> Christmas in the Vogonverse > by Ron Jeremy Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Christmas in the Vogonverse. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas in the Vogonverse (Applejack’s P.O.V. - Sweet Nectar Acres - Farmhouse living room - 2067)         Ah breathed out and watched ma breath.  It was colder this year than befor’, but Ah guess it needed ta be.  Princess…  Naw, President Celestia dun said the land needs to heal in some places, and so she had the Pegasi round up a doozy of a winter.  Anthony’s right arm, a couple of ribs, and his left knee have gotten to hurtin’ som’thing awful during the cold.  The darned dunderhead thinks that he’s got to carry it around on his own.  He married an Earth Pony.  We share the weight and troubles of our families, and he’s my husband, that’s about as family as it gets.         Ah got up to check the fireplace when Ah heard something on the roof.  A moment later there was another sound coming from the fireplace, and Ah ran over to see what looked like a round fellar in a red suit coming out.  He looked at those fancy, smancy socks that Jessica hung up for the foals and went to adding little trinkets and dodads in ‘em.  Ah watched as he went ta each one, and then he stopped when he spotted the plate of Peach Fritters Jessica left out.  He picked on up, sniffed it, took a bite, and then smiled.         “Ya got a reason ta be in ma family’s house?” Ah asked.         “Applejack.  You’re a very honest mare.  Why, I remember when you were just a filly how honest you were.  You did love Apple Fritters, but I know the ones I left for you weren’t as good as the ones your Grandmother made,” he said.         “Who are you?” he asked.         He turned toward me, and his human face changed to that of an old round Unicorn.  His mane was snow white, his pelt was black as coal, and he had the brightest smile.         “Ah…  Ah saw you once, a long time ago,” Ah said.         “Yes you did.  I’ve got several more houses to visit.  Merry Christmas, and Happy Hearts Warming,” he said before he touched his nose and he was sucked up the fireplace.         Ah looked at the plate and saw that all of the fritters was gone, there was twice the amount of presents as before, and somehow he had done it in less time than Ah could believe.         Another sound caught ma attention and Ah turned to see Rose walking in with two bowls of peach cobbler covered with Granny Smith’s homemade ice cream.  Ah looked at her and smiled as the two of us sat down.         “Who were you talking to AJ?” she asked.         Ah watched as she took a bite of the cobbler and any pretense of good manners were gone.  Ah’d been that hungry before.  Carrying a foal will do that to ya.  Course, she’d been through this before too.  Her first filly had come about shortly after Anthony agreed to starting a herd.         “North Pole was just here,” Ah said.         Her eyes got as big as saucers, and she looked right at me.         “Are you serious?” she asked         “Ah wouldn’t lie ta ya,” Ah said.         “I always tried to sneak a peek at him when I was a little filly.  I always wanted to see North Pole.  I heard that he’s a huge Unicorn, all burly and strong, but I never saw him,” she said.         “He is.  He’s a right big fella,” I said as I sat with a mare that had become like my own sister.         The two of us looked at the presents, and tomorrow, oh tomorrow, there would be several little foals all too excited to tear into them.  This place had began to feel like home when Ah first got here, but now, now it didn’t just feel like it.  This was home.  This was our home, and having North Pole here only made it more real. (Vinyl’s POV Her L.A home shared with wife, Octavia.)   “I-I-I’m not drunk…”Mason stammered, “I just refuse to let a cello playing pony out drink me!” Octavia took the bottle and poured herself another shot of eggnog. She stayed steady as she did it, but the slight shake of her hand told me she was slightly intoxicated. Octavia and Mason built this weird relationship over the years and part of it was being able to out-drink the other. It was funny since the slightest patch of gray hair was forming in Mason’s head, yet he still acted so young. Though, he matured a little over time. “Mason…you can’t win this battle,” Octavia drunk from her glass, “It’s futile to try…Hic…excuse me.” It was cold outside. Well, cold for L.A. It just mostly rains. Something I had grown to like over the years. Suprisingly, on Christmas Eve, the temperature dropped to near freezing, so we all joyfully sat round the fire place with the fire burning. Mason struggled to stay balanced; Octavia siped more eggnog, and Anastasia sat beside me, her stomach round with child.  She was due any time now, yet Mason couldn’t wait for his daughter. If only Octy and I could be that lucky with artificial insemination and Mason's donations. “Mason, dear. I think I’m going to lie down.” Anastasia spoke, “I’m feeling a bit weak.” “I’ll…help…you,” Mason struggled to rise from his position on the floor, “Octavia…could you give me a hand while I give her a hand.” “If you insist.” she replied, struggling to get up herself. I watched them all leave towards our guest bedroom. (One pregnant woman, and two drunks walked up steps. How could that end well?) This year we invited Mason and Ana to stay with us. It was nice to have them over to celebrate the first Hearth Warming in our own house. Alone in my thought, I was unaware of the fire going out. I did ,however, hear shuffling on the roof, and then the sound of steady climbing in the chimney. I turned my head to look; my eyes were met with a plump man with a long beard wearing some red pajamas. He resembled a fictional holiday figure I see every December. “Uh...hello?” I asked the man in my house. “Oh! Why hello ,Vinyl.” The fat man laughed, “I see I’ve been caught.” “Who are you?” “I have many names, but…” His face changed to that of a unicorn with a long beard and black fur, “I think you mostly remember me like this. Remember, the Hearth Warming night you received your glasses?” With a smile, the mystery man touched the side of his nose and vanished. In his place were four more presents placed around the fireplace than before. I was about to brush the incident off as my imagination until I heard  hardy, air filled laughter-along with multiple hooves- flow from my roof.  I was in pure shock as Octy drunkenly came down the stairs. She asked if I was alright and said I looked as if a I had seen a ghost. Unable to speak, I just walked away. I reached to my eyes and began feeling the shades I had gotten when I was a filly. (Pinkie Pie’s POV - William’s Residence - Oklahoma City)         I smiled at my little lemon.  She had listened to the stories about a old human that lived up north and traveled all over the world giving out presents to good little fillies and colts.  I giggled at the story since it reminded me of the story about North Pole.  Mama had told me about North Pole a long time ago, and I absolutely loved hearing everything about him.  He had been the first pony to befriend all three tribes, and he gave the foals gifts every winter.         In fact he’s the reason we used to light a single candle and leave it in the window on Heart’s Warming Eve.  He’d see that somepony was thinking about him and want to leave them a super funarific present.  I thought about this as I picked up my precious Lemon and carried her toward her bed.  Strawberry and Onyx were going to be here in the morning. They had spent the night over at their Aunt Maud’s, Uncle Cheese, and Aunt Sarah’s house.         My precious little Lemon snuggled down into her bed once I laid her down.  I turned around to see my Andy.  He smiled at me, hugged me, and kissed my neck.         “You make me very happy,” he said.         “You make me happy too silly,” I said before the sounds of something scraping across the roof caught our attention.  We walked toward the wall radiator and watched as it transformed into a fireplace.  Then we watched as a very large man walked out of it.  I looked at Andy and saw his eyes wide.         “S…  Santa?” he asked still stunned.         “Ho, ho, ho, Hello Andy, you know most good little boys are already asleep before I come into their houses, but then you always liked watching the fireplace didn’t you?  Now you’ve got three little ones of your own, and Pinkie.  You’ve always been such a good little filly.  Although there was a few pranks that you pulled that should have put you on my naughty list,” he said. “Wait…  How do you…” Andy began before he walked toward him and smiled.         “North Pole?” I asked.         “He grinned at me looked at the dish of gingerbread cookies Lemon had helped me make, and took one.  He bit into it, made a happy sound, went about his work, and before I could blink he was finished.         “Wait…” I said.         He turned around and I gave him a hug.  I felt him return it and gently rub my back.         “I’ve got more stops to make, and more children and foals to see,” he said before he touched his nose and flew up the fireplace.         “He’s real.  He’s really real,” Andy mumbled as he stumbled toward our bedroom. (Over Oklahoma City Santa’s POV)         I reached over for my sack when I felt a large lump.  I opened the top of it and Pinkie Popped out of it.  I nearly let go of the reigns when she did.         “You forgot some hot coco!  Brrrrrr…  It’s too cold out here!  It’s good to see you!  Thanks!” she said before she lowered back into the bag and was gone.         There are somethings that I’m just better off not understanding, I thought. Fluttershy’s Perspective, , The Visovic Brownstone, Greenwich Village, New York, New York, 2067 Ark and I rested in the glow of the our fire. We discovered the old fireplace hidden behind a safe brimming with Uncle Sergei’s weapons cache. I had a hard time believing anypony could have so many weapons. That is until Ark described the sort of man Sergei Visovic was; then I understood. The fireplace, ensconced behind the wall safe, had not seen use since before Uncle Sergei bought the building. Ark explained that fireplaces because many of the buildings in the Village were retrofitted with central air and heating back in the late XXth Century. Anyplace with a hearth had the chimney's stopped up. A working fireplace was considered a “fire hazard” by the City’s Fire Chief. We had the triplets to bed earlier. Only Albatross was willing going to sleep; Roc, Phoenix and their sisters, as well as little Yuri and Anyanka were too “jazzed up to sleep.” (Ark’s words, not mine.) Both Olga and Nicholai were still bounding with energy after a long day of anticipation. Although they’re only a year old, the little tykes ares till looking forward to father Christmas. I fed them, changed them, and put them to bed. I watched them as they lay awake for several minutes. A full belly will do a lot to make any foal sleepy, so they slipped off to dreamland with no effort. After making sure all our little darlings were asleep, and that Rainbow Dash was currently passed out in the master bedroom, Ark and I crept back downstairs. We started the fire, ate s’mores, drank hot cocoa, made love while the fire was at it’s hottest, and ate more s’mores. We were now snuggled underneath a fleece blanket, watching the flames and basking in the afterglow. Tomorrow would be an early day, seeing it was Christmas. Ark had to explain it all to me, when we were first dating. It still seems rather silly that anypony would hang stockings on the mantle of the fireplace, but Ark assures me it’s traditional. I still called it Hearth’s Warming Eve, though; even today, the foals and I participate in all the old rituals. This year, I managed to convince Discord to come around and help us sing carols. The last time he was here for such a thing was back Home. And the versions of the carols he sang were rather- lewd. Twilight had to ban him from ever coming to a Ponyville Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant ever again. Where that old chimera is right now, I don’t rightly know. I guess he wanted to spend it with somepony he knew… “This is so nice,” I told my husband, “just you, me, and the fire.” “It is nice,” Ark replied, wrapping one of his wings around my shoulders. (I still want to call them withers; isn’t that funny?) Except for the fleece we were underneath, neither of us were clothed. Then again, the cold never bothered me and it’s been a while since Ark could feel the cold. His Transfiguration into a Pegasus has given him more than a passing understanding of what Dash and I are. I wouldn’t dream of miscalculating his appreciation of his new state, though I’m sure katya and our other neighbors would wish he put on more clothes. “A bit for your thoughts?” Ark asked. “Oh,” I started, “it’s nothing. It’s just that, my monthly visitor hasn’t been by as of late. It’s not like my heat has come and gone. It’s just-” “Could you be pregnant again?” Ark inquired. “I guess- I could be.” I answered. Ark smiled, the biggest smile I’ve seen on him since he was asked to become the new Secretary of War. I know Princ- President Celestia wouldn’t ask him to do so if she didn’t think he could handle it. Ark maybe not be qualified for the position, politically speaking, but as somepony who has been in war, not been at war, she must have thought he was uniquely opined for the post. He hasn’t failed the country so far and America is at it’s most peaceful and prosperous yet! So, I think he’s doing a good job. “So what do you think,” Ark asked, “one foal or another band of triplets?” “I don’t know, Ark,” I said, “I’m not even sure it’s me that’s with foal this time…” Ark asks, “What do you mean?” “Well,” I reply, “during Rainbow’s last heat, weren’t the two of you making out like rabbits?” “Yeah,” Ark answers, “and more besides.” I nod, adding, “And how long has it been since her monthly visitor?” “Huh,” Ark expounded, “now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve heard Dash complain about menstrual symptoms in almost two months…” “Wouldn’t it be nice to have another foal in the house, Ark?” I ask. “Eeyup,” Ark replies, “and Discord would have another ward to care for when we get back to Washington.” I nod, knowing that Discord just loves foalsitting. “I’m hoping for a filly this time, Ark,” I say, “I don’t know if I can handle anymore colts right now.” Ark replied, “Let’s keep our fingers and hooves crossed then. If it is Dash, then her body will- Wait. Did you hear that?” At first I didn’t hear it. The snow outside that the weather team had scheduled was heavy enough to mask even the snow plows. But above the crackling of the fire was the sound of hooves clattering on the rooftop. It amazed me that I could hear that, seeing as the living room was on the bottom floor of the brownstone. The minor cacophony settled down after a bit. It was then that Tolstoy came back online to tell us something. “Milord, milady, there appears to be a- well, I shan’t sugar coat it- a rather rotund gentleman cavorting on the roof,” reported Tolstoy, “He has landed a team of reindeer lashed to a large sled on the building; he is dangerously close to the HVAC stack and the satellite dish. Shall I inform the local authorities about his improvised invasion of the family sanctum?” Ark was about to speak when I cut across him, “Tolstoy, disable all security protocols, including cameras, awaken Ana and tell her to activate the Father Christmas subroutine.” “Are you certain, Madame?” Tolstoy asked, “Anastasia is currently in-” “Just do it, Tolstoy,” Ark barked at the DA, “and I don’t wanna hear any further back talk.” “Yes, milord,” Tolstoy replied, “Anastasia is up. She has already implemented the aforementioned subroutine. If I may-” “You may not,” I cut, “just- pipe down. If you don’t mind.” “Yes, madame,” Tolstoy replied, “bozhe moi!” We waited, Ark with trepidation, I with anxiousness, until the fire was snuffed out and soot started to fall. Then from the fireplace there arose such a clatter, a bit of dust, then before us was a large man in a red suit, hefting a sack bigger than our couch. He rose up from a crouched position with little effort. My eyes widened in the semi-darkened room. I knew this being anywhere! Although, I expected him in his unicorn form, but it was always nice meeting him again, no matter form he took. “North Pole!” I squealed, “I’m so happy to see you!” “Ms. Fluttershy,” the being said, “it’s nice to see you once more. And another year  in which you’ve found me at work. I must say, no youngling has ever been this successful in detecting me.” “They just want to know if you’re real,” I say, “I’ve always known.” “Well, there is that,” North Pole said, “although I’m a little surprised that Albatross isn’t here to see me, too. Is the wee tike really asleep?” “Oh, he is,” I answer, “his brothers and sisters wanted to stay up late to watch for your coming,” I answer. “The little fibber,” North Pole said, “Father Christmas always knows…” “What do you mean?” I asked. “Little Alba is right behind the sofa,” North answered, “the poor lad drifted off to sleep not five minutes ago.” “Oh, Faust!” I exclaim, “I hope he didn’t come down when-” North Pole replies, “When you and Arkady where making love? No, he came down while you two lovebirds were feeding each other s’mores. Post coital snack, I’d say.” “Oh, good,” I breathed, “I don’t know how I’d explain what Ark and I were doing while- Well, you know.” “I know,” North pole said, “you arent the first young couple, or old couple either, I’ve found in in the afterglow of a good rutting.” I laughed when he said that, “Oh, North, you kidder!” North bats the question away, with the gloved hand he’s been using to stuff the stockings hung on the chimney and giggles, “So, are you going to ask, Ms. Fluttershy?” I shake my head, “No.” “You are a strange mare,” North replies, “never in all my time have I encountered any foal that has me at an advantage and not use that opportunity.” “You know why I do this,” I told the ancient stallion, “I’m your friend. I want to make your visit to my home as pleasing as possible.” North chuckles again, this time adding a shake of his sizable abdomen, “Only you would think to do that, Ms. Fluttershy. Ah, the lessons the peoples of the Universe could learn if they all behaved like you. You are a very kind and special mare.” I can’t help the blush the arises on my muzzle. Mr. North Pole has always been so kind to me. “Well, I must be off. Billions of children to see, oh so little time,” North says, then he  adds, “Arkady, love this mare with your entire being and never let her go. She’s the best thing that could ever happen to. You have two of the greatest gifts a stallion could ask for; don’t blow it. Also, if you want off the naughty list next year, you should curtail your penchant for profanity. I know President Celestia doesn’t care for it, but she’s too much a gentlemare to mention it. Congratulations to you both!” With a wink of his eye and a wrinkle in his nose, he was gone up the chimney. As soon as his boots left sight, the fire roared back to life. I felt warmer than I have been in a long time. I am a lucky mare, aren’t I? “We should really put little Alba to bed, should we Ark? Ark?” My stallion was staring lividly at the fireplace, his face paler than his ivory coat would allow. I could have sworn I heard him whisper, “S-santa- Claus?!” (Wil Wheaton’s Estate - Forward Drawing Room  Discord’s POV) I look at my old friend, and one of the survivors of that television show I appeared on for a while.  Playing Q had been ridiculously easy.  It was me, perhaps a bit more neurotic, but me none the less.  In truth I believe that some of the jokes the character played on the other characters are fantastic pranks I would have loved to have played on Celestia.  Regardless my old friend is sharing a wealth of whole milk and chocolate chip cookies with me. “I haven’t seen you in a long time, John,” he said. “I’ve been busy.  Things had to be set into motion, and to be honest it’s been quite tiring.  This planning, and practicing, and holding to a schedule goes against my very nature,” I say looking at him. “I know about tired John.  I’ve been tired for a long time.  So, how’s James’s company doing?” he asked. I grinned.  Innovative Gaming Solutions is the backbone of Vogon’s financial standing.  If James, my old friend James, hadn’t believed in me, in what I planned on doing, I doubt that this would have worked nearly as neatly and cleanly as it has.  A stray cough grabs my attention and I turn back to the elderly man l’ve long since learned to call my friend.  Over the years I’ve lost a good many friends to time.  The entire cast of Star Trek the Next Generation is among those friends.   In so many ways they reminded me of the very ponies I was working toward reviving here on Earth.  Wil finally looked up at me and took half a sip of milk. “You know, out of everything I could ever want for Christmas, out of all of it, the one thing I really want is to see our friends again, and of course see my kids,” he said. His eyes close and I clutch the glass of milk and place it on the coffee table beside him.  A moment later the fireplace begins to die down and there was a clatter of movement coming down it. “North, it’s good to see you again,” I say as I watch my old friend fall into a deeper sleep. “Discord, you know, you’ve been on my good list ever since coming to this world.  You began getting on the good list back on Equus with Fluttershy.  I’ve never seen someone change for the better so well,” he replied. “I had a reason to.  I had a friend, and I’ve made several while I’ve been here,” I said. I look at him and notice that he doesn’t have the number of presents he would normally be carrying.  Instead he’s got a key with him that I’m all too familiar with. “Does it really have to be now?” I ask him. "It's his Christmas wish, and he's gotten quite tired and lonely," North says as he unlocks a door. A moment later I see both of Wil's foals and our friends from the show. He stands no longer ravaged by time and wraps them tightly in his arms. "I'm so glad to see both of you. Have you been good?" he asks. They nodded and then I watched as several of our friends walked out to meet him.  He disappeared into the light and then I watched as North Pole walked toward the fireplace again.  In my claws was a small gift, wrapped in wrapping paper that I hadn’t seen in ages.  I opened it to see a picture of me along with the entire cast and crew of Next Generation.  I looked up again to see that North Pole was gone. (Arnett Texas Marshall Home Rarity’s POV) My two sweet foals are now resting peacefully, and I feel a kick from our unborn daughter.  There’s some light chatter and I walk toward the sound.  Grinning I see John, my mother-in-law Martha, and my father-in-law Justin all gathered around the old fireplace talking to one another.  I walk toward them, and slowly lower myself into a recliner.         “How are you feeling dear?” Martha asks.         “Pregnant, very pregnant, but surprisingly good,” I reply.         “That’s wonderful.  Oh, I heard that more of the Equestrians are simply appearing.  Isn’t that right Justin?”  she asks.         “Yep, it’s the damnedest thing I’ve ever heard.  They’ve been popping up all over for the past few years.  It got me to wondering if you might have some family out there,” he replies.         “Actually I do,  I just recently learned that my darling sister is here, and she’s coming out to be with us.  As for my parents, they are both here as well.  My father, Magnum, is actually here in the state,” I say.         “He wouldn’t be the head coach for the Texas Tech football team right?” Justin asks.         “Actually, he is.  He loved playing hoofball back in his college days,” I reply.         The four of us talk happily, and it feels quite nice to be together as a family.  Slowly, both of my husband’s parents turn in for the night, and John brings in a glass of milk and a platter of cookies.  It’s a tradition I remember from when I was a little filly.  Leaving milk and cookies for North Pole, and hoping that he would leave a few presents in return.  He walks over to me and I give him a hug.  A moment later we hear the sounds of something banging around on the roof.         “What in the hell?” John asks.         A moment later a rather round stallion comes down the fireplace.  He’s got a large satchel on his back, and he sits it down.  We both watch as he gets to work, putting various gifts out, and it’s John who breaks the silence.         “S…  Santa?” he asks in disbelief.         “I seem to remember a little boy staying up, watching in the living room all night for the small chance to see me,” he chuckles.         I watch him, and there’s something very familiar pouring off of him. A magic that I know, that I remember.  He turns toward me and gives me a smile.         “Rarity Carousel, or I suppose it’s Rarity Marshall now isn’t it?  You were such a sweet little filly.  I do recall you leaving me several pieces of your mother’s cheesecake out.  It was such a sweet gesture.  Of course that year I left you a never ending spool of ribbon, and I believe it was this ribbon,” he says as hands me the spool.         We both look at the platter of cookies, and see that it’s empty, the milk is gone, and in an instant so is he. (Oklahoma City - Wilson Home, Living Room - Diamond Tiara’s POV)       I watched Daddy, and my new mom, both cuddle with little Ruby.  Her older brother Andradite was smiling, and giggling as he helped them tickle her.  After a moment they stopped tickling my little Ruby and simply held her.  Daddy held his grandcolt and smiled at me.         “I’m so proud of you Diamond.  I really am,” he said.         “Thank you Daddy, I’ve been trying.  Fredrick said that I should try my hands and hooves at working at organizing the relief shelters.  Most of those places had been ran by religious organizations, and over the years they’ve simply exhausted all of their resources.  They just couldn’t keep up,” I said.         “She’s done a fantastic job getting the state and Federal Government to step up and take responsibility.  In the last year alone I’ve seen more help for the relief shelters than I’ve ever seen before,” Fredrick said.         I blushed a little and Fredrick kept talking about the good I had done.  The night was wearing on, and I could feel our unborn foal kicking.  Daddy felt my belly and smiled at me as he watched in awe at what was happening.  We visited together, long into the evening, and finally we had to carry Ruby and Andradite up to their beds.           “I think that we’ll turn in too.  I feel a might old to be staying up so late,” Daddy said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead.         “I love you Daddy,” I said.         “I know sweetheart, and I love you too,” he said before he pulled Fredrick into a hug, “Goodnight, son.  It feel so good to say that, and to say it to a stallion that I know is taking good care of my Diamond.”         Fredrick and I walked down the stairs, and stopped part way down as a noise clattered around in the living room.  Slowly we walked inside and I saw a large man, dressed in red pajamas, carrying a crushed red velvet bag, and pulling presents out of it.         “Who are you?” I asked.         “Diamond Tiara, you know, back when you were a filly I never left any presents at your home.  Your father, Filthy Rich, he used to leave you a few that he purchased, but I never left you a thing.  You were always such a naughty little thing, but now look at you.  You’ve become a good mare, a good mother, and a good friend to your husband.  You’ve even helped your old friend Silver Spoon handle what happened to her, and convinced her to keep her foal,” he said as he turned to face me.           I watched as his face changed, no longer did he look human, but instead he was a black unicorn, with a white mane, beard, and tail.  He was still in the same suit, but it sagged on him slightly.         “Like your father I’m proud of you,” he said as he pulled out a gift and handed it to me.         I looked at the folded picture frame.  I opened it to see a picture of my mother, of Ruby’s name sake.  I felt my eyes misting over and I looked up at North Pole.         “Thank you,” I whispered.         “It’s fine, Happy Heart’s Warming Diamond Tiara, be a good mother, and know that she’s very proud of you too.  She’s glad to see that you’ve turned out to be such a good mare and mother,” he said before he was gone.         “S…  Santa’s real?” Fredrick whispered as he neared me.         (L.A- Vinyl Scratch’s Home, Around the newly delivered presents Vinyl's POV)         “So I’m suppose to believe that Santa Claus-North Pole- climbed down that chimney, delivered all these gifts, and left before any else could see?” Mason spoke up after I explained what happened to him.          “Yes...you believe in weirder things.” I replied back.          “SOO magic may exist,” He motioned to Anastasia who was levitating a glass towards her pregnant self, “and maybe pony human crossbreeding has some validity, but a chubby man with unshaven facial hair  sneaking into a house to give presents to kids does not compute.”          “Maybe here it’s a chubby man, but in Equestria, it’s a black unicorn with a beard. Much more believable. Plus, I saw him.” "Seeing isn't believing..."          Mason walked from his seat and walked towards the kitchen. There he started on Christmas- Hearth Warming Eve- Dinner. He wasn’t much of a chef, but prep work seemed to be his calling. He stayed silent in the kitchen for a couple of minutes before returning back to the living room. With him, he brought two cups of non-alcoholic eggnog. (Light-weight.   “How else did these presents get here then?” I asked after he handed me my cup  “You are a unicorn. Probably used your magic to poof them here.” he answered. It was starting to look like a lost cause. Mason was a stubborn one and didn’t like to change much. I sighed at my revelation. I guess I was the only one who still believed...rather...re-believed in North Pole since I stopped when I was young. I began thinking of a way to get him to see I wasn’t crazy. Maybe...drive around until we saw him? No, North Pole was too quick for that. Maybe...find the other Equestrians and ask them? No, he’d probably think it was some ploy we were all in on. It seemed like things were going to stay the way they were, yet I got these feelings to just sit and remain quiet.(Not my usual thing.) Mason stood up again, yet this time he walked to the fireplace.  He picked up a box, looked it over, and then looked to me as if about to prove a point. “When I was eight, I wanted some tapping shoes. Of course, I was going through I weird phase. Anyway, the only person I told was Santa. You know, kids write the letters and mail 'em in. Not even my parents knew about those shoes. So, on that Christmas so long ago, I ran down the stairs and ripped open every box. To my dismay, there were no tapping shoes.  That’s when I discovered Santa Claus didn’t exist.” He mused, "Oh, and I had been a very good boy that year." “What exactly are you getting at?” I questioned in response. “Well...deep inside I still wish for those shoes. Even though I would have never used them, I still sort of want them, yet..., year after year, they never appear.” He sat down the box where he had picked it from. With a deep sigh, he walked back over to his seat. Like a heavy sack, he fell onto the couch. (Always the slacker.) Though, he couldn’t settle in his position. He fumbled in the seat for a moment before reaching behind himself. His arm wiggled for a moment before he pulled out one shoe of a pair of tapping shoes. He reached back and pulled out the other. He cautiously examined the shoes before finding a small tag tied to the lace. From: Santa Claus To: Mason Williams You should learn to believe in things that can’t be explained. Life would be easier that way. ~ Santa Clause P.S I ran out of  tapping shoes every year before I get to you. You'd think those elves would make more. Mason didn’t speak as he rose from the couch. He just put on his jacket, walked to the door, and into the cold. I thought he was going to walk right back in, yet he didn’t. Moment passed with no sign of him. Being a good friend, I went looking for him. Though, I didnt have to look far, for he was just sitting on the steps. “Come in, drama queen. You might catch a cold.” I spoke. “You know, it's weird how many things this world has and yet...we, as humans, barely know any of it.” He said, not looking in my direction “Huh?” “Before you came, I was just some DJ...now, I know about the magic flowing through the planet, other realities, and the realization that Santa Claus was always real. So many things...yet they go unnoticed.”         I stepped outside and sat next to him. He offered me his coat, but my fur was all I needed.         “Well, it’s not your fault that the info isn’t known. Unlike us ponies, you humans split away instead of coming together. I guess that’s where all the information disappeared. Stories got mixed together or distorted as time progressed. Though, don’t ya think it’s cool that each one of the human’s culture has a winter belief?”         “Yeah. I guess...”         “Though...they are a bit weird.” I stroked my chin, trying to remember all the winter holidays of the humans, “There’s Christmas: a virgin mare giving birth to the savior colt, Hanukkah: Oil burning or something, Khanza: Celebration of culture, which is nice; and some others.”         “When you put em that way, they do sound a bit...weird.”         Once again we sat there in silence. The wind was the only thing making a sound outside. After a while, Mason began patting his thighs, making a beat. I joined along and hummed a tune from a song we once made together. This went along for a bit before it subsided. It did, however, bring us back to the old days of making music.         “You know what I really want for Christmas?” I asked out of the blue.         “What?” he asked. The way he asked sounded like he knew the answer already.         “To be a mother.”         Mason sat there silent again. I could see his breath coming from his nose, hitting the cold air. He knew the trouble Octy and I went through to try to get a baby. After more silence, which wasn’t a thing between us, he spoke.         “It’ll happen. We’ll just keep trying.”         “Octy and I really want one...After all the times...the doctors...and all you sper-”         “Trust me. I know.” Mason let out a small chuckle, "If I can get my tapping shoes, you’ll get your little hybrid.” (Ryder House - Celestia’s POV)         The sounds of Aurora starting to snore makes me smile.  She’s been a hoofful for quite some time, but at least now she’s sleeping peacefully.  I glance over at Thomas who looks a little exhausted.  I suppose being the first…  gentleman, such an interesting term, does take its toll, and of course his working with Ryder Farms has long since taken its toll.         “You look tired,” I say as I near him.         “I’m fine…” he waves me off.         I know better.  He’s barely keeping his eyes open, and of course there’s the fact that I’m certain Luna will be telling me about his sleeping habits again.  I hear a soft knock at the door, and I walk toward it.  There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s going to be Luna.  When we had spoken earlier she had said that they would be over this evening.  Of course for her, and Midnight, it was early morning.  I’m not sure how Donald is handling it, but the three of them seem happy.  I open the door and I’m greeted with Midnight wearing a lovely dark blue evening gown.  It matched her eyes perfectly.  She bows slightly, and I move out of the way to let her walk in.  Behind her was Luna and Donald.  The two of them come in and I notice the growing bump that Luna is carrying.  Finally, my sister is going to know motherhood.  Perhaps this will help settle her.         “It’s a pleasure to see you again Lulu,” I say smiling, “And of course it’s a pleasure to see both Donald and Midnight again.  How is your Hearth’s Warming Eve?”         “Sister, we are in a new world, new customs, and while I am enjoying my Hearth’s Warming Eve, I prefer to call it Christmas,” she replies.         I look at my sister and wonder exactly when it was that our roles reversed.  When did she become more progressive, and when exactly did I hang onto the old traditions of an old world?  Ever since she arrived here Luna had become more open, more accepting, and more aware of the world around her.  She had became part of the people here, learning from them, enjoying knowing them, and eventually marrying, after a long dating stint.  I had watched with awe as my sister became something of a modern mare by any standard.         “I am afraid that I must refrain from drinking too much of that.  While it is quite good I’m afraid that if I drink too much I might become a bit tipsy,” she says.         “My wee bonny lass, yer nae gonna get too tipsy fer me and Luna!  I remember see ye when ye was piss drunk, asking for a good shaggin!” Donald replies with a smile on his face.         Midnight blushes furiously at him and lightly strikes his arm.         “You are such a lewd flirt!” she exclaims with the blush still present.         Donald isn’t nobility as I would expect.  He’s…  Different.  Perhaps it’s because he’s merely a baron, but he seems closer to his own people.  The times we’ve visited them in their home it may have been a castle, but it wasn’t a massive one like we had in Canterlot.  The castle was a building of stone, something ancient, that had obviously been repared and made livable over the years.         I smile as they banter each other for a while.  As the night continues Thomas begins to talk with Donald about the farms, how they are doing, and Donald talks about how they’ve made strides in bringing back the practice of government funded farming.  Midnight offers her two cents, and the three of them head toward Thomas’ den to talk for a bit and I relax by the fireplace with my sister.  Together we watch the fire and Luna leans forward.         “Should I be worried about this foal?” she asks.         “What do you mean?” I ask her.         “Should I worry that something could happen to my foal?  Tia…  This is my first foal since we’ve left Equestria, and the others…” she stops.         “Luna, things are different here.  We both know that.  There are advancements here that we would not believe could even exist back in Equestria.  I truly believe that you can and will carry this foal full term,” I say stroking her softly with a wing.         There is a sound coming from outside, the sound of snow being crunched under a set of boots, and we both turn to see the fire dying down.  A moment later a very rotund, and stocky, human wearing a red and white thick suit is quickly moving about putting up stockings, placing presents under the tree, and I look at him seeing past the illusion.         “N…  North Pole?” I stutter.         “Celestia, Luna, it has been quite some time.  I do remember bringing you both presents when you were such little rascals.  The both of you were so determined to presented as good and just rulers, that I fear no one was paying attention to the fact that you were still foals yourselves,” he says.         He moves toward us, taking a glass of hard Cider that I had absent mindedly poured earlier, and picking up a cookie from the platter that I had laid out for our guests.         “I’m glad to see that the two fillies I watched grow haven’t really changed,” he says before he grins, touches his nose and disappears out of the room.         Luna looks in her hand and there is a small picture.  Her eyes start tearing up as I move closer and look at it.  There on the page is a little Pegasus filly and an Unicorn colt.  It’s obvious that they haven’t been born yet, and that this is a readout of what the machines will undoubtedly see in the future. (L.A- Vinyl Scratch’s Home,Christmas Morning. Vinyl’s POV)         My eyes slowly drifted open on Christmas...or Hearth’s Warming Eve. My body wrapped around Octavia, absorbing the natural warmth of her Earth Pony body. Prying myself from her, I rolled out of the bed. The cold morning  enveloped me quickly. Fighting through it, I walked towards the closet to find relief from a robe to cover my mostly naked self. I then looked to to the clock-10:30. Around the time we opened presents in Equestria. I rushed over to Octavia and tried to shake her awake. To no avail ,of course. She simply rolled over, said something unintelligible, and went back into her deep sleep.She probably dreaming of something kinky based from her smile. I left the room with a sigh and walked down the the stairs. As I did, the smell of holiday breakfast food filled my nostrils. Fruits, vegetables, and cooked meat.  I haven't gotten used to meat, but I had to admit it smelled somewhat good on an empty stomach. “Morning, Vinyl Scratch-world’s second best DJ,” Mason yelled from in the kitchen. “Let me guess: you’re the first?” I replied, rolling my eyes. “Nope. The first would be that girl we signed on the label a year ago. I’m probably the fifth.” I helped Mason finish breakfast, then went to help Anastasia down the stairs. She looked strained, and breathed heavily. Soon after that, Octy came down. She complained of a headache (probably from all the Alcoholic eggnog.) As a family, we all sat down to breakfast. It was quiet. Not awkward, but the good, loving silence. “Tesla, please send our Holiday regards to our Friends and Family,” Mason spoke to the housing system, which we both shared, “Don’t forget the Ponies ,or the people we signed.” “Even one to Discord?” Tesla replied. Mason sat there, remembering all the contracts and other tricks Discord has put on him. It'll was all in good fun. Plus, Discord had found an easy target and was not letting go. “Yes...even Discord...” Tesla went to send the messages while went to open presents. While we were all older, we each still loved getting presents. The first one to open a gift was Octavia who tore it open without her usual resolve or grace. “Good, another bow for my cello, “ She smiled a wide smile, “My old one was becoming worn.” Next,  was Anastasia. We had to hand her her present. She slowly opened it to reveal a mound of baby clothes which should not have  possibly fit in the box. “Good, now I won't have to buy any.” She laughed before clenching her body for some reason. Next, was Mason. He grabbed his present, opened it up, pulled out new producing software. He hasn't made a song in years yet still made sure to keep his gear up to date. Maybe his midlife crisis was happening. "I suppose Santa was always watching...now that you think about, it's a tad creepy..." Finally, it was my turn to open my present. I reached  down to pick up a small, rectangle box. I didn't know what it could be. What exactly did North Pole bring me? Hesitantly, I tore off the wrapping paper; a plain white box was underneath. Next, I began lifting the top. Yet, before I could fully see what my gift was, a scream of astonishment grabbed my attention. "My water broke!" Anastasia yelled in between her shallow breaths. "It's time already?!" Mason stood up, frantic,"...but but!" "What should we do?!" Asked Octavia, losing her resolve. "I dont know!" Mason responded. "Well, you all better figure something out before this couch is stained with more amniotic fluid!" Ana screamed.  Funny thing was: the couch had been stained with so many other things-most personal between Octy and myself- that it didn't matter. I stuffed my gift my gift in my pocket and stood. Keeping my cool, I gave out instructions: Mason to start the car, and Octy to gather some clothes for us all. I, myself, would help Ana. Within moments, we were headed to the hospital. Mason was driving while Octavia and I watched over the future mom. Surprisingly, Octavia, once she calmed, knew what to do. Maybe it was in her Earth pony senses, or maybe she was ready for her own. We made great time to the hospital(running all the red lights.) We all rushed in, keeping Ana balanced. One of the nurses at the front desk took notice of the enlarged stomach; she knew what to do. Hordes of doctors and nurses ran out with a gurney, and they loaded Ana on it. (I recognized one of the nurses as Nurse RedHeart from Ponyville.) Then, they-along with Mason-went through double doors. Octavia and I were guided to a waiting room where we did just that-wait. And we waited...and waited...and waited. We waited so long that I fell asleep on Octavia's shoulder. When I awoke, something told me that many hours had past. I could see Octy restlessly folding and unfolding her handkerchief- a habit she does when she's nervous.  I rose from her shoulder and rubbed my hands across my thigh. There, I felt a small rectangular box. I slid my hand into my pocket and slid out my gift. With a flick of my thumb, I pop off the box top. Inside was something I had seen so many times before-A pregnancy test. I didn't know where it came from, but I had used the brand before. Usually, I read a symbol that resembled the pause symbol. A symbol of melancholy.  This time, I saw a circle that seemed to glow with a golden light. A smile of pure joy came across my face. Before I could show Octy, Mason burst through the doors, looking triumphant as ever. With an eager arm wave, he motioned us to follow him. We did and only walked for a moment before we turned into a room and saw Anastasia holding a baby girl. She was a chubby baby with curls of black/brown hair. Her eyes were blue just like her mother, but when she saw Octy and me, I knew she had the smile and laugh of her father. "What cha going to name her?" I asked. "We were thinking about Cadence Amor Williams. Not after the Princess."  Octavia shook her head, knowing what the musical terms meant. I, on the other hoof, never bothered to learn them. We all stood around Ana and the baby.We all stayed silent so the baby could get comfortable and sleep. That was, until Mason noticed my gift in my hand. "What's that, Vinyl?" Mason asked. "Nothing. It's you and Ana's day." I replied. "No, we are family. This is our day." Every nodded in agreement, so I showed everyone the test. "Vinyl, is this true?" Octy asked, tears streaming from her eyes. "I think so, "Tears poured from my eyes, "It was a gift from North Pole..." "Looks like we have two Christmas miracles." Mason chimed up. He was  playing with Cadence's hair. Ana and the baby had fallen asleep. "Thanks, Mason. You helped our dream come true," I said as walked to him and gave him a hug, "So when are ya going to have  a third?" "Wait...what? "Octy also wants to bear her own child. Call it an Earth Pony instinct." We both looked to Octavia who gave Mason a sensual look that  made him swallow hard. A look of awkward arousal appeared on his face. "Oh and word to the wise: Earth Ponies don't do artificial insemination." (Hogwart’s School of Magic and Wizardry - Drake Hall/Teacher’s living Quarters - Scotland - Twilight’s Point of View)         I watch Stephanie as she sits next to the stallion that has claimed her heart.  It has done me so much good to see her finally be able to trust others enough to step out and try to love again.  Maybe Cadence’s influences are rubbing off on me too much.  I give her a smile before I hear the door open and Cedric walks in.  He looks tired, but then being both a student and a beginning magic defence teacher would be taxing on anypony.  I think that he needed this break far more than even I did.  Celestia and Luna have both promised to speak here, and Luna has taken an active role in teaching shadow diving and dark magic defence classes, and that’s been helpful, but I had no idea how hard running a school like this is.  Celestia had always made it seem so easy, but then it makes sense that she did since she ran the school for as long as she did.         Being off for the holiday is something I’m enjoying.  The remaining students who can’t go home for the holiday enjoyed the Hearth’s Warming Play that some of the professors wanted to put on.  I wish that I could have gotten everypony here to help me do the play again, but I know that the girls are living their own lives.         The hall had cleared out of students days ago, and besides the four of us there’s only a handful of teachers remaining.  I look at the ‘Christmas’ tree that was standing in the corner.  There are a few presents that I had already gotten for both of my foals, and of course I got something for Stephanie’s colt friend Bryan, or Butterscotch, as he prefers to be called.  The talk slowly changes and becomes a bit more animated as the night progresses.  It does until I hear something.  My ears flick toward the sound and I follow it toward the fireplace, and the tree sat in a corner away from it.  There I hear a scraping sound, and then I saw a very large human holding a huge red bag on his shoulder.  I touch a finger to my lips and I stand.         “May I help you?” I ask.         He turns toward me, and his human features disappears leaving a black and white unicorn stallion I had seen years ago as a filly.  A stallion that I had been told was a legend, a myth, and nothing more, but I had seen him.  He grins at me, turns around and begins putting small trinkets into the stockings hanging on the fireplace, then he went to unloading several boxes of presents under the tree.         “N… North Pole?” I asked.         “You stayed up, well past your bedtime, the first time you saw me.  Your brother had told you that I was real, and you wanted to see if he was right.  You saw me, right before you hatched the drake that would later become like a son to you,” he says.         I stand unable to say more, or do more.  Instead he spots the plate of gingerbread stallion cookies, and the glass of cider.  He quickly downs the glass, eats the plate of cookies, and then looks at my gawking foals.         “Stephanie, I’m very glad to see you doing so much better.  Cedric, I’ve heard your Christmas wish several times, but that’s something I can’t do, and I can nearly do anything.  I know that you want your mother, Twilight, to find someone to make her happy, but that’s going to be up to her, not me.  Besides, right now she’s more focused on making sure that you’re doing well.  Bryan, I’m sorry Butterscotch, it’s good to see you interacting with others.  The best gift in the world is friendship, and being able to share that gift helps make the feeling of the holiday last all year long.  I’m afraid that I’ve got more places to go before this night is over,” he says before he touches his nose and disappears up the fireplace.         “Santa’s real?” Butterscotch asks sounding very unsettled.         “The world has magic, and that’s the weirdest thing to you?” Cedric asks.         “It’s just…  I’ve always been told he’s not real,” he replys.         “Don’t be a git.  Of course he’s real.  Who do you think delivers all of those presents that are marked ‘From Santa’?” Cedric asks.         “I figured that it was my parents,” he replies.         “Yeah, ‘cause you tell your parents everything you want right?  Kinda suspicious when that gift from Santa is exactly the one thing you didn’t mention,” Cedric says.         “I… I guess.  I feel like a right pillock,” he says.         “Okay, no more self name calling,” I finally say.  I see Stephanie giggling a little before she grins at me.         The small diamond ring on her finger causes me to smile slightly.  They’ve been dating for a good long while.  Long enough that I’m glad to see the ring, and I’m glad to know that she’s going to be okay.  My mother once told me that was the mark of being a good parent.  Knowing that your foal could stand on their own, and make their way.  I believe that I’ve been a good mother to these foals.         I watch as my foals look at the presents under the tree, and there’s a sort of energy in the air that’s hard to explain.  I felt it before, back home in Ponyville, when I had my family and my dearest friends together for Heart’s Warming, and that’s when it occurs to me.  It’s the magic of friendship, family, and love all together at once.  It warms me all over, and makes me smile.  Seeing that it is officially Christmas I let my foals, at this point I might as well consider Butterscotch one of mine, open their presents.         I do the same, and I see a picture I had almost forgot about.  There is the girls, my brother, Cadence my sister-in-law, my parents, and even Discord sitting around a fireplace at Sweet Apple Acres.  I grin at the picture and place it beside a picture of myself, Cedric, and Stephanie on our first Christmas, and Heart’s warming, together.