> What's God? > by DiscordFan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How was the Universe Created? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How was the universe created? A certain lavender Alicorn wanted to know. But she didn't want to hear all that Big Bang junk. She's heard that a million times! The Alicorn looked up at star-lit sky. Beautiful, her mind wispered, and she agreed. It was beautiful! But how was it created? She activated her horn and levitated a quill, an ink jar, and some parchment over. Dear Princess Celestia, How, may I ask, was the universe created? I understand the Big Bang theory, but I would like to hear what you have to say. You are the immortal Alicorn of the Sun. I believe you would know. If you don't know exactly, I would still like to hear your opinion. Your faithful student co-ruler, Princess Twilight Sparkle The lavender Alicorn, Twilight Sparkle, ativated her horn again, but this time sent the letter she just wrote to Princess Celestia. A few minutes later, her horn lit up without her having to activate it, and a scroll appeared. The Alicorn unrolled it. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I understand why you are curious on this topic, the universe. Please meet me tomorrow in Canterlot, after the Sun has risen. I hope to see you then, my newest faithful co-ruler. You fellow Princess, Celestia Twilight took one last look at the night sky that Luna had sculpted tonight, and then she went to bed in her new palace, eager for tomorrow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up to the Sun shining on her face. She smiled at the warmth of Celestia's Sun... The invite! Twilight's eyes snapped open. She needed to get packed. Now. She threw together a few necessities and a book. Wait, she should get rid of that. She was flying and teleporting there. She wouldn't be able to read while flying. She threw that on her bed. Twilight doubletriple-checked everything in her saddle-bags, and then she flew off her balcony towards Equestria's capital, Canterlot. Once a few miles away from the castle, Twilight activated her horn and charged up a teleportation spell, and she appeared in the throne room. Where Princess Celestia was currently holding court. Oops. Celestia looked slightly suprised, but then she cleared her throat delicately. "Hello, Twilight Sparkle," she spoke regally, "I suppose you interrupted my Solar Court because of your letter?" The youngest Princess nodded. "Script Tracker cancel my 8 o'clock and the rest of the Solar Court, please," Celestia continued. Her secretary sitting to the right of the throne nodded while writing something down. Celestia began to walk away and motioned Twilight to follow. They arrived at Celestia's bedroom, and she walked in and sat on her king-sized-bed. She motioned for Twilight to join her while taking off her regalia. "Honestly, Twilight, I don't know how the universe started," Celestia said, "In fact, I wasn't there, so I don't know how it happened. All I is that the first to ponies created were my parents, but they performed a bad deed. Said they ate from 'the tree of knowledge,' and then they were thrown out of the 'garden.' I don't know what garden they were talking about though, but I know father named all the animals and species and plants. Any questions?" The purple Alicorn thought for a moment and said, "How do I get to the astral plane?" Celestia activated her horn and made a scroll appear. "Here's the spell. I hope it helps in whatever you doing, Twilight," the Solar goddess said, "Goodbye, Twilight." She watched as the young Alicorn studied the spell, charge up her horn, and disappear. -------–------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight appeared in a star-lit space with nothing but Space. She lit up her horn and said, "Show me the creator of the universe." Suddenly a pony formed. He was pure white with a brown mane, tail, and a short beard, not whiskers. He was an Alicorn, and when he opened his eyes, they were normal, except for the color. His eyes were beautiful as rainbows, like a kaleidoscope. He smiled warmly at the gapping purple Alicorn. In a low, rich voice, he said, "Hello, young one. How did you find me?" The purple Alicorn shook her head to clear her thoughts. She cleared her throat and said, "I am looking for the creator of the universe. May I presume you him?" "Yes, you may." His voice was rich like honey, and poor Twilight wanted to just go over there and kiss the handsome stallion. "Um... Wh-what's your name," said a blushing Twilight. The stallion thought for a moment, as if his name hadn't been used for a long time. He smiled. "I am God. Yehwah. Abba. I go by many names, but my most common one is 'God.'" "God?" "Yes?" "Who were the first 2 ponies you created?" "Ahh... That would be Adam, and then I took 1 of his ribs and created his wife, Eve." "You took 1 of his ribs?!" He chuckled. "You ponies are so strange today. I shall have to visit Equs." Twilight's eye twitched. "Strange?! You're the one being strange!" "Twilight, please calm down." "How can I calm down! You said you took one of his ribs! You broke one of his ri-. How did you know my name?" "I know all of my children's names." "All of them?" "Everypony is my child. I love them all, and I will never stop loving them." "Never...?" "Never. And as an example..." God's horn lit up, and a certain pink mare appear. "Hi, TWILIGHT," Pinkie Pie screamed, "So you met a Father God. Yay! I need to go plan a Twilight-Finally-Met-Father-God Party when we're done doing whatever we're doing!" She began to bounce everywhere. On the invisible walls, ceiling, and (of course) floor. Twilight's eye twitched again. "What? You knew about him," the purple Alicorn screamed. "Of course, silly! I know everypony! I am Pinkie Pie, after all!" Twilight used Cadence's calming technique several times. "Ok. So God created the universe, and Pinkie Pie knew the whole time," Twilight asked God. "That's correct. In fact, Pinkie Pie is actually the first immortal earth-pony to be born." Twilight's eye twitched. "WHAT?!?!?" God calmly nodded, walked over, and touched Twilight's forehead with his horn. Twilight calmed down without realizing it. "Better," God asked. Twilight nodded. "Good," God replied, "Pinkie Pie, ready to go home?" "You bet Father God! I can't wait until you invite the rest of Mane 6 here, or at least, I'm pretty sure that's what the writer, DiscordFan, is planning to do. Well, bye," the insane pink mare said. As soon as she left, Twilight broke down, sobbing. She stayed like that even when God came over and stroked her mane. After a few minutes, she got up and thanked God. "Anymore questions," God asked. Twilight nodded. "Why did Pinkie call you 'father?'" "That's another one of my titles, and I am the father of all ponies." Twilight nodded, still having trouble speaking. "Does only Pinkie know you?" He smiled, "Not Anymore." He lit up his horn and four other ponies appeared. Onemore pony appeared after ripping a hole through the invisible ceiling. Now two earth ponies, two pegasi, and one unicorn were in the astral plane with two Alicorns. "Twilight, why are we here with a hunk," asked a cyan Pegasus. "Girls, God. God... You already know the girls," Twilight said. Four of the five non-Alicorns blinked. "He does," asked a certain white unicorn. "No offense, Twi, but that's creepy," said the orange earth pony. The pink mare who had come back said, "No it isn't AJ. That's God. He knows and loves and is the Father to everypony!" "Everypony?" "Everypony!" "Film and Flam?" "Yes!" "Discord?" "Yupper-doodles!" "Sombra's?!" "You betch'ya!" "Ah'm just gon'na sit down." Applejack plopped her plot on the floor. "Well, um...," said God, "Pizza, anypony?" > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Soo... you don't have pepperoni?" The Mane 6 and God had returned to Equs for pizza. God had donned a body of an earth pony instead of an alicorn. "For the last time, Father," Twilight said while rubbing her temples, "we don't even know what'pepperoni' is!" "Well, that makes sense since ponies are herbivores..." "We're what know," Rainbow Dash asked.