by Macro Filly

First published

Scootaloo is tired of being a little filly and wants to be bigger. She looks to Twilight for help, but when Twi passes the buck to Zecora, things end up getting a bit out of hoof.

Scootaloo wants to be bigger, and she wants it now. Impatiently, she bothers Twilight for a magical spell that will end her troublesome filly days. Reluctant to help, Twilight suggests asking Zecora, with hopes that the zebra would impart some rhyming wisdom on the impatient Scoots. However, after an accident and some amateur alchemy, Scootaloo will find out what it's like to be bigger, much bigger--and she'll be hungry for more.

This is a clopfic. This is a deviant clopfic. This clopfic has growth. FMG. GTS. Futanari. Snuff. Absolutely terrible things. If you're not into that, this is fair warning.

The first chapter was written in January 2012 and was hosted on Google Docs until now. The second chapter will be done soon, so sit tight. Third chapter is scheduled for "in another three years or less if I feel like it." BIGGER will have a total of four chapters. This is my only project as Macro Filly and will retire the name after Chapter 4 is written, which will be, at this rate, in or before January 2021.

Chapter 1

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic
by Macro Filly

Chapter 1

"But Twilight!" Scootaloo protested, nudging the magical mauve mare with her front hoof. She had an angelic puppy-dog look in her eyes, the best she could muster.

"No buts! I told you it's too dangerous," said Twilight. "Anyway, you should be happy you're a filly. You still get to enjoy it!"

"Enjoy what?" Scootaloo asked despairingly. "I'm always made fun of and don't fit in anywhere except with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, but they at least have family to go back to!"

Twilight Sparkle sighed. She did feel bad for the tiny rambunctious pegasus, but what she was asking was way too serious. Scootaloo had been prodding, pleading and generally annoying Twilight for the past hour about how she wanted to be 'bigger,' an adult pegasus mare who could be viewed as a member of society rather than an outcast child. Twilight did feel pity, for Scootaloo is one of the only orphans in Ponyville, since both of her parents were killed in the Great Sky War, and subsequently forgotten due to the hush Canterlot brought down on the entire war to protect the harmony of Equestria. Twilight involuntarily shuddered as she thought of how lucky she was to be in Canterlot during that time.

"Twilight, are you even listening to me anymore?!" shouted a now somewhat frustrated Scootaloo.

Twilight realized her mind had been traveling to another place and time and snapped back to reality. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo, but there's really nothing I can do! The truth is that I don't even know how to do what you are asking," she lied. She probably had some book on the subject, but she knew it would be way too dangerous to pull off correctly, even at her relatively-high skill level, so that part at least was the truth. Twilight had a busy day ahead of her though, and any more time wasted with Scootaloo would be time unrecoverable to test some new spells and re-re-reread a few of her favorite books on spells and magic history. She needed to at least pass the buck. "You are wonderful the way you are, Scootaloo, even if you don't think so… but if you still want to talk about it, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about it! You should try talking to somepony else. Why don't you see what Zecora is up to?"

Scootaloo perked up, and Twilight could see her mind click. "Good idea Twilight! Thanks anyway, bye!" Scootaloo rushed out of Twilight's library faster than a chicken out of a pen, and Twilight looked warily after her until she disappeared from sight.

As soon as Twilight suggested Zecora, she somewhat regretted it, but she knew that if anypony could be patient and talk some sense into Scootaloo it would be that zebra. Plus, Zecora lives far enough away that Twilight would have a while to herself before Scootaloo might come bounding back with renewed vigor. Twilight sighed and went back to her studies. "Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose."

* * *

"Today is the day I go out of my range / and attempt to prepare something strange," said Zecora to herself, as she carefully dusted off some of her seldom-used bottles she dug out from the backs of her shelves. Zecora had been wanting to try a few concoctions in preparation for a talk she finally agreed to do in Canterlot about the promises of alchemic potions as an extension to unicorn magic. She would be the first ever non-unicorn to give a presentation about magic in Canterlot, and it was an honor the humble zebra did not take lightly. It was also a unique opportunity to show some of her more impractical, bordering-on-mad-science experiments due to the theoretical nature of the summit. She nearly spilled the highly unstable substances she was handling when Scootaloo barged in.

"Hey Zecora!" Scootaloo chirped happily, filled with great expectation.

Zecora was so wrapped up in her work that she was genuinely startled. "My my, little one, you gave me a start! Next time try not to give me a skip of the heart."

Scootaloo gave a childlike "Sorry, Zecora..." and hung her head. Something in the unconscious severity of Zecora's expression made Scootaloo's excitement somewhat fade.

Zecora, noticing this, made an effort to appear much friendlier. "Next time just be courteous and knock upon the child, what is it that you have come to my home for?" Zecora looked over to Scootaloo with a welcoming smile.

Sensing that Zecora in good spirits after all, Scootaloo's vigor returned. "Twilight said that you might be able to help me with my problem!"

"And what problem is that of which you need my assistance? I can most likely find a remedy if it is in existence."

"I want to be bigger!"

"You want to grow up? That's really great...but like Apple Bloom, you will have to wait."

"But I don't wanna wait!" cried Scootaloo. "Apple Bloom at least has a family. So does Sweetie Belle. All they want is a Cutie Mark. I mean, I want a Cutie Mark too, but I don't have anyone besides them to share it with. I want to be bigger a lot more so I can join the Wonderbolts and BE somepony. Not just a little filly on a scooter who can't do anything or be anypony." Scootaloo was on the verge of tears.

Deep down, Zecora really wanted to help, but she knew she simply could not. Not only would it be against her own moral code, but it would open a can of worms about her practices and possibly jeopardize everypony’s trust in her. Plus, she’d have every emotionally insecure filly in Equestria knocking on her door for potions, and she could not bear to see that much disappointment.

Just then, Zecora was hit by a spark of inspiration. Perhaps a risky and ambitious kind of inspiration, but inspiration nonetheless. Zecora would instead show Scootaloo that being grown up is not the best by giving her a body--temporary of course--that has all of the aches and pains of an older mare’s physique (and, just to be safe, added aches and pains as well). Perfect, Zecora thought to herself, this will show her well / that compared to a filly’s body an adult mare’s can be hell. Turning to Scootaloo, she stated happily, much to the young pegasus’s surprised delight, “I’ll give you a chance to see what it’s like, but only for a few minutes for it you may dislike.” Zecora knew she was slipping on the quality of her rhymes, but she was already preoccupied in her mind going through the recipe needed to create this most interesting potion.

“Only a few minutes?” Scootaloo was a little less excited. “Aww, but Zecora, how could I possibly not like it?”

“You might be surprised, even if you do not believe it, but it’s my final offer, so take it or leave it.” Zecora gave a more firm look in the direction of Scootaloo. This zebra will never be the type to give in.

Realizing that this was the best chance she’d probably ever get, Scootaloo decided to take the offer. “All right, I’ll try it! Thanks, Zecora!”

With that, Zecora went to work. Pulling bottle after bottle of colorful liquid from her shelves, she mixed a blue with a red, a green with a yellow, and an orange with a purple. Throwing some exotic-looking flowers and some seeds unknown to at least Scootaloo and probably anypony in Equestria into the mix, Zecora finished some final enchantments and set it to boil. Scootaloo watched with wide--but attentive--eyes as she prepared the mixture.

After a few minutes, Zecora poured her concoction into a small cup and passed it to Scootaloo. “Drink up, young one, to become a bigger you; then, you will see what it’s like to be an older Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo drank it in one gulp, and immediately involuntarily coughed and gagged. “It tastes gross!” she complained. Zecora just smiled as Scootaloo felt something happening--a tingling feeling over every inch and through every ounce of her body. Her muscles spasmed, almost causing her to lose balance, as she felt herself growing rapidly. Her skin screamed in pain as it raced to cover the expanding flesh as the pegasus transformed into an older version of herself. As the initial pain and feeling of being stretched to her limits finally subsided, Scootaloo felt taller. She felt bigger. She was about to thank Zecora and laugh at the zebra’s notion that she would not enjoy being older when she attempted to turn around and felt a pull that shot through her body like lightning.

“Ow, that hurt, what happened?” Scootaloo winced. She tried to trot over to Zecora, but felt herself move sluggishly. Scootaloo suddenly felt like all of her energy had been drained, as if she’d just run a huge race, despite her only taking a few steps. She wobbled on her longer, somewhat frail legs and nearly lost her balance a few times. Frowning, Scootaloo huffed and puffed, moving to forget trying to go all the way across the room to Zecora and just find a place to rest on the floor amid strewn papers, herbs and flower petals of various natures. Her legs wobbled one last time and finally gave way, however, and Scootaloo plopped down, shaking a rickety floorboard just enough to send a vial that was on the edge of a shelf toppling, landing with a shatter on the ground and its contents seeping into the wooden floor. Scootaloo let out a sigh.

Zecora echoed her sigh, looking with dismay at the shattered glass. “Now do you see the advantage that’s there / of being a filly instead of adult mare?” Zecora thought to herself that she might have overdone it, but the point needed to be proven clearly so that this rambunctious filly would learn her lesson well and take it to heart that she should enjoy her youth, something Zecora wishes she did herself.

“Yeah, I see what you mean...I’m ready to change back,” the adult Scootaloo said wearily. As she waited in silence as Zecora cleaned up some of the mess, Scootaloo started to think more about what had just happened. However, it was not the same thoughts that Zecora thought were running through the temporarily grown-up filly’s mind.

This can’t be right, though Scootaloo. None of the other grown-ups huff and puff like this all the time. Zecora must’ve mixed the potion wrong! There’s no way this could’ve been what I will feel like when I am older. Now that I think of it, I saw exactly what she put into that mixture! Maybe I can fix it...if only I had the chance...” She let go of some of her excitement as her body started to shrink steadily back down, with more of a feeling of release than pain.

Meanwhile, Zecora realized what Scootaloo had accidentally caused to spill. It was none other than the milk of a Minotaur! Zecora needed that rare liquid to complete one of her most important potions to present in Canterlot, and she needed it by tonight to start the preparations for that involved recipe. That meant she would have the leave as soon as possible to find the Minotaur in the ruins deep in the Everfree Forest and convince her to to allow Zecora to milk her again, which could take hours. That meant she had to leave now.

“I am sorry to cut our meeting short, but I must address a problem of an urgent sort. You may stay here for a while to recover and rest...but do not touch a thing, and that is not a jest.” Without even leaving Scootaloo time to respond, Zecora rushed out, leaving Scootaloo alone in Zecora’s home.

Quickly understanding that she had a shot to try her own hoof at some alchemy, Scootaloo quickly grabbed all of the potions, flowers and seeds Zecora used to make the aging potion and started to read the cryptic labels. “I can’t make heads or tails of this!” she muttered. “Well, might as well try something before she comes back. Heheh.” Mixing everything in a different order, she started to haphazardly add strange mixture after mixture into Zecora’s pot, making sure to remember what she did--just in case it worked but was only temporary. “I may be small, but I’m not dumb,” stated Scootaloo to nopony but herself in particular as she dumped some foul-smelling bubbling liquid into the mix. Adding the flowers and the seeds, she decided that the whole mixture looked too much like liquefied poop and smelled too much like liquefied vomit for her tastes, so she looked around for something that might make it look (and smell) a little better. “Hey, maybe this!” she exclaimed, reaching for a bottle of something that looked oddly like candy, “this might work!” Dumping a bit of that into her cauldron of trouble, Scootaloo was taken aback by how much of a difference that uneducated decision made. The brown sludge turned a more pleasant pale green and it started to smell like something she had never smelled before--at least it was better than vomit.

Taking a small cup and dipping it into the possibly poisonous potion, Scootaloo started having second thoughts. I don’t know if what I made is even safe to drink! Should I really drink this? Scootaloo paused. But what do I have to lose? I have no family, only a couple of friends who only care about me because we’re all blank-flanks and share no real similar interests with me, no home, no...future...

At that, Scootaloo decided. This was probably her only chance to make something of herself, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. She was desperate and willing enough to leave it to chance, and chance it she would.

She downed her cup full of green liquid in one gulp.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Scootaloo started to think it might have been a dud, a potion that truly did nothing at all. However, she soon started feeling that tingling from before. Hopes soaring, she readied for the pain that would inevitably come as she would grow into what she hoped would be a healthy, full-grown pegasus mare. She started feeling the tension in all of the muscles in her body, the stretching of the skin, each limb and neck and head and body expanding, her blank flank becoming larger and more pronounced, even the growing of the additional hair follicles. However, the pain was different than it was before. It was definitely more intense, causing her to gasp and try to hold back cries of agony. She could not hope to hold back the streaming tears from her eyes that were absorbed by the wooden floorboards as they plopped on the floor around the growing pony. The pain, though, wasn’t entirely terrible. It felt like some sort of power was emerging, some sort of hidden, untapped energy in the very fibers of the pegasus pony’s being that was being unlocked. It felt absolutely amazing.

As she felt her growth slowing down, she felt taller, bigger, and this time, not winded at all. She felt nearly powerful, with stronger, longer legs, wider hoofs, wide flanks, a lean body and a mane of slightly longer purple hair. She also noticed something else--a strange, unusual feeling coming from between her hind legs. She laid down on her back and looked forward, seeing something unexpected. Is that what I think it is?! thought Scootaloo with great surprise. Right above her vagina was an extra appendage--a slightly larger than average scootadick, in a half-erect state, with an accompanying set of scootaballs. Scootaloo could not believe her eyes. Forgetting about Zecora and everything else, she stared, transfixed at her new member for a few seconds, as her eyes then started to travel to her newly formed and highly arousing flanks and hind legs. She was getting hot, but she was also getting hard. She had to do something. Struggling, she tentatively prodded her rock hard scootadick, and it responded by giving her even stronger urges. Images involuntarily flashed through her mind. Images of adult mares that she’d known most of her life, but...this time, when thinking about them, she wanted them. Badly. Maddeningly, even. She could not contain herself any longer, and with a raging scootaboner she bolted out of Zecora’s hut, nearly knocking the door off its hinges.

Galloping through the Everfree Forest, Scootaloo was amazed at the speed at which she was able to run, but her thoughts of joy were robbed by stronger emotions of desperation and lust that drove her to gallop even faster, involuntarily humping trees and even an incredibly confused animal or two along the way. Finally, she happened upon the edge of the Everfree Forest. There, right in front of her, was a cottage.

Fluttershy’s cottage.

Scootaloo had been there numerous times with the CMC, even having a sleepover that nearly got them all turned to stone--if it hadn’t been for Fluttershy, of course, and her amazing (and somewhat frightening) stare. Scootaloo remembered being huddled up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, watching from behind as, behind, Scootaloo’s mind wavering, unconsciously concentrating on the memory of Fluttershy’s beautiful and delicate--

The raging scootaboner wouldn’t let the pegasus futa pony finish her thought. “She’ll be mine,” Scootaloo muttered half-madly to herself, and she peered into the nearest window. Fluttershy was there, in all of her splendor, lying on her couch enjoying the early afternoon rays of sunlight dancing on her coat and picking up the three butterflies on her flank, as if they were about to flutter away. Scootaloo, however, could not think in such poetic terms; in fact, she could not think at all. Unable to control herself, she jumped through the window (having a slight bit of trouble, not realizing exactly how big she had grown), and landed with a tumble into the middle of Fluttershy’s living room. Standing back up, she turned to face an alarmed yellow and pink pegasus. Fluttershy had a frightened look on her face, most likely complimenting the look of raw desire and wild-eyed madness on Scootaloo’s matured face.

“ m-m-may I h-help y-you?” Fluttershy stammered. She had just enough sense left in her to recognize the color scheme and hairstyle, and her eyes widened in shocked disbelief. “I...Sc..Sc...”

“Scootaloo? Yep! You got it! Sorry for j...jumping in like this, but...I never...never got to thank you for...for saving me from the cock...cock...cockatrice,” finished Scootaloo hurriedly and distractedly, her mouth nearly drooling at this point. In the back of her wild mind, she was surprised she hadn’t pounced on Fluttershy yet. The nature-loving pony was just so mild-mannered that even a mindless angry wolf would slow down a bit in her presence.

Fluttershy could not believe what had just barged in unannounced. A fully grown version of Scootaloo claiming to be the cute little filly, but foaming at the mouth with a rabid passion of possessed possessiveness. And...what is that between her legs? Fluttershy looked down, unable to break the tension, quivering, just staring at Scootaloo’s unexpected fully-erect and pulsating member. The easily-scared pony still could not think clearly and did not put two and two together until Scootaloo made it clear why she was there.

“I...I want to thank you Flu...Fluttershy, and I think I know how.” Scootaloo let her scootadick lead her to close in on Fluttershy, who was cornered. Fluttershy realized she had no easy way out, and although she tried to call out for help, she could only manage a weak, pitiful, barely-audible whimper.

As Scootaloo invaded her personal space, Fluttershy pleaded meekly, “ at least...” while blushing and trying to keep her eyes shut tight.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Scootaloo said almost playfully as she held Fluttershy down, not like she was even fighting at this point.


“You d...defended me from the cock...cockatrice, but can you defend yourself from MY COCK-ATRICE?!” Without further warning, Scootaloo plunged her rock hard penal sheath into the tight virgin flutterpussy. Letting her instinctive behavior entirely take over, Scootaloo grunted as her thrusts were accompanied by adorable--yet pained--squeaks from Fluttershy, as if Scootaloo were having sexual intercourse with a squeaky chew toy. The difference here, though, was that squeaky chew toys don’t normally bleed out of the vagina. Frothing at the mouth, Scootaloo could not believe the ecstasy she was experiencing, entirely insensitive to Fluttershy’s crying.

Then, she felt something happening. Scootaloo’s scootadick started to suddenly scootagrow a little bit more, as if it were fueled by the whole experience of losing its scootaginity. She felt Fluttershy tearing around her throbbing member as the sensation only increased and Fluttershy started to visibly shake and convulse as her insides were scarred by Scootaloo’s bulk. Finally, just to the point of Fluttershy passing out, she felt a warm rush--Scootaloo was climaxing, looking like a sad puppy who had been holding her bladder for all of her life and this was the glorious moment at which it would all finally be released--which, with semen in lieu of urine, was pretty much accurate. Fluttershy could not take any more and passed out.

Finishing and finally pulling out, Scootaloo was out of breath and her mind started to clear. “Oh no, what have I done?” a despaired Scootaloo cried. What should she do? Fluttershy seemed badly injured and was now unconscious, and only her bunny normally looks after her. Hopefully Angel would be in soon. Scootaloo decided she could not be seen by anypony now. It was too dangerous. She might be locked up forever, or banished to the Everfree Forest for all of eternity. She couldn’t have that. Not now. She was too close to succeeding, too close to being somepony, somepony bigger than she once was. She was bigger now in the physical sense--and in her mind, that was all she needed to become bigger as a whole.

Scootaloo decided that she needed to leave, so she quickly covered the unconscious Fluttershy with a blanket and jumped back out the window, speeding back to Zecora’s hut without a second thought.

* * *

Scootaloo was relieved when she found Zecora’s hut still empty, just as she had left it about half an hour prior. Whatever Zecora is doing must take a while, thought Scootaloo, and she finally relaxed in the middle of the floor, not far from where she relaxed the first time with Zecora’s purposefully faulty formula.

After not even a minute, she started to feel movement from underneath her. “Oh no, not again...” she moaned, as her once-flaccid scootadick started to transform itself into another scootaboner. She reluctantly rolled over onto her back and started massaging it gently with her hoof, making sure that her dangerous instinctive sexual urges do not get the better of her this time. To her surprise, though, she wasn’t thinking about other ponies this time. Her eyes went to her long, thick flanks again, and she felt how large she was, twitching her yet-unused wings that she, honestly, had mostly forgotten about considering she never learned to fly while still a filly. This made her scootaboner grow, and she knew what she wanted now: she wanted that same feeling that she had when growing into this form, that feeling of strength, of energy, of power pumping into every part of her body, all at once. She wanted to feel it again, so, so, so badly.

She glanced up at the cauldron, still full of her pale green concoction. “One more cup wouldn’t hurt,” Scootaloo said to herself, almost trancelike, as she slowly dipped a cup, trembling, into the the cauldron and nearly spilled its contents on the floor as she raised it to her lips.

Just like the first time, she drank it in one gulp.

At first, Scootaloo thought it might have been a one-time thing, for nothing happened for a good 15-20 seconds. Then, she felt the familiar tingling, followed by the straining pain shooting through her entire body like lightning. She then started to feel the familiar high of energy as she grew, shaking violently, her skin racing to keep up with her expanding flesh. “Yes!” Scootaloo gasped as her vision blurred and thoughts raced with amazing ecstasy. “Yes! Bigger!” she screamed.