Your Date With Rocks

by exsnaggerwes

First published

You've got a hot date with a girl named Maud. You think it's going to be uneventful, but boy, were you mistaken!

You haven't been interested in dating since the last girl you met turned into a dragon. When your friend sets you up on a blind date, it takes some convincing to get you to agree, but when you do, you meet an interesting girl. Interesting things happen.

This is a TF second person present-tense clopfic.

This was a challenge from Phenrys to do a 'your date with...' story. I'm a big fan of his story in there, Your Date With Trixie, which I highly recommend.

Challenge Accepted

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You enjoy a gentle breeze on your skin and let out an annoyed sigh as you wait for your date to arrive. You didn't want to be set up on any dates at all after the last one, much less blind dates, but you gave your friend the benefit of the doubt. After all, there was no way either of you could have known that the girl was a fucking dragon all along. Your friend said this was was much different. She was quiet, down to earth, and best of all, uninteresting in every way. She likes rocks, if that gives you any indication of how uneventful this date will be. It took the three of you weeks to work out a proper time with your busy schedule, but it only took a few hours to decide on a place. She likes rocks, so you choose to have a relaxing bike ride to the quarry. You may not be athletic by all standards, but you do enjoy riding your bike every once in a while, and everyone agreed that the quarry would be a nice place to hang out, and your date would even be able to enjoy herself as well.

You were still pessimistic about this girl, but you didn't want to let your friend down and deny the girl outright without at least getting to know her, either. The things you do for friends. You practice your manners and cheery demeanor while waiting for her to arrive, but when you finally see a girl on a bike riding toward you, you notice that she doesn't appear any happier than you about the situation. Her pale, half-lidded eyes stare directly in front of her with champion focus. She could just be another biker to pass you on the street, but her appearance is spot-on with your friend's description. She has thin gray hair, cut straight across in the front and back almost carelessly. The gray is obviously a dyed color. She's wearing blue jeans and a dark gray tee-shirt on top to match her hair, and even her shoes are the same uninteresting color.

“Hey,” you say with a fake smile and cheerful tone. You already have a sweet spot for the boring girl, but you're still not overly excited about missing out on your precious internet time.

“Hello,” she says without any inflection to the word to indicate mood. She must be upset.

“You must be Maud. Cody didn't say much about you, but I'm assuming you're who I'm supposed to meet since you're the only one here.” You laugh at your own admittedly cheap quip and wait for an answer. She blinks slowly, prompting you to continue. “Are you ready to go?” you ask.

“Sure,” she responds in the same emotionless tone as before. You nervously mount your bike, hoping you didn't piss her off too soon with only an introduction, and start slowly down the bicycle path leading to the quarry.

The ride is completely uneventful, which is enough to raise your spirits by the time you reach a break in the path. To the right, the path continues, but to the left, the trees part to a separate downhill path into the quarry. You offer to lock the bikes up, and when she doesn't respond, you do it anyway. You hide them in a place relatively out of sight, even though you know nobody would bother them anyway.

As you walk through the woods, jumping off small ledges for some thrill, you begin to break the comfortable silence with your date.

“So what do you do for a living, Maud? Do you still go to school, or do you already have a job?”

“I'm a geologist. I work at the college,” she deadpans.

You are unfazed. “Really? Is that any fun?”

“Loads.” You can't determine if she's being sarcastic, or if she always talks that way.

You try to direct the conversation to get her excited about something, but don't come up with any good ideas. “So you enjoy what you do then. I envy that. I'm still a student, so I don't get much time to enjoy myself. Do you get a lot of time to yourself, or does geology take up most of your time?”

“I have time to do other things. I visit my sister sometimes.” Her tone doesn't break.

“Cody didn't tell me you had a sister.”

“I have three.”

She's keeping her answers so succinct leaving you no room for conversation, but instead of getting annoyed, you're inspired to cracking through her geode-like exterior to get to the crystals inside. “What are their names?”

“Inky, Blinky, and Pinkie.”

“You can't be serious.”

“Pinkie came up with their nicknames. They're actually Marble, Limestone, and Pinkamena, but we all just use their nicknames.”

“Does Pinkie call you Clyde?” You burst out in a fit of laughter.


“Sorry, I was just-”

“That's what Grandma calls our dad.” By some miracle, she's still maintaining her poker face.

You on the other hand, lose it completely and trip over a loose rock. You tumble down the hill, followed by Maud on foot and just before you roll over a more dangerous ledge, she catches you by the ankle and the two of you skid to a stop. She helps you onto your feet, and begins brushing leaves and mud off of your back while you do the same with your front. When you finally catch your breath and calm yourself from the scare, you look into her eyes.

“Thank you. I could have really gotten hurt there, and you didn't even hesitate to catch me.”

“You're welcome,” she deadpans. She's panting slightly too, but her lips start to curl upward.

After a few moments of awkward silence pass and both of you haven't moved, you try again. “Sorry for laughing at your family's nicknames. They just remind me of a game I used to play when I was younger.”

“That's okay, we get that a lot. Are you alright?”

“I think so,” you say, checking yourself over.

“Do you want to go back?” she asks, adding a slight inflection to the end of the question.

You worry that she's getting even more bored with you than she clearly already was. “What do you mean? Didn't we just get here?”

“We've been out here for two hours and twenty-three minutes,” she states without looking at her watch. She doesn't even have a watch, which makes you even more surprised when you glance at your watch and see that she's right. You know time flies when you're having fun, but you didn't think that it has really been that long.

You begin to panic, not wanting your date to end. You didn't learn that much about her yet, and you didn't even start telling her about yourself, not that it matters as much. Come to think of it, she never asked about you other than just now, when she's asking you to leave. You admit that the conversation was rather slow-moving, but things were just starting to pick up and you didn't want it to end so soon. “Sure, we can head back if you want. Did I do something wrong?”

“No. I'm having fun,” she states dryly.

“I'm not really getting that impression, but if you're having fun, why do you want to leave?”

“So I can go home and we can have more fun,” she says with a wink.


She turns around and starts climbing up the hill.

You arrive at an expensive looking house overlooking a pond in the backyard on the far side. The porch has marble columns and you wonder how she could afford such a place if she worked at the college, but decide not to ask. She must have rich parents, or something. Maud leads you into the foyer and closes the door behind you. You don't notice until you hear a click that the door can only be locked or unlocked from either side with a key. The key in question is promptly deposited into her pocket, leaving you with no escape if things get hairy. You begin having flashbacks of the dragon and start sweating.

“Would you like to see my collection?” she asks coyly.

“Oh shit....”

“What's wrong? I thought you wanted to have some fun?”

You back away. “What kind of fun?”

“I'm going to show you all of my toys and pets. I'm falling for you like you fell for that geode earlier.” She narrows her eyes seductively, pulling a large round rock out of seemingly nowhere. “Let's crack this bad boy open together.”

“How did you even-”

“Shh,” she hushes you, putting a finger to your lips. “This way,” she gestures to the stairs and you have no choice but to follow them. The stairway is curved so that when you reach the top, you're greeted with a lovely view of the foyer and a magnificent skylight above it. Crystal Sconces hang from the wall just above the door, probably to illuminate the room at night. To your right is another staircase mirroring the one you just came up, and behind you is a room hidden behind a door with a sign saying “keep out”.

“What do you think?” she asks, “It's not like my place back home, but it's great for my collection.”

“What do you mean, 'back home'?”

“I'm not from around here, so I have this place while I work. I guess I live here now, but it still doesn't feel like home to me.”

“Wow.” If this is just temporary to her, then what does her other place look like? She must be loaded.

She opens the door clearly labeled 'keep out' and tugs you through it by your arm. The room is filled with heavy glass display cases filled with stones of all sorts. All of them are labeled not by what type they are, but instead by names. You read some of them. Orlando, Pyro, Toph, Amber, and Dave don't stand out to you much. Amber looks more like an arrow head than a regular rock, but other than that, they're all unremarkable. Tom, on the other hand, is a gargantuan diamond-cut boulder that couldn't have possibly fit through the door. You look above and see no roof panel that could open, and the bay window overlooking the pond didn't open either. You decide not to trouble yourself with asking confusing questions right away. You're a little more calm by the time you get to the other side of the room, not minding so much anymore that you're basically trapped in the house with her. There could be other exits after all, and you're sure it's just for security. Obviously she can't trust you completely if you only just met.

You skip browsing through the other rocks in favor of ogling the most massive record-breaking cut diamond you've ever seen in your life. And you've seen the one at the Smithsonian. This “Claire” is even bigger and has no visible flaws at first glance. Now you know how she got the money to buy this place. She clearly finds rare and precious stones all over the place. Maybe that's why she's so interested in geology.

“I see you like Claire, but what do you think of Steven here?”

“Which one is...” you trail off as you notice her holding a piece of obsidian that looks suspiciously phallic. “Oh.”

“Oh is right. Can you guess where this is going?”

Your heart starts racing. You know what's going to happen next, she wants you to use it on her! You knew she brought you here to bang, and she was just trying to get you going beforehand. She unexpectedly pulls you into a kiss, grabbing a bulge in your pants and fondling it. When she finally lets go, she whispers into your ear, “follow me,” and turns around, walking out of the room and swaying her ass to tease you. As she rounds the corner, you get your own ass in gear and high-tail it to pursue her.

When you catch up, she leads you into a room with a large bed and another locking door like the one in the foyer. You don't mind the trapped feeling as much anymore, and you opt to hop onto the bed and sprawl out, waiting for her to make her next move. She doesn't seem to mind, as she starts to undress in front of you. She starts with her shirt, peeling it back slowly revealing a pink lacy bra. She shakes out her hair, then gives a little turn for you. She then crosses her arms and waits for you to do the same. You quickly prop yourself with an elbow and pull at your shirt from one side. Getting it over your head, you do the same with the other side and throw the shirt against the far wall. She then takes her turn again and unbuttons her jeans slowly. She pushes from the back, forcing half of the button out, but lets go halfway through and it slips back into place.

“What's wrong?” you ask.

“Oh nothing,” she starts, “it's just that you're getting a show, and you're not helping.”

You don't need to be asked anything further to know what to do next. You jump off the bed and to her side, cupping her face with one hand and gently kissing her on the lips. With the other hand you start on her hip, and work your way up. You kiss her lips repeatedly, then move to her cheek, and down her neck, finally reaching her collarbone when your hand meets her breast. You give a gentle squeeze and begin kneading. She lets out a quiet moan, giving you freedom to continue. You move your other hand down her arm, taking her hand firmly in your own while nibbling on her neck. Bringing her hand to your pants, she gets the idea and caresses your package slowly, giggling as your member responds to the touch.

Reaching your newly freed hand around her backside, you stroke her spine downward and begin groping at her butt. Maud takes her own free hand and does the same to you, making you grind against her, feeling her hand press slightly harder against you. You return to kissing Maud on the lips, and you work your tongues into each others' mouths this time. They dance together, tasting and getting to know each other until she nips the tip of yours, making you draw back reflexively. You instantly dive back in and mimic her actions, but she doesn't flinch one bit. You then make your way up her jaw to nip her ear, causing her to moan again and go limp in your arms for a moment.

Spontaneously, Maud pushes you onto the bed. “This won't do,” she says seriously, “you have too much freedom.” She then mounts the bed, straddling you and shimmies her way up your torso until you have a face full of crotch. “A little help?” You move your hands to undo the button and zipper, but she slaps them away forcefully. She then adjusts herself while sitting on her knees to pin your arms under her. “Not with those.” You tentatively inch your face forward as if to ask if it was okay to use your your mouth. She nods, urging you forward. You struggle slightly with the button, nearly chipping a tooth when it slips the first time, but after it goes through, the zipper comes down easily. She finally gets off of you, setting you free. “Now finish what you started,” she continues giving orders as she rolls onto her back. You reach over to pull her pants down manually, but are slapped away again. “What did I just say?” Getting the message, you tug slowly with your teeth, starting with the pockets for better grip. When you finally move past them, you accidentally bite her, and she squeezes your head between her legs in response while sucking air through her teeth.

You work the jeans slowly down her frame, admiring her perfect figure and toned thighs as you go. She clearly works out her lower body, and you take some time to appreciate that as you press your lips to her bare legs. You make one final tug on the crotch of the pants, bringing them over her feet and off of her at long last, and begin kissing your way back up her legs. When you get to her panties, you notice that they're damp, and the wet spot reveals everything. You know she's ready, but you can't start in just yet. You have a job to finish.

“I hope this underwear isn't important to you,” you start, lowering your face to her chest. You give no further warning before biting into the middle of the bra and tearing it off. The satisfying rip is followed immediately by a gasp from Maude, who yanks you into another passion-filled kiss. While you make out with her, you take advantage of your hands once more, and begin massaging her clit over her panties. When she doesn't protest, you take it a bit further and rub over her soaking slit. You can feel more fluid seeping through the cloth, and it only makes your job easier. Her breathing becomes labored, and she's close to bursting, but you want to tease her as much as she's teasing you. You cruelly spank her ass, but instead of taking your hand away, you massage instead, balancing out the small sting you're sure was left. You caress up her side back to her exposed breasts and begin toying with her nipples. They're hard as diamonds when you finally let them go and you stand up to disrobe.

“Your hands are wonderful. It's such a shame you won't be able to use them soon.”


“Oh, nothing,” she teased. “So have you figured out where Steven is going yet?”

“I think I have an idea,” you say, winking.

“Good, I was hoping you would share my love of rocks with me. If you didn't, I would almost have to feel sorry for you.” With that, she moves your busy hands away and turns you around to face the bed. She makes quick work of your pants and underwear, still wearing her own. With one hand, she caresses your chest and midriff. With the other, she takes Steven and begins to lick the stone with gusto. Without explanation, she forces you to bend down, resting your arms on the bed. She sticks the rock down her panties briefly, leaving you disappointed that she was going to play with it without your help.

Your hopes are smashed, however, as you feel something cold and wet press against your ass. You gasp in realization as you feel it mercilessly penetrate your sacred exit hole. Your member hardens against your will as you fight it back. You grunt in displeasure, and Maud tugs on it for a moment before ramming it back in harder. You come uncontrollably from the makeshift dildo hitting your g-spot, and you fall onto the bed. “Sorry,” Maud starts, “was I too rough?”

You're afraid to respond in case she decides to punish you for doing so, but she speaks up for you. “That's okay, this will all be over soon. I can already see the transformation starting,” she whispers into your ear, then nibbles on it. It's that moment when you realize your ears are no longer mounted on the side of your head, but on the top, swiveling around to follow noise.

“Oh god no, this is worse than the last time,” you say to yourself. Maud doesn't seem to notice as she's too busy stroking herself while watching you with a phallic rock up your ass. You soon feel hair growing longer everywhere on your body, and your knees and ankles move elsewhere on your legs. Soon you watch your hands be replaced with hooves and your nose grows into a muzzle that obscures the center of your visual field. You're terrified, but strangely aroused at the same time. You feel your cock growing larger, and each time it throbs, you feel it hit your abdomen. Maud just lays there on the bed, fingering herself while watching her date transform into a stallion. She must have removed her panties at some point, because you're now getting a full spread view of everything. You begin to care less about the transformation and more about your unfinished business with Maud, just as she jumps back out of bed and grips the rock, pulling it out. Your anus suddenly feels empty, but you don't care anymore now that you're finally free of that cursed thing.

“I think you're ready, my little pony. It's almost time for you to ride me like the stallion you are. But first...” She returns to her position, spreading her legs apart, and inviting you in. “Service me with that gorgeous tongue of yours.”

You lift yourself onto the bed obediently and begin lapping up the juices that covered her inner thighs. Then you move to her slit, catching each drop as it comes out. She grabs you by the mane and pulls you in further. Your muzzle is touching her clit, and you have no choice but to take in her scent. It's intoxicating to you, and you want more. Your tongue instinctively dives into her slit, lapping up even more juices, and leaving some of its own. You thrust it in and out swiftly, wiggling it when you reach deep enough. Her moans encourage you to keep going until she squeezes your head between her thighs again, pushing your muzzle even further and cutting off your breath. She squeals as she comes onto your face and fluids end up squirting into your nostrils. You hold back a sneeze, but try to snort them out instead. The action only makes her come more and she begins humping your face and grinding against your muzzle as she rides orgasm after orgasm.

After what seems like forever, she finally lets you up for air and you gasp to fill your needy lungs. “Good horsie,” she coos, patting you between the ears. You don't like it, but you suffer through it anyway. Hopefully she'll let you get some relief soon too. You don't try to talk, afraid of what will come out. Eventually, she has to let you go anyway, right?

“Don't you worry my little stallion, I didn't forget about you. Just wait right here, and I'll be ready for you in a moment.” She struts into the attached bathroom and closes the door. You sit there patiently, and decide to poke at your new equipment. You could suck your own dick at this point if you wanted to, but you decide against it, putting off the pleasure for something hopefully better soon. You already have an idea of what's going on in the bathroom, but the clopping sound coming from inside only confirms it. After all you've been through already, you decide that it's a passable way to get some ass. Admittedly, this is the best sex you've had so far, and you haven't even gotten your dick wet. This girl is so amazing, you don't even care that she turned you into a horse. Hell, if anything this made the sex better. You have a bigger cock now and more area to please and be pleased with it.

Your prayers are answered as a gray mare trots out of the bathroom. Her hair looks the same as before, only now she has a tail to match, and she also gained a cool tattoo on her rump. It looked just like Tom, if you had to compare it to something. She does a little turn for you, revealing a matching tattoo on the other side, and then she turns away from you and lifts her tail. Maud's equine rump looks significantly different from her human form, but somehow this is better to you. Without a word, she beckons you into it, and you're certainly ready for it. However, you hesitate until you see her clit wink at you. Instincts kick in and you lose your mind as you mount the mare in front of you and begin to plow her plot like a jackhammer.

You don't even bother starting slow. You've waited for satisfaction long enough, and she's done quite enough teasing. She's certainly ready for you, and her walls squeeze and relax, embracing you and giving you quite the stimulation. You rest your forehooves on her flanks, just in front of her cutie marks, and begin to pull her into each thrust. She moans and neighs to the beat of your pumping, and you can feel yourself getting closer to the edge. With one final thrust, you hilt inside of her, bottoming out internally and release ounce after ounce of hot gooey seed. She comes with you and you feel her love tunnel milking you for even more semen. You hold yourself inside of her while panting and grunting, and you give a few final thrusts, letting out more come with each one. Finally satisfied, you pull out, making an incredibly satisfying *shlurp* and falling to your side on the floor. Maud lays next to you and nuzzles your neck intimately.

“I had fun today,” she says quietly, and the both of you fall asleep in each others hooves.