfortable. “Come on rookie, lets get you showered.” She walked down the hallway to the right and after a moment, I followed. It wasn't too long of a walk, maybe a minute or so before we reached a door way. Inside was a long line of showers, all of which were enclosed. “Least I can have some privacy...” And just as I said that, a door opened and out of the steam stepped a white mare with pink and purple swirls for a mane. My face flushed a little as Sweetie Belle stepped out of the shower. She hummed to herself before she laid eyes on me and gasped. “T-Tyson?!” Her white cheeks flushed red and she gulped before regaining her composure. “N-need a shower? Here, mine is open now I gotta go bye!” She then darted by me and dashed down the hall. “Well... All right then...” Spitfire said and gave me a poke in the leg. “Toss out your clothes once you step inside the shower and I'll get them washed and back before your done.” I didn't question and did as I was told. After I stepped into the shower cubicle, I stripped and passed my clothes out to the mare and immediately she was gone. Upon taking a closer look to the shower, it was pretty advanced for an old castle. There was a detachable shower head, about shoulder height. And a couple of buttons above small dispensers labelled 'Coat/body, Mane, feathers.' along with a little scrub brush that said 'horn polish'. Hmm, guess I'll make do with what they got. It took about a half an hour of scrubbing and washing to finally feel clean, and just as I was finishing up I heard some hooves. “Hey! Got your clothes back, you still in there?” Came the voice of Spitfire from outside the cubicle. “Yea, just finishing up.” I said and turned the water off, then in popped a hoof with a white towel on it. “Thanks.” I said as I took the towel and started to dry off. The bandage was soaked with water, mixing with the dried blood it leaked a red liquid. I tenderly removed it and looked at the cauterized wound on my arm. It looked black, burnt skin and dried blood sealed the holes. Spitfire gave me a small amount of bandage wrap which I quickly took and started to wrap my arm up once more. “Once were done here, we're gonna hit the mess hall, get some grub. I'd think you are starving right now am I right?” As soon as she said that, my stomach made it's hunger known. It growled and a dull pain made itself known to me in my belly. I rubbed it and nodded to myself. “Yea, I'm starving. Can you pass me my clothes?” I asked her and soon a hoof full of clean clothes were passed though the crack in the door. I got dressed then stepped out into the main room. Spitfire looked at me and smiled. “Nice to see you cleaned up Rookie.” Her eyes looked up to my face, glancing between my eyes and then turned to leave. “Alright, to the mess hall. I'm starving!” With a quick turn we left the shower hall and turned down the left hallway. Once again we walked in silence, but this time I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering the rustic halls. I could still feel the age of the place that we were in, it seemed dirty but clean all at the same time. There was spots of moss hanging from the walls, and tattered banners that had odd designs on them hanging in-between the boarded up windows. The designs on the banners seemed to be of two horses, one white and one a darker blue and black. The both of them seemed to be around a small circle that looked like a small planet, it had green landmasses and blue oceans. Very interesting.... Those two must be their god-like entities. Maybe those are the two sisters Sweetie Belle spoke about? I shook the thoughts from my head, like any of it mattered. I had an anxious feeling, one that sent my heart up into my throat. What was going to happen to me? Apple Bloom kept talking like I was important to something here, but what could I do? “Something up rookie?” Came Spitfires voice to break my deep thoughts. I blinked and looked ahead to the Pegasus. I stopped as did she, her head tilted to the side as I fumbled for a response. “No... Well, yeah actually.” I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. “What am I to you?” This seemed to puzzle her as she raised an eyebrow. “I mean like... To you ponies, what am I?” Spitfire merely shrugged her shoulders. “I really can't tell you because I don't know. All I was told is that you are important in some way.” She sighed and ran a hoof over her mane, causing it to slick back before gently springing back to normal. “I know you want answers, but I don't have any. Come on, we have to get breakfast then its off to get a medical evaluation, Big Boss's orders.” She said with a smirk and continued down the hallway. I licked my dry lips then followed her as a wave of anxiety followed me. We walked for a minute or so before we came up to a small left turn and opened a slightly larger set of wooden doors. Inside, was rows of tables, with some spread around the outside of the big room. My eyes set onto the line of food they had and I could tell it was going to be delicious. Me and Spitfire took a tray each, working our way from right to left along the line. I glanced into the back kitchen where the ponies were cooking. But one fellow caught my eyes, he wasn't a pony, but some sort of bird. I shrugged it off and started filling my tray with food. After a couple of minutes we both sat down with a tray of food at a table off to the side. I had a tray full of veggies, fruits and rice. Spitfire had put careful thought into her meal, consisting of all healthy choices, though it wasn't too tough as that's pretty much all there was anyways. We ate in silence. The kind of silence that makes your ears ring in search of noise. I could hear whispers, coming from the other side of the room but I paid no mind. A feeling of uneasiness came up into my chest. I hated being watched, it always sent shivers down my spine. Especially when I knew someone or something was looking at me, judging me... Silently picking me apart. “Don't mind them.” Spitfire said with a mouthful of food. “We'll be gone soon enough.” She never took her eyes off her tray as she finished eating. I ran a hand though my hair and let out a small sigh as I too finished up. “So who wants me anyways?” I asked Spitfire, her fiery orange eyes moved from her tray to my own. “Well, I was told that one of our researchers wants to have a once over with you. Examine you a little, ask some questions that sorta stuff.” Spitfire said, spinning her plate with her hooves. “Quite frankly we don't know who, or what you are exactly. That makes some ponies uneasy that you are here.” I swallowed the last bite I had, taking a quick glance around the room. The few tables around me and Spitfire were empty and the few ponies in the room were sitting far away from us. “Let's get this over with.” I muttered standing up and stretching, couple places in my back cracking as I did so. Once we left the mess hall, we made our way quickly towards the west wing of this castle. It wasn't that far of a destination, as we had only been walking for a couple minutes when Spitfire pushed open a set of doors on the right side of the hallway. I stepped in behind her and went wide eyed at what I saw. It looked exactly what you could imagine a 'mad-scientist' lab to look like. Hundreds of glass beakers and bottles were strewn across the multiple counters in the room. A handful of ponies in lab coats watched their experiments carefully, they all seemed to be unicorns. Their horns glowed as they held, poured, measured and recorded data from whatever they were doing. “That makes results inclusive! You forgotten basic variables that literally anypony else could have thought of!” I heard one pony say to another with a heavy accent. He was a brown coated stallion dressed in a less perfect lab coat. It was seemingly singed on the foreleg cuffs. There was a small pocket on the right side of his lab coat that seemed to hold a small note pad and a quill. He had what looked like a bottle of green fluid with another blue one being poured into it for his mark. I thought about it for a moment and realized, all ponies had a unique looking mark. He wore a pair of black glasses, big thick ones that sat on his muzzle. Reaching up a hoof to push them back onto his face I could see his green eyes staring out behind them. The door closed with a small noise behind us and his eyes glanced in our direction. I could have sworn his eyes got a bit wider as the smaller pony, a mare, looked between the two of us. “Just... Make sure you take more consideration in your experiments next time Starfleur.” He spoke to her without breaking eye contact with me and quickly trotted over. His note pad quickly flew out of his pocket glowing a light green and started writing as he spoke. “The being is bi-pedal. Stands on two legs. Two long... forelegs that end, five digits on each..” He paused and rotated his hoof while thinking. “Hand was it? Looks like primate. Wears clothes, little hair on body, most on head. Dark brown hair and bright amber eyes.” Spitfire rolled her eyes and stuck a hoof out in front of this guy. He failed to noticed it, and preceded to slightly trip over her leg. “Alright enough of that Chemfire. We don't need him scared before you even get the chance to fully examine him.” She spoke with a small grin as the stallion adjusted his glasses back on his face and shot her a small scowl. “Ah, Spitfire. They got you to bring him here yes?” I was a little weird-ed out by him something he must of noticed. “No need to fear, I am professional scientist... Eh, mostly.” He said with a small flick of his hoof and a half roll of his eyes. I scratched at the back of my head and cleared my throat. “My name is Tyson. I was told I had to come here to be looked over?” I glanced down at Spitfire who turned to leave. “I'll just leave you two to yourself. Not really allowed in the lab anymore after last time.” She said sheepishly and a groan came from Chemfire. “I'll be back for you in a little bit rookie.” She soon disappeared out the doors. An uneasy feeling welled up inside my chest. This place will be the death of me... “Need not remind me Spitfire. He is in capable hooves. Trust me.” The door closed and he then turned to the mare he was speaking to when we entered. “Starfleur!” The white mare snapped to attention and stood straight. “Take our guest to the examination room.” “R-right away Professor!” Starfleur said quickly and turned halfway away from me before pointing to a set of doors in the back. “Now if you would follow me, Tyson was it?” I nodded silently and walked across the room towards her. Now that I got an up close look at her, she looked quite young actually. She was about half a foot shorter then the other ponies I've met. Her purple eyes gazed up at me as her blonde mane hung gently in a ponytail, something that made me smile internally. Her pristine white coat almost made me miss the fact that she was also wearing a lab coat. As was the trend with these ponies she indeed had her own mark on her butt. It was some sort of french icon with a white star appointed up to the middle point. I stuck out my hand towards her and she took a step back while looking wide-eyed at my hand. “That's me, nice to meet you.” She kept glaring at it, then up into my face before back down at my hand. “Ok then...” I put my hand back down and walked into the room she pointed me into. It was a small room, almost uncomfortably so. The height was short, enough so that I whacked my head off the door frame once I entered. I groaned in more annoyance then anything as I rubbed my forehead. “Please sit on the stool in the centre of the room please.” She trotted to the left side while I sat down on the stool she told me to. Chemfire trotted in behind us and closed the door with a green glow that matched his horn's aura. A bright light shone down from above and I winced while narrowing my eyes from the brightness. “Test subject number three, four, seven, nine. Please refer to notes five, eight, two, one zero.” I felt a little uncomfortable as my mouth was suddenly forced open by blue aura. Glancing to my right I noticed Starfleur standing there, her horn wrapped in the same colour as what forced my jaw open, uncomfortably I might add. Chemfire peered into my mouth. “Pronounced canines, four incisors with molars in the back. Typical of herbivore animals. Would make guess that subject eats both meat and plants.” I rolled my eyes which made Starfleur stifle a giggle with her left hoof touching her lips. “What is funny?” Chemfire asked to which she replied. “Well... Don't you think he can answer questions without you having to slice him open and see how he works?” She tilted her head to the side while Chemfire's muzzle scrunched up and he looked at me. I darted my eyes between the two before I gave a small smile. “Yes, that should make process easier.” Starfleur's aura hold on my jaw faded and I rubbed the right side with my hand. Thank god for that. The stallion brought up a small swivel chair and sat upon it while he looked me in my eyes. “I shall not cut you open, for that you should be grateful.” My eyes widened and he let out a chuckle. “I kid I kid. Time for all seriousness.” With a small pause he sighed and fixed his glasses before looking at my face once more. “Now, tell me everything about you.” He had his notepad by his side, ready to write down everything. I thought about it for a couple moments, both ponies leaned a tad closer and stared intently at me. “How should I even start?” I looked Chemfire in the eyes and then sighed. “I was born twenty two years ago, born on the east coast of my country on earth.” He wrote quickly and nodded. “But as far as my knowledge I know I'm not there.” Starfleur went a little wide eyed and I continued. “I'm a human, the only sapient and dominant creature on my home world. We have lived for thousands of years, evolving from mere cavemen to what you see before you. We have developed many technologies, ideas and have done great accomplishments.” I pondered for a moment. “Like what?” Starfleur spat out before scrunching her face and covering it with both fore-hoofs. “Sorry professor.” She sheepishly said while he glared at her. I scratched my chin idly. “No it's fine Starfleur. Arguably one of the greatest achievements us humans have made is space travel.” This caused Chemfire to gasp and snap his quill. “You said space travel? Like... Beyond the planet?” He stared wide-eyed as I nodded before he pointed his hoof at me. “Impossible. You are lying, yes?” He muttered under his breath while grabbing another quill with his aura. I quickly shook my head. “No, I'm telling the truth.” As I stared at his horn I couldn't help but ask. “Now Chemfire, can you answer me a question? Do all you ponies have those cool telekinesis powers?” The two unicorns looked between each other before Starfleur started to giggle, a feeble attempt to cover her muzzle with her foreleg. “Don't be silly. It's just magic.” She said and I gave her the most quizzical look that stopped her. “I'm serious! All unicorns can use magic. See?” Her horn glowed that same blue it did before and she lifted my hand by my wrist. I gazed at the aura, it felt like a force I never felt before. It didn't necessarily hurt, just more uncomfortable then anything. It dissipated and left a tingling feeling on my skin. “That's weird.” I said quietly and flexed my hand. Chemfire cleared his throat. “Alright, that's enough questions. I have to do a medical examination on you now.” He got up and put down his notepad before he got to his hooves. “This will not hurt... Mostly” I gulped and he smiled before he started. I've never been poked and prodded more in my life. He looked over every inch, bending my arms, legs and head in all directions all while muttering to himself. He measured my height, weight, recorded how my body responded to pain, much to my irritation. After about a half hour of being looked from top to bottom, he sat back down and looked at me. “There, that should be it. You don't seem entirely dangerous to us.” He said, seemingly satisfied as I rubbed my left upper arm. That's going to bruise. “Starfleur! File these for me. I'm getting lunch.” He said while getting off his chair and left the room. His notes laid spread across the table he was sitting beside and Starfleur saluted once again. “Yes professor!” She then preceded to gather up the pages and sort them. I got off the stool I had been sitting on the whole time and stretched. Guess I'll find Spitfire. Before I even had the chance to leave the room Starfleur blocked the door. “Just one last thing before you go.” I looked down at the white pony and she shifted from hoof to hoof and stared at the ground. “I've heard of the legend.” She spoke softly and rubbed her right shoulder with her left hoof. “I know some ponies don't believe in it.” Her eyes raised and gazed into my own. “But after meeting you... I think we have a chance.” I got a tense feeling in my chest, her purple eyes sparkled as she stared up at me. “Uh, thanks I guess.” I really didn't know what else to say to her. She noticed my uneasiness and touched a hoof to my right leg. “You take care ok? If you ever need somepony, come find me.” With that, she went to the back of the room to start filing the papers Chemfire had filed out on me. With that said, I quickly left the lab and found my way out into the hallway. Now just where would Spitfire run off to? I looked down both ways before I turned left and started walking. At this point I was alone, but that made me feel even more uneasy as my footsteps made soft sounds on the stone floor. I figured I should try and make my way back to the bunk area. Hopefully Spitfire was there or at least could find me there. I was lost in thought as I walked the ancient hallways that I didn't hear the voices coming closer before... A foreleg was right in front of my foot, I tripped over the hard hoof before I came crashing with a groan onto the stone floor. I heard male voices laughing as I blinked to clear my vision. “Real fuckin mature...” I muttered to myself as I started to get to my feet. As I got to my knees I got kicked hard right in the back sending me once more to the ground. “Oh ho ho! I don't think so, see you wandered into our territory pal.” I rolled onto my back, wincing in pain as my eyes laid upon two pegasi stallions. One was a light brownish colour with a slicked back brown mane and tail. His sea green eyes looked down at me as I got to my feet and dusted myself off. His friend was a dark greyish brown and had a silver mane and tail. He snorted and smirked before leaning towards me. “Hehe yea! You wandered into the wrong part of the castle buddy!” With a scowl and a swipe of his hoof upside his head, the first stallion hit him. “Shut it Dumb-Bell!” My eyes narrowed and my heart beat quicker. I have a feeling these guys don't want to play dress up... I was cautious as the the first stallions eyes glared back at me. “Like I said my friend, you crossed on Hoop's territory!” He then puffed his chest out and grinned at me. I scratched the back of my head, the dull pain in my back from being kicked starting to subside. “If you look at my face, you'll see that I don't care.” I idly flicked my hand at him, noticing the look of anger that flared over his muzzle. “Now if you'll excuse me...” I then tried to walk past them when he side stepped, blocking me. “I don't appreciate sarcasm pal.” He tried to stand tall to me, but only came up to my chin height. His wings flared as he tried to intimidate me. I stood straight and cracked my neck. “Or what? Is the little pony going to shut me up?” I glanced behind me to see Dumb-Bell standing there, ready to throw down. My gaze went back to Hoops. “Two on one, that seems a lit-” He cut me off by headbutting me in the chest. The wind got knocked out of me as I hunched over when a kick at the back of my legs brought me to my knees. Hoop's put his face to mine and glared into my eyes. “You runt. Guess we'll see just how great of a legend you are.” His voice was but a whisper before he stood up and grinned. Thinking quickly I threw my arm forward, my fist connecting with his throat. He coughed and staggered back. I pushed my hands onto the ground and kicked back with my right leg underneath Dumb-Bell. I winced myself as I heard him groan and fall to the floor. I got to my feet and stepped back as Hoops came at me once again. A strange feeling came though my chest as I easily dodged his attack, grabbing his fore-hoof with my left hand I elbowed him right in the throat once again. But this time his wing came at me. I ducked underneath, his feathers tickling my hair. “Big mistake!” I grabbed the end of it with my right hand and with a hard strike from my left, I snapped it in half. The sickening crunch of bone breaking made a lump come up in my throat as Hoops staggered past me. He seethed in pain, his wing hanging uselessly at his side. I panted as my senses came back in full force. I could hear my heart racing as I heard hoofsteps racing down the hall. I lowered my guard as Hoops snarled at me ready for another charge. Before he had the chance to attack me once more, a couple guard ponies turned the corner. Their eyes widened as they saw what happened. There I stood with two stallions, one on the ground whining in pain holding his crotch, and the other with a broken wing. “Now I know this looks really bad but hear me out.” I slowly raised my hands in the air and nervously looked at the both of the ponies. I didn't get far before Hoops interjected. “This crazy thing attacked us! The damn thing even broke my wing!” I didn't even have time to protest as the guards drew their weapons in their magic with cold stares. One was a dark maroon stallion, his mane hidden by his helm but his tail was black with a red streak. His eyes were a icy blue and he had a scar across his right eye trailing across his muzzle. His helmet had a spot for his horn to go though, and he had plate armour on his body. The other was a pearl white mare with a light blue mane that hung admittedly beautifully, around her horn and down her neck. This mare also wore plate armour but no helmet like the stallion. She also had a splash of gold in her mane and tail along with bright blue eyes. Her face scrunched at me as the stallion inched his blade closer to me. I tilted my head back and inhaled sharply, the cold steel brushing the skin on my neck. “Easy now...” I gulped and could feel the sweat start to trickle down my forehead. The guard who's sword tip touched my neck stared at me, his ice blue eyes narrowed as he pushed gently. My eyes widened as I held my breath, my heart skipped a beat as I was sure he was going to skewer me right then and there. “Stand down Crimson.” The mare spoke softly as he shot her a quizzical look. “Don't give me that look, just do as you're told.” She said before sheathing her own blade and trotting past me towards Hoops. “How can you let that thing go?!” He was pretty angry as she ignored him and looked at his wing. With a small smirk she gave it a hard poke making the pegasus scream in pain. “OWW!! What in tartarus was that for?!” His eyes trailed to his limply hanging wing and he whined softly. “Give it up Hoops. You're just mad you got your flank kicked. Pick up your friend there and go get that wing looked at.” She looked at the other pony attempting to get to his hooves, still holding his groin. “Not like you needed them anyways eh Dumb-Bell?” With a scowl from the downed stallion she smirked and rolled her eyes. The mare then turned her attention back to me. “Now, I'm going to assume you're, Tyson, right?” She tilted her head to the side with a raised eyebrow as she looked me over. I nodded silently as the two stallions that attacked me slowly made their way off, grumbling to themselves. She trotted past me and giggled while flicking her tail at me. “No need to be shy, I don't bite.” She paused and turned towards me. “Well not usually anyways.” She stuck her tongue out playfully and closed her left eye with a grin on her face. “Anyways, my name is Sapphire, this here is Crimson.” Pointing with a hoof over her shoulder at the red stallion who let out a snort of hot air. “Settle Crimson, this is the guy Apple Bloom told us about. She wouldn't be too happy with us if you killed him.” I held my breath for a second as I contemplated turning tail and getting the hell out of there. She noticed my uneasiness and laughed closing her eyes. “I'm joking, he wouldn't hurt a fly.” Using her right hoof she patted his chest piece, eliciting a hard glare from Crimson. I looked between the two and have a half hearted smile. “Right... I need to find Spitfire. Any idea where she is?” I asked in hopes that I could find her again and out of this situation. Sapphire pondered for a moment before raising an eyebrow. “Hmm, I think she said she was going to see Apple Bloom.” Breathing a sigh of relief I started to head off before the mare blocked me. “And just where are you running off to now?” With a smile and a shake of her head she trotted past me. “I can't have you getting into anymore trouble on my watch. So I'll just have to escort you there. Besides you're going in the wrong direction.” Sapphire stuck her tongue out at me before trotting in the way I came from. I hesitated but a small poke from Crimson got me moving. Not a single word was uttered on our walk. Sapphire hummed to herself cheerily as her head moved to the song she was thinking about. I could feel the hot breath from Crimson behind me as I nervously followed. Soon we happened upon a door I knew all too well. It was the room that I was first brought to when we got here. “Annnnnnnd here we are! Please take all belongings with you and watch your step. Thank you for choosing Sapphire tour guides!” Sapphire looked at me with a grin. I was caught a little off guard as I started at her with a blank expression. “I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Don't get yourself in too much trouble got it?” She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me once again. I looked at the white mare quizzically but slowly nodded none-the-less. “Uh, sure. Thanks Sapphire.” I approached the door, the two guards standing by it merely watched me as I pushed one of the large wooden doors open. Voices that came from inside stopped once I opened the door and I heard a groan of annoyance come from inside. “Astral, ah thought ah told ya...” I heard Apple Bloom trail off as I stepped into the room. She sat behind her large wooden table, Spitfire sat across from her. The fiery pegasus turned herself and went wide eyed. “R-rookie!?” She shot out of her chair and quickly trotted towards me. “I thought I told you I'd come get you?” She scrunched her muzzle up and I just shrugged my shoulders. Behind me Sapphire poke her face into the room. “Also, we have an injured pony in the medical wing. And FYI, this guy really knows how to hold his own.” With that she quickly shut the door and a eerie silence filled the room. Apple Bloom slightly tilted her head and paused before speaking. “Uh... Just what is she talkin about Tyson?” Leaning on her right hoof she sighed. “You know what? Ah'd rather not deal with that at the moment.” She picked up a glass full of light brown liquid and took a hefty swig. I sat down and leaned my head back. “You and me both.” As silence filled the room I could hear the grandfather clock in the corner ticking the seconds by. Apple Bloom had her eyes closed as she swished her glass of what I assumed was cider, in deep thought. From beside me I heard Spitfire clear her throat. “So... Umm, about the thing. Are we going to do anything about it? That was an entire squad of ponies just missing.” Her tone of voice was vastly different from what I heard thus far. Almost kind of, pleading with the yellow mare. I stayed silent as Apple Bloom opened her eyes and looked at me, the gears in her head turning by the second. She chewed on her lower lip before turning in her chair to look at the boarded up window behind her. “Spitfire. Ah can't really spare anypony to do that. Hell, we barely got back ourselves. And Flitter is still in critical condition.” “B-but Apple Bloom! There are ponies out there alive! We can't turn our back on them!” Spitfire stepped up to the table and put her forehooves onto it. Gritting her teeth Apple Bloom spun around and did the same. “You're not sure they are even alive Spitfire! Ah'm not riskin anypony else's life to go look for them!” I could see the sadness and anger flare up in Spitfires eyes. As the tension grew I gave a half-hearted shrug. “I could do it.” Both mares looked at me with blank shocked expressions. Spitfire had a hopeful smile while Apple Bloom looked at me with disbelief. The red maned pony sat back in her hair and facehooved, I guess you would call it. With a sigh and another swig of her drink she looked at me. She narrowed her eyes in thought as she swished her glass once more. “Ah don't know if your being smart, and joking. Or being stupid and telling the truth.” I studied her face for a moment, she had dark circles under her eyes and her mane was a bit dishevelled. Much different from when I seen her yesterday. I crossed my legs and leaned back with my hands behind my head. “Might as well, if I'm supposed to be that 'key' or whatever, it's supposed to be my destiny right?” I could see the gears turning in her head as she thought about what I was saying. “Well... You see...” she gave a defeated sigh. “Ah don't even know if you can handle yourself out there. Besides, you seen how those creatures can be.” Before I could even retort Spitfire butted in. “I'll go too, I can help him. I have experience.” Apple Bloom wasn't entirely convinced and opened her mouth to speak. “If I can get two more ponies to volunteer how about that?” Apple Bloom downed the rest of her drink and wiped her lips before pointing her hoof at the both of us. “You find two more ponies, then Ah guess you can go. Don't make me regret this you two.” Spitfire shot forward and hugged the younger mare tightly. “Don't you worry, you won't regret this! Come on Tyson.” The pegasus got down and trotted towards the door. I stood up and glanced back at Apple Bloom. She looked a little worried but gave me a small smile. I turned and headed out the door behind Spitfire but just before the door closed I heard Apple Bloom's chair creak and she spoke to herself. “Be safe.” Just two words before the door closed behind me. She was quick to take off, not leaving me much time to get my bearings before I quickly followed her. “So, I'm assuming you have a plan?” Raising an eyebrow I glanced down at Spitfire. She gave a huge grin and nodded before trotting off down the left hallway. Shrugging my shoulders I followed her to wherever she was going. Soon we came to the clearing in the middle of the castle grounds. That was where we landed when Sweetie Belle teleported me and the others away from that creature. I rubbed the back of my head as we made our way across the somewhat populated grounds and up into another side of the castle. Guards were everywhere, multiple ponies wore various sets of armour. And strapped to their hips were mostly swords of varying lengths, while pegasi had spears strapped to their sides. Some unicorns held no weapons at all, which I assumed meant they knew powerful offensive magic. Note to self, steer clear of those ponies. Most gave me harsh stares but none muttered a word to us as we made our way further inside. We turned many corners and soon thought that Spirfire had gotten us so lost we'd never find out way out again. That was until we came into a room that had a fireplace against the back wall. Inside looked like a relaxing kind of room, some ponies sat around round tables and played cards. Using small golden coins as betting chips in what I assumed to be poker, while others merely sat back and were relaxing just talking to one another. Spitfire searched the room, narrowing her eyes as they scanned over the ponies before she lit up. “I'll be right back, you just stay put.” With that she darted into the somewhat crowed room and left me standing there. I tried to argue with her but she was quickly gone before I could even say anything. I grumbled as I was left standing next to the door way. Getting sick of these ponies. I leaned against the wall and kept to myself. It didn't take long before I seen her come back with. I let out a quiet groan as I seen Sapphire and Crimson following Spitfire. “These are your choices?” Spitfire and Sapphire just looked at each other and laughed. “Well of course Rookie! They are the best of the best.” Crimson snuffed as he passed me while Sapphire rolled her eyes with a smile. She put a hoof around my waist and lead me out while smiling. “Don't worry yourself Tyson. We'll take goooood care of you.” I wasn't very amused as the two mares had a small giggle session but nether-the-less I followed them to wherever they were taking me. I had no idea how these ponies managed to memorize the castle layout but they barely registered where they were going as we all walked. Spitfire noticed how I was lagging behind. “Don't worry rookie, we're almost there. We need a couple supplies, so we're going to the armoury.” Just as she said that we turned into a doorway and inside was countless weapons and other items. Metal swords of varying lengths hung around the room, spears stood on racks and there were a copious amount of pony armour on mannequins it looked like. While the two guard ponies were already geared up, Spitfire had taken to getting a set of pegasus armour. It looked lighter then the full plate armour and gave her plenty of room around her wings. With no hesitation she threw on a helm that let her fiery mane peak though the top like a mohawk. It also protected her neck down to her body. Spitfire then got a chest piece that covered her back and part of her flanks along with a full set of metal shoes that covered her hooves. Snugging up the straps on her armour she smiled and looked at me. “So? How do I look?” I rolled my eyes and she giggled. “Love messing with ya rookie. Anyways, lets get you a sword of your own shall we?” Taking my wrist in her mouth she basically dragged me over to the swords. “I can walk on my own Spitfire.” She released my hand and I rubbed my wrist while she looked at each and every one. It looked like the mare was looking for something specific, her orange eyes looked at each and very one... “Here!” She grabbed a long blade in her mouth, clamping down on the handle. Her head tilted under the weight as she offered the blade to me. I gingerly took it in my hand and just stared at it. It was almost three feet long of blade, the handle was long enough to allow both hands if I needed it but it felt light enough to swing with one arm. It was a simple double edged blade, nothing fancy about it but it felt right in my hands. I gave it a practice swing and smiled. “Feels good.” Spitfire grinned at me and hooved over the scabbard. I strapped it to my back and sheathed the blade, the weight felt negligible on me. “Awesome, now lets do this! Sorry about having no armour for you, you know the whole new creature thing around here and such.” The fiery pegasus flicked her hoof back and forth prompting me to take a deep breath. “It's fine...” I suddenly felt tense in the chest. This could very well be the day that I died, but I wasn't about to take it sitting down. Gulping I glanced over my shoulder to see Sapphire leaning against the wall. “You two done? I'd like to start sometime today.” I turned back to Spitfire and our eyes met. While no words were spoke, I could see the hopefulness in them. The trust, I could feel it. I stood tall and nodded firmly. “Awesome! Let's get going!” Me and Spitfire followed Sapphire, while Crimson walked behind me. Their hooves clanked under them from the metal boots they wore, my heart racing as I seen the light come from outside. I felt a lump in my throat that I struggled to push down as we walked into the bright sunlit afternoon.