> The Quest back Home > by SLI Cloud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Journey to the Sacred Tempel - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day, Fluttershy woke up in her bed, soaked in sweat. She has had a very bad Dream in the night before, in which she travelled to a place, far, far away. A place unlike anything she had ever seen in her lifetime. A place, that didn't even look like it would be in Equestria. She travelled there through a secret pathway, which led to a portal-like structure, but she couldn't remember where it was. She remembers, that she had travelled to the far away place with three others, but she couldn't tell who these where, or if they where even Ponies... In the far away place, there where Creatures... Big Creatures... They where walking on two legs and walking upright. The other two legs where just hanging around from there shoulders, sometimes doing nothing and sometimes holding some weird little boxes to their ears. A horrifying dream, she honestly never wanted to talk about again, but since she guessed that the creatures who accompanied her where other ponies, so she wanted to tell it to Rainbow Dash. She didn't really know why, but she just had that feeling. To come to other thoughts, she decided to eat some Hay and washed it down with some fresh, cool Apple Cider. After she had finished eating, she decided to pay Rainbow Dash a visit and talk to her about her dream. As she left the house, she noticed that the sun was shining brightly. It was a beautiful day, until she got startled by a black Pony. However, it turned out it was just her shadow. Since she was already anxious because of her dream and because of her shadow, she rushed to Rainbow Dash's House. "Please, let me in! It's very urgent! I have to tell you something, that will blow your mind, but please, let me in quickly." Fluttershy begged. " Is this you Fluttershy? I'm a little bit busy right now..." Rainbow Dash replied, with a dull voice. "You don't understand, it is something very important I absolutely need to tell you!" said Fluttershy. " You and I are probably involved in something big! I had a dream, in which I and some others travelled to a far away place and I have the feeling that-" The Door flies open with a massive speed. "Get in here! We can't talk about this outside, others could hear us." Shoutet Rainbow Dash. She pulls Fluttershy inside and looks around, scanning the environment, to ensure that no one heard their conversation. "What is this? What was all that fuss about? Please don't do something like that again! You know I get scared easily..." Asked Fluttershy. "OK, take it slow." Answered Rainbow Dash, trying to calm her down. " First of all calm down, I'll get you some Hard Apple Cider, should help you relax." Fluttershy lay down on the couch and took a deep breath, while Rainbow Dash rushed to the kitchen, to get some Hard Apple Cider. After a couple of seconds, she returned with a large mug, filled to the top with Hard Apple Cider and gave it to Fluttershy, who was still lying on the couch and trying to relax. Fluttershy asked, confused: "So, what was all that about? I just said I had a bad dream, but it was very realistic, that's all!" Asked Fluttershy confused. "You don't understand... This has already happened once to some ponies." Admitted Rainbow Dash. "There names have been forgotten, because they had left to explore the secrets of this World, but never did they return..." " Oh my Goodness, but that's horrible! Did no one ever go and look for them? I mean, someone must have found them." Fluttershy said, terrified. " Well, of course we searched for them." Added Rainbow Dash. "I had lead a rescue mission to find them, but they where never found... Not even there bodies." "But... That's terrible!" Said Fluttershy, horrified. "What on Equestria is going on? I thought I just had a weird dream, although I thought, that it might be real, but I didn't really want to believe that it was real..." "Well it is terrible, but sadly true. So, like I was saying; I had led a rescue mission to find them, but we couldn't find them after months of searching them, we weren't even able to get even a Hint of where they could be... Although we did come up with a very bizarre Theory." Muffled Rainbow Dash " What's the Theory about? Come on, please tell me. It can't possible be that bizarre. Or can it?" Asked Fluttershy, curiously. "Well, that's the reason I didn't want you to talk about your dream outside." Said Rainbow Dash. "The Theory implies, that they must've gone through the Portal, that brings ponies, but also other mysterious creatures, through time, space and even other dimensions. It is a Fact, that this Portal exists, but it's just a Theory, that they have found it and walked through it, however if they did, they are probably dead, somewhere in a different World..." "That sounds abominably..." Said Fluttershy, anxiously. "But, just so I know, by any chance, do you know where that Portal is? I mean, i wouldn't want to see it or even use it, but I would like to know where it is, so i can avoid it..." "Trust me, you would know that you're near it... You'll smell it, hear it, however will not see it. The Portal can only be seen, by those, whose truly biggest wish, is to go to another Place, a Place other than Equestria. Believe me, you definitly do not want to go there...", She sighed; "The place looks very run down and it is full of Vines, but they're not any vines, they are the: Selective Vines of the Other-World." Answered Rainbow Dash" "What is the: Other-World?" Asked Fluttershy. "It is basically any other Place in the Multiverse you could think of." Explained Rainbow Dash "Don't you think," Asked Fluttershy. "That we should try to save them? I mean-" Rainbow Dash interrupted her "OK, I think you have heard enough now and anyhow, it is time to go home now... I'll lead you to the door" "But don't you think that-" Replied Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash got at her, almost shouting: "OK please leave now! I'll talk to you again tomorrow, until then, just try to forget everything you dreamt of and what you told me or vice versa." Fluttershy left her house despondently. It had already gotten dark, which made her uncomfortable, however now that the Sun wasn't shining on to her, there was no Shadow to frighten her. Suddently, she heard a noise. It was a rustling sound coming from behind her. She started walking faster, but then, she started hearing the sound of metal clinging on to stone, multiple times. The sound had and almost rhythmical appearance, almost like some one walking towards her. She started sprinting, her heart beat went right up. The noise became louder and faster, indicating the thing following her was also increasing its speed. As she finally reached the door to her house, she tried to open the door and hide inside, but the creature reached her before she could open it and get in to safety. She let of a loud scream of shock. -The end of Chapter 1. Please stay tuned for the next Chapter (It will be coming very soon) > The Journey to the Sacred Tempel - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my goodnes! Why would you do something like that? My ears are hurting really bad from your scream!" said a rough voice, probably originating from the creature that followed her and is now holding her up against the door. "Who are you?" said Fluttershy, "I don't know you." "Well of course you do, stupid. It's me, Pinky Pie!" said the creature, which turns out to be Pinky Pie. "Then why the hay did you follow me and scare me like that? And also, why is your voice so weird?" asked Fluttershy. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. By the way, I'm a bit ill, which is the reason my voice sounds so, ummmmmm, hoarse" replied Pinky Pie. "But why didn't you tell me it was you?" asked Fluttershy, "And why was there this sound of metal clinging on stone?" "Well, I wanted to go easy on my throat, because talking can really hurt with my sore throat and shouting is even worse for my throat." replied Pinky Pie, "Oh, and that sound of metal clinging on stone are my new horseshoes I wanted to show you, that's also the reason I followed you." "Oh, Ok, well then, show me your new horseshoes." suggested Fluttershy. "Oh, sure. Should we maybe go inside? Or don't you want me inside your house?" said Pinky Pie. "Sure," said Fluttershy, "I'll get us some more Hard Apple Cider to calm down... It has been a very, let's call it: Interesting day..." "What do you mean with: Some more?" asked Pinky Pie, "You weren't drinking, where you?!" "Well, Rainbow Dash gave me some, to calm down. You must know, I had a very bad dream, which turned out to be a true event, which has happened some time ago. It involed some ponies disappearing, in a far away place, or at least that's what is assumed..." admitted Fluttershy. "You're not talking about the incident with the Portal..." said Pinky Pie, lowering her voice, so it sounded even darker, "That was the most terrible incident, that has ever happened in Equestria." "Honestly, that is exactly the incident I'm talking about." conceded Fluttershy, "But let's better get inside, it's already dark and we've been talking out here for a while now and it could get dangerous." "Oh don't be ridiculous, although it would be nice to go inside now." said Pinky Pie. The two ponies went inside, closing the door behind them. However, Fluttershy thought, that she had seen a shadow hushing through the foliage under the big Oak Tree on the other side of the pathway. But, she thought to herself, that it was just her imagination, that plays a trick on her, due to the events that had happened during the day, thus she just closed the door. As she went back inside, they had a long talk about the incident with the portal, however not getting to any conclusions, she took a look at the new horseshoes of Pinky Pie, went to the kitchen to get two mugs of Hard Apple Cider and said goodbye to Pinky Pie: "So, it has been a very long day for me and I think that I should go to bed now and get some sleep, to be fit for tomorrow." "If you say so," said Pinky Pie, "But please be up early tomorrow, because I still have to go Applejack's farm, to get some more Apple's for my home-made Apple Cider, which you should try sometime. Before you even get the idea to ask why you should be up early, is because I want to check up on you, to see that you're Ok." "Ok, I hope that I can get some good sleep tonight, so that I can be up early tomorrow. When you're here tomorrow morning, feel free to just open the door and get inside. As you may know, my door is never locked." said Fluttershy. "Will do, will do." said Pinky Pie, sounding more cheered up now. Pinky Pie and Fluttershy said goodbye to each other, Pinky Pie left and Fluttershy got ready for bed and lay down. She was so tired from all the events, that had happened on that day, that she instantly fell asleep. -The end of Chapter 1. Please stay tuned for the next Chapter (It will be coming very soon)