The new guy

by Especiallynew

First published

Shining Armor has enlisted a stranger to help with Celestia's little problem.

Celestia has noticed an increase in the number of dark creatures, specifically around the Everfree Forest and she worries that it may be a danger to Twilight and her friends. So Shining Armor enlists the help of a stranger to solve the problem.

Chapter 1

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The train pulled up to the station late on a stormy night. Only one passenger got off. He was cloaked in a dark green torn robe with the hood pulled over his head and worn low so that he was completely obscured. He quickly passed through the station gates and down in to the streets. There he took a left and entered a nearby alley. He walked halfway down and stopped. He took a pocketwatch out of a pocket from inside the cloaked and checked the time.

"Where is he?" he said in a harsh whisper. "There's no way he'd be late for this. It was his idea in the first place."

"Don't worry I'm not late. I'm right here." A figure stepped out of the shadows. He was dressed similarly to the first guy but instead of a tattered green cloak he was wearing a much neater blue cloak.

"Are you sure you want to do it this way? There are other options you know." said the first guy.

"I know that, but this is the best way. And honestly this may be the most fun." answered the second guy with a slight chuckle.

"Take this seriously a lot is at stake here!" the first guy said angrily.

"Calm down we don't want anyone to find us out here."

"Yeah about that why are we sneaking around out here? I know that you have more than a few connections within the castle. We could have easily met there as well as here."

"Don't worry we'll get into the castle soon enough. And besides you'd be surprised at how much harder it would've been to meet inside the castle."

"Fine. If you say so. When do we move it is still raining out here."

"Don't tell me a little rain bothers you now does it. Hehe."

"Oh shut up."

"Hehe. But I guess you are right we need to get to the castle soon before its too late."

With that both of the men started a quick jog towards the castle of Canterlot.

"Oh what are we going to do, dear sister?" Asked Celestia.

"I dont." Responded her sister Luna. "But whatever it is can't it wait till morning?" Neither sister was dressed in their usually regal outfits. Celestia was dressed in a sleeveless night gown that went down to her knees and was decorated with little suns around the trim. a few strands of her multi-colored hair were in her hair from were constant pacing.Luna was dressed much differently. She was wearing purple plad pajama pants and a black t-shirt with a moon in the center. Her purple hair was tied up in a ponytail. Celestia was pacing in the throne room while Luna sat in her throne.

"What happened to being 'Princess of the Night'?" Celestia said mockingly "Don't you usually work at this time of night?"

"Yes I do. And you're keeping me from getting started." Luna bitterly.

"You haven't even changed out of your sleepwear yet."

"Yes because you've kept me busy here ever since I woke and I haven't had time to change."

"Well its not like this isn't Important Luna."

"I know protection of the Tree of Harmony is top priority, but we mustn't forget our duties to the people. And that means you have to get some sleep and I need to get started on my job." Luna said calmly.

"I know I know, but its not just that. Its also Twilight and her friends." Celestia said with a worried look on her face.

"There is no need to worry about them." Luna said reassuringly. "they've more than proven their ability to defends themselves."

"i know that but still there are plenty of people out there who would love to see them or us hurt or worse. The difference though is that we have guards and our own magical abilities. They have...significantly less." Celestia said nervously.

"True on their own they may not have as much as we do but they do have each other and you know how powerful that can be." Luna said confidently.

"I know but sometimes I worry that even that may not be enough for all sitautions." Celestia said.

Suddenly the throne room doors flew open and the man in the blue cloak strode in and shouted "Haha! Hello princesses. I've heard that there has been some worries about a certain group of ponies and a tree. Well soon your worries will be put to rest for i have your solutuons right here." He pointed towards the door and the man in the green cloak walked in.

"Sorry we had to meet like this." He said. "He insisted that we do it this way, and well now we're here."

At that moment both of the cloaked men pulled their hoods off their heads. Under the blue cloak were thick locks of dark blue hair with a single strand of light blue hair. Beneath the green cloak was a mess of dark green and white striped hair that went to his ears.

"Shining Armor? What are you doing here at this hour and who is that?" Celestia asked confused.

"Don't you remember asking me and Cadence for help in finding someone to help protect the Tree of Harmony and Twilight and her friends." He said.

"I think I remember asking your wife not exactly you." Celestia said snidely.

"The details aren't important," Shining Armor said Quickly "What's important is that this guy is just who we need to do the job."

"And just who is this 'just right' guy?" Celestia asked.

"My name is Sir Silver Wisp." Said the green haired guy with a slight bow.

"I don't remember any knights named Silver Wisp," Luna said "Exactly when were you knighted?"

"Well, um hehe yeah, I'm not really a knight," Silver Wisp said with a slight laugh "It just helps business when people think you're the real deal."

"Might I just asked what this business of yours is?" Luna asked.

"Well the technical term for it is hired warrior for allthings defense and offense." Silver Wisp said.

"And the non-technical term for it is...?" Luna asked.

"...Mercenary..." Silver Wisp said quietly.

While Luna was holding back from laughing out loud Celestia exclaimed "A mercenary! You want me to entrust the safety of not only a princess, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and the Tree of Harmony to a simple hired blade?!"

"...Yes..." said Shining Armor and Silver Wisp in unison.

"No I will not allow this." Celestia said firmly.

"Sister don't be so quick to say no," Luna said standing up "Maybe this really is a good idea."

"How? How can trusting someone who can be bought off with a bag of coins be safe?" Celestia asked.

"I find that a bit offensive." Silver Wisp stated.

"Shut it!" Celestia said angriliy.

"Celestia we've already tried every guard and captain in the castle," Luna said "and not a single one of would be willing to stay in the Everfree Forest for that long."

"And he is?" Celestia asked pointing at Silver Wisp.

"There are worst places than the Everfree Forest." Silver Wisp said with a shrug.

"Come one princess Celestia at least give him a chance." Shining Armor chimed in.

"Fine he will be allowed to take on this job." Celestia said begrudingly.

Luna gave a sigh of relief while the guys gave slight cheers.

"But not until he has passed my standard tests." Celestia said.

"Standard tests? Those don't sound too hard." Silver Wisp said confidently.

"Oh we'll see about about that. Luna would you show 'Sir' Silver Wisp to a room while I and Shining Armor discuss some 'business'." Celestia said.

With that Silver Wisp followed Luna out of the throne room down one of the hallways while Shining Armor made an audible gulping noise. She led him down the hallway a little bit and took a left and showed a door inside another small hall.

"This is where you'll be staying while Celestia adminsters her tests." Luna said opening the door.

Inside was a small bed, and dresser. Hanging from the wall was a mirror and some hooks. In the back of the room was a small door. Silver Wisp walked in and opened the door and revealed a small bathroom.

"I know it isn't too big, but at least its a place to put your um things." Luna said just now noticing that he didn't have kind of bag with him. "I hope in your rush to get here you didn't leave all of your things at your home."

"Don't worry about that," Silver Wisp said taking off his cloak. Underneath that he had on a white long sleeve shirt with a black five point spiral along the right sleeve and three straigh black lines down his left sleeve. He was wearing dark green cargo pants with an extra set of pockets by his ankles, and rough brown leather shoes. "I've learned how to travel lightly and repair what gets broken." He said.

"Oh and what about your weapon?" Luna asked. "Not much of a mercenary without a weapon are you?"

"Oh that. That is the best part." He said. He snapped his index finger and thumb on his right hand and a sword formed in his hand. It hand a handle long enough for both hands. The blade was two feet long and was four inches wide all the way down. It's hilt went out straight both across and up and down to create an X shape. The blade was jagged and each point was either longer or shorter than its neighbor though none went past the hilt. The whole sword was different shades of red that almost appearred to shift and changes colors and it gave off a very noticeable amount of heat.

"And I have this." This time he snapped his middle finger and thumb on his left hand and a shield formed in his left hand. It was one and a half feet long and wide. It had spikes along the edge that rotated clockwise. It was a solid shade of light blue with the spikes a darker blue. The shield seemed to radiate a cool aura.

"Oh my that is quite impressive." Luna said with a smile.

"Yeah it is." Silver Wisp said. He let go of both items and they disappeared. "If we had more time I'd show you some of my other skills. Um you wouldn't happen to know what your sister has planned for me do you?" He asked.

"No I don't, but don't worry I'm sure it won't be anything to drastic. Goodnight Sir Silver Wisp." Luna said walking out the door.

"Goodnight to you too Princess Luna." He said and then she was gone. He closed the door and laid down on the bed. "Well this is going to be fun." He thought to himself. Before he drifted off to sleep one last thought crossed his mind "What happened to Shining Armor?"