> Equestria Rim > by Skylinx Prime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The end of a begining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The year is 2018 the ponies of Equestria and the humans of Earth have made an alliance after a war happened between both worlds. Both sides lost a lot of comrades, The two princesses went to earth to sign an non aggression treaty. But that was about to change off the coast of Manehattan a gigantic demon rose up from the depths of the ocean and attacked the city destroying the ponyheart bridge in it's wake. After six days of Aircraft, Pegasi, tanks and many men later took down the demon but it wasn't to long until the next hit los Pegasus, then Applewood, then Baltimare then it was official the humans told us that they had problems like this before with monsters called Kaiju, they defeated them using giant robots which the humans piloted called Jaegers. They said they will help us fight them off but the selected humans to drift with us ponies. At first we started winning fight after fight we drive the demons down danger turned in to proper gander, Jaeger pilots turned in to celebrities the Decimators (that's what we call the demons) in to toys, then that all changed. "Night-time crisis please report to armoury for debriefing" A female voice echoed round the room, two figures jumped out of the bunk bed one on the bottom one on the top "I repeat Night-time crisis pleas report to the armoury for debriefing." A moan could be heard from the one that came from the top bunk "Come on Shadtrax we got work to do" said the human to Shadtrax who was only wearing a pair of jeans "Come on Raleigh you know that I'm a heavy sleeper." Raleigh smiled and passed over Shadtrax's shirt and team jacket. As both Shadtrax and Raleigh walked down the corridors of the Jaeger base they were saluted by the royal guards. Even one of them patted Raleigh on the back. When they reached the armoury Princess celestia, Luna, Twilight, Mako and Tendo were their observing an holographic table. "So what have we got?" Raleigh said before reaching the table "It's a category 3" Mako replied "we're code naming this one fire smasher" Twilight added. Luna looked at Shadtrax then quickly looked away when he looked up " where is it heading to?" Shadtrax asked "It made a south west turn after surfacing and is heading to Baltimare" "Come on Shadtrax lets gear up" Raleigh said placing a hand on Shadtrax's shoulder, Shadtrax nodded and the both of them walked over to the assemble floor where their armour was clipped and attached. Once they had armoured up they walked through a door and in to a gigantic head of a robot, as they were all set they were lock in to the head and the door closed "Ok Night-time prepare to drop" Celestia said through the microphone. A couple of seconds passed and Tendo pulled a leaver releasing the head going down the lift shaft and finally smacking down on to the rest of the body locking in place, then treads underneath the jaeger going towards two giant doors out side was a hurricane trees bits of wood were flying around. "It wasn't this bad before the Decimators came now its freak storms every where." Shadtrax blurted out as Night-time crisis rode in to Horse shoe bay "Ok Night-time you have your mission stop that Decimator from destroying Baltimare" Celestia responded "No offence your highness but what about the fishing boat that is still out there?" Raleigh asked " No importance." Celestia replied in a fed-up tone. Meanwhile off the shore on over side of Baltimare the fishermare's are trying to stabilise the fishing boat "Captain we have a problem" one of the mares shouted up to the captain, the captain looked up and through the window noticing the orange glow underneath the water "Shit it's a Decimator" the captain shouted back down. "Get the anchors up", as they got the anchors up the roar was so the Decimator surfaced and roared at the boat the roar was so loud that blew all the fishing boats crew to the other side of the boat, suddenly a bright light shone behind them and at the Decimator the fishermare's cheered " Alright a Jaeger has come to defend us." said one mare "Yea and it's Night-time Crisis too." said another. As the Decimator roared all the mare's covered their ears to not become death from the loudness. Meanwhile in the cockpit Shadtrax and Raleigh were looking at the Decimator "By Celestias hoof he's massive" Shadtrax said looking horrified "But we still need to take him down, activating plasma cannons" Raleigh answered pressing some buttons to activate the plasma cannons. As they were activating the Decimator charged at the Jaeger grabbing tightly round it and crushing it "We need to break free" Shadtrax shouted "Firing plasma cannons now" Raleigh shouted back firing the plasma cannon at the arm joint of the Decimator forcing it to let go. As it let go the Decimator grabbed the jaeger by the right arm with it's mouth and ripping it off Raleigh screamed in pain, the Decimator carried on ripping bits off from the Jaeger until it made a hole in the Jaegers head "Shadtrax listen to me you got to....." Raleigh was about to say something until the Decimator ripped the whole right side of the jaegers head off leaving Shadtrax standing their. As the Decimator attacked again Shadtrax shook himself awake and started to activate the plasma cannon that was still in tacked and let it charge to a dangerous level. Once it was charged to a dangerous level while the Decimator was still ripping bits and pieces off the Jaeger Shadtrax fired the plasma cannon which sent a shockwave of energy for a 4 mile radius. Tendo looked at Celestia "Night-time crisis's energy signature just went off line." he said in a quiet tone, Luna ran out of the room crying. Celestia bowed her head "Prey to the gods their safe." she whispered. As a young colt and his farther were walking along the beach the metal detector in the colts hand started to beep "Give it to me son." said the farther as the colt passed the metal detector to his farther he started digging in the sand "well what did you find." the stallion said "It's just an old toy we'll never find anything good dad let's just go home." the metal detector started to beep bonkers "Hang on son hang on." the stallion put the metal detector to the ocean and looked up his face dropped when he saw what was coming. "My god!" he said as the jaeger walked on to the beach with an arm missing, half a head and different parts of the body broken, crushed or ripped away fell to the ground with a loud thud and the sound of an engine slowing down. As the colt and the stallion ran over the stallion said "Stay here." to his son as he looked at the broken head he saw movement inside and Shadtrax came out limping parts of his armour destroyed and his left eye bleeding "Mr are you ok?" the stallion said to Shadtrax but their was a ringing sound in Shadtrax's ears so he couldn't hear the stallion. Shadtrax fell to his knees and fell on to his back passing out from blood loss the stallion got his knees and shouting to his son "Go get help" and his son ran for the nearest ramp to the village "It's going to be alright it's going to be alright" the stallion said being shocked and worried. Shadtrax's arm fell limped and his hand opened to have a picture of a mare but his thumb is obstructing the view. > We need him back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia, Luna, Tendo and Mako all stood in the communications room where most of the equipment has dust sheets over them and on a large screen two ponies and one dragon sat, One was a middle aged stallion with jet black hair an electric blue coat and wore a white suit, on his right was a mare who had green and yellow hair with a yellow coat who wore a black suit and to her right was a dragon with red scales and purple spines and wore a dark blue suit. "The Decimators are learning our defensives and are coming through the portal faster then we can build them, if we just have enough resources and pilots we could" Celestia was interrupted when the stallion started to talk, "The jaeger program is dead Celestia. Theirs nothing we can do about it." "We're going with project coastal which seems to be the only way." said the mare who was moving a piece of her hair out of the way from her face to look more formal and positive. "Please their must be something for the jaegers that still stand?" Luna asked, The stallion finally gave in "Ok the coastal wall hasn't been built near Filly Delphia so we're going to station you their till the wall is completed and that will be all" The screen turned off and Celestia sighed "We need him.", Luna looked at her sister "Are you sure sister it's been five months after all.", Celestia nodded. Shadtrax walked into a metal beam structure where other stallions were picking up construction tools and going to their spots on the structure, one of the stallions walked up onto a podium and spoke out "Ok I have good news and bad news, the bad news is that three of our best men died at to top of the wall and the good news is that their are three new job openings, ok who wants to work or who wants to eat lets go ladies." The sound of welding and metal being hammered together filled Shadtrax's ears as he finished welding the part of the structure he was working on, he placed his gloves on and he slid down the beam that was facing the water. At the bottom Shadtrax picked up a cup of coffee from the food vender and he looked at the TV screen which a news reporter was reporting on the latest Decimator attack, "We're here in Manehattan where a category six Decimator broke through the coastal wall in a matter of minutes." "That Decimator broke through the wall like it was nothing." said a stallion that was standing next to Shadtrax, the news reporter carried on. "The Jaeger Bucking Radiance managed to defeat the creature." As the reporter said this the camera pony shot the battle from one of the Manehattan's rooftops, Bucking Radiance finished the Decimator by firing missiles from her shoulders which killed the Decimator causing it to fall on top of a abandoned building. The Reporter continued "I'm here Apple Jack and Rarity the pilots of Bucking Radiance, So how do you feel about all jaegers and their pilots are being pulled to Filly Delphia?" "Well orders are orders we have to obey them, and it's cause of the old mark three jaeger pilots we're being pulled to one spot." Apple Jack answered looking straight at the camera. "But do you think that the last pilot from Night-time crisis might come back?" the reporter asked Apple Jack, she turned her head. "He's a coward after he got out of hospital he ran away he'll never come back y'all see." Apple jack answered walking away followed by Rarity. Suddenly the sound of a helicopter could be heard and Shadtrax walked outside to see, As he got out there Celestia was already walking up to him "Hello Shadtrax nice to see you again?" Celestia greeted him with a smile. "Nice to see you too Celestia." Shadtrax replied and gestured to Celestia to follow him to someplace privet to talk. "Take a seat." Shadtrax pointed over to a wooden crate which had coffee printed on to it. "There's a dark time coming Shadtrax and we need every jaeger pilot that is still alive, and your the only mark three pilot that is still around." Celestia explained to Shadtrax. "Look Celestia I know you need me but how can I pilot a jaeger with one robotic arm, and all jaegers have to have fully organic pilots not half robotic." Shadtrax leaned against one of the support beams. "There's a war out their Shadtrax where would you rather die here or in a jaeger?" Celestia asked and Shadtrax looked at her. > The other Jaegers part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the helicopter landed at the Jaeger base stationed at Filly Delphia the doors opened to have Celestia and Shadtrax climbing out, as this was happening it's pouring down with rain, A mare wearing a blue skirt and purple top carrying an umbrella walked towards the helicopter. "Shadtrax, you remember my sister Luna?" Celestia spoke as she was given an umbrella. "I do remember her, Sat next to my hospital bed as I recall." replied Shadtrax as the rain ran down his face the water shining from the lights and the flashing hazard lights. "This way Shadtrax, It's time to meet the other Jaeger pilots that still remain." Celestia gestured toward giant doors, as the three of them got in to the elevator which was behind the doors, a Pegasus mare and a male human scientist ran towards the elevator shouting. " Hold the door, hold the door!" shouted the mare, as the mare and human got into the elevator the stopped for a moment to catch their breath, Shadtrax looked at the mares arm which had loads of tattoos, the mare saw this and smiled. "I see you got a tattoo of Decimator Piranant, you know me and Raleigh took her down back in march 2019" said Shadtrax slinging his backpack over his other arm. "The name is Optic pleased to meet you Shadtrax. Hey Howard get your ass here and say hello." said Optic looking over her shoulder and to the human who was standing next to body parts and organs of fallen Decimators. Howard walked up "I'm ever so sorry about Optic she's a Decimator groupie can't stop talking about them." he said looking at Optic. "I'm not a groupie Howard I just examine them and see what we can learn from them. I want to get up close to a living specimen one day cause their five hundred tones of awesomeness or scariness where you see it." Optic said getting more excited as she spoke. Shadtrax wiped his mouth with his hand and looked at Optic "Trust me, you don't want to." he looked up to see Celestia and Luna walking out of the elevator and followed them. "We're not an army anymore Shadtrax. We're the resistance, only four Jaegers are still operational and Luna has picked out some candidates to be your new Jaeger pilot." said Celestia till the three of them reached to a set smaller metal doors. As the doors opened Shadtrax could see a massive room on the other side with humans and ponies going back and forth. "Welcome to the Shatterdome Shadtrax" Celestia presented extending her left arm and showing off the room. > The other Jaegers part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You said their were four jaegers left that means four sets of Jaeger pilots so you don't need me." Shadtrax recalled to what Celestia said, "I know. let me introduce you to them." Celestia answered. "FlyingFun piloted by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Swook piloted by Twilight Sparkle and Mako as you know. And finally Bucking Radiance piloted by Applejack and Rarity." Celestia introduced, "And the forth" Shadtrax asked looking round, Celestia looked back at Shadtrax "Luna will take you to it later right now you'll...." Celestia spoke till she was spoken over by another mare. "Bonjour Celestia, It's nice to see you again" said the mare with a kind voice that was calming, Celestia looked over to see Rarity taking off a pair of work gloves and walking over to the three of them apple jack glaring over at Shadtrax and muttering under her breath. "It's nice to see you too Rarity. Celestia replied shaking hands with Rarity, "I never doubted you'll return Shadtrax." Rarity said looking at Shadtrax and hugging him. A mare shouted out in a jolly fun voice "wait Shadtrax's back!", "Let me guess Pinkie pie always making an entrance." Shadtrax looked other to where Pinkie pie was bouncing over with joy. " oh but you don't know how long we missed you?" pinkie said bouncing round Shadtrax, "that's what 5 years does to you." "5 years of deserting us like a coward!" apple jack said walking over, "as soon as you were cleared from hospital you don a runner that shows how a coward you are!", rarity spoke up " that's not nice apple jack am sure there's a reason behind it." "you know as well as I do apple jack that Raleigh was still connected to me when he died all his emotions going through his head at the time I just cant have any one else in my head." Shadtrax spoke his voice getting frustrated, "Whoa there lets not fight amongst our self's." rainbow dash butting in-between Shadtrax and applejack pushing them apart before things got messy. "True Shadtrax ran away but he's the only one who can pilot Night-time crisis." "Celestia just take me to my jaeger please am getting a headache." Shadtrax spoke resting his head in his hand, Celestia nodded to Luna who tapped Shadtrax on the shoulder and lead him to another door leading to a repair/ construction bay.